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Brudda Voodu

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Posts posted by Brudda Voodu

  1. 14 hours ago, Cute_Kitten said:

    Local stores haven't had any TP for weeks now. Kleenex and papertowels, too. Both local super walfarts parking lots are crowded- you can't even find a parking space (and just looking at the parking lot makes me shudder in horror and refuse to go anywhere near that madness).  Target has started paying its employees an extra $2 an hour because of this madness. So has the local small chain pharmacies paying their cashiers more. Stock workers can't even fill the shelves before it's empty. 

    Stores have their doors plastered with warnings about safe distancing, maintaining 6 feet of space between peops, etc.  Idiot crowds give 0 fucks. Checkouts put X's on the floor so the stupid people know where to stand to maintain safe distance. Does anyone care or pay attention? Hell no, that would require a functioning braincell. They stand as close together as possible, like it's just another day. No matter how hard you try, you just can't fix stupid. :bash:

    Did you try swearing at those people and calling them names? Or did you stand in line quietly seething and vent your anger online?

    Your indignation and rudeness would encourage me to distance myself from you.  


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  2. 10 hours ago, spark said:

    Stay 6 feet away and the park is fine.  Don't go to restaurant, use take out.   Don't go to bars.  Avoid places where people congregate indoors.  We need to eat- go to stores.  Order delivery (PS- Tip you delivery person really well), and just stay away.

    People have been nicer in this.  When I walk- we all greet each other , smile and make sure to stay away from each other.

    What are you gonna do, brother, when hulkamania runs wild on you!?


  3. 5 hours ago, spark said:

    Kool Aid?  You mean every single country in the entire world has decided to shut down the entire financial engine of the world for at least a quarter of the year.   No country is immune, and this doesn't give a rat's a about politics.  It will mess us up.  It messed up Wuhan.  It has messed Milan.  It will mess San Francisco and New York.    This is only just beginning.   I don't flying F about your anecdotal complaints about WHO, CDC, and every public health organization in the ENTIRE world.  I don't care that they won't cover your trans surgery.  In six months- you might find an ear, not now.   Don't even try that rabbit hole.  The only reason to try a rabbit hole is that you have a weak argument..

    I don't care about anecdotal evidence.  I care about numbers.  I care about actions.   In just one day, 15,740 world wide.  About 500 of those will probably die.  Thats nearly twice as many cases- and conservatively as many deaths.   It's the 4th day in row that new cases have surpassed SARS-COV.   It will be more tomorrow, and we won't see the rate of growth drop for at least 2 more weeks.  That means today won't even be in the top-10 of new cases.  

    I also know that students from most of Asia, most of North America, and most of Europe are currently out of school.  Millions of people are not able to work, and everybody who can work from home is working from.  The entire industrial machine has stopped, and that's on the recommendation of multiple public health officials, who all decided to stop the machine for jurisdiction.   There is the remote chance that internet warrior who relies on name calling and non-sequiturs to support his case is correct, and the every public official in the entire world is wrong.    Or, and please understand, that these people are the very best that we have to make these, and they have trained for at 12 years, plus untold amount of collectively experience, are the ones who are right.   

    Unfortunately- reckless behavior isn't just harming.  If it was- you be you.  This isn't that case.  If you get it, on average- you'll give to 3 people, and they will give it to 3 people, and they will give it to 3 people.  You're putting everybody else at risk.

    I disagree with you.  If you have such faith in world organizations, then feel free to follow them.  By the way, in Jan the WHO advised against closing borders to restrict the virus spreading. Sounds like they got it all figured out...

    I dont know how Im putting anyone at risk.  All I have maintained (and still do) is that hiding and handwashing are ineffective.  The real threat is government control and mob mentality.  How is having an opinion threatening?  

    By the way how do the thousands upon thousands of homeless people isolate?  They will incubate and spread this while people hide.  

    The truth is that no one can control the spread of this and corrupt leaders have created the perfect storm. Mass homelessness a huge and profitable underground criminal empire selling opioids and a broken healthcare system.  Be prepared for riots and looting.   You think handwashing and hiding is going to fix this?  

  4. 5 hours ago, babykeiff said:

    ... again you are judging, and discriminating on something that you do not know. Attempting to discuss anything with you is foolish, and my error.

    "The greater the gap between self perception and reality, the more aggression is unleashed on those who point out the discrepancy." - Stefan Molyneux

    This started by myself pointing out a basic fact to some deaf ears....

    FACT: Hand washing will reduce the spread of virus.

    Some people just can't learn. Those people, in my humble opinion, are proven fools.... and I pity them, but also realize, it is us that will end up footing the bill for their stupidity.

