Snowmom55 Posted December 2, 2024 Posted December 2, 2024 ***This story is an alternative time-line to ours about the post covid pandemic era. *** -Prelude Setup- "The year is 2022, the last 2 and a half years Covid 19 has reaped havoc on society, but now with things opening back up and every day taking more and more steps forward from quarantine and masks more questions arise. The one on our table today is schooling. Now the switch to E-learning was not fast nor easy, many kids didn't learn what the needed too, or the way they needed too. We have many kids who regressed in not only their studies but in maturity, social face to face, and in unfortunately many cases out of the house habits. We currently have statistics of grades k thru 12 on the screen behind me. As you can see these are the most common issues students are having. In k thru 6, most students have regressed in mathematics, reading and writing. They also have a steep up tick in bathroom accidents and other social behaviors such as thumb sucking, whining, and "wanting mommy". We believe these are all related. Also with grades 5 thru 12 we are seeing issues with confidence, low test scores, unpreparedness, and social awkwardness." The sharped dressed woman at the front of the meeting room stood tall as she took off her glasses looking at the screen behind her. "I, Dr. Jasmine Hartwell propose this... (she lays out 13 tests on the table in front of her labeled pre-k all the way thru 12 grade) These are placement tests. Every student in this district will take these tests and their scores will tell us where they are at academically, in addition each student will be sent a packet at home to be filled out by their guardian to get the full scope of how both mature and socially stable each child is. This school district along with 4 others have been chosen across the US to participate in this to see if a wide roll out is what this country needs. Now there are limits to placements from these results current 16, 17 and 18 year old may not place below 8th grade if then need to we will have a special class set for them. 12 and up may not be placed below K under 12 is fair game. Now on the flip side of this NO student will be moving up due to test scores. This is to see if they need help or not. And in addition we will have multiple staff members here to help in transition down graders will need, either maybe a councilor or a trained specialist to help them calm down and fit in better with their new grade and age range. If there is any questions email them to me. And please keep you emotions at the door during these tests this is the best for us and them. Thank you tests will start tomorrow." Dr. Hartwell says closing her book putting her glasses away and walks out of the meeting leaving all the teachers, principles and faculty in a gasp. The next day as soon as it hit 10am every student across Willow's Green School District was sat down for the test about the same time all the parents were also filling out their packet about their sons and daughters being as honest as they can. By 4pm that same day most families were back home discussing the day, some over dinner, some in a quiet room, some scared, some over confident. But all had the weekend to think, enjoy, and prepare for what Monday brings with the test results. All weekend long teachers and government appointed educational professionals would be grading and judging test and packets a like. By Monday the kids were back in school in their usual classes. The district of a little over 8 hundred kids was ready and waiting for how crazy the day was about to become. Busses were outside the high school, middle school, and elementary waiting to bring the kids who were labeled as down graders where they needed to go. Parents all got text messages at the same time as the schools were giving out the results to the kids. In total two thirds of the kids were being down graded! The senior and junior classes didn't see much loss, sophomore and freshman classes had almost half drown graded at least one grade. The middle school was hit the worst over half of the current middle school was being down graded to elementary. While half the elementary was being down graded, 65 kids across k thru 5 were send back to pre k (most of the kindergarteners) and only a few preschoolers fell out of pre k. The busses gathered the kids some in hysterics, some angry, and a few in just shock. This story will follow 3 family's effected by this government test in Willow's Green school district. I'm sorry this intro was so long, but I've been wanting to write this story for a while and I have a lot of thoughts. I might also post this on as an interactive depending on feed back. Stop by seen for chapter 1! Thank you! 9 1
Snowmom55 Posted December 2, 2024 Author Posted December 2, 2024 I'll be posting chapter 1 either today or tomorrow but would love feedback on this premises thus far. Thank you and stay tuned!
