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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by MLGTexas84

  1. I haven't in real life, but I have in a picture. Do you watch the Ghost Investigator Shows?
  2. I have 2 of the seasons of the 90's X-Men Cartoon that used to be on Fox Kids Saturday Mornings and am hoping that my wife buys seasons 3 and 4 for The Holidays.
  3. I usually wear one until it becomes uncomfortable or until my wife says it is time for a change, which ever comes first.
  4. Lots of sunscreen! I have seen many pics of diaper wearers and we seem to be pretty pale.
  5. Because my wife's favorite color is purple. Although they could be a lot softer. In all honesty they are color coded so professionals can more easily identify what they have on hand.
  6. I only have one that I bought at Hastings: Rune Soldier It is funny as hell, makes fun of traditional RPG Roles and still has a point as well as a story.
  7. I have been shaving for years, ever since I read in Maxim that most women prefer a shaved or trimmed man. I couldn't figure out how to trim it evenly. So I shaved it all off and found I liked it. Plus out of fairness I expect a girl to shave. However I do remember a lot of shaving bumps the first few times, but afterward I found it uncomfortable if I didn't shave. As for shaving advice: When I shampoo my hair I rub the excess down there and then shave it off, just like any other body part you shave. Other people in diapers don't have hair down there, so why should I?
  8. Wear's diapers in public and thinks no one knows.
  9. United States Army Joined Oct 2004 and have reenlisted once. I am covered until Sep 2011 and then I am thinking about Law Enforcement. Currently I am a 74D202B NBC NCO. I have deployed to Afghanistan and am scheduled to go back for another fun and exciting trip to nowhere and waste another year of my life. Over all the Army is a good job, but deploying every other year blows. As such I am a big supporter of the Obama Administration hoping that they will lower the number of deployed troops.
  10. Love the Puppets Hate the Movies Sons of Anarchy?
  11. We have talked about if we have kids how that will change things for us. Obviously, it will change things, but kids change most things anyway. The first change would be that hanging out in diapers and PJ shirts would have to be limited to when the kids aren't home or the bedroom. As well as casually leaving diapering supplies around the bedroom. In a way our kids would become our parents making us hide that part of our life again. On the positive side. We will enjoy playing with our kids for more reasons than the average parent. Instead of pretending to enjoy toys and coloring we actually do. Plus a nursery is a nursery even if it isn't yours. We all feel better the moment we step inside and the smell floods our senses. My wife just looked over my shoulder and said, "No, I will be sad if I have to wear pants." Currently though we aren't planning to have kids and if we do, it will be a few years from now anyway. On the original topic: It's not that I don't enjoy changing her and the way she squirms and giggles when I adjust her leg garters, really makes my day. It's just that I am really bad with kids (they randomly cry if I wave or smile at them), as such I don't exude parent. I just don't really have the knack for it and neither did my dad or my uncle. For that matter I don't know if I know any guy that really does. It's like it just comes naturally to women or even girls for that matter. Guys grow up playing war and killing action figures with other action figures, while girls play house and pretend to be mommies to their baby dolls (there are exceptions but this tends to be the norm). I just don't know if it is a genetic thing or if we are taught these skills and urges. Modern Fathers are more apt to change a diaper than they were in my diaper days, but its as if they are doing something special or they had to really focus to learn these skills. Have you ever seen a teen boy as a babysitter? If you hand a girl a baby they know how to hold it and take care of it, but if you handed the same baby to a guy, he would hesitate and wonder am I doing this right? Does this come with an Instruction Manual? (Obviously I am blowing it out of proportion, but I think you get the point.)
  12. Well I have to support this brag. This sounds like a really good sign for your marriage. The fact that she did this for you, when she wasn't comfortable says a lot about her character and how much she wants to see you happy. Just a warning, not to ruin the great mood, but this doesn't mean it will be a regular occurrence, but it probably will happen again and more often. Think of it as the more she does it the more comfortable she will become, the more comfortable she is the more often she will change you, causing a cyclic reaction, all in your favor. Wishing you the best of luck
  13. I was on IheartDiapers, and Adrian had posted a pic of a Luvs baby made to look like her. So I went to the Luvs website and made a baby to look like me. I thought other people would like the chance so here is the link: http://www.luvsdiapers.com/luvs-network.do If the link doesn't work just go to luvsdiapers.com and click on the Luvs Network Tab. I think it is great, but I can't set it as my Avatar Have fun with it...
