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  1. WOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Here we are with another one-off story that suddenly came to me! It's a fun idea that I had that wouldn't go away until I actually started writing it! Brand Ambassadorable by Panther Cub "Ooooooooooh, Valoooooorieeeeeee..." The feminine voice echoed a bit through the copse of trees. The vixen was working on controlling her breathing as she ran, ducking under low-hanging branches and hopping over exposed roots and fallen logs. Mentally, Valorie was glad that she had maintained her running regimen. Granted, it was mainly to help her maintain her toned body and stay slim, but still, the stamina was proving quite useful in keeping some distance between herself and the source of the voice calling her name. And to think that the only reason she had gone running in the first place tonight was to shake off some stress. Coming to a little clearing, she slowed to a light jog, taking a moment to look around and get her bearings. Recognizing the pond with the stump next to it, she knew that if she continued to head west, she'd be home free in no time. And I can forget all about this stupid idea, she thought to herself. She picked the pace back up, her orange ears twitching at the sound of crunching twigs and leaves behind her rapidly growing louder. She started pumping her legs a bit harder, wincing as some brambles caught her navy blue athletic shorts and light blue tank-top, creating little tears in both. "Quit acting like such a baby!" The voice called out, now closer. Oh great, she's locked onto my scent! Valorie cursed at herself under her breath. "That's why I'm running! And I don't plan on acting like one anytime soon!" She called back over her shoulder. Looking ahead, she could see it. Her house! Heading straight for it, she was too focused on the figure behind her to notice the second one hiding in a bush on the side of the path until it was too late. A large dark figure leapt out from the brush and tackled the vixen to the ground. Valorie yipped and hissed and scratched, but it was no use. Her upper paws were pinned to the forest floor as she was forced onto her back, staring up first at the twinkling stars visible in the openings in the leafy canopy above, and then into the triumphantly smiling face of her sister, Candice. Mandy, having been hot on Valorie's trail, was soon joining them, taking a minute to catch her breath. Both were wearing similar flannel shirts and jean shorts. "Damn, Val, I was worried we weren't gunna get ya!" Many said, straightening up and giving both of them a thumbs up. Candice And Many were both very large timber wolves, with similar gray, black, and light brown fur colorations. "Let me go!" Val whined, ineffectually kicking her legs. She hated how much larger than her Candice and Mandy were. Of course, she was a fox and they were wolves, so it's not as though the natural size difference wasn't understandable. "Oh no, baby sister!" Candice said with a roll of her eyes. "Not until we're done pitching our idea to Dad and Mom! And for that, one of us needs to get into character!" The she-wolf pinning the smaller canid down looked over to their sister, who winked and padded a satchel resting against her hip. With the tear of velcro, the flap was opened, and something rolled up was tossed to Candice, who caught it in her free paw. Unrolling it revealed a rectangle that, even in the sparse light of the moon, was a loud and bright pink with glittery flower designs set into it. Once it was unfurled on the ground next to Val, she found herself transferred on top of its cushiony surface, her arms re-pinned above her head once she was set on it. "We don't have to do this!" Valorie looked around, seeing Mandy approaching while digging into the satchel. She pulled out a folded up white rectangle that the vixen zeroed in on, barely noticing the canister that was also pulled out and set down next to her. "Val, will you stop being so immature? It's just a diaper." Candice sighed and rolled her eyes, grabbing and gently sliding off Val's shorts and panties. "Yeah? Then why don't you go and put a diaper on yourself?!" "Because you're the smallest--" Candice started, before she was cut off by Mandy. "And the cutest!" Mandy giggled and knelt down next to the changing pad. She gripped Valorie's ankles and used her free paw to grab the baby powder, liberally dusting Valorite's soon-to-be diaper area. "Is that necessary?!" "A clean and good-smelling baby is a happy baby!" "I'm not a baby!" The blushing vixen said as her powdered bottom was gently laid down onto an even more cushiony and lightly crinkling surface. She froze as Candice brought the front of the diaper up and snugly taped it into place. The girls rolled Valorie over to secure her tail through the hole in the back and apply the tape right above the base of said tail, before releasing her. She quickly scrambled to her feet and stepped back, the diaper wrapped around her waist forcing her to step with a slight waddle as she looked down at the bright green paw prints decorating it. It had darker green around the leg gathers and the landing strip. "If it's any consolation, that's a Pawpers Size 6 diaper for wolf pups!" Mandy said, her tail thumping against a nearby tree. "Why would I want to know that?!" Valorie huffed, blushing at the thought that even at age 18 she still fit perfectly into a diaper made for actual wolf babies and toddlers. "And what's to stop me from just ripping this dumb thing off and running back home?" "You mean, aside from running around in the bright moonlight with no bottoms on where the neighbors can potentially see you before you make it into the house?" Valorie winced at that, not having thought of that. She looked around and couldn't see her shorts or underwear, so assumed either Candice or Mandy had taken them. "Then how about the fact that this could really help Dad?" Mandy asked, making her eyes look larger and more watery, having always been a master of the puppy eyes. "... You two are crazy if you think