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  1. I like the 6.1K likes but I would like to read what you think about my story. I have more chapters written but this will be the last one if I don't get feed back positive or negative. Part 7 The morning sun in my nursery woke me up. I laid there and listened to the birds singing. Fred was in my arms my binkie was in my mouth. “That was fun Fred yesterday” I said. “I wonder why Mommy changed my birthday”. When I cuddled Fred again I noticed there was cake on his ear. I took my binkie out of my mouth and started to suck it off his ear. That’s when Mommy came into the room. She saw what I was doing and started to giggle. “Baby don’t eat Fred’s ear”. “I think Fred will need a bath too today” she said and let the side of the crib down. Mommy picked me up and hugged me tight she kissed my cheeks and forehead and laid me down on the changing table. “Ommy ommy Fred” I cried. “Fred needs a bath and I will get him all cleaned for you” she said and started to take my sleeper off. Then she untapped my diaper but I wanted Fred and I started to cry. “Calm down baby” she said as she slid the diaper from under me. “Fred needs a bath I will clean him up when I get a chance” she told me and while she had my ankles in the air she gave me a little spank on my hinny. I calmed down as tears fell down my cheeks. Mommy let my legs down and she started to blow bubbles into my belly and I started to giggle she giggled too. “Good baby” she said. Mommy cleaned me up with the wipes. When she was done she picked me up she walked over to the rocking chair and sat down. She unbuttoned her blouse and I started to nurse naked in her arms. I nursed from her my belly filled with her milk as she rocked us back and forth. Just then Sara came into the nursery. “OMG Mom so cute I have to get a picture of this” she said and took her cell out and stood in front of us and started to take pictures of baby naked in Mommy’s arms nursing me in the rocking chair. I think I will have some of these blown up for us” she said. “Mom I’m going over to visit Angela for awhile” she said. “Ok Sara have a good time” and Sara left while I nursed from Mommy. “Oh such a good baby for Mommy” she said as we rocked back and forth. When Mommy had no more milky she picked me up and put me on the changing table again. She finished changing me and we went down into the kitchen. She strapped me into the high chair and clipped the tray in place. A bib was put around me and she walked over to the counter when she returned she had two jars in her hand and a spoon. Sitting next to me she popped the lid and started to feed me. The first one tasted like eggs and bacon so I finished that up while she flew the spoon over my head telling me to open the hanger before the plane crashed. We giggled and played while she feed me but I missed Fred. When breakfast was done she picked me up from the high chair and took me to the livingroom. In the livingroom and on the floor were all my presents all together. Mommy showed me most of them again but when she got to one she pulled it out of the box and held it up. “What do you think about this one baby” she asked? It was a dark blue Navy Uniform. I thought it was nice and I smiled and clapped my hands. “You like that one” Mommy asked? “This one is from Aunt Janie” she said you are a special baby and you needed a special outfit to wear”. “We will save this for when Auntie Janie comes over to visit” she said and put it back in the box. Mommy showed me the rest of my presents I liked all of them except one only because it was blue and pink and very pretty. She held it up I saw it had snaps on the bottom and something that looked like a lace tut tu around the waist. “Ommy ho ave me hat” I asked sucking on my binkie? ”I … I don’t remember baby” she said and she put it back in the box. While I sat there Mommy picked up a big box. She opened it and she giggled. When Mommy took it out of the box she held it in her hands. “This is so cute we will have to try it” she said. She got up started to hang it from the door frame. When she was done it had a little seat on the bottom like the baby swings have at the park. “Let’s try it out” Mommy said and came and picked me up. She put me into the seat and when I moved it went up and down. I bounced a little harder and it bounds up and down with me. I started to giggle and clap my hands. Mommy giggled and told me to bounce faster. I was having fun in my new bouncing seat but my legs were getting tired. “This will keep you busy when you are watching cartoons and Mommy is busy in the kitchen or cleaning up” she said. “Ommy” I said “I iss red”. “We will get him all cleaned up when I give you a bath” she said and she turned on the TV. Peep Peep was on this morning so I bounced up and down and sucked on my binkie and watched the road runner run faster than the coyote. I don’t know how long it was until Mommy came back into the livingroom. She took me out of the bouncer and sat down in the rocking chair. She opened her blouse took my binkie out