  14. Maybe the difference isn't so much time and actions so much as state of mind. It's not the way its done so much as how she talks to me while she does it. It might be that I am changing her to prevent diaper rash and to take care of her, and she changes me strictly for the pleasure of wearing. I don't think I am really explaining it right. We both wear mostly for pleasure, but I think she assumes more of a Mommy role when she changes me, than I can manage as a Daddy. Maybe that's it...
  15. My wife and I change each other on a regular basis, but I have noticed that she does it better. I don't mean after I am done she isn't happy or that she leaks from it being loose or lopsided. I change her diaper every night before bed. However, when she changes me, its more loving, as if she is changing a child. I guess that is the difference, she changes me with care and love and I just change her. Obviously I love and care about her, but at changing time it seems I don't have that special touch. Does anybody else experience this? Is it because she is a woman and they are better with these things or what? Or is Tenderness just their bag?
  16. My diapers have come out to people in my life 3 times. The first was when my family found my diapers and I attempted to explain it and they decided it was a "Phase", well 5 years latter I am married to my DL/LG wife. Joined the military between events 1 and 2. The second time was when I decided, like gay people, I should come out of the closet, or is that the nursery, so I called up my old friends from High School, 2 were kinda weirded out and never talked about it again, 1 said to each their own and never mentioned it again, the last told me that he was into blood play and that he thought it was cool that we could share our interest. Further more we talk about it sometimes and on the rare event that I write a story (I used to have 3 on the site, but they didn't transfer), I send them to him for proof reading and so that he can better understand it. The third I thought would be the worst. I was in my room with my squad mates looking up movie times on a website and my roommate decided to show one of the other guy his new handgun, he had bought 3 days earlier, he messed up clearing it and shot me in the arm and the bullet traveled into my leg. So there I am in shock waiting for the ambulance to arrive sitting in front of my computer, when my screen-saver comes on (Scrolling pictures of girls in diapers) and I don't realize it. So the cops, fire department, ambulance and my 2 friends see them. In the hospital people are talking about it, which adds many more of my work friends, the hospital staff, and military personnel that I never knew. Latter, my friend who accidentally shot me ask, "So diapers huh?" I said, "Yea" and that was it. The guy who saw me get shot makes "Huggies" jokes whenever no one is around, but nothing serious. My roommates girlfriend was talking about it at work and one of the more Hard Core guys at work told her, 'I was tough enough to get shot, that I could wear anything I damn well pleased.' So nothing really happened when damn near everyone I knew found out. Something to think about for all of you people afraid to tell the important people in your life.
  17. The best advice I have for you is this: Relationships are built on 2 things, Trust and Respect Which means you have to be honest with whoever you are with and they have to be accepting of it or there will be problems in the long run. For example if you suppress it there will always be a part of yourself resenting her/him for it. Conversely if she/he doesn't accept it and you continue to do it, she/he will never respect you or understand you. There are a number of people in our community who live in one of these situations and I bet they aren't fully happy with their situations. So in summation you have to find someone will accept this as part of who you are and there will be less conflict in your day to life. If they are cool with this, then when you get off work you indulge yourself and there is no question of, "How do you?"
