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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Increased Media Attention:


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I think we've all noticed more attention to diapers in the media, mostly as the object of a joke or ridicule. From the wacky Astronaut to mentions on shows like "Scrubs" to the casual one-liners from every working comedian, adult diapers are a hot topic. It's really no wonder. As the country ages, we're seeing more and more shelf space being devoted to them, and more ads in magazines and on TV. (How many times have you see the Serenity pull-up ad by now?) They're everywhere, and they're no longer a taboo topic.

But the question is, is this publicity and increased conversation about diapers going to help us get the acceptance we all crave? Is all conversation and exposure good? Or is wearing adult diapers for reasons other than medical necessity still too weird for the masses?

Will the increased conversation about the object of our desire help us become accepted or will we still be viewed as oddities suitable only for the "Jerry Springer Show" and the occasional local news Freak of the Week segment?*


*(Thank you for that, Heidi.)

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I totally agree with Robert on that one, acceptance will never be forthcoming ! :badmood:

I think it really has to do with what level of acceptance you're talking about. Will you ever be able to walk down the street in nothing but a diaper and not get any funny looks? It's certainly not very likely. If you're talking about it being something that you could talk about without being completely ostracized from regular society. Then yeah, I think that's something that might happen.

It's been said that there's no such thing as bad press and I really think that, to a certain extent, that's true. As we become more visible in the media, even if it's just played for a few laughs, it forces people to acknowledge that we exist. That is a step in the right direction. I think that right now people are becoming more aware of different fetishes and alternative lifestyles. A lot of people are "coming out of the closet" on a lot of different fronts and people's concepts of sex, sexuality, and the things people do behind closed door are beginning to shift. A good example of this is S&M. It's something that would have been quite taboo not that long ago but it's really pretty mainstream now. At least it's something that you could say you're into without being disowned by all you your friends.

Most of the press I've seen lately has been pretty sympathetic. The article in Maclean's linked in another recent thread is a good example. Even the CSI episode was not wholly unsympathetic. I think it's things like this that are, in the end, going to win us a little bit of acceptance.

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I think it really has to do with what level of acceptance you're talking about. Will you ever be able to walk down the street in nothing but a diaper and not get any funny looks? It's certainly not very likely. If you're talking about it being something that you could talk about without being completely ostracized from regular society. Then yeah, I think that's something that might happen.

It's been said that there's no such thing as bad press and I really think that, to a certain extent, that's true. As we become more visible in the media, even if it's just played for a few laughs, it forces people to acknowledge that we exist. That is a step in the right direction. I think that right now people are becoming more aware of different fetishes and alternative lifestyles. A lot of people are "coming out of the closet" on a lot of different fronts and people's concepts of sex, sexuality, and the things people do behind closed door are beginning to shift. A good example of this is S&M. It's something that would have been quite taboo not that long ago but it's really pretty mainstream now. At least it's something that you could say you're into without being disowned by all you your friends.

Most of the press I've seen lately has been pretty sympathetic. The article in Maclean's linked in another recent thread is a good example. Even the CSI episode was not wholly unsympathetic. I think it's things like this that are, in the end, going to win us a little bit of acceptance.

Well said! I would even go so far as to say that ridicule is a step that minority groups have to go through before they are accepted. While awareness is a long way from acceptance, I think it's certainly a step in the right direction.

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The unfortunate thing with the press is that to secure readers or viewers, they often go with the most extreme stories. They're less likely to report on the thousands and thousands of ab/dl's who go home after a stressful day at work and put on a diaper and suck on a pacifier because it has less of a shock value than the guy who shows up at the door of a daycare centre wearing a soiled diaper and a bubble romper. Then the public is misled into thinking that we all do that.

The McLean's article was certainly better than most, though.

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I think there are and always will be the few that give the wrong impression of us ,but we are haering more and more about diapers for medical reasons as well as nessecity or convenience etc,divers etc.

soon it may just become a none issue as people get flooded with information

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This is heidilynn. Some of you may be aware of the media attention I've been getting over the past few years. Local, national, and international. I've always maintained that there's no such thing as bad publicity, just make sure they spell your name right. My first experience was on the Jerry Springer Show back in '92. It was truly a baptism of fire, I can tell you. But, since then, (Has it been fifteen years? My, how time rolls on.) I have seen a marked, positive shift in public opinion towards those of our ilk. It may be true that mainstream society is not ready to fully accept this as part of the human condition, but the fact is, inquiring minds want to know. To those of you who would rather remain locked in a life of quiet desperation I say, God bless you all, but I'm movin' on.


