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wishing for diapers

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Everything posted by wishing for diapers

  1. Don't try wearing the new Teddy Bambinos tight. Three of the tapes broke (the two lower ones over night and one of the top ones within an hour of getting up) on me. Those new tapes suck
  2. I've used both the 3000 and 6000 myself. Similar to your explanation it offers a sense of comfort and peace similar to what I get from wearing a diaper. That is actually my biggest regret is that I can't wear both together (maybe if I wore cloth, but that's not my thing). My complaint with that style device is that while it makes it hard to do anything about it, it doesn't really stop you from getting erect which can be painful. It would be nice to find something (that isn't a full belt) that held it in the down position in such a manner that prevents the (complete) erection altogether. Something to think about however, I have recently developed a cyst on one testicle which was caused by "trauma" to the ducts that transport the semen (and then the semen backing up to form the cyst). Given that it's been decades since I've been kicked in the balls, the only thing I can think of is the way the CB-X000 devices tend to pull at the testicles when you do get erect. Given my testicle issue and that my wife was never interested in more than a few hours of play, it's not something I do any more unfortunately.
  3. How are you pointing yourself and how are you laying? If you are pointing up, then you likely aren't giving the diaper the best chance to absorb. If you are laying on your back as well, it will pool on you rather than in the diaper which will let it run down the sides where there is no padding to absorb it. Try sleeping with it pointed down and see if that helps since that will give the diaper the best chance to do it's job.
  4. I think it depends on you and the diaper. I like mine tight, but when I used Attends they would leak on me if I wasn't careful. With Bambinos I can get them as tight as I like and have yet to have any problems.
  5. I wouldn't say that I do because I haven't worn a diaper in a while, but I also wouldn't say there is no connection as it is a stress relief for me and the anger/antsiness/etc... usually comes from stress for me.
  6. This is true. I was born in the south, but spent most of my life near DC (I don't care where the Mason Dixon line is, this isn't the south!). When ever I go back down to see family again I have to force myself back in that more polite mode that I tend to forget due to lack of practice. I remember one time I went into a store (mom & pop type place) and couldn't find what I needed. The owner asked about it and then asked me to come back the next day as he thought he could get it for me. Sure enough he did and in talking to him about it, he apparently made a 2 hour round trip to somewhere he knew he could find it. He wouldn't even take additional money for his time or gas either. Up here they just go cross-eyed if you answer "did you find what you were looking for today" with anything other than "yes". But as you point out, the last time I went back to Atlanta it was a different world. I could have been in DC if it wasn't for the accents...
  7. You're just a yankee that doesn't understand how friendly the south is
  8. I don't use my normal online names here as I don't want to make it too easy for someone to find out about my "non-standard" interests. As far as my name here goes, I don't wear my diapers as much as I would like (and almost not at all at the time I registered) so I think it's fairly descriptive. I'm sorry that it doesn't meet your approval, but then your name doesn't really do anything for me so it's a wash I suppose
  9. I have a dual-800 PowerMac I bought with my 1st gen iPod. Both still work 10 years on (ok the iPod only has about 5 minutes of battery power, but it works)! To the OP's issue, at 5 years old your AppleCare is gone so it might be worth giving a shot at fixing it yourself if you are comfortable with that kind of thing. My wife tore down her old PowerBook and fixed it when the LCD and it's back light died (actually was able to upgrade the LCD at the same time). The iMacs are a breeze to take apart compared to the PBs. I don't have them handy (sorry) but there are sites dedicated to showing you how to take it apart and there is one place you can order the replacement parts from (if you can figure out what is broken). The Apple support forums are also a good place to get help diagnosing what the issue might be. If you have another Mac, you could always pull the hard drive and boot the other Mac off it so you could clean up anything you don't want seen and then reinstall it before you take it in.
  10. Without moving parts (don't know what Digi has for equipment) the syrup shouldn't be much of an issue once it dries. Depending on the camera you might be able to disassemble it and clean it (rubbing alcohol and q-tips work great JUST DON'T SCRUB!!!!).
