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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Maybe She'Ll Diaper Me!

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If this is a joke then you are the Dane Cook of diaper wearers.

This was anything but funny. You need to brush up on your comedy skills and in the meantime, not expose others to your excessively dry "humor".

This is my face reacting to your "joke": :screwy::badmood::angry2::angry2::angry::huh::bash::(

Dude . . . shut up. Seriously. All you've done is bitch and moan to a 59 year old dude about how to act like a family man and how he should do his fetish. Let's get one thing straight: You literally take sh*ts in a sack below your a$$. Stop acting like you're some high a mighty master of knowledge and grow up. I thought his idea was strange too, but I didn't CONSTANTLY tell him he his weird and needs therapy for wanting to tell his wife he wears diapers. Normally I wouldn't be this mean to people, and normally I would just lay off these issues, but it pisses me off when every second post is basically bashing to OP and telling him that he needs some mental help. He's 30 years older than you. When you were crapping your diapers as a baby, he was crapping his diapers as an adult.

As for the OP, I did think it would've been a strange idea, but seeing as she knew about your previous cross-dressing I highly doubt she would've thought negative of you in any way.

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Dude . . . shut up. Seriously. All you've done is bitch and moan to a 59 year old dude about how to act like a family man and how he should do his fetish. Let's get one thing straight: You literally take sh*ts in a sack below your a$$. Stop acting like you're some high a mighty master of knowledge and grow up. I thought his idea was strange too, but I didn't CONSTANTLY tell him he his weird and needs therapy for wanting to tell his wife he wears diapers. Normally I wouldn't be this mean to people, and normally I would just lay off these issues, but it pisses me off when every second post is basically bashing to OP and telling him that he needs some mental help. He's 30 years older than you. When you were crapping your diapers as a baby, he was crapping his diapers as an adult.

As for the OP, I did think it would've been a strange idea, but seeing as she knew about your previous cross-dressing I highly doubt she would've thought negative of you in any way.

Indeed if she accepted you as a cross-dresser, and you have been together ____ years...I imagine you know her best. I also imagine if there is a time to reveal that you are an AB...You would know when it was. I tell you that if someone can accept a cross dresser...which to my mind is something much weirder than an adult baby...she can accept this, and perhaps be greatefull you have a fetish that it seems, can be lived with easily as long as not taken to extremes.

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Yeah, um, seriously wetnmessy247, you are the one that sounds like they have issues. Jesus Christ man, lay off the guy. I understand he is probably taking the wrong approach to letting his wife know about his ABDL side, but who are you to say there is NEVER a good time to tell someone about your fetish? Yeah, that is a great idea, live the rest of your life hiding a secret, NEVER say ANYTHING to the one person you should trust and love forever. Dude, you have a lot of learning to do about yourself. You seem to have some anger issues when it comes to this. Bad experience in the past by any chance? People are a lot more open minded and accepting then you might think. Maybe she won't up and start diapering him and being a mommy or whatever, but at least she will be aware of his fetish regardless if she participates or not. Better you are honest instead of her finding your stash of diapers and whatnot and learning about it on her own. But that is just a terrible idea according to wetnmessy247. NEVER tell her ANYTHING, because he has so much experience with the issue. /rant

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Thanks for the support, guys. Anyone who'd think I'd mess up a marriage to a wonderful lady who:

  • loves science fiction

  • loves collecting rocks

  • thinks the point of a road trip is the trip

  • makes one hell of a cup of coffee

is NUTS.

And to wetnmessy247.. I used to let dorks like you worry me and get me really bent out of shape. I got over that a couple of decades ago.

The thing to remember is that diapers are a mere side-show to our life. If diapers become the main event then your life is seriously askew.

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Thanks for the support, guys. Anyone who'd think I'd mess up a marriage to a wonderful lady who:

  • loves science fiction

  • loves collecting rocks

  • thinks the point of a road trip is the trip

  • makes one hell of a cup of coffee

is NUTS.

And to wetnmessy247.. I used to let dorks like you worry me and get me really bent out of shape. I got over that a couple of decades ago.

The thing to remember is that diapers are a mere side-show to our life. If diapers become the main event then your life is seriously askew.

I don't drink coffee...But still it sounds like you have a very interesting wife! I am happy your life seems to be going well for you. I agree though I do not partake of any ABDL things at this time, but for those who do...it should really never amount to anything near the importance of everything else. Kind of a "do what you will" with your free time, but when it's time to work you have to leave that aside. Note I am not saying you can't wear diapers to work...Merely saying that I agree that anything like this should be merely a "in your free time" thing.

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Guest Wetnmessy247

And can I add, Check the Avitar, pretty much sums it up.... :whistling:

My only pet peeve in the world is bad spelling.

It's "avatar". Not "avitar".

What is wrong with my "avItar"?

And what about it makes you randomly whistle??

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If I must point it out to you; your avatar has the word "Lost" on it. Yeah, it is of course in reference to the TV show, but he implied it meant that you were "Lost" in what you were talking about. And the whistling was to mention the case when people say something that they think might offend someone, and then walk away whistling implying they didn't say anything. Understand this though, you can detract from the subject all you want, it still doesn't make you any screwed as you were in the previous posts. So u kan poynt owt mi speeling mistcakes al u want; but i tink if peepul undrstud him, then it doesunt matter.

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