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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

DL Dave

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Posts posted by DL Dave

  1. Hi Dave...I'm from the Edmonton area too. I'm mainly AB. What does your wife think about your Diaper interest? Does she have concerns about it?

    dose she have concerns? yep, she thinks I'm nuts. But she's adjusting well. For right now, I'm just DL, but latter who knows.

  2. I've always had a sensitve blader. Wet the bed as a kid steady untill 10, then off and on untill about 14. It still comes and goes, not the bed wetting, but the senstiveness. Sometimes I have to go every 10 or 15min. Or at least it feels like it. Since I've been wearing, I've noticed this feeling has come back, it dosn't bother me now though, because it dosn't interupt my life anymore. If I feel the need to go, I can go. If it's a false alarm, no big deal. It's nice not having to worry about it.

    I wonder if my wearing is causing this, or if I was headed that way anyways? What's it called when it feels like you have to go most of the time? It's like I have an itch down there that can only be scratched when I go.

    I've been wearing for 5 months now. It seems normal to me at this point. :thumbsup:

  3. I'm working in a new shop (I'm a welder) and don't have set of coveralls yet, so I just wear a fire resistant leather jacket, and jeans. However today there was a slight acident when I tried to get through the crowded shop I steped over project with a sharp edge, and tore the front of my pants. If I hadden't been wearing an attends at the time, I might never have kids again. OK it wasn't that bad, but close enough. The hole was a small one, but big enough to see inside, if you were looking. Ofcourse most of the people in the shop weren't looking at me there. But I was definetly worried every time I had to bend to pick somthing up.

    No one seemed to notice, and if they did they didn't say anthing. Did I mention this was my second day?

    anyone elts been "exposed" at work?

  4. I don't mind being wet. But I don't want to ruin the bed, nor do I realy want to upset my wife.

    Just as a quick side note, I asked my wife how she was feeling and adjusting to my being a DL, and including that in our life now.

    Her answer "Depends"


    For the record, she was serious, in that she's still adjusting, she's just not freaked out anymore. But it was still funny.

  5. I find the bigest worrie for me is that i'm going to leak. Somtimes I also find it hard to go unless I make myself go. And while I'm going, I'm worrying about leaking. However last night I used a diaper (not a pull up like I usualy do) and put in one extra pad (with the back cut to alow it to seep into the diaper) and just taped it realy tight. When I woke up and had to go, first I laid on my side, I was sure i was leaking, but hoped I was wrong. Then I had to go again, I find it takes seral times when I'm laying down, this time I moved onto my front. I didn't think I would leak that way, and it felt almost the same, so I was realy hoping I hadn't leaked the first time.

    In the morning when I go up, the bed was dry :boxing: .

    But I was wet :thumbsup: . I'm learing it's hard for me to tell if I've leaked or not, since i'm wet either way. I don't mind being wet. But I don't want to ruin the bed, nor do I realy want to upset my wife.

    So anyways, in response to the topic, I find you just have to make yourslef go. I'll try it again tonight, and we'll see how it gose. :D

  6. Sounds like your putting a lot of pressure on yourself. First thing I would sugest is relaxe. I went through the same emtions and thoughts. If your not realy incontent, then you don't have to use diapers, if you don't want to, remeber that. As for the cost, it's a matter of trial and error, before you find what works for you, I use a combination of pads and pull-ups, the pads are about 50 cents while the pull-ups are $1.50, so I spend about $3 a day, mabe less. I don't wear a night all the time, since in get's in the way of my sex life. I used to think i was cheating that way, then I thought, I'm doning this 'cause I want too, not have to. I've read and downloaded several ways to "train your self to be incontent", one said if I didn't follow a certian pattern, it would not work and one said once I lost control of number 1, number 2 would soon follow. So I figure, if it's a tempromental as these two "experts" claim, then I'm going to apply what works for me, and not worry about the rest. If going all out is what you realy want then great, but if not, don't be afraid to take it slow. I mean it's not like it's a contest or anything.