  11. Yes I do and it does bother me. Not enough to stop, but it bothers me. I'm sorry to those that feel different, but this idea that we are only a small part of the problem is crap. First of all, all those "little" things you do throughout your life add up. Second of all, the really big polluters get away with it because we all won't come together and make them change. Big businesses have the government in their pocket which is why they keep getting around all the EPA "rules" which aren't that stringent to begin with (again due to lobbyists buying off politicians). As long as we, collectively, keep buying their products, they have no real incentive to change. There are still plenty of areas in my life that I need to improve in this regard, but this idea that it's someone else's fault infuriates me to no end. Sorry. Actually there is very little waste when flushing the toilet, at least in 1st world countries. Unless you have done something illegal and morally wrong, your waste water is treated and returned to the environment. In urban populations this is done via treatment plants and in rural areas this is done via your septic system. The later is the far more efficient and direct method, but you have to have the land to support it. As far as the waste included with the water, unless you are flushing things you shouldn't, that is all bio-degradable and is essentially turned into fertilizer and compost which then gets used to grow new plants. In regards to a diaper change, you typically use far more wipes than you would toilet paper, you still have the human waste, and now you have the diaper itself (which is not biodegradable) added to the waste. You're (collective, maybe not you specifically) also probably wrapping the diaper in a plastic bag (either individually or many in a single bag) which itself isn't degradable and keeps and degradation from happening (in a helpful manner) to it's contents. Now instead of those waste items which can serve a useful purpose making it to areas where they can be reused, you have bundled them off to a landfill where they will do little if any good. If you then factor in all the upstream "costs" (e.g. packaging for the diapers, packaging for the wipes, bottles of the lotion/powder to take care of your skin, manufacture of said items, etc..) it far out weighs just using the toilet. I'm not trying to argue against using diapers, i'm just saying don't try to kid yourself that they are somehow better for the environment. And if you aren't washing your hands after a diaper change, please keep those hands to yourself....
  12. I would agree with the following ideas (not in any particular order): 1) Landing zone so it can be adjusted. 2) Diaper he if she is up for it to give her an idea how it is done. 3) She if she will practice on herself (different from doing someone else especially when they have different parts , but at least gives her an idea of fitment when it is right/wrong). 4) Do your own, then show her how to check that it is done right (e.g. where the waistband is, how the legs are, etc..). If you have a cloth diaper, go with that instead (even if it isn't your preferred style) as it is much easier to adjust and refit. Some light bondage may also help too if you guys are into that (e.g. you're tied down/gagged, so you'll just live with it ). Personally, my wife can't do decent job of it (mostly because her heart isn't into it) to save her life. But it is such a treat and rare occurrence that it could fall off when I stand up and i'll still be happy with it
  13. Into a brick wall of stupidity? Babies aren't likely to have enough of a concept for it to know if they like or don't like diapers. It is possible some of us developed our attachments to diapers at that time but it was not because we knew we liked them, that idea came much later in our development process. Just because someone with out an understanding (yourself included apparently) says something about a group of people doesn't make it true. I think the CD/TG crowd would have quite the fit if you tried to lump them all under the same singular level too. There is a fundamental difference between ABs and DLs and it has nothing to do with the diapers themselves or other props we use. It is the mind set. For an AB, the focus is first and foremost fixated on being a "baby". What that means differs from person to person, but in general they are all seeking that simpler (safer?) time that they lost by growing up or possibly never had. You can, in fact, find accounts of ABs that only wear diapers because that is what babies are supposed to wear and have no other real attachment to them or desire to wear them. A DL on the other hand is first and foremost fixated on the diaper itself. For them it is all about some aspect of it being worn (by them or others). For the DL, there is no inherent need or desire to act like or be treated like a baby. In fact, many would be aggressively opposed to being treated as such. This is not because they necessarily think anything is wrong with being an AB, just that they are firmly rooted in their adult nature and have no interest in letting it go. Many blur the lines and there is no reason that someone can not indeed be both, but they are indeed separate sub-groups of the ABDL community. More similar would be to try to lump ABs and Baby Furs into the same AB group, but again, while being closely related, there are significant differences. There is nothing wrong with being one or the other (or both) and nothing makes one better than the other. You are what you are. So stop trying force labels on people you know nothing about.
