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Posts posted by dynamick

  1. I will always remember Thera as being warm and friendly. When I was more active in chat - Thera was there, we had a good few laughs together.

    Adam - I am so sorry for your loss and may the memory of Thera stay with you forever - I can't say anything that will comfort you mate, but remember the happy times you both had being daddy and baby.

    Sometimes, with all the bad in the world, it pains me to see the good people go early :(

    Mick x

  2. Well - I've just spent a looooong time catching up on threads and I'm really none the wiser as to who is "right" or "wrong" - I don't think there's an answer there - there are many strongly worded, "from the heart" threads.....and there's also a whole heap of horse sh*t too!

    My take on the subject (for what it's worth is this....) I'm a DL/bedwetter - I've played about with the AB scene in the past and the BDSM scene (which I have found much more to my liking). I have tried the AB stuff to the point where I had a very lovely online mommy, but although my curiousity was satisfied....it wasn't for me. The fact that I do get turned on wearing a nappy/diaper is no more acceptable or repulsive than the fact I like to be spanked/caned/electrocuted in a nice way/humiliated/butt f*cked by a dominatrix (to name a few) doesn't make me a model citizen or a blight on society. It's just me......I don't expect you to either enjoy the same or understand why I like it - all I ask for is tolerance - something that is sadly lacking in both the ABDL and the BDSM circles. I'd certainly not do any of my "things" in public - that to me would be gut wrenchingly disgusting.....doesn't mean I'm going to stop you doing it though does it?

    My "play" or "fetish" (and for me and a good majority of people on here....it is just that) happens behind closed doors or in the company of like minded others. I'm sure there are people out there who are quite happy to go out and crap themselves in public or be thrashed with nettle leaves at a Macdonalds drive through - but.....thats not what tickles my pickle!

    I will though share a true story with you....one that was pretty much a defining moment of someone in the AB/DL scene....overstepping the mark. A few years ago - I had a couple of friends I met through *DPF*, nice people...like me they were very much private about what they did - sort of a "mummy/baby" relationship but there was much more to them than that. They had a lodger.....who was very much more in your face - but after a while you got used to him (or her as he is now) tra-la-la-ing about talking gobbledeegook and wearing frilly dresses and rambling on about bloody fairies. On the rare occasions (which became rarer as time went on) that he/she was an adult....you couldnt meet a nicer or more gifted person....

    They were pretty cool friends and cool about their lodger being "who" he wanted to be and I had no problem with that. He did however do odd things and then suddenly blame it on "the inner child"...which sometimes confused the situation.....now here's the killer punch.

    To enable him (oh balls....lets call them "X") to earn a bit of extra cash and save on travel costs, X stayed with me for 3 days so commuting costs for a temporary job would be cut down. I also (rather nice of me) said that X could dress up, wear diapers and be who he wanted to be.....remembering of course that it was my place and I didnt want it wrecking. I went out one day and left X in the flat.....I came back to find X bouncing on my bed with baby powder in the air and X swinging my cat around by her tail....how would you react when X said "it wasn't me.....it was my inner child....I can't help it".

    It took all my strength not to beat the little shit up or swing X around with his tail (which he had at that time)....instead I kicked him out....told him to get out and stay out - my poor cat was traumatized......of course - I never let X back in my place again, the two friends I had although they found X's actions weird......said I handled it wrong and should have just accepted it. Shortly after this....I lost touch with them - two friends lost because of the actions of one self-obsessed f*ckwit!

    Now I'm sure that someone will come back at me and either try to defend X's actions or say "it's a one off" - hell's teeth....he swung my damn cat round and dusted my entire home with baby powder......and you want to defend it???

    Those of you who have known me for a looooong time (jenniebear, diaperwearintigger, belinda sue fox and all those who I can't think of at 1.50am ) will all know me as someone who isn't afraid to say what I feel about something, I'll have my say.....you'll have your say and I think that basically this entire thread started off that way.

    Eric is entitled to his opinion - because we live in a free world, I'd probably feel the same way as him if that same thing happened to me. It doesn't make Eric "right" or me "as bad as Eric"....it just means we have independent thought.

    Sorry its a long post.....but I haven't posted for a long time......I thought I should on this one though.

    Have a great day

    Dynamick x

  3. I'm sorry but I just dont get the mentality of some people.

    Taking a pill that is designed purely to lessen the effects of diahorrea....as a form of increasing "firmness of stools" when you poop???? I definately think you need medical advice - and I'm talking the kind of medical advice on "why the hell are you doing this in the first place" for example a psychiatrist.

    This sounds almost as self destructive as someone who would take a laxative on a regular basis to lose weight - on the umbrella of the ABDL world - to get a runny stool. Either way you look at it - its stupid, irresponsible and downright dangerous!

    Or maybe I'm missing something here?