of my mouth and started to nurse me. My lips wrapped around her nipple and I started to suck Mommy’s milk into my belly. Mommy rocked us back and forth as I nursed on her like a new born. Her milk was warm and sweet making me relax in her arms. “My baby my little one no more worrying about anything you are Mommy’s baby and I will take good care of you” she whispered. Mommy switched me to her other nipple and I continued to nurse until she was dry. Half asleep she stood up she took me to the nursery. She changed my diaper then put me down for a nap. When I woke up an hour later Mommy was just walking into the nursery. “Did baby have a good nap” she asked? “Es ommy but I missed Fred” I said. “Well you don’t have to miss him anymore here he is all cleaned up and I think he needs a hug”. And she pulled Fred from around her back and gave him to me. I hugged him tight as Mommy lowered the gate. She picked us up and hugged us both then put me on the changing table. As she started to untape my wet dipee she said. “I gave Fred a bath in the washing machine doesn’t he smell nice and clean” she asked? I hugged him tighter as I laid on my back and said “es ommy he mells ice and he is ice and oft gain thank you ommy”. “And you’re next my little baby boy” she said and slid the wet diaper from under me and picked me up. She carried me and Fred into the bathroom where a nice warm bubble bath was waiting for us. Mommy took Fred and put him on the toilet seat to watch and put me into the tub. I sat down in the bubbles and looked for my bath toys. When I found them Mommy started to wash my hair. When she was done rinsing my hair she reached under the sink and took out a bag and opens it. She put her hand into the new puppet and put it up to my face and said “What’s up Doc” with a bug’s bunny voice. I started to giggle and splash in the water as Mommy filled the bugs wash cloth with soap and started to wash her baby. “Such a good baby for Mommy yes … yes you are” Mommy said. She washed behind my ears under my chin and neck. She washed my arms and hands then started on my belly. I giggled and felt how soft the bug’s bunnies puppet was and how it made me feel and stopped playing with my bath toys. Then Mommy started to wash my back I was so relaxed I was smiling at Mommy. “You like bugs washing you” she asked? “Es ommy he is so soft” I said with my binkie still in his mouth. “Ok stand up and Mommy will wash the rest of you” she told me. I stood up and Mommy renewed the body wash on bugs and washed my legs inside and out then washed my waist. Her hand went down and started to slowly start to wash my hinny. Bug’s slid in between my legs she opened my legs a little more to get bugs in between them and she started to wash me there too. The bug’s soapy puppet washed in between my cheeks under my legs and up to my peepee. “Does baby like that when Mommy washes him” she asked? “Es ommy ugs is so oft and soapy” I answered. “Turn around baby so Mommy can wash the front of you” she said. I turned around to face her. Mommy washed my belly then bugs slid down and she started to wash my peepee. I held onto Mommy’s shoulder as she washed my peepee kneeling next to the tub. A few minutes later Mommy took the hand held shower and started to rinse me off. I was very relaxed as she picked me up out of the tub and started to dry me off. She picked me up she took a dry towel with her as she left the room. She sat in the rocking chair covered me with the dry towel put her hand on the back of my head and guided my lips to her nipple. I latched on and started to nurse on Mommy’s nipple. Warm sweet milky started to fill my mouth and I swallowed and Mommy moaned and whispered “good boy good baby Mommy loves you baby Alan”. I nursed on Mommy for 20 minutes then with the towel she wiped my wet face and her wet nipples and picked me up and put my on the changing table. She dried me off some more making sure my diaper area was dry. It was nice she was taking care of me and Fred and I relaxed as she finished diapering me. We went down stairs and Mommy turned the TV on. She put me into the bouncer as I sat with Fred and my binkie in my mouth. I bounced up and down with Fred giggling. Sara walked in and saw me bouncing she came over and told me how cute I looked only dressed in a diaper and tee shirt. She started to play with me while we watched cartoons bouncing up and down. “Ngela” I asked? Sara took my binkie out of my mouth and said “Angela is my friend from college she wants to meet you” she said. “She wants to meet me why” I asked? “Because you are my baby brother would you like to meet her” Sara asked? “If you want me to meet her Ok” I said and she put my binkie back in my mouth. I started to suck on it and watch TV as she got up and sat on the couch where Mommy was sitting reading. “So Mom would it be Ok if I took baby Alan to meet Angela you know who she is she is my best friend from High school” she asked? “Yes Sara I remember her I remember when her mother lost her baby boy back when you first made friends”. “I will have to check the