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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Too Many Diapers !

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I recently ordered a pack of Tena Slip Maxi from Allanda (uk based), i noticed that all of the diapers had a manufactuering fault on them, basically loads of tiny pin prick holes in a straight line front to back.

They dont really leak, and with plasic pants its not a huge deal, but anyway i e-mailed Allanda and told them of the problem, they sent me out a new pack and a pre-paid packet to send 2 diapers directly to Tena for research.

Yesterday i received a large package with 3 packs of Tena slip inside with an apology letter.


if there is such a thing :P

But i do want to praise both Tena and Allanda for there most exellent customer service http://www.allaboutincontinence.co.uk/

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You lucky bastard, getting THAT amount instead of a simple refund most other places do.

So it's 5 packs you got, for the price of 4.... The diapers with holes can be mended with clear packaging tape across the pin holes easily.

Could you spare me(sell) a pack to me? Or at least sell the left over pack with pin holes in, as I got nothing right now.

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I only paid for one pack as i got 1 from Allanda and 3 from Tena

Only i considered selling, but the amount they cost to send, its hardly worth my while.

Ill use them all in the long run, i dont wear too often, these will last me like a year +

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i noticed that all of the diapers had a manufactuering fault on them, basically loads of tiny pin prick holes in a straight line front to back


if there is such a thing :P

No never to many!!!! Now you can use the pin-hole ones as stuffers in the good ones.= you got some thick ones too!!!!:D

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I only paid for one pack as i got 1 from Allanda and 3 from Tena

Only i considered selling, but the amount they cost to send, its hardly worth my while.

Ill use them all in the long run, i dont wear too often, these will last me like a year +


Unless you can sell like 8 or so of the tena maxi's without pin holes which won't cost much to send, just so I have something to last me maybe till may...

I can get a pack of 21 Tena maxi's for £13.26 and the postage on that site is roughly £6. But i'm too skint to pay £20 ish at the moment.

So they are like 63p each individually.

Or the tena maxi's with pin holes for nothing as they are worthless without plastic pants or repairs( and I'll fix them up with clear packing tape) and I'll just pay the postage which should be no more than £6 ish.

Otherwise I'll have to hope I find something on ebay,etc, but ebay is becoming a rip off nowadays.

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Yeah, some times when I order a case of soemthing, I've got too many. You just have to have the discipline to go on a diaper buying moratorium until you use the stocks you have down.

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Only i considered selling, but the amount they cost to send, its hardly worth my while.

You could probably sell them individually or in pairs to some of our American friends who've never tried them. The postage would probably be three or four quid per package and I'm sure a lot of people here would pay that much to sample a Tena Slip Maxi ;)

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I only paid for one pack as i got 1 from Allanda and 3 from Tena

Only i considered selling, but the amount they cost to send, its hardly worth my while.

Ill use them all in the long run, i dont wear too often, these will last me like a year +

Or you could just wear more regularly and have a bit more enjoyment :-)

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LOL, its alot of effort for me to individually to goto the post office, to send diapers all over the world, as much as i like my American friends, My girlfriend or should i now say Fiance is from NJ and still lives there until she moves here in August.

She also has a closet full of Tena Maxis, maybe i should tell her there is money to be made in them :P

TBH, i dont really feel the need to wear more regularly, they are always really special when i do wear them, and i like that.

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More running out of places to put them, i cant have them just lying around.

Ive cleared out a load of old clothes under my bed and threw them under there, the black bag of old clothes can goto the charity shop.

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Too many diapers when:

You use them as furniture.

You have to push them aside to peek out the window.

People in the neighborhood refer to you as "that strange diaper man"

You can fall literally ANYWHERE in your home and your head will be cushioned on diapers.

Your place smells like a diaper factory

Sounds don't echo because all sound vibrations get absorbed by the diapers

Your cat can sometimes get lsot in the mazes of your diapers

You can literally go to sleep wearing a diaper, while on a bed made of diapers, under a blanket made of diapers, and a pillow made of diapers.

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Four years after Don and I married we decided to build our current house, so I would have room to store several cases of diapers. That was at a time when I used the same style and size of adult disposable during every day. At night I usually wear pinned gauze diapers which require much less space, but do need really good home laundry equipment. Don owned 2 each Maytag washers and dryers when I met him. When we designed our current home the only difference is that one set is now triple loaders. The other is a set on Neptunes.

