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The Big Disaster For The Small Family

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Amy is a young mother of two. She got pregnant with Rachel when she was only 16, and again with Michelle when she was only 18. Currently Amy is 34 making Rachel 18 and Michelle 16. They currently live in the middle of Missouri, in the Poplar Bluff region. It's a rural area with city of about 15,000 people close by. Amy works as a teller at a local bank part time, while each girls has a small part time job on top of their busy high school lives.

The girls are all piled up into a two bedroom apartment, where Rachel and Michelle share a bedroom, as well a car.

This story takes place in a fictional lifehood, so bare with me as I attempt to write my first story. It will likely appear to move fast, and it will likely not provide enough background information on the characters for many people's likings. If that is the case, then i invite you to either attempt to rewrite this story with these ideas if you would like...or use your imagination. I am not very sensitive with my writing...but I wouldn't mind someone else helping :)

The background info:

Amy is a 34 year-old MILF to say the least, she is a little ditzie but has a big heart. She is around 5'5 with short brown hair and looks fairly good for having two teenage children.

Rachel is the odd one out, she has blonde hair. Other then that, she and Michelle both are similar in apperance to their mother.

They each have the same father, but he met another woman when the girls were 6 and 4 and ran off. He still sends child support but he doesn't seem to be willing to meet with them, and the girls are fine with that.

It's December, getting close to the end of the semester, the girls will have 6 weeks off for Christmas vacation.

It all started with Rachel; she was having a tough time, working, school, senoritis, picking a college, finding a way to pay for the college, trying to wrap up sports. Nothing any more then what her fellow classmates were doing, but the stress had been taking it's toll on Rachel.

On a Wednesday afternoon, Rachel is at school, she is in 7th hour (the last of the day) and then has to attend cheerleading practice after school, at least she doesn't have to work tonight. She is trying to study for an upcoming final, while still paying attention to her teacher. She doesn't have time tonight for homework after practice because Rachel and Michelle promised their mother they would all do cleaning tonight at the apartment.

Unbeknowist to Rachel, she hadn't had a BM in 10 days. She simply had not noticed it. As she is studying, a very intense cramp comes up on her very quickly, and it alerts her to this attention. Rachel gasps in pain as she feels cramps on her abdomen. She asks to be excused to the bathoom and hurries off. As she gets closer she feels the pain getting worse. "wow" she thought, "that came on me fast, I gotta make it." She is racing down the hall but she may not make it there in time. she now has to shuffle her feet and is now clinching her buttocks trying to keep it from happening. But right before she gets to the door, she has an accident, and it fulfills her pants.

"OMG!" Rachel screams, she can't believe she just shit her pants. she hurries into a bathroom stall to try and clean herself up as best as she can. Her underwear is ruined and her pants have stains all over them. She sends Michelle a text asking if she can run home and get a change of clothes for her, but know she won't respond, since Michelle is also in class.

Rachel remembers, her mom is home. She can't share this information with anybody, but she knows she can't leave the bathroom with her pants like this. She was going to have to go home anyway to change clothes before practice anyway, since she left her cheerleading clothes there anyway. She also can't leave campus, the gaurd outside would stop her.

So she texts her mother.

R-You home?


R-Can you bring me my cheerleading clothes?

A-I'm sort of busy. Why didn't you take them with you?

R-I forgot them, I was just going to come home, but I sort of had an accident in a bathoom and am stuck here, please help!

A-What kind of accident, I'm getting your clothes now, in your bedroom?

R-Yes, should be on my bed, a bathroom accident, as in bathroom accident.

A-Be there soon, you ok?

R-Just hurry, thank you.

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Amy gets to the schooling, exchanging text with Rachel the whole way, trying to find out where to go in the school. When she gets to the bathroom, she finds a sobbing girl.


"I'm in here mom"

"What happened? Are you ok?"

"I dunno, it just hit me so fast and I came running to the bathroom, I was so close but I didn't quite make it."

"Well here are your clothes, let's try and save yours tonight while washing them. ok?"

"Thanks mom."

Well it was a simple accident, the problem is this wasn't the last one Rachel would have like this. Over the course of the next month, she had three similiar accounts. One at home, one while driving home, and another at school very similiar to her first one. Amy started to become very worried. So on the evening of the fourth one, when Michelle was at work, Amy asked Rachel if she would meet her in the kitchen.

"Honey, I just want to talk to you about everything. Are you still really stressed out?"

