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Everything posted by newreno_3

  1. But with some movies only America gets the bad ending, why so? Why take a movie like The Decent, which was a big success in the Britian for a British production, and change the ending only for Americans? Americans can handle it! Loved the end of The Mist! Another movie with a 'bad ending' is drag me to hell.
  2. Well its not as easy as that sadly. I've written about hell before, nothing too heavy. No, it has nothing to do with the Govenment, or really the ratings board, it falls finally to the studio exes, who for some reason are uneasy about people seeing this kinda stuff. I just wondered why, if anyone had an answer for me. Turns out I've got one big answer from this, and all you need to do is read through all the replies from people I've had about this subject. That is why. For the record though. Drag Me To Hell. Horror and a movie about hell. (Sorta)
  3. I totally love Preaching To The Perverted! Its an awesome film! Very underrated!
  4. Sorry guys not sure why I called it censorship 2 now. Um yes, it is true, that studios go for the happy ending as it tests well, but as for you guys, what do you think about films getting their endings changed to suit an american audience? I think the change of ending to The Decent was barbaric! lol
  5. Did we ever get a server going?
  6. I wanted to follow up my post about hell with another American based censorship question. Before we begin I know I've been mostly comparing the UK (and the rest of the world, sort of) censorship with the United States', this has made some people get very defensive about America, and I wanted to state it is not an attack on ther American people. My question is, why do American film studios feel they must put a happy ending on most films, I know there are a lot, but it is a running joke that a big American studio will take a film and tack a happy ending on it. Two examples spring to mind, the original cuts of The Decent and Blade Runner. So why? Or do the American people only want to see a happy ending? I wouldn't blame them mind Thoughts please!
  7. I have had some interesting responsed all in all about this subject, all rather fasinating I must say, at least you guys have been nice I've had angry threats made against me on fetlife. I must rather like to think as hell as hell, not as another dimension, although that is just personal preferance, I do rather like all the history and horror behind it. By the way Dante's Inferno is a great little book all about hell to read I very much recommend it. Hope no one is too offended about anything that has been said, just like to state i'm not a satanist who thinks he's getting a raw deal or anything!
  8. Heyhey! welcome to DD! Have a goosey around everyone is real friendly! Take care!
  9. Okay, I've heard a lot of people saying use bananas if you dont want to actually poop, but how? I can't find any explanations on what to do or how to do it.
  10. I gotta say I had no idea that kids could see an R rated movie with an adult. In the uk we only have 18 and 15, which you gotta be over that age to see, with an adult or not, and 12a which is over 12 unless accompanied by an adult. diapcrow makes an excellent point! One which should be brought up. There are films on the subject of hell, Devils Advocate, Constantine and What Dreams May Come all passed without a cut. As for Hellraiser, I'm not sure, that was a number of years ago. It does seem that films that are gory horror and concerning hell seem to get their references cut, at least over the last ten years. Lets shift our focus onto Doom, the awful video game adaptation. We all know the story of Doom (more prominant in Doom 3), the movie is not that violent, or there is no sexual scenes, its all a rather generic action film. But the writers were told not to base the story on hell, or a hell dimension, instead they had to swap it to a virus that was turning people to monsters. So why the worry of people seeing a horror/action film based around hell? I don't want people to get to angry about this, i'm just curious to the nature of certain types of censorship, I posted this exact thing on another forum and have nothing but abuse.
  11. I would love to see it too! I had a guy who told me this film had nothing to do with hell, but was all about oxygen starvation, and was particularly nasty about me infering that it had.
