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On/Off Switch.

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I wish I had an On/Off switch for school. I hate waking up at 630 in the morning...

The Angel of Hope,


I have to be out the door by 6:30 two days a week and drive 54 miles to school both ways five days a week. I get to drive over 500 miles a week just going to and from school!

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I can think of any number of things I'd like an on-off switch for. Lately, I'd like one for sleep...I get up for at least an hour each night. I know others have a lot harder time, so I wish it for you as well.

I'd like an on-off switch sometimes for my family because they don't know about my abdl stuff - if I could shut them off, I could enjoy my diapers for a while then when ready switch family back on. Come to think of it, there are several people in the world I'd like to be able to switch on-off...they may mean well, but there are times I'd just like to switch them off for a while!

Back to ABDL, I'd like to try on-off for continence just to experience it. I've often wondered what it might be like to be female so at least a short term on-off there would intrigue me at the least. Most of these are temporary (maybe...) but still it would be interesting, wouldn't it?!

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I'd like an on/off switch for pain. Better yet I would like an option that lets me send my pain to someone else so they can understand what it feels like when they try to say "it's no big deal" or "You're faking it".

I also wish for that switch.

I'm sorry for the pain you go through and my wish would be for it to go away.

Just a little hug and a drift off to sleep time with out anything but my mum and my baba is all that I have for now but it is something.

If I could wish away the pain I would but for now know that someone understands your pain and your hurt feelings that others think you fake it.

Been there felt that and it is a terrible sword to bear.

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Does anyone feel like they want an on/off switch for anything?

like a happy/sad switch , or a continence/incontinence one

or a aware/sleeping one.

I kinda wish I had all of those. What kind of on/off switches would you guys like to have?

You need to turn something ON to turn something OFF. ON/OF SWITCHES ARE INHERITED!

What do you mean -would you like to- have? We inherit the power when we choose to mature. When you are an adult, and you're kid is fucking up at school, your marriage is going sour, your payments are overdue, and you hate your job - you go to work and you slap a smile on your face and 'shut it all out'. Temporary of course, but its what people do. And we all 'turn off' things that bother us and pleasure us regularly.

Some switches discussed and my (non)sensical possible solutions (just for fun)


-Think about people who rock hard labour tired and in pain everyday when they come home - their mind 'shuts out' the aches and pains and focus solely on their job, because their focus can defeat the pain. On an extreme side, look at the Russian Spetznaz. They complete shut out pain because they are conditioned to do so - they have the switch. Flicking channels I saw that 'Deadliest Warrior' show a few months ago and watched the guy get punched in the stomache as hard as a karate specialist could, and he just stood there with the same look on his face. They asked him if how he couldn't feel it, and he said "It is there, but I put the pain 'somewhere else' in his mind". Remarkable stuff. Same holds true for monks and Shaolin warriors etc.


-We bring happiness and sadness to ourselves; there are no external factors. When a psych teacher told me this in high school, I thought it was the most ridiculous notion I had ever heard. Months thinking about it and I finally saw enough examples to see how it is totally true. We control our emotions, and if you don't believe that, I feel sorry for you. When someone calls you a bunch of names and you scour in sadness and frustration, that's all you. You are defining the words as being more powerful; you are admitting that the person is better than you by believing what they say. ALL YOU! We will all, of course, get sad for a period of time, its human nature. But when we become aware of our emotions and actions and wish we could feel something better, don't wish; just do it and say "STOP" or "OFF" and focus on important shit. The statement about pain I made is comparable and holds true to this as well.

Brain/Mental Rest

Stop thinking about trivial shit that doesn't allow for any progression of the self. And/or smoke a joint. Proper sleep is necessary for mental rest too :o

Concious Mind

Blast some good music, shit that you haven't heard a million times like crap on the radio. There is so much music and so many styles and genres that people truly miss out on the power of music. If you really want to sedate your concious mind, break taboo and smoke a joint and just sit and relax. I don't care if you think I'm nuts or something, it works for me. If you don't think it would work for you, try something else. Exercise, hypnosis, whatever. Really all of these suggestions for switches are intertwined. My marijuana suggestions are a half-joke by the way, it works for me very well though.