  18. My Mom used to babysit children for a living when I was growing up, and I remember sneaking them to my room and thinking about wearing them, when I was elementary, but they were too small for me. Then I figured out if I taped 2 of them together and put them inside underwear they were pretty close. I was so proud the first time I did it, I told my mom and she wasn't really happy about that. So I didn't do that again until I hit puberty and that was when it transitioned from thinking about wearing to a sexual thing. Now I didn't know what it was called or anything like that, but when I was in Junior High my parents got dial-up and I sneaked into the living room late one night and typed in Diapers into a search engine, sure enough I found girls in Diapers (The Greatest Thing Ever!!). Then I had to learn how to dump the history so my mom couldn't figure out where I had been. From there I read everything I could to try to figure out how or why we are the way we are. The only thing I know is that we like diapers just as deeply and truly as gay men love gay men, and straight men love women (and bi-sexual women). It's just who we are. I don't know how I got this attraction, but my mom said when I was like 4 I used to go to a babysitter and at nap time I would have accidents and Donna, the woman who kept us, would put me in a diaper until my pants came out of the washer. Now I never wet the bed and when my mom would pack a change of cloths I didn't have accidents there either, but when she didn't I did. I don't remember this, but when I was 20 my mom had found my adult diapers and she was totally freaked. After she calmed down, I asked her if I had ever worn diapers after I was potty trained and she told me that.
  19. My wife and I were talking about this exact thing last night in the car coming back from a party. We were talking about the progression of diapers and how the older crowd is into Cloth and Plastic Pants, and our age wear plastic backing, and how the TB's probably like the cloth backed disposables. Now to clarify there is no right type of diaper for the community since we range from all sorts of generations. I remember watching baby diapers evolve and how there were fewer and fewer companies that made plastic diapers, until there were no more. We also like Goodnights/Adult Pull-ups, which kind of agrees with the idea that we make our attractions when we had already grown out of diapers and saw babies in diapers. When we were potty trained we wore cloth training pants and plastic pants, but neither of us think of that as proper potty training clothing. Instead when practicality wins out or we want to be a bit older we wear Pull-ups. I even bought a pair of training pants from protex since that is what I wore and found I didn't enjoy them. Now if we had been born in the 70's they probably would have been perfect. So I think it has more to do with perception of truth than actual truth. Our fear is that in 20 years Adult Diapers will have gone cloth backed and that we will have to transition as well. Saying that they don't come out with another "improvement" over the current baby style (which we can only assume will happen).
  20. My wife and I are both into the scene, and when she is being playful and wants to go out little, I diaper her at home. Then we usually go to a park and I let her play on the swings or feed the ducks depending on which park we go to. As for what you have her wear over her diaper more depends on how comfortable she is with wearing. We usually go for either a skirt or pants with the the diaper sticking out the top (we call that toddler pants), so she can pretend people will notice, but nobody really does. Then we head to the Ice Cream shop, and to really give the illusion of youngness I have her tell me what she wants and I order for her. Simple, cheap and not embarrassing for either of us. If you plan to stay at home: I recommend a few touches that switch your home into a Baby's home. Put diapers and changing supplies out in the open like on the coffee table or an end table in the living room, as normal parents do. Have a few toys, coloring books and anything else she likes to do when little laying out, since she will be more inclined to use them if she sees them. As for activities make sure that you do most things for her and ask her what she wants to do. We recommend cooking dinner for her and either cut up her food or feed her (her choice), snuggling under a big fuzzy blankie while watching a children's movie (my wife recommends Enchanted), reading her a bedtime story at the end of the night. Side Note: if it is sexual for her, save that for the End. Remember that a parent fills the needs of the child and in so doing fills their own needs. Don't in anyway take the advice of the others above and humiliate her.
  21. The best diaper that we have found and absolutely love is the Secure X-Plus (Plastic Backed) made by Secure Personal Care. It can be found at: http://securepersonalcare.com/briefs-c-1.html Hope that helps...
  22. My Wife is a Bed Wetter so she wears 1 a night. If we are feeling playful we also wear during the day. Which might be a few a week, each. Times that we wear for fun: sex, movies, and the weekend hanging around the house relaxing.
  23. Diaper Dreams have always been a part of my life for longer than I knew what they meant. I had them even before puberty. When I got into High School I wondered why I never had dreams about sex or naked women. It wasn't until I really understood the extent of my attraction to Diapers did I figure out that these Diaper Dreams, were my version of Sex Dreams. Is it the same for ya'll?
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