that this is going to work." Val huffed and crossed her arms, silently swearing to shave her sisters' tails if anyone saw her like this. "It's better than trying nothing!" Candice insisted, paws on her hips. "So you look a little silly for a picture or two? At least you'll actually be helping the family since Dad lost his job." The diapered vixen winced at that. Ever since their father's family photography business went under, financially the family hadn't been doing too well. Val knew this and felt guilty about still trying to pursue her dream career as a model, but had reasoned, at least to herself, that when she made it big, she could help out the family easily. "Plus, there's no way we're not gunna win the contest!" Mandy practically cheered, walking over and scooping the shocked Val into her arms, causing the vixen to let out a yip of surprise. A paw firmly resting underneath Val's padded bottom, Mandy held her sister to her chest, looking down at the fox in her arms. "Val, you're cute. I'm sorry, but you are just ridiculously adorable. Always have been, always will be. And dressed up like a baby? That's multiplying your cute factor by, like, 1,000! Combine that with Dad's skill as a photographer, and we're gunna win that $10,000 grand prize!" Val let out a whine and hung her head. "Ugh... fiiiiine! But after we get this over and done with, we never speak of it again!" Candice giggled and shook her head. "Sorry, baby sister, but this is just too cute not to talk about. Heck, you should consider yourself lucky that we're not gunna ask Dad to make some of the pics into postcards to send out to the rest of the family at Christmas!" Val wanted to argue more, but the gentle rubbing of her back from Mandy was helping her to calm down a bit. Still in her sister's arms, they walked the rest of the way back to their house, the diminutive canid internally grumbling the entire way. * * * "... So let me get this straight," Shaun said, rubbing his temples. The middle-aged fluffy white arctic wolf in the khaki slacks and the light blue polo shirt looked over his three daughters, his eyes zeroing in once again on Valorie, standing there and shuffling her feet nervously, wearing just a pink t-shirt and a diaper; and sighed. "You three saw an ad for the Pawpers company, for a photo contest. With the goal of recreating a classic Pawpers ad from back in the 80s or 90s, and the winner receiving $10,000, you decided that your sister should dress up like a baby and pose for it?" "We know that money is tight right now..." Candice said, rubbing her arm, trailing off at the stern expression on their father's face. "Plus, it's a chance for you to get some more exposure! You're a great photographer, Daddy!" Mandy chimed in, her tail tucking itself between her legs. "A-and with how cute Val is... we'd probably win..." "I think it's a wonderful idea!" Four pairs of eyes snapped to the source of the voice to see another she-wolf, closer in age to Shaun but with the same fur coloration as Candice and Mandy, sitting on the couch, her tail wagging so fast that it was a blur thumping against the cushions. She was wearing a simple white blouse and a pair of well-worn jeans. "Honey?" Shaun looked a bit confused. Celia hopped up from the couch to walk over and scoop Valorie into her arms, cradling and cooing at the vixen. "All my girls are so pretty, but Valorie, you never stopped being as cute as a button like when you were just a little baby girl! Who's a pretty baby princess? Is it you? I think it is!" Val blushed at the cooing and babytalk and was about to voice her own misgivings... when her mother pulled up the pink shirt a bit to start blowing a loud raspberry onto the exposed white fuzzy tummy. Instead, Valorie squealed and giggled and kicked her legs, calming down again only after Celia took a seat with her still in her arms, now rocking the vixen. "That's my precious wittle baby! OOOOOH! If you pose for the pictures, then with your father taking them, we'll be bound to win!" "You really think so, Celia?" Shaun asked, now rubbing his chin and looking thoughtful. "Of course!" "Hmm... what do you think, Val? Are you okay with this whole arrangement?" Shaun asked while walking over and gently prying his smallest daughter away from his wife, with only a bit of a difficulty. He held her up in his paws under her arms. She gave him a sour look before exhaling. "Yeah. Plus, this could be my big ticket to becoming a model." Shaun chuckled and smiled, his fluffy white tail slowly swishing back and forth. "Okay... I start setting up all the props and background and such up in my office. Girls," he said while addressing Candice and Mandy "can I see the ad we'll be recreating?" Mandy nodded and gleefully reached into her back pocket to pull out a rolled up magazine, opening it to the page. Shaun looked it over and looked at Val. "Hmm... well, the outfit's a match. And I think I have just the props. Okay ladies, just give me a few minutes and we can knock this out of the park!" "YAY!" Mandy said, taking Val from their father's arms and setting her against her hip. "Hoo-ray," Val said sarcastically. A short while of being fussed over by her mother and sisters, including Mandy absentmindedly tugging out the back of her diaper for a quick check like she does for little cousin Emma when babysitting, and Shaun returned. Looking excited, he took Valorie into his arms and carried her back to his study, stopping just outside the door. "Are you sure that you're okay with this, pumpkin?" Val looked up into her father's eyes and blushed. "Yeah... I'm sure." Shaun planted a gentle kiss on her forehead and pushed open the door. Val looked around and saw that his desk had been shoved to the side, the magazine open right at the ad. Looking closer from where she was in Shaun's arms, Val could see that the pic was of a little vixen kit standing next to a box of crayons and a coloring book. They had a green crayon in their paw and had drawn some squiggles on the white wall of the room they were in, with the vixen looking back and smiling, only a few milk teeth