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Can Some One Translate This News Video

Guest aielen

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It's something about teenagers getting alcohol poisoning. The theory on ADISC is he reason he gets a diaper over his underwear is he is because they faked this whole thing for tv.

It is about alcohol poisoning. I know a little German (i.e., "die Windeln" is German for "diapers"), and it sounds like the segment is about a children's clinic, and the case being shown has to do with a worst-case scenario involving underage drinking.

Don't know if the diapers are essential to the medical process or just for TV, but there could be a need for them if the patient is going to bed-ridden. I believe I heard something about a blood transfusion being required. Again, I admit that my grasp of German is sketchy at best, but this is all based on what I understood from watching the whole segment.

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It is about teens and alcohol poisoning. They didn't remove his underwear only because it was being recorded for TV. They were also talking about some kids being dehydrated and needing IV fluids. In Germany kids can start drinking alcohol publicly at 15. I saw many kids drinking until they passed out in the clubs during the couple years I was there.

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Don't know if the diapers are essential to the medical process or just for TV, but there could be a need for them if the patient is going to bed-ridden.

Diapers are probably a lot easier and safer than trying to hook up a catheter on someone who has no idea what's going on and could freak out. And they don't want anyone that drunk moving until they sober up. Last time I was in the emergency room they were telling the drunk guy in the waiting room who pissed himself at least one to quit moving around.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's a shame they have to drink so much to be put into diapers! Gosh...they're so drunk, I'm sure they can't even appreciate it!

Seriously...I think the age limit here is too old (21), but then looks like alcohol poisoning is all to common in Germany with the younger age. Maybe the age here should be 18, but this vid makes you think about lowering it too much. I'd always thought the younger age in Europe was not such a bad thing. Hmmm.

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Maybe the age here should be 18, but this vid makes you think about lowering it too much. I'd always thought the younger age in Europe was not such a bad thing. Hmmm.

It's 18 in the UK and they are having similar problems.

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The segment, is about one of the German clinics for treating underage patients with alcohol problems. Yes, in the production, they place the diaper on the patient without removing his underwear, but this is done for, as explained in the show, to keep the patients dignity. Normally, they would diaper the patient without the underwear.

The patient in question is a 14 year old male, and is being treated for both drug and alcohol abuse. Since the patient is not in a coherent state, diapers are required, and will be until their alcohol level is low enough. This is checked every 4 hours by blood test, and the patient is also on an saline drip. From experience dealing with patients in this case, the hospital also straps the patient to the bed.

This is in a dialect of german that I can't fully understand, so I can't translate it verbatium.

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Wish hospitals in the US would use Molicares!

They do. Bam Margera's dad broke his hip in an episode of viva la bam. In the particular episode, they visit his dad and you see some purple'ish fluffy lines appear above his patient "dress". It's so obvious.

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Personally I think the drinking age in the US should be lowered... to around 16. By that age if you want it bad enough you are going to find a way to get it anyways... either from family or friends, fake ID, whatever.

It seems that no matter what the age of legality is, there is a huge problem of folks abusing alcohol for about the first 5 years after hitting legal age. It's like a bug that has to be worked out of a person's system. Start 'em younger, they will go through their abusive phase earlier, get over it, and get back with the rest of the world. Those that die from it or are otherwise handicapped by the effects, well call me cruel but they knew what the consequences of their actions could be before they took the first sip. The same with drugs, legalize it all.

The human race as a whole is suffering because the idiots are surviving to childbearing age these days. Let nature do its work and weed out the stupid ones before they can multiply.

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Personally I think the drinking age in the US should be lowered... to around 16. By that age if you want it bad enough you are going to find a way to get it anyways... either from family or friends, fake ID, whatever.

It seems that no matter what the age of legality is, there is a huge problem of folks abusing alcohol for about the first 5 years after hitting legal age. It's like a bug that has to be worked out of a person's system. Start 'em younger, they will go through their abusive phase earlier, get over it, and get back with the rest of the world. Those that die from it or are otherwise handicapped by the effects, well call me cruel but they knew what the consequences of their actions could be before they took the first sip. The same with drugs, legalize it all.

