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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by guitar_a_goo_goo_ga

  1. maybe the servers decided to go to the monster truck rally that went on sunday! SUNDAY! SUNDAY!
  2. first lets go off topic. i dont chew, i tried it once and found it to be gross. i dont know how people can do it. and it was a joke the "thats fools talk *spits tobbaco*". lets break it down. i'm calling peeHD a fool but only fools chew tobbaco IMO. so yea, it was something there. so im not bashing the thought of world peace. ide vote for it if it ran for office. back on track now. on a silly show called ripelys believe it OR ELSE! there was a flying car. only it was a car you can drive around and to fly you had to go and put the wings and rudder on. so thats more of a transformer. however that robot is not in disguise.
  3. i only own footed PJs. when i move out then im gettin more toys.
  4. take em all, they have pee and bacon greese on them. the dog didnt want them after all. and thanks for giveing them a chance. dolly, thanks! i had loads of fun! best birthday ever perhaps.
  5. dolly i dont see any "sniping" goin on in this thread because i wouldnt pay $620 on personal plates that said i like to wear diapers. tj, feel free to joke around me. i can take it. take it all the way to the bank, witch i will then rob and buy all the diapers and toys i want! side note, in my state (mo) i believe personal plates are about $20 and you have them for 2 years i think. or you keep them indefentaly but its a lot cheeper and i still wouldnt get plates advrotiseing my love for diapers.
  6. bo, i think the quote should be "the youth IS wasted" due to the following; in the 24 hours that was my b day i have consumed at least 13 assorted beers, 8 tooters (test tube shots) 5 shots of captain morgain, 1 7n7, 1 malt beverage, 200ml of jagermeister and one shot of bacardi. and you know what. i also went out and got myself a mini fridge/freezer unit. for some reason my mom puts food in ours. i dont get it but oh well.
  7. im afrade rocky is correct. and i assume you are also a george carlin fan. funny man he is.
  8. pee on my peas?! then no one will eat them! ill just pour this bacon greese on them and feed it to the dog.
  9. botox. the next age im looking forward to is 25 where i get a discount on insurance. other than that its all downhill from here physically. oh no im in the prime of my life! better do something about it. *drinks a beer* thats better.
  10. why not purchace diapers online if its going to come in the mail anyway?
  11. ive never done it before. infact the only illegal drugs ive done are pot and alcohol. however in 32 hours alcohol will not be illegal for me. yay!
  12. morv, pacifiers are also popular with the MDMA (ecstasy) users because while on it one is likely to grind their own (as opposed to someone else's) teeth. just throwing that out there for no apparent reason. ill just go back in my corner. EDIT: silly dyslexia
  13. I think rocky has a good idea about having to be an advanced member or similar its very logical.
  14. that would defentally be diffrent. maybe the story goes something like; a car crash his rookie year as a cop left him incontinent. that was the one time the bad guys got away. now Lt. gary blackmore is out busting up crime in his disposables.
  15. i like a clockwork orange where cassetts get smaller.
  16. welcome to the boards. i hope you stay and make some more posts.
  17. rosie, what you said made sence but there is one thing you can do. you can have someone (member(s), obvioulsy) monoter the chat when they can and if some 13 year old keeps annoying someone then *wham!* kick em out. other than that there isnt anything. and as for people not talking to eachother theres, as you said, nothing you can do. oh, one more thing, chat may be more interesting if there were some diffrent rooms.
  18. see, this is why message boards are so much better. how you been rocky?
  19. All things are normal if you find just one other person who does the same. for there is no normal; 6.4 billion people all with their own opinions and own version of normal. everything is normal and everything is not, it is all personal perspective. so in answer to your question i dont understand. yes. "If we go out mum still asks me if we are staying* but that is pretty rare" DID YOU MEEN: wearing staying diapered still diapered
  20. i think pipsqueak sumed it up best in this thread but all were good replys here but what am i? i like diapers, i like dressing/acting like a baby, dressing in womens clothes, i like bondage and im bi-sexual. so am i an AB-sissy-transvestite-S&M-bi-sexual? yes but i dont see that under "I am a..." or "Diaper Status" see we dont need lables for everthing for i am just me. too much information for you? then forget with drugs! jk
  21. i never really liked chat rooms. ill go in once in a while if im really bored.
  22. indeed have fun and besure not to drink too much tequila so you can regail us with your stories when you get back! ill be going to the one in april hopefully in a skirt & diaper.
  23. i was at the salvage yard and looking through the trunk of a car and found an unopened pacage of adult diapers i dont know what brand because the plastic was trasnsparent with no text. i took them home and they fir perfectly
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