  4. Check out this pathetic person, It's a shame people like this ruin it for others..but I guess if there was someone stupid enough to buy them..There is one more foolish than the seller. :P


    I say good luck to him - do I consider it explotation of a fetish?? Well there has been a well known AB site in the UK doing worse than this for years - selling sub standard garbage to anyone stupid enough to part with their hard earned cash. The said site also offered a nursery/nanny service where they would gladly take your money and do everything for the inner baby within - oh apart from change wet or dirty nappies of course! The nursery has now closed as "mummy" has retired (with what she used to charge I am hardly suprised!).

    The website still sells overpriced crap and will continue to do so - because there are many abdl's who are either too stupid/lazy/naive (delete as applicable) to bother searching past the first google hit of "adult baby shop uk". When I first found abdl fetish (waaaay before the internet) I bought 2 items from them - both were crap, overpriced and I learned a lesson there and then.

    If you guys from the UK haven't already guessed - I'm referring to Mummy Hazel - website http://hbenterprises.co.uk

    While ever people will pay over the odds - there are people who will supply goods at inflated prices!

    Dynamick :)

  5. I would volunteer to be a chat room Mod, since i am on here lots and know a lot of ppl here and their moods and chat styles.


    Now.....I'd definately vote for diaperedpet as diaperedpet falls into a similar "fetish" catagory as me. Besides that she lickssssssssssssss everyone - so thats a nice touch! She also knows other peoples moods and how to deal with them. Like with Brenda_Shoe_Box - when she gets lippy...ban the use of "pink-ness" in chat. Go on petsy....you know it makes sense *slips a $1billion under door to petsy* :D

    Dynamick x

  6. Speaking totally from my own experience - I've got sick and tired of all the "walter mitty" types who dwell in chat. They find it really difficult to hold a sensible conversation, obsessed only with diapers and all things "gooo" and "gaaa". As soon as people try to change tack and bring a sensible or fun alternative topic into the discussion - you get the "I'm bored/I'm depressed/Everyone hates me/Look at me I'm wonderful" routine and I've got sick and tired of it!

    I'm a pretty personable sort of guy, I like to have a giggle - but some people just fester in their own self pity or live in a life full of self indulgent bewilderment. I've posted before that you get "net numpties" all over the net - Daily Diaper Chat is of no exception.

    I now take the option of either coming into chat, talking with my friends and having a good time - or rather than cause a fuss - I'll just leave chat and come back when intelligent life returns.

    Love me or hate me for it....bottom line...am I bothered?? :)

    Dynamick x

  7. If mods are to be appointed - I'd definately say Peter is a groovy sort of chap and I'd have to throw my hat in the ring - although I cant at the moment because I've just got back from running and I wore it and its in the washer cos it got sweaty!

    I've been a mod before in ukbdsm chat channel (mIRC). I was asked by the owner as she thought I would be good for the channel etc. Let me tell you - I hated it - all the other mods kissed each others backsides...they had their own "sub-channel" where they bit*hed about everyone else in chat and plotted ways to get people banned. I lasted 15 minutes before I'd seen enough.

    Moderating in chat would be good - as long as you get the right people to be moderators. Shoot me down in flames if you want - but there are too many self obsessed, short fused lunatics on the internet and yes....we get our share in chat. To be honest - I'd got bored with all the "look at me...I'm wonderful*/pityful*/poopy*/wet*/insane*/rude and obnoxious* (*delete as appropriate) and I limit my visits now, only going in when I know the crowd who are in there are going to be up for a chat on EVERYTHING in life - not just diapers. I'd hate to see power crazy mods (Peter isn't like that!) who just boot you out because your opinion differs to theirs.

    Actually as much as Belinda_Sue_Fox jokes about the reasons for her becoming a moderator - if Bel would do it......I'd nominate. However, I think Belinda is rather like me (only pink) and has previous experience of what mods can be like!

    DailyDi - I know why you're doing it mate and I hope it all works out. I'm just throwing my two penneth in before it all starts - I really hope it works out and it gets rid of the "net numpties" who sadly tarnish all corners of the internet.

    Dynamick :)

  8. I was abused, mentally, physically, sexually, psychologically and every other way you could probably think of.

    I wet the bed from age 3 upto the age of leaving home and I still do.

    Back in the 1970's and 1980's there was no one you could really talk to - my abuser(s) told me that if I said anything to anyone I'd end up in borstal or residential care. My mother was one of the abusers - hopefully she's already dead or if not, she'll die a lonely painful death - something that mirrored all of my childhood. Don't anyone DARE tell me that I should forgive......because I can never forgive her or any of those that abused me.