The human race as a whole is suffering because the idiots are surviving to childbearing age these days. Let nature do its work and weed out the stupid ones before they can multiply.

As much as i'd like to agree with this, it will never happen. And if drugs and alcohol was legal from start, i wouldn't have parents. Heck, i wouldn't even have been born.

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The human race as a whole is suffering because the idiots are surviving to childbearing age these days. Let nature do its work and weed out the stupid ones before they can multiply.

From your comments, I suggest that you look at the film Idiocracy, and just imagine how natural selection can work / fail! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387808/

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Personally I think the drinking age in the US should be lowered... to around 16. By that age if you want it bad enough you are going to find a way to get it anyways... either from family or friends, fake ID, whatever.

It seems that no matter what the age of legality is, there is a huge problem of folks abusing alcohol for about the first 5 years after hitting legal age. It's like a bug that has to be worked out of a person's system. Start 'em younger, they will go through their abusive phase earlier, get over it, and get back with the rest of the world. Those that die from it or are otherwise handicapped by the effects, well call me cruel but they knew what the consequences of their actions could be before they took the first sip. The same with drugs, legalize it all.

The human race as a whole is suffering because the idiots are surviving to childbearing age these days. Let nature do its work and weed out the stupid ones before they can multiply.

1. Yes, the age of majority is an arbitrary decision, but age does gradually bring a mental maturity which can mediate the issue of substance abuse (drugs and/or alcohol) so I think an age restriction is important. I do believe 16 is just too young. There is the issue of being able to get it anyway, but it will be at least somewhat limiting for most kids - and I think appropriately so.

2. I disagree that it is the 'person's system' that has to work it out. It's more of a mental issue and one of maturity. And I also disagree with the concept that people know what the consequences of their actions would be - do you think people taking up smoking realizing that cancer is so likely? No, they ignore what they know and do it anyway. When society says its perfectly OK for you to go ahead and smoke, drink, do drugs then we only add to the likelihood that bad things will happen. Sure the individual has some responsibility, but when we put that on people of a younger and younger age we can't expect good results and ultimately share a burden of it.

3. Gosh, if only it could be 'just' the people you think are idiots could be eliminated...I haven't looked at what babykieff has suggested, but I suspect it would be very illuminating. Besides, opinions of exactly who are the idiots are going to vary.

I'm well aware of the problems of not legalizing drugs - it just doesn't seem to be working for us now. I'm not sure how we fix the mess we've created by making drugs illegal and 'allowing' the huge illegal drug industry to develop throughout the world. I don't think it's as simple as legalizing all currently illegal drugs, but continuing on the path we're on now certainly doesn't seem to make much sense either.

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1. Yes, the age of majority is an arbitrary decision, but age does gradually bring a mental maturity which can mediate the issue of substance abuse (drugs and/or alcohol) so I think an age restriction is important. I do believe 16 is just too young.

That's odd... I've seen 16 year olds who act more mature than 26 year olds, and vice-versa. I really don't think age has as much to do with it as overall intelligence and mental maturity (formerly referred to as common sense). At 16 a person in the US can get behind the wheel of a car unsupervised... but they can't have a beer? You tell me which is more dangerous.

The younger generations are getting more ignorant and lazy because society is taking responsibilities away from them. In bygone days you were out working a job to support your family by age 16... you were an adult and had to make important choices every day. These days the biggest choice your average 16 year old has to make is what to wear to school.

People grow and mature by being put in situations where they have to make a decision and face the consequences. It is called life experience. By moving these important decisions further down the road we are only keeping our children in childhood for that much longer. Which means the "adults" that get turned out of High Schools and Colleges have far less experience and wisdom than their parents and grandparents did at that same age.

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Looking at the hurling into the buckets and the tracks on one arm I would say they are treating drunks and drug addicts.

There was a teen actor by the name of Todd Bridges who on a Fox News show and in the the interview that he was not very cooperative at the treatment center that he was in and they tied him down and diapered him while he was detoxing.


Stay Pampered but don't drink too much

SoCalAB :thumbsup:


The guy is placed in diapers over his underwear

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