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Momma Rosie

Baby Banker!
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Everything posted by Momma Rosie

  1. http://www.sportsgoons.com/Archives/flagra..._experience.htm
  2. I tried to call him once but the number must have been changed and the person was rather rude to me on the website. So I have no idea who, what, when, or where either.
  3. Because its required to show your real age on the board for legal reasons.
  4. Again, Leave the advice alone and drop it. She wants to know how, enough of the speeches. Save it for the threads asking what happens if you do, this isn't one of them. I have to stand up for her, please. Just move on and someone say something along the lines of what she wants to know.
  5. In her defense guys she is asking you HOW, she is not asking for a speech on why not. Please respect her choice and give advice. If she wanted to know the side effects she would have asked you for them. Do her a favor, Tell her what she wants and please please stop the speeches. We already understand what will happen, some of us are actually curious.
  6. Hello... its under your noses.. http://www.dailydiapers.com/content/hosting.html
  7. Simple Rules: ^ This is the answer to the person above you < This is what you are doing right now V This is your question to the person who replies ----------- ^ I just copy paste the symbols sometimes, and you were supposed to ask a question < Waking up finally V What is your favorite color?
  8. ^ Baby Clothes! < Watching South Park V Whats the funnest thing you've ever done using your fetish?
  9. You need to get a group together FIRST who wants to be in your room and get them to come back to it. its not an instant resolution.
  10. You guys have the option to make another room inside the chat room, click on your control panel. Find a group and have them all join that channel so they are alone, and ta-da, you have a seperate space. But Daily Di is right, use the ignore button.
  11. The people who know this is my bedroom, already KNOW about my fetish, it doesn't matter to them.
  12. Alas the chat room is gone, but I have more pictures! http://www.dailydiapers.com/rosie
  13. I rolled out of bed once and got on to my hands and knee's to hear a nice puddle on the carpet because of how contorted the diaper was when I was sleeping. I toss around a lot.. So... Sometimes even getting on your hands and knee's can mean some good scrubbing with carpet cleaner.
  14. ^ Not in Florida Silly! < Thinking about going back to bed! V Is is snowing where you live?
  15. ^ Not a clue.. didn't know she could be tracked < Watching the disney channel.. V What are you doing tonight?
  16. I got 15! 1. Have you ever worn a diaper? yes 2. Have you worn a diaper w/in the past 30 days? yes 3. Have you worn a diaper to work? yes 4. Have you worn a diaper around friends? yes 5. Have you ever wet your diapers? yes 6. Have you ever messed your diapers? yes 7. Do you own a pacifier? no 8. Do you own a bottle? no, not anymore 9. Do you own baby clothes? no 10. Have you worn nothing but diapers for a day? yes 11. Have you worn nothing but diapers for a week? no to 11, 12, 13 14. Have you worn a diaper in public, under other clothes? yes 15. Have you worn a diaper in public, with the diaper exposed? no 16. Have you told anybody online about you wearing diapers? yes 17. Have you told anybody you know in real life you wear diapers? yes 18. Has anybody ever changed your diaper? yes 19. Has anybody ever changed your diaper in public? no 20. Has anybody treated you like a baby? yes 21. Has anybody treated you like a baby for a whole day? yes 22. Has anybody treated you like a baby for a whole week? no 23. Has anybody treated you like a baby for at least a month? no 24. Have you ever changed somebody else’s diaper? yes 25. Have you ever treated somebody like a baby? yes 26. Have you ever treated somebody like a baby for a whole day? no 27. Have you ever treated somebody like a baby for a whole week? no 28. Have you ever treated somebody like a baby for at least a month? no
  17. Simple Rules: ^ This is the answer to the person above you < This is what you are doing right now V This is your question to the person who replies ---- I will go first, however keep in mind there is no one above me so I have to answer a question that is not here.. ---- ^ Yes, I like chicken < Reading posts and listening to someone snore, bored really V What did you do for thanksgiving?
  18. Take the questions and answer them.. I will go first. I dare you ... Body: 1. Are you taken? 99% .. I flirt but never pass that unless its an rpg *swoon* 2. Are you happy? Yes, definitly! 3. Name one good quality about the person you are with. He meows, listens, is amazing.. omg 4. Name one thing s/he likes about you. Entirety of Me 5. If you can go anywhere right now, where would that be? Scotland, Ireland.. U.K. Potter frrreeeaak! (and my family heritage) 6. Favorite come on line? Hey baby.. wha pweaschool you in.. (its a baby fetish thing) 7. Worst person you have ever dated? Heh I had a bad date, but no one I ever dated was bad.. 8. First love? Wayne Beach.. damnit Beau Bear! 9. Ever had your heart broken? Many Times (And yes I forgive Beau Bear) 10. Ever broken someones heart? Yes, and I hope that he has forgiven me for it. (I still love you hawk) 11. What attracts you to someone? Eyes and caresses 12. Hottest celebrity? Amy Lee 13. How can you tell if someone likes you? I give up, but mainly eye contact 14. What do you do when you like someone? Shower them with gifts 15. Do you like to be romantic? Horridly hopeless 16. Do you like to be romanced? Please! 17. What do you need most in a realtionship? communication, compassion, open mind 18. Favorite love song? Name of Love (Mystery of Edwin Drood) 19. Are you usually the one to make the first move? No, too frightened of rejection 20. Wine or beer? Meade.. raspberry or strawberry 21. Whats your favorite type of kiss? Give me tongue mmm 22. Favorite position? Doggie Style *face palms for having to say in public* 23. Are you hard to please? Yes, very hard Give me flowers damnit! 24. Best moment ever? Falling in love... *sigh* 25. Worst moment ever? Leaving Hawk and seeing his sad face as I was hauled away from him by force 26. Your a sucker for.....? Flirting and online romance (in games only, not real) 27. You hate....? Mind Games, Liars, and Heartbreak 28. You wish....? To find a purpose and job I can like for more than 6 months 29. Give out one secrect... I'm a big baby inside my heart 30. What are your hopes for the future? To go to film school 31. Worst fear? death 32. Name one thing that people dont know about you? Inside I am screaming to be accepted but tend to walk away with my head down in depression. I cause my own demises. 33. Who do u want to see take this? everyone on my list, but hell will probably freeze over in september before that happens.
  19. I don't like either of them either. I think signatures can be an unnessecary annoyance.
  20. Seriously, how are Admin supposed to make anything better.. Am I supposed to go to the chatters homes and threaten to shove a nuk into their ear canal because they don't want to talk to you? You guys like to talk to each other, I think coming up with a time for your circle of friends to go in and chat with each other is a lot more effective. Neither myself or Daily Di can force anyone to say hello. Admin -can not- solve or make this problem better, its a social problem, not a site problem. You can also come up with your own chat room name and everyone can meet in there, using the same program even. Come up with the name of the room, create it and a time, and have everyone who wants to go into it, go into it. We give you the tools to connect, you have to use them to your advantage to create what you are looking for here.
  21. I didn't delete anything, I moved it into general discussion.
  22. I don't see any reason why anyone would have to change their names at all. There are a million Carol's and susan's in the world and they get along just fine. There is an obvious difference so as long as you both remain civil you'll be fine with the names you already have.
  23. Bassoon, Alto Eb Clarinet, Bb Clarinet, French Horn, Flute and Recorder. *band geek* I started plucking at a harp.
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