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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by hazardouskink

  1. nope, i wouldn't. i wouldn't go around in just my boxers, either. i see no reason for any of my undergarments to be other people's business. and hey, dogs aint so bad! lol
  2. *raises hand* i'm a big poopin' fan! these days with a super busy schedule i find myself using diapers more often for poop than for pee. simply because when i put on a diaper to pee in it i know i'm gonna be in it for a long time because it feels so good to be warm and squishy. with poop i do the deed, have one heck of a good time, then get cleaned up and head on to whatever is next in my day. quick fix. i like 'natural' poops as much as the next person, but what really gets me going is hyper messes. i've tried bananas up the tailpipe, enemas, fiber supplements... all of them were great but there's nothing quite like making a big, ginormous all-natural mess in your diapers. the feeling is impossible to replicate. the rushing relief, the crackle, the visible bulge and the feel of the mess as it conforms to your diaper is impossible to get any other way. for ease-of-use or times when messing myself is not an option i use oatmeal. i have spent many happy hours encased in a 'load' of hot oatmeal with no one being the wiser. it is most definitely an easier cleanup, and I do appreciate that. easily the worst part of indulging in the pooping side of my DL fetish is the cleanup. i am in no way into scat, i actually dont like touching my messes at all if i can avoid it. but thats what spray showerheads are for, no? lol here's a tip for those of you who are interested in trying for poopy diapers: be sure to put some kind of barrier between yourself and your stool to avoid that residual skin scent that often accompanies the act. heavy lotions, talc powder, or even vaseline will go a long way towards avoiding that embedded smell. plus, if you plan to enjoy that messy diaper for a while it'll also help ward off rashes or irritations that can be caused by a spicy or highly acidic diet.
  3. whatever you do, you do. but if i'm going about my merry day (diapered or otherwise) and i see a grown man in frilly plastic pants and a baby getup cavorting around the street trying to get a reaction out of me you bet I'd be disgusted. I don't care that we're wearing the same 'underwear'... its not my job or responsibility to give that person their whack-off material for the day. besides, i dont find it attractive. subtle hints of a diaper, a shared secret, being whispered to under your partner's breath 'i'm wetting myself right now' while walking through the mall... that's hot. that's super hot. but walking along and coming up on a person clad in just a diaper grunting a load into their padding is even too brazen for me to find alluring. we all make our choices and really its no body else's business so long as its safe, sane and consensual. i say do whatever you feel you need to do. just don't expect everybody to take it well.
  4. i much prefer 'diapers' simply because 'nappy' has an extremely babyish connotation for me. since I'm strictly DL (not an AB bone in my body) I don't enjoy the connection.
  5. ah, sarah, now thats a question i can answer! basically, we were told that the student would take aerosol containers (spray paint, in that case) and spray it into the padding of the diaper. the liquid was contained and the vapor was then inhaled. diapers by themselves aren't (at least to my knowledge) 'huff'able, lol. they're just a vehicle for absorbing whatever it is the person was getting high off of. darkfinn, thanks for the chuckle, mate.
  6. yeah, that's what I'm wondering too. if it keeps going this direction I dont see a reason to keep this topic, y'know? it hardly relates to the forum. *shrug*
  7. wow, guys... are we really getting into this on a DIAPER board? i expected this to be a jolly tidbit, not a war about (of all things) the constitution and our rights under a renters agreement. we aren't snoopy. we're required to preform quarterly health and safety inspections by law to be a housing branch of an accredited private institution (so says my manual). we have strict rules that we follow during these procedures. we cant touch or look in anything in the room. we do it with partners so there's a lower risk of us taking something or doing something we're not supposed to. if we find paraphernalia or illegal items we cannot touch them. the resident or a police officer must deal with it. the only thing we can touch in the room is college property (like using a stool provided to reach the smoke detector). we cannot even open the fridges that the students rent from the school because there is nothing in the contract covering our ability to do so. keep in mind that drugs are actually illegal in the USA, despite many folks shrugging off laws these days. so any person who is in charge of maintaining a health or safety code (building director, personnel manager, company president, officer etc) has a responsibility to ensure all laws are being followed in the workplace if for no other reason than to cover their own asses in the event of a legal matter. whether you agree with those laws or not is irrelevant to performing your job to the best of your ability. i dunno how it is/was for others of you, but at my college we dont have anything to do with rehab. how people abuse illegal substances and the life consequences of those