Kitchen-style base and upper cabinets in an alcove of our master bedroom hold bunches of several styles of disposable which are in the process of decompressing. Across the hall in what was called a "guest bedroom" on the plans during building permit acceptance, I have my playspace. One wall is devoted to custom made tall cabinets deep enough to hold cases of adult disposables.

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Sounds like a pretty good setup Angela

At the moment space is limted, and i have quite a few non-diaper friends over often so i prefer not to leave things around and i generally get lazy and leave stuff about anyway.

It was only yesterday that i remembered i left my plastic pants drying in the open when my mum was due to visit hours later.

When i move out of here and into the new house, hopefully September time i can organise the spare room into diaper storage/junk room/office and just lock the door.

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LOL, its alot of effort for me to individually to goto the post office, to send diapers all over the world, as much as i like my American friends, My girlfriend or should i now say Fiance is from NJ and still lives there until she moves here in August.

She also has a closet full of Tena Maxis, maybe i should tell her there is money to be made in them :P

TBH, i dont really feel the need to wear more regularly, they are always really special when i do wear them, and i like that.

Seems very rare to have a gf living in another country. Unless either of you are rich and could see each other fairly often. But it's great she's willing to move in with you in the uk in august then...

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in my house i had a spare room which i kept all my girl clothes and diapers .I had more than enough room after my factory shut down i sold my house .The place i live in now has barely enough room unfortunately !.So everything is stored except for my diapers of course lol :thumbsup:

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LOL, its alot of effort for me to individually to goto the post office, to send diapers all over the world, as much as i like my American friends, My girlfriend or should i now say Fiance is from NJ and still lives there until she moves here in August.

She also has a closet full of Tena Maxis, maybe i should tell her there is money to be made in them :P

LOL just a thought :) Despite the fact that a lot of the US premium diapers are just as good as the European brands now, a lot of people here seem to hold the Tena Slip with some kind of reverence, like they're the pinnacle of adult diaper perfection :unsure: (how often do we have threads here discussing the costs of shipping a bag across the pond?).

Seems very rare to have a gf living in another country.

It's much more common than you might think, especially in the internet age. In the past, people met their partners in their own social circle, at the pub, at work, etc. In other words, people who lived nearby. Nowadays, you can start a conversation in a heartbeat with people all over the world as though they were sitting right next to you. More importantly, you can do a single Google search and find a group of people who you know you'll have something in common with before you've even said hello. The internet is a huge enabler for long-distance relationships.

While emigrating isn't exactly cheap (I moved UK->USA in 2008) in most cases, for immigration based on marriage (or intent to marry) you don't need to be wealthy - you just need to be able to prove you have a legitimate relationship and be relatively financially stable.

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Its like i said, she is moving here in August.

We met while she was studying over here from Florida state for a semester, we usually see eachother on average around 1 week every month and a half.

Though currently not going to see eachother till May (when we get married) so basically we are both just saving and working in our respective countries.

Having a relationship with someone in another country isnt too hard, with the internet age and Skype MSN etc its pretty easy to keep in contact and you both have to be commited, otherwise you are destined to fail as a couple.

Back to the subject of diapers

I go to the US quite alot, and havent tried any us brands yet.

Whats good ?

Ive tried pretty much all euro brands inc Abena X-plus

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Its like i said, she is moving here in August.

We met while she was studying over here from Florida state for a semester, we usually see eachother on average around 1 week every month and a half.

Though currently not going to see eachother till May (when we get married) so basically we are both just saving and working in our respective countries.

Having a relationship with someone in another country isnt too hard, with the internet age and Skype MSN etc its pretty easy to keep in contact and you both have to be commited, otherwise you are destined to fail as a couple.

Back to the subject of diapers

I go to the US quite alot, and havent tried any us brands yet.

Whats good ?

Ive tried pretty much all euro brands inc Abena X-plus

I've imported Unique Wellness briefs before and they were better than Abena X-plus, held more and swelled up much more when wet.

Also heard that Dry 24/7 are supposed to be the ultimate diaper from the usa. Going to import a sample to try soon.

Last but not least Bambinos are great too, and can be got in the uk from bigbabyfun saving the heavy shipping costs from usa to the uk.

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