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Things That I Have Learned This Month


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1. Never buy fireworks if they're not from a legal store.

2. Don't pet the dog when it's eating.

3. DailyDi's name is not "Mike", but "Walton".

4. Christmas trees shouldn't have eatable decorations on them.

5. PayPal sucks!

6. Members of DailyDiapers are in their binge&purge cycle now.

7. Inception beats Avatar.

Feel free to discuss :D

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Inception was incredible...hands down. I was lucky enough to have the entire theater to myself when I watched it a few months back....

I enjoyed Avatar too....kinda tough to pick between the two though. IF I had to pick one over the other....I think Inception....

As for diapers...I'm definitely in my 'Binge' faze.....much better than the 'purge' faze.

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1. Never buy fireworks if they're not from a legal store.

2. Don't pet the dog when it's eating.

3. DailyDi's name is not "Mike", but "Walton".

4. Christmas trees shouldn't have eatable decorations on them.

5. PayPal sucks!

6. Members of DailyDiapers are in their binge&purge cycle now.

7. Inception beats Avatar.

Feel free to discuss :D

Things *I* learned this month :lol:

1. That shimmy and vibration in my car's steering wheel for the past year and a half was a bad sway bar link that recently finally broke.

2. A brand new catalytic converter for my car costs $900.00 :huh: that ain't right

3. Skin can melt. Burned myself at work... but the skin melted, was gross actually. lol. I have a few kitchen battle scars now :lol: incidently the worst one I ever had, I almost chopped my thumb tip off a number of years ago. Was chopping onions and cut almost all the way around my thumb tip.. pretty deeply. I now have this cool scar that starts at the corner of my thumbnail and circles around. But... I'm rambling on here...

4. Sweet Tart candy canes are the BEST EVER ^_^ they've even got the Star Burst candy canes beat and I didn't think that was possible :huh:

5. I have come to realize that after the year I was an assistant store manager for Rite Aid, I really dislike the commercialization of the season. I really don't get into Christmas much like I used to. I enjoy the season, it's spirit, family and friends... but that's really it. I mean wow, when you get a huge metal storage bin outside your buisness and fill it with Christmas stuff to prepare for the upcoming holidays.. and it's only July/August ... :huh: I was so disgusted. *shrugs*

6. I have come to realize that even with a repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell... I still wouldn't serve openly in the military. You gotta be crazy. You know damn well there's gonna be things like blanket parties and such waiting for you lol. And who knows... you could end up next to some crazy SOB who accidently drops some "freindly fire" on you... :huh: and don't count that out... look at that crap that happened in Texas (I think) not too long back. Guy went berzerk and shot several people at a base out there somewhere. Who knows for sure... but I'm not gonna find out personally lol

7. Q gets a little dramatic when he's playing the PS3 :rolleyes:

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6. I have come to realize that even with a repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell... I still wouldn't serve openly in the military. You gotta be crazy. You know damn well there's gonna be things like blanket parties and such waiting for you lol. And who knows... you could end up next to some crazy SOB who accidently drops some "freindly fire" on you... :huh: and don't count that out... look at that crap that happened in Texas (I think) not too long back. Guy went berzerk and shot several people at a base out there somewhere. Who knows for sure... but I'm not gonna find out personally lol

That "guy" that "went crazy" is a laughable statement. If you actually are feeling up to learning what happened click here otherwise don't spout off bullshit like "omfg all those military people are crazy as shit!" You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. I could go on and on about this DADT crap too but it isn't worth my time since you appearently can't watch any news or even use google.

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That "guy" that "went crazy" is a laughable statement. If you actually are feeling up to learning what happened click here otherwise don't spout off bullshit like "omfg all those military people are crazy as shit!" You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. I could go on and on about this DADT crap too but it isn't worth my time since you appearently can't watch any news or even use google.

ummm wow :huh: I didn't mean it like everyone in the military was crazy, I appologise. I have nothing but the utmost respect for those who serve in our military. I may not agree with what our government chooses to use you for, but I have nothing but respect for the individuals who serve.

