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The Cosy Corner

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Shock.gif There's some cake left?! I think we should call Nurse Mary immediately, bayb must be poorly! Shock.gif

Suns, I'm sorry your prezzie's a bit late but I got it ages ago and put it away safely and then forgot where I put it scratcheshead.gif I've no idea why I put it in a bucket!


Something to stash your pocket money in.

D :) lly

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So long as it isn't after midnight, then it isn't too late. I'm glad to hear that it was safe all this time. I hope the bucket was kept clean.

And the prezzie is very nice. I like it. And I'm sure it will come in useful.

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So long as it isn't after midnight, then it isn't too late. I'm glad to hear that it was safe all this time. I hope the bucket was kept clean.

And the prezzie is very nice. I like it. And I'm sure it will come in useful.

Well, it's after midnight for you now, Suns, I hope you had a wonderful b'day today.


Jenny and Gary

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So does that mean there is no more cake?

Not unless Dolly got another one. :( I'm sorry, Lance, the last piece was a real tiny one, and I thought everyone had just come through and gotten theres, and hadn't said anything.


Gary and Jenny

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The cake kindda looks green. But I will eat it with or without icing.

Well, yeah, since it was for Sunshine, it was a chlorphyll cake!


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:P Tee-hee JennyG, nice get-out clause.

ShockHorror.gif Methinks it's high time we cleaned up after suns.gif Birthday Party!


The cake kindda looks green. But I will eat it with or without icing.

Since everything is relative Lance, now do you think that cake looked Green?!?

D Sick.gif lly

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:P Tee-hee JennyG, nice get-out clause.

ShockHorror.gif Methinks it's high time we cleaned up after suns.gif Birthday Party!


Since everything is relative Lance, now do you think that cake looked Green?!?

D Sick.gif lly

Oooooooooooooooo! Penicillin factory!!!!!!!


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[Disclaimer: I'm NO Royalist, please don't shoot the messenger ;) ]

Oops! According to the BBC News, President George Bush made a monumental blunder today while addressing the Queen who's currently touring the US.

During his speech, he said -

"You helped our nation celebrate its bicentennial in 17...er...1976...." he turned to look at her, then turned back to the microphone and tried to make a joke of his gaffe by saying "She gave me a look that only a mother could give a child...."

Oh boy! Just like her ancestor Queen Victoria, the look that followed then said "We are not amused!!"

And the moral of the story is - when you're in a hole, stop digging!

D :P lly

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[Disclaimer: I'm NO Royalist, please don't shoot the mesenger ;) ]

Oops! According to the BBC News, President George Bush made a monumental blunder today while addressing the Queen who's currently touring the US.

During his speech, he said -

"You helped our nation celebrate its bicentennial in 17...er...1976...." he turned to look at her, then turned back to the microphone and tried to make a joke of his gaffe by saying "She gave me a look that only a mother could give a child...."

Oh boy! Just like her ancestor Queen Victoria, the look that followed then said "We are not amused!!"

And the moral of the story is - when you're in a hole, stop digging!

D :P lly

Oh boy, gotta love Bush. He's my freaking hero for his silly phrases :P ! *rolls eyes*

(No offense to any republican or anyone who may have voted for Bush, not trying to get in a debate.)

~ Pipi

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Oh boy, gotta love Bush. He's my freaking hero for his silly phrases :P ! *rolls eyes*

(No offense to any republican or anyone who may have voted for Bush, not trying to get in a debate.)

~ Pipi

In fact, I voted for him twice. I am a Republican, and I'm sorry to say that I voted to put him in office the second time. He has done more damage to the 'conservative party' than anyone in my memory, including Richard Nixon! I will be glad when he is gone, but I fear the repercussion of what he has done.

For thirty years, I have known that this country that I love and support has gone over the cliff, and we are in a death plunge. Our country, as it stands, will not survive, I'm sorry to say. There are those who will disagree with me, and that's their right, I will not argue the point. George Bush has helped to speed our demise. I only pray, for I am Christian, that Jesus Christ returns before it gets too bad. I see no way out, it's bad, and it's getting worse, and only after we truly hit rock bottom, can those who survive, start the long, uphill battle to attempt to reconstruct what was once, the greatest nation on earth.

Why, in my mind, do I feel like someone in ancient Italy, listening to Nero play, as Rome burns around me?


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Wow. That is a lot of serious talk going on in the Cosy Corner. The Cosy Corner is supposed to be a little corner to come to, to get away from real life.

And since summer is coming up, I made some summer themed cookies.


Hope everyone enjoys them.

And I just noticed that the tube of suncream is the same size as the man and woman. So either those are really little people or they are really big on the whole suncream thing.

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In fact, I voted for him twice. I am a Republican, and I'm sorry to say that I voted to put him in office the second time. He has done more damage to the 'conservative party' than anyone in my memory, including Richard Nixon! I will be glad when he is gone, but I fear the repercussion of what he has done.

For thirty years, I have known that this country that I love and support has gone over the cliff, and we are in a death plunge. Our country, as it stands, will not survive, I'm sorry to say. There are those who will disagree with me, and that's their right, I will not argue the point. George Bush has helped to speed our demise. I only pray, for I am Christian, that Jesus Christ returns before it gets too bad. I see no way out, it's bad, and it's getting worse, and only after we truly hit rock bottom, can those who survive, start the long, uphill battle to attempt to reconstruct what was once, the greatest nation on earth.

Why, in my mind, do I feel like someone in ancient Italy, listening to Nero play, as Rome burns around me?


Sadly, I have to agree with Jenny on that. We are doomed, and there isn't much we can do to recover. I also voted for Bush cause I, like most of America, didn't know the other guy's stance on the issues. He really didn't say what he planned to do if elected.

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Wow. That is a lot of serious talk going on in the Cosy Corner. The Cosy Corner is supposed to be a little corner to come to, to get away from real life.

And since summer is coming up, I made some summer themed cookies.


Hope everyone enjoys them.

And I just noticed that the tube of suncream is the same size as the man and woman. So either those are really little people or they are really big on the whole suncream thing.

Mmmm........Liplickin.gif....Sunshiny Cookies baked by Sunshine, how apt! :P

I see what you mean about the scale being a bit skewiff :wacko: But it's not just the size of the sunscreen that's suspect - if they both tried getting in that boat - SOS!

Thank you Suns, eat my shorts! I'll eat the shorts!

D :P lly

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*comes in, grabs all of the cookies, and eats them before anyone can stop me*

*makes a hasty exit.*

:Crylol: Lance! nono.gif

Well I think Lance should be made to go and stand on The Norty-Step next time he tries to sneak in here when we're not looking!

I say we need to take turns keeping watch on the door!

What does everyone else think?

D :angel_not: lly

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:Crylol: Lance! nono.gif

Well I think Lance should be made to go and stand on The Norty-Step next time he tries to sneak in here when we're not looking!

I say we need to take turns keeping watch on the door!

What does everyone else think?

D :angel_not: lly

Personally, since Lance didn't get any of Suns bday cake, I think he was entitled to steal all the cookies.


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