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  1. Digime

    Hello :3

    Hello everyone. Finally joined this site instead of just lurking about the place. Am looking forward to posting some bits and bobs. Will add more after several cups of coffee and its later than 07:45am :-p
  2. For the last several months I've noticed something strange. When I login to the forum I typically click on my name in the upper right, and drop down to My Content. If I'm understanding how this is supposed to work, it shows threads I have either started or posted on and if there is a new post on that thread it shows up in dark font and is moved to the top of the list for most current. However, what I often see is if I scroll down a bit, some threads show up with dark black font, may even be starred (not sure what that means) but are not moved up to the top. These threads, when I click into them, don't appear to have any new content from the last time I checked them. On the flip side, when I manually browse threads, occasionally I'll find one that I commented on a while back with new posts attached, but they never showed up as "new" in the My Content area. Perhaps linked to this, perhaps not, If I manually browse a whole sub-forum I'll typically read the threads that appeal to me and then click the Mark This Forum as Read option. I may come back to that forum late in my visit to find some things marked as unread, some as read, w/o any apparent new content. TLDR: Is the forum software flaky when it comes to new/unread content for logged in users?
  3. Hi, um.. I'm RawrRawr, or Skittles, Or Batman, Or Sarah. Either one of those works, really. I'm new here. (duh) And I just wanted to say hi to everyone. I'm still trying to figure this out.
  4. New to the daily diaper forums but not to dailydiapers, I've been into the lifestyle for awhile now since I was 3 or 4 years old. Umm I like to ageplay but I don't live the lifestyle 24/7 too expensive and don't have the time for it. But anyway just saying HI and looking forward to meeting people in my area.
  5. Hello everyone! Just thought I would say hi! I've had a few close friends, and girlfriends that I've shared, and indulged my fantasies with. They were all vary understanding, and some kinda loved the idea of it. But I've never really talked to anyone else that shares the same fantasies as me. That's why I joined this community, To hopefully find someone to talk to that fully understands. I live in Oklahoma, and I'm currently attending NEO A&M college to get my degree in Computer Science. I'm just a few hours short of finishing. I've already written some programs, and hoping all the work that I put into them will pay off in learning. I have a couple of weird jobs, I'm a Stage/lighting-tech, PA, and sometimes an audio engineer (I also have my own studio equipment) and I also work for a local real estate company that give nice living at low prices, and is slowly trying to rebuild our down town. (but I haven't had much work with them lately..) I currently, as I type this, am in a diaper, while sucking my paci I'm still a lil' shy when it comes to sharing my sexual activities, but I kinda have the urge to. I can't even remember how far back it's been when I wanted to be diapered.. So that kinda gives you an idea that I've basically had these feelings all my life. I use to be extremely embarrassed about it, I never even thought about telling anyone! The first time I ever talked to anyone about I was in Highschool. I think it was my senior year was the first time I told someone. It was my girlfriend of the time. I was to shy to tell her in person.. so I texted it to her. well, she kinda wanted it from me. She's always known that I had a fetish, and she wanted to know. After I sent her that text, our relationship started falling apart. That kinda made me never want to tell anyone ever again.. But I got over her, then I met another girl. I told her fairly quickly, and she was ok with it, but not too open. She didn't want to do much, but I was cool with it. After that relationship ended, I become more open with it, and started telling more people. I've never told a guy though.. I've started telling some of my close friends about it, they both seem pretty interested, and one even teases me which really makes me feel.. idk, happy! The last relationship I was in was the most active. Once I told her, we started getting a little bit too handsy. We did quite of bit of stuff, she's the first, and still last to diaper me, give me a bottle, and put a paci in my mouth. It was real soothing, and I felt real close to her. It was a great feeling playing with someone who enjoyed it almost as much as I do! I finally got to diaper her (her decision) and I got to treat her like a baby. It was quite simply amazing being the 'daddy'. Well I kinda got carried away on this post, but I just love to talk about this. If you read all of this, then I thank you If you would like to know more, I'm totally open to talking about anything Thank you for reading!
