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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by dogpiss

  1. You have to /technically/ be a student but you get a copy with a .edu address http://www.win741.com/
  2. I love Abena X-Plus with the regular plastic backing. I use them day in and out as my standard along with Molicares when I need a little more movement and less bulk. I by accident ordered X-Plus Air-Plus and decided to keep them and give them a try. NEVER AGAIN!!! I can't get the tapes to stick worth anything and this is important since I wear my diaper quite tight. The tapes also break free from the anchors. They feel soggy when wet, even though they aren't... they just don't feel as secure as the plastic backing. After this and previous experiences with "cloth-like" backing I can NEVER go back to anything besides plastic! The snags, the tapes not sticking, the "yucky" feeling. Nope. Anyone else have experience like this or did I just get a bad batch? Are all "cloth-like" like this? If so why even make them!?! (OK different tastes, but still!)
  3. Not to tech overload here, but those of you who can take advantage of the $10 student upgrade, make sure to click the banner "My computer needs to connect to a domain" on one of the purchase screens if you can do a fresh install. This way you can get PROFESSIONAL instead of Home Premium for $10. The best part of PRO for the lay user if FULL DISK BACKUP and BARE METAL RESTORE! As of the last build, Home didn't have this. The bad news is that you can't "Upgrade" XP Home -> 7 PRO without a re-install, but it really is better if you can put in the effort. OK, back to your regularly scheduled diaper chat. Well, it's not totally un-related... Microsoft is usually on your arse and often full of sh*t... co-incidence... I think not!
  4. I'm very much DL... never had any AB tendencies, they're just not my bag. As a matter of fact, the AB thing is a turn off for me, but hey, to each his/her own.
  5. A little off topic but if you humour an old man for a minute... Back in my day in college, my GF went to an all girls' school. Thanks to my diapers and her cool roommate I could stay in the dorms after hours and not have to worry about getting found out by having to go down the /long/ hall to the girls only toilets to pee! I had a stash at her place and on a safety (booze) check she got questioned on them once by the RA (Kind of like, "What the... what are those? Diapers?") And my GF just came up with some quick BS story about needing them for heavy periods or something. It got awkward looks but was accepted. For the gents living in a dorm a good place to hide your stash would be a good old-fashioned wooden foot locker with a good lock and a false bottom... which could be used for other "unsafe" things too
  6. In the Mediterranean countries I'm familiar with, it's usually cheaper for commercial or ATP to train in the US and get a conversion and proficiency in the native country. Either that or bribe the right people since an FAA ticket is a gold standard (but that never happens, right?). I know some countries in the EU used to have ATP flag-carrier pilots get FAA tickets and x-over, and some used to do their own training. Now if you REALLY want a challenge, try getting an ATP in India (considered the most bureaucratic country in the world!)
  7. Stopping the meds would be like Russian Roulette. I had a head injury (took a thunk to the head from a Benz), so the docs are CERTAIN that I can't stop. Also when they've tried to reduce the dose, I can feel migraines come on (which can be a precursor to seizures). So, again, the Catch 22... I take the pills I'm OK but no wings... I stop the pills, I can fly* but I'm not OK. (I know I'd never get a med ticket with a seizure.) I've (literally) cried a few times, but, hey, that's life in the Big City. It's not fair, but life isn't fair. That being said I've been able to do a cold start (with nearly dead batteries and a temperamental APU)-> high speed taxi in a 737 under the table (better than sex! good thing my diaper was there or I would have wet my pants... but I do that anyway I've acquired some sympathetic friends in MRO overseas who let me check things out back in the day
  8. I'm a victim of the Sport Pilot Catch 22. I was rejected for my last Airman Medical Certificate, but had I never taken lessens before the sport pilot rule of 2004, I could walk up and get a license today(!) if I (ahem) didn't disclose my medication. Of course that's risking 25 years in the federal pokey, but hey what's that between friends! (Don't lie on your Pilot License application folks... I know of folks who have gone to jail!) In my case I take a seizure med BID and haven't had one in 25 years. I cannot qualify for a med ticket while on the rx even though I haven't had a seizure in 25 yrs. They won't allow an exception... nope... no way, no how, no never. I thought I just had to go w/o a seizure for like 10 yrs or so, but that's UNMEDICATED according to our local flight surgeon at the FAA office. As a matter of fact a quote from the e-mail of my FINAL appeal: "At this time, use of any psychotropic (SSRI's, etc) or neuroleptic (anti-seizure) medication is medically disqualifying for an airman medical certificate and there is no waiver available regardless of duration of treatment. I wish I had better news but that is pretty much the bottom line." Sorry to jack the thread, but I love to talk planes any way any chance I get Keep flyin' I'll keep dreamin'! -dp
  9. Flightless bird... as in I will never fly. It is something in the medical community that (flight surgeon) used to describe someone whose wings have been forever clipped. I have some doctor friends who have tried to ferret out a exception for me, but as I said, the flight surgeons here are insane and won't issue a ticket unless you have the health of Michael Phelps (sans weed!). In theory I could try to do something under Part 103 but having failed medical, any instructor could get in trouble (at least the way the local office is here) if they were to offer me any instruction. Also if your stuck to Part 103, the ships you can fly are really limited (<255lbs and no more than 5 US gal of fuel).
