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Did You Ever Leak In Public?


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Hi, sorry if this has been asked before on here, but I thought it might be a fun topic. I normally wear diapers to work. I have a job where I can't always get to a bathroom without pulling off of a job and driving a few blocks or more. Not that big of a deal, but I find it kind of annoying when I have to stop what I'm doing and travel to use the potty. Plus, I really like the sissyness (if that's a word) of wearing diapers. But ultimately I wouldn't wear them at work if it was just for play time. So when I do get the urge at work it's reassuring that I have that protection in case I just can't hold it any longer. But I have never leaked, I'm always worried that I will though. So I was wondering if anyone has ever had a leak happen when out and if it was embarrassing. I would love to hear the stories if you have any!

-Hugs, Stephen

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Sometimes I wear if I'm gonna study for a few hours at the library, just to make the drudgery a tiny bit more bearable. I like to load up on liquids though, and sometimes I get a bit overzealous . . . I've only actually leaked once, but it was in the crowded main library in the middle of exam week :X As I tried my best to act casual on the way to the bathroom, I'd never been happier in my life that I've a proclivity for dark pants!

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Good topic, Stephen.

Yes, I have leaked both in public and even at work, though the later was caused by carelessness and exceeding the capacity of the diaper. But the former--leaking in public--has happened a few times. Sometimes my fault, sometimes not.

The most interesting case happened to me this summer. I was walking around my local Costco, wearing a Tranquility ATN pullup, when I decided to let go and test my new sample. I guess I got a bad batch or something because it leaked right out the front, as if there were no waterproof barrier. A regular leak, a trickle down the leg or something, is bad enough, but the front of my pants were very wet and it was very obvious what happened. I peed myself.

Needless to say, I left as quickly as I could, but I was mortified.


Hi, sorry if this has been asked before on here, but I thought it might be a fun topic. I normally wear diapers to work. I have a job where I can't always get to a bathroom without pulling off of a job and driving a few blocks or more. Not that big of a deal, but I find it kind of annoying when I have to stop what I'm doing and travel to use the potty. Plus, I really like the sissyness (if that's a word) of wearing diapers. But ultimately I wouldn't wear them at work if it was just for play time. So when I do get the urge at work it's reassuring that I have that protection in case I just can't hold it any longer. But I have never leaked, I'm always worried that I will though. So I was wondering if anyone has ever had a leak happen when out and if it was embarrassing. I would love to hear the stories if you have any!

-Hugs, Stephen

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I leaked real bad after a movie - I had already been at capacity for a while (Didn't change before the movie) and I was leaving the auditorium at the credits. I am not incon - but I wet with little regard or thought when I am wearing (except when I am in bed *grrrrr*). I got out into the corridor along with a big crowd of folks and I let go with no thought that it might not be a good idea until all of a sudden I start leaking out the top (I point down - but it was like I wasn't) I had never leaked before in public and all I could do was just stand there kind of panicking while my shirt gets soaked along with my cargo shorts. Everyone is minding their own business and milling about in the hall toward the restrooms or the exit - but there was a woman across from me who noticed what was going on. I can only imagine how freaked out I looked and she looked at me with just total sympathically when it registered to her what had just happened. I dashed to the restroom and got into a stall and changed diapers and shorts (yay for keeping a spare pair of short in my backpack. I had never needed them before - It just seemed like a good precaution and a very authentic thing to do) Then I had a mini walk of AB shame - the movie theater I was at had a single trash can at the restroom entrance and none near the sinks - so I had to carry my diaper to the sink to wash my hands and then had to walk my diaper around the corner to the entrance of the restroom and it was crowded too with everyone having gotten there at roughly the same time. Being a slight (very slight) exhibitionist I can look back on this and say it was cool - but during the event I was genuinely embarrassed - which in retrospect is way cool and makes for a very good memory but I can only imagine how awful it would have been if there wasn't the abdl part of me to appreciate the experience.

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I've leaked loads of times at home, but off hand I can only think of one time I leaked in public. And naturally, it would have had to have been whilst at work. That particular night, I was working on the salesfloor in the electronics department and I was scheduled to work until 10:30 at night. I was wearing a Tranquility ATN + booster and I suppose I had saturated it throughout my shift and around 8:30, I felt it leaking out around the leg. I was mortified, but luckily I was wearing baggy pants that night and it didn't show through.. unfortunately I couldn't manage a change though until I got hom since electronics is a high theft area and needs someone constantly milling about in the area keeping watch over it and I was the only one there at that point until the next shift came in. It definitely taught me to pay closer attention to my diaper..