School Early

Haha yeah, that sure is a drag ain't it? You need to turn something on to turn something off. Its all about what you think about when you wake up - When you hear that alarm, if you are conditioned to attach a negative stigma to it, then every morning is shit. You should get to sleep early enough and get your body's clock used to a schedule. I usually am up 5 mins or even half hour before my alarm goes off, and the day is so much more pleasurable when you start it nice and relaxed instead of in a rush every day. I used to do it everyday in high school then learned in college the importance of it. Nothin like having enough time in the morning for a quick coffee standing on your deck breathin' in that crisp air. Stretching/weights/pushups/situps is more important to do in the morning than most people know. Body feels good, mind feels good, its gonna be a good day! -right ON!-


When you get older you realize that you're parents' opinions aren't as important as you think. They grew up in a different time, and we are growing up in an amazing world. We are information enthusiasts, and we do not do things "because thats how they have always been done"; we listen to how things have been done and we say "well you know that's great, but I have an idea that will make it more effective, quicker and easier." I've read a lot about 'Millennials' and our generation entering the workforce and baffling the older generations. Its remarkable. But I'm way off topic for this one: You shut out your family whenever they are not around, and when they are not around, their negative opinions and beliefs that dont correspond with yours are meaningless and there should be no emotions attached. Your parents can know you are kinky maybe, just as we know that they have sex - WE DON'T NEED DETAILS! My parents snooped around and got details, but they are cool with it because they are open minded. Thank goodness, so many closed-minded fucks out there. Sorry for those with parents who aren't smart enough to utilize understanding for things that are different to the things they were taught. Its not your fault.


The first time you wore a diaper it was probably hard to go pee in it. When you got used to it and wear more and more, then it became more natural. Iunno about you amigo, but when I'm wearing around the house and my brother is there and has friends over or something and I go to say hi, when I'm just talking with them and all of a sudden my diaper is being flooded, that's a pretty cool feeling that rivals incontinence. That's an automatic on and off switch ain't it? Groovy.


No one likes being too full, that's a defeating feeling that I get every time I go to my grandma's, lol. Eating something turns off hunger traditionally, that's a pretty effective switch. Cigarettes and alcohol curb hunger a bit. Best thing to do is to eat something small ever 3 hours. Never hungry, never full, just satisfied. Kids in Africa have to turn off hunger and focus on other things. Think about that and maybe you can hold off for another hour or two for your big mac.


What do you feel when you say 'feeling'? Every word has an emotion attached to it [usually many depending on context] so, 'unfeeling' is something to be felt as well. This is the desire for the on/off switch for everything. Define it properly given your situations and you can utilize it I suppose.

Sex drive

Don't jack off too much? Shut out images of your dream diaper girl at work (I struggle) haha.

We all have on and off switches, and it starts by realizing that YOU are not YOUR THOUGHTS. You are separate from what you think and feel. Don't worry about schizophrenic feelings, that only happens to people to don't fully understand the power of being able to consult yourself in analyzing 'the spectrum' of everything. Alcohol and Marijuana are on/off switches, as long as you don't become an addict. Sitting and watching television is an on/off switch - on to what you are watching, off with your troubles. If you are -mindful- and -aware- you can turn anything on and off. As long as you do so for good, and don't turn into a psychopath! Haha.

Slow day at work this morning, thought I'd type this to keep my mind -ON-?


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JeiSiN, you are of course correct to a great extent. To an extent you are off base - for someone who is wracked with pain as many here may be, the mental capacity to ignore or shut out the pain must simply be exhausting if it can work for a time. Your point is well taken, but I don't think should be taken as an absolute even given that the human mind is perhaps capable of much more than any of us suspect.

And more than that, let's just have fun with this topic!!!! (fun switch ON!!!!!!)

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JeiSiN, you are of course correct to a great extent. To an extent you are off base - for someone who is wracked with pain as many here may be, the mental capacity to ignore or shut out the pain must simply be exhausting if it can work for a time. Your point is well taken, but I don't think should be taken as an absolute even given that the human mind is perhaps capable of much more than any of us suspect.

And more than that, let's just have fun with this topic!!!! (fun switch ON!!!!!!)

Ah yes, I'll agree that there are people who have been 'in pain' for so long that its 'easier said than done'. But its kinda like... you dig yourself a hole, and you are in that hole digging for so long that when you go out, its not as simple as just climbing out, like the flick of a switch. Baby Steps!