  14. There is an obvious answer to your problem.... Learn to moderate your drinking so that you don't have hangovers. Then you don't have to drink all the water. Then you won't wet the bed.
  15. I have this lovely white tea made with orange blossoms. And I can drink a good South GA sweet tea by the gallon
  16. I think I already answered that (from my perspective anyway): I would hope not. I have no problems with ABs, but that doesn't mean I won't correct someone when they erroneously try to associate me to a group I don't belong to.
  17. I suppose it depends on what you want. If you just want a fling with no long term meaning, a fetish dating/personals site is probably the best bet. If you want a longer lasting relationship, I would take the diapers out of it to begin with. Find someone (be it online or at a bar) that you can connect with under normal (e.g. out of the bedroom) circumstances and shares similar "normal" interests. Once you think you've found the person, then my advise would be to tell them about it as soon as you think the relationship has long term potential. If you wait until you have been together for years before bringing it up, it likely to cause more long term issues than if you get it over with early on (e.g. "how could you hide this?"/trust issues, just might not be able to get over it, etc...). Another upside to the sooner rather than later approach is you have less invested in it if it goes south which makes it easier to walk away. And above all else, if you do find someone that is at least tolerant of of it, make sure you remember to give back to them in the relationship too. That's my $0.02 anyway.
  18. Sorry, but you're on my bad side already We are not all ABs. I may like my baby-themed plastic pants, but that is the only "baby" related attraction for me. I have no desire to act like or be treated like a baby, it's all about the diapers for me. I am one of those that is out spoken about people wearing in public. And for the record, it's not about wearing in public, it's about shoving it others faces. If you want to put on a diaper under your normal clothes and go out, more power to you. If instead you want to go out in a t-shirt and a diaper or with your pants half hanging down so everyone is forced to notice it, then I have a serious problem with it. If I was part of the CD community, I would have the same issues there as well. If you are taking it out in public as some form of exhibitionism and thrill, keep it to yourself or to those places where it is appropriate. If you want respect from other people, you have to show respect for them as well. Forcing someone to be an unwilling participant in your games is not respecting anyone. I don't take exception with what people are or what they do. I take exception to how they do it when they bring me into it without my consent.
  19. Could be that she is still working on accepting this side of him and wearing when she is not in "the mood"could set back that acceptance.
  20. I think I started shaving around 16 or 17 and haven't had a full crop of hair since. I did that once. Talk about hell when it started to grow back and my wife (GF then) banned me from doing that again since it itched her too much. Tried that once too. Luckily I started on my legs. I can't imagine how horrible it would have turned out (still have a scar on my leg burn). So it's a razor in the shower for me
  21. And I feel the same about them too (thus my mention of the idiots that walk around with their pants down to their knees as an example). If you wear all the time (for need or want) and your aren't doing it for the thrill then i'm fine with it, but the OP really makes it sound like they're just trying to force their kink on people that aren't interested and shouldn't be forced into their silly games. Simply put, if you are going out of the way to make your kink (regardless of what it is) noticeable to the general public, it's wrong. If you are just going about your life normally and someone happens to notice/figure it out, so be it. I'm not suggesting anyone hide who they are, but there is no excuse to not respect those around you so long as they are doing the same. toddmdl is right though, if this was a guy suggesting something like this more people would be vilifying them for wanting to do something like this and it giving us all a bad name. But since it is a girl, most of us are guys, and most of us (myself included) would like to see a woman walking through the mall in a diaper, she gets supporting comments for the most part.
  22. I am not an AB in my opinion as I have no interest in acting like or being treated like a baby/kid, but there are "AB" items that i'm "into". I love my Hello Kitty plastic pants (holes in them so they aren't really any good any more ) and would love to have a nice set of footed PJs, but I don't really think that makes me an AB at all. I think the biggest difference between being an AB or a DL is the attachment point for the person. For DLs, it seems to be that we are attached to an object(s) and it is more of a fetish for us where as ABs seem to be more about the situation and the objects are just props. Obviously everyone is different though and there can certainly be some blurring for some individuals.