    That's just my thought's, but what ever you do, I hope it works out for you.

  7. it's hit and miss with the ER somtimes. Once I went in, waited about 4hrs to see someone, and they didn't belive I was sick (I had a lung infection and had trouble breathing), last time I went in, they seen me right away, and when I said I had somthing loged in my throught, they took my word for it. The bed side manner was much better the last time as well.

    Sorry to hear about the stones. Never had 'em, but understand they can be pretty terible.

  8. On a slightly more serious note, I'd like to throw in my 2 cents.

    First I'll say I'm a Christian, more specificaly a mormon. We have several standards, and guidelines set out for us to follow, and learn from. There is a list of 13 belifes that basicly say what we are about. The one most relavent to this thread is number 11:

    11 We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.

    Although I belive my faith to be correct and true, I don't think I have the right to shove it in your face in a moraly superior fashion. It's not for me too say you are evil because of your faith, or lack of a faith. Another core belief is that faith with out works is dead. Or in more simple terms you will be judged on what you do and why you do it. If you build houses for the homeless, and do it for the right reasons, then it realy dosn't matter what religion you are. At the same time if you hurt children and animals intentionaly, it also dosn't matter which religion you are.

    What am I trying to say here? I don't think I'm better than anyone elts, I do think that there is good and evil, same as there is right and wrong. Most religions that I am awear of however are not evil in nature. (yes I know there is saintanisum, and other sub groups that do focus on evil) That donsn't mean I think they are right.

    Either my faith is right or it's not, it can't be both. I belive my church is "His" true church, and that the teachings are "His". That said all other churchs and faiths must be wrong. Not to say they arn't close or well intentioned, but still wrong. I don't mean to be condecending when I say that. I have a personal testimony of the truthfullness of my faith. That means I know it is true. There is no way for me to prove it is true, just as you can't dissprove it. For me it was a matter of prayer and faith. There were a series of events and experiences that allowed me this insite. I won't go into them here though. I'm glad for my faith, and it's teachings, they enrich my life, and influence me for the better.

  9. ~am i the only one that missed this extraordinary magical event in 2006 caused by the merging of the astral plane that daphne sissy was describing? if so can someone please post the link of the video or news story about it. i would hate to have missed out on it.

    Nope I missed it too. :crybaby:

  10. most people are assholes.

    Seems kinda off topic, (but it was my topic, so I'll go with it) but I don't think most people are. I think we all have good days, and bad days. And mabey some of us have more bad than others, but I think the truth is we just rember bad days more. I mean do you realy rember the cashier who said thank your, or the person who held the door for you when you were coming in from the rain? But you sure rember the person who said you were stupid, or cut you off in trafic. It's not that the bad stuff happens more, it's just that we tend to pay more attention to it.

    As for going back for the $3, it comes down to me not wanting to draw attention to myself. After all I can always shop somewhere elts. Wal-mart is right across the street. Problem there is I used to work at that wal-mart. I know too many people there. So I guess I'll just have to suck it up.

  11. One of those courtisies, by the way, is not intentionaly using hurtful language. This site is one of those private places where you if your acting (or wanting to act like) your two, that's just part of the game. If I don't like that, or want to deal with it, then I should just leave, and respect those who do like it. I mean it's not like I'm forced to be here or anything.

  12. This type of "stuff" happens everyday, in every shape and form. I see people wearing clothing that is way to short, way too long, or just plain not to my taste. This does not for any reason give me the right to tell them to stop or remove what they are wearing because I don't agree with it. It's just not my place, people should be able to express who they are not what society tells them they should be.

    Unless they are physically doing something wrong my opinion is that you just let them be who they desire to be.

    Here's a back to 4th grade moment:

    "If every single person on this planet was the same in every way shape and form, would you really want to be here?"