"Yes, I think that is all it is, I can't react fast enough, I haven't had a BM in the toilet in probably two months now."

"Have you tried to just go? Are you holding it until the last minute?"

"I just keep forgetting about it."

"well I set up a doctor's appointment for you Thursday night."

"What time? it'll be after school, and since you don't have to work, go to school, or anything else after Friday, maybe the stress can subside. But 4:30 was the latest I could get you in"


Amy and Rachel get to Doctor Morton's office. They converse for awhile. He makes a couple of suggestions, and agree it is likely stress, but could be a bigger problem. He wants Rachel to go see a pyschologist that specializes in these sorts of things. It's a good thing they women have a good insurance provider.

When they meet with the Psychologist, he spends a lot of time with Rachel, getting to know her very well. He makes a suggestion to them.

"I think Rachel should go back to wearing diapers during Christmas break. It will allow her to be free from stress, and will allow many savings on clothes. I think reintroducing her to potty training at the end will allow her to remerge into the spring semester with a new fresh breather. Allow her a vacation and with that, give her a vacation from the toilet. She is going through some level of trauma, that could be deep seeded in many different places. This will allow her to go through this and become available to grow again. If not, I'm afraid it will likely only get worse. You have an opportunity here, but you need to do it a certain way."

"Diapers? May I ask why diapers?"

"Well she needs to be regressed back to this age in order to be able to grow again in a positive direction, diapers hold a symbolic measure in this and will allow her to get back onto a normal schedule, which right now, she is so off centered. She needs to be able to void bowels and urine without having to worry about when and how. I can go over the steps, but this is my recomendation."

"Well Rachel, what do you think?"

"I think it's a little out there, but I need to do something in order to get better. I'll try it."

Alright, well Rachel, here would be my suggestions.

Your mother, will have to be the one to change you, as you shouldn't be given the responsibility, so you will have to get used to that as well. Go pick up some diapers from the drugstore and wear them. It will be difficult to use them at first, so let's meet again on Sunday morning. You have school tomorrow, so start wearing them Friday night when you get home. We can meet Sunday morning and evaluate. ok?

"I guess"

and with that Amy and Rachel head to the drug store

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Rachel and Amy get to the drug store Thursday night. Rachel is remaining quiet, diapers for 6 weeks? I have to wear and use diapers for six whole weeks? It's a doctor's suggestion, but man, that is a long time. I can't leave the house like that. I can't do anything all of Christmas break. Maybe it will be nice to just stay home all break though. Maybe that is what I need.

They pick out a pack of Bambino diapers that are for sale over the counter. A case of 96. This is a new kind of Bambino's. they are thick like the regular kinds, but they have a different design on them, duckies.

Sorry, I won't be able to tell more until later, gotta run

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Thank you for all the great responses guys! I'll keep it up

As Amy and Rachel select out the diapers and head out to the checkout Rachel's face is very hot. She is concerned of people seeing, she is concerned about what sort of life she will live over the next 6 weeks. Ideas are running rampant through her head. The idea of having to wear something that resembles a baby is going to be a bit of an adjustment, but to HAVE to use them? that's ridiculous. Maybe she can just not use them all of the time? surely her mother won't keep that close of attention, i mean, how could she?

They pay, go to bed, and Friday is nothing other than a normal day.

Friday evening Rachel's heart is racing out of her chest when she is coming home. She is worried she will have to start immediately, her mother and her never discussed anything, so she didn't really know what the outcome was going to be.

No one was home yet, which is what she expected, so she made herself a sandwich and got on her laptop and got on facebook etc. Looking through status' she noticed most of her friends were excited about xmas break, taking 6 weeks off was going to be great, lot's of people talking about finals, or about vacations, of thinking about 6 weeks off. All that Rachel could think about was, six weeks of not leaving the house and looking like a baby. What would Michelle think? was she really supposed to just let her mother change her like that? did she actually have to use them all the time? what if she knew she had to go? was she still expected to use the diapers?

Time had passed, Amy and Michelle came home, and the girls had dinner together. Rachel remained silent for the most part. Slightly embarrased, and also did not know what her sister must know. She didn't want to be the one to bring it up, but also knew that Michelle would find out.

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After dinner they cleaned up and Amy asked Rachel if she would hang back and help her clean up. Michelle was planning to go out for the night, so she went off to their room to get ready.

