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Regression Therapy


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Emily takes everything for granted, not least her wife. But how bad can a wife possibly act? Well, it turns out, pretty bad.


Every update I post is available on my Ream and SubscribeStar pages one week before it is posted everywhere else. For $5 you can see everything I post before the rest of the diapered world. For $10 you can see every update early plus EVERY exclusive story I have written. That's 35 stories available ONLY on my subscription pages and nowhere else!

I rely on my wonderful subscriber's support to be able to write like I do. Writing is my only income and the money I earn goes to help paying the bills, food and everything else my wife and I need. Everyone's support is HUGELY appreciated, without it I would have to find other work and I wouldn't be able to write nearly as much as I do, maybe at all. So thank you to everyone who checks out my subscriber pages and considers supporting me ❤️ 




Regression Therapy

By Elfy

Emily stretched out horizontally on the couch. The television across the room was on and playing some trashy day time talk show at a loud volume. On the table between Emily and the television were several empty soda cans, chocolate wrappers and empty chip packets. She belched as she picked up her handheld games console and resumed the game.

“Emily, could you clean up the table, please.” Amelia asked as she hurried past the doorway.

“Meh.” Emily grunted with indifference.

Emily didn’t move from the couch. She didn’t look away from the screen she was holding above her and she didn’t really intend on going anywhere unless she absolutely had to. It was a typical day for the twenty-seven-year-old woman, one in which she was so motionless she might as well have been part of the couch.

“Did you hear me?” Amelia asked as she walked into the room.

“Yeah… I’ll do it later.” Emily lied.

Emily heard Amelia sigh with frustration. After a couple of seconds Amelia walked over, bent down and started to pick up the detritus of Emily’s all-day snacking. She made a lot of noise as she did so, making sure that her displeasure was well known.

“It would be nice to have some help round here.” Amelia complained as she stood up.

“I said I was going to do it later!” Emily rolled her eyes.

“Right…” Amelia replied sarcastically, “Just like you were going to take the trash out later.”

“I did it, didn’t I?” Emily lowered her game with a frown.

“Yeah.” Amelia shook her head, “Two days later, AFTER the trash had been picked up.”

Emily grunted and lifted her game again. Amelia walked out of the room muttering darkly. People might’ve been forgiven for assuming that this exchange was between a mother and their difficult teenage daughter, but that wasn’t the case. In truth Emily and Amelia were married, in Emily’s opinion the marriage was a happy one despite some difficulties.

Having first met shortly after college Emily had been a very different person at the start of their relationship. She had been born assigned male at birth and was still presenting that way when she met Amelia. It was only a few years into the relationship that she had realised who she really was. It had been a shock for Amelia but she had been great in helping Emily through the changes which followed and their relationship only strengthened helped by the fact they were both bisexual. Emily had now been on hormones for a few years and, by the time they got married, presented female all the time. She hadn’t had “the surgery” and wasn’t sure if she ever would, she felt like she had a lot of time to decide. She was still young; she didn’t see any need to rush anything.

Emily had never had a proper full-time job. Amelia had managed to get reasonably highly paid employment in business right out of college whereas Emily had spent more time looking for work and doing the chores at home. It soon became apparent that Amelia’s job could financially support them both so Emily’s job searching became less vigorous. It was eventually decided that she could stay at home as a housewife and do all the chores and cooking, something Emily was more than happy with.

For the first couple of years of marriage Emily had held up her end of the bargain. She did a decent job making sure things stayed clean and whilst she wasn’t the best cook in the world she could make some passable meals. That changed when the pandemic hit. Amelia started working from home more often and slowly, over time, she started doing some of the chores. By the time the pandemic was dying down Emily had managed to hand off basically all of her chores on her wife. A situation she was happy to keep up.

Emily didn’t see any problem with how everything had developed. Amelia seemed fine working and doing the chores meanwhile she was delighted to be semi-permanently attached to the couch. Even if her wife wasn’t overly happy as long as she didn’t complain Emily wasn’t going to do anything to upset the status quo, as far as she was concerned this lifestyle could go on forever.

It was several hours later before Emily was disturbed again. She was still on the couch when Amelia came in to tell her that dinner was ready. Emily could see that she was looking a little flustered but that was nothing unusual these days, she was always rushing around doing one thing or another after all. She always told Amelia she should slow down and relax but for some reason that just seemed to annoy her wife even more. Emily stood up with a groan and after stretching her back started walking through to the dining room. Amelia was already sitting down.