    Let's avoid creating gaps in a community and instead star filling them in.


    I think we need structure as a society. I don't think it's OK to just do what ever we like. If somthing I'm doing is offensive to others, like walking down town in my underwear, then I understand why people would want that stoped. However if I"m running around my appartment, in my underware, then that's no ones buisness but mine. You could easily subsitue diaper for underwear in that example. If a grown man or woman were to aproach me in a store acting like they were two, that would make me uncomftorable. Unless ofcourse they actualy had mental challange. If those same pleople want to behave that way at home, or with friends and family and that works for all involved, then that's great. There are certian courtsies and customs we expect from eachother in general, and I don't think that's a bad thing. There are still lot's of ways we can be differnt, especialy since most of us are privilaged to live in free countries.

  13. It sounds like fun. But what are the laws in your area? Could it be considered a common body house? I mean I know that's not your intention, but if the naibors, or police, think that it is, they will try and shut you down and make it very public. Would your ABs, or DLs be willing to take that chance? you could give it a try, but be sure you have your diapered butt, legaly covered.

  14. yes, they have atteneds.

    And as far as stealing gose, I realy do think it was, and still is an honest mistake. I went back yestertday, at the end of isle is a display with a clear sighn that says $17.99, but if you go down the isle to where the main stock is, there is another singn saying 14.99, I think either the wrong bag got placed on the wrong shelf, or they just don't know they have to prices up.

    I would realy like to mention it to some there, but still don't want to draw attenion to my self. Next time I go in I'll fill out a customer coment card. That way I stay anonomous and they are aware of the problem.

  15. Am I a control freak, I don't think so. And my oppinion is what matters. I mean I know what's right and if more people would do what I say the way I say in the world would go along much better, thats just a fact. And if you took the time to see things my way you would realize that ofcourse. Oh my wife says I'm controling, she dosn't realize I'm just looking after her, the hampster, the lawn, the heat, the water, and the car. So ofcourse I have a few rules like run everything by me and if I aprove it, then great, if not my word should be excepted as LAW

    I'd love to be dominated, and just let somone elts be in charge and worry about the problems of life for a while. I also love the idea of being breast fed. But that's not realy the point of this thread is it?

  16. Lables aren't good or bad, it's how we use them and the meaning we give them. As for psychiatrists didn't we beat that dead horse in another thread? Some of us like labels, it helps us to understand things. That dosn't mean that every "lable" is correct, nor are they engraved in stone. In general terms there are several lables that apply to me, they don't define me, but do highlight parts of who and what I am, some of those lables are: son, grandson, dad, husband and son-inlaw. I'm also a member of a church, have a profession, and wear diapers. Each of the lables tells alittle about me. Not every thing, and certainly not enough to make a clear picture of who I am, (unless you have the whole list, most don't).

    Nothing wrong with labbles. Just in how we use them. I'm guessing the person who started this thread is trying to figure out who they are and how or where they fit in the world. I can understand that, that's one of the reasons I visit sites like this. If anything in this or other threads helps others find that for them selves, then I think it was a good question.

  17. Jogging pants, and depends pull-ups, or nothing. The jogging pants are for my wife's comfort (she dosn't like to see the depends), all so in case I leak, they absorb pretty good. If I'm home alone for the night, then just the pull-ups. :angel_not:

  18. It takes some practice, and some experimenting. As for "american diapers" I guess you use what you have. For the record I'm Canadian, what do you know eh. If your new to the lifestyle, or don't want those types of packages coming in the mail, then you get what's avalible. I've found a combination of attends, and extra pads stops leaks, or at least puts them off for a reasonable time. I'm still new, and there may be better combinations, or products out there, but this seems to work for me. :thumbsup:

  19. Looking for DLs and ABs in edmonton area. It would be nice to know there are others around with simmilar intrests. Couples especialy. It would be nice to show my wife we are just people. Mabe others can relate to that? :whistling:

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