visible. Above it was the caption. "Babies make messes, one way or another. With Pawpers Heavy-Dooty, you can at least keep the worst of them contained." "Well... I guess it could be worse..." "Yup! There's one ad that takes place in the middle of a diaper change." Shaun set Valorie onto the floor next to a splayed open coloring book and... a box of crayons. Sighing, Val grabbed a simple green one and started to make a squiggle, doing her best to get it to look similar to the one she had just seen. Behind her, she heard her father adjusting equipment and objects. With a couple of clicks, and some brighter lights were now shining on the diapered vixen. "Okay, sweetie. Can you turn to face the camera for a moment?" Val complied, hearing several clicks. "Good job. Now we just need to experiment for a bit with your facial expressions." Doing as she was told, Val made a number of similar expressions, her annoyance slowly rising. However, she figured that as a model, she would have to perform repetitive actions with all sorts of variations all the time, which allowed her to push down any negative emotions and focus only on doing a satisfactory job. "Alright, that was perfect!" Shaun said, heading over to his computer to upload the images from his phone. Taking the hint she didn't need to pose anymore, Val simply plopped down to the hardwood floor on her padded posterior. Getting back to her feet, she waddle-walked over to her father and tried to hop onto his desk like usual. Instead, just as she was ready to hop, he simply picked her up and sat her on his lap. "Here we are, sweetie! The six best pics!" Val looked up at the monitor screen, her eyes going wide. If it weren't for the size difference and having all her adult teeth, she looked like the spitting image of the baby fox from the original ad. Clicking on the bottom middle one, Shaun grinned. "I think we've got a winner, Val! What do you think?" Shun looked down just as Val looked up, his smile proving to be infectious. "I think this one looks the best, Daddy," Val said, pointing to the current enlarged pic. In it, her eyes shone with excitement that, now that she could see it for herself, Val was shocked to find a twinkle of mischief and pure joy on her own face that looked far more genuine that it had felt when she was making the face. One Month Later... "Seriously, Mom?!" Celia looked away from the batch of sugar cookie dough she was rolling to see Valorie looking up at her with a sour expression on her face. Celia was wearing a simple blue sundress, whereas Val was wearing a bright yellow skirt-all over a white t-shirt. The skirt-all had a smiling butterfly on the chest. "What's the matter, sweetie?" Celia asked, concerned. Val simply rolled her eyes before gesturing to her outfit. "Why was this in my closet?!" Val put her paws on her hips. "Hmm? Oh! That was your cousin Emma's favorite play outfit, but thanks to her recent growth spurt, it's too small for her. So your Auntie Kay and Uncle Ryan sent that over." Valorie winced at that. Being the exact same size as her three year old cousin was bad enough, but now learning that said cousin was already bigger than her? It was another point of embarrassment for the vixen. "Well, I'm too old for hand-me-downs! Especially ones that come from younger family members!" Val stomped her foot and looked up at her mother in frustration, but Celia could only chuckle at the cute pout Val was making. "Sweetie, if you don't like it, then why did you put it on?" Val blushed a bit. "All my other clothes are in the laundry! I didn't have anything else to wear." "Well, if it's any consolation, honey, it looks adorable on you." Val crossed her arms and started stomping away. "Does this mean you don't want a cookie? The first batch was cool enough to ice, sweetheart." Val's ears twitched and she did a quick u-turn, stomping her way back to the large she-wolf. Val silently held up a paw, awaiting her promised cookie. "Honey, what do we say?" Celia asked, wagging a finger. Val huffed and rolled her eyes, puffing out her cheeks a bit. "May I please have a cookie?" The vixen was rewarded with a star-shaped treat, green icing slathered on top. She scurried off with it while Celia chuckled. Her ears twitched at the sound of the doorbell suddenly ringing. Having finished off her cookie, unaware that she had some green icing smeared around her muzzle, Val, being nearest the front door, made a beeline right for it. "I got it!" Valorie called out, smoothing out her colorful skirtall before reaching for the door knob. She opened the door to find a gigantic tigress smiling down at her. Val felt her tail tuck itself in between her legs as she felt a sense of authority practically radiating off the much larger feline, who was dressed in a charcoal gray skirt suit. "Oh my goodness," the tigress said with a purr, quickly reaching down and picking Valorie up from under the arms with her massive paws. The vixen felt frozen as the tigress gazed at her. "You look just even more adorable in person!" "Val, baby? Who is it?" Celia asked, walking into the living room. She spotted the large female holding up her littlest girl and rapidly made her way over, practically snatching the vixen away to cradle in her arms. "May I help you?" Celia asked, side-eyeing the stranger. The tigress smiled warmly and extended a paw. "Lisa Stripleton. I'm a representative of Pawpers Inc." After shaking Celia's paw, she handed her a business card with the Pawpers logo on the top right corner. "May I come in?" "Oh, my," Celia said, at a loss for words. She nodded and moved aside to allow the large feline into their home. They got settled on the couch, now with Val sitting on her mother's lap. "First and foremost, I'm here to inform you and your family that your submission for our contest for our up-and-coming Nostalgia line of diapers was selected as the winner and to award you with the ten thousand dollar prize!" Celia was then handed a check that made both her and Valerie do double-takes. "W-we won?" Val asked, receiving a ruffling of her headfur in response. "You sure