    Mommy says I shouldn't rile up scared, incontinent, old men.  She told me that I need to say sorry.

    Babykeiff, you are just concerned about your safety and the safety of others.  Im sorry for agitating you.  I hope you make it through this challenging time.

  5. 59 minutes ago, babykeiff said:


    You remind me of a dog in a fox hunt.... head up the arsehole of the dog in the front, wanting to be top dog but without any knowledge of how to get there or where you are going. In this world, we refer to people like that as sheeple, minions etc.

    I can live with your assessment.  I have had to listen to worse from better.  You remind me of a lot of flat faced civvies I have listened to over the years.  I bet you have a soft belly and weak arms from living so well.  Don't know what sacrifice is, don't know service or duty, yet claim to be master of all simply because you pondered it.

  6. 44 minutes ago, BabyJune said:

    Capitalism allows people to pay way more for stuff than they should leaving only people who have plenty of money to buy what they need. It allows the rich to get richer at the expense of the poorer. It allows company CEOs and other top executives to take what they want and not give their employees health insurance or retirement plans. It's why you pay $30,000 for a car that should cost about $12,000 and why a house that cost $7,500 to build in 1930 will cost you about $100,000 today. Stop the world, I want to get off!!!

    You are correct.  There is corruption and deceit in ANY human organization, including western countries.  We should be mindful of it and correct it through our laws.  Its not perfect because nothing human is, but it's the best system ANY group of humans has ever lived under at any time anywhere.  I defy you to name a government or ideology that creates a society as safe,comfortable, advanced and free as democracy and capitalism.  

    By the way, all I have maintained (and still do) is that hand washing and isolation are useless to protect you from Covid 19.  And what people should really fear is the fear and panic of other people.  There us no vaccine or cure, and absolutely no way to enforce the social distancing rules.  Fear is going to erode more rights and freedoms in western countries.  Scared people make terrible decisions and often panic and destroy.  Take care of your bodies, do it now, start slow but be consistent.  You are probably going to get it ad get sick, you are also probably going to recover, unless you are in the 3.6%.  That means you have a 96.4% chance of surviving, those are good odds.  Is people dying bad? Yes of course.  But we are ALL going to die one day.

    No God know fear

    Know God no fear.


    By the way, if you are really concerned and intent on helping. Please donate to your local food bank, a little bit really goes a long way there and people will need it.

  7. 23 hours ago, rusty pins said:

    That is true, but remember they are commercials and their one sole purpose is to sell their product anyway they can.  As foreverdl said, people just don't go around talking about their underwear in public.  Maybe if in the locker room someone notices your Haines briefs and asks you a question about them, but then I would feel really creeped out that a guy is looking over my underwear!  While it's true people are very much aware of incontinence and adult pull on disposable underwear, that doesn't change the fact that people are not going to go around telling their friends and coworkers that they wear diapers.  Why would you unless you get some personal thrill out of doing so?

    Im gonna second Rusty here. If you have spent any time around real women you will notice they dont talk about their bodily fluids or functions as a casual conversation piece. Its a bunch of mallarkey to sell merchandise.

  8. 5 hours ago, babykeiff said:

    Brilliant! Just because I do not let the greed for money dictate my life, I am a communist. That would place me in a nice little box for you - to fit your preconceived notions of who and what I am. Some of your fellow Canadians live off the grid. Does that make them communist?

    You have already here clearly identified your ignorance. I could attempt to explain how far you are wrong, but it is so far over your ability to understand, it would be a waste of my time.

    "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" - Martin Luther King

    "There are people who are generic. They make generic responses and they expect generic answers. They live inside a box and they think people who don't fit into their box are weird. But I'll tell you what, generic people are the weird people. They are like genetically manipulated plants growing inside a laboratory, like indistinguishable faces, like droids, like ignorance" - C. Joybell C.

    G.D.P. Per Capita (the amount of capital made per average person per year) US$ Data Source

    • Canada                               48,552.87
    • USA                                     67,063.27
    • Ireland (my country)        82,058.03
    • Monaco                            117,725.00 (highest)
    • South Sudan                          249.78 (lowest)
    • World Average                  17,880.18

    and this Canadian states that I am a Communist!

    I dont think you understand what Communism means...

    Ask the millions of dead under Stallin or Trotsky.  Or the hundreds of millions dead during the great leap forward under Mao.

    Ask yourself why you blame having power, water, food and money for the worlds problems.  Capitalism and democracy gave man the best cultures and societies and technologies we have ever had in all of human existence.  You sit comfortably because of capitalism and democracy.  Have a look at Venezuela or North Korea.  They look really happy cold and hungry and scared dont they? That wealth redistribution in action looks like a lot of suffering.  Did you know that Stallin had farmers killed for picking up lost grain to feed their starving children? After the government took all they had grown, they were obligated by law to give them anything they overlooked.  

