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Blankie Dependence... Anyone Else Dependent On A Blankie?

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I have for years slept with a blankie every night. For years it was one I slept with was one I had since I was little. Recently, I had a new one made for me by my mom with a baseball pattern on it. I sleep with that and my whale every night. What I was wondering if others were dependent on a blankie for comfort the way I am with mine. I even sometimes carry it around with me while I am at home.

And no, I'd never carry it in public like Linus from Peanuts because I doubt I could stand the ridicule.


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I am very much blanket dependent, and have been since birth. I no longer use actual baby blanket because it basically disintegrated by the time I was about 8. Currently I have a very fluffy blue and brown baby blanket that I cuddle with. When I'm reading or working on the computer, I lay it on my chest. When it's time for bed I hold it along with my bear. I also love to rub my cheek on it when I'm absolutely beside myself with exhaustion.

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I'm not blankie dependent, but I think that's only because I haven't found the "right" one yet. I do think I will be, because I already have tons of blankies that I love...Once I find the perfect one, I doubt I'd be "blankie independent" anymore.

~ moogle

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I have 2 blankies I can't sleep without. I keep one folded on my pillow cause I like the feel of fleece on my face. The other is a small fleece baby blankie I got at a dollar store years ago. I hold that one in one hand and snuggled against my bare chest.

I'm a very tactile person, even more so when I'm little.

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Guest Sasha

I guess I am at night. I need it cool when I sleep just so I can snuggle into a sorta boring, cream colored fleece blanket that I just call "Fuzzy". I don't know if it's just the fact that it keeps me from freezing to death or if it's the feeling of the blanket itself, but I have a hard time sleeping without it, like in hotel rooms, for example.

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I am very much dependent on mine. I Have two that I sleep with every night. One is a precious moments blanket I got a few years ago that my mama bought me and the other is a blue cow blanket my granny gave me. I layer them on me every night... I get cold so easy I need them along with a sheet and quilt to keep warm. I would not be able to sleep without either of them and have been sleeping with them since I got them.

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I am blankie dependant. I have several blankies but the one that I sleep with every night and the one I use all the time while reading, TV, etc is a red Tinkerbell fleece blankie that my daddy/husband bought me when he took me to Disney World. It was when I came to Florida to meet him in person and we consider that trip to Disney to be our first date. Daddy bought me that blankie and I have become extremely attached to it. Daddy bought me a blue Cinderella blanket at Disney for my birthday two years ago and I bought another fleece blankie from Disney but the red Tinkerbell one is the one I am majorly attached too. The others are used in the car and at bedtime only is red blankie got peed on.

I also sleep with my special pink teddy bear that daddy bought me. When daddy has too be gone on a woork trip then I sleep with all the blankies, but otherwise I am only allowed one blankie and one bear in the bed at night to sleep with.

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i too am only allowed one stuffed animal and my blanky in bed at night ... cuz there isnt enough room otherwise .... we only have a full size bed ... i have my yellow blanky ... when i first moved out to washington daddy to me to babys r us and let me pick it out its made of almost a thermal type material they have all different sorts in the baby blanket section at both babys r us and toys r us... i also sleep with my teddy bear .... his name is samuel bear

but when daddy is away for work i bring ALL of my stuffed animals into the bed with me

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Ive just had to retire my baby blankie that I've used my entire life. Can't sleep without it. So I'd have to say yes, I am woefully addicted to my blankie. The new one is growing on me.... but the old one was almost just threads.

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Ive just had to retire my baby blankie that I've used my entire life. Can't sleep without it. So I'd have to say yes, I am woefully addicted to my blankie. The new one is growing on me.... but the old one was almost just threads.

This made me cry of tears for sorrow. Your whole life you have had this? Ugh, so depressing to lose things that you mighty have love for.

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The one I had all my life too is old and I don't sleep with it, but it does share my bed with me and my whales. I sleep with the one my mom made for my birthday last year. I love my new blankie cause it's big enough to be an adult baby blankie. My mom knows I sleep with as she chalks that up to my autism.


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when my chilchood baby blanket got so tattered i was about nine or ten.... my grandmother took it and sewed it into a pillow with the one corner left sticking out of the corner of the pillow ... that was the corner i would rub on my nose as i sucked my thumb...

this is a great way to still sleep with you baby blanket even though it may be tattered to threads

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