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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by happyindprs

  1. I have to say that you are doing everything by the book. You told them you have a diaper fetish. You are upfront and honest with them. So far it seems they are still willing to meet with you. You are willing to pay, yes I would say there should be no issues what so ever. best of luck to you.
  2. Hmmm I guess you could tell them that you have a medical condition and need to wear protection. You could tell them you have had it since birth and have been secretly wearing diapers to cope with your incontinence. Do you think your friends would be cool with it under those circumstances? It sounds like you would be much better off wearing protection instead of annoying everyone with your frequent stops. Most importantly though is I hope you aren't drinking and driving and you save the alcohol comsumption to non driving times
  3. Only you know what your parents are like. tell them if you think you need to but first consider what you want to get out of admitting this. If you come right out and tell them you like wearing diapers and want to be babied, you may end up in therapy. I doubt that your parents will treat you like a baby though. If you start wetting your bed or pants and tell them, then they will probably be taken to the doctor or hospital for test after test after test, until they find the cause. So once you get though all of that and you end up wearing diapers with their knowledge, it will probably be more of a pity party then a nurturing type of a thing. And once they are convinced you need to be in diapers, be prepared because you will need to wear them all of the time then as well. It will no longer be your choice to wear when you want, it will be 24/7. Telling your girlfriend has its risks as well, however as everyone has stated here, if you plan on getting serious with Her the honesty is the best policy. You may lose her after your coming out but it will be much better than trying to suppress your desires .
  4. Betty why don't you try buying on line thus avoiding being seen?
  5. We are all guilty of wasting time wondering what people think of us. We stress over what they may think, how they will react or what they may say. I know I am not alone when I say that on many trips to the pharmacy to buy diapers, I would spend huge amounts of time casing the place. I would go where no one I knew would see me. I'd drive through the parking lot to see if I saw any cars I knew and when I finally got up the nerve to actually pick up a package of diapers, I'd sweat it out until I was safely out of the store. What a waste of time! The focus is not on what others may think, it is what you think. People shop at the pharmacy for many reasons and the fact that you may be there buying diapers is no care or concern of theirs. Yes, it would be embarrassing and awkward to run into someone you know, but then again most people wouldn't say anything about it at the time.
  6. Try www.nevergrownup.com
  7. I store mine in my dresser, also in on a shelf in our walk in closet and the reserve packages are in our lower level storage closet in full view of anyone entering there.
  8. I agree, if you drink mostly water, you can change less often. However if you are drinking lots of sweet stuff or alcohol, your diaper will tend to smell more quickly and more frequent changing will be in order.
  9. It sounds like this is a matter of personal preference. I know of a guy that uses black plastic garbage bags over his diapers. He likes a nice tight fit as do you it would appear. Most of us are fine with vinyl or plastic pants over our diapers but hey, to each his own.
  10. In my opinion, an adult baby is everything to do with regressing to a babies appropriate age mind set. Props such as bottles, pacifiers, baby food, baby clothes,rattles and stuffed animals help with the regression. The adult babies that I have as friends, like the nurturing, secure and innocent feelings they experience while being regressed. They crave attention from an adult caregiver type of a person to complete the experience. Diaper lovers, of which I am one of them, love the thought and the feel of diapers. For most but certainly not all it is of a sexual nature. Wearing diapers for practical reasons, or just because they feel so damn good is the norm. Diaper lovers may also enjoy wearing a onesie or using a pacifier on occasion but it is not paramount to enjoying the DL experience. Diaper lovers tend to live in the adult world in real time and do not regress to the baby mind set. They do however enjoy the comfort and security from wearing a diaper.
  11. I am diapered 24/7 so I have been to the dentist many a time wearing a diaper. I know they know I wear diapers. I have seen the looks and the eye gestures from the hygienists to the dentist on more than one occasion. however they have never asked me about them or why I wear them.
  12. I am assuming you will be putting him into a disposable diaper. I suggest using an Abena extra plus, Bambino or Drylife 24/7 or equivalent that will allow him wetting it for extended periods of time,(eight or more hours) then use tamper evident tape over the diaper tapes. If he pulls the tape off, it fractures and makes it obvious he tampered with it.
