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Teacher Gets Mistook for a New Student

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Madison realized it was pointless to argue with Rosie about it. She wasn't going to believe her anyway. Madison reasoned that it was just at school. Not wearing them all the time. So she could put up with it for a few hours a day as long as Lily didn't find out about it. Madison also tried to figure out how to get herself out of the problem she caused herself by telling a small fib when Lily saw she had wet herself in her sleep on the couch.


Rosie slipped the new diaper under Madison's butt once she had cleaned her up and added a good dose of baby powder. She then taped it up and told her "Remember to come see me when you need a change" The school nurse didn't think the 3rd grader was capable of making it to the bathroom on time and her teachers weren't likely to let her out for a bathroom break. Madison would have to hurry to get home before Lily if she wanted the apartment to herself after school was finally over.


Madison was snapped back to reality when Rosie spoke to her. "Yes I will." She hops off the table and grabs her backpack off the chair. Madison walked to her class. She noticed other students pointing and snickering at her, but she didn't know why. What Madison didn't know was the back of her school uniform was caught in the top of her diaper. So everyone could see her diapered bottom. She walked by Mrs. Cooper on her way in the door of the classroom. "Morning Mrs. Cooper."


Mrs. Cooper quickly stopped Madison and made some small talk "How was the homework ? Did you manage to get it all done last night ?" as she began fixing her uniform for her. Unfortunately it was too late as the news that the 3rd grader wore diapers quickly filled the classroom. Of course none of the kids said anything about it but there was plenty of whispering. Mrs. Cooper had already collected the homework from the other kids and had been getting a lesson ready when Madison came into class.


Madison shook her head. "No ma'am. I forgot to do it last night. I can get it done right now if you want me too." She noticed the other kids whispering and looking at her. Madison felt a sudden sense of dread that she knew what they were whispering about. When she felt Mrs. Cooper fixing her school uniform. She wanted the floor to open up and swallow her or a giant lizard monster would attack the school. So everyone would forget what they saw, but she knew neither one was very likely. Madison meekly walked to her desk and sat down trying to ignore the whispers.


"You'll have to do it during recess or take a zero on it" Mrs. Cooper warned Madison before letting her go sit down. She began to start the math lesson going over adding and subtracting larger numbers. Most of the students had done quite well on the quiz with the short adult being the only one to fail. Mrs. Cooper would do her best to help Madison but wasn't afraid to recommend to the principal she be put in a younger grade unless there was significant progress.


Madison sighs. "Yes Mrs. Cooper." She tried to pay attention to the math lesson, but she got distracted by her own thought about what happened last night, what happened this morning both at the apartment with Lily and with Rosie at school. On the test. Madison missed one too many questions and just barely failed. "This is ridiculous. I'm an adult for f sake. This should be easy peasy for me. Why am I having so much trouble with them. Maybe I am just a child and was playing dress up as a adult." She sighs thinking maybe Lily, Rosie and Mrs. Cooper was right about her.


Mrs. Cooper continued the math lesson occasionally calling on students. She noticed yet again the diapered student wasn't paying attention which definitely wouldn't help when they had a big test. When the teacher called on her to answer a question on the blackboard she wasn't surprised not to get an answer. "Madison ! Pay attention ! Now what's the answer to this question ?" Mrs. Cooper asked Madison as she showed her a subtraction problem with two big numbers.


Madison looked at Mrs. Cooper. "I'm trying to, but other thoughts creeped in and took attention elsewhere. It isn't like this is important. Not if you have calculators and computers to give you the answer." She knew that was the wrong thing to say in a classroom setting, but her adult brain didn't care. It was the truth.


"It most certainly is important ! You'll need to know this stuff if you ever want to pass 3rd grade !" Mrs. Cooper pushed back strongly against Madison's claim. Of course the students weren't allowed to use calculators or computers to help with the math problems otherwise they wouldn't learn them. The teacher waited to see if the arrogant student would even try and answer the problem or risk getting in more trouble. Mrs. Cooper was trying her best to make sure every student in her class would know how to do addition and subtraction without having to rely on a calculator.


Madison shot back. "using paper and pencil is so old fashion. This is the 21th century. There is no need for old way of doing things." She knew she was digging herself deep, but she was annoyed that she was stuck in 3rd grade with no way to prove her age. Madison looks at the board and gave Mrs. Cooper the right answer with a smug look on her face,


"It's important to learn how to do it without a calculator" Mrs. Cooper told Madison and her class but didn't push the issue. She was impressed when the girl got the question right before handing out a quick worksheet for the students to work on. Mrs. Cooper took a few minutes to add something to Madison's file knowing she couldn't see it unless she approached the desk.


