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Albums not Working Right since "Upgrade"

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We are in need of a mod or admin who understands how the Albums used to work and the new software and can reconcile the two. Here is a link to my Albums to work with



The process used to be
1. Open the album. I arranged my pix as "list" I would see the pic, the name comments indicator and views
2. Tap or click the image to get to the page where I could read or edit
3. To move sequentially through the page use either the backward arrow on the left of the image or the forward arrow on the right

Now it has changedL 1 stukk opens the album however there is no comment indicator or views, just the pic name Step two takes me into Gallst get it. I have found no way to edit the image or text

Using "images" takes me somewhere I do not understand and then I can get a page with text

At any rate I have not yet found an edit page for images

EDIT: what I have learned is that the page you get in both images and if you click thi image on the contents page does have the descriptive text, but you must scroll down to it. Also, under the main image are thumbnails of the other pix in the album. This to me looks a but bush league since the other images intrude on the main image. If I want random rather than sequential access to the images, I can set that up, or used to be able to, in the contetns by using thumbnail display To me this is a step down in the esthetics abd exoeruebce of the display and has the odor of "cheap". In a real album, you turn the pages forward or backward. Also, the older album had the comment indicator and number of views on the contents page under the image, that is now gone. They layout of the new image page is all over the place and is about as orderly as a boy's bedroom and as intuitive as a map of the eighth dimension. If you are going to use a vertical layout, put the title image and descriptive text in the same column

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