garage and see if we still have a stroller so you don’t have to carry him over to her house” she said. “Can I tell her we will come over sometime tomorrow” Sara asked? “Let’s check first to see if we have a stroller if not we will go buy one for him is that Ok’ she said. “That sound good thanks Mom” Sara said and went up to her room. “So baby is that Ok with you” she asked me? I shook my head yes and continued to bounce up and down with Fred in my lap. “You be a good baby and watch your cartoons while Mommy goes and makes din din” she said and kissed me on the forehead and went into the kitchen. While she was making din din I started to bounce a little faster and harder. Fred and I were having fun then all of a sudden my legs went one way and the bouncer went the other before I knew it Fred and I were upside down in the bouncer. “Mommy …. Mommy” I yelled “help” and I started to cry. Mommy and Sara ran back to the living room and saw us. Sara ran over and started to help me out of the bouncer as Mommy helped her. Fred was on the floor Sara held me in her arms and I was crying in Sara’s arms. “Shhhhh baby you’re Ok” she said hugging me tight. Tears running down my cheeks as she held me tight. “You’re Ok baby big sister has you” she said and kissed my forehead. She rocked me in her arms as Mommy watched her take care of me. “You have the in stink to be a good Mommy Sara that’s really important in a girl” Mommy said. “Mom” she giggled “his trying to get at my breast” she said. “The baby is scared let him” she said. Sara sat on the couch she put me in her arms and lowered her blouse she put her hand on the back of my head and guided my lips to her nipple. I latched on and started to suckle from my big sister. Mommy put Fred back in my arms and I suckled like a new born on my sister. This was not the first time and I’m sure it will not be the last time. “You Ok” Mommy asked Sara? “Oh yes Mom I’m great thank you” she answered as I suckled and she moaned and Mommy went back to the kitchen. “Dinner is ready is the baby Ok” Mommy asked? “His asleep” Sara said. “Ok leave him on the couch I’ll feed him later. Sara placed me on the couch and put a blanket on me and they went to go eat dinner. When I woke up I could hear Mommy and Sara talking in the kitchen. I pushed the blanket off me and took Fred and I walked into the kitchen. My diaper was full and it sagged down. When I entered the kitchen Mommy and Sara asked if I was feeling better. Then Mommy asked Sara to get an ice pack from the freezer. Mommy picked me up and put me in her arms. Sara came back and gave the ice pack to Mommy. “Baby has a boo boo on his forehead” she said and kissed it and put the ice pack on my head. “You must have bumped your head on something when you fell out of the bouncer” she said. I started to cry as she held it lightly on my forehead I tried to get away from it but Mommy held me tight to her. “Shhhhh baby this will keep the swelling down” she said but I tried to get away from the cold ice pack. Mommy tapped my diaper bottom and told me to calm down. “Why don’t you breast feed him that will calm him down and you can feed him his dinner” Sara said and Mommy took her blouse over head and guided my lips to her nipple. I started to nurse from her as I calmed down sucking milky into my belly. “Why is it that baby’s and men like to suckle from us” she asked? “Oh and is this from experience” Linda asked her daughter. “Will Alan is a boy and it works on him” she whispered. “And men” Linda asked? “I’m still a virgin but I do like to make out” Sara said blushing. “That’s great do what you need to do but be careful and use protection” Linda told her daughter. By now my belly was full and I had calmed down. “Do me a favor and put the baby to bed and change his diaper while I clean up the kitchen” she asked Sara. “Ok Mom no problem” she said and picked me up half asleep and took me to the nursery. Sara put me on the changing table and strapped me down. She took the tee shirt off me because it was wet. Then she started to untape my diaper. She lifted my legs up by my ankles and removed the wet diaper rolled it up and put it into the diaper genie. While holding my legs up she grabbed a hand full of wipes and started to clean my bottom. She let my legs down grabbed another hand full of baby wipes and started to clean my diaper area. “I hope” she whispered “I have a baby as sweet as you so I can take care of”. Sara took a clean diaper lifted my legs again and slide the diaper under me then let them down. She took the baby powder and sprinkled all over my diaper area and started to rub it in. She rubbed it on my hinny then started to rub it into my peepee. I felt Sara rubbing the powder around and on my peepee it felt good to have her taking care of me like this. My peepee was hard and when she finished she pulled the diaper up between my legs and taped it tight around me. She put me into a sleeper laid me in the crib kissed my forehead missing my boo boo slid the side of the crib up. “Good night baby Alan I love you” she said and left.