    Communism looks nice on paper to those who claim to be compassionate but it results in mass death and torture.  

    I suggest you research the word subversion and ask yourself why you believe the things you do.  By the way, China and Russia spend millions each year in subversion.

    By the way, as a black man, I am very familiar with Martin Luther King. I doubt you know much about life as a minority and therefore can only scratch the surface of Dr Kings message.  Yet here you are quoting him and virtue signalling about topics you are uninformed on.


  9. 9 hours ago, spark said:

    The way I feel is that this is unlike anything we've ever seen before, and the response to this virus by WHO and CDC (and other countries) is unlike anything they've ever done before.  The SARS response in Asia was similar, and based on what virus- it was a successful response.   I don't understand the difference, but I know that the doctors who advising us to self-isolate are best that we have on the subject.   We have to listen to experts, and the fact that the same thing is happening worldwide, with decisions being made independently- tells me there is widespread agreement in the public health community- and they know more than I do.

    If you one of the crowd who thinks that it you can fight this thing- you're probably right.  Especially if you're young and healthy.  It's not about you, nor is really about getting your high risk loved ones safe.    It's about keeping the whole world safe, and slowing down the exponential growth so our medical facilities don't get over-loaded.  If you want find a positive- China has far more recovered cases than new cases- and the numbers are back to what they were in January.

    The world health organization, just like the United Nations and NATO are corrupt organizations with ideological dreams.  I wouldnt trust much of anything those organizations have to say.  The WHO has made past statements that clearly show their bias.  One such decision is to dictate that being trans is not a mental health issue.  Now before you jump down my throat, let me tell you why they did that.  They did it for financial reasons.  If its not a disorder than any medication or surgery is elective and therefore not covered by insurance or free health care.  They mascarade as compassionate, but they are anything but.  

    You can disbelieve me all you want.  I have personally earned 2 medals from the UN for my participation in op Altair for Afghanistan and op Mobile in Libya. I have seen them break their own rules first hand.  I watched them with my own eyes sell guns to rebels,instead of enforcing the blockades they created.  They are not interested in supporting civilians, they want a one world ideology.

    Swallow the koolaid if you want, those who can't lead are destined to follow, and if you believe in nothing you will fall for anything.





  10. 6 hours ago, babykeiff said:

    Using all known mathematics, the birth rate, the death rate and the food production capability of the planet, as stated by many including Thomas Malthus in 1798, population will exceed available food. The concept of reducing the birth rate - one child per family - will reduce the speed of population expansion, but due to the longer life span of humans, creates a elderly population dependent on the diminishing youth for survival.

    Over history, items have happened to reduce world population - i.e. Wars and disease of epidemic proportions. Even the original library of world knowledge was destroyed by wars - see Library of Alexandria for some form of selfish gain. That behaviour, and of this world, reminds me of the film Idiocracy. If you doubt this behaviour, look at why is the world dependent on internal combustion engines, an engineering process of 100+ year old.  Moore's Law has grown to include everything = and that every 18 months, technology doubles in speed and halves in price. If this was simply applied to transport / internal combustion engine / oil , today, 100 years later, we would not be using carbon based fuels in any form.

    In my humble opinion, I see that capitalism / acquisition of wealth and goods is the root of our problems, and the removal of money, although a radical step, would be a way to solve these issues. I'd love to see a world, Star Trek concept, where humans worked on self and world improvement where money and capitalism does not exist. It can be said that coronavidea was created / engineered for someone to make money.

    You sound like a communist to me.  Communism is the fastest way to die by starvation and has killed many millions.  There hasnt been a system in place better than capitalism and democracy ever, except in delusional people's heads.  Or like you mentioned, in fiction.

    3 hours ago, carsfan said:

    Hysteria and panic are not required but to say that a person and those close to them will be fine so there is no need to worry is ignorant, stupid, and dangerous. My school was just closed down/ moved online as of a few minutes ago and what I do for work has been postponed or cancelled until a undetermined time. All one has to do is look at the events in Europe to know that is is very real and ongoing problem. I'm reactively young and healthy. I'm around lots of elderly folks and kids and in my pre flue activities  will absolutely be taking advice from medical professionals and experts. 

    And just what are you doing around those old folks and children? Seems a little suspicious to me...

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, DiapersOfTheStorm said:

     Brudda Voodu, the amount of arrogance, ignorance, self-contradiction and just general lack of thought you display, not only in this thread but in general, is just amazing.