Emily sat down and picked up her knife and fork. Without a word to her wife, she started eating but quickly stopped. The meat was slightly overcooked. Emily sighed in disappointment and used her thumb and forefinger to pull the bit of meet out of her mouth and drop it back on to the plate. Amelia hadn’t started eating but she looked up as Emily licked her lips to try and get rid of the taste.

“It’s burnt.” Emily said simply.

Emily saw her wife’s hands curl around the cutlery until her knuckles were white. She didn’t pay it too much mind though, Amelia often reacted like that when she was criticised. Emily thought it was always good to let her wife know when things weren’t up to standard though, it helped to make sure she didn’t make the same mistakes again. She brought some of the vegetables up to her mouth.

“Ugh, you know I don’t like broccoli.” Emily said as she put the fork back down.

The table shook slightly and Emily wondered if it wasn’t a small earthquake. When she looked across to her wife, she saw that she seemed to be shaking slightly. Her eyes seemed to pierce through Emily who had no idea what the problem was. Surely it wasn’t an issue to remind Amelia what she didn’t like, it was just helping her in future.

Emily carried on with her dinner. She picked up the drink Amelia had made her but absent-mindedly let it slip through her fingers. The glass hit the edge of the table and the liquid inside poured all over the food. Emily let out a groan as she picked up the glass, it was already far too late to save anything.

“Ugh, now it’s all ruined.” Emily said before continuing with a mumble, “Not that it was that good to begin with…”

There was a sudden clattering of cutlery hitting the table. Emily looked up to see Amelia pushing her chair back, the legs scraping loudly on the linoleum floor. She stood up and stared down at Emily for a second, it looked like she was contemplating saying something as her lips twitched. Finally, she wordlessly turned away and stomped upstairs.

“Why is she being so moody?” Emily muttered to herself as she stood up.

Pouring the uneaten food into the trash Emily got a frozen pizza out and cooked that instead. Emily didn’t see her wife for the rest of the day, she didn’t go upstairs since she didn’t want Amelia nagging her about stuff but, as evening turned to night, she remained alone on the couch watching television. She ended up falling asleep there and without having her wife waking her up to go to bed she remained on the couch all night.


“You need to get a job.” Amelia said.

Emily was still waking up. Sprawled out across the couch her eyes half-opened as she looked up at Amelia who was already dressed in her business suit. Her make-up was done perfectly and with her hair tied back she looked very austere.

“Huh?” Emily grunted sleepily without moving. She could feel a small puddle of drool underneath her cheek.

“You need to get a job.” Amelia repeated, “I’m serious.”

“But we’re doing fine, aren’t we?” Emily said tiredly.

“No. We’re not.” Amelia replied, “You are not the person I married. We agreed that you would do the housework but you do nothing but lay on the couch all day.”

“It gets done, doesn’t it?” Emily said as she slowly pushed herself into a sitting position.

“By me!” Amelia exclaimed, “Look, I love you but you’re not pulling your weight. I want you looking for jobs whilst I’m at work, OK?”

Emily mumbled something and shrugged her shoulders. She hated the idea of working and making a commitment to find a job was the last thing she wanted to do.

“OK?” Amelia repeated.

“Fine.” Emily rolled her eyes.

“Good.” Amelia smiled. It was the first time Emily had seen her smile in some time, “Don’t forget you’ve got therapy this afternoon. I’ll pick you up afterwards, alright?”

Emily again remained noncommittal. Amelia leaned down and gave her a kiss on the forehead before picking up her bag and leaving. Emily remained slumped on the couch with a sizable pout. She didn’t want to look for a job, she didn’t want anything to change. Why did Amelia have to mess everything up by telling her to work?

Emily opened up the laptop on the table and placed her fingers on the keyboard. She didn’t really know what to do or where to go so she just typed “job search” in a search engine and clicked the first link. She soon became dizzy as she looked through thousands of vacancies from every profession under the sun. It was all so… daunting.

After a few minutes Emily gave up. She shut down the browser window feeling stressed out from the small amount of scrolling she had done. Sure, she hadn’t fired off any applications, really searched for relevant careers or even registered with the website but she had scrolled through a couple of pages. That was good enough for a job search in her opinion.