Snowmom55 Posted December 3, 2024 Author Posted December 3, 2024 Chaper 1 The results are in for the Fancry Family John and Lori sat together on their couch Monday morning holding hands looking at their phones waiting for the results come in for their two children. Jeff is 7 and in second grade he's an active boy but has definitely grown up differently due to the pandemic, While Amy his 11 year old sister in 7th grade is a growing athletic star in middle school she was a bit older when the pandemic hit but it's changed her a bit too especially when her grandmother passed early in the pandemic. She's now much more shy, less out going and has even been bedwetting since then. Lori's hone chimed first the John's, the held their breath and unlocked their phones. Lori reads the email out loud. "Test and packet results for Jeff Fancry age 7. Jeff has been down graded from 3rd grade to kindergarten. His results have determined that Jeff needs more time to develop social interactions and a understanding of reading for his grade level. Jeff has already been shifted to his new kindergarten class and it's imperative that he be treated, and dressed in such a manner that a kindergartener would be normally. It also shows that Jeff is a bedwetter so please include diapers to his night routine. This result is final and not for dispute but the testing body does have the right to down grade further." Lori reads in a depressed tone. "He's going to hate being back in diapers at night, we only switched him to pull-ups last year for bed but I see what they're saying. I'll add that to the list for when take him clothes and toy shopping." John says putting a half hearted smile on his face before he saw Lori's face drop even more. "OH no... don't tell me..." John says. But Lori nods. "Test and packet results for Amy Fancry age 11. Amy has been down graded from 7th grade to Kindergarten. The results have determined Amy needs much more help in social interactions, her shyness and lack of out going personally with the exception during sports. This requires Amy stop sports for the time being and focus on her social development in other environments. This coupled with Amy's low writing and math score plus her bedwetting places her in kindergarten. Amy is currently on the bus from middle school to her new kindergarten class. Amy should now be treated and dressed as such, including daytime pull-ups and night time diapers after further evaluation of her list of potty accidents over the last 3 years. In addition it's recommended to start potty training Amy again. Lastly since Amy will be stopping sports but needs to learn better social interaction she will in half day kindergarten and half day daycare. The results are final no appeals will be heard, the testing body does hold the right to downgrade further. Now in this case with such a drastic down grade we understand the transition will be tough and we will assist with that, in aspects of regression and therapy as needed." Lori reads shocked and bewildered. While her husband just looked confused. "Wait I thought she was in too high of a grade to be down graded like that! That's ridiculous and wait did they say repotty training?" John says standing up. "Honey calm down, there is literally nothing we can do. And Amy skipped a grade, this goes by age. She's 11 next month she would be 12..." Lori says picking up the info packet. "According to this Amy could be regressed as low as 4 years old unless she either improves quickly or she needs to be further down graded. Either way I got the note here so let's head out shopping. We got a long list." Lori seemed to be not as upset as John nor as shocked but she knew both kids would be. 8
Snowmom55 Posted December 5, 2024 Author Posted December 5, 2024 Chapter 2 Big kids now? Jeff sat at his new colorful plastic desk with his name neatly displayed on it. There was still a lot of commotion and moving around. He felt sad, and disappointed that they thought he wasn't a big enough kid to be in 3rd grade any more and now he was stuck back in kindergarten, all he knew was this was what he had to do and that his friends were mostly still back in 3rd grade. Just 2 weeks ago he was calling the kindergarteners a bunch of babies and now here he is. They even took away all his 3rd grade books, and ID slip for his backpack. Now next to his desk was his backpack with hardly anything in it and a bight blue kindergarten ID badge. In this class it looked like he was only one of 6 big kids added to the class. He wanted to cry and throw a fit, but most of all he wanted his mommy. He was ready to put his thumb in his mouth and cry when the teacher walked up with a few crayons and a couple of coloring pages. "Here you are Jeff, welcome to your first day of kindergarten! I'm Ms. Talle if you need the potty or anything you let me know. For now just color and relax." The tall blonde said and walked away. "thankyou..." was all Jeff could squeek out. He felt so little he hoped Amy was having a better day but also hoped Amy got downgraded too. He smirked picturing his big sister, the soccer star being put in prek dressed up like a baby. Little