  6. My, my... Hello everyone, I have been ageplaying for a long time, and actually have a bit of an obsession with it in that it pours over into my real life. It's about time I came to terms with who I am. I've always used babytalk around my grandmother for example, and still whine and talk like that around her, because she raised me like a mother. I do the same around my real mother but my real mother is more like a friend because I don't really know her...:C I always get the urge to cuddle with people, but it usually gets me in trouble because no one wants to cuddle a 19 year old girl, it's supposedly like flirting. My name is Katie, I am a real woman, not transexual, not sissy here, I really am a woman. I have no problem with trans or sissies, but so far I've been worried that I'm one of the few AB's who are actually women. I am 19 years old. Bisexual. In a relationship, but so far my little AB secret has been kept in the closet. My boyfriend enjoys ageplaying with me online, but I don't think he realizes the full extent of it, that I like to ageplay in real life too. I have never 'truly' ageplayed with a partner in real life yet, but I am sure I would love to and look forward to it. I do not wear diapers except as punishment, and I do not enjoy scat. I may enjoy a little watersports, and may wear plastic pants but not if I have to sit in it wet! Gross. I mostly like to be a child, but since I was a real little girl I've always wanted children of my own to baby so I can play the part of the Mommy too. There are several reasons "Why" I am what I am, but I don't feel the need to go into it unless asked. My personalities: 1) Moonchild, or Katie, age 5 to 16 (most often, usually 6 to 10) 2) Mommy, age 35 to 42 (sometimes) 3) Little/Big Sister (sometimes) 4) Babysitter (rarely) I'm looking forward to telling my boyfriend one day, and that he will accept it and sometimes play the role of my Daddy for me. Because 'Daddy and his Little Girl' is my favorite kind of playship. Sometimes Moon will dress up real glitzy and girly, other times, she's a total tomboy. I roleplay online a ton, and I expect top grammar, writing, as well as commitment from anyone who roleplays with me or wants to adopt me. Sorry, but it's the way it is. :/ The only exception is if I were to play the part of Mommy and adopt a little one. In that case, baby talk is okay. I am an artist, writer, and game maker. I am a furry and love anime, games, and reading. I love adorable little girl clothes and the colors black, white, red and gray. Aaaand, that's it from me I guess. Now, a word from Moon! Hello everyone! My name is Moon, and I just know that I'm going to love it here soooo much. Big sister Katie told me that she looked around here for awhile and that everyone seemed so nice and fun that she just had to join! As for me, well, hehe, I just go where she goes! Heeehee. I hope you all are as nice as she says you are! : O Because I'd love people to play with me! Hmmm....I like my sippy cup a lot cause it has a unicorn on it and Big Sister always fills it up with the most yummy juice! Yummmmmmyyyy. I also like my stuffed animals, especially my stuffed sheep Bob. Bob. I love you Bob! *nuzzles her sheep* Hehe. My favorite color is blue and I really like horsies. My favorite thing to play with is My Little Ponies : D Ooooh...uh oh, looks like big sister says I'm talking too much! Time for me to go now, it was nice to meet you! *giggles* -Moonchild And from Mommy: Well, my name isn't really Mommy, it's Caitlin. Haha. It's very nice to meet you all. I've always wanted to baby things since I was a little girl myself. I don't particularly enjoy changing diapers, but if my little sweety needs it I guess I have to! Most of all, I like holding my little ones in my arms and rocking them back and forth. Sometimes, I'll rest my head on top of theirs and sing them a little song. I would never hurt my child, but if they do something wrong they'll be told so. Children are my specialty, and any child of my own would be treated with the utmost care. Just hearing them tell me "I love you, Mommy," or seeing them look up at me with their big eyes is enough to warm my heart for a long time. -Mommy
  7. Hi everyone! I’m new to the whole diaper world and want to know more. When my boyfriend first told me about this fetish I was kind of freaked out. But knowing I have my own things I’m into and I love him and appreciate how much he trust me to share this, I have been learning more. Just now he gave me this website (which he has learned from). After learning more about what specifically he is into and about the whole AB/DL world I want to know what I can do for him. He is not an AB just a DL. I know he would love for me to wear one, where do I find diapers? Are these the same kind I can find at the store for older adults? What is it you do as a couple? Is it treated like lingerie (something to look at and get turned on by) or like a rubber fetish (meant to be kept on, the feel is the whole point)? I don’t mind the answers being graphic, I just want to know what other men like and what I can do to be part of this with someone I love. And if you had your choice what would you want your significant other to know or do? Thank you for any help, advice or pointers you all can give me!
  8. I'm not going to indicate the sex of my partner because I'm not sure if they go on this site. I recently found out my partner is a DL. I go back and forth between feeling supportive/mostly okay to very uncomfortable. The whole idea of diaper fetish is very foreign to me. I have no fetishes of my own so I don't think I can relate. This is very hard for me to honestly accept. I just feel like I'm lost because the person I fell in love with seems like somebody completely different **in my eyes** even though nothing has changed other than my knowledge of the diaper fetish. I just don't know what to do, what to think, what to say or how to act around my partner anymore. It's like this taboo thing has creeped in between us, staring at me, waiting for me to accept it or abandon it and I don't want to do either but I don't want to do "nothing" and I'm clueless as to how to perceive and proceed.
  9. [DD] Site Updated 08/09/11 DailyDiapers has just been Updated! http://www.dailydiapers.com/ Today's Update: 22 New Photos Added! 04 New Videos added! 03 Links Added! 98 New Forum Members - Now 22,406 Members! 58 babies joined Diaper Fetish Crowd - 4,007 Diaper Lovers! 61 New Profiles added to DiaperMates - Now 13,585 Members! 04 New Review Added - Asda Little Angels, AMD Slip, ABU Cushies, Bambino - Please submit yours! We Need Your Content! Photos, Videos, Stories - Be a part of the daily diapers community by submitting your original stuff to allaboutdiapers@hotmail.com ------------------------------------------------------ NiceDiaper ABDL Wear Adult Diapers, Plastic pants, Trainers and more! http://nicediaper.com/
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