With her promise to Amelia fulfilled Emily instead opened up a video game and started playing. The hours flew by as she ignored all her real-world responsibilities in favour of playing games. It was only when her phone vibrated and an alarm went off that she finally looked away from the screen much later in the day. She groaned as she looked at the screen which was lit up with the word “THERAPY” on it. She quickly swiped at the phone to shut it up and let out a sigh.

Emily had been going to therapy for some time. It was the first place she had felt comfortable discussing her feelings about being a woman and was also a useful outlet for her other emotions. She wasn’t really sure if she still needed to go but Amelia insisted. The therapist was actually one of Amelia’s old friends from college. There had been some concerns about a conflict of interests but Catherine, the therapist, had always remained totally professional no matter what Emily had told her.

With a groan Emily stood up and put her phone in her pocket. She considered skipping the session but she knew Amelia would only moan at her if she did, the same way she did after Emily didn’t go to the last two. Dragging her feet as much as possible Emily got dressed and headed out. It was only a short bus ride to the therapist’s office but it still felt like too far.

“Emily, good to see you.” Catherine said as Emily walked through the door of the office.

“Hey.” Emily replied as she walked over to the couch.

“How have you been?” Catharine asked with a friendly smile.

Catherine was a good therapist and despite Emily’s reluctance to make the effort to see her it wasn’t long before she was opening up. For the next fifty minutes Emily talked about her life, most notably how she was frustrated that her wife had demanded she get a job.

“You don’t want to work?” Catharine asked.


Amelia stepped out of her car and walked into the therapist’s building. She smiled and gave a little wave to the receptionist as she walked past. She had been picking Emily up after her appointment every week for a long while so was able to just walk through to the waiting room. There were still a few minutes to go in the appointment so she sat down and looked at the selection of magazines on offer on the table in front of her.

“Want to work!? Of course I don’t!”

Amelia froze. She looked at the door to Catherine’s office and could see it was open just a tiny amount. Combined with the suddenly raised voice she could hear what was happening. It was Emily and she sounded belligerent. Amelia bit her lip, she knew she was intruding but wasn’t sure what to do. Before she could make a decision, she heard more voices.

“But why not?” Catherine asked.

“Why would ANYONE want to work when they don’t have to?” Emily asked in response, “God, I don’t know why Amelia has to mess everything up. We’re happy like this!”

“Are you both happy with the way things are?” Catherine asked, “Or is it just you who’s happy?”

“I haven’t heard Amelia complain.” Emily responded.

Amelia’s hands balled into fists. She couldn’t believe she was hearing this from her wife. She had asked for more help around the home or for Emily to get a job more times than she could remember. Was Emily just lying to the therapist or had she outright ignored her all this time?

“Look, Amelia does everything and, you know what, I think it makes her happy.” Emily’s voice said, “She likes looking after everything and being in control. She might think she wants me to do more but I think we’re all happier carrying on as normal.”

Amelia didn’t know whether to be angry or upset. As the therapist’s room either went quiet or voices were lowered Amelia slumped in her seat. She loved Emily and always had, but she had never felt quite as despondent over the state of their marriage as she did right there and then. She had made it clear, many times over, that she didn’t want to have to do all the work in the relationship. Emily either hadn’t listened or didn’t care, she wasn’t sure which was worse.

For the next five minutes Amelia sat in the waiting room staring straight ahead. The longer she waited the angrier she became. In some ways she felt bad, she wasn’t supposed to hear what was said in therapy, but she had and she couldn’t change that. She had genuinely thought she was getting Emily to start picking up the slack again but it seemed that wasn’t happening at all. For the first time she started to think about divorce.

“Ah, hello Amelia, nice to see you.” The door had opened and Amelia had been so lost in her own head she hadn’t even noticed.

“Oh, Catherine, yes, sorry I was miles away.” Amelia said as she stood up.

Amelia noticed Emily was looking quite surly with her shoulders slumped and eyes turned towards the ground. Knowing that she wasn’t supposed to know about what her lazy wife had said Amelia walked forwards and hugged her. She planted a little kiss on her cheek as she always did.

“Are we still on for drinks this weekend?” Amelia asked the therapist.

“Of course.” Catherine replied with a smile, “I’ll give you a call later, alright?”

“Sure thing.” Amelia replied. She walked over and hugged her good friend.

“Can we go?” Emily asked rather rudely.