choices is of no interest to our staff. and the kid(s) dont get kicked out of school, they're removed from housing because they breached a contract that voluntarily signed. thats it. as stated in the student code of conduct and in the housing contract, no surprises there. i can't see why people keep overlooking the fact that in order to stay in a dorm you have to sign a housing policy, and I'm pretty sure thats true anywhere. whether or not the resident considers it snooping or violating or whatever, he/she signed that piece of paper and voided their ability to protest what they agreed to. thats the point of a contract. if it says right there on the contract "oh, by the way we will be visiting nightly to make sure you're in bed by 11pm" and the student signs it, then we can go in at 11 pm and check if the resident is in bed (stupid example, I hope no college EVER does that to their kids, lol... but you get the point). seriously, though. try and demonize me/RAs all you like, i get that every time i bust a party here so its no big deal. i could care less, i'd be happy to continue to discuss policy. but keep in mind that this is a DIAPER board, where we talk about the joys of all things disposable, cloth, and plastic pants and come together as a community with a common love. the point of this whole damn post wasn't to be like "hey, look! i'm poking around in people's business and apparently violating their constitutional rights (which acecool has yet to get back to me about)"; it was to express my inner grin that there is a good possibility that there are others at this college alongside me who share my passion for diapers. i'd like to celebrate that instead of start a forum-wide debate about whether or not keying into a room to check for substances deemed illegal by most states in the USA and ensuring that smoke detectors are functioning for the safety of our students should be allowed. but thanks to everybody who appreciated my original goal of the post!
  8. i'm in Georgia. And please do point out to me where in the constitution a renters agreement with a clause including full right to search at will is covered. so far I can only find amendment 4, which as to do with owned property (which renting does not fall under). i'm interested in bringing the material to my superiors so they can further modify our housing contract to be sure we've got our bases covered. apparently their legal team overlooked something during the most recent draft. thanks in advance!
  9. while i appreciate a good snack, i think its neither here nor there in this case. it is my duty to ensure the safety and security of our residents. if someone in a dorm is abusing substances it is in both their and the school's best interests that we assess the situation. as i had said, during training we'd been made aware of the fact that people use diapers to 'huff'. i cut out a lot of my debate time in my recount because its boring and inconsequential to the final outcome that the people of this board would probably care about, lol. besides, i was/am excellent friends with my fellow staff member. had she not been a personal acquaintance i would have handled the situation differently. what if it wasn't me that had done that particular hall? what if it was the RD, who would call a full investigation for possible drug abuse? what if it was someone who had no idea that diapers could be a completely healthy indulgence and wrongly accused a resident of possessing 'child pornography'? what if he'd been in the room at the time? Just because someone has or uses diapers does not immediately put them under my protection. i have signed a contract and i will continue to uphold it. although i completely see where you're coming from, i personally have absolutely no regrets about how the situation was handled. thanks for pointing it out, though!
  10. i'm not sure where you're from, but in the US a school's jurisdiction falls differently than a private space. because the school owns these buildings the staff has the right to search. although we as RAs (being student staff) cannot touch a student or the student's belongings [which means that if you have 3 lbs of crack in a drawer we can't open it to check, lol] RDs or any professional staff have full right to search every inch of your room. when parked on premises they can also search your car. plus as an added measure every resident at our college signs a housing contract that not only binds them for a full years worth of rent (which must still be paid even if you move out on the first day and never come back) but also states the college's policies and what action we can take to enforce them, including the right to search. AND (there's more!) we post at least 24 hours in advance of any inspection the date and time it will take place, so if you did have anything 'unlawful' in your room you'd have ample time to get rid of it. i make it really difficult to get caught, lol
  11. haha, yeah! except i dont know which of the two roommates it was, plus i wouldn't recognize them if i did. i'll keep my eyes peeled, though. i definitely want to drop some hints if i ever end up in a class with him. i'm in georgia, as a ball park.
  12. yeah, watch diaper friction if you're planning to run. it is QUITE uncomfortable. if you must wear and want to jog any longer than 2-3 minutes i'd find a good friction-reducing barrier, be it lotion, creme, or salve. for weight lifting or general puttering around, though, no one will care much.