    I am happy to amaze you! :) Just remember, when you get angry reading what I post and your heart rate increases, your heart is beating for me. Love you buddy! Keep up the good work!

  12. 12 hours ago, babykeiff said:

    the vast majority of those numbers are going to be the elderly and the sick

    WHO have been making records public since 21 January, 2020. Within the first week, 12 health care (nurses / doctors etc) workers died from the infection. Do you think that these people do not practice good hygiene? Do you think that these people are within the  elderly and/or sick demographic? Do you think that these people thought they knew how to protect themselves?

    What makes you so much better?

    The fact is that these 12 health care workers were fully healthy, fit, and young. They were exposed to multiple strains at the same time which overloaded their immune system... and they lost the battle of survival. This key information is what I have been telling you, what most decent people worldwide have been saying... and you do not want to listen - 'cause you are correct, and you know better.

    You do what you want... you don't seem to be able to take simple advise, know the difference between virus and a bacteria. Your so called expert Osterholme has experience with bacteria and infectious diseases... NOT VIRUS'

    NOBODY has experience with this specific virus. The time line is 21st January to date, that is 52 days.... and the virus has grown from 282 cases and 6 deaths in China to 132,758 cases and 4,955 deaths in every country in the world. These figures are doubling per 24 hours. No other virus / disease in the history of humans has ever moved this fast!

    USA only has 330.427 million people. 298 million is a lot of dead Americans... but don't worry - they went to work, kept the economy profitable for the rest of the world. All hail U.S.A.!!!


    You are full of fear and panic.  Is this how you deal with emergencies?  The difference between you and me, is that Im not afraid.  Ive seen death, Ive seen famine and war.  I watched Misrata burn.  I still remember the smell.  I remember the fear in the eyes of the people in Libya.  I know perfectly well how to behave in a crisis.  I know perfectly well that me and my family will come out on top.  I also know that an economic recession is the best opportunity for personal investment.  

    I can sense your panic and fear from the screen.  Your adrenal glands are going hard and that will weaken your immune system and your emotional overload will cause you to make poor decisions in crisis situations.

    Instead of trying to spread your panic here, why dont you prepare some rations for your household and get your emotions in check?  Maybe do a few pushups and take some vitamins.

    298 million Americans are not going to die. Try some breathing exercises.

    Its not about avoiding hard times, hard times will come guaranteed. Its about how you deal with hard times.  If your attitude is death, and woe is me, you already lost and you are a scared animal making panic and fear spread faster than any virus.  

    Anyway have fun being Chicken Little.  When the smoke clears Ill still be here and so will my family.  Why you ask? Because Im a survivor and Ill outlast cockroaches.  The fight hasnt even started yet and in your mind you have already lost.

    To share a quote from Jesse Lee Peterson.  BETA!!!

    Try this on for size, hand washing wont save you, hiding wont save you. if you have been taking your body and health for granted, start to improve it.  Attitude is everything, ask any cancer survivor.

    Before I abandon this silly thread Ill leave you another quote. From the hollywood movie Braveheart.

    Everyman dies, not every man truly lives.

  13. 5 hours ago, babykeiff said:


    You cannot afford to be wrong... as if you are wrong, you are dead.


    You need to calm down.  The sky isn't falling.  

    5 hours ago, babykeiff said:



    That means 298.588 million people worldwide will die from this using these percentage and figures.


    Even that many people dead, would hardly dent the world population and the vast majority of those numbers are going to be the elderly and the sick.

  14. 27 minutes ago, babykeiff said:

    We ALL will get it.

    Some of us will survive and become immune to it.

    Mathematically, the people that will become immune are the ones who only get one strain. They have the higher chance of surviving this.

    Changing ones diet today will weaken your immune response while your body adjusts to the new diet. During this time, this can KILL you.

    No medical professional in the world can help you if/when you get it since there is NO CURE except ones own immune system.

    All the panic response in the world will not help.

    If you do not believe me, check CDC / WHO etc... and do basic research on what a virus is, how it attacks its host and the response time of a host. Remember, YOU ARE THE HOST.... and if your immune system is anyway weaker than it should be... you are in an uphill battle for your own survival. It does not matter how much money you have, what you are eating, or where you live etc.... the only thing that matters is


    If so, you have a chance of winning this battle, if not, go make peace with whomever.... as at that stage death is around the corner.



    Very well said.  At present time data (https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(20)30195-X/fulltext) shows that the mortality rate in china was 3.6%. I believe this will fluctuate based on the countries cultural practices of  social gatherings, physical activity, and diet, and biggest factor of all is the health care system.

