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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by Santiago

  1. Assuming he knows you are incontinent, then he should be aware of the risks... but if you are not comfortable with it - you should not do it.
  2. I maybe would not have worded it that way exactly - but I agree with the gist of the sentiment of not letting religion overly complicate every facet of your life - there are just some parts of your life that religion can't answer to.
  3. The sooner you all realize that democrats and republicans are both the same cogs in a huge political machine the better off we will all be and the sooner we can truly change for the better. In all of this crisis there is not a democrat or republican talking about how to control the government's reckless deficit spending. The only difference between democrats and republicans is a few selected polarizing social issues that government has no business being involved with in the first place. Bob Barr (libertarian) has my vote.
  4. Well, as for debate, I am not faint of heart for it. Forum debate gets tiring though in terms of response time. Even now we have moved on to something else other than nit picking the definition of perversion. As I said earlier, before you can consider something abnormal, you must define normal. All of your cases above are such that there is no defined normal on those things as far as I can tell - though the milk before cereal thing seems odd (especially for floating cereals - would end up with a lot of milk at the end). I am making the argument that wearing diapers for fun is definitely abnormal. If the word perversion bothers you, think of it as abnormal instead. As for where I think God would come down on this? I don't know - I don't believe in him let alone care what he thinks about this whole thing. I think deducing his intent through a few selected bible passages and prayer can be dangerous, and lead you to very wrong conclusions. I think almost everyone has gone through a guilt phase with diapers, including myself, and for me the guilt was derived from doing something against what I had been taught and the perception that I was a freak of society. Eventually I realized it does not matter whether I am a freak or not, or what my parents taught on the matter, and so am very comfortable. What I have always failed to understand is why people feel compelled to involve religion in every aspect of their lives - and especially why they want to complicate something in there life which is morally neutral (I cannot conceive of a universal moral construct that would direct that wearing diapers for any reason is wrong). So I find it curious as to why people think God would have anything to say on the matter and why it is that the answer can be found in the bible - considering the bible is less than clear on most things pertaining to the present time.
  5. No need to be crude. I would point out it is not my definition of perverse that is being used - it is the definition of perverse. Look it up if you don't believe me. I will not enter into debate about every act in your life that may or may not be normal. There are some things you do or don't do that I could not speak to whether it is normal or not considering I have no sense of how many people do such things (i.e stroke their engorged cocks in their backyards). I can reasonably say however that an interest in diapers for things other than some physical necessity is outside the norm (and that means that a very small minority of people do it), and thus their use as such is a perversion.
  6. There is no point to a gun for self defense if you are not willing to shoot to kill. You risk way too much by giving an intruder even a chance to fire on you. The intruder has already entered your home, and you must assume he/she knows you could be there and has made the necessary preparations to deal with you (i.e. shoot you first). A warning shot at best may scare them, at worst will hit someone else or give the intruder time to shoot you, and shooting to injure is just impractical all around - much higher chance you will miss, and you will almost certainly not stop your attacker thus giving them time to either shoot you or otherwise disable you. Shoot to kill.
  7. I appreciate your assessment of my knowledge or lack thereof, hopefully my other reply shall clear up what a perversion is for you. As for clarity of text, I would argue that having to clarify the use of perversion is another testament to the apparent negative connotation people have about the word and semantic fascism.
  8. The statement was not meant to be over analyzed as you have done - but the commonly used definitions of perversion apply to the use of diapers for other than medical necessity. Perversion is outside what is considered normal - and may also be considered an aberrant sexual practice. For many - diapers meets both of those definitions and for others, just one. I suppose for the sake of semantic precision (which frankly seems nit picky to me), diapers are not technically a perversion in and of themselves. Rather the perversion describes the behavior of using them which deviates significantly from normal.
  9. Well, diapers are a perversion by the definition of the word.
  10. You can find these at most health food stores if you want them - though they are just regular baby diapers and are unlikely to be anymore use than as a stuffer. The have no SAP and so perhaps are thicker than other baby diapers.
  11. At first I thought - no big deal, I do it all the time - but I had forgotten what that first time is like... thanks for the memory
  12. Changes to save money are not necessarily bad. If there has been a change you don't like, tell them about it. If enough people complain, the business will change. Trying to save money and change products may also lead to innovation in manufacture or design, so I would not assume that any change to save money is bad.
  13. As I said - it is up to you - but I disagree with others who say this is ok or natural. Being bottlefed by your mom at your age definitely crosses an oddness line. You can't make up for lost time and you can't change the kind of parent you were. What is next - diaper changing? Reminds me of the guys whose mother in law changes his - creepy beyond belief to me.
  14. If you think masturbation is wrong, then I would think it unlikely that you will ever accept diapers as part of your life. That being said, diapers are nothing more than a feeling manifested in a behavior - you may not be able to change your feelings (though I suspect it can be done) - but you can certainly control your behavior. Not that you can ever convince me - but out of curiosity, what is wrong with masturbation (if it is the usual religious diatribe, I have heard all of those and would not be interested) - but if you have some new moral argument against it - would love to hear.
  15. Interesting to hear a Catholic criticize Protestants for their teachings about sex and its purposes. Anyhow - I don't really understand why there is a religious component to diapers at all - if I believed in God - I would think your underwear choices would be just about concern #1,000,000,000,000 on the list of possible world problems. And to the guy whose wife says he is a sick perverted freak - you have a serious problem there.... don't ignore that.
  16. Being in healthcare - I would say do not hide anything from your doctor. You can easily end up with unnecessary tests, procedures and missed or wrong diagnosis. Patients should get out of the habit of deciding what is important or significant in terms of information relayed to healthcare providers - what you think maybe insignificant may lead to the correct diagnosis and treatment (if any).
  17. Well the most important thing is how you feel about it - but honestly I think it is weird in an unhealthy way. It is not a natural bond between a mother and son at your ages to be bottle fed and have lullabies sung to you. Only you can decide the boundaries with your mother, but from where I sit - this has the feel of crossing the line - at least it would for me.
  18. I live in AZ and so have seen that commercial - oddly I find it irritating - but then crying /whining babies are....
  19. Among the many problems with such ideas - how do you decide how much the tax is? This is followed by the close second - how do I know the government will spend it to mitigate the environmental effects of disposable diapers (which is a contentious issue itself). Bad idea.
  20. Well - I have to say that I am underwhelmed by these diapers. About half the time a tape is already stuck to the inner part of the diaper - rendering it almost useless. The plastic tears very easily. The tapes are small and do not stick very well even if you get one packaged right - I awoke one morning with the right side fo the diaper untaped! I emailed the company as well - but never heard back - so whatever - live and learn, and move on - definitely not worth the premium price compared to other products in its class.
  21. Another product not mentioned there is Proshield - which is silicon based. It is used pretty extensively in the hospital I work in, and is also recommended by wound care nurses that I know.
  22. I would be even more freaked out that she is 14..... seems a thing like that could be easily misunderstood - hopefully it was just ignored and life will go on
  23. I am also leaving WoW, and have pondered what to do with my old toons.... was thinking of donating them to anyone who wants in your diaper guild. I don't know - was just a thought. Not real sure on the etiquette of getting rid of toons - but seems a shame to delete them. I think I just would want the recipient to cover the $25 transfer fee.
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