--heidilynn :thumbsup:

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I personally do not have any need or desire for public acceptance...i enjoy the support of the online ab/dl community but that is about as far as it's going to go for me. It is a sexual fetish for me and i certainly do not need people knowing even if it became widely accepted.... what goes on in my bedroom is private... be it diaper related or just plain vanilla activities....In every relationship since my divorce (all have begun via the internet...i've found it a useful tool in finding like minded people since i live in such a rural area) i've made sure that my partner was aware of my fetish and would accept it even before we became involved...some have accepted...others were curious...yet others enjoy participating....

as for the media attention...while it may have acquired some level of acceptance in some levels of society......i personally feel what most people are looking for would be more described as....acceptance by those around you... probably very vanilla oriented people such as family...friends...and co-workers...

being accepted as an oddity among oddities i don't think is what most are striving for.......and i don't think it will be accepted in mainstream society by a blatant show of eccentricity.....i am a part of bdsm lifestyle too.....and while ab/dl is accepted by many in the bdsm lifestyle........probably even more do not know of it's existance......and of the ones who do know about it...there is a percentage who won't accept it......for them it is too closely tied to "children" even when they are forced to listen to an explanation of what infantilism is truely about...and for whatever reason...be it their own childhood scars...etc....they cannot get past that connection to pedophilia ....

bdsm though does bring up an interesting phenomenon i've noticed of late....look at the "goth" styles ... just walk into even a "claires" jewelry store which is extremely mainstream and you will find all sorts of chains and handcuff type jewelry.....there is definitely a bdsm overtone.......and bdsm was at one time a pretty dark kept secret....now however....a number of my vanilla friends talk about "dabbling" with bdsm activities............ if we think about things that were not the norm 20 or 30 years ago.....but are now.....what was their process of evolution?....Did these things run full force into the mainstream wall?...or...did they slowly creep in....coming in a little at a time...through the backdoor....down the chimmney...climbing in through the side window....

I'm not sure of the answer to that.....but it might be worth contemplating when looking at a goal like mainstreaming the ab/dl lifestyle....

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I personally do not have any need or desire for public acceptance...i enjoy the support of the online ab/dl community but that is about as far as it's going to go for me. It is a sexual fetish for me and i certainly do not need people knowing even if it became widely accepted.... what goes on in my bedroom is private... be it diaper related or just plain vanilla activities....In every relationship since my divorce (all have begun via the internet...i've found it a useful tool in finding like minded people since i live in such a rural area) i've made sure that my partner was aware of my fetish and would accept it even before we became involved...some have accepted...others were curious...yet others enjoy participating....

as for the media attention...while it may have acquired some level of acceptance in some levels of society......i personally feel what most people are looking for would be more described as....acceptance by those around you... probably very vanilla oriented people such as family...friends...and co-workers...

being accepted as an oddity among oddities i don't think is what most are striving for.......and i don't think it will be accepted in mainstream society by a blatant show of eccentricity.....i am a part of bdsm lifestyle too.....and while ab/dl is accepted by many in the bdsm lifestyle........probably even more do not know of it's existance......and of the ones who do know about it...there is a percentage who won't accept it......for them it is too closely tied to "children" even when they are forced to listen to an explanation of what infantilism is truely about...and for whatever reason...be it their own childhood scars...etc....they cannot get past that connection to pedophilia ....

bdsm though does bring up an interesting phenomenon i've noticed of late....look at the "goth" styles ... just walk into even a "claires" jewelry store which is extremely mainstream and you will find all sorts of chains and handcuff type jewelry.....there is definitely a bdsm overtone.......and bdsm was at one time a pretty dark kept secret....now however....a number of my vanilla friends talk about "dabbling" with bdsm activities............ if we think about things that were not the norm 20 or 30 years ago.....but are now.....what was their process of evolution?....Did these things run full force into the mainstream wall?...or...did they slowly creep in....coming in a little at a time...through the backdoor....down the chimmney...climbing in through the side window....

