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Does Pay Pal Accept The Visa Pre Paid Cards You Can Get At The Store


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Do they accept them because.. i need to get a 50 dollar prepaid visa card at the store,. but i only want to get one bag so can i just take the 50 bucks off the card and put it on paypal?

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Check the instructions in the card. I had a prepaid Mastercard, and it gave me a site where I could put in the card name, and then tie it to an address I could use. I was then able to attach it to my paypal.

Why would you want to take the money off and put it on your paypal, though? If you're paying someone with a paypal.... then there is always the little option to "Don't have a paypal account? Use a credit card!" or whatever it says at checkout.

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It's a money eater :angry: but I use a Green Dot prepaid MC for my verified paypal account. These have fees everywhere you look, but they're very secure with your info and money B) Paypal verification requires the card's bank to have the cardholder's SS number which is why the throw-aways aren't 'verifiable' ;)


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