did he know he wasn't far off. Half way across town one of the last busses we're getting ready to leave the middle school and they were waiting for just one more student. The oldest student to be down graded to a kindergartener, and unfortunately probably the best soccer player for the middle school. Amy sat in the principals office crying hysterically. "I know I'm small and I know I'm not the best at math but I'm not a baby! They can't make me go back to kindergarten or daycare! I'm 11 I'm a big girl! What about the threshold I'll be 12 next week!" Amy cried and had a tantrum, she's almost 12 but looks closer to the size of a 9 year old and she thought that was why this was happening. Truth be told she didn't hear much of what was told to her she just knew she was the only 7th grader to be downgraded to kindergarten and half day kindergarten at that! Everyone laughed at her! "Plus soccer! It's my life!" "Amy I'm sorry it's what the test says and it's final, now Ms. Gibby here is a councilor for you and she will help with your transition she'll check on you and help you with anything you need, studying, potty training anything." Mr. Flips says in a monotone voice. Amy heard this and lost it more looking like a toddler that just got told no candy she was crying, sobbing, flailing, and ended up peeing her pants! Mr. Flip shook his head "your not proving anyone wrong with this display. We will see you in 8 years or so when your mature enough to handle a big kid school." He waved to Ms. Gibby to take the girl out of his office. Amy was picked up and head to a privet staff bathroom where Ms. Gibby wiped the girls face and cooed at her to calm her down. Amy was over her meltdown feeling to cool water on her face, she was exhausted and drained. She heard and saw what Ms.Gibby was saying and doing but couldn't fight or say anything. She was greatful for the juice in a sippy cup she gave her though as she closed her eyes when Ms. Gibby started to change out her wet pants. "Now accidents happen dear that's why we will work on potty training, I got your special new pullups right here and a new fun skirt just for you. You just drink up that juice and let Ms. Gibby fix you up for the fun bus ride to school!" Ms. Gibby says removing the wet clothes, cleaning her, then took out a big thick pullup that was obviously made for bigger potty trainers. Soon Amy was in her new pullup and pink skirt. Ms. Gibby threw the wet clothes in the trash. As she lead Amy to the bus she kept cooing to keep her calm, watching as Amy teared up watching the other middle schoolers watch. They all obviously knew where she was going with a bright pink tag on her backpack with 'K/D' in bold letters on it so everyone knew she was in half day kindergarten and half day daycare. With every step she heard her pullups rustling and whispers and laughs. She looked at Ms. Gibby with a brokenhearted face "Do I really have to go back to kindergarten? And wear a pullup?" But Ms. Gibby only nodded and helped her on the bus where a booster seat with her name on it was waiting. As she was sat down in it and buckled in Ms. Gibby says "You just sit back and relax, you won't be going to kindergarten today. It's much to late for am kindergarten we are headed to daycare for the rest of the day." As the bus pulls away from the middle school Amy sipped her sippy cup and watched the middle school fade into the distance like she was watching her big girl status go up in smoke. 11 1
Snowmom55 Posted December 6, 2024 Author Posted December 6, 2024 Chapter 3 is coming out today, I wanna thank everyone for the 2k view on my first story. I know it's been pretty wordy so far but I had a lot to establish. Any comments or criticism would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
wetdiaper55 Posted December 6, 2024 Posted December 6, 2024 This sounds like it is going to be a good story 1
Snowmom55 Posted December 8, 2024 Author Posted December 8, 2024 *** sorry for the late chapter life happens sometimes. I hope to hear more feedback about my story. Thank you all for all the views and the comments and DMs!*** Chapter 3 Not ready to adjust Jeff colored at his new desk for about 20 minutes a few times he chuckled thinking about how easily he's probably coloring than the babies in this class. He saw the busses come and go out the windows in the room. He hopped to see Amy walk off one of the busses but he didn't. One bus pulled up.and let some kids off and waited until a few more kids got loaded on the side of the bus said 'half day transfer'. Of course not being good reader all he got of it was day and assumed daycare as the bus pulled off. "Hello class! Some of you know me of course as Ms. Liza but we have new friends in our room today, Jeff, Sarah, Lila, and Ben come up to the front please!" The tall thin bubbly woman says. Jeff saw the 3 other kids stand up and realized they were more downgrades. The 2 boys and 2 girls walked the front of the room, Ms. Liza lines them up boy girl boy girl. "OK class first we have Lila (the second shortest in the group had blonde hair up in two pigtails and a simple pink dress with a large sunflower on the