    Why don't I do something about it now I'm an adult???? That's simple really - I don't want the one person in my family who loves me (my grandma) to understand the pain and abuse I suffered as a child. My only salvation, my only sanctuary was summer at grandma's house - and when she asked me if anything was wrong - I said no - I was too scared to say anything else. For every ounce of good that I have to this day - I can attribute it only to the love my grandma gives me. She is my world, she's 81 and when she's gone....then the shit will hit the fan.

    To the question of whether my abuse is anyway related to my need for night time protection and/or my sexual arousal with nappies/diapers - I can't really answer that. Do I regress to a time when I was happy as a child - certainly not....the only time I was happy was when I was with my grandma and she treated my bedwetting with care, respect and love.

    I get a sexual kick out of nappies/diapers sometimes - but other times I despise the site of them. I find them to be a means to an end, they stop the bed getting wet but also they act as a means of arousal.

    I live alone, I don't ever think I'll find someone who can live with me and my "moments" from the past. One day I'll draw a line, make plans for the future without the torture of the past. But all I care about in my life are my friends online and offline the charity I raise money for and my dear grandma.

    All I can say is that despite being all grown up, having the body and mind of an adult all the time - when I sleep and I have the nightmares that relate back to my childhood......and it hurts, damn it really hurts. I can't change the past and for now it stays with me - one day I'll leave it all behind.

    dynamick x

  9. I've posted my thoughts on firearms many times before on here - my opinions have not changed. THey should be banned, I live in a civilised society, owning a gun to me is wrong. I'd never consider owning one - no matter what anyone said about it being for self defence. Load of crap!

    Dynamick :)

  10. Oh how the poor side of England live, Brenda Shoe Box however lives in a pink land where every home has at least 8 servants...or Slaves depending how hard you hit them.

    We all know you live in a pink castle (a real one...not like disney world) and you have your own pink limo and your pink polo pony called Waynetta.

    I myself downsized to a 10 bedroom place, I had to fire the butler.....he was French! He was good at his job but he was French.

    Although compared with Juliabam (who owns the moon) we live in abject poverty - I honestly dont know where the next pot of caviar is going to come from. I had to reduce the order for pheasant this week too - I'll have to ask a member of the NRA to shoot me a peasant instead - they taste like dirty chicken apparently.

    Oh I dont know....I long for those days from yester-year - waking up at 4.30am, drinking the raindrops from the hole in the roof, giving Harry The Tramp 20p for a cup of tea and asking for change. Eeeeh we were poor, we lived in a crack in the road.....we were poor...but we were happy. NOT!!!

    I'm off to find a manual worker to shout at. ;)

  11. After working full time since January 27th, 1989, this is the first real vacation (unlike ones taken when being shipped from one part of the country to the other) I have ever taken since I have been a "productive member of society"

    ergo: I have you both beat with 18 years.


    And I beat you Kat.....June 1986 - Skegness Butlins Holiday Camp - was my last holiday/vacation. So I make that nearly 22 years :) That's not me saying "ohhhhh I reeeeeeally need a holiday, wahhh wahhh"....I hate the idea of staying anywhere else than home. I love where I live, I hate places I dont know.

    But I beat you - so ner! ;)

    Dynamick x

  12. I honestly haven't heard them called "world champions" only superbowl champions....I don't think I have ever heard them use that term, "World Champions" in the NFL... or maybe just never paid much attention to it if they have....

    I just remember tigger that when the trophy was handed over the words "world champions" were used - I actually couldnt believe it.....so I watched the bit again on the Sports News Channel ....and they definately said "World Champions". I wonder if the people who thought up the World Series Of Baseball (only teams from North America/Canada play) came up with the idea....lol

    I still enjoyed the match - in fact might have to include American Football as a sport to watch next season, not a patch on hockey or english football - but the final had a certain amount of style about it - apart from Tom Pettey (never liked him)....shudda got Billy Joel - now he knows a good tune!

    Dynamick x

  13. I just wanted to post a congratulations to the New York Giants on winning the Superbowl.

    I'm not an American Football fan to be honest, but I find "david vs goliath" battles intriguing and this was no exception. The New England Patriots were expected to win and make it 19-0 for the season but a fantastic defensive game by the Giants proved their undoing. A phenomenal display by Manning to throw a ball after he nearly got sacked truely lit the game up.

    Well done to NFL for a great game - but just one question - how come they are now the "world champions" of American Football - when only teams playing IN america can take part? Surely its National Champions. That would be like calling Manchester United the World Champions because they won the English Premiership of Football (the most prestigious league in the world) rather than calling Italy the World Champions.

    Perhaps someone could throw some light on it to a relatively newbie to the NFL - I really enjoyed the game but thought it was a bit "Narcissitic" to crown them World Champions.



  14. Hi Curity - welcome to the boards and all that.

    Right - I'll do my best to help you out and keep it as basic as I can - just follow the simple links and you should be ok.