"Rachel, I already talked to Michelle about everything later last night, she won't even make a comment to you, she promised me that, and she won't do anything to embarrass or upset you. I think she will just pretend they don't exist. So don't worry about her. But we need to get you set up. So if you want, go ahead and use the bathroom one more time and let's get started. Meet me in your room when your ready."

And with that Rachel went to the bathroom. She spent some time looking at her body in the mirror and trying to force herself to go both one and two...only number one could happen though. After about twenty minutes she assumed her mother must be waiting in her room....when she emerged, she was correct. Amy was waiting in the room with the pack of diapers and baby powder on Rachel's bed.

"baby powder?"

"Yes, of course silly, you know you will need baby powder."

and with that Rachel just laid down not saying a word. she was about to be diapered for the first time since she was a baby...and for what? a stupid doctor's suggestion? This was nuts.

"Mom, do I have to? Rachel pleas one more time.

"Honey, you know you need to do something, sorry to say this, but you will just have to get over it."

"I know mom, it's just embarassing to say the least, I don't even want you to see me naked, much less putting one of those on me."

"Doctor's suggestion baby, let's just get it over with....now lay down on your back."

And with that, Rachel laid down, her mother unbuttoned her jeans, pulled them down, pulled down her panties as well. Grabbed a diaper and powder, lifted her legs as though she was a toddler, and slid the diaper under her and taped it shut.

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Rachel just laid there, covering her eyes. Trying to not bring any attention to what was just done. There she was laying in a diaper for the first time since she was a child. The entire thought of it all mad her incredibly uncomfortable. The emotions that she had were mixed. Mostly embarrasement with a hint of uncomfortableness. She was wearing her white t-shirt, and a diaper, a fu(king diaper. and she couldn't believe it. and her mother, of all people is the one who had to put it on her!

Amy left the room....leaving Rachel alone to sit there and try to feel comfortable on her own....but not before saying.

"and remember, you need to use those things, no bathrooms for you for six weeks baby. Just come get me when you need to be changed and we can change you."

Rachel didn't say a reply. What a humiliating thought. To have to wet and mess herself. Granted she had already done that, but now to have to do it whether she could make it or not. Difficult thing to accept. The doctor told her to keep a journal. Not for the doctor's sake, but for Rachel's. And that he would review it. Write down your thoughts, emotions, what you go through and whatever you are feeling. Get to know the diaper, and get to know what her emotions will be through it all. So Rachel got out her journal.

'Well I just got diapered for the first time. That word diaper now has a whole new meaning to me. The diaper itself is fairly uncomfortable. It's thick and crinkles everytime I move. I can't imagine trying to cover it up. There will be no point in even trying. I feel humiliated but am also slightly optimistic. If this helps me out in the long run, then who knows, it could be kind of fun. I can't imagine actually using them. But I also will not cheat. But I don't want to have to sit in my messes any longer then I have to. I don't like the diaper, I felt like I was a two year old having my mother put a diaper on me. I don't resent her, but I didn't like that feeling.'

And with that Rachel found some sweat pants and put them on and laid in bed to watch a movie and fall asleep. Michelle came home much later in the evening, and went straight to bed, no words exchanged.

Saturday morning Day 2

Rachel was happy to not need to go to the bathroom when she woke up. She didn't normally use the bathroom until later in the day anyway. And would do her best to have as few 'accidents' as possible. She put her hair up into a pony tail and went into the kitchen to get some breakfast. She chose a very very light breakfast, in order to try not to have any messes or accidents.

The whole day was rather uneventful. Rachel stayed in and tried to remain lazy, was on the computer a lot, and played a lot of games and just did her best to ignore her diaper status. Michelle had to work all day, and wasn't really around. The only words they exchanged were in passing, Rachel was pleased with this. She didn't need anyone adding to her embarrasement.

Amy worked Saturday morning until noon, when she got home asked politely if Rachel needed a change, she said no and it was left at that.

Saturday evening, Rachel felt a growing need to pee. But was determined to hold it. and wasn't going to wet until she was just going to explode. She bounced around a little and went to sleep as early as she could. Amy thought maybe she had snucked in a trip to the bathroom at some point, wasn't going to push anything, especially since they would be meeting with the doctor the next morning.

