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What Ab Areas Do You Frequent On The Web?

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So I got to thinking how much time I spend just reading forum posts on AB/DL sites and it got me to wondering how much others do the same or more. Do you read forums other than DD? Do you have social networking AB related persona's, like facebook, myspace, or twitter? And is there other places I don't even know about? Tell me, where do you spend all your AB web time at?

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Beside DD I am fairly active on ADISC. I am actively promoting a Canadian ABDL meetup site that I is growing quickly and I have a fetlife account that I am mainly using for that purpose. And I am a lurker/leach on diapered anime, fapchan and one or two other photo and video sites. I really don't feel like making a whole seperate facebook account to partake in the ABDL facebook groups.

Oh ya


We have two boards for Alberta and looking to expand to cover Canada.

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Apart from the obvious - DD,

I do use Diaper Space, Wetset and Care 4 Baby.net all used under my aliases MessiBoi and narby2135,

But as for facebook and the like, none of it what so ever has anything to do with the AB/DL side of things, my lifestyle here is between me and my girlfriend.

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Besides DD, theres diaper-boys, diaper-bois, rupadded, adisc.org, well mostly all ab/dl site there is :P

You know posting on forums, chatting and stuff :P

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DD and the old diaperchat that char got me into and curi forgot........FAIL!

I have a twitter but haven't used it in aaaages

me and char also have a blog http://longroadtrans...n.blogspot.com/ which we gotta start posting to again

Ahh yes, mustn't forget Diaper Chat and of course my own blog which is linked at the bottom.

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Guest SuperDuperMessy

Any site related to ageplay I visit. Most of my time during the day though is spent on diaperspace watching pooping videos and people playing with full diapers.

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