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Everything posted by fluff

  1. fluff

    New Kid

    Hi Tai welcome. Sure you'll get used to it pretty quick, people here are pretty cool.
  2. I don't know how, I wouldn't mind knowing just out of curiosity but I am who I am and Ive more than accepted this part of my life. But I do remember the first time I got into nappies after growing a little. I was about 7 I think, somewhere around there, and I "stole" one from my mum who was a childminder at the time. I didnt understand why i was interested in it at the time it was just a fascinating thing. The feel was the big thing, the bulky, plasticy thing that felt so much more comfortable and suitable than normal pants. Growing up I got hold of adult sized ones in my mid teens but it was never really anything sexual and into an ab side it is just part and parcel of my life in that role.
  3. never tried although its not as funky as the other one My Name Is Earl
  4. um never tried/heard of but i love that image! Mayonnaise
  5. Like. It does its job, searches the interweb. Not to be mistaken with Brad, the ball pit!
  6. in future, put a soft cover on the sofa (mine has this fleecey blanket on it). grab a blow up bed (no real explosives), loads of soft stuff (blankies, pillows, bean bags, duvets etc) and pop em right next to the sofa.When she drifts off and you dont want to wake her, slide her off by pulling the blanket on the sofa and she'll fall into a comfy bed like area. She'll still get a good nights sleep, but not be on the sofa. Yay.
  7. Yay I love toast! and thats some tasty looking toast Radiohead
  8. Never tried. I can see a patern emerging ive never heard of anything abrera mentions miniature chocolate bars ala "celebrations"
  9. Never tried...I dont have a sister. bran flakes (out of fun cereal in my house )
  10. Hmm, well going down the more "fantasy" route Start with waking up pretty wet, having mummy/daddy come in and me suddenly feeling better about waking up in my room. picked up and fed breakfast in my highchair, it'd be coco pops and they wouldn't be crunchy because they are better when the chocolate runs out and they go mushy. favourite teddy obviously nearby. then changed out of my soggy nappy and given a bath with plenty of bubbles, toys and sponge mittens! after being dried off by mummy/daddy in the biggest fluffiest towel ever its back to my room and into a clean nappy with plenty of powder...then clothes. probably a onesie then some trousers and a wooly jumper because its cold outside. which leads me to the next part of my day...the park! its a bit far away so we go in the car, me in the back in my special seat with favourite teddy as always. we walk around, seeing other people with dogs and on bikes and running, me a little damp after a while but i get cheered up by getting to feed the ducks. then lunch! healthy cafe but since i have little concept of my current vegeism i get beans on toast. which is ace anyway. much of this is on me rather than in but nethertheless i'm full. mommy/daddy makes sure its cleaned off before we leave. i get changed in the bathrooms then its probably some sort of adult shopping trip so since im unentertained i get cranky and try to run off, much to mummy/daddys dissapointment - a little telling off or maybe a quick smack on my padded bottom but nothing more as im generally good. i fall asleep on the car ride home and once inside im popped on the sofa to continue napping. a little playtime is in order i think then dinner. loadsa vege pasta and cheese. i say pasta, pasta shapes! again more mess but its all good as mummy/daddy probably think its cute. changed again and then left to play for a while before being popped into my sleepies and nightime nappy. a bedtime bottle on mummy/daddy lap as i'm cuddled warm and cosy and i soon start to feel like im about to drift off but not before my favourite part of the day - story time. tucked into my crib, cuddling into my teddy, sucking my paci, mommy/daddy sitting on the right reading probably a seseame street book. we dont get to the end cause i switch to slumber. lol that was really long and prob not the exact sort of reply you were expectin.
  11. I think so, theres a few of them. They always seem to put their occupation down as well, I dont see how it matters lol. All these car insurance ads are irritating as well
  12. I'm with these two. I know you said theres more to it but on the face of info thats how it looks. Don't know how I would have handled your situation but it sounds a bit childish the way it was brought infront of you so hopefully it goes away...if you want it to anyway. I mean childish with all due respect, been listening to my mate moan about his little girl all day spreading rumours on facebook and it sounds all too familiar.
  13. Hate. (its not actually hate but i dont really like it either) camping (thats quie a nice looking view)
  14. I've worn all the time apart from at work reecently, quite proud in that not really something to be proud of thing. Wooly jumpers though, probably wear a wooly jumper.
  15. I have never in my life tried that. airplane food
  16. Omg look at the feet! I wants one, I wants one, I wants one! edit - that was strange i clicked on this thread again and saw a photo and now its gone...
  17. Yes and no. And as I said before I've personally had items (but not nappies) uncovered but nothing ever come of it, at all. And I've come to think its for this reason. A bit like Loopy, my Teddys are left out and about and my sleepers in my wardrobe or on my bed. But they are just pyjamas and toys. To me they mean much more but they are actually, if a little different, normal items. Most baby stuff can have a legitimate reason to a non ab for being there. Nappies, diapers, plastic pants etc though. Thats different. And a far more uncomfortable object to discuss in day to day life. I'm far, far more careful about where I store my nappies than I am my pacifier.
  18. Toothpaste ads. Particularly that one over here where they interview someone about it and it changes location every couple of words.
  19. LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! Was my tv show of choice growing up. I'll be honest, given whats on the box these days it needs to come back, just repeats of the original. Bubblewrap!
  20. Heh could have been worse eh? At least it was just a few inquisitive questions. Your mommy does sound very cool though.
  21. Never tried, seen, heard of, lol sorry. Blue cheese.
  22. Youve gone and got me wantin t watch father ted now, thankyou so much
  23. Hello Doug Are you in the north, south, east, middle or west or off on an island in the uk?
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