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The Future! (from Movies, Shows, Etc.)

Guest VladYvhv

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Guest VladYvhv

I like a bunch of the new technologies from movies, TV shows, cartoons, and whatnot... What about y'all? Also, this isn't limited to technologies... Anything from the future (or what was supposed to be the future when they were made) is welcome... Even if it's not plausable...

The 6th Day: Those laser/plasma guns, the copters that turn into jets (reminds me of Airwolf), the RC control of those copters, perfected self-driving computers, Naco-flavored banannas, widespread holograpic displays, biometric vehicle security sytems, and Re-Pet...

Jason X: Matrix-level VR games (without the unfortuante side-effects of actual physical injury form in-game violence), Nanotech that can fix any wound, as long as the subject is alive, BFGs (big brother to the minigun [in this movie]) and big guns with no recoil, purdy female andoids that can be programmed to go action movie hero on psycozombies and not hurt people, Hyperspace travel, and remote mines that look oddly like the ones from the various James Bond videogames.

Doom(movie): BFG version 3.5! :D

Doom (games): BFG-9000, plasma gun, Gun (from Doom 64), dual bladed chainsaw (Doom 64).

Aliens, Alien Resurrection: Androids indistingushable from humans, (except that they bleed white oil) that have a tendency to put themselves between humans and harm (Unlike that nasty Ash model that tried to kill people), TazerRifles, remote grenades.

TekWar (show and movies): Holographic masks, VR netsurfing, variable-setting "plasma propellant" guns (lower settings just knock people down).

Megas XLR: All that future tech that can be redneck modified by modern man to be controlled by videogame controls and a musclecar! And the giant robot it's attached to...

Back to the Future part 2: Flying cars, Mr.Fusion, hovorboards, food dehydration/rehydration perfected. And let's not forget the time machine DeLorian...

Star Treck TNG: Holodeck.

KnightRider: KITT, the Knight Compound (what made KITT, KARR, and Goliath nearly indestructable).

Airwolf: Mach 1+ stealth attack copter with many technologies that we're just now exploring (and severial that've become commonplace since the late 90's).

Viper: Nanotech car, EMP cannon.

Goldeneye Roge Agent: MRI vision, personal forcefields, line-of-sight hacking of technology, cybernetic psychokenesis, Teslea guns (disrupt personal forcefields, don't hurt people as much, can be devistating to autoguns), OMEN-XR (Organic Mass Energy Neutralizer [vaporises living tissue, leaves clothing and technology untouched] eXperimental Rifle), Mag-Rail (hand-railgun that fires a railroad spike of depleated uranium).

Zoids (show and at least the Gamecube game): Giant robotic critters! With weapons! The ultimate pet! :D

Spaceballs: Ludicris Speed (Go! [i couldn't resist...]), flying RV with hyperjets, Dark Helmet's ring, a giant spaceship with a giant bumpersticker ("We break for nobody!"), Liquid Shwartz! Spaceballs The Flamethrower! Instant Movies!

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:angry: I'll be happy when I get my flying car that folds into a briefcaste that The Jetsons promised me so many years ago.

I like a bunch of the new technologies from movies, TV shows, cartoons, and whatnot... What about y'all? Also, this isn't limited to technologies... Anything from the future (or what was supposed to be the future when they were made) is welcome... Even if it's not plausable...

The 6th Day: Those laser/plasma guns, the copters that turn into jets (reminds me of Airwolf), the RC control of those copters, perfected self-driving computers, Naco-flavored banannas, widespread holograpic displays, biometric vehicle security sytems, and Re-Pet...

Jason X: Matrix-level VR games (without the unfortuante side-effects of actual physical injury form in-game violence), Nanotech that can fix any wound, as long as the subject is alive, BFGs (big brother to the minigun [in this movie]) and big guns with no recoil, purdy female andoids that can be programmed to go action movie hero on psycozombies and not hurt people, Hyperspace travel, and remote mines that look oddly like the ones from the various James Bond videogames.

Doom(movie): BFG version 3.5!

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:angry: I'll be happy when I get my flying car that folds into a briefcaste that The Jetsons promised me so many years ago.

I don't know about a car that will fold up into a briefcase, that sounds a very long way off but the idea of the flying car is much closer - within 10 years was the last projection I read about. I believe it will be called Skycar and will have 4 engines.