    I think most countries in the first world could expect similar mortality rates.  It's scary yes, but it's not the end of the world and it's never a bad time to slowly change your diet and increase physical activity.  You dont have to think and live in such extremes.  Baby steps to positive health are best.  

    5 hours ago, Brudda Voodu said:

    This is interesting. The medical experts I have listened to have said this disease is transfered through breathing. Hand washing will not prevent Covid19. 

    Handwashing is good hygein and will prevent spread of many diseases but not Covid 19.

    There is nothing to fear except fear itself.



    5 hours ago, willnotwill said:

    Bruuda, I don't know which "experts" you're listening to, but that none that I have seen states EITHER of your theses:   that the Corona virus is airborne nor that washing hands is ineffectual.

    The current research shows it to be transmitted by droplets (aerosolized as it is) and can persist on surfaces and YOUR SKIN.    So in addition to breathing in the stuff someone else coughed or sneezed out, it will also land on your hands and things your hands touch and most people will bring their hands to their mouths at some point so WASHING helps.

    And COVID-19 is the disease that ensues from having the virus in your body, not the virus itself.   The name of the virus is SarS-Cov-2

    I should have provided the links in my original post instead of stating my opinion in that manner.  It was bad posting etiquette and Ill own up to it. I get your hostility towards me and my opinion.  I still stand by everything I have written.

  15. 37 minutes ago, willnotwill said:

    Again, nothing in that video supports the assertion you are making.    I retract my statements disparaging Osterhome.   I disparage your dangerous misinterpretation of his statements

    The virus is NOT airborne.   Airborne with respect to transmission has a specific meaning.    Osterhome doesn't say it is.

    Further, while he's talking about hand sanitizers, he downplays the hand-to-mouth transferal, he doesn't rule it out and he specifically says the OPPOSITE of your assertion.


    Disparage all you like. I am a free person in a free country and Ill live how I like and state my opinion when I feel like it.  I respect your right to do the same, even if I dont agree with you, and I don't.

  16. 22 minutes ago, babykeiff said:



    There are thousands of websites / social media posts / youtube etc that exists to make money for the poster at the cost of your life and information. Most of it is junk / sensationalism and lies - even that from so called 'experts' / doctors. 


    So how can we trust what you are saying?  Personally I don't care if you trust what I am saying or the link I provided.  

    I know perfectly well, that this is all "Mommy's hugs and kiss' for boo-boo's".  The truth is, your going to get it. If you havent been taking care of yourself with diet and exercise ect... and you are over 40, you might have some issues.

    The major problem for my country is the healthcare system is massively strained on a good day.  This problem is going to make it 10x worse.  Panicked human beings create more disaster than plague or famine combined.  

    You can self isolate and wash your hands until your skin falls off, but when you re-enter the world, it's still going to be there.  Running and hiding like chicken little, will cause economic collapse and major instability.  And with the new regulations about group size, people wont legally be able to protest anything anymore.

    As the government and world government organizations increase your fear, they tighten their steely grip around your life.  I have seen African's deal with the threat of ebola or malaria with more courage and grace than anyone in the western world so far.  


  17. People without an argument make person attacks on character.  All I'm asking for is information.  I stated that I heard something different, I provided a reference.  I never stated anything as other than my opinion.  And I stated who I obtained it from.

    Wash your hands or don't most of us are going to get it and the panic I'm seeing from people all over, trying to control anything they can, is going to be more dangerous than the virus itself.

    Here is a write up on Osterholme.  


    Ill quote his honors and accolades.  I don't see "policy wonk" anywhere.

    Dr. Osterholm is Regents Professor, McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair in Public Health, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP), Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Division of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, a professor in the Technological Leadership Institute, College of Science and Engineering, and an adjunct professor in the Medical School, all at the University of Minnesota.

    Dr. Osterholm has received numerous honors for his work, including an honorary doctorate from Luther College; the Pump Handle Award, CSTE; the Charles C. Shepard Science Award, CDC; the Harvey W. Wiley Medal, FDA; the Squibb Award, IDSA; Distinguished University Teaching Professor, Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, UMN; and the Wade Hampton Frost Leadership Award, American Public Health Association. He also has been the recipient of six major research awards from the NIH and the CDC.


    If you want to listen to the same interview that I did and form your own opinion. This is where I heard him.



  18. There is a lot of wisdom in the scriptures of religion.  A lot of wisdom. Some who live by those scriptures have improved the quality of their lives and the lives of those they love.  There is value to them.

    If I can  narrow down my message to a phrase it's this : 

    It's more important to work on your personal relationship with God, than to focus entirely on scripture.

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