front and as she stepped forward with the teacher everyone could hear the crinkles from under her dress. Jeff felt uneasy. "Um hi I'm Lila, I'm 6.... I was in first grade and I am miss my friends." Lila tried not to cry but the teach came up and gave her a hug. "Everyone tell Lila welcome to our class!" The teacher says rubbing the girls back. The class responded with a sea of 'welcomes' and 'hi's. "Now let's meet Ben!" She pushed Ben up while letting Lila kinda hide behind her. Ben steps up he's about as tall as Jeff "this is dumb I'm Ben and not a baby like this class is. I'm 8 years old!" Ben says stomping his foot. Ms. Liza sighed and waved her hand at the door, a short chubby woman comes in the room and collects Ben. "I'm sorry friends Ben is just having a rough day he'll ba back tomorrow though. She says with a sweet smile being almost unfazed. She ushered Sarah up next. Sara the tallest of the group and you can tell she'd been crying. The blonde with shoulder length hair in pink overalls and a purple shirt also with a tall tale crinkle steps up. "Hi. I'm Sarah. I'm 10 and was in 5th grade, I look forward to making new friends. Mommy says this would happen so even tho I'm sad I'm looking forward to seeing my friends again." Sarah says all that sounding optimistic but obviously looks so sad. She steps back in a way to almost show she's still a big kid. "Good job Sarah well done." Ms. Liza says and the class welcomes her like they did Lila. "And now we have Jeff!" Jeff gulps and steps forward."hi ummm....I'm... Jeff. I'm in 3rd grade...wait I was but not now. I'm um 7 I mean 8. Uh..." Jeff feels really nervous as everyone is staring at him. His thumb ends up in his mouth which causes some giggles as he steps back by the two girls. "Now class no laughing, these big kids are here because they need some help growing back up. So they are in our class now and are our friends. Jeff here needs to learn to make friends, work on his Abc's, stop sucking his thumb and keep his bed dry. Sarah needs help with math and needs to do better going potty, and also learning she's no better an anyone else. Lila is very shy and is potty training soon, and like Jeff needs help with her ABC's." The bubbly teacher says shoxmcking the 3 remaining big kids, and making half of the class giggle. The big kids shuffle back to their seats... well not Sarah who needed to go to the nurse for a pullup change. The rest of the class was mostly Ms. Liza explaining what they were going to learn this year in prep for 1st grade. The big kids all felt silly and a little embarrassed until the bell rang to go home for the day. Meanwhile a few streets down Amy is now sitting on a very colorful rug still looking confused and sad the thick pink pullup cushioned her bottom from the thick rubber rug as she was sipping on her new sippy cup and watching Ms. Gibby untie her shoes. She really wanted to run back home to mommy and have her and daddy save her from this silliness. "See now that's no so bad, now you can go play with the big kids playing blocks over in that corner until lunch and nap time. If you need the potty just come get me OK little one?" Ms. Gabby says taking the empty backpack and her shoes. Amy nods and goes to stand up to walk over to the what looks like a small group of 3 year olds but trips a little and falls on her bum dues to a stuffed fuzzy snake under her left foot. Amy kept telling her self she's still big kid she's still 11 but in that moment she just sobbed like a baby. Ms. Gabby comes over and picks her up. "Alright your ok Amy, maybe a nap would be better you've had a.long morning huh?" Amy could just nod while crying, a nap would definitely help. Amy was not prepared to see a few large cribs in a separate room and her name in block letter over one. She had no fight left though. She was tucked in and as Ms. Gabby hit a button on the over sized mobile over her head she was fast asleep. A nap turned out to be the best thing because next Amy knew Ms. Gabby was picking her back up and places her onto a changing table. "Silky Amy I guess you needed that nap it's time to go home! I'm just going to change your pullup and get you on the bus to head home to mommy and daddy." Ms. Gabby says with a big smile then went on about how tomorrow will work... but all Amy could do was repeat in her head something she had to say to mommy and daddy when she gets home. John and Lori stood outside their house tired from the days work of changing things in their home after the shopping trip. The both put welcoming smiles on as the watched Jeff get off his bus looking at them like he needed a hug. Nothing was said as they waited 10 minutes until another bus showed up and Amy was walked off the bus with a waddle the looked up and cried out "mommy!" And ran waddled over to her. 9 1
