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Halloween 2010

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It has been a long long time since I posted anything here on these boards.

I am considering going to Vegas on October 31 for a parade and a costume party at one of the casino night clubs.

I have attended the Fetish and Fantasy Ball there in the past. I have even had some of you come along and join me. We had a great time and saw some great people including a lot of scantaly clad women. We got lots of attention and took lots of pictures which we shared with you here on the board.

The Fetish and Fantasy Ball in on Saturday Oct 30th. I cannot make that event. But if you wanted to have a great weekend you could attend events on Friday Saturday and Sunday night. Three nights of fun and frivolity. WOW,

I wish I could make the whole weekend but I can't.

If you would like to come and join me just let me know.

Thanks Sissy Tami

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Where the hell have YOU been???? sheesh..I almost gave up hoping to see anything posted from you :glare:

It's good to hear....'see' that you are still around. I guess you must be crazy busy. I was wondering if there was a Vegas trip in the works. Well, now we know. Sadly, I will be working that night, as usual :( so I'll have to pass. If it was a week earlier, I would consider it, but I cannot get that night off, since it is one of our busiest nights of the year.

Hope you have fun and meet lots of new interesting peoples, I'd be there with you if I could. maybe Bri can pop up there and you 2 could terrorize the town, or ABCPL could meet you up there as well, since they posted another note somewhere regarding this Halloween.

To everyone else, if you do have time and can make it up to, over to, or down to Vegas and hang with Tammy, I can GUARANTEE you WILL have a wonderful time. Tammy is a hoot and a half, great person and full of jokes and humor and it just pisses me off I can't go :badmood: since it's been a long assed time since we have done anything together, and I could use a vacation, road trip or what not....*sigh*

Anyways, have a good time regardless of what happens and if anyone shows up. And keep in touch dammit! :P

Maybe we cna plan something a bit later...who knows!

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I just plan to decorate the yard with my annual graveyard scene, gouls, fog machine, lights and hand out candy to the rug rats. I don't have any friends anymore that have halloween parties and I don't go to bars anymore. I do think it would be cool to go out dressed in some kind of diapered halloween costume but first, I don't know where I'd go dressed up like that and second, I just can't go out halloween anymore.

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I plan on giving out candy to the ten kids who stop by every year (my neighborhood isn't big on Halloween) and then I'm going to take my siblings to the neighborhood that IS big on Halloween and trick or treat there! I'll be wearing a home-made kiddie costume, too. Can you guess who I'll be dressing up as? I'll give you three clues. ;D

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I'd love to go out, but this year money is too tight to buy a costume of the caliber I'd want to go out and be seen in. It's the first year I'm around friends enough to do it, so I may go out and party.

And no, I'm not going in a diaper. I have friends who have had photos of them in diapers run all over the internet once they were outted. Not good.

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I'm going to the national version of the Halloween Horror Nights. (Walibi World Halloween Fright Nights) (same global company I think). But actually that's next sunday, it's still a halloween party.

on halloween itself, meh. I love it, but we don't celebrate it in holland.

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I am going to be out of town, but I will probably throw together some sort of costume and do some bar hopping, looking for diapered girls. The one day I can usually find one.

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I will be in town over halloween weekend again. I had hoped to go out decked out like last time. We could probably meet up again if you like. Probably not going to ball myself as I cant seem to find anyone to hang with. Wife and I will be staying downtown again. Any others want to make a go of it?

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I will be in town over halloween weekend again. I had hoped to go out decked out like last time. We could probably meet up again if you like. Probably not going to ball myself as I cant seem to find anyone to hang with. Wife and I will be staying downtown again. Any others want to make a go of it?

I would love to join you guys, but alas, I have to work :( so you kids have fun! :D and get pinched by all those drunk ladies hehehhehe

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  • 4 weeks later...

Tammy and I had a great time in vegas. We went out all sissied up. Had lots of hot chics gropping us and wanting photos taken with them. We probably did hundreds of photo's and many that were taken of us without even knowing it. We were in the halloween parade and had a great time. The costumes were amazing and a great time for all. It felt great to be accepted and adored if only even for a day. What a great time, Im sure glad I didnt have to do it alone!

Thanks Tammy!! Hugs!! My wife thinks your awesome little girl! btw I still havent downloaded the pics off our camera yet. When I do I will certainly share.


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It was awesome!!!

I had so much fun even though I had to just dive into town have fun!! which I totaly did!! then catch some ZZZ's and make the long drive home..

thanks ABCPL It was sure fun to meet up and hang out.. the more the merry-ment Tigger alway says! I hope to get together again some time. I hope I have more time to hang out next time..

We did see a few other AB/DL out in the crowd on the wounderful night. If you were one just let us know.

We made a video post at the Las Vegas Halloween parade site. You get a glimps of us at right about 2 min into the video. I am trying to creat a link here but I have never done it before so it make take me a few.

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I'm really sorry I missed this, as it sounds like you guys (ladies) had a blast! Being out and about with Tammy is an adventure in itself, and if anyone else wants to have a heck of a lot of fun, try it sometime :D We have tried to recruit others to join up and hang out, but it seems no one ever wants to do it :(

I could'nt go this time just due to the timing of the dates, I had to work. If this was scheduled a week earlier I'd be on it! :thumbsup:

I miss the craziness and laughter while out and about, and Vegas is the best place to do something like this.

Thanks for posting, and we'll have to do it again sometime.

Hope everything is well and you're not having to work yourself to death :(

There will be another time ;)

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