So it sounds like you haven't got long to wait to exchange your :angry: for a :)


P.s. I'll go along with doc's Peace on Earth wish. So don't get mad, get even VladYvhv - go pee on goo goo's peas :P

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I don't know about a car that will fold up into a briefcase, that sounds a very long way off but the idea of the flying car is much closer - within 10 years was the last projection I read about. I believe it will be called Skycar and will have 4 engines.

That sky car will never, pun intended, fly. Its been a "concept" car for about a decade and all he's doing is getting funding and making promises that can't be kept. Its too complicated, too expensive and too deadly.

Do you want some fool flying 350 MPH over your head in something that he just got over the weekend?

I'd settle for the transporters of Star Trek. They make most other forms of terrestrial transportation obsolete. Paris for breakfast pastry, Ireland for a pub lunch, Japan for dinner, Germany for a beer with some buddies and then back home for bed.

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That sky car will never, pun intended, fly. Its been a "concept" car for about a decade and all he's doing is getting funding and making promises that can't be kept. Its too complicated, too expensive and too deadly.

Do you want some fool flying 350 MPH over your head in something that he just got over the weekend?

I'd settle for the transporters of Star Trek. They make most other forms of terrestrial transportation obsolete. Paris for breakfast pastry, Ireland for a pub lunch, Japan for dinner, Germany for a beer with some buddies and then back home for bed.

Apparently the US government has been funding research and development into concepts like this (military interests) since the 1940's - that's over 60 years and not the 10 years that you stated.

So, out of the two, I'd put my money on the Skycar and not the far-in-the-future Transporter (Teleportation Device).

And your description of boy and girl-racers creating mayhem in the sky above our heads is not the idea behind the Skycar. Indeed, it is a bit of a misnoma and should be called a Skybus, as the plan is to have multiple seats and convenient pick-up and drop-off points for passengers.

Also, we do already have Private Pilots' Licences, Microlite licences etc., so not difficult to add another to the list.

Therefore, not so far-fetched in my opinion.


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Guest VladYvhv

No worries, there... Unless more folks start spittin' on the floor... I'm strongly biasted against chewing tobacco, as I've had to put up with cleaning up after classmates and underclassmen and coworkers who chew and spit wherever they want... Miss one day because of a headache that makes it impossible to drive Bertha and she winds up practically washed in tobacco spit... Y'all ever try cleaning that :horse: outta a tractor interior around noonish in the summer? (Need an eye twitching smiley, too...) Sorry if the intent was for it to be funny, but I find it disrespectful and insulting...

Straying off the topic's alright, within reasonable bounds. It's not somethin' I've got a problem with, as I, myself tend to ramble... As long as it doesn't get out of control and completely ruin the topic...

As to the flying cars... That's something I fergot to mention in my origional post... I like the idear. One thing about the personal SkyCar concept that hasn't been mentioned is that they won't be entirely pilotable. They'll be controlled, like the self-driving car concept. The aerodynamics of the prototype are sound, but the production value is way too high for practical production so far. Also, the control system is still undecided on, according to the latest info I've been able to find on the subject. While I'd say 10 years is a bit optomistic, I'm sure we'll see them come into usage within the next 20 or so... I like the ones in The 5th Element better, though.

Just keep in mind, though, that the spirit of this topic is that even the improbable, impractical, and downright impossible is welcome here... Realitly and discussion is also welcome, as long as it doesn't get into bashing someone or the idears they add to the list...

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first lets go off topic. i dont chew, i tried it once and found it to be gross. i dont know how people can do it. and it was a joke the "thats fools talk *spits tobbaco*". lets break it down. i'm calling peeHD a fool but only fools chew tobbaco IMO. so yea, it was something there. so im not bashing the thought of world peace. ide vote for it if it ran for office.

back on track now. on a silly show called ripelys believe it OR ELSE! there was a flying car. only it was a car you can drive around and to fly you had to go and put the wings and rudder on. so thats more of a transformer. however that robot is not in disguise.

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Apparently the US government has been funding research and development into concepts like this (military interests) since the 1940's - that's over 60 years and not the 10 years that you stated.

So, out of the two, I'd put my money on the Skycar and not the far-in-the-future Transporter (Teleportation Device).

And your description of boy and girl-racers creating mayhem in the sky above our heads is not the idea behind the Skycar. Indeed, it is a bit of a misnoma and should be called a Skybus, as the plan is to have multiple seats and convenient pick-up and drop-off points for passengers.

Also, we do already have Private Pilots' Licences, Microlite licences etc., so not difficult to add another to the list.

Therefore, not so far-fetched in my opinion.


Don't take it personallly, I'm an ubergeek and read way too much, watch to much and try WAAAAAAAY to much.