    1. To get into chat you either need to become a "verified 18+" member - more details on this can be found by clicking the following link http://www.dailydiapers.com/board/index.php?showtopic=8808

    2. If you dont want to wait and go down that route, theres the "baby banker" option and to be honest for the sake of a few dollars - I did this and you get instant access to the chat. Look to the top right of this window and you will see "MY CONTROLS" - click on that and it will take you to your own personal settings - your name, avatar (thats the picture like my cross of st george) etc. On the LEFT hand side of this page to the bottom under "OPTIONS" - theres a link to click for "PURCHASE PAID SUBSCRIPTIONS". If you do that....the chat room will be accessed as soon as your payment is verified and processed by Daily Diapers.

    3. Chat room acronyms/slang/lingo. Oh man - I could go on all night with this one - but I've done a quick search on the internet and found some of the more popular ones - but be aware, the list is endless and I'm sure you'll pick up the jargon the more you go in chat. So here's the "list" of the most common ones according the search I did - dont get confused with them all though!!

    (((((((((name)))))))) - Giving so-and-so person a hug

    AKA - Also Known As

    ASAP - As Soon As Possible

    B4 - Before

    bbl - Be Back Later

    bfn - Bye For Now

    brb - Be Right Back

    *EG* - an evil grin

    FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

    FYI - For Your Information

    G2G - Got To Go

    imho - In My Humble Opinion

    imo - In My Opinion

    imnsho - In My Not So Humble Opinion

    kotc - Kiss On The Cheek

    kotl - Kiss On The Lips

    l8r - Later

    lmao - Laughing My Ass/Arse Off

    lol - Laugh Out Loud

    msg - Message

    MYOB - Mind Your Own Business

    pls - Please

    rofl - Rolling On the Floor Laughing

    roflmao - Rolling On Floor, Laughing My Ass Off

    ttyl - Talk To You Later

    ttys - Talk To You Soon

    ty - Thank You

    wb - Welcome Back

    *weg* - Wicked Evil Grin

    wtf - What The F**k

    yw - Your Welcome

    4. My only tip with chat is join in with the others, dont just sit there and dont feel left out - the more you put into chat - the more you get out of it. Oh and never ever ever say a/s/l - thats (age/sex/location) - that was annoying back in 1996......apart from that mate, go forth and enjoy chat.

    Any other problems, either post on here or drop me a PM (Personal Message) and I'll do my best to help


    Dynamick :)

  15. Being a keen runner myself and someone who wears nappies at night and sometimes for pleasure during the day - there's no way on this earth that I'd even consider wearing a nappy and going running.

    I know a few runners who suffer with bladder problems and they dont use either - lets face it....you run....you sweat - so whats a little drop or two of pee going to matter - when I've been running the only thing left dry on me is my sense of humour :)

    Body-Glide is excellent to stop chafing but I'd not waste it on a nappy at the price it comes out at....I normally use plenty of vaseline when I run to prevent nipple rash and chafing, only using body-glide if its either a new top I dont want to stain with vaseline or if its a short run - vaseline works far better on longer runs.

    Anyway - bottom line for me - nappies + running = no-no!


  16. ^ I remember dreaming I was being tied up and tormented in various ways by a very beautiful, buxom red head....oh if only it could come true...lol

    < Just got back in from the gym after 2 hours hard slog on the cardio vascular aparatus.

    v What's the funniest non animated movie you've ever seen?

  17. I ride a bike - not a motorbike, nooooooo.....a really good mountain bike. It's a "Giant Xtc C3" and its a beauty!

    I ride it every day so its not going to be one of these £50 things that falls to pieces or creaks when you put the hammer down and go a bit quicker. It actually cost me £1300 ($2250) about 16 months ago....and I can honestly say its the best money I have ever spent.

    I've never had a motocycle and I dont think I'd ever want one - the only thing they do is scare the sh*t out of me when I go running - it's bad enough on the roads because motorists in general don't see me running hi my high-vis running gear - but when you are 3 miles into the country the last thing you hope to see is some moron flooring it, with no helmet on with the intention of either killing you or themselves - besides I dont want to breath the damn fumes from the exhaust either!

    I say - if you ride carefully, with thought of others....then fair play to you. If you ride offroad on desiginated or private land - I can't fault you. However, if you ride without due care and attention in woodland designated *no motorbikes/quads*.....well you're not fit to ride in my eyes!

    dynamick x


    iit's my personal desire to go to bed with a cucumber

    Jennie wants to sleep with a cucumber, la la la.......Jennie wants to sleep with a cucumber, la la la!

    Problem with cucumber is that it repeats on you *wicked evil laugh*

    Ok, I'm off to the corner....nose in! :littleangel:

    Gives Jennie a big hug.....and a new cucumber :whistling:

    dynamick (the angelic DL sub...who isn't gonna get his ass kicked by the bear girl!)

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