did, cutie! Why, the picture was such amazing quality, that we're actually interested in offering the photographer a job with our company!" "Wait... WHAT?!" Valorie asked, blown away that this whole hairbrained scheme... actually worked! "That's right, honey-pie! A Mr. Shaun Howler was the photographer, correct?" Lisa turned to ask Celia. Everything about this woman made Val feel so... small. "Is he here?" "H-he's out doing a little grocery shopping with our other daughters," Celia stammered, having subconsciously shifted Val so that she could now start bouncing the vixen on her knee. "Well that's alright. We can make an appointment for a proper meet and greet and see how he feels about becoming a member of the Pawpers team. But, he's not the only one here that we want to extend such an invitation to..." As Lisa trailed off, Val realized that she was looking directly at her. Confused and a little worried, Val looked between her and her mother, before asking her question. "Me? In what way?" Celia also looked confused at the notion, still bouncing Val on her knee. "You were just so precious in that photo that not only are we gunna be printing it onto the new line of diaper packages, but we're also going to print it in all of our newspaper and magazine ad space, and on billboards too!" Val stared with wide, hollow eyes, realizing that her padded butt was going to be posted everywhere publicly. "We would love for you to become one of our brand ambassadors!" That snapped Val back to attention. "Brand Ambassador?" Valorie asked in confusion, looking between her Mom and the tigress. "For Pawpers? B-but, I'm 18!" "Yes, and you are also just cute as a button!" "That she is!" Celia said while her tail thumped the couch. She leaned in closer to Val and gave her a happy squeeze. "Honey, this sounds perfect! You've always wanted to be a model, and now here you are with your big break!" "My... big break?" Val seemed lost in thought for a bit. "Absolutely!" Lisa chimed in. "A potential great stepping stone into a long and lucrative modeling career!" "But I'm an adult!" Val looked up at her mother for some backup, only for Celia to look at her quizzically. The she-wolf then grabbed a tissue from a nearby tissue box and gave it a lick before reaching down to scrub away the green icing smear that was still on the vixen's muzzle. "M-MOM!" Val whined after her face had been cleaned. "Sorry, sweetie, but I forgot how much of a messy eater you can be." Celia chuckled and hugged her daughter to her chest, setting her back down on her lap. Lisa chuckled at the display. "What does a brand ambassador actually... do?" Val asked with narrowed eyes. "Well, for starters, they get to try out all sorts of products made by the brand they represent. They give their input on what they like and don't like, and usually make blogs about the whole experience. When a brand involves clothing and other things to wear, they also model for the brand! And, the best part, this is all done free of charge! You can see how you like being our brand ambassador and, if you find that it isn't for you, you can stop at any time. But, if it turns out you enjoy it, we can go ahead and hire you on properly as one of our little models!" "But... that's all stuff for... babies and toddlers! I can't believe I have to say this again, but I am an adult!" Val huffed and crossed her arms. "Oh honey, the fact that you're a big girl is what makes you so perfect for the role!" "Huh?" Val looked up at the tigress, confused as Lisa let out a small sigh. "It's actually quite the hassle having actual babies as models. I mean, they're babies. You can't exactly give them instructions to follow. If they're feeling fussy, that can end up wasting valuable shooting time. They require just so much care, and then there's the parents. Not all, but a lot of them tend to have rather... unrealistic aspirations for their little ones, even at such early ages. And speaking of, we come to the biggest problem when working with such young ones. They literally grow up so fast! But, as an adult vixen, the perfect size for wolf pup diapers, and not gunna get any bigger... you offer a unique opportunity. A baby model that will stay the same for years to come!" Val thought it over, a part of her unable to believe that she was even remotely entertaining this ridiculous idea. She did reason that the picture of her was going to be seen by everyone anyway, so anyone she knew would likely already be seeing her in a diaper as it was. While this would be more humiliating over time... she would still be breaking onto the modeling scene. And after a few years of playing the baby, she could then move up to perfumes, or something even fancier. Plus, they were offering her Dad a job... and it's not like it could hurt just trying out this brand ambassadorship... "Okay... I-I'll give it a try." "This is so exciting!" Celia practically cheered while Lisa looked pleased. The tigress reached over and ruffled Val's headfur once more. "You made the right choice, honey!" Val rolled her eyes and huffed as her mother cuddled her close. One month later... "I-is this really necessary?" Val asked, laying on the brand new seafoam green changing mat, next to a bunch of boxes with the Pawpers logo that had been delivered earlier that day. She had on a plain white t-shirt and her legs were lifted up by Celia, who was in the process of applying a generous dusting of baby powder. "Absolutely, my sweet little brand ambassador!" The motherly she-wolf cooed and lowered Valorie's legs, letting her bottom come to rest on the surprisingly thick pink and purple diaper. Pulling up the front and taping it snug, it revealed a sleepy-looking crescent moon on the front. A constellation of stars wearing night caps smiled up at the mama wolf from the vixen's padded bottom when she had Val roll over a bit to secure the tail hole tape. "There! All nice and snug and ready for naptime!" "But Mooooom," Val whined, getting up and having to stand even more bow-legged than before, this being a Pawpers thicker sleep diaper. "I'm not even tired!" Celia just