No disrespect was intended by that comment, I was just using that incident as a reference, nothing more.


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Things I have learned this month:

1. All cats are grey in the dark.

2. A pig bought on credit is forever grunting.

3. Blame is safer than praise.

4. Clothes make the man.

5. To eat is human, to digest, divine.

6. Man is his own worst enemy.

7. The only real equality is in the cemetery.


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Lanthey: I take it very personally when people bash the U.S. Military. I wish life could be like bubblegum and pixie-sticks but we live in a :censored: world and the only people keeping US the U.S., is infact, the service Men and Women in the U.S. Military. I have had family fight in EVERY major war this country has had, some havn't come home, so yes I take it very seriously and maybe you should too.

Lilme: It's all good, no worries, I do appreciate the clarifying reply. :thumbsup:

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1: Lists are overrated. Thus, this isn't really a list.

2: There is no 2. Just ask Bender and Fry...

1. Never buy fireworks if they're not from a legal store.

2. Don't pet the dog when it's eating.

3. DailyDi's name is not "Mike", but "Walton".

4. Christmas trees shouldn't have eatable decorations on them.

5. PayPal sucks!

6. Members of DailyDiapers are in their binge&purge cycle now.

7. Inception beats Avatar.

Feel free to discuss :D

1: DUH!

2: Sounds like someone doesn't have proper status with their dog. My dogs get petted all the time while they're eating.

6: Woo-hoo for not having a binge-purge cycle!

Things *I* learned this month :lol:

1. That shimmy and vibration in my car's steering wheel for the past year and a half was a bad sway bar link that recently finally broke.

2. A brand new catalytic converter for my car costs $900.00 :huh: that ain't right

3. Skin can melt. Burned myself at work... but the skin melted, was gross actually. lol. I have a few kitchen battle scars now :lol: incidently the worst one I ever had, I almost chopped my thumb tip off a number of years ago. Was chopping onions and cut almost all the way around my thumb tip.. pretty deeply. I now have this cool scar that starts at the corner of my thumbnail and circles around. But... I'm rambling on here...

4. Sweet Tart candy canes are the BEST EVER ^_^ they've even got the Star Burst candy canes beat and I didn't think that was possible :huh:

5. I have come to realize that after the year I was an assistant store manager for Rite Aid, I really dislike the commercialization of the season. I really don't get into Christmas much like I used to. I enjoy the season, it's spirit, family and friends... but that's really it. I mean wow, when you get a huge metal storage bin outside your buisness and fill it with Christmas stuff to prepare for the upcoming holidays.. and it's only July/August ... :huh: I was so disgusted. *shrugs*

6. I have come to realize that even with a repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell... I still wouldn't serve openly in the military. You gotta be crazy. You know damn well there's gonna be things like blanket parties and such waiting for you lol. And who knows... you could end up next to some crazy SOB who accidently drops some "freindly fire" on you... :huh: and don't count that out... look at that crap that happened in Texas (I think) not too long back. Guy went berzerk and shot several people at a base out there somewhere. Who knows for sure... but I'm not gonna find out personally lol

7. Q gets a little dramatic when he's playing the PS3 :rolleyes:

2: You know that those things have platinum in them, right? That's why they're a widely stolen vehicle part.

3: Yep. My little brother was 2 or 3 and loved to play with the cigarette lighter in the van, until one day he stuck his finger on it. He also used to like to play with knives, until he cut our grandma with a box cutter and had to go and watch her get stitches.

4: Where're you getting such exotic candy canes??? We only have access to the various fruit-flavored ones and the classic peppermint ones.

5: Yes, it's getting rediculous. They had Christmas stuff cluttering up the Halloween candy section of the dollar store this year... Though, I'm sure some kids were happy to get something different than the usual Halloween candies, it meant that I was unable to restock my candy pumpkin supply... Stupid effing overly commercial aspect...

