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The Cosy Corner

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First, I was not more bad then the "girls".

Secound, lance was not getting "his" cake till his birthday.

I am not evil. if fact quite cute. I am picking on girls because I 'm boy. in here I am not a boy.

What do little girls want. to play with the big girls. One more thing.


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A cake to all of you from the I!

Thank you all for being so sweet, kind and openminded - it means a lot to me.




[Don't even think about it bayb! This Love is for sharing - and not Lance-Style either ;) ]

What can I say doc, this brought tears to my eyes but made me feel all warm and fluffy too

Dolly :wub:

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Have you ever been in the chat room while i was there. 

I give roses to all the ladys. And Dolly can testify to this fact.

He's not telling fibs, mums and I used to leave Chat with bouquets of them. I know we sisters are 'doing it for ourselves' now, but I'm a sucker for a bit of romance :P (Sighs) those were the good ole days in Chat.

Lance, you're right about the Cosy Corner not being well stocked. I'm doing an inventory as we speak and will get back to you so we can all decide what to bring in to make it less bare. Apart from ourselves, naturally.

Dolly :)

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I have a problem with Bayb's crib. Big Bird scares the living daylights out of me. Think about it, He is a six foot tall bird. Plus I had a bad experince that involved a stuffed Big bird toy. Everything else can stay, just get rid of the yellow bird.

did i miss somthing, big bird aint there?

or am i just blind......

Tj :D

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:lol: I was thinking cake as it happens, but not in the same way as you.

If they don't come out to play tomorrow do you think we should bump the Love Cake (No bayb, so still in one piece). Maybe that will tempt them out of hiding. What say you?


The only reason it is still in one piece is because i haven't figured out how to cut it into pieces yet.

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