Snowmom55 Posted December 16, 2024 Author Posted December 16, 2024 Chapter 4 New classrooms, new bedrooms John carried Jeff inside, who as much as he was upset about his situation he was more focused on his big sister. Amy waddled as she was lead by hand by Lori to the couch in the living room. Once the family was inside Jeff and Amy were sat down on the floor on a colorful new play rug as mommy and daddy sat down on.the love seat. Amy looked at her son and daughter with love and a little bit of an awe thinking of the changes the two were about to go through and have gone through already. John on the other hand seems uncomfortable and a little bummed. The silence was palpable before the tension as cut by Jeff. "Sissy are you wearing a diaper?!" Jeff said lifting up her small skirt a little in the back showing her thick pink pullup. "No!" Amy sniffled trying not to start crying she shifted in her thick pullup before correcting him without much thought. "It's a pullup! The school put me in them! Mommy you gotta fix this! I'm not a baby!" Lori sighed. "Kids before we start this talk just know me nor daddy can 'fix' this. It is what it is, the government set this up and there is no way around it. Jeff your back in kindergarten and according to what this means is your now to be treated and dressed like one including wearing diapers to bed again. No more big boy games and toys, nothing above a kindergarten level. Do you have any questions so far?" "But mommy what about my Minecraft nd fortnight?!" Jeff obviously had worried more about that than the whole bedtime diaper return. "Fortnight is out of the question, but I think limited Minecraft time is OK. I'll double check." Lori says seeing Jeff look sad she turns to Amy. "Now Amy your only in half day kindergarten and half day daycare. So.things are different for you but just like I said to Jeff night time diapers, and we are to treat and dress you as such. Now as you already know this also means daytime pullups and we will be working on your potty training. Also now more sports, after one month we can sign you up for dance if your making progress in being more social. Any questions so far?" Lori says softly looking at the heart broke look on her 11 year old daughter's face. But before Amy could speak up Jeff jumped in again. "So wait does that mean sissy is my baby sister now?!" Jeff jumps up. Lori and John looked at each other then at their kids and slowly nodded. "Yes son Amy is now going to be treated like the youngest of you two but that does not mean to tease her or make this tougher than it already is." John talks in a soft but serious tone. Amy starts to cry and as Lori reaches down for her Amy looses it. She throws her self on the floor. "NO! IM NOT A BABY! IM EWEVEN! BIG GIRL BIG GIRL BIG GIRL! WAH!" Amy cries and screams like a toddler in distress as she soakes her pullup again making it swell more. Her little brother giggles even if he does feel bad a little. And his giggles only intensify as mommy picks up his sister onto her lap and cuddles her as she put a large pacifier in the girls mouth. Amy sees to calm down slowly sobbing sucking the pacifier cuddling in mommy's lap. Lori motions to John. "Son let's go to your room." Jon says leading Jeff who now looks worried and stops giggling. Heading upstairs John opens Jeff's door to Jeff's shock. The room went from a "big boy room with action figures, green paint, video games and a single bed to now a baby blue, stuffed animals, toddler style toys looking like tools and a kitchen and a toddler style bed with bluey sheets and comforter. Then Jeff looks to the side by his closet and sees the most shocking a large changing table with big blue diapers and other supplies for diaper changes. Jeff looks at his dad in shock. John speaks. "This is how your room will be for a while get comfortable with it. And I think after how you acted to your sister you'll be staying in here for a bit." Before Jeff could rebuttal with anything more than a whine he was lifted up onto the changing table. Across the hall. In a baby pink room filled with stuffed animals, dolls, an alphabet foam floor mat, and a soft pink rug, Amy too was up on a changing table getting her very soggy pullup changed out for a very thick pink diaper. Amy still sucking the pacifier that is oddly helping her call down shockingly as she looks at her new bed... a large pink crib with a half rail on the side. "Mommy what am I supposed to do? How do I be big again?" Amy says as the super thick diaper taped up around her and crinkled as mommy sat her up. 10
Snowmom55 Posted December 21, 2024 Author Posted December 21, 2024 Chapter 5 The conversations "Well honey it sounds odd but you'll grow back up. You and your brother are just restarting a little bit to gain and learn things you need." Lori says feeding Amy's arms into a shirt before laying her back down. Amy still held the large pink pacifier in her hand looking at it it was bigger than a baby pacifier and had her name in bead letters on the handle. "But mommy I'm a big girl aren't I or was I? Like I didn't have to wear pullups just at night, I went to 7th grade classes, I'm really good at soccer. Now they even told me no more sports. I'm 11, I'm not supposed to be in kindergarten especially half day kindergarten and definitely not daycare. I.... I just don't under....