booped Val's nose and giggled. "That's okay! You're just trying these products out. For instance, how does your new diaper feel?" "It feels kinda bulky, and makes walking around kinda awkward," Val truthfully said, taking a few unsure steps. "Well, they are pretty much for naptime and bedtime, so running around in them was not really a priority, I imagine." "Again, why do I have to try them on now?" Val was blushing almost as much as when the boxes had arrived. "Well, now that Daddy and your big sisters have finished setting up your new crib, we thought this would be a great opportunity to try it out." "B-but!" "C'mon, sweetie! Just give it a little try now and see how you like it. Then, after, say, ten minutes you aren't fast asleep, you can be let out of your crib!" Val looked up into the warmth emanating from her mother's eyes and sighed, looking away. "Whatever..." "Excellent! Now let's just get you into your jammies and then you'll be all ready for beddy!" Celia reached over into another box and pulled out a bright pink footie onesie, with glittery green butterflies on it. Pulling the zipper down in the back, the mama wolf then sprinkled a pawful of baby powder inside, giving the jammies a bit of a shake. "There! That should make this feel even more comfy and smell nice!" Seeing it being held open for her, Val let out her greatest sigh yet, and stepped into the leg holes, blushing even more as her mother helped pull the sleeves on over Val's arms. With the big bushy and orange tail snugly secured through yet another tail hole, she then gently zipped it right back up, checking to make sure the garment wasn't too tight or restrictive in other areas. Picking Val up into her arms, she then walked over to Val's room, where a pink and white crib sat, a soft mobile dangling right above, displaying plush multi-colored stars. "Would you like a drink, honey?" Her mother asked, to which Val simply shook her head no. "Alright, baby. Now remember our deal?" Val nodded, prompting Celia to smile some more. "So when I come back in fifteen minutes and don't find you asleep, you can run around and play some more." Val rolled her eyes as she was tucked into the soft fleece of the green and blue blanket. Celia then reached up and started the mobile, which began to slowly spin and very quietly play a sweet lullaby. Staying awake for fifteen minutes? No biggie. Val let out a yawn as she watched the spinning stars above. Despite fighting it, her eyelids began to droop, until they closed, and she was laying there in her crib, lightly snoring away. Celia's tail wagged as she watched her youngest daughter sleeping, her heart swelling with joy at having her littlest pup back once more. Leaning down over the rails of the crib, Celia gently kissed Valorie's cheek. "Sweet dreams, my little kit," she said, looking around the room before turning off the light and exiting. Half an hour later, Val groggily woke up, her bladder full. She looked around confused, still half asleep, as she untangled herself from the blanket. Waddling around, trying to find an exit that didn't exist, her bladder reached critical mass, and with her legs pushed apart, she couldn't hold it. Whimpering initially, she calmed down as she felt the sudden release. Sitting with a light squish, Val let out a yawn and allowed the twinkling lullaby still coming from the pretty mobile above to lull her back to sleep. Epilogue... "Oh my goodness! These are all just perfect!" Lisa practically squealed as she looked through the various pictures in the portfolio handed to her. They were all of Val trying out the different Pawpers products. One was of her in just a green t-shirt and one of the thick night diapers, laying on her back fast asleep in her crib. The next was on Val, a Pawper peeking out from the hem of the adorable skirtall as Val, green binky in her mouth, pouted up at the camera from inside a yellow and blue playpen, standing up and clinging to the mesh wall. The next pic must've been taken a few minutes later, as it showed her sitting with her legs splayed, playing with a stacking ring while still in said playpen. The next picture the motherly tigress took a look at was of Valorie, now in just a pink tank-top and one of her Pawpers, sitting in the pink princess-themed high chair they'd sent the family. She had on a blue bib with a ducky on it and was being fed a spoonful of pink baby food by one of her sisters, Mandy. There were already a couple of pink splatters on the bib and a little around her muzzle. Cut to the next photo, which showed Valorie in a bright green dress, the hemline of which only covered the top third of her diaper, as she was clearly trying to open a safety baby gate at the top of some stairs. The next photo was of her in the same outfit, now being given a piggyback ride on Candice's shoulders as the she-wolf walked them down the stairs. The next few were of a family outing at the park. Valorie was looking a little nervous safely buckled in her pink and white stroller. She was hugging a bright white teddy bear with a pink bow tied around its neck, close to her chest. Her headfur had been bunched up into two little pigtails, and she was presently wearing her play skirt-all once more, though her diaper was on full display. There were a couple of pictures of her playing on a jungle gym and some swings. She was sitting on a teeter-totter with a happy-looking little wolf boy on the other end. And the wolf boy along with a little racoon girl in a pink dress and a bear cub in just a yellow shirt and diaper all playing in a sandbox. "Maybe we can get the parents of those children to sign waivers to use these pics they're in," Lisa mumbled to herself, her tail swishing a bit in excitement. She smiled as she looked over the blog Val had set up on their site where her pictures were uploaded, after they were approved by the company. The reviews dating a few weeks back to when Val first started using their products still made the tigress chuckle. The nighttime diapers are too thick to walk around in. But I guess... they do their job really well... The straw