  23. I'll go ahead and be the dissenting opinion I suppose. If you need to wear for medical reasons and you just want to wear a mini skirt, go for it as you are as entitled as anyone else. If, instead, you don't really need them and instead just want to do it for the thrill and to have someone notice, keep it to yourself. I don't begrudge those that wear in public, so long as they are treating their diapers for what they are (underwear) and wearing them appropriately. Those that wear intentionally oversized/bulky or purposefully make them visible need to get a life as much as those morons that walk around with their pants around their knees. There is just no excuse for forcing your kink on unsuspecting and uninterested people.
  24. I can't speak from the AB perspective as I am just a DL (e.g. not as involved when I want/need to indulge). My story is that my wife initially was accommodating (let me wear around her, brought them into sex, experimented a bit herself), then she decided that she was grossed out by it, and right now she is OK with it but doesn't want to be involved. Even though she doesn't truly understand it all, she does understand it is something I can't turn off no matter how much she dislikes and I love her. So now, I wait until she is out of the house before indulging and if she is home I try not to make a big show of it (sometimes it's really hard as I just REALLY REALLY want her to pat my butt while wearing). I think the first thing you need to decide is what you want. If you someone to share your AB side with and you really don't believe you can be happy any other way, then I would say you need to move on. If on the other hand you want a committed and loving relationship first and foremost, then you need to talk to her and work some things out. The first thing you need to address with her is her insecurities about you running off with someone else. If this isn't addressed it will continue to cause problems regardless of the AB issues. Unless there is something specific you are doing to cause the trust issues, this will be difficult for her and may never completely go away. I can speak from her side on this as I am very insecure and have always been convinced that my wife could/should find someone better. Oddly enough it took her having an internet fling and us subsequently getting past that for me to find some measure of self-worth and get over my fears of not being good enough. Please note that I am not suggesting you have an affair to put her mind at rest Dealing with the AB issue will be tough as well. My best suggestion is to work on helping her to understand that it is just another piece of you and it's not a matter of not loving her enough. I would also suggest you save your AB activities for times when you are apart. If she loves you, trusts you, and you have done your best to explain your connection to your AB side, then she should be willing to give you that time just like you should be willing to make compromises for her. I can't promise it will work out, this is just my best input based on my own experiences. As far as our relationship without diapers, I think it works out reasonably well. Of course I would like diapers to be move involved between us, but I know there are plenty of things she would like that don't happen as well.
  25. Count me in the group that has never heard of B&D as part of the AB/DL definition. Sure there are some in the AB/DL community that enjoy that and to some extent (as pointed out above) an AB's relationship with a Mommy/Daddy has some Dom/Sub aspects even if that isn't the exact intent, but I think there are also plenty that don't. On the whole, even if they are mixed, AB/DL and BDSM are two different things. Trying to put B&D in to our name is about the same as trying to force AB, DL, Cross Dressing, or any other method of dominance/humiliation into the BDSM name. As far as the slash goes, that's how i've always seen it until the last year or so and I just figured people were getting lazy (damn kids these days and their texting!!! ). I know there are some in the community that blur the lines between the two (e.g. DLs that play with being an AB from time to time), but I think by and large ABs and DLs are very distinct groups. We have plenty of ABs that only like the diapers because it is part of trapping of being treated like a baby. And there are plenty of DLs that don't want anything to do with the trappings of ABs. Maybe if I was an active part of the BDSM community I would feel different (read better understanding), but I don't see how you could break up it's parts with a slash as they are all so closely related. I doubt two Doms would work well and I know two Subs is an exercise in futility. You also have to be a bit of a sadist and/or masochist at some level and finally, without the bondage and/or discipline aspect it would all kinda fall apart. And if you are trying to make AB/DL in to an inclusive list, what about the Baby Furs, Sissy Babies, Teen Babies, Little Girls, Little Boys, and i'm sure plenty of others I can't think of?
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