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I just completed a batch of 50 or so upgrades to Verified18+ level (Chat room access) Some of these were based on ID submittals, but most were based on reputations as judged by a panel of respected ABies. Criteria on which these upgrades were done include: face-to-face verifications (munch and meet-up reputations) "GrandFather" reputations (those known to the community for too many years to be under 18) and other factors.

Please note that we did NOT make it to the end of our review list, so many more upgrades are coming. If you feel you should be included on our review list please send me a PM with your reasons. My time is a bit limited at the moment but I am doing as many verifications as I can from day to day.

Please check your user level BEFORE contacting me, as the majority of today's upgrades were to members who had not officially requested an upgrade, so you may already have access.

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hate to toot my own horn, but i know ive been coming to this place for quite some time, and i know that there are some people that know im over 18, but what the hell i dont care if im verified or not

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Question (from the slow person at the back of the room): Does sending you the dollar still qualify to get the age verification? If so, is sending it to your email via paypal the best method?

If I can get on my soap-box for a moment....Up until now, I have been purposefully avoiding the chat rooms because they tend to bring bad vibes to the discussion boards (which is the main reason I visit) and because of creepy stories I've heard from others. Now that people have to put some effort into getting approved, I'm actually MORE inclined to join in. My thinking is that it will weed out the bottom 1% which cause 99% of the problems.

To illustrate my point, when I was in college, our marching band had an audition process. Even though we took everyone who auditioned, the auditions were extremely helpful because it discouraged those who wanted to join but didn't want to put in any effort. Sometimes making people jump through a few hoops is good.


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