Quantum entanglement is a proven technology that might lead to a transporter. Not in 10 years but it is the underlying technological proof it is possible.

However, I was referring to the actual Skycar as in THE SKYCAR. It has been in developement for well over 10 years and will never be a mass marketed device. This guy has been showing the same old piece of crap that is so impractical that it hurts to look at it since the late 80s.


If it has an engine, it will be hotrodded and people will die. Fact of life. Testosterone is a horrible thing to be let loose on new technology. I personally have to make everything I own faster than the factory intended, computers, cars, motorcycles, guns, swing sets, clothes dryers. Literally, anything at all.

The stuff the US government is working on is not high flying, it is hover craft very similar to what they use to cross the rough channel in all kinds of weather.

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Guest VladYvhv

Don't take it personallly, I'm an ubergeek and read way too much, watch to much and try WAAAAAAAY to much.

Quantum entanglement is a proven technology that might lead to a transporter. Not in 10 years but it is the underlying technological proof it is possible.

However, I was referring to the actual Skycar as in THE SKYCAR. It has been in developement for well over 10 years and will never be a mass marketed device. This guy has been showing the same old piece of crap that is so impractical that it hurts to look at it since the late 80s.


If it has an engine, it will be hotrodded and people will die. Fact of life. Testosterone is a horrible thing to be let loose on new technology. I personally have to make everything I own faster than the factory intended, computers, cars, motorcycles, guns, swing sets, clothes dryers. Literally, anything at all.

The stuff the US government is working on is not high flying, it is hover craft very similar to what they use to cross the rough channel in all kinds of weather.


Testosterone + Technology = Nifty stuff! Without that formula, we'd all still be using primitive steam engines and driving modle Ts and flying around in prop-only aircreft. Or, worse, yet, not even into the Stone Age... While the mind is the key to inventing and theorizing about technologies that can defy what is currently known about science, the need for MORE POWER is the key to developing existing technologies that can put these theories to the test. The clearest modern examples are the developments of supersonic (and later hypersonic) aircraft and spacecraft... This gave us the most beutiful of all aircraft, the SR-71... A more obscure, but also applicable example is the development of railguns. Yet another is visual stealth. The current snag in both is the fact that they require too much electric to be used for practical purposes, so far. Technology exist to be improved upon. We can even learn from the ones who off themselves in the persuit of technological advancement, reguardless of if it's someone being an idiot or someone smart just having bad luck or miscalculations... Sadly enough, the vast majority of safty devices are the results of such situations. In some cases, whole new areas of technological developments have been opened because of them... It's an unfortunate thing that someone dies in such circumstances, but we usually all end up benefitting from it in some way or another...

While most of the government's attempts at flying cars and "flying saucers" have wound up as poorly designed hovercrafts, it wasn't their intention. They -are- persuing and financing the persuit of personal flight vehicles, which could be more regulated than terrestrial vehicles. They're too greedy not to... It's not the government who'll be eventually producing them, thought... It'll be the motor companies and/or aircraft companies.

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While most of the government's attempts at flying cars and "flying saucers" have wound up as poorly designed hovercrafts, it wasn't their intention. They -are- persuing and financing the persuit of personal flight vehicles, which could be more regulated than terrestrial vehicles. They're too greedy not to... It's not the government who'll be eventually producing them, thought... It'll be the motor companies and/or aircraft companies.

I hold out more hope for the transporter though. It solves fossil fuel issues, smog issues, wasted time issues not to mention the fact that it is just darned cool!

Instead of spending 14 hours on a plane to get to Australian, I could pop there to get some sun Friday after work during our winter and back in time for work on Monday after spending 2 1/2 days scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef! Or just go to Disney for the day. EuroDisney even if the riots are over.

Not to mention, living in paradise and commuting to say Chicago or LA for work would be common place. Now, if there were only some way to require people to wear a diaper while using the transporter... :P

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Guest VladYvhv

Transporters're good, too. A bit scary if the communications systems are on the fritz (or if flys are involved), but otherwise cool.

The only reason were're even still usining fossile fules is because of the might of the oil companies and cartels being able to surpress the technologies for producing and using clean-burning fuels... In some instances, clean-burning fuels can be used in existing engines with no modifications needed (maybe a little adjusting of the fuel/air mixture, but nothing that couldn't be doen at home by the vehicle owner). Why aren't they used? Because the means to process them have been kept from the public by the oil companies and their cronies... And don't expect the government to be of any help, as most politicians're in the back pockets of the oil companies... Sure, they may say that they care about the environment, but what they really care about is their money... And they get more money from destroying the environment than from helping it...