(suckle suckle suckle)." Amy was getting worked up as her mommy was snapping her pink onesie shut so she guided the pacifier back into her daughter's mouth. Lori watched as Amy mellowed out. She slipped some pink shorts over her daughter's very thick diapered bottom before picking her up and sitting with her in the rocking chair with the preteen in her lap. "Honey, yes you were a big girl and in some ways you still are but now you need to let that go. You'll have Ms. Gibby to help you fall into your new role, you'll make new friends and find new hobbies and soon you'll have a totally new out look. I know it's hard saying good bye to being a big girl 7th grader but for now we will focus on a few things that'll help you out down the road. Potty training and making friends and being social not just when your playing a sport. But for now no stress ok. Today you don't even have to worry about the potty just let mommy take care of you ok?" Lori says rocking her daughter. Amy mumbled a rebuttal but under her pacifier and her dozing off again mommy couldn't understand it. She was soon napping on her mommy looking like a large toddler. Lori couldn't help but to feel a little happy that her baby girl was back. She carried Amy out of the oversized toddler bedroom to the living room letting Amy nap more over her emotional day. "But daddy I don't need diapers! I wear pullups at night besides it's just 4pm now!" Jeff cried as John applied a large about of baby powder before tapping up the big thick purple diaper. "Well it you wanna make fun of your sister I'll have you walk a mile in her shoes and if you keep it up it will be your bedtime. This transition won't be easy for you nor your sister. You both need to be respectful, soon Amy will be looking up to you as her big brother and I hope you will be a good brother to her!" John says taking out a paw patrol shirt chuckling a bit. "Fitting." He chuckles pulling it on his son quickly before he could see that it must have been one of Amy's new shirts that got mixed in it was pink! Jeff looked up to his daddy and frowned "...but daddy this is for Amy and you know it! I'm not a...." John popped a big blue pacifier in his sons mouth and watched his son look at him in confusion but calmed down. John thinks to him self they could be twins haha. He picks his son up sets him down on his own feet before leading the waddling boy to the living room. 5
Snowmom55 Posted January 23 Author Posted January 23 I have no idea if anyone cares about this current story of mine. I know it's wordy but if anyone would like me to consider releasing more of this please let me know and if there is any criticism you'd like to give me gor a future story please let me know!
Diapered Dave Posted January 23 Posted January 23 I think it's a good story!! I see it has had over 5,000 views. To bad more people have not commented on it. Sometimes people get a little lax ( including myself..) when it comes to leaving feedback, but how else are authors suppose to know if folks like what they're writing? 1
Snowmom55 Posted January 23 Author Posted January 23 3 hours ago, Diapered Dave said: I think it's a good story!! I see it has had over 5,000 views. To bad more people have not commented on it. Sometimes people get a little lax ( including myself..) when it comes to leaving feedback, but how else are authors suppose to know if folks like what they're writing? Thank you! And I think 5000 is a good amount of views! So you think I should continue then?
Diapered Dave Posted January 24 Posted January 24 4 hours ago, Snowmom55 said: Thank you! And I think 5000 is a good amount of views! So you think I should continue then? Sure..... It's pretty good! If you consider there probably aren't 5000 individual readers, then that means that many are coming back to read each new chapter. 1
Snowmom55 Posted January 24 Author Posted January 24 8 hours ago, Diapered Dave said: Sure..... It's pretty good! If you consider there probably aren't 5000 individual readers, then that means that many are coming back to read each new chapter. Thank you i need to hear that. I'll post a new chapter today!
Toet Posted January 26 Posted January 26 On 1/24/2025 at 12:08 PM, Snowmom55 said: Thank you i need to hear that. I'll post a new chapter today! Great, I'm looking forward to read it. 1
protectionsubmissive Posted January 26 Posted January 26 On 1/23/2025 at 11:46 AM, Snowmom55 said: I have no idea if anyone cares about this current story of mine. I know it's wordy but if anyone would like me to consider releasing more of this please let me know and if there is any criticism you'd like to give me gor a future story please let me know! No joke, this story is what got me to create an account. I had been following other stories but those hadn’t been updated in a bit but I was very excited when I read this one. 1
parkintochter Posted January 26 Posted January 26 I like the idea of the story. I think the prose could be a bit better, like more details or explaining better why things are as they are, but I do like it and would like to read more 1
Snowmom55 Posted January 26 Author Posted January 26 Thank you so much everyone! I'm writing the next chapter and will have it posted today or tomorrow! I can't tell you all how much these comments mean to me!
