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Story Page Character Encoding

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On the Story page (http://www.dailydiapers.com/content/stories.html), I always have to change the character encoding settings in Firefox to Western (ISO-8859-1) from Unicode. This is the only website on the entire interwebz that I have to do that to.

My Auto-Detect is set to Universal.

What gives? I have lived with this since the beginning of time, so it's no huge deal. I just wonder if anyone else is experiencing this.

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  • 1 year later...

Most of the content on story pages isn't actually Unicode (specifically I presume you're talking about utf-8 of which iso-8859-1 is a subset). In a lot of cases I've seen they're Windows-125* encoded, but the server is kicking out a "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8" HTTP header with the response. Regardless, if you're choosing iso-8859-1 in place of utf-8 you're not doing it right: iso-8859-1 is a complete subset of utf-8, so if its the page is not decoding properly with utf-8, it cannot possibly be valid iso-8859-1.

I don't know why its not providing a Content-Encoding header but it shouldn't be necessary given the above. Note that the pages aren't valid (X)/HTML so browsers might be going into quirks mode and parsing it as dodgy HTML 4 using only a standard latin ascii (iso-8859-1) encoding where there are characters in other encodings in the page. At least this will stop trying to decode non-8859-1 characters to something else that actually exists in utf-8.

Note that the pages do include a "" directive, but I'm not sure if browsers will honour this. For a start it might be clobbered by the HTTP header field of the same name, and again if in quirks mode I expect browsers might simply say 'sod it' and ignore such page-specific pragmas/directives.

Suggestions for a local fix then: use whatever is in the meta http-equiv="Content-Type" as the charset of the page (i.e. Windows-1252). If that's not working, parse it as utf-8 and drop any invalid or extra-wide characters.


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