Amelia gave Catherine a small smile and then turned to lead the way out of the building with Emily right behind her. She felt like there was tension in the air, in truth there had been tension between them for quite some time. She decided to break the silence once they got down to the car.

“How was therapy?” Amelia asked.

“Alright.” Emily replied. She had her arms folded across the chest and was looking out the side window.

“What did you talk about?” Amelia asked lightly, “Of course, you don’t have to tell me anything if you don’t want to.”

“Stuff.” Emily grunted in reply.

“Suit yourself…” Amelia muttered to herself as she drove out of the car lot and on to the road. If Emily wasn’t interested in conversation, she wasn’t going to force the issue herself.

The drive was completely in silence. Amelia was constantly wrestling with what to do about Emily and the knowledge that she had no intention of stepping up to be an equal partner in the relationship. She was desperate to find a way to make their relationship work again, she considered suggesting couples therapy but it was a big enough struggle to get Emily to see Catherine once a week as it was.

“I’m going for a nap.” Emily said as soon as they got in the front door a little later, “Call me when dinner is ready.”

Amelia sighed through her nose with her lips pursed as her wife when straight up the stairs without even a thank you for picking her up. Of course, Amelia would be expected to cook dinner, even though she had been at work all day and had only just stepped in the house. She kicked off her shoes rather forcefully before stomping through to the kitchen.


If you enjoyed this and would like to see the next part of the story RIGHT NOW you can do so on my SubscribeStar and Ream pages:



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Wow I can’t think of any character in any story that I have wanted to put over my knee any more than I do Emily.  That girl is horrible!  So now that you have set the mood to one of anger and contempt for a main character, I can’t wait to see where it goes.


Emily and Amelia share a night of "passion" that leaves only one of them satisfied. Amelia goes online to find some interesting things and, perhaps, an idea is formed. 


Every update I post is available on my Ream and SubscribeStar pages one week before it is posted everywhere else. For $5 you can see everything I post before the rest of the diapered world. For $10 you can see every update early plus EVERY exclusive story I have written. That's 35 stories available ONLY on my subscription pages and nowhere else!

I rely on my wonderful subscriber's support to be able to write like I do. Writing is my only income and the money I earn goes to help paying the bills, food and everything else my wife and I need. Everyone's support is HUGELY appreciated, without it I would have to find other work and I wouldn't be able to write nearly as much as I do, maybe at all. So thank you to everyone who checks out my subscriber pages and considers supporting me ❤️ 




“Come on…” Emily whispered from next to Amelia.

“I’m not sure I’m in the mood.” Amelia replied. Her eyes closed and facing away from Emily.

“I could get you in the mood if you wanted.” Emily said. She slipped a hand under the cover and over to her wife’s belly.

It was late and the couple were in bed. They were both naked under the covers and Emily had slid over so that she was pressed against Amelia from behind. Emily was feeling horny, she had always had quite a high sex drive and not even her course of hormone treatment could completely dull it.

“I don’t know if you could.” Amelia replied simply.

Emily had noticed that her wife had been a bit cold and distant ever since they had got home from the therapist’s office. Amelia had said nothing over dinner and then went straight to her home office instead of staying in the living room to watch television.

“Come on…” Emily said again.

“Fine.” Amelia said with a bit of a sigh, “But you’re going to have to work pretty hard to get me interested.”

“Leave everything to me.” Emily said with a grin in the darkness.

Emily slipped under the covers and climbed awkwardly over Amelia’s legs until she was close to her private area. As Amelia opened her legs Emily could smell the slightly sweaty and musky scent of her wife. She wasted no time in shimmying forwards, her penis already semi-hard rubbing against the sheets beneath her.

Emily had to admit to a little bit of “genitals envy.” She didn’t dislike having a penis, it gave her a large amount of pleasure after all, but she did sometimes wish she had the private parts which matched up with her gender. She pushed those thoughts away as her felt the short fuzz of her wife’s pubic hair against her lips.

After nuzzling against Amelia’s lips for a few seconds she extended her tongue and made contact. She felt her wife’s thighs tensing slightly and heard a soft moan from above. She worked her tongue against Amelia’s most pleasurable areas. Hands came down under the cover and pressed against the back of Emily’s head.

Emily was now fully hard herself and she pulled her head away quite suddenly after a few desultory licks. She sat back on her heels causing the cover to fall off the pair of them. Amelia was looking at her with a surprised and disappointed frown.

