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Smelly Baby!

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I've heard it said that you will remember a smell long after you forget something you've seen or heard. I think this is true, for instance, if I sit in an old car (say from the 60s) it reminds me of being a kid, because cars had a different smell then.

So, what AB/DL related smells do you like, and why?

This could be anything from shampoo, to a type of bedding, fabric or clothing.

Baby powder is an obvious, and I would say that probably 99% of you reading this like it........why? Simply because it reminds us of a diaper change (in fact we probably spend so much on the stuff, the shareholders should write to this forum to thank us for our continued support).

Take care


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Let's see:

1. The Obvious One - baby powder - no explanation needed as to why

2. Baby shampoo

3. Diaper Rash Cream

4. Brand-new toy smell - I always felt happy when I got a brand new plushie or toy. I still feel that same way when I'm in a room of toys that have just been opened. They just have this smell to them that I like.

5. New pacifier or bottle smell - one of the #1 complete regression triggers for me, especially when coupled with #9 and/or 10.

6. Peanut Butter and Strawberry Jelly/Jam sandwiches (alternatives: PB & honey, PB & banana, or PB & marshmallow fluffy) - the "sandwich of childhood".

7. Grilled Cheese - the other "sandwich of childhood".

8. Beets! - My pap (grandfather) and I would always make pickled eggs & beets when I was younger.

9. Dietary supplement drinks like Ensure or Pediasure - makes me think of formula.

10. Milk - all flavors, mainly plain and chocolate.

Those are the main ones.

- Moogle

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Count me in for the 1% group who doesn't like baby powder - smells too sweet, too perfumed and way too babyish (I'm not into AB Stuff at all)...

but besides that, what does it for me is the FRESH (not used) smell of some diapers, some attends we get here do have this slightly, but only oh so slightly, sweet-plastic type of smell - it's weird, but that smell really gets my memories going.

Latex - damn, that smell makes me really "hot"... don't knwo why or where it comes from, but the first time I smelled it I just wanted to have something made from that material... call it weird or whatever...

As a boy (as I had infrequent, rare bedwetting accidents, but no diapers) I had some sort of rubber sheet under the mattress cover - it had a faint, but still very distinctive smell - I still remember the smell, but I have never found anything alike again - unfortunately.

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Count me in for the 1% group who doesn't like baby powder - smells too sweet, too perfumed and way too babyish (I'm not into AB Stuff at all)...

but besides that, what does it for me is the FRESH (not used) smell of some diapers, some attends we get here do have this slightly, but only oh so slightly, sweet-plastic type of smell - it's weird, but that smell really gets my memories going.

Latex - damn, that smell makes me really "hot"... don't knwo why or where it comes from, but the first time I smelled it I just wanted to have something made from that material... call it weird or whatever...

As a boy (as I had infrequent, rare bed wetting accidents, but no diapers) I had some sort of rubber sheet under the mattress cover - it had a faint, but still very distinctive smell - I still remember the smell, but I have never found anything alike again - unfortunately.

Like you I had a bit of a bed wetting problem as a pre teen boy. Same as you, my parents didn't put me back in diapers, but I did have a rubber sheet on the mattress, and that also had quite a strong smell that I haven't come across since. It wasn't like the latex they use for fetish clothing, it was a lot thicker/stiffer than that.


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I love the distinctive aroma or scent (I just can't call it a "smell") of Baby Magic Baby Lotion. It's a completely different scent than that of say, Johnson's Baby Lotion. It is perhaps my favorite all-time AB/DL scent. Many unforgetable memories have been indelibly etched into my mind through its use in the past, from my childhood continuing on through my adulthood.

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i would agree with new pacifier / bottle smell

I also love the smell of my blanket fresh from the wash

I like the smell of b eing in a wet diaper!!! Daddy really likes that too and baby lotion especially when Daddy rubs it all over me before we go out or after a bath and then sprinkles me with baby powder. Thats awesome

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I had a mommy once, who when I was changing apartments at the complex, was helping me move. There were a number of people barbequing in the courtyard below who heard her loudly proclaim, "Stinky baby! Stinky baby needs a diaper change!" This occurred repeatedly during the many trips necessary to move my stuff from the old apartment to the new. I'm not sure if this fits with the thread title here. I guess it's semantics. Stinky, smelly, what's the dif? Hey... And being below me, as I waddled with my load, afforded them all with a prime view of of my soaked condition, drooping below the hem of my little dressy. :o


--heidilynn ;)

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Men's deodorant

Laundry steam being piped outside

J&J's Lotion


Space heaters (especially when they smell vaguely like hot dogs...does anyone else know what I'm talking about?)

Chimney smoke

Screen door/window mesh

Christmas trees

Vinyl dolls

Lincoln logs (I don't know what kind of wood they used, but it had a very distinct smell)


Polyester lace & tulle

Cheap costume wigs

Autumn leaves


A pillowcase full of Halloween candy

Hazelnut coffee


Certain books

Watercolor and Tempera paints, crayons

A certain brand of fruity-scented markers

Big Bear cupcakes

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Men's deodorant

Laundry steam being piped outside

J&J's Lotion


Space heaters (especially when they smell vaguely like hot dogs...does anyone else know what I'm talking about?)

Chimney smoke

Screen door/window mesh

Christmas trees

Vinyl dolls

Lincoln logs (I don't know what kind of wood they used, but it had a very distinct smell)


Polyester lace & tulle

Cheap costume wigs

Autumn leaves


A pillowcase full of Halloween candy

Hazelnut coffee


Certain books

Watercolor and Tempera paints, crayons

A certain brand of fruity-scented markers

Big Bear cupcakes

I know all except for the Big Bear cupcakes

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Let's see:

1. The Obvious One - baby powder - no explanation needed as to why

2. Baby shampoo

3. Diaper Rash Cream

4. Brand-new toy smell - I always felt happy when I got a brand new plushie or toy. I still feel that same way when I'm in a room of toys that have just been opened. They just have this smell to them that I like.

5. New pacifier or bottle smell - one of the #1 complete regression triggers for me, especially when coupled with #9 and/or 10.

6. Peanut Butter and Strawberry Jelly/Jam sandwiches (alternatives: PB & honey, PB & banana, or PB & marshmallow fluffy) - the "sandwich of childhood".

7. Grilled Cheese - the other "sandwich of childhood".

8. Beets! - My pap (grandfather) and I would always make pickled eggs & beets when I was younger.

9. Dietary supplement drinks like Ensure or Pediasure - makes me think of formula.

10. Milk - all flavors, mainly plain and chocolate.

Those are the main ones.

Grilled cheese is the best. Daddy makes me a peanut butter and jam sandwich before dinner at night cause i get real hungry. And grilled cheese is our favourite lunch. Its way way way good.

- Moogle

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My freshly bathed babybear, lavender baby powder, and his stinky pants! When I'm not dealing with morning sickness anyhow. Cuz stinky pants means I get to clean him up, which I enjoy doing,and I'm lucky, maybe naughty dirty diaper sexy time!

:o silly girl, the bath comes AFTER my stinkypants, not that i'd ever do something like that.

As far as smells, yeah, baby powder is alright i guess, not the as much the girly lavender baby powder, but i guess if she likes it it works for me ;)

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