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Sunday morning Rachel wakes up with a very major need to use the bathroom. She immediately is regretting accepting the doctor's suggestion so easily. She didn't really think very well through the idea of doing this. and now, here she was stuck, wearing a diaper under her sweat pants and a pink t-shirt....and she had to use her diaper like some child. It was a way worse fate then she imagined originially. Thank God the doctor's appointment was in 30 minutes. She cleaned herself up a little bit, but didn't bother trying to shower or change clothes. She grabs a quick bite to eat and is off with her mother to meet the doctor who did this to her.

Rachel has made minimal contributions into her journal, and all are very brief, but she also isn't fully sure what she is supposed to say. She hates this, has to pee, feels socially concerned, is very aware of her diaper, and feels above all else incredibly embarrassed. She wants to change the plan and try something else.

As they pull up to the doctor's office, Rachel is starting to bounce a little from needing to go. Amy brought a couple of extra diapers in her purse. wasn't sure if she needed to but assumed they would learn a lot more today.

Doctor Bennett, the phsycologist who made this suggestion was waiting, his practice was empty as he had made this a special appointment.

The come into his office, and sit down, all three of them.

"Well Rachel, how are you doing?"

"Been much better."

"Are you wearing the diaper?"

"Yes, and I need to go, but I doubt I can in a diaper. I just don't think I can do it."

"Well that's very common. You have spent 16 years knowing not to pee on yourself. and now you are supposed to try to reverse that training, and that is difficult to try to do. But you will need to for this to work."

"Well Dr. Bennett, I was hoping we could try something else."

"Nothing else is going to get down to the trauma that I want to expose with you. I stand by my recomendation, but of course, you are not forced to do anything. I believe it will be the best thing for you though. And am positive that you will thank me for it when we are done."

Amy interjected, "I have remained very quiet on everything to this point, but I feel I should speak up. Rachel, you haven't been the same girl for a long time, I assumed much of it was puberty, but I didn't know what was really going on. I am excited about us bonding more over this break, you will be home more, and I believe the man with all the plaques on the wall when he says he can help you. I am going to do whatever I can to help you, but I am strongly suggesting that we do this."

Rachel replied slowly, "we can do it, I am just having a hard time accepting it and understanding it."

Dr. Bennett quickly replies with, "Well right now, we are going to do something to help that. You can chose to keep your mother in the room if you would like, but it will be something that will make you very uncomfortable at first."

"Mom, how about just doctor Bennett and me for whatever this discussion may be?"

"Ok dear."

With that Amy leaves the room and doctor Bennett gives her a document stating the process better

Below is the document he gave her

'There are many reasons why teenagers may have difficulty with using diapers, whether the trouble is simply wearing the diaper, or using it. Obvious social concerns arise when teens are forced to wear and use diapers; as well as the feeling that privacy and control are being seriously infringed. Different situations present different difficulties. Hopefully, these techniques will help most circumstances.

The specific problem to be addressed is how to deal with teenagers who refuse to use their diapers. This problem applies more to teens who, for one reason or another, have been put into diapers recently, and have not used diapers for the better part of their life. Certain aspects of this particular technique can be personalized and adapted to fit your situation whether it be punishment, need, or fun. Note: It is important to know your teen when making decisions regarding his diapering. Most importantly, diapering decisions affect her health

Determining if This Method is Appropriate:

This method is successful for encouraging stubborn teenagers to relieve themselves in their diapers. The importance of this is self-evident. However, this method is not appropriate for treating medical conditions that might be impairing the teen from voiding. First we must establish that the problem is simply your teen not being cooperative. Commonly, this condition occurs in teens immediately, or a few days, after the first time the teen is put back into diapers. The teen might exhibit defiant behavior or simply vocally refuse to use the diapers. If such behavior is observed, it may be assumed that the problem is a conscious defiance on the part of the teen.

Over the course of three or four days observe your teen’s behavior and diaper use patterns. Feed the teen plenty of healthy food. Three meals a day at least, with several snacks. Also, be sure the teen is consuming lots of water. If after four days the teen has not had a bowel movement something is out of the ordinary. If, after the course of your observation you conclude that the teen is not consciously refusing to use the diapers a trip to the doctor is in order.

