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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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About Me

I am turning 28 this year altho I fill much older. I have that issue where I cant allways spell correctly and apolagize for that in advance. I am a diaper lover and wetter, I am only into dry or wet diapers or diaper "fun time", no messing thats just nasty. I dont have any real medical issues requiring me to wear diapers altho I occasionally wet the bed when I sleep to ''deeply'' for to long and seemingly allways when I'm not diapered, for the most part I just enjoy and am conforted by wearing them. I have been into diapers my whole life from when I was little to now. I have allways liked wearing diapers and even wetting them and wearing them for a while before changing. I prefer disposable diapers over cloth ones it gose back to what I had available to sneek and wear growing up. Altho I am a male I prefer to wear little girl diapers, I like the patterns and colors better than the boys ones. As I have gotten older I have found it all can be a sexualy attractive thing for me, but it has allways and still primarly remains a confort thing for me more than sexual or anything else. I use to sneek and wear diapers as a kid and get in trouble for it but never grew out of the urge to wear diapers and fill that confort. I quickly outgrew baby diapers and it took me a while to find adult diapers, so there was a few years in life that I did not wear diapers however the filling never went away. So once I found diapers that would fit I was back in the diapered life. And as adult diaper companys started to make baby print diapers it made me relize I would never outgrow the urge to wear diapers and fill the confort it provides me. And it is one of the best stress relievers I have ever found to just put on a nice thick diaper with a playful print and relax forgetting all the worrys and stresses of the day. I am not allways online and often have long gaps in the times I do get on, alot of that is due to my social anixity problems, that can be brought on by the rude people that pop online just to cause kaos and be rude. I enjoy having long conversations with good people but absolutely hate small talk and "21 questions". I am not looking for a girlfriend or have that type of relastionship with anyone (I have chosen to remain alone in life at this point in time), rather just looking for good and real people to be good friends with, and possably become good friends outside of this site. I am a real person with a real and big heart so if you wish to be my friend please keep that in mind. I can also be a "RP" daddy to a select few baby girls, if you want to be my baby girl please fell free to ask to start a private chat with me and we can get to know each other go from there. I only take care of baby girls so boys please find another daddy or mommy to take care of you, and baby girls please rember I dont do messes. I also can do some other role play from time to time nothing nasty or to far out there. I have been into the diaper lifestyle basicly all my life so if you have any questions on the topic fill free to ask. And if your a baby girl but like to do grown up stuff in your diapers like "fun time" we can do that to. If you are allready on my friends list fill free to pm me anytime, everyone else must ask in main chat first. Anything else you want to know just ask but dont be rude.

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