  13. I'd pay off all of our debt and all of the debt of my brothers and sisters. Give to my Church, help others in need and quit my job. I would find some way to help others with the remaining money
  14. Well I was watching the news last Friday and they announced that cotton prices were going through the roof. I just might be more economical to wear disposable diapers instead of cotton undies!
  15. I'm a service manager/ handyman for a couple of builders here in Wisconsin. I do home repairs, remodeling and general contracting.
  16. I think the main issue here is not whether your Father loves you but that there was abuse in your home with your Mom. I think you did the right thing by getting out of an abusive relationship as no one needs or deserves that in their life. What exactly is the relationship between your parents as it sounds like Mom rules the roost. If your Mom was abusing you, your Father has a duty to step in and protect you. Like others have said, you did the right thing by leaving, to get a fresh start and be on your own so to speak where people are kind to you. I don't doubt that your Father loves you but I also think that you are not the one that let him down, sounds like he let you down considering the situation you had with your Mom. Stay the course and stay strong. Find comfort with your boyfriend and his family and keep in touch with Dad. Things have a way of working out for the best in time.
  17. If you are truly incontinent I can see your point and agree with your actions. However, if you do not have a medical need, You may have over reacted in MHO. As stated before he may have just been trying to make light of the situation or perhaps found you cute and was genuinely curious. I went into a Walgreens Pharmacy last summer. It was early on Sunday morning and I had stopped in for a prescription. As I was checking out the female cashier mentioned that my diaper was sticking out and motioned with her finger. No one else was in line behind me at the time so I just replied,"Sorry, that happens to me a lot." I smiled and so did she. I paid for my purchase and left.
  18. Take her to a movie so when she is sitting down her diaper might stick out of her jeans a bit. How about a baseball game some nice warm night. People might notice her wearing there as well and there is always Six Flags or other theme park. I have heard that some people that ride roller coasters wear protection just for that purpose. Riding a bike would make it obvious she was diapered as would climbing a rock wall. I have a friend that used to drive big rigs. He has all sort of stories about the things he has seen while driving across America. This might be the perfect place to expose her diapers to them. I could just imagine what the chatter on the CB might sound like!
  19. It's amazing what scared us to death when we were young, we embrace as adults?!
  20. Forget the lawyer, this is life, today. As stated before most of us are at will employees. Lawyers are only helpful if you can prove discrimination or if they suddenly would shut down an entire plant without notice. I worked for my last employer ten years. It was the best place to work with the best people I ever worked for or with. I just finished building our dream house, and the future looked bright. I was on my way to the office after a few service calls and within an hour was unemployed. It isn't a loyalty thing it's just business. The bottom drops out and hard decisions need to be made and people lose their jobs. My Company and for that matter any company does not owe any of us a thing. We perform a job for a company and we are paid for our time. It's an even exchange until something like this happens. The first thing we do is blame the employer. I agree losing a job after ten or more years, does stink but we all move on sooner or later. When I was let go, I was sitting in the owners office and it was gut wrenching for them to let me and a few others go. We worked together for so many years and now there was nothing more to be said. Sugar coating it didn't change the fact that I was no longer employed. I collected unemployment compensation and opened up my own business and moved on.
  21. There is always going to be someone out there that will find this disgusting, partly because they don't have all of the information and secondly because they are narrowly minded.It's the old saying, "If you don't like what is on, change the channel." I love and respect myself, partly because I know what makes me tick and I live my life accordingly. I consider myself much better off than so many others that repress their desires or supposedly act their age. All I can add to that is, "Have a happy day and enjoy you crappy life!" I've run into people that will label people like me as pervs or damaged or sick or whatever. Then I find out that they do cheat on their wives, hang out at strip clubs or so many other far worse things.
  22. Do you think it would help if our ages weren't posted with our profiles. Maybe then age may not be as much of an issue and more would feel welcome?
  23. Check out www.nevergrownup.com excellent service, prices and he will custom make to any size onesie for you for the same price.
  24. I thought the very same thing two years ago when my daughters fiance' was killed in Iraq. He was twenty-nine and he was supposed to come home and marry my daughter the following June. They had everything going for them. But he never made it home, instead his Humvee ran over an i.e.d. and he and another were killed instantly. What a horrible loss we all thought. The only shining moment we hold close to us to this day is that they were killed as they finished the last verse of Amazing Grace! Like the Marines God too looks for a "Few Good Men."
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