Madison looks at Mrs. Cooper. "Why? computers are everywhere. So why not change with the times? Instead of clinging to the past?" She took the worksheet and started working on it. Madison finished it and sat back in her chair knowing she got the right answers. She might be seen as a 3rd grader by everyone, but it didn't mean she was one. Madison knew she was an adult. Even if Rosie and Mrs. Cooper didn't believe it.


"Because you won't always be able to have a calculator or computer to do it for you" Mrs. Cooper told Madison as she began preparing the next lesson. The kids were free to go enjoy recess once they finished the worksheet but were encouraged to double check their work. Of course the teacher wouldn't let the diapered student leave for recess just yet. Once it was only the two of them in the classroom Mrs. Cooper warned Madison "You can do your homework now or accept a zero on it. Your choice but you should have done it last night"


Madison huffs. "That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. There are computer everywhere. So it is dumb to have to use paper and pencils. Think of all the trees that had to be cut down and killed to make the paper and pencils you are requiring us to use. When computers are more eco friendly." She watched all the other students leave to go to recess. Madison smiles to herself. Mrs. Cooper thought she was punishing her by making her miss recess, but Madison didn't like going outside very much. It was hot, dusty and dirty. Inside has cool AC and was clean. "I know I should have, but I didn't want to and it is stupid to be treated like a child when I am not one."


"Don't start with that wild story again just finish your homework. I'll be sending your mommy a note to sign and tomorrow I expect you to have all your homework done before class starts" Mrs. Cooper told Madison not listening to her lies about not being a kid. Since today was a full day recess would last much longer than yesterday. There was only so much homework the little adult could do before it was done. Mrs. Cooper waited for Madison to finish as the only other thing that might delay going to recess would be if she used the diaper.


"It's not a wild story. A wild story would be I was raised by a pack of wolves in the woods and when the moon is full. I turn into a wolf that hunts down girls in red hoods." Madison crosses her arms. "Well I expect you to believe me when I am telling you the truth. So I guess neither one of us are getting what we expect."


"Don't think either that I'll accept late homework again. I only allowed it this time because of your condition and the short day yesterday. If your mommy doesn't sign the note you can expect detention and a meeting with the principal" Mrs. Cooper warned Madison still waiting for her to finish the homework. She was going to grade some papers as soon as the little student went outside for recess. The more the little adult tried to claim she was an adult the more she would hurt her credibility with the teacher. Unless Madison wanted to spend her future in the third grade classroom she needed to find some way to prove she wasn't lying or look for a job elsewhere.


Madison smiles. "Fine, don't accept. Give me a zero. It doesn't matter to me." She sat at her desk staring at Mrs. Cooper in a test of wills. Madison could careless about what Mrs. Cooper wanted. She was an adult and she refused to be treated like a child. Even if she was dressed like one. Madison watched the time tick away towards the end of recess and the end of school.


"Ok. Zero it is. Now time for recess" Mrs. Cooper told Madison as she took the incomplete homework away from her. She then stood her up and lifted her uniform skirt to check her diaper. Like it or not the little adult would be sent out to go play on the playground. Of course for Madison things were likely to get worse now that the class knew about her diapers but Mrs. Cooper could only help if she was made aware of the issue.


Madison nods. "Fine. Give me a zero. It isn't like I really care." She shakes her head. "I don't want to go outside. I don't like getting hot and sweaty. I would rather set in the building in the comfortable AC."


Mrs. Cooper shook her head in disagreement and after finding the diaper dry took Madison's hands. "You're going outside to enjoy recess. There is no reason for you to stay inside" She quickly led her out to the playground only letting go once they were outside. If the little student tried to come back in before recess it would need to be for something serious. Mrs. Cooper then headed back towards the classroom checking once to make sure Madison hadn't snuck back inside.


Madison stomps out to the playground. She saw a big oak tree near the end of the playground. Madison sat down under the tree where it was shady and cool. "This I can enjoy." She made a daisy crown and play with the acorns seeing how far she could throw them.


Unfortunately for Madison the other students quickly spotted her as a group of girls came over and began teasing her "What are you doing here ? Babies like you don't belong in third grade. We should take her to the kindergarten classroom" The girls were slowly coming up with a plan for their diapered classmate. Since no one in the class wore diapers or even training pants the little adult wasn't likely to get much sympathy. As bad as Madison might think third grade and Mrs. Cooper was kindergarten would certainly be much more humiliating.


Madison looks at the girls teasing her and smiles. "What's the matter jealous? Are you jealous over the fact. I don't have to go set on a stupid toilet to use the bathroom? I can go in my diapers and have someone else take care of it for me." She waves her hand at them dismissively. "Tease and pick on me all you want. It doesn't bother me and just shows how shallow and petty you are. Be gone green eyed monsters."

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