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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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    3.5-6yrs old (I should be potty trained but, can't get it right)

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  1. I don't need a changing table for adults in public restrooms and I don't care if someone wears Diapers/pull-ups for recreational or need. However I long for the day when, the world accepts that there are people who weigh over 45 lbs who actually wear diapers or pull-ups (for what ever reason). And, when they do i hope they understand; for us( the people who are over 45lbs) who wear diapers/pull-ups there are times when we need to change our diapers outside our homes home and sometimes we either, run out or forget our diapers. So, my dream is the day when regularly see travel/sample size packs of diapers/pull-ups for people larger than 45 lbs being sold at; Travel centers, Convience stores, Sundry Shops, etc. for those who need them.and either run out and for need 1 or 2 diapers to finish whatever doing (Traveling, or whatever) rather than making us find a grocery store or pharmacy and buying a 16+Pk that we don't need.
  2. Dry when I put them on and, Wet when I talke them off is always best
  3. I remember i had to wear them when medical supply store messed up my diaper order but, the best was my dad said the same thng about them he's quote; "Geez your diaper is so noisy it sounds like trash bag full of leaves." OMFG i thought i would die but all i could do was bust out laughing and agree with him. Thanks for the memory boost Smokey oh help me I'm gonna leak if I don't stop laughing.
  4. I'm winning and since I have don't like looking at the losers I've left behind in my life I'm not looking at you.
  5. gonna keep smiling cause I'm again winning
  6. I just hope the diapers where not already
  7. Jay just goes for the WIN!!!
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