  2. That was a great chapter. Loved what went on for the trip to the zoo. Your writing is #1 love reading what you are writing. 🙂
  3. This is a cute story I even like the spanking part but only with a hand on a naked bottom. I wonder if Stacey wants her own little boy to take care of. 🙂
  4. Good start sounds familiar. Shower since when do little boys take showers Daddies give their little boys baths.
  5. You have a winner here. Wish I read this before I started my last story. Your idea from the first chapter is really good your writing is very good and easy to follow. Waiting for the next chapter maybe a binkie (pacifier) is better than a thumb. 🙂
  6. Part 6 As I wake up I hear music and people talking down stairs. Mommy comes in and comes over to the crib. “Is baby awake” she whispers? I turn over with my binkie in my mouth and Fred in my arms. I smile at her. “Good baby we have company our family came over for Thanksgiving and there will be a big surprise if baby is a good boy” she said as she picks me up she walks over to the changing station. “A urprise” I say excited with my binkie in my mouth. “Mommy is going to change your dipee dress you and we will go down and meet everyone”. “Everyone will just love you like I do” she said and starts to take my dipee off. Mommy cleans me up with the warm wipes she powders me and pulls the dipee up between my legs and tapes it tight around me. With the strap around me she goes over to the dresser she pulls out a few things. She comes back and shows me what she is going to dress me in. She is holding up an omnie with a choo choo on the front. She unstraps me and has me sit up. “Good baby Mommy loves you baby everyone will meet you again. “I loved my 8 year old boy but Mommy wants you back so she can take care of you again” she said. She pulls the omnie over my head and pulls it down. She lays me back down pulls the tails of the omnie and snaps them together in between my legs. “Mommy’s good little baby yes … yes you are baby Alan” she coos. I smile and hug Fred and suck on my binkie. “If this is what Mommy wants this is who I will be” I say to myself. She takes the other thing she took from the dresser. It’s a pair of yellow shorts with snaps. She pulls them up my legs and slides them over my diaper and around my waist and snaps it between my legs. “Oh baby you look adorable you don’t look like an 8 year old boy anymore” she said and kisses me on my nose. Mommy puts socks on my feet they have bunnies on them. She picks me up with Fred. She sits down on the rocking chair and puts me in her arms. She lowers her blouse I know what is next. She puts her hand on the back of my head but she doesn’t have to do that I want to nurse from Mommy I’m her baby again. I latch onto her nipple and start to nurse. I taste the warm sweet milk fill my mouth I swallow it down into my belly and I get a warm feeling. I close my eyes and enjoy what is happening to me. I cuddle Fred in my arms and hold him tight. It’s like having my best friend back back when I was 2 and nursing from my Mommy. It feels right and I want to make her happy. Mommy changes my lips to her other nipple my hand goes on her empty breast it’s still warm and soft. Mommy moans and holds me tight. I nurse as she rocks us back and forth in the rocking chair. When Mommy’s breasts are empty she takes baby wipes from the table she washes my face and her nipples. She puts me over her left shoulder and starts to pat and rub my back. I burp and I hear her giggle. “Time to meet the family don’t be scared Mommy has you she will keep you safe” she said and gets up. She holds me in her arms like a new born then walks out of the nursery and down the stairs. I hear the family talking with the music playing in the back ground. As we get to the bottom of the stairs Mommy turns into the livingroom everyone stops talking. “Happy Thanksgiving everyone” Mommy said. “This is as you know is my baby Alan he is two years old and he loves his family very much”. I start to suck on my binkie harder and hug Fred as Mommy holds me in her arms like a new born. Some start to walk up to her to kiss Mommy my little cousins start to pull Mommy’s arms down so they can see me. An older lady kisses Mommy as she pinched my cheek. “So cute” she said. “You did the right thing Alice this is better for him he is safe here in your arms” she said. “Baby this is Great Grandma Beth she is Grandmas Mommy and my Grandma”. I look at her and smile with my binkie in my mouth. Other relatives come up and kiss Mommy. Grandma and Sara came up to Mommy