Things I have learned this month:

1. All cats are grey in the dark.

2. A pig bought on credit is forever grunting.

3. Blame is safer than praise.

4. Clothes make the man.

5. To eat is human, to digest, divine.

6. Man is his own worst enemy.

7. The only real equality is in the cemetery.


1: Except for the ones who're black.

2: Who the hell wants a pig?

3: Only if you can back it up. Otherwise, you might wind up having to explain it to Judge Judy.

4: That's what they want you to think.

5: Sounds like someone was eating spicy food...

6: Man is everyone's worst enemy.

7: Not always. Some dead people get better real estate. "Death" would be a more apt term. Though some might argue that, too.

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....2: Sounds like someone doesn't have proper status with their dog. My dogs get petted all the time while they're eating....

I was thinking the same thing ^_^ My dog is part of my family :wub: They know I'm not after their food so I can pet them when they are eating and it's just the same as any other time- they like it and so do I :) I wouldn't recommend that anyone else try it- unless you think instant hand amputation is fun :o It's all about the bond and respect between us B)


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4: Where're you getting such exotic candy canes??? We only have access to the various fruit-flavored ones and the classic peppermint ones.

Q buys them at Wal*Mart for our tree. You can get the Star Burst or the Sweet Tart candy canes there.


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Q buys them at Wal*Mart for our tree. You can get the Star Burst or the Sweet Tart candy canes there.


You can get them from Cracker Barrel too except those are more sticks and not so much canes...might be hard getting them to stay on your tree.

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In response:

1. It depends on what you're buying them for :whistling:

2. Food aggression in dogs is bad (and dangerous!). But otherwise it's just plain rude to bug the poor animal while it's eating. You wouldn't want it done to you?

3. Meh. What's in a name?

4. I'm more into the non-traditional festivus. I like the pole made from wood.

5. Corporations are like dinosaurs. The bigger they get, the smaller their brain seems to be in proportion to their body. Pp started out with some neat libertarian (not the political party but the adjective) ideas, but then got bought by e-8@y. Then...

6. So is Oprah.

7. Dostoyevsky FTW if you're looking for the philosophical meaning(s). If he doesn't make you go insane first. Supposedly he makes more sense in the original Russian because of the cultural context for all the agrarian references. If you're looking for a sci-fi "chewing gum" story SW:ANH is really hard to beat... my favourite of the series story-wise is ESB, but the ending sucks.

1. Never buy fireworks if they're not from a legal store.

2. Don't pet the dog when it's eating.

3. DailyDi's name is not "Mike", but "Walton".

4. Christmas trees shouldn't have eatable decorations on them.

5. PayPal sucks!

6. Members of DailyDiapers are in their binge&purge cycle now.

7. Inception beats Avatar.

Feel free to discuss :D

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I find it interesting that the 'founding fathers' actually encouraged open rebellion against a corrupt government. What would that get one in the U.S. these days?

I don't want to see it, but I really think that the only thing stopping a civil war is the lack of firepower.

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7. Inception beats Avatar.

NO WAI!!!!!!

But seriously, i cant say i understood inception, was just a mess for me, but i might wanna watch it again sometime, but its NOT better than Avatar, imo :P

Only new thing im learning this month, is how to use ubuntu

Deleted vista and is now using ubuntu, wich i would say is as easy as windows to use, but a lot safer, there is no need for antivirus feks. and its free

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1. People who have been through a lot of trouble are far more apt to be generous to others than those who have much more money.

2. Too many people who have served in the military think they've got the secret to patriotism - and their theory of it disallows others a different opinion.

3. Issues of civil rights have seldom been moved forward by popular vote. A few have been advanced by legislation. Much of it has been done through court action. Is it any wonder that opponents of change always insist that people must be allowed to vote? While based in economics, we fought a civil war over slavery. Courts ordered schools desegregated. Seperate black military units were not abandoned by popular vote of the troops. No one just decided to hold an open referendum on giving women the right to vote.

4. I still have a naive belief that if we are good to others, many of them will be good to us (of COURSE there are many exceptions - partly because so MANY have already been rotten to them...).