“What?” Emily asked as she scooted her knees forwards so she was close to her wife’s opening.

“Was that it?” Amelia asked.

“Well, I mean, I went down on you and now I’m ready.” Emily shrugged as she gestured down to her crotch.

Emily saw Amelia sigh and roll her eyes. Since her wife didn’t say anything else Emily continued with what she was doing. She pushed Amelia’s legs a little further apart until the head of her penis was inches away from its goal. Emily lowered herself over Amelia until her small breasts brushed against her wife’s much fuller ones. If she had questionable genital envy there was no doubt about her jealousy of her wife’s chest.

Emily saw Amelia pucker her lips and lean up for a kiss but she was preoccupied down below. Sitting back Emily used her hand to guide herself and then pressed forwards. As Emily looked up and closed her eyes, she just about saw her wife wince slightly.

“Are you alright?” Emily asked.

“Just… Maybe needed a little more warming up.” Amelia replied.

Emily pushed slowly forwards until she was fully embedded in her wife. Then, after waiting around fifteen seconds, decided Amelia must be ready for her. She pulled back and then pushed in again. She quickly built up her speed and started grunting. She kept her eyes closed so she didn’t see Amelia’s reactions, in truth she wasn’t hearing much from her but she was more focused on herself.

Soon Emily was pushing into her wife as quickly as she could. She was getting close and was breathing heavily. Her breasts swung underneath her as she reached the peak of pleasure in just a couple of minutes.

“Maybe if you touch my-…” Amelia started.

Amelia was cut off as Emily grunted and dropped on top of her wife. She could feel herself pumping into Amelia as she panted. The hormones may have meant that she wasn’t shooting as much as she used to but the orgasm itself was still powerful. She felt Amelia underneath her let out a deep breath through her nose before rolling off the top and going back to her side of the bed.


Amelia rolled her head to the side to see Emily fast asleep and loudly snoring. She wished she could say she was surprised by her wife’s complete failure to satisfy her in bed but, in truth, it was a fairly typical experience for them. Emily would give the barest hint of foreplay, get on top and go at it until she finished without thinking about the other person at all.

After a couple of minutes Amelia sighed and sat up. She could feel Emily’s stickiness leaking out of her, she shook her head and headed to the bathroom to clean up. As she waited for the water in the shower to warm up Amelia sat on the toilet resting her head in her hands. She couldn’t forget about what she had overheard at the therapist’s office which, combined with her other frustrations with Emily, was making her think long and hard over whether the relationship was working.

She stepped into the shower and looked up into the water. She didn’t realise how tense she was until the hot water started to relax her. She spent several minutes cleaning all over, including between her legs. Her hands lingered down there. Whilst the sexual experience had been extremely disappointing the small amount of foreplay had woken her up somewhat. She bit her lip as one hand went to lean on the wall and the other gently tickled between her lips.

After teasing herself for a few minutes Amelia turned the water off and stepped out of the shower. She towelled herself dry and then wrapped her gown over her shoulders. Rather than heading back to her bedroom Amelia quietly made her way downstairs and into the living room. In the darkness she sat down on the couch and opened the lid of her laptop. As the computer booted up, she opened her gown and used her hands to gently caress her breasts.

As soon as the laptop was on Amelia went on the internet and to an adult content site she knew very well. She clicked on the search bar and typed “ABDL”. After a second of loading, seemingly endless numbers of pictures, art, stories and videos of adults in diapers and dressed like babies came up. Amelia started scrolling and as she did so her hand went back down to her pussy.

Amelia had never told Emily about her fetish. She was a little embarrassed by it and she didn’t think Emily would like it. Hell, she knew that even if Emily was tolerant of her kink she was unlikely to ever join in or indulge Amelia’s desires. She had once experimented, back when she was in college, but since then her ABDL activities were done solely online.

With her fingers working around her opening Amelia scrolled to a story she felt like she had read a thousand times. It was about a woman being turned into a big baby by her husband, it wasn’t particularly original in the genre but it hit all the right buttons for Amelia. She started scrolling through the lines of text.

Amelia’s breathing quickened as she went to her favourite part of the story. Her eyes scanned the lines quickly as she pushed two of her fingers inside herself, her thumb was up and over her clit which she rubbed with ever increasing speed. Her face was red and she felt a thin sheen of sweat all over her body as she got to the hottest part of the story.