Encouraging Your Teen to Wet:

For most people, wetting pants is not fun. It is perfectly understandable why a teen would not want to wet a diaper, and then sit in it until it is changed. Unfortunately for the teen, this is what must happen. Luckily for us, encouraging your teen to wet is not terribly difficult. The recipe for a wet diaper is simple, and fast acting. This method adds several elements to further the effects so that the teen is more readily cooperative in the future. If she has not wet her diaper yet, this will be a memorable experience. If the teen has wet the diaper, but has for some reason decided to refuse further wetting, this method should be effective in persuading cooperation. The method has three parts which are easily adapted to a wide range of situations. The first part is a simple communication session between you and the teen. Next, she will consume a great amount of fluid, and finally wet. Finally, from the time of wetting, she will record her thoughts in a journal. At the end of the treatment, another communication session will occur. Let’s go into detail with an example:

Jamie is a fourteen year old girl who has been put into diapers as part of a recommended treatment for her occasional bowel accidents. She has visited several specialists who have all agreed that the problem is not medical, but rather psychological. Now that Jamie has been in diapers for a day, she is refusing to wet. The decision is reached that it is a conscious decision; Jamie is called in for a talk with her mother and I. Jamie is required to sit in a chair wearing only her diaper while we talk with her. Over the course of thirty minutes we indirectly gather the following information:

· How much fluid has been consumed

· How is she dealing with diapers

· Are the diapers comfortable

· Has she felt the need to wet

· Is she having any difficulty using the diapers

· What are her thoughts about her mother putting her in diapers

In Jamies’s case, she has shown clear resentment towards her mother at being placed in diapers. She finds them disgusting, and refuses to wet them. Also, she feels that it is unfair for her to have to use them. Her mother has been giving her caffeinated fluids (caffeine is recommended as it is a reasonably efficient diuretic). Over the course of these two days she has consumed enough liquids for us to assume she is becoming reasonably uncomfortable and her posture reaffirms our assumption. At this point Jamie is comfortable wearing just her diaper (this is necessary, as the wetting must occur while she is wearing only a diaper), and I begin to explain to her the procedure. I explain that she will be:

· Allowed to wet her diaper here, free from any real-world consequences.

· She should look upon this opportunity to explore what it is like to wet and wear a wet diaper

· She will keep a log of her thoughts throughout the procedure.

· Finally, I reassure her that she has all the time she needs to wet her diaper, and that she will be given as much time as she wants afterward to explore her wet diaper.

After we have talked about the procedure and I am sure she understands, she is given a notebook and a pen, and one last soft drink that has a mild diuretic (not necessary, just speeds up the process). I tell her to knock on the door of the room when she has wet and I offer to let her choose whether her mother stays during the first session. She chooses no, so her mother and I both exit the room. After about fifteen minutes we hear the knock and reenter the room to find her diaper is indeed wet. She is told that she can have as much time as she wants with her diaper, but that eventually she should start writing in the journal before her memory fades.

This turned out well, and she is required to keep her journal as a reminder. The method allowed her to become much more comfortable wetting her diaper, and her treatment has since ended.

Things to keep in mind: Keep the atmosphere non-confrontational. Allow it to be an exploration session, and less of a punishment. Be sure that she realizes that the journal is for her benefit and not for yours. Remind her that she has enough time to explore what she needs to. Also, be sure she remains in the diaper at least thirty minutes.

Dealing with a Teen who Won’t Mess:

Compelling a teen to mess a diaper is much more difficult than encouraging them to wet. Quite simply because wetting is much for immediate, and cannot be held for over several days without intense discomfort. Bowel movements however are not naturally as urgent, and can be put off up to weeks with only mild discomfort. This method is similar to that used in the wetting method, however, the use of over-the-counter medication is encouraged. With the use of outside chemicals, much more care must be used. If any substantial side effects result, you must consult a doctor immediately. At any rate, the three steps are the same, so I will not detail them with an example. However, more detail about the method of invoking a bowel movement is important, more information concerning the communication sessions, and an example journal will be included.

Methods of Encouraging a Bowel Movement:

If it is decided that the teen will not mess of her own accord, it will be difficult to persuade her to. The immediate expulsion is not nearly as important as convincing the teen of her need to mess her diapers. For this reason, this method recommends the use of Liquid Glycerin Suppositories as a way of encouraging a bowel movement, and reinforcing the need of further bowel movements. Obviously, if she has not had a bowel movement for four days, the resources are present for one, and the need of one exist. As a result, the effect of the medication will be even more memorable.