berry baby food I guess isn't gross... but I just don't like the texture! It's a little hard to get the juice out of this nursing bottle. I have to start sucking in rhythm to get a steady stream! I guess the blankie and these footie jammies aren't too bad... they're very soft and warm... and it helps me sleep... even if I do have to sleep in a crib! Not that I'm saying I like wearing and using them... but I guess I like the new Playtime diapers the best. I still have to waddle a bit, but not nearly as much as when I have to wear my bedtime diapers. Plus... I guess maybe the butterfly designs are pretty cute. I can't get myself out of my stroller, which is a pain, but I guess that that means it's good at keeping babies safe. When we go see my friends at the park or to playdates though, it gets really annoying having to wait on the grown-ups or my big sisters to let me out so I can go play! Purring a little, Lisa looked at the next picture in line, letting out a coo. "This is definitely going up on the next round of billboards!" She held up the picture which was of Valorie in a pink t-shirt having her diaper changed. It was from the side, and you could see Celia cooing and holding Val's legs up in the air, the clearly used diaper balled up a little bit to the side with a fresh one already set under Val's bottom. Said bottom was obscured by a thick cloud of baby powder that Celia was at that moment dusting her with. "This little cutie is going to be the greatest model we've ever had!" YES! Finally! This idea has been like a splinter in my head the past week or so! I am so happy to finally have it all written out! I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did writing it!
  2. Francine hummed and slowly put on one of the new diapers she had been sent by her latest sponsor. It wasn't as big as the ones she was used to, but they were nice and cute with the little puppies and kitties on them, and a big mark that showed clearly when she used it. Seeing as how it was relatively small and hard to notice, she decided to put on something a little more racey that day- a mini skirt and a crop top, along with some flip flops and sunglasses. She was quite fashionable, and she made enough money to afford her luxurious lifestyle as well. She didn't even mind the fact that she was entirely incontinent by this point- she could have anyone she wanted to change her and give her new diapers for free. She loved all of the attention she got online. She loved posing and getting her pictures taken, showing off her padded butt and blowing a kiss to the fans... It made her feel wonderful. In public she had to be a lot more careful, as most people didn't take kindly to her habits as much as her fans did. Most times, she had to wear loose, baggy clothing to make sure nobody saw her diaper, and it made her feel sad. She liked days like this when she could look just as pretty in public as she did on camera. She decided to make a day of it, getting her favourite coffee, going to her favourite bookstore, and lastly going to get herself a nice lunch. As she made her way to her table, hips swaying, confidently smiling at anyone who caught her eye... She noticed one girl staring at her with wide eyes and an open mouth. She tried to ignore it at first, taking it as a compliment of her beauty, but the staring continued... And then the girl came up to her! She looked up wearily, thinking maybe she had accidentally shown her diaper and she was about to get a chiding about being disgusting. "Can I... Can I help you?" She asked, taking her sunglasses off and looking over at the potential threat with her big, deep blue eyes.
  3. Hey everyone! I know a lot of people wondered where this story went and I want to let everyone know I really needed to edit this story. I only started writing around 6 months ago and I am still learning a lot. I am trying my best to become the best writers I can and I have such a wonderful teacher helping me currently. I have edited the story out and I am thinking that it will be a lot easier to read and know whats going on. Please Enjoy! Chapter 1: Anna stared looking into the mirror in her room she smiled with excitement looking over her graduation gown knowing the day had finally came. She was finally leaving the hell hole which gave her a sense of hope that she would never have to deal with Bethany ever again. Anna’s mind began to play what felt like a broken record through her mind as she thought back to all the terrible things the girl had put her through. She thought back to one in particular where she was standing in the girls bathroom in gym class and Bethany had pushed her into one of sinks landing in a puddle of water as Bethany yelled for the other girls to come into the room as they all chanted that she had wet her panties. She tried to tell them what really happened, but Bethany’s popularity always powered through the truth. Anna wasn’t even hearing the door open as the sound of her mother wasn’t even being picked up by her mind as she jumped feeling a hand being placed onto her shoulder. She turned around to see her mother behind her looking with a bit of worry asking, “is everything ok?” Anna nodded to her mother saying, “just ready to get this day over with” Ms. Giles smiled to her daughter asking “is this about Bethany?” as Anna slowly nodded. Ms. Giles smiled at her daughter beginning to take a seat on her daughter’s bed patting the bed motioning for her to come take a seat. Anna smiled at her mother who felt like she was the only friend she ever had growing up and walked over and sat next to her. Ms. Giles smiled saying “my little girl is finally growing up and I think when you start your intern program next week your mind will begin to get off everything Bethany had ever put you through” Anna shrugged her shoulders saying “hopefully” Ms. Giles rubbed her daughters back saying “girls like Bethany have a lot of growing up to do and when she realizes what the real world is like she is going to have a tough time adjusting” Anna smiled at her mother asking “you think so?” Ms. Giles nodded at her daughter