Support the farmers... Buy skycars and teleporters powered by soybeans. :D

A few more additions to my list, too...


Flying recliner with retractable machineguns in the arms.

Alternate-universe-in-a-box making machine.

Laser rifle with windup generator that plays "pop goes the weasle".

Self-fixing coffee cup.

The "bead" the Wongs gave the Native Martians.

Super hero cream!

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The only reason were're even still usining fossile fules is because of the might of the oil companies and cartels being able to surpress the technologies for producing and using clean-burning fuels... In some instances, clean-burning fuels can be used in existing engines with no modifications needed (maybe a little adjusting of the fuel/air mixture, but nothing that couldn't be doen at home by the vehicle owner). Why aren't they used? Because the means to process them have been kept from the public by the oil companies and their cronies... And don't expect the government to be of any help, as most politicians're in the back pockets of the oil companies... Sure, they may say that they care about the environment, but what they really care about is their money... And they get more money from destroying the environment than from helping it...


And I thought I was paranoid! You can't stop technology. Regardless of what most American's think, not everything was invented here. Cloning is not an American specialty and neither is chip manufacturing. If a better fuel economy device exists, it would find its way, now more than ever with the internet.

We had a guy that claimed his car got 50mpg back in the 80s. Turns out it had a speedometer that was particularly way fast and his carb was dirty and running very lean (not good for an engine). In the end, he really did have a Thunderbird that got 25mpg but not nearly the 50 he'd claimed. The real story was it had been totalled by the insurance company and he was trying to sell it for a very high price.

Just so everyone knows, you CAN make a car run on water but it takes way more energy to convert water to hydrogen and oxygen than you can get from burning the two. Hence, no perpetual motion machine.

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Here here! (or is that hear hear? I never can decide.) I think it was a good idea to take what was beginning to resemble a Science & Technology textbook over to a new thread (although, given the title, which had me nodding in agreement, I don't think I'll be able to resist going over to put my 2p-worth in there as well.)

Anyway in an attempt to inject a bit of fun back into this thread , which I believe was its original intention -

I would LOVE to own a Drone!

I think I may have already mentioned that I loathe housework but I also like my home to be warm, comfy and clean (reasonably not fastidiously.) Nevertheless, it requires monumental effort from me to keep it so. I really resent the time it takes me to iron a shirt, mop the kitchen floor or dust bookshelves etc, all of which I did last week and the week before and the week before that.....you get my drift?. I tend to do it with gritted teeth, thinking about all the enjoyable things I could be doing with my valuable time, instead of doing boring and repetitive household chores. As my sister once said to me -

" 'Dolly', you've got to listen to your body........my body tells me to sit down and read all day!" :lol:

I wish I could bring myself to subscribe to the Quentin Crisp School of Housework, as he maintained that dust and grime reached its optimum level after 7 years and were barely noticeable unless someone moved a book or ornament.

Another option would be to get myself a real-life live-in-'New-Man' to share the housework on a week-on/week-off basis but I'm not about to give up my hard-earned independence, however bored I am with housework!

Maybe you're asking why don't I get a cleaner in? Well, it goes against my principles to pay someone to clean up my messes after me. Of course, I realise I already do, but that's indirectly through my taxes, so I try not to dwell on that :rolleyes:

No, no, no, to all 3 options above! I've come to the conclusion that what I really need is.........A COMPUTERIZED HOUSE-HUSBAND!

Just imagine.....

* Coming home from work to discover the laundry-basket empty and everything hanging or folded up in the wardrobe, freshly washed and ironed.

* Discovering the rubbish bin emptied before it overflowed and threatened to make its own way to the bin yard.

* Enjoying dinner SO much more because you haven't had to cook it yourself and then having the dirty dishes whisked away and washed without getting your hands wet or the laborious cycle of loading/unloading the dishwasher.

* Relaxing in a ready-filled scented and candlelit bath, knowing that it wouldn't be ruined by the thought of having to get out and clean the damn thing afterwards, whilst sweating and blinking under a stark artificial light.

Try as I might, I can see only one downside to all this. I know I'd feel pretty silly finding myself automatically saying "Please" and "Thank You" :wacko: But what the heck, it makes sound economic sense to treat household appliances with respect.

And for those of you with smutty minds, this particular appliance's daily duties would end outside my bedroom door :D

So PLEASE Mr/Ms Scientist, make me a House-Husband as fast as you can! :thumbsup:


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