  13. I'm an RA at a freshmen-level college dorm, and part of our procedure is to conduct a once-quarterly Health and Safety inspection. We enter the rooms, check for alcohol or illegal substances (we're a dry campus), and check the smoke alarm to be sure its working. we also see which residents have moved out or if any maintenance needs to be performed. Generally its an easy process and nothing much ever happens, but today we did our final quarter inspection and i was extremely surprised and intrigued by what we found in one of the rooms (we do this in pairs for liability reasons). My friend/colleague and i keyed into a room because the residents were not present, which is nothing special. during our inspection we cannot touch any belongings, so we're limited to just 'scanning' the room. as i was on our ladder checking the smoke alarm, something caught my eye. on top of the shelf next to the alarm was a pile of 'adult magazines'... beside which was a package of adult diapers! without thinking i pointed this out to my partner. we were told a story during training about a resident who was huffing using spray cans and diapers, so thats what she thought at first. but i told her that if he was huffing he would (a) also have aerosol containers and ( wouldn't have a whole pack or would at least hide it better. i remarked "i bet he's just kinky!". she's a good enough friend of mine that we could laugh about that. we continued surveying the room and i found more 'evidence' that this resident may indeed be 'part of the gang'! Granted, I'm strictly DL and this guy looks to be pretty heavily AB, but still. He had 2 teddy bears on his bed, an adult-sized bottle with the sippy cup type top on his dresser, and (here's the clincher)... there was a pacifier hanging from his lamp on a string!! i couldn't believe it. none of these items were hidden at all. i dont know if his roommate is just completely oblivious or if he's OK with it or what, but i personally would never have the balls to just leave my diapers out like that. i was really surprised and overjoyed. the hall we were doing was my partner's, she said that the room had 2 british guys in it. so somewhere at my school there's a diaper lovin', pacifier usin' brit running around being awesome. XD just thought i'd share a random bit of excellence! have a great week and stay diapered!
  14. i'd say just jump into what you already have. she knows, she said OK... theres no reason to sugar coat it at this point. let us know how it goes!
  15. dang, tris... i thought i was being harsh. that stings to me, and i'm not even involved!
  16. thats how i started, actually! and i still love it... except that diapered cleanup is SO much easier.
  17. and that is why i oppose gun laws. why the hell would you need a firearm? just having another person to support you is all you should need, assuming you've taken care of background checks etc like sarah wisely suggested. no need to be paranoid, just cautious. and for chrissake dont bring a gun.
  18. as others have said, be careful... but also remember that as much as we're into our fetish (in your case, AB) others can be into theirs. So if we're willing to give up some pretty decent circumstances to live life as we want to its completely conceivable that someone else would share that desire. its rare to find, but there ARE folks out there who get just as much satisfaction from providing as we do from 'serving'. (i use that word loosely, lol) i knew a gentleman who was interested in putting me up free of charge to be a bit of a diapered slave. i knew him well and were it not for the airfare to germany where he was stationed i would've gone thru with it. the key is having enough info to trust that you'll be (at the very least) safe. the finances to have a bit of a cushion should there be a disagreement is also essential. if one day your interests (or his) change you'll be needing other accommodations. since he's had 3 'babies' already you have to wonder how long his engagements are valid for... plan to be stable enough to move out if he wants to welcome a new baby into his home. play safe and be happy! congrats!
  19. i'm gonna put in a shout-out for plain ol' glad forceflex bags! in my experience a good glad bag holds FAR MORE than any pair of plastic pants i've had the pleasure of wearing. take your average glad trash bag and snip off a few inches in each corner of the bottom for the leg holes (dont cut them big enough to fit your leg, just your toes). then slide the bag up. because the forceflex stretches as you pull it up it forms a great seal. you can cut the top to size if you'd like, but i generally just tie the drawstrings together and leave it at that. it will hold ANYTHING (i've put up to a gallon of water in there as a test w/out a diaper and didn't get a leak). the downside is that its most definitely not for extended wearing like overnight or the likes, because it is such a tight seal. but if you want to have a few hours of really wet and/or messy fun i can guarantee you from experience that this'll keep it in.