Babypants Posted January 26 Posted January 26 On 1/23/2025 at 11:37 AM, Diapered Dave said: I see it has had over 5,000 views. To bad more people have not commented on it. Sometimes people get a little lax ( including myself..) when it comes to leaving feedback, but how else are authors suppose to know if folks like what they're writing? Everyone should keep in mind that the vast majority of our readers are guests who can neither comment nor give likes. As I'm writing this, there are 64 members here out of a total of 793 visitors, or 8% of the whole. A recent chapter of my Homage story had over 5,100 views with but 5 comments and 5 or 6 likes. To get a sense of the traffic pattern, go to the bottom of the Forum page, and open "full list." 1
Babypants Posted January 26 Posted January 26 5 hours ago, parkintochter said: I like the idea of the story. I think the prose could be a bit better, like more details or explaining better why things are as they are Agreed. As a retired educator, my first thought is that you would need additional classrooms and teachers in the lower grades, or you would end up with a teacher-student ratio that would defeat the whole purpose of the program from day 1. It also ignores the fact that COVID's impact was strikingly uneven, missing the home schooled almost completely, while having an enormous impact on large urban school districts. This is why, when working with authors, I have always stressed the importance of locating the story in space and time. We have a time line here, but not a place: Portland would make sense, but rural Texas would take a real stretch of the imagination. Then there is the question of how the parents respond to this radical policy shift. Obviously, a great many parents would not go along with this, and would turn to home schooling (now 24% of the total K-12 demographic in Texas). So, your moms and dads should be agonizing over what to do here, meaning that you can take home schooling off the table simply by having mom and dad discuss it, throw up their hands in defeat, and conclude that they can't give up the income that would follow from having one parent stay home. I cannot emphasize too strongly how a few well chosen paragraphs aimed directly at these kinds of objections will eliminate the issue of suspension of belief/disbelief that bedevils so many stories around here. 1
parkintochter Posted January 27 Posted January 27 9 hours ago, Babypants said: Agreed. As a retired educator, my first thought is that you would need additional classrooms and teachers in the lower grades, or you would end up with a teacher-student ratio that would defeat the whole purpose of the program from day 1. It also ignores the fact that COVID's impact was strikingly uneven, missing the home schooled almost completely, while having an enormous impact on large urban school districts. This is why, when working with authors, I have always stressed the importance of locating the story in space and time. We have a time line here, but not a place: Portland would make sense, but rural Texas would take a real stretch of the imagination. Then there is the question of how the parents respond to this radical policy shift. Obviously, a great many parents would not go along with this, and would turn to home schooling (now 24% of the total K-12 demographic in Texas). So, your moms and dads should be agonizing over what to do here, meaning that you can take home schooling off the table simply by having mom and dad discuss it, throw up their hands in defeat, and conclude that they can't give up the income that would follow from having one parent stay home. I cannot emphasize too strongly how a few well chosen paragraphs aimed directly at these kinds of objections will eliminate the issue of suspension of belief/disbelief that bedevils so many stories around here. To be fair, maybe most parents are upset about this rules, just not this family 1
parkintochter Posted January 27 Posted January 27 And if you think about it. During covid we just accepted pretty weird rules. I remember in Germany you went to the restaurant with a mask, sit and take off the mask and if you stand up you had to wear the mask again. Didn't make really sense 1
Dirty Boy Posted January 27 Posted January 27 For example, in my country they put absurd and senseless restrictions: they introduced the green pass and you couldn't enter shops, public transport, or the university if you didn't have it. In addition, they suspended unvaccinated workers, without a salary. It was really sad to see that most people accepted this anti-scientific nonsense, without opposing it. Even the few who opposed it were harassed and considered crazy. In Italy we have practically lived three years of dystopian dictatorship, due to a crazy government 1
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