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Losing Time!

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After a long and hard day of work, a visit to Saturday night church, and dinner with my son and daughter-in-law I had a flashback. I don't remember it. All I know is about thirty minutes ago I "came back" to find myself under my desk, facing the wall, sucking my thumb. I'd lost three hours! Anybody else experience this? I'm afraid I'm going to "come back" at work some day to find everyone standing around looking at me hiding under my desk or something.

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Guest peepeeweeweeboy

I recommend doing research into Marcel Proust's "In Search of Lost Time" AKA "Remembrance of Things Past". The modern philosopher of "involuntary memory" and one of the few writers able to convey the essence of life through a combination of words and visual artistry.

You should get this under control, however. If you are losing large gaps of time and "waking" to find yourself in this position only time can tell how long it my be before you completely lose track of you being and go off somewhere in dreamworld while your body lays in a mental hospital somewhere.

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Of course I am not a professional in this area :blush: but if it were me and it happened again I would seek professional help. To 'lose track of yourself' in this manner indicates that something is wrong or something has changed to bring it on. At our age Alzheimer's is a possibility and as with anything, the earlier you address the issue the better ;)


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I had a whole two week section where I cannot remember all but ten minute spurts every few hours. My fiancee figures I have a dissociative disorder (multiple personalitites). We've found five so far.

Mischa-the youngest and the inspiration for my nickname is often with me as I go about my day. Others peek in and out from time to time, but only Mischa is around most times.

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Guest peepeeweeweeboy

Ash is right in seeking sme help. Us being abdl's the idea of blacking out and waking up to find yourself in a baby position like what you said, the idea sounds nice, to literally become a baby and regress with no control.

However forget being an abdl and the comforts of sucking thumbs, wearing diapers, etc in your position, forget all that and consider the fact you simply "blacked out" for an unnerving amount of time and woke up in a way in which you don't last remember. Yes it's cute to wake up being a baby; but three hours is a long time and there is no telling WHAT you may have done in those three hours.

This is similar to sleepwalking. You do stuff you don't remember because your cognitive function wasn't there. This is scary and you need to seek help because blacking out for long periods of time with no obvious trigger stimulus and no awarenes of what you did, can lead to very bad things despite the fact you are abdl. "Blacking out" has been used in many criminal case trials as a defense on the defendant's part regarding acts like murder. To simply "forget" what you did may be true but won't hold up under scrutiny.

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After a long and hard day of work, a visit to Saturday night church, and dinner with my son and daughter-in-law I had a flashback. I don't remember it. All I know is about thirty minutes ago I "came back" to find myself under my desk, facing the wall, sucking my thumb. I'd lost three hours! Anybody else experience this? I'm afraid I'm going to "come back" at work some day to find everyone standing around looking at me hiding under my desk or something.

Turtle, I have been having trouble with losing time since this March and it keeps getting worse... I finally saw my Doctor in June and they started a battery of tests and an Mri was first up on the agenda. Well after my PSA test came back at 12 had all that urologist tests started too. Anyway the Mri came back with five spots on my brain plus a cyst on the top of my brain stem... After further "heart attacks" (scares) when that test came back they did another "color " Mri or cat scan they said that the spots weren't seeping very much and should be ok and later ruled out Alzheimers also. They have sense kind of just let it sit but my wife says it is getting to the point of happening every morning... I wake up upset and screaming for her or what not and she comes to the rescue but I don't recall these happening and it might be half an hour or longer April says before I am back to normal. She says I'm talking in a younger voice too but I have no idea about that. The doctors still haven't found anything but did they don't act to concerned and tics off April because my son came home the other afternoon and I was a mess on the floor too. Not sure how that can help ya but gets off my chest and it lets us know we aren't alone right now.

Now I'm gonna go hide in the corner before somebody attacks and starts calling people liars n such...

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Well Turtles, you could be a plural or if people prefer to make everything a disorder and give doctors ludicrous amounts of unearned cash, then you may be what is called DID or MPD. You have also stated in previous posts that you have done voluntary hypnosis and thus this may be backlash of said events. Either way if you are having sever bouts of time loss you may wish to seek a therapist or seek your hypno-therapist first. Personally I think people who seek hypno therapy belong in standard therapy to begin with, however that is just my humble opinion.

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Guest peepeeweeweeboy

Is it typical or common for diaper lovers to have such serious mental problems?

Nothing is wrong with me as far as I know besides depression and a love for wetting pampers.

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Is it typical or common for diaper lovers to have such serious mental problems?