I'm not sure of the answer to that.....but it might be worth contemplating when looking at a goal like mainstreaming the ab/dl lifestyle....

Yet, another classic case of doublespeak. I rest my case.


--heidilynn :thumbsup:

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i would like to know how i double spoke heidilynn.............

i said i personally do not have any desire to go public.........it is an activity i enjoy in the privacy of my home with my partner........

and what i offered or hoped to offer was something for those who do wish to go public.......something to think about.......

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I would have to agree with jenniebear on this as far as not wanting to be accepted by the media or the world. I don't think having the world accept my lifestyle will make me any more happy than I already am. I feel what goes on in your house, in your bedroom, between your partner or just by yourself is your business and no one elses. I think that is why i enjoy the abdl websites because I am able to share these things with people who actually understand where I am coming from. I don't see a point or even understand why I need to share this with other people who are not going to understand it in the first place. I have many vanilla friends whom I have shared it with, some accepted it, some never spoke to me again, but hey, don't need friends that can't support me in my decision. I think we are just setting ourselves up for disappointment and hurt, even more than you already experience in this scene, by trying to get the media and the like to accept something that they, like I said, will never understand. I also agree with jenniebear of the fact that maybe its not so much getting society to accept it as much as it is the people around you. Maybe your thinking is, if society accepts it then maybe the people that I love around me will, unfortunatly thats not going to be the case, everyone of us is judgemental of the next person even if we try not to be. However, I do feel that if our lifestyle does come out to those who love you and they do not accept it then that is their problem not yours. I feel that if my family ever found out they would still love me, they might not accept the lifestyle as the whole, but they would still accept me as their daughter....and if I have their acceptance do I really need to have society's? After all, I'm not society's daughter.

I think with any thing else in our lives, to each their own. Everyone sees things differently, what one person might think is crazy to do in their lives might be perfect for the next person. I am open minded about this scene, there are so many different aspects that go with it, and I'm still trying to understand where people are coming from. Personally, I don't understand the diaper slave aspect of it. This still boggles my mind, but I am trying to learn more about it from those whom are into it, and I think they know who they are. If I'm into the diaeprs, but don't undertand the whole diaper slave thing, then how do you expect people on the outside to accept it or even to understand something that they themsleves are not into? Do you personally understand everything that you are not into?

Ok, I think I have rambled on long enough, and maybe some people won't agree with what I have to say, but its whats on my heart and my mind. I personally, don't need society to accept who I am, nor do I really care if the abdl scene gets acknowledgement in society, im not into it to be accepted by those who are ignorant in the first place. I am happy with who I am and what I am into, and I am happy to share it with my significant other, who knows and accepts it and understands it because he too is into the scene. If you want the media to accept it, and thats your wish in life, then have that wish, but don't assume everyone feels the same way as you do.

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Nicely posted Tigger....i really appreciated your point about "having your wish.....but not assuming that everyone feels the same way you do...." so very well said and my thoughts exactly.....

Heidilynn i'm giving you the benefit of the doubt since you may be fairly new to the boards...it is possible that you just have not returned to this post...although since you have returned to this post and other posts many times i do not think this is the case....

Yet, another classic case of doublespeak. I rest my case.


--heidilynn :thumbsup:

i had... really hoped that you would respond to my questioning your accusatory response to my post.......

since i've noticed you've been posting in other topics today though ......it seem likely you do not intend to responded.....

therefore .......i rest my own case....


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How many ppl saw CSI show of King Baby?

One of the articles I read lists it as one of the most watched CSI episodes. There is a link to the article somewhere on this site, if I find it I'll add it in.


Stahl, who declined through a studio spokesman to be interviewed, is nothing if not a lightning rod. His episodes last season, the transsexual-related "Ch-Ch-Changes" and the infant-fetishizing "King Baby," were respectively CSI's most-watched ever, at 31.5 million viewers, and tied for second for the season, with 30.7 million.

That is 10% of the US population, and doesn't count people who saw it in reruns.

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i would like to know how i double spoke heidilynn.............