  20. i am a grown man in diapers. and if i ever spit cranberry sauce on my grandmothers tablecloth you'd bet your ass i'd get just as sound a beating at 20 as i would have at 8, if not worse. wanting to act like a baby does not exempt you from the rules of society, and that includes how you interact with your family. yes, they should support you... but its not their job to fulfill your personal fetish. expecting that they will is pretty self-centered and assumptive. *clearly feels strongly about this subject*
  21. that is theoretically true, you're right. except in order for them to harvest eggs you have to be on an intense estrogen cycle, be put under anesthetic and have limited mobility for up to 2 weeks, and spend a veritable shiteload of money which a 17-18 year old does not under normal circumstances possess. a) i had no desire to make myself MORE feminine as part of the hormonal stimulation i like to avoid being put under anesthetic more than i have to c) i really cant afford to miss 2 weeks of work or classes d) i didn't and dont plan on having a spare $80,000 to throw around on the procedure so yes, i absolutely agree... that may be a viable alternative for some families. but unfortunately for me it was not one and now its too late. until they find a way to implant DNA in a completely neutral sperm cell (which i can imagine would cost MORE than $80k anyway) i'm looking at adoption and warming to that idea more and more every year. luckily i still have a good 5-10 years before i'm looking to start a family, and hopefully the partner i have at that time will be interested in carrying a child. really the base point i had regarding kvetinka's reply was to denote the distinction between 'can' and 'want to'. yes, i could originally. but no, i wouldn't.
  22. well, that may well be true... but that doesn't dictate whether i can or can't. just if i'd want to or not. i personally really, really want a child of my own descent. i am proud of my genetics and feel that i bring a positive set of DNA to a future generation. however due to the limits of science i cannot produce sperm. what choice am i left with? spontaneous cloning? in my case timing, the generosity of my insurance company in covering my hysto/related surgeries, and other medical reasons made my decision for me. i have a lot of regret that i will now be unable to produce genetically-related offspring. although i do not see how i could possibly have carried a baby in a pregnancy, there was and is no other option available to people like myself.
  23. is one of the stipulations of your employment not to engage in private sexual fetishes? because that violates all kinds of constitutional law. they have no right to ask you a question about your sex life. if they do find a lawyer and go for the gold. but if they're asking you general questions like if you've ever been convicted of a crime etc i see absolutely NO reason why you enjoying diapers has anything to do with it. poly tests aren't magical and can't read your mind; they just monitor heart rate, skin moisture etc. nothing to worry about
  24. uh... well, i could have until i had my hysto a few months ago. but yes, FTMs can get pregnant. we're born with all our organs factory-direct... nothing stops us from using 'em. pregnancy wasn't something i was willing to attempt. it was my decision, therefore, to undergo a full hysto/oompho procedure to have my uterus and ovaries removed. i am now sterile and that doesn't bother me a bit. i'll admit i struggle to see the relevance of your post, though. i'm interested to see why you asked that.
  25. lets be honest here, unless you're trying REALLY hard no one really cares what your ass looks like. XD so many people have this imagined trepidation with being diapered in public. 'x was examing my butt as i left', 'a kid gave me this look', 'an elderly woman asked me if i was OK'... these are all things that people probably do to you every single day, regardless of what your underwear choice is. unless there's some external sign like the smell of urine or fecal matter or a significant amount of diaper exposure (like your pants are pulled down below your cheeks or something) there's really almost no chance of someone who isn't already familiar with diapers to pick up on what you're doing. the issue is in your head; its completely natural. its like stage fright. it causes you to be super-sensitive to social cues and over analyze everything. it always helped me a lot to remember that if someone called me out about diapers under normal circumstances (not showing off, not messy or strong urine-smelling) chances are they're either in a similar situation or otherwise have an interest. in which case i've just made a friend! in 3 years of wearing in public occasionally with similar fears, i can tell you that never once have i been 'caught'. i've eaten thanksgiving dinner with my extended family in wet diapers (extremely close proximity, prolonged time). i've gone to the laundry in wet diapers with surrogate mess (oatmeal) in my diapers, with a visible droop in my PJ pants if you really wanted to look at my ass. i've folded laundry with my back/butt to my housemate who was less than 4 feet away in that same condition. i've sat through multiple lecture classes in wet diapers, wetting during class. students were less than 2 feet away from me. i have walked down busy streets and public libraries, campus computer labs, restaurants, in my car with others present... NEVER ONCE was this issue addressed. we may hear this deafening crinkle but i assure you there are a billion and three things people attribute that to before they jump to the assumption that "oh, that person is wearing a diaper". clanking keys, rustling pants, other environmental noises, papers in a bag... diapers isn't mainstream enough to even enter the thought process of your average person on the street. so dont worry, being paranoid about wearing in public is completely normal. but i cant stress enough that the more you try the more you'll see that people really dont give a f@$%.
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