The husband, having slowly regressed his wife over many weeks, was now bringing home a new woman. The wife was sat in her playpen as her husband came in with his girlfriend and they started making out. All the wife could do was cry and poop her diaper as the girlfriend pulled down the husband’s pants…

Amelia laid back on the couch and spread her legs. Having read the scene, she was now watching it play out in her mind. The delicious humiliation of the poor wife as she was made into a complete baby forced to watch her husband and the new woman get increasingly frisky. Amelia had read the passage so often she could remember it word for word.

“Ah…” Amelia let out a soft exhalation had pleasure rippled through her body.

Amelia’s legs tensed and her breathing became hitched and uneven. A smile crossed her face as she felt the bliss of orgasm roll over her. She idly played with herself for a minute or so afterwards as the powerful waves of pleasure slowly ebbed. By the time she relaxed she felt very tired but also extremely content.

Amelia had always tried to be patient with Emily in all aspects of her life but it was getting increasingly hard. Her wife’s dismal sexual performance truly felt like the icing on the cake, Emily didn’t even respect her enough to try and properly please her in bed. She brought one of her hands up and placed it on her forehead. Even in her moments of greatest relaxation she couldn’t stop thinking about Emily’s shortcomings.

Amelia found herself wishing life could be as straightforward as the stories she found so exciting. She closed her eyes and fantasised of a world where people who didn’t pull their weight suffered the consequence, where the hard workers were rewarded. It was an unfortunate reality that these stories were just stories and nothing more. Not something that could possibly happen in real life…


“God damn it!” Emily hit the table in front of her loudly causing a bag to fall over and spill candy all over the floor, “What the fuck are you doing!?”

Emily threw her controller down in disgust as she watched her teammates get killed with ease. “You Lose!” appeared on the screen briefly before Emily could exit back to the main menu. She was still cursing as she joined a queue for another match.

The console was Amelia’s Christmas present to Emily the previous year whilst the huge television was Amelia’s present to herself. Technically it was Emily’s gift to her wife but since Amelia thought of it, paid for it, ordered it and took delivery Emily couldn’t really claim to have had much involvement. She heard a loud sound that meant her queue had popped and she was soon in another game.

Twenty minutes later the process repeated itself. Emily watched her stupid teammates die as she screamed at them through her microphone and then quit out. She was just queuing up again when she heard Amelia’s car rumble into the driveway.

“Great…” Emily muttered to herself, “And now I’m going to get nagged as I try and relax.”

That morning Emily had awoken to find that her wife had already left for work. A note had been left on the living room table, now buried under candy and soda, asking her to go to the store for some food and to remember to look for a job. Needless to say, Emily had done neither of these things. It wasn’t that she was deliberately ignoring the note, she had just sat down to play a couple of rounds of her favourite shooter and got distracted…

Emily was at the start of another game when the door opened and Amelia walked in. She didn’t turn around and when Amelia said hello Emily merely grunted in response. She carried on trying to carry her useless teammates whilst Amelia walked through to the kitchen, a few moments later she was coming back into the living room.

“Emily, did you-…” Amelia started.

“How can you not see them coming!?” Emily shouted into the microphone, “Are you blind!?”

“Can you listen to me for a minute?” Amelia asked.

“Yeah, yeah…” Emily said to her wife.

“Did you see the note I left you?” Amelia asked.

“Yeah, I…” Emily stopped talking as the screen went red. She threw her controller against the ground, “Hackers! They’re hacking! I hate this game!”

Emily cursed at the screen and bent down to pick up the controller. As she lifted it by the wire she saw that several of the buttons were hanging out and the seam of the two plastic halves was splitting. Emily grumbled; she would have to get Amelia to order her a replacement. She probably went through two or three of them a month.

“Hey, could you…” Emily finally looked towards her wife only to find she wasn’t there.

A second later Emily heard the front door slam and when she stood up to look through the living room window, she saw Amelia getting into her car and pulling out of the driveway. Emily frowned.

“What’s her problem?” Emily muttered to herself.


If you enjoyed this and would like to see the next part of the story RIGHT NOW you can do so on my SubscribeStar and Ream pages:



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Apparently you aren’t quite ready to put Emily in her proper place just yet. In my line of work I come across a lot of very self centered people but none could compare with Emily.  I am looking forward to Amelia putting her in her place. 