they kiss her and tell her she did a good job I look adorable. Mommy takes me into the livingroom. Other relatives kiss her that makes her feel good. Mommy puts me on the floor and my cousins start to play with me. Mommy goes around and starts saying hello to her Uncles, Aunts and friends. About half an hour later Sara comes over she bends down and whispers in my ear. “Is baby wet we are about to eat” she asks? Sara picks me up and puts my on her hip. “You little ones go see where you are sitting” Sara tells our cousins. She takes me up to the nursery and places me on the changing table. She straps me down and unsnaps my shorts and pushes them out of the way and does the same to my omnie. “You having a good time with your cousins” she asks while she untapes my diaper. “Es” I tell her. Sara takes my binkie out of my mouth. “Some are much taller than me and are the same age” I say. “That’s because you are our special baby” she said and puts my binkie back in my mouth then she pulls my diaper down between my legs. She reaches for a hand full of wipes takes my ankles and pulls them up and starts to clean my bottom. She washes my cheeks and slides the wipes in between them and cleans my little hole. She pulls the wet diaper from under me and slides a clean one under me. She lets my legs down and grabs the baby powder. Sara smiles at me “you are such a good baby yes … yes you are” she cooed. She starts to powder my diaper area she uses a cloud of it and she started to rub it in. It smelled so good and felt good too. “Your peepee is getting hard baby that’s Ok sometimes baby’s gets hard when someone touches them down here” she said as she continued to rub the powder into my smooth and hairless skin. Sara wiped her hands clean and pulled the diaper up between my legs and tapped it tight around my waist. She pulled the omnie down then my shorts and snapped them both together. “Ok time to have Thanksgiving din din with our family” she said. She picked me up and we went down to the dining room. Sara sat me in my high chair strapped me in and pushed me to the table. Everyone at the table was cooing to me telling me what a good baby I am. Grand Nana is sitting at the head of the table I guess she is the oldest. As everyone is seated Grand Nana bows her head everyone grabs the hand next to them. “Thank you God for this blessed day”. “We all have something or someone we are thankful for and we thank you for that”. “There are some people who don’t have anything to be thankful for and we bless them that they will have something to be thankful for soon”. “We are specially blessed because you gave us a special boy to take care of and now he is being cared for by his family who loves him”. “He is special and will be safe and cared for the rest of his life”. “And last but not least thank you for our troops and our 911 people Amen” we all say Amen and Grandma gets up and starts to cave up the beautiful brown turkey in front of us. We all start to eat Mommy is on my right feeding me Sara is on my left Grandma is sitting next to Mommy and Grandma is sitting next to her Mommy my Grand Nana. Fred is sitting next to me and is enjoying the meal too. When the meal was over and everyone was ready for desert two of my Uncles who I didn’t remember pulled my high chair from the table and placed it at the head of the table. Everyone was clapping as I sucked on my binkie holding Fred. Mommy brought out a cake Sara brought out coffee, tea and fruit boxes for the kids. She placed the cake in front of me and on the top of the cake it read “Happy Birthday Baby Alan”. Mommy lights the 3 candles and everyone started to sing Happy Birthday to me but I have a birthday and it wasn’t today what was going on? I took my binkie out of my mouth and Fred and I blew the candles out. Mommy knelt next to me in the high chair. “Happy Birthday” she said “I have my baby back”. “You’re my special baby boy with special needs you will always be my baby boy you will never need anyone but your family from this day forward”. “So today is your new birthday baby and as you change we will love you and treasure you and take care of you”. I didn’t understand what this was all about and there was that statement “special needs baby boy” I heard before. I was having a hard time in school my homework was always wrong even though Sara tried to help me with it. Everyone started to treat me differently this year. I was slow and clumsy and sometimes didn’t know where I was but I did my best. My birthday cake was in front of me and all of a sudden I remembered