  12. Yes this is quite true, I have noticed that some films relating to hell do get released. Devils Advocate is another one, but what I want to know that in the films containing heavy sex and/or violence the aspects of hell are also removed. Doom, whilst awful, was a violent action movie but also had its hell lowered to the status of 'another dimension'. So its not hell as such that offends sensors, but a mix of violence and sex too. This is an intriguing wrinkle. Also may I ask how many people find this subject offensive, I had a lot of aggressive messages from people on this subject. (But not on this site)
  13. I was watching Event Horizon the other day, and it got me thinking... If you've not seen it let me fill you in, warning some spoilers await! The film is about a space ship, the Event Horizon, which has the ability the travel between two points in space instantly, via a wormhole. However it vanishes on its maiden voyage, and reappears years later, sans crew. Then a crew go to investigate and ghostly evil going ons ensue. Dr Weir, who built the Event Horizon and is with the investigation crew, is the only one who knows that the Event Horizon knows that the ship actually goes into another dimension when it travels to this other point in space (if it actually goes there). With me so far? I'm not explaning it so well. Anyway I found out that the film got an NC-17 certificate in the states, which I've heard is the 'kiss of death' of a film in American (I don't know what an NC-17 film is!) so to attain an R rating he had to cut a fair bit of footage. Most of the footage concerned is footage that refer to this other dimension as hell. I suppose I wanted to know why Americans, or at least American sensors are so scared of people viewing images or concepts of hell? For the record the film never once states that the ship goes to hell, but take into account Dr Weir's obsession of getting back to his wife who committed suicide and the sanatic style death orgy that the crew find on the ships log would seem to suggest this, even though all other references had been removed. I noticed they did this with the movie Doom, the game was all about hell coming into our world, but in the film it was refered to merely 'another dimension'. So why do all these references to hell have to be removed? I am aware that America is one of the most religious countries in the world, but as the states prides itself upon free speech i find it weird that it had to protect people from this kinda thing. What do you guys think?
  14. Hey guys, thought I'd post this on here just to see if anyone can help me. When ever I try and use MMO game it can never connect to the server, even with my firewalls down. And I don't know enough about that kinda thing to do anything. I tried it with City of Heroes first, that wouldnt connect, thought it might be a problem with COH, but just tried There too, and that won't connect either, any ideas?
  15. The other day I purchased myself an adult sized onesie from Primark for only
  16. I've seen him a number of times! I hadn't noticed a nappy before, just dressed as a sissy but i think there may well have been one!
  17. I just wanted to share that I saw an AB walking down the seafront in my new hometown of Llandudno, Wales! Bold as brass in full baby gear. That takes balls! Lived in Brum for many years and never saw a single one!x
  18. Hey guys I'm looking to purchase adult nappies in the UK, but not online i ideally need to go to a store. Anyone know a decent one? I'm in North Wales but can go as far as Chester.
  19. Anyone else notice how they seem to 'randomly' drop in the fact that she has a two year old sun. God I hate the sun! You are a perv and a weirdo if you arent a shaven headed St George face painted moron. Its like how they are all anti-paedo and they have 16 year olds on page 3 topless.
  20. I love going to fetish clubs, not weird dingey creepy places, but the proper ones, ones that are actually clubs. Anyway I was wondering if any one has gone to one dressed as an AB, and what kind of rections did it provoke?
  21. Okay so here's the continuation of the 'I Want To Poop My Diaper But Dont Like It!' thread. The sequel if you will. Well I tried it again, taking in everyones advice and... I had to get it off immediatly. Not sure what it is, for me I'm just a DL, tried AB and the rest and its not for me. Don't get me wrong I've no problem with them, just not my thing. I've always been into many fetishes and bondage is a big one of mine. Maybe the thought of being forced to poop my diaper and not allow me to change it is what I crave? Someone who tells me I can't take it off! Anyone else connect with this? Especially any of our ABDL/BDSM friends on here? Who knows. Its a theory. Discuss.
  22. Woah guys! Let us all calm down, its only suppose to be a light hearted 'that weirdo NewReno wants to poop his diaper but hates it at the same time' kinda thread. Each to their own here guys, we all are into diapers one way or another, we are all different and we shouldn't be judging each other, not when so many who do not understand our fetish are more then ready to.
  23. Thanks for the replies, a lot of what you guys have said makes sense. I've tried substituting poop for other things, but i do miss the pooping itself. I shall try and stay in one next time and see how long I last. Shall report back with findings!
  24. Guys I'm very confused, I love the feeling of pooping my diaper but as soon as I have I gotta get it off immediatly as I hate the clean up and all. Anyone else have this problem? If so how do you deal with it?
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