saying “I know so, besides what is that spoiled brat evening majoring in college in?” Anna remembered back to her day in class where everyone spoke what they were going to major in or do after graduation. “Bethany said she was going to become a model” Ms. Giles giggled at her daughter as Anna asked, “what was so funny?” “it kind of makes since for that little tramp to do something that takes no knowledge” as they both laughed. Anna looked at her mother reaching in for a big hug telling her “how much she loved her” Ms. Giles returned the hug telling her “always and that they needed to get her to her ceremony” Anna walked to her dresser to grab her camera and followed her mother out of the room. After Anna walked over and had finally gotten her diploma, she listened to giggles coming from the front seats staring down at Bethany who couldn’t help but yell out a word she didn’t like, the word “freak” as Anna took her seat. She began to feel emotionally depressed like she had for most of the year as she looked over at her mother who smiled knowing that she was right about what she said earlier. She was just so ready to start her internship and to get away from all this as the principle of the school congratulated her and her class and they all tossed their caps officially making them graduates. Anna quickly hurried over to her mother telling her that she was ready to leave as Ms. Giles saw how upset her daughter was hoping that it would get better before getting worse. 2 years later Anna had music blaring in her music as she stared at all her recent photos she had taken inside her black room. She stared at how beautiful her recent work was knowing how far she had come since her high school days. She tried to never think about them anymore and only tried to look towards the future and knew her last day of her internship was today and she would officially be a professional. She was focusing so hard on the photos she was developing not even hearing the door behind her open as her teacher Mr. Sparks walked inside. Anna felt one of her ear buds leave her ear and quickly turned around to see her teacher smiling at her and her pictures telling her “how amazing everything look” as Anna smiled thanking him. He grabbed a photo of a small child she had recently taken when she was working her side job at a local daycare and was amazed to see how everything had developed in the picture and spoke telling her “you have come so far Anna and I am going to hate to lose you, are you applying anywhere?” Anna shook her head telling him “I am still looking unfortunately, but my mother’s sister owns a modeling agency back home and I may try to get in with her.” Mr. Spark smiled at Anna telling her “I am sure they would love to have you after they see all of your amazing photos” Anna smiled thanking her teacher before giving him one last hug saying, “I will have to stop by after I get settled down" “I would like that” Anna finished developing her photos after Mr. Sparks had left the room she continued thinking about her job at the daycare wondering to herself if maybe her aunt could help her get a job working with children or even babies, but her mind began to think she never really knew what her aunt Melissa’s studio did and began to think back to the last time she saw her, but remembered she hadn’t seen her since she was at least 10 or 11. She smiled as the last of her photos watching as they finished developing and hung them to dry. She began to wonder what life outside of school was going to be like but knew she had come so far to let anything from keeping her away from her dreams. She walked out of the dark room and out of the classroom door knowing she needed to get to her dorm. She opened her door to see the once full room now compacted down to just a suitcase and carried the bag out of the room and towards her car. After getting her luggage strapped into her car, she pulled out her phone to see she had a missed call from her mother and began to tell herself she would call her on the way home. It had been a whole year since the last time she had spoken to her mother and knew her mother would be shocked when she would see her. It’s kind of weird to think, but it felt like she had hit puberty late and she had grown almost a foot taller and had much larger breast. She began to wonder if her mother would even recognize her or even anybody in her old town. She walked back inside the classroom and into the black room seeing her photos had finished drying and tossed them all into her photo box. She looked around the room one last time knowing how much she was going to miss this place as she flipped the switch and walked out the room. She didn’t even see Mr. Spark waiting for her outside the door and almost ran into him as she spoke saying “I am going to really miss this place” as Mr. Sparks smiled saying “were going to miss you Anna, but we know you’re going to do big things” as Anna smiled giving her teacher one last hug goodbye as Mr. Sparks handed Anna a large picture frame. She about cried seeing her name written on the diploma seeing she had finally graduated and knew her last seconds were coming to an end at the school and thanked her teacher for everything as she walked out of the classroom and towards her car. Anna put her new diploma along with her camera bag and picture box in the back seat and buckled herself in ready to get home to start her career wherever it would take her. Anna began to think about the last time she had went home and knew her old house hadn’t changed much, but slowly wondered what her mother was going to think when she saw how much she had grown since she had seen her. It took her almost 2 hours to reach her city limits smiling knowing she had finally made it back home. She looked around her old city looking at all the mom and pop shops and her old high school still in the same place as the thoughts of her tormentor Bethany filled her thoughts, but Anna wasn’t going to allow her to take control of her again and shook them off as she finally made it into her old neighborhood noticing nothing new and