Because this treatment is delivered anally, the impression will be heavy on the teen, and as a result communication beforehand is important. Like before, it will be important to discuss how the teen is dealing with being in diapers, and her diaper use patterns. But after the chitchat, it is important for you to explain that she will be given a little medication and that it is similar to an enema. Be sure that she understands the treatment, and how she will be expected to mess afterward and record in her journal. Use very gentle words, and try to ensure that the teen is not nervous. Inform her that she may feel some discomfort as a result of the treatment, but that everything will feel better when she uses her diapers. Be sure to over emphasize the “relief

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

"Well Rachel, I can see you had success." Dr. Bennett said

"Yes, it was very difficult to do, reversing the training you have had your entire life."

"I can understand that, you have spent all of your life not peeing on yourself, and now you have to conciously reverse that. It will not be easy, but we are here to help you get used to it. Now your mother will change you in abuot a half an hour. I want you to get used to sitting in a wet diaper, and get used to wearing a wet one, because you will not get to always just be changed whenever it needs to be done."

"ok" she replied, and with that everyone went back to their respective seats and managed to change the topic and just talk about different things.

After about a half an hour

Dr. Bennett looks at his watch and says "ok, Amy, you can change Rachel now."

Amy reaches into her purse, grabs another diaper and some wipes and asks Rachel to lay down.

She lays down on the floor, in front of the doctor and just lays her head back looking up to the ceiling. Not sure what to think. Amy gets on her knees, and starts to untape the soiled diaper. Pulls the front down and starts to wipe her daughter. Picks up Rachel's legs and slides the old diaper out and slides the fresh one under her. Rachel immediately notices the difference between both diapers. Amy expertly tapes up the new diaper and they wraps up the old one and puts it into an old wal-mart bag.

"Now you will also need to get used to pooping in them over the next six weeks. You can not use the restroom at all. Sometimes you will have to use your diaper more than once, and sometimes you will make a mess and have to deal with it." Dr. Bennett said

"Amy, if Rachel has not had a BM in her diaper after Tuesday give me a call and we can schedule another appointment. In the mean time, do your best to keep her diapers clean for her and every once in awhile let her sit in a wet diaper to get used to it. Thank you guys."

And with that Amy and Rachel leave their doctor's office. Rachel remains very quiet. Feeling overly exposed and unhappy, embarrased and degraded. She doesn't think she is going to like this diaper vacation very much.

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Please go on soon! This is really good!

I actually wish someone else could rewrite it for me...adding ideas, but someone who is a more accomplished writer...i have a long story planned out...but i don't update parts very often because i struggle with being a good writer

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They return home. Rachel doesn't say a single word. She goes straight upstairs feeling the bulk of her diaper underneath her jeans. and lays on her bed. She starts to cry, not really understanding why she was even crying. Rachel started to give herself a small pep talk. You can do this she said to herself. You are tough, it's only six weeks and no one else is going to know. Things will get better. You just need to tough it out, and get through it. Rachel decided to start writing in her journal what she was thinking, trying to keep it updated. It wasn't going to be easy to do all of this, and have a normal six weeks. What was she supposed to do? no sports, no work, nothing but lay around the house all Christmas diapered.

Amy came up to Rachel's room.

"Dr. Bennett suggested we keep your pants off when you are around the house so i can tell when your diaper needs to be changed. Are you ok with that?"

"whatever mom, i'm past embarassed, i am going to tough through this and just do it. But please don't make me sit in a mess for a long time or anything, please?"

"I won't baby, i am going to do what the doctor suggests and help you get through this."

"Please don't call me baby."

Amy smiled and proceeded to unbottun Rachel's jeans, leaving her in her white t shirt and her duckies diaper.

Rachel managed to play on facebook and a few other websites.

Her sister Michelle came home, went up to their room and noticed her sister sitting on their laptop at their desk....she immediately noticed the diaper and lack of pants.

"Mom, told me, don't worry i am not going to make it any harder on you then it is. I will try and be helpful, and if you need anything let me know, ok?" Michelle said

"Thanks." Rachel muttered, she didn't want to face her sister yet, and was too shy to speak right now.

Rachel knew she had to pee, but the urge wasn't severe enough to worry about it. The girls all had dinner, Rachel barely saying a word, feeling overly exposed, she crinkled everywhere she went, she just did her best to not move.

While doing the dishes, Rachel really had to pee....and decided to try it standing up...the running water helped. and she was able to after straining for awhile. It was by no means easy....after she did it, she didn't even think about asking to be changed. She just continued to wash dishes. She didn't assume she would be changed anyway.

Overall Rachel is depressed at the beginning of all of this. it's a tough road, the doctor has been hoping to see this depression surface the bigger issues, but there is an understanding that it will take ample time.

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