Nothing is wrong with me as far as I know besides depression and a love for wetting pampers.

depression is a severe 'mental problem' and given what you have said in previous posts you suffer from a severe case of it.

to the OP course unless one of us is a phd in psychiatry or psychology we are in no way certified to give a diagnosis... so best bet.. go to someone who is... otherwise you are just going to get a bunch of people stating what you could have because your symptoms are similar to the symptoms of them or someone they know....

basically losing time is not a good healthy thing... to ignore this fact is to ignore taking care of your health.

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This could be Dissociative Reaction: Fugue or it could be stress related. Not all "stress" is from bad times. there can be "good" stress from having a ball for many years. The effect on the body is still the same. I went through the latter in my early 30's. From about 1968 to '76 I was having it all pretty much my own way, having a ball and living 36 hours in an 18 hour waking state. Well, it cought up with me.

I would see a pro about this. ASAP

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Pretty much all Disociative Reactions were considered psychoses, meaning medical intervention, meaning psychiatry. In 1968, I had a 53 year old aunt who "lost time" while she was driving and ended up somewhere not remembering driving there. She had been under quite a bit of stress from having a business fail, a major auto accident (I was there, too; no injuries, jsut a good scare) and financial problems. That never happened again.

Actually, most time is 'lost" in that you really do not remember most of what happens in your life but this kind of "lost time" is accounted for while not remembered in that the remembered events are remembered as part of something and there is no "How the hell did this happen?".

Hypno-therapy was new in the 1970's and if there are any pitfalls they were yet to be uncovered.

I do not kow what is meant by "plurality" but I suspect that non-Dissociative dual personalities are more common than persons know. I am one. The key to this is that you 1. Are aeare of the "other" as a normal part of life and can control its onset, 2. The time is not "lost" and 3. The second personality was created as part of a recurring "whole world" situation. My little girl part is one such; made of my native little girl interests at age 6 Idolls, tiaras), the fact that I was a very imitative child: "Monkey see; monkey do" my uncle used to say, which created some comical and some dangerous situations, my clsoe assiciation with girls (due to a sever eyesight deficit) I was not allowed to run around with boys my own age and many of my closest friends were, and much of my time was spent with, girls of my own age and older, and after a blow-up, it became "all right" by the grownups for me to "be a [part time] girl" with the when, and why clearly defined and clearly understood that it was the second-best (and second worse) of three situations with the best one unavailable.

At any rate, the condition of which we are talking should be looked at by a professional. Start with your Primary Care physician. If nothing else, he can act as a "traffic cop" and point you in the right direction if it is out of his league. When Freude and others identified psychoses in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, this was a time before Olds isolated the neural syampse and the brain was a darker continent than Africa. Now many of them are treatable with drugs that affect only the targetted area and the right effect can be dialed in by observation and re-prescription. Even psycho-surgery has long abandoned the lobotomy in favor of precision in finding the affected area and nerve cells to be cut instead of the wholesale cutting of bygone days

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"Lost Time" is actually a fairly well-known term for time having advanced without you being conscious of that. The UFO nuts like to claim that it's evidence of alien abductions. In reality, it's more like just suddenly blacking out and could be caused by something serious. This is different from something like simply "losing track of time", which often occurs with activities that don't have a structured time system (such as reading, writing, or gaming). Anyone who keeps loosing time should definitely seek professional health, as there could be medical problems causing it. Especially if you're finding yourself in a different situation than you were apparently just in, as the typical case of lost time involves not noticing that you've lost it until you look at a clock or notice the sun's gone down (or come up).

The "plurality" thing is something that came up some time ago, as an alternate terminology for having multiple personalities.

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Plurality is the term used by people who have multiple personalities and function completely 'normal', i.e. hold a job and contribute. Not all people who are 'different' are crazy and need to medicated. If many of our great artists and composers of the past lived today, they would be in a vegetative state from psychiatric drugs.(Dali and Van Gogh would definitely have been) Turtles does have a habit for telling a tall tale every now and then and this may be one, however I don't know. If he is having repeat episodes of time loss and nobody can account for his whereabouts then maybe he should see a shrink. It's really personal preference and knowing when you're in over your head.

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Actually, doing stuff without being aware of it can be very dangerous. My grandma and great grandpa got their drivers' licenses revoked because they blacked out, when driving, and crashed (thankfully not into anyone). I'm sure that none of us would want to see anyone get hurt because of something like this...

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everyone 'looses' time... when i drive sometimes i'll realize ive gotten a lot further than i realized because when an activity becomes automatic you no longer need your entire consciousness to focus on it, allow your thoughts to drift... thus 'losing time'.... but losing time can mean many things....

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