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Baby Girls...where Are U!?!?!?

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LOL you're not gonna find any babygirls with that post, man. Sorry.

Why don't you say more than just a 1 to 2 liner? You know, actually say stuff about yourself and the type of babygirl you're looking for.

Also, swearing (especially in a one liner post) doesn't usually get a person very far...

Just my two cents.

~ Moogle

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LOL you're not gonna find any babygirls with that post, man. Sorry.

Why don't you say more than just a 1 to 2 liner? You know, actually say stuff about yourself and the type of babygirl you're looking for.

Also, swearing (especially in a one liner post) doesn't usually get a person very far...

Just my two cents.

~ Moogle

LOL ikr!

swearing? ru serious...come on ik u can think something a little better than that as far as criticism goes...

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Okay, how about your incessant use of netspeak? That's another sign of stupidity and/or laziness, neither of which are admirable or desireable qualities.

Anyway, good luck on your search.

~ Moogle

congratulations another worthless criticism no one ever uses "netspeak" like im like totally like the only one who uses it rofl thats deff obv lololololololol

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yo, um , man i really got to tell you, it seams as if you don’t know shit. at least Moogle hear understands that you cant go posting treating them like a piece of meat. i understand that this is the dating part but my god, do you really expect a response form "cute little ass"? even as a guy when i saw that my first thought was this guys shumkey the clown. this is why there isn’t vary many females who present them self’s in the AB/DL scene and that’s because they get chased after like a piece of meat with comments like, "are you wet?" or "you want me to diaper you?" and I am not saying that you go and send privet messages saying that but this goes for every guy, go out meat a nice girl, and just tell her what you like.

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congratulations another worthless criticism no one ever uses "netspeak" like im like totally like the only one who uses it rofl thats deff obv lololololololol

Charming-young and ignorant. As well as crass, they are going to be all over you.

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A true erudite this one, and not one bit avaricious, no sir. Quite the handle upon the ideals and noble thoughts of the lighter persuasion hast this lad indeed. Yea, verily, if had I but a daughter of mine own to forbid seeing this cur might I live and die satisfied in my task as a matronly father.

Thither attend, thy title speaks its own, sure so much punctuation is as the peacock calls its mate. A bird's brain, no less we clearly sense. If seeks thee such young lassies as those, I quote "Get thee to a nunnery."

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lookin for my baby so i can diaper her cute little ass! =P any babygirls wanna chat?

Yea, The girls are going to be all over you. They love it when boys come on to them with one liners asking if they want to be diapered. If you really want a baby girl, try being a little bit nicer and actually talking to them, instead of being a perv and immediately asking them if they want to be diapered.

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A babygirl right here and I must admit, I'm sooo not impressed...nor a lot of other baby girls won't be either.... atleast the ones with class and some self respect....

Apparently, you are young and new and probably horny as hell, but unforntuantly for you, you will be like that for a long time... well maybe just the horny part, soon it will be your old and old and lonely and still horny lol

Good luck with your search... you might actually find what you are looking for... unfortunantly for you it most likely be a baby girl who is actually a guy lol....but hey we all need loving!

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Why do these guys think that a girl that likes diapers is so different to every other girl that you don't need to make any effort. Then again, perhaps they use those lines on every girl they speak to.

And they wonder why they can't find anybody!

On another note, why is it so difficult to use capitals?

you don't start a sentence in lower case like this, or do what i am doing now and say i in lower case.


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lookin for my baby so i can diaper her cute little ass! =P any babygirls wanna chat?

So you meet a nice girl in the bar, and you get the will & strength to approach her. Are the first words out of your mouth going to be related to having sexual interactions with her? If so, how far do you think your going to get. If you get anywhere, how much quality are you going to experience through interacting with her. Women on this site have other interests, character, and morals. The less you appreciate them for who they are (people with feels, and a life outside of this role playing), and more for what they are (people who like to have sex while using diapers in some way) the less likely you will be in finding someone of great value. Why not try putting up a post that shows that you have the ability to trully care for a woman. If you don't sound like you could be a good Daddy, how do you expect a nice woman to assume you are a suitable Daddy. We all make mistakes, why be like so many others that keep making the same mistake, and don't learn from it.

Good luck,

Portland Daddy

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wow that felt good, i love being fucking gang raped...

in most forums normal people dont try to "help out" or give "constructive criticism" and just mainly stick with their own business you no why? because it doesnt really matter in the long run at all but instead i have about 7, 8 people in here trying to pry their way into my fucking affairs and "teach me the right way to make a post". thank you i got it down, i was just going for a casual post cause i was bored, and what did i get? absolute horseshit.

and to the people (ive pretty much gotten this all my life) that all they think about is punctuation and grammar...why do u care how i write? this question has been asked so many times and all u say is because it makes u look stupid or ur butchering the english language. shut the fuck up. it doesnt affect u in any way shape or form. so please save me jebus (simpsons quote thrown in) from these arrogant people. now im going to go rip and i really dont wanna see another post that concerns any one that wants to help, retaliate to what i just said or anything that doesnt have to do with an ab that wants to chat. cause i really didnt write this as a rebuttal or whatever i just want to end this now so i dont waste anymore of my fucking summer thanks buhbye ;D

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wow that felt good, i love being fucking gang raped...

in most forums normal people dont try to "help out" or give "constructive criticism" and just mainly stick with their own business you no why? because it doesnt really matter in the long run at all but instead i have about 7, 8 people in here trying to pry their way into my fucking affairs and "teach me the right way to make a post". thank you i got it down, i was just going for a casual post cause i was bored, and what did i get? absolute horseshit.

and to the people (ive pretty much gotten this all my life) that all they think about is punctuation and grammar...why do u care how i write? this question has been asked so many times and all u say is because it makes u look stupid or ur butchering the english language. shut the fuck up. it doesnt affect u in any way shape or form. so please save me jebus (simpsons quote thrown in) from these arrogant people. now im going to go rip and i really dont wanna see another post that concerns any one that wants to help, retaliate to what i just said or anything that doesnt have to do with an ab that wants to chat. cause i really didnt write this as a rebuttal or whatever i just want to end this now so i dont waste anymore of my fucking summer thanks buhbye ;D

Don't go away mad...Just go away. :rolleyes:

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What movie was that from? I can't think of it. As for the OP, you brought this on yourself by posting that stupid shit. Like Topguy said, just go away.

Here is an opportunity for you to learn, not only from other guys who have this interest, but a lady as well. You can take it, and just be mad, or you can learn from this experience. People may have been able to phrase their advise in a better manner, but would you rather they be honest, or fill your head with lies so you can hear it from womens mouths. Think about it, and allow yourself to grow from this experience.


Portland Daddy

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This is funny. I mean, i have nothing to contribute. They covered it all. But wow, to think... one line just started a nice little chain of critisizm. Tsk-tsk. Ya gotta learn. Take the advice of all repliers.


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