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Help With The Search Function

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To whoever can fix it,

I am having trouble searching something in the forums. For example, I'm looking for something in the Story Time forum, and I'm trying to widdle it down by searching for "diaper change" or something. The engine only searches in the title of posts, and not the content. Is there a way we can fix that? I'd really appreciate it. Otherwise, great site!

Baby Wobbie

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It doesn't need fixed. If you click to the far right to the little gear cog to the right of the green Magnifying glass... that's the advance search and you can set all the parameters your little heart desires :P

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It doesn't need fixed. If you click to the far right to the little gear cog to the right of the green Magnifying glass... that's the advance search and you can set all the parameters your little heart desires :P

That's what I've been doing. However, when I'm searching forum posts, the engine only searches for the entries in the "find words" box in the titles of the posts, not the content. Is there a way we can change that?

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