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just recently I was in Target and soaked just as I felt a leak starting an elderly lady eyes got wide, she whispered to her husband who refused to look at me. I was in the back of the store and headed out asap. Another time I could feel it dripping down my legs, but I had dark pants on and it was unnoticeable to anyone but me.

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I've leaked in public twice. The first time, I was driving about 7 hours for an interview. I was wearing a molicare and didn't want to stop. I knew my diaper was full and kept pushing the envelope. When I got to the hotel, my ass was soaking wet. Dark blue shorts, no one noticed. The second time, I was wearing a depends, again, pushed the envelope and pee ran down my leg walking through a parking lot. It was raining however.

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I did once i was returning movies i had already soaked my tena super . But i thought i was ok when i got out of my truck in a busy parking lot then i realized my whole butt was soaked !! luckly i was wearing dark baggy track pants as i always do in public when wearing diapers. Don't know if anyone noticd but i sure did !!!

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My most embarrassing leak happened while leaving a movie theater. I had gone to the movie wearing a molicare diaper, with a catheter in, to insure a very wet diaper. I also bought a super size pop when I got there. By the end of the 2.5 hour movie, I was soaked and could feel the wetness leaking out around my legs, both front and back. No problem, I figured... That's why I had worn black pants!

I didn't get any stares as I walked through the theater with the rest of the crowd - Until I got outside.... It was a VERY COLD January Saturday afternoon... Still daylight... As soon as I stepped outdoors, the fridged air hit my warm wet black slacks... Can you say "Steam Cloud"?? People walking towards me just stopped and stared - trying to figure out if my pants were smoking or steaming! Mean while, my face turned beet red with embarrassment..

Since then, I check the temp before going to the show!

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I was sitting in my favorite bar, surrounded by regulars, people I knew. I had been sitting for a couple of hours when I realized that my diaper had leaked. I was wearing dark pants, but not dark enough to cover a bad leak, so I paid my tab, sidled toward the lobby facing everyone I knew so that they wouldn't notice my soaking wet butt, and, as soon as I got to the well lighted lobby, I RAN to the door and out to my car. When I got in the car, I looked back at the door, and the bartender was standing there, looking at me with a WTF? look on his face. He had noticed my quick exit. Nothing was ever said, so I guess he wasn't curious enough to ask.

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I leaked very badly one time after coming out of the movies. I decided to do some errands instead of heading home for a change and was outside a safeway when I felt the diaper fail. I was within 100 yards of my car and my pants were completely soaked. I was super nervous about getting to my car when it suddenly started pouring (cats and dogs)...by the time I reached the car you could not notice I had wet my pants because I was completely soaked from head to toe.

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Sounds like quite a few need to double up at the movies, not drink as much or change before as most of the stories here are at the movies. It's usually at most a 2 hour event???

I've leaked a few times, nothing down my leg or anything just damp on certain parts of my jeans depending on wear it leaked from. Didn't want the 'spots' to be noticed so once it happened, my plans stopped until it dried out enough or I changed at home. Nothing too major as far as soaking my pants, chair, etc. Sometimes the diaper wasn't even flooded, just leaked from the postion I was in, the diaper and another part of my body...usually while sitting and driving though. Stand up to go inside somewhere and whoop, wha, uhhhh damn. Hop back in truck and head home for a change. One gas station attendant I know saw it when I was traveling and went inside for a change after diaper was saturated. He probably just though I'd spilled unless he noticed the bulg. Had my jacket on to hide it but it didn't come down far enough. Oh, well, someone I'll never see again.

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most of my leaks happen after i been driving for along time and or been sitting for along time. as for me i dribble when sitting and if i sit for along time and drink alot. when i stand up and start moving around. i leak faster. and i dont notice untill sometimes its too late. i can feel the daiper getting heavy and i can feel pee flowing on my skin. but 50% of the time i dont know how much i went until i check my self. when im home or at work its easy for my to just open my pants and look. when out in public im sure poeple would be freaked out if i opened my pants and checked my diaper for how much i have wet my self. at the moves i wear with a booster pad. as i know from drinking a bladder buster that im going to be very very wet, I also wear plastic pants too for the just in case. when at the movies. but on normal i only wear my plastic pants when in bed. as i move alot and tend to leak more from it.

also another key to helping not leak is i dont know if poeple do this but when you put your clean dry diaper on take your fingures and go throw your leg openings and pull the leak gaurds out alittle. i found this helps the pee stay in the middle .

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sure, I've leaked a bunch of times when I used to wear Depends and Attends. They were most prone to leaking when I was sitting down, and would definitely leak when lying down. I've learned my lesson and now wear Abena, and change when ever I'm getting really wet.

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