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IslandDaddy last won the day on September 8 2022

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  1. OH I'z the biy that bildz the boat
    And I'z the biy that sailz 'er!
    I'z the biy the catchez the fish
    And bringz 'em home to Liza.

    1. ~Brian~


      when i was about 16 or 17 comma i would go with my dad and my brother James or my brother Dan when we went fishing. Would you use a 16 foot aluminum boat with a Johnson 10 horsepower motor. Had a lot of fun fishing with my dad, caught a lot of fish, including a small mouth and a large mouth bass. Sometimes we weren't as lucky because we weren't able to get much fish, but the fun part was on Sunday morning early in the morning we would be able to enjoy each other's company on a nice quiet lake or pond before a whole bunch of people would come in off the boat launch with these great big huge ski boats.

      now, every year, my brother James my uncles and a couple of their friends go to New Hampshire to lake Francis and there is a bunch of different wakes around that they go to. My brother James will post a whole bunch of pictures about this, and for years my father went with him, right about my brother's birthday which is mid-May. Not sure if my dad will be going this year, because of his conditions, but every time they would go fishing it seemed like everybody had fun. I know that my uncle was one of the first people that I went fishing with, because I went with my dad. It's been years since I've seen my uncle Jack in person, but I always remember what he taught me and he is amazing in his own right. I love fishing and I love spending time with my dad and my family.

      I have fond memories of having fun with them, but I lost my grandpa in 2009, and I lost my grandmother in 2011. And I lost my mom's parents in 2002. Have fond memories of each one of the adventures we would be going on regardless of what said if grandparents I went with period sometimes I wish that I could go fishing again, but I would need help to be able to get in and out of the boat, because I'm getting older I guess. Fun times, and songs like that bring back memories of time on board the boat with my dad. Even if it was only a few hours a week, it was really relaxing and allowed me to be in a situation where I could think and I didn't have to worry about worldly problems or anything like that, because we were in one of the best places in the world. God creates a lot of different places for us to hang out, and some places that we go, are miracles in nature, and well, sometimes I miss it calling sorry daddy, I must be getting nostalgic, as I missed some of the fun things we used to be able to do in a boat with a fishing rod and a few soldiers and a few laughs. Your songs bring back fond memories my friend, and for that I thank you.


    2. IslandDaddy


      If my having a moment made you smile, Brian, then I have done a good thing. 

      I was having a conversation with a friend and got reminded of a bit from MacLean and MacLean and that eastern Canada folk song was part of it. I felt like posting it here, too.

    3. ~Brian~


      For some reason daddy, I kind of remember the song sundown, by Gordon Lightfoot. Don't know why it kind of reminds me of we're relaxing outdoor outing, but it does.Sometimes it's hard for me to be able to express some emotional responses effectively , because you don't know what to say or how to say it , or you know what to say , but you don't know if you should say it, this makes it hard: there are so many things in life that we take for granted : I'm damn lucky for example that I have my computers and all the things that I do to be able to communicate online. I'm also very appreciative of my Internet connection which keeps me connected to the world around me, and to the friends like you like the Princess and like Rachel little . You all are awesome people, and I'll always remember time we spend together.

      sometimes I have dreams for example that I'm going somewhere, and I get into the woods. When I get into the woods, I end up walking for several miles, and then I find this incredible clearing, with the sun shining brightly, and the sky blue is the water, with waterfalls, and fish, birds, green grass, you name it. It's like Shangri-La da da: a place where everybody can just relax and be themselves, just like some people in chat the other night we're talking about some sort of island where we could all go and just be ourselves.

      There are times that I miss the days when I was younger, then I realized that the days that we end up living are like a page in a book. We end up putting words pictures or emotions or whatever in the book. And the book is our mind: we'll always remember the memories that we cherish and that we hold, but basically this means that everyone that has gone before us that we have met, or interacted with, changes our life forever. My mom used to tell me that memories are there because it helps us to remember the good times and the person that you love. Sometimes it's hard to allow those memories to come forward, because it is something that remind you of something that you did with someone who was no longer with us. For that, when I see a cardinal, I know that someone that is close to me or has been a part of my life is close by. I'm not sure why sometimes that happens, but it happens. There are times when I can sense in my head somebody being around, and I'm not sure why they're there, but they are there and they help me deal with things that I might not know come up, but they are always there.

      I like to think that my life is worth something and that it's meaningful, and I always think that way. Thinking any other way would make me feel really bad period someone told me not to feel sorry for myself and not to think in the negative, but sometimes I think my parents my mom at least doesn't remember that. Life is too short to worry about the things that you can't control, and you should worry about the things you can. For that I will end up using all of my skills and all of my strengths and all of my will to be able to live the best life possible. That's the best I can do God has given me the chance to do my best and I'm gonna give it 120%, just like I did the day I was born and I've defied the odds from day one period I'm not giving up yet, and my mom isn't going to bury this guy in the ground! I doubt that I will have to worry about me dying, it'll probably be my mom first, unfortunately: love my mom but sometimes she drives me crazy Colin's dad is awesome because he uses his head, and even though he loves me and he is emotional from time to time, he's always got his head screwed on straight and can think things through, and give a guy like me a lot of advice. You Sir are amazing and you are a good role model! Keep it up! You are the daddy, and I am the Big Brother I guess, and that's cool.


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