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Mommy And Friends Wanted


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HI HI its Stillin here or as my best friends call me SID.

I know many out there are looking for a mommy or a daddy.

I have been searching for a mommy or a understanding person I can call as my mommy or someone who will care for me.

I want to be upfront and honest about myself and even If you get turned off by this then atleast you will understand me abit more than you did before reading this.

I have Speical Needs, I have learning problems and making friends is hard for me. I was never great at mainstream school because of my slow learning and problems with my spelling. My spelling is better online because of spell check. I don't want to come over like people should feel sorry for me but I just wanted to give you a heads up about my background.

I had a good childhood but i was in and out of hospital with bad asthma attacks.

OK so now more about my baby side.

I like to feel like a helpless little baby, I like to play really young, Much younger than others. I love to be watched over like real babies. I would love to find a mommy for both online and offline. Maybe get to know her as an adult first and then as a baby. I don't want to be 24.7 because I think it should be a 50/50 relationship and its unfair to ask a women to wipe your butt and feed you all the time.

I'm at that stage in my ab life when I can crawl and just barely learning to stand up (Walking abit till I fall down on my butt). I love to put things in my mouth and chew on them like Toy Cars and things like that. I'm to young for the small things like lego. Oh I love biting crayons mmmm yummy hehehe.

I'm not a brat baby but a well behaved little boy just like most little babies my age, But I do sometimes throw temper trantums and whines when I want something and told not to.

I think that is all I have to say. Be a friend.

Stillin (SID)

Ask if you wanna be my Mommy and Friends are always welcome

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