pulled into the driveway. She put her car into park grabbing only her camera and photo box feeling exhausted from the drive and told herself she could get her bag in a little while. She opened her front door and walked inside not hearing anything coming from inside as she turned to walk into her leaving room as a multitude of people jumped from different directions yelling “surprise” as Anna jumped looking around the room to see her mother and the rest of her family even her aunt Melissa. She couldn’t help but smile as her mother was now in her face saying “I wanted to throw you a surprise graduation party!” as Anna hugged her mother thanking her for this as Ms. Giles hugged her now taller daughter asking “did you grow since I last saw you?” Anna giggled saying “we have a lot to talk about momma.” Anna was glad she didn’t have that large of a family but was happy to have the ones that came here as her eyes made their way over towards her aunt Melissa who was pouring herself a glass of wine. She walked over to her with her camera and photos still in hand and spoke saying “hey Melissa”. Melissa turned around to see her niece standing behind her and spoke saying “hello Anna, it has been such a long-time since I have seen you” Anna laughed at her aunt’s comment saying, “almost 10 years” Melissa couldn’t believe it had been so long and asked, “has it really been that long?” as Anna nodded. Anna stared smiling at her aunt knowing she needed to stop beating around the bush and finally spoke saying “so mom told me years back that you owned some type of modeling studio?” Melissa giggled saying “she did, did she” Anna nodded waiting for her aunt to stop smiling and listened as she spoke telling her “I am guessing now that my niece is a photographer she is wondering if I can help her with a job?” Anna nodded nervously fumbling with the photo box in her hand pulling out some of her recent photos she had taken from the daycare and handed them to her aunt saying “these are some I recently took at my last job” Melissa took the photos seeing the children and babies in each photo asking, “did you work at a daycare?” Anna nodded telling her “I kind of have a thing for childcare” Melissa giggled telling her “I think I may be able to get you a position at my studio” Anna's eyes grew wide and spoke with pure joy saying “really” “I would love for you to come by tomorrow while were shooting and you can meet some people and see the type of things we do” Anna felt butterflies going through her spine thanking her aunt and wrapping her arms around her and giving her a hug. Anna couldn’t believe that this was really happening watching her aunt writing down the address of the studio on a piece of paper and handing it to her and explaining to her “be there at 8 and tell them your with Melissa Giles” Anna nodded thanking her aunt once again Melissa smiled telling her “your welcome Anna” as she watched her walk away. She felt like her heart was beating a million miles an hour and couldn’t believe she had a possible job tomorrow so quickly and began to wonder what her mother was going to think if she was going to work with her sister. After the party had settled down and everyone went home she watched her mother wave good bye to her last relative as she turned around to stare at her saying “I am so happy to have my little girl home or should I say big girl” as both of them laughed at one another. Anna smiled at her mother saying “I have really missed you mom and we have a lot of catching up to do" as they made their way into the kitchen. She knew her mother wasn’t fond of her sister very much, but never really understood why and began to wonder how she was going to explain tomorrow as her mother walked to the fridge asking, “can I get you something to drink?” Anna shook her head saying “mom, I really need to talk to you about something” Jackie Giles turned around and saw the worried look in her daughters eye and walked to the table and sat down asking “what’s wrong sweety?” “Mom I know we have some catching up to do, but I may have possibly my first real job tomorrow and I want to ask you if you know anything about it” Ms. Giles asked her daughter “who is the job with?” Anna nervously bit her lip saying, “your sister Melissa”. Jackie stared at her daughter saying “Anna I know you chose the photography scene and I figured this conversation may come up one day so if you think I am upset with you about talking to Melissa I’m not, my sister owns a business that runs something that isn’t very respectable, but that was also 10 years ago” Anna began to wonder what she was talking about asking “what do you mean not respectable?” Jackie sighed saying “your aunt Melissa ran a porn studio” Anna stared wide eyed at her mother saying “seriously?” “yes, that’s why we never really spoke in a while, are mother wasn’t happy about it and she felt like your aunt was a disgrace to our family” Anna looked down starting to wonder if going tomorrow was such a good idea as her mother saw her down look and spoke saying “I still think you should go tomorrow” Anna spoke asking “seriously?” “I do and even if you work in that line of work you will always be my daughter and I will love you with whatever work you choose to do.” Anna felt so overjoyed and got out of her chair and walked around giving her mother a hug telling her “how much she loved her and that she was going to give tomorrow a shot and who knows her aunt might be shooting something totally different now” “your probably right, how about we get some pizza and you can tell me all about school” Anna smiled opening the photo box and pulled out the photos she had taken over the last year and watched as her mother picked up the phone to place the order knowing tomorrow was going to be a total new adventure.
  4. Merry Christmas,
  5. Hi, my name is Ami_Mercury. I've been a lifestyle ABDL on and off for about 7 years, but until the past few months I've been pretty reserved and quiet about it. I'm excited to start connecting with the community, and make new friends.
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