I think you made your point clear in the first paragraph of your previous post on how you feel. I too would still find this lifestyle much too personal to discuss with family and/or close friends, even if it was accepted by the general public. I also agree with what you said in subsequent paragraphs concerning the level of acceptance of most AB/DLs here. The board history certainly supports that assumption. Your last paragraph offers hope that our community, in time, might just find some level of acceptance by the mainstream, as other communities have in the past, per your examples. In time, things may come to pass for our community, but like you, I have little answers on how it will get there.


I have no doubt that your visibility in society has given you much more insight on the "changing of the tide" concerning our community, but I also think that some of it may just be wishful thinking. (What is being said behind your back?) You have certainly found acceptance at some level outside the community, that much is certain, but like many here, I too have reservations about a grown man going out in public dressed as a baby girl. I also disagree with your notion that there is no such thing as bad publicity, but I do respect that point of view coming from you.

It's not clear to me, at this time, that your visibility is doing more good than harm to our community and I think many of us here, including myself, have a hard time relating to someone that has taken what most of us would consider a fantasy life and turned it into reality. Personally, your lifestyle is so far beyond my comprehension that I find it hard to even imagine what it would be like to live in your shoes, so I hardly feel qualified to debate you on it.

However, one thing is clear to me. Your motivation to live a life as a baby girl was that of a personal nature. Regardless of what society thinks or the opinions of this community, you would be doing it anyways. This clearly raises the question in my eyes if you have the community’s best interests at heart. (One could easily make an argument that only when it’s convenient for you or when it supports your lifestyle.) The ramifications of your actions in public do transcend the normality of this community. So, as we strive to understand and relate to your struggles and all the consequences that go along with it, I hope you will try to relate to our concerns as well; like how society looks upon us through your representation. That seems to be the biggest issue here.

What may appear as doubletalk to you may make perfect sense to a lot of us and I hardly think your celebrity status alone is going to change that. (Though it may seem unproductive, sometimes it’s necessary to “beat a dead horse

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I think you made your point clear in the first paragraph of your previous post on how you feel. I too would still find this lifestyle much too personal to discuss with family and/or close friends, even if it was accepted by the general public. I also agree with what you said in subsequent paragraphs concerning the level of acceptance of most AB/DLs here. The board history certainly supports that assumption. Your last paragraph offers hope that our community, in time, might just find some level of acceptance by the mainstream, as other communities have in the past, per your examples. In time, things may come to pass for our community, but like you, I have little answers on how it will get there.


I have no doubt that your visibility in society has given you much more insight on the "changing of the tide" concerning our community, but I also think that some of it may just be wishful thinking. (What is being said behind your back?) You have certainly found acceptance at some level outside the community, that much is certain, but like many here, I too have reservations about a grown man going out in public dressed as a baby girl. I also disagree with your notion that there is no such thing as bad publicity, but I do respect that point of view coming from you.

It's not clear to me, at this time, that your visibility is doing more good than harm to our community and I think many of us here, including myself, have a hard time relating to someone that has taken what most of us would consider a fantasy life and turned it into reality. Personally, your lifestyle is so far beyond my comprehension that I find it hard to even imagine what it would be like to live in your shoes, so I hardly feel qualified to debate you on it.

However, one thing is clear to me. Your motivation to live a life as a baby girl was that of a personal nature. Regardless of what society thinks or the opinions of this community, you would be doing it anyways. This clearly raises the question in my eyes if you have the community’s best interests at heart. (One could easily make an argument that only when it’s convenient for you or when it supports your lifestyle.) The ramifications of your actions in public do transcend the normality of this community. So, as we strive to understand and relate to your struggles and all the consequences that go along with it, I hope you will try to relate to our concerns as well; like how society looks upon us through your representation. That seems to be the biggest issue here.

What may appear as doubletalk to you may make perfect sense to a lot of us and I hardly think your celebrity status alone is going to change that. (Though it may seem unproductive, sometimes it’s necessary to

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I feel it is not necessary for me to defend my position nor apologize for my actions. Whether or not they are detrimental to to ABDL community is immaterial. Whether or not my viewpoints and comments are accepted or rejected by the body politic of this community, is likewise of no concern of mine. As you have pointed out, I have plenty of acceptance from the general public at large. Until this group learns that "a house divided cannot stand", ABDLs will remain in the minds of those outside of it as aberrational behaviorists. As for my reticence and delay in responding to your posts, all I have to say is, I have a new website I am working on and as I have stated in many of my prevous posts, I'm movin' on. If you'd care to join me, you're welcome to come along for the ride. If not, CYA...


