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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Diapers That Look Like Jeans?

Guest little_jonny

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A good point, but remember Kimberly Clarkes primary objective is to sell their product. Anything that keeps children in diapers longer is in their interest. Is this the real reason behind slim-fit, cloth cover diapers?

I believe this may be a rhetorical question... but, as I stated on the previous page, it would only seem logical that any company would want to maximize the amount of time your target consumer uses your product. Thus why it isn't that difficult to think that companies like KC are producing diapers that are more underwear like in order to make it difficult for children to transition to using the toilet.

The main reason that parents toilet train their kids at all these days is that most schools won't take kids who are still in diapers. If the diaper manufacturers could convince schools to take kids who are not toilet trained I imagine it would be a major victory for them. This may happen sooner than later... if we view Japanese society as a model 20 years ahead of our own it is not unusual for their children to reach the age of 5 or 6 before they are potty trained.

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Our local walmart has a whole endcap full of them.

me and jabez were lauging a out these diapers when I saw them. I said the main purchaser would be this: a very large woman in an electric cart with too skinny jeans on, a guy with a greasy wifebeater tshirt and raggy jean shorts with about six kids running around like mad.

she said that was a daily sight at her store


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I wonder what it would take to get adult sized diapers made to look like these?? Its just a different pattern on the plastic (cloth like?) outer shell....that might be fun!

Oh Bambino!!!!???


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I wonder what it would take to get adult sized diapers made to look like these?? Its just a different pattern on the plastic (cloth like?) outer shell....that might be fun!

Oh Bambino!!!!???


Hands duckie a set of colour markers.. Here you go honey, now you can make your own patterns, but remember this, You draw on them = You wear them... Maybe if you're good boy and draw some pretty ones, we will hide all your real clothes for you :P:D

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Hands duckie a set of colour markers.. Here you go honey, now you can make your own patterns, but remember this, You draw on them = You wear them... Maybe if you're good boy and draw some pretty ones, we will hide all your real clothes for you :P:D

If I draw some really nice ones, can we hide your real clothes too>??

Equal opportunity artist


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If I draw some really nice ones, can we hide your real clothes too>??

Equal opportunity artist


I really thought Imade myself clear on that.. You draw it = you wear it..

Im not going to wear something other pee ple have been drawing on :)

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I really thought Imade myself clear on that.. You draw it = you wear it..

Im not going to wear something other pee ple have been drawing on :)

*draws a happy face on Julias butt* :)

I 'draw' on your humor for inspiration! :D

*walks away whistling "don't worry, be nappy"....


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I saw these advertised in the ad for either WalGreens or CVS, I forget which one.

CVS. My Walgreen's didn't have them (was there today)

Di, thanks for the heads-up; I was in my local CVS today and they had these practically crammed onto one endcap. Personally, I think they should have put them, or at least some of them, in the actual diaper aisle. For starters, there was plenty of room there, and the endcap was practically overflowing. Also, I could see a scenario where Mom A tells Mom B about these and possibly even shows her one; naturally, Mom B wants to know where Mom A got them, and Mom A just says "CVS," but neglects to mention the fact that they're on an endcap. Now Mom B wants to get these for her kid, so she goes to CVS, heads straight for the diaper aisle, and is baffled by the fact that there aren't any there, even though Mom A just purchased them. Now Mom B would likely ask a store clerk for assistance, and said clerk would point her to the endcap, but replace the word "Mom" with the word "Dad," and I could see Dad B just assuming that his CVS didn't have them, or that they were no longer available. However, every store seems to be placing these on endcaps, so that might be a good thing as long as people remember to look there.

All right, so I think the new list of stores that has these is:


- K-Mart (Jumbo bags)

- Wal-Mart (Big Pack boxes)

- Target (Big Pack boxes)

- CVS (Jumbo bags)


- Meijers (box or bag packaging?)

Also Di, I haven't checked Wal-Greens or Rite-Aid yet, but I think that they could make their way into those stores before the limited run ends.

I should also note that K-Mart is still the least expensive option if you have one in your area. My K-Mart, is selling these for $10.99, while my CVS is selling them for $11.99; I realize that it's only a $1.00 dollar difference, but that $1.00 could get you a small fast food meal, or a bag of chips or a soda from a vending machine. :) Obviously if you don't have a K-Mart, CVS is your next best bet, but I figured I'd point out the price difference for those who have a K-Mart in their area.

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Di, thanks for the heads-up; I was in my local CVS today and they had these practically crammed onto one endcap. Personally, I think they should have put them, or at least some of them, in the actual diaper aisle. For starters, there was plenty of room there, and the endcap was practically overflowing. Also, I could see a scenario where Mom A tells Mom B about these and possibly even shows her one; naturally, Mom B wants to know where Mom A got them, and Mom A just says "CVS," but neglects to mention the fact that they're on an endcap. Now Mom B wants to get these for her kid, so she goes to CVS, heads straight for the diaper aisle, and is baffled by the fact that there aren't any there, even though Mom A just purchased them. Now Mom B would likely ask a store clerk for assistance, and said clerk would point her to the endcap, but replace the word "Mom" with the word "Dad," and I could see Dad B just assuming that his CVS didn't have them, or that they were no longer available. However, every store seems to be placing these on endcaps, so that might be a good thing as long as people remember to look there.

Usually when stores want to highlight an item they put the item on an endcap for a week or two so it gets some exposure, then move it to the proper area when they think it has had enough exposure and people know that the store carries it.

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Usually when stores want to highlight an item they put the item on an endcap for a week or two so it gets some exposure, then move it to the proper area when they think it has had enough exposure and people know that the store carries it.

ErinM, let me start off by saying that I wanted to give you a +1 for this, but I've reached my daily quota as a result of the cap.

Thanks for the heads-up regarding the endcaps though. My girlfriend works retail, but from what she's told me, the store that she works at uses the endcaps for items that have no place on the planogram, or simply won't fit on regular shelves. In essence, these items wind up on the endcap because there's no other place for them until the shelves are reset, (which takes about a week or two,) and the items can be moved to said shelves. (The exception of course are the items that are too large to fit on standard shelves, which are usually seasonal items.) I take it that this is the exception rather than the rule though, and that most stores actually use their endcaps for promotion. :) As a customer, I never understood how the store that she works at stayed in business, and now that I know someone employed at said store, I'm even more perplexed as to how they stay in business; I don't think either of us would step foot in this particular store if she wasn't employed there. (Granted, there's a good chance that in five years, this particular chain might not be in business, but I'm surprised that they've lasted as long as they have.)

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