  10. I've ALWAYS wanted to learn how to fly and have been trying for over 12 years to get an FAA license, but earlier this year I officially got labeled a "kiwi" by the FAA. It's really sad to have a childhood and life-long dream destroyed via e-mail by a (well-intended) government bureaucrat! But FAA medical rules are INSANE. With the medical requirements, I'm surprised ANYONE can get a 3rd class FAA ticket let alone their 1st class FAA ticket. At least in my district the flight surgeon seems to want to deny your ticket if you've even looked at a Tylenol in the past year and a half! Still, being told I'll never be behind the controls of a plane made a big tough guy cry
  11. UGH! I /HATE/ it when I have to change and I'm too 'lazy' to change... and I know that if I wet just a little more... water, water everywhere! Hopefully before too long I can get one of those self-changing Japanese space diapers
  12. My only complaint is that I wasn't here first to say I have no complaints.
  13. I have to add my $0.02. Call for dance lessons: I express a lot of interest and then start asking about the size of the front door. Explain that I want to know if "my wheelchair" will fit through it. Car warranty: Express interest. My car is a 1988 Yugo Fokov-USL or sometimes the Yugo Skrewyaselv (it takes them some time to get with my accent). Politicians, polls, etc: Cut me a cheque and I'll say/vote however you want (I've actually had someone take me up on the offer!!! Got to love corruption.) Phone company: Will you guarantee a secure line next time I call the Legion of Doom, Darth Vader, or The Klingon Embassy?
  14. Are you a roughneck? (COOL!!!) I kinda always wanted to be a roughneck, preferably in the North Sea. For lack of a better way to put it, I install datacenters with a Standardized Universal Networking company.
  15. Since I'm too lazy to type the whole novella, here's the quick version: I was at a previous employer. The building is constructed such that there is no water from the 3 floor up. Fire suppression is gas or foam because of computing equipment so there's no need for water. In fact, it's not wanted in case there's a fire on one floor so there won't be a 'flood' on the floor below or anything to do additional damage to electrics. It was a rather well thought through design for machines, but not for carbon units like me. So there are no bathrooms on the top floors of the building. It's a secure facility and the stairwells are locked at the extreme corners (and release only when a fire alarm is triggered). There is the slowest elevator known to mankind to take one down from the top floors to one where the bathrooms are. I was working on one of the top floors, it was (PAST!!!) time for a change, I was alone (for the most part) so I went off to a far corner out of view of the security cameras, behind the power supplies and changed. That's why I keep a ziplock and a grocery bag or two with me
  16. Maybe you can help me with other reasons for the behaviour because my DL bias leads me to only one conclusion. But, I've seen the following: There's a woman (white) who drives a car with the license tag "ABENA3" in a different division where I work. (I specify white because I've seen Abena as an traditional black-African name before.) I work at a HUGE organisation so I've only seen her from a some distance. There seem to be a lot of sorority girls who, as a part of pledge week have 'diapers' as part of their initiation. There also seem to be a number of 'drunk' photos where girls are passed out and wearing some kind of pullup (I can see the practical reasons!), but it's kind of funny to just have those lying around.
  17. A long story, but a 24/7 datacenter... hiding between a bunch of server racks
  18. Back in my day (when dinosaurs roamed the earth) we signed a disclosure agreement that RA's could do a random "three knock search" if no response of all visible items (i.e., couldn't look in closed closets, drawers, fridges, etc). This was primarily a medical/safety issue if someone could not be located. If you were present or conscious, you could deny the search, but usually the CPs would be paying a visit pretty soon looking to bust anyone on the floor with their friendly doggie. In practice the search policy was made very clear would not be used unless there were serious, credible info that could hurt one's self and others. So in short, back in my day, we had to 'sign our lives away to live on campus'. But hey... that was before co-ed floors and co-ed rooms! Now I feel old
  19. Sorry... English is not my first language so sometimes English double meanings go beyond me. Also in the culture I grew up with, sausage festivals are a rather common thing. Anyway, yeah, I agree, girls seem to be intimidated by this type of meeting, but maybe try one of the "munches" that are held in various places? Maybe a munch at a REAL sausage festival someday
  20. Maybe a sausage festival isn't the best place for a meeting. While they can be fun, and I did love the last sausage festival I went to, the crowds can be a little overwhelming. And what happens if the other person is a vegetarian who doesn't like beer? I've always liked the idea of hiding in plain sight, but maybe a sausage festival is a little too high energy. Maybe a lower-key venue might be a better place to start? Besides for those who do like sausage, being constantly distracted by bratwurst, beer and onions might distract from getting to know someone. -DP
  21. More like the Hotel California... "You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave..." OK, besides the bad Eagles quotes, I'm glad you're allowing yourself to be happy from something that doesn't hurt anyone and that you take comfort in and enjoy. When someone tries to use anything like that against you for /ANY/ reason, it's just ugly. I've known intimate things about friends and girlfriends and intimate relationships, and once those relationships soured, I NEVER thought of using what I knew against them (and believe me, I know some really embarrassing stuff!) but that's not the kind of person I am... I like to think most people are decent human beings. It sounds like an a-hole took advantage of you at an emotionally vulnerable time because they could and in doing so, took away, for a long time something that gives you comfort, relaxation and happiness in your life. In short, welcome back, I /REALLY/ don't think anyone here will judge you, enjoy yourself, and don't let the 'turkeys' get you down! -DP
  22. dogpiss


    You can get Mollicares pick-up at store at Wal-Mart, but you have to order a case and it does take about a week. I've always had best luck mail-order when in that part of town. I tend not to stray too far from Preston when business takes me so I haven't seen too many stores around that would carry a really good selection of stuff worth having.
  23. Don't know why people gotta bust bawls like that... life's too short and they're's so much more to care about then being a grammar and punctuation Nazi! Save the obsessive correction for the formal works. So long as a post doesn't make you go 'wuh?' it should all be 'good in da hood.' /Yes, they all are intentional. Screw the grammar Nazi! --dp
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