I did kind of make it all seem easy though, didn't I? I can really reflect on that, my first serious relationship lead to me being distraught for months and I couldn't shake it no matter what I did. At least, until I realized that it was my thoughts and beliefs with her that were the problem. I would ask the universe "how?!" and "Why?!" when we were so perfect and thought firmly that it was "meant to be" and the things she would say seemingly backed up those beliefs, so when it ended it was like "Whoa, wait a second, the one thing I was the most sure about was actually completely wrong?!" Haha yep. Gotta admit you are an idiot before you get smarter, and I certainly did realizing that she was just a former ecstasy addict who was too dumb to handle and just had a great body and cute personality. So I was dumb, doesn't mean I AM Dumb, or always was dumb. Just in that instance, I was so dumb about one thing that I was straight up an idiot in my head.

And that's what I say for people who are depressed; I don't believe in any anti-depressant drugs because of side effects and how its been proven that exercise is more effective (which has NO side effects except feeling better about yourself, and looking better too. Will also help you forgot about your troubles with a solid focus on bettering yourself.) There are people who are dealt better cards than others, but no one is a victim of anything. The biggest step is the first steps - the baby steps. With a plan to follow, if you follow it, you will achieve your goal.


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I'm surprised that no one has mentioned it yet, but I would like an on/off switch for bedwetting. If I am at home and well diapered, I would love to wet copiously in my sleep, but if I am traveling on business, visiting relatives, or other places where a wet bed would be embarrassing, I would like to turn the wetting off. I realize that those that are incontinent don't have this convenience, but we're talking about wishes here aren't we?

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so many that I can't pick just one.

Switches are so inefficient, how about dimmers. Like:

Hair length dimmer

Penis size dimmer

Breast size



Imaginations run wild, but that's one thing we don't need a switch for.

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I'd make sure that some of mine had timers to turn them back on.

1: Pain. I have some very severe migraines and prescription painkillers don't always do the job... I'd also like a "transfer" button for this, to make anyone who's never had one feel what it's like...

2: Awakeness/Sleep. I have insomnia. I'd very much like to be able to reliably get 8 hours of sleep at night...

3: Awareness/veg-out. Ever have to deal with family members who you can't get away with walking away from or telling to shut up?

4: Inspiration. I like to write short stories, but sometimes the inspiration comes to me at work. And other times, I just have writer's block.

5: Cold. I hate the cold. It feels like it's trying to kill me. I'd set this to kick in during late fall and deactivate in spring.

And an intelligence switch for others. Turn off all that stupidity floating around out there...

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7:30 A.M. classes are the devil's working, and it looks like I'll be taking one in three weeks.

I would like an off switch for:

- Menstrual cramps

- Deadlines

- Aging

- Politicians

- People talking or otherwise being a disruption in class

- Cold/flu symptoms

- The passage of time overnight (in other words, LIFE needs a snooze button)

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I think if I were able to switch pain off, I'd be in danger of losing one of the few things that makes me human.

Reason and compassion for others makes us human. Pain tells us when something is wrong. When something is wrong for months and months it would be nice to turn it off until the issue is fixed.

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i'd like a swich for illnesses....i have many thing wron, that are fine i can cope with them, but because of these i pick up things easily and it seems im always ill....if you know me you'll know i always seem to have whatevers going round...always get colds too!! so an on/off switch for that will be good....(im sure for others this would be good too...

also a big one for me would be an on off swich for things i cant eat....so i dont always have to carry my epipen (worse colprate..backed beans but oters too)

and to eat wheat/gluten....mmmm cakes...pancakes.....



*still no spell chek sorry....

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A bacon switch. On means I receive bacon. Off means I am eating bacon I received.

There are Brazilian restaurants that serve a meat rotisserie called "Rodizio." The waiters bring you different types of meat on a skewer and you choose whether or not to be served. They have a button (card) on the table that when turned to the green side means that you wish for them to bring more meat. If it is turned to the red side, that means "hold on there, you're coming too fast" or "I'm done. No more."

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so many that I can't pick just one.

Switches are so inefficient, how about dimmers. Like:

Hair length dimmer

Penis size dimmer

Breast size



Imaginations run wild, but that's one thing we don't need a switch for.

Not sure why i'd want to negate any of those quality, well maybe removing man boobs.

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