--heidilynn :thumbsup:

The bolded lines in the quote above say you really don't care if your actions hurt the community....that isn't important to you.


You lecture the abdl community on standing together...or else we will continue to be seen as being different from the norm...

so what i get from your post is this .....basically it's we either all do it your way....or else you'll go you're own way doing exactly as you please....whether it's the concensus of the rest of the community to be the best path or not.................that for you it's not about what's good for the community......not about standing as a whole.......not about a group undivided.......not about hearing what the whole community really wants.........though........... you feel the community will always be viewed as aberrational behaviorists we continue to not act as a while......

i won't acuse you of double speaking......because i am sure that you really feel this way....

and frankly what you do or promote yourself doesn't matter a whole lot to me....nor will it affect me.......because as i stated before.....i am not ever going public even if it becomes the next "in thing" to do......so how you choose to display yourself to the world is of no concern........


what i really find myself intolerant of........is people who come right out and say they are thinking of themselves first and foremost.... and claim to be doing it to help me......

i am a member of this community......i would and try to do what i can to help it have a certain ammount of integrity and compassion respect.........and tolerance.....do i always do that in the best way possible......probably not....but i do try to understand where others are coming from....why they are who they are and if something is damaging.....i look for ways to create change........

while i respect your choices and cannot begin to fathom the differences in our lives...i still feel that everyone has a path to follow...their own choices to make and even their own mistakes to be made..........and a right to choose.....so

no i won't be catching a ride with you to where ever you intend to go.......i will take the bus with the concensus of the whole community....i will speak my mind....i listen to the thoughts of others.......i will be open to the ideas of others.........and most importantly i will act with compassion and be respectful ....and always understand that the world is made up of a variety of people who may or may not differ from me remembering that what is best for me........may not always be best for the whole..........

and with all that said.......*removes her soapbox*........if your still reading........thanks for listening......


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Guest John_Q_Sample

I gotta say, I'm usually quite open minded and feel whatever someone does is fine as long as they don't hurt others... but going about in public 24/7 dressed as a baby girl is a bit extreme.

Just the idea that some kid would spot ya in the local WalMart and find real confusion with what is up, seems reason enough to leave the idea alone... just offhand, as a parent how is one supposed to explain a middle-aged male in a diaper and babydoll dress to their kids???

My thought... keep it home. Just because I like something is no reason to flaunt it where others might be confused, offended or just plain taken off guard.

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Just the idea that some kid would spot ya in the local WalMart and find real confusion with what is up, seems reason enough to leave the idea alone... just offhand, as a parent how is one supposed to explain a middle-aged male in a diaper and babydoll dress to their kids?

My God, Wake up! If you're so worried about kids seeing me out and about, why don't you have a referendum passed banning TV and the Internet? Let's all go back to the good old days, when we would all have a nice family dinner and sit around the radio afterwards and listen to the latest exploits of "The Shadow". Unless you are deaf and blind, you must realize there are far worse things in the media available for youth consumption than a grown man running around in public in a diaper and dress. I'm not breaking any laws. And tell me, just how does a mother explain to her kids why that nice, ordinary looking man would want to kill all those innocent Amish school children? Why a priest or a trusted family friend would lie to them and take advantage of them? Your attitudes are the reason I stayed away from this forum. I only checked it out because someone posted a video that ABC did on me and was told by an AB friend there was positive response from the community. I can see that the report was a bit premature.


--heidilynn :thumbsup:

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Guest John_Q_Sample

"My God, Wake up! If you're so worried about kids seeing me out and about, why don't you have a referendum passed banning TV and the Internet?"


Well, that's a pretty defensive response... answer: as a responsible parent I can monitor what my kids see on tv or the internet, bumping into you at WalMart is something that could hardly be forseeable...

"...there are far worse things in the media available for youth consumption than a grown man running around in public in a diaper and dress..."

I whole heartedly agree... :thumbsup:

"...how does a mother explain to her kids why that nice, ordinary looking man would want to kill all those innocent Amish school children? Why a priest or a trusted family friend would lie to them and take advantage of them?"