what baby’s did on their 1st birthdays I put my hand into the cake and took a bit and it went all over my face. I didn’t realize what I did and everyone started to cheer and clap they hands and started to eat the cupcakes on the table. I giggled and made a mess as I ate the cake. I ate my cake and sipped from my sippy cup and watched everyone eating. The table was cleared off Grandma cleaned me up in my highchair. I was picked up by Mommy and sat on the floor in the livingroom while they put presents in front of me and watched me open them. I was so excited I did pee pee in my diaper a few times but kept on opening presents. Not presents for an 8 year old presents for a 2 year old present for a baby. I giggled like a baby with Fred in between my legs I was having a good time. When all the presents were opened Mommy picked me up and everyone started to leave. They kissed Mommy and tickled me and some said good luck. Grand Nana, Grandma, Aunt Janie and Sara were the only ones left. Grand Nana took me from Mommy and held me in her arms. She rocked us back and forth patting my diapered bottom. I looked up at her and she kissed me on the forehead “Happy Birthday baby Alan” she said and gave me to Aunt Jane and Grand Nana left. Aunt Jane tickled me under the chin “you going to be a good baby boy when Auntie babysits you” she asked and she handed me over to Mommy and she left. “Good night baby Alan Happy Birthday” Grandma said and Sara said “good night too” and Mommy took me up to the nursery. “Did you have a good time” Mommy asked me as she laid me on the changing table. “I bet baby is soaked”. She put my binkie in my mouth and started to undress me. Mommy untapped the diaper and took wipes and started to wash my diaper area and my hinny. I was half asleep as she pulled the diaper from under me. I sucked on my binkie and held Fred in my arms while she lifted my legs and got me diapered and dressed in a sleeper. She unstrapped me and picked me up and sat down on the rocking chair and held me in her arms and took her blouse off. “My baby boy yes you are … oh yes” she said as she held the back of my head pulled my binkie from my mouth and guided my lips to her nipple. I started to nurse from her her warm milk filled my mouth and I was content with Mommy’s hand on the back of my head while she moaned. “Such a good baby today nurse from Mommy be her baby from now and forever” she said. She rocked us back and forth in the rocking chair “sleep little baby you are mine sleep little baby and don’t you cry” she sang. My eyes were closed as I heard her sing I went to sleep in her arms like a baby should warm comfortable and loved.
  7. Good chapter. Sorry but I still think the font is to small well I mean for me. I'm enjoying your story. 🙂
  8. Good chapter. I wonder if his dad changed Tom's diaper when it was dirty when he was a baby.
  9. Thank you happy someone wants to hear what is going on next. Should have the next chapter up on Sunday. 🙂 Thank you happy someone wants to hear what is going on next. Should have the next chapter up on Sunday. 🙂
  10. Thank you for the clarification. I like to understand what I'm reading to get a better picture of the story's I'm reading. Pull ups and diapers are not the same. Waiting for the next chapter. 🙂
  11. I in my own option think you should continue on this path. One thing that I don't like is to be forced into being a baby its like you said it should be with "love". I like if its my wife/mommy or a stranger/mommy. I did write a story about being kidnapped and forced into baby hood but I liked it but never posted it here on DD. My stories don't get the reaction as good writers. 4.8K likes but only 4 posts.
  12. So right now he is wearing a diaper not a pull up in his room?
  13. Great start interesting too. Was going to say something about the font but if you fixed it OK. So Oliver drank the Nutriform from a glass not a bottle? The nurse should have told Abigail the side effects. Now he is really going to implode. 🙂
  14. Next chapter is coming. How do you like this story I know a few have let me know but what about the rest of you who liked it?
  15. "Wow, this is the first smut I've written in like, 5 years" ..... will it was great smut LOL. I think he should change her diaper but keep the pictures. Maybe after he got her all cleaned up he could do the same to her. When I write smut between a wife/mommy they make love and they are happy. They may end up boyfriend and baby. Hope you continue this sexy smut. 🙂
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