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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by Filiola

  1. Wow, where are you getting your Bambinos from? (Or maybe you donʻt mean medium)
  2. Will be moving to Geneseo, near Rochester, at the end of the month unless a miracle occurs.
  3. Right here: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_1_10?url=search-alias%3Dgrocery&field-keywords=coco+wheats&sprefix=coco+wheat and here's Maypo: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_0_5?url=search-alias%3Dgrocery&field-keywords=maypo+cereal&sprefix=maypo Which it turns out is oatmeal with maple flavoring.
  4. Just to wrap this up... I bought the Cream of Rice and found it tasteless, so went to the Goodwill and found a coffee grinder for $5. Put in some brown rice, ground it for 30 seconds, dumped the powder into boiling water, stirred for 10 minutes, got something so good I don't want to eat the baby cereal anymore, either! It has all the taste of brown rice, which the baby cereal (not even Earth's Best Brown Rice Cereal) does not. So, although it is boring to stir for 10 minutes (and you have to stir constantly or it gets lumpy), this is my new cereal of choice. Now you know more than you probably ever wanted to know about this. Don't worry, you can forget it if you try. I may try it with oatmeal too. Love the creaminess-thanks for the idea.
  5. Watch. Laugh. Repeat. http://popwatch.ew.com/2010/07/16/kate-bosworth-and-zoe-saldana-are-idiots/
  6. Yes, indeed, I am embarrassed to say that I missed any and all allusions to Toronto. "Only in America" is less hatred than bitter irony.
  7. "We want to shop!" Only in America--I hope.
  8. I may not have been clear: I wash every time I change with a washcloth and baby soap. Baby wipes are only for the diaper bag or emergencies. My point was that I don't think the wipes are good enough for me, I really need warm soapy water.
  9. Now that I am wearing almost 24/7, I do not use baby wipes between diapers: I use a washcloth and baby bath wash. Haven't had a rash since I started doing that--and before I was getting sore two or three times a week, when I wasn't even wearing all day!
  10. I wish someone could toss me up in the air. My niece used to say, "uppy deeny, Daddy!" which meant "up to the ceiling, Daddy!"
  11. Cthulhu and the Flying Spaghetti Monster: separated at birth
  12. Too late, I'm already here! Nyah nyah Phi Beta Kappa retard
  13. Don't give me that, you snotty-faced heap of parrot droppings. Shut your festering gob, you tit! Your type really makes me puke, you vacuous, coffee-nosed, malodorous pervert! There, feel better? (Abuse courtesy of Monty Python's "The Argument Sketch")
  14. One of the best diuretics in terms of efficacy: water. One of the best diuretics in terms of cost: water One of the best diuretics in terms of availability: water So safe you don't even need a prescription! AS Dathin said, you will NEED to go frequently.
  15. Thank you very much, I will try the Cream of Rice and if it's not what I want, I'll seek out a coffee grinder. Good ideas!
  16. I LOOOOOVE baby cereal. especially rice cereal. But it seems a little pricey. I went on the Internet to find out how to make my own rice cereal and found some directions (basically put the uncooked rice in a blender or even a coffee grinder and grind it to a powder). Not having a blender, I'm not sure I want to run out and buy one, so I wonder: have any babies, daddies or mommies out there tried this? If you have, was it as easy as it sounds? Do you have a particularly powerful blender? Any special features on it (pulse, reversing blades, etc.)? Thanks for any help you can give. And don't worry, I AM big enough to use a blender--sometimes. Thanks for your concern.
  17. Oh, Lots! On the Internet: another cloth diaper (adult sized) 2 pairs of rubber pants (no matter what they're made of, to me they'll always be rubber pants) a package of Mollicare diapers(trying them out--I mean, PURPLE) At Babies R US: A diaper pail for cloth diapers a teething ring washable waterproof pads a ton of Earths Best baby food (great sale at Diapers R Us) 2 dozen baby diapers (another sale item: buy 1 get 1 free) more baby lotion (buy 1 get 1): baby magic soothing lotion and a tube of lotion for keeping in the diaper bag extra nipples for my baba Babies R Us has a Rewards R Us program, with coupons just for members. That's how I got the BOGO on diapers and baby food for fifty cents a jar. I highly recommend this program. This is the first time in well over a month that I've bought more than my usual ration of Depends, so I was due. Besides, much of this was retail therapy as I had to say goodbye this week to some of the best students I have ever taught.
  18. I'm in the middle of Long Island, feeling isolated near a city of 8 million people--or is it more? Are there ever any get-togethers on this island or in the five boroughs?
  19. Gotta love the "redshirt" Daleks!
  20. I like these questions, and I like that you are asking them in a forum. I might even go so far as to say the questions are more important than the answers. "The unexamined life...," etc. Sorry I do not have responses myself that necessarily apply to anyone but me, so can't really contribute to the knowledge-base.
  21. I don't have cable; can't watch. Waaaah!
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