5. God doesn't start wars, incite terror, abuse relationships and/or individuals; people do. Some of them are religious, some are not religioius but claim religion for themselves and many don't claim anything about religion. This in itself does not disprove God or show that religion is bad.

6. None of us really understand God and I am highly distrustful of those who are willing to tell you what God is saying.

7. People who say they don't believe in God can still be very ethical, giving, loving and caring people. I have a theory that there is no one 'correct' religion - including atheism. Leading a good life and truly caring about other people in the WAY that each religion proposes that life be lived is a great start. Disliking people in general is an indication that people have been not so good to you - or that you are just far too into yourself.

8. We're all messed up in so many ways its hard to keep track of - we ought to try to be a little more understanding of others who appear messed up to us. We are just messed up in a different way.

9. I'm far too liberal - probably for living in this country and perhaps for living in general. I believe in #8, but I'm not perfect by any means and so can't always pull off what I'd like to.

10. I not only like diapers but my need - emotional - is so great I'm willing to gamble some of my most important and meaningful relationships for them.

11. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas (and not just Seasons Greetings) because it's very special to me. It is NOT meant as an offense to anyone else. If you choose to take it to be equivalent to "Have a Nice Day this coming Saturday" that's fine. If you think I've offended you, you've misjudged my words and intention. You may wish me well on any Holy Day, holiday, special day or non-special day that you wish to celebrate. If your intent is truly to wish me well, why would I take offense?

12. I'm ready to take a bashing for my list.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Q buys them at Wal*Mart for our tree. You can get the Star Burst or the Sweet Tart candy canes there.


Apparently, our Wal-Marts didn't get the note that they're suppsta stock 'em...

You can get them from Cracker Barrel too except those are more sticks and not so much canes...might be hard getting them to stay on your tree.

What the hell is "Cracker Barrel"?

I find it interesting that the 'founding fathers' actually encouraged open rebellion against a corrupt government. What would that get one in the U.S. these days?

I don't want to see it, but I really think that the only thing stopping a civil war is the lack of firepower.

You'd get arrested for treason. And possibly executed. Or just shot by the cops or armed forces.

And yes, one major thing stopping a civil war is the fact that the government still has control of the armed forces. Besides a simple firepower issue, there's the whole "We don't want to end up having to kill our friends and family" thing. Plus, all the government would rally have to do is release a few of the illegal biological weapons they've got cooked up into the populations before the uprising became an actual conflict and we'd all be dead before the end of the day. Also, we're just too spread out with no real organization. It's logistically impossible to accomplish at this time...

7. People who say they don't believe in God can still be very ethical, giving, loving and caring people. I have a theory that there is no one 'correct' religion - including atheism. Leading a good life and truly caring about other people in the WAY that each religion proposes that life be lived is a great start. Disliking people in general is an indication that people have been not so good to you - or that you are just far too into yourself.10. I not only like diapers but my need - emotional - is so great I'm willing to gamble some of my most important and meaningful relationships for them.

10. I not only like diapers but my need - emotional - is so great I'm willing to gamble some of my most important and meaningful relationships for them.

12. I'm ready to take a bashing for my list.

7: It doesn't matter so much what one does, but what's in one's heart. Some of the most seemingly "religious" people in the world are going to Hell, because their heart isn't in it. They're just going through the motions. Though its sometimes difficult to try to figure out if this is just as bad as, or even worse than rejecting God. Either way, those who claim not to believe in God are just as doomed as those who pretend to, and those who worship Satan or other false gods.

10: Seek professional help. It sounds as if its' gotten into "addiction" levels. I'm likely what one would consider "obsessed" at times... But I'd be willing to just walk away from diapers for a meaningful relationship with another human... Of course, that could be a bit paradoxical, as a truly meaningful relationship would mean that the diapers are accepted by the other person... But, anyhow... When something comes to the point of sabotaging an important aspect of your life, it's time to re-adjust your priorities.

12: Hopefully this doesn't come off as "bashing", as much as discussion. You've made some many good points with your post.

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