Here is where I disagree. Your argument seems to be that since there are worse things happening in the world, don't worry about your own actions or accountability... by this thought process anything short of a holocaust is acceptable. Maybe it's bad enough having to try to explain all these horrible things to a child, without having to explain the guy who wears a diaper and baby dress to the store (because he cannot practice enough self control to keep these things at home)... :bash:

As I said before, I'm usually quite open minded and feel whatever someone does is fine as long as they don't hurt others. Hurt does not have to be physical... it can be mental and emotional as well. I have freinds and family from all different spectrums. And somehow, they all seem to have enough respect for others not to shove their lifestyle in the face of people who don't know... or don't care to know... or don't care to have their young children exposed to such things on a trip to the local McDonalds.

"Your attitudes are the reason I stayed away from this forum..."

Sorry ya feel that way...

"My thought... keep it home. Just because I like something is no reason to flaunt it where others might be confused, offended or just plain taken off guard."

If this seems like a bad attitude or an attack on you of some sort, maybe you could tell me- how do I word a resonable discussion with you on my feelings so as not to offend (shy of just agreeing with you)??? :huh:

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"My God, Wake up! If you're so worried about kids seeing me out and about, why don't you have a referendum passed banning TV and the Internet?"


Well, that's a pretty defensive response... answer: as a responsible parent I can monitor what my kids see on tv or the internet, bumping into you at WalMart is something that could hardly be forseeable...

"...there are far worse things in the media available for youth consumption than a grown man running around in public in a diaper and dress..."

I whole heartedly agree... :thumbsup:

"...how does a mother explain to her kids why that nice, ordinary looking man would want to kill all those innocent Amish school children? Why a priest or a trusted family friend would lie to them and take advantage of them?"

Here is where I disagree. Your argument seems to be that since there are worse things happening in the world, don't worry about your own actions or accountability... by this thought process anything short of a holocaust is acceptable. Maybe it's bad enough having to try to explain all these horrible things to a child without having to explain the guy who wears a diaper and baby dress to the store because he cannot practice enough self control to keep these things at home... :bash:

As I said before, I'm usually quite open minded and feel whatever someone does is fine as long as they don't hurt others. I have freinds and family from all different spectrums (and somehow, they all seem to have enough respect for others not to shove their lifestyle in the face of people who don't know or don't care to know).

"Your attitudes are the reason I stayed away from this forum..."

Sorry ya feel that way...

"My thought... keep it home. Just because I like something is no reason to flaunt it where others might be confused, offended or just plain taken off guard." If this seems like a bad attitude or an attack on you of some sort, maybe you could tell- how do I word a resonable discussion with you on my feelings so as not to offend (shy of just agreeing with you)??? :huh:

So, what you are suggesting is that I crawl off into a hole like a leper and only come out if I can dress like a so-called normal, decent member of society? Fuhgeddaboudit, pally! Ain't gonna happen. No one dictates to me on how to live my life as I see fit. I will repeat, I'm not breaking any laws. I'm starting to think that the reason you would like me to cease my activities is that you don't want it out in the open. Would that be correct? You would rather infantilism remain considered an ilicit, taboo activity. To be enjoyed strictly in a sexual manner. In other words, You get off on it remaining taboo. Well, I will make an apology here. Sorry if I'm harshin' yer buzz!

But the fact of the matter is, I'm moving on, but I'm not going away. Not any time soon, anyway. My suggestion to you? Get over it....


--heidilynn :thumbsup:

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Guest John_Q_Sample

"...you are suggesting is that I crawl off into a hole like a leper... You would rather infantilism remain considered an ilicit, taboo activity. To be enjoyed strictly in a sexual manner. In other words, You get off on it remaining taboo."

Yup. Um, that's exactly what I said... looking back on my words, I don't see how I missed my own shortcomings. :screwy:

Thank you HeidiLynn for being the new guru of infantalism... we should all hang onto your words desperately (because there really are none more meaningful, are there?)

PS You like to argue, don't you?

Let's see... in less than a month of being here you have had confrontation or obnoxious commentary for: myself, diaperphantom, jenniebear, valentine, peppered porcupine, wallawalla and RMS401... Sorry to once again quote you but "Would that be correct?"

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