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I hate birthdays, mine and others.

Don't get why its a big deal.

That said, happy birthday :fish_h4h:

Say rice, then pea 3 times out loud then you feel a little bit better :)

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I definitely understand. If my own birthday didn't happen to fall during hunting season, I would be adamant about working and pretending that it never happened. I can find plenty of better reasons to party. :beer:

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--DiaperAngel: Ouch!

--BriGuy: My 50th (yes, AARP eligible) birthday was just 2 days ago. In that I almost died in a helicopter crash when I was 24, I enjoy making it another year. The real issue is that our birthdays are so close after Christmas that our families are always tapped out financially and emotionally. Sure, they love us and all that, but it doesn't feel the way we think it feels for siblings born at more convenient times of the year. Oh yeah, north of the tropic of cancer, it can get cold and miserable this time of year too (SAD).

What I've done is give myself a really nice present every year. It's a bank certificate of deposit (CD) and I set it up to mature on my birthday. Usually I put more on it and buy another one year CD, but this year I'm cashing it out to pay off the mortgage on my property in Hawai'i. Bottom line - figure out what you can give yourself for your birthday. This past year I had the CD up high enough that it gave me $1,000 (USD). That's not a bad present, is it?

Okay. Now chin up and all that. You're here among people who understand your desire to wear/use diapers and you probably have a comfy diaper on now. Does it get any better than that?

Aloha Brah and Happy Birthday!

P.S.: My wife took me to Disney World for my birthday this year. That's another idea for you that I HIGHLY recommend.

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Guest ilovebunnies

Anyone else get bummed out on their birthdays? Today is mine and everyone says I should party and enjoy the day but all I wanna do is curl up in my bed and lock everyone out... blah.

Happy Birthday! I think your birthday shouldnt be a day to be sad. You should buy something for yourself or do somthing fun. Even if you want to be alone thats ok, just as long as it doesnt make you sad. You should look forward to the new and exciting things that might happen to you. Look forward to growing and learning more, to being more.

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Thanks guys and gals for the kind words. I think my whole hang up yesterday was a combination of my AB side being frustrated about aging in the opposite direction and the fact that I'm just not a special day fanfair kind of person... As always its neat to see I'm not the only one with those feelings or thoughts.

Duck, the caddy!?!?! Oh for sure we need to go for a cruise. Ive been missing you friend. My last phone ate my contacts and I have been unable to call. I will call today.... :)

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