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Things remain tense at home as Emily continues to live blissfully unaware about her wife's growing resentment. She is made an offer by Amelia, one that sounds almost too good to be true. Then Amelia decides to visit Catherine for some advice...


Every update I post is available on my Ream and SubscribeStar pages one week before it is posted everywhere else. For $5 you can see everything I post before the rest of the diapered world. For $10 you can see every update early plus EVERY exclusive story I have written. That's 35 stories available ONLY on my subscription pages and nowhere else!

I rely on my wonderful subscriber's support to be able to write like I do. Writing is my only income and the money I earn goes to help paying the bills, food and everything else my wife and I need. Everyone's support is HUGELY appreciated, without it I would have to find other work and I wouldn't be able to write nearly as much as I do, maybe at all. So thank you to everyone who checks out my subscriber pages and considers supporting me ❤️ 




Dinner that night was a very tense affair. Amelia had come back home an hour after leaving with the shopping she had previously asked Emily to get. She had cooked in silence and not even bothered to tell Emily when dinner was served. When Emily had walked out to the kitchen to get a soda, she simply saw her plate of food rapidly cooling on the side.

“What’s got into you?” Emily asked as she sat down opposite her wife at the table.

“Just… don’t.” Amelia replied tersely, “I’m not in the mood. I had a bad day at work and then… Just forget it.”

“Well, you shouldn’t take it out on me.” Emily said as she picked up her knife and fork, “That’s not fair.”

Emily looked up suddenly when she heard her wife’s cutlery hit the table. She looked so angry that there were tears in her eyes. It was almost like looking at a wild animal having to restrain itself from leaping across the table. Emily wondered what could’ve happened to bring this on.

“Fair?” Amelia muttered, “You want to talk about what’s fair?”

“I’m just saying…” Emily shrugged, “No need to jump down my throat.”

Amelia looked down at her plate. Emily thought she was having a serious debate with herself about something. She carried on eating regardless. It was a tense minute or so where Amelia looked alternately like she might explode or simply get up and walk away.

“I heard what you said to Catherine.” Amelia said quietly, “At your last therapy appointment.”

“You were eavesdropping on my therapy!?” Emily asked indignantly.

“I didn’t mean to.” Amelia continued in an even voice, “The door was open a crack and your voices carried. I heard you before I could even react. I just want to know if it’s true.”

“If what’s true?” Emily asked with a frown.

“That you aren’t going to look for a job or help out around the house like I’ve been asking.” Amelia looked up at last. She stared Emily right in the eyes.

“I…” Emily wasn’t sure what to say. She certainly didn’t have any plans to make her life harder than it needed to be but at the same time she didn’t want another lecture or argument. She fell silent and before she could work out what to say Amelia spoke again.

“Because if that’s truly what you want… it can be arranged.” Amelia stated.

“It… What?” Emily frowned. She hadn’t expected that.

“If you don’t want to work or do chores, just tell me.” Amelia shrugged as if to say it was no big deal, “Tell me you don’t want your adult responsibilities and I’ll take care of them.”

The room fell silent except for the ticking of the clock. Emily stared at her wife wondering if she had heard her correctly. After all the arguing and back and forth over the months Amelia seemed to be offering her exactly what she had always wanted.

“What do you mean?” Emily asked, “Is this a trick?”

“Forget it.” Amelia said as she stood up wither plate. She put the uneaten food in the trash and started leaving the room, “This is stupid.”

“Wait!” Emily said, “You’re serious?”

“Yes.” Amelia replied, “I’ve had enough arguing with you. Just tell me what you want and I can sort it out.”

“OK…” Emily said slowly. She was suspicious but she wasn’t going to miss what could be a once in a lifetime opportunity, “I… I don’t want my adult responsibilities. I don’t want to get a job and I don’t want chores. I just want to relax. Is that so bad?”

Emily watched her wife suspiciously. She was expecting there to be some kind of “gotcha” moment where her wife would suddenly get angry at her again. Instead, Amelia looked around the room slowly and then nodded her head.

“OK.” Amelia said. She even flashed Emily a little smile before leaving the room.

“OK?” Emily repeated as she was left alone in the kitchen feeling very confused.


Amelia was driving home from work but at an intersection where the left turn lead to home she got into the right-hand turn lane. It had been a couple of days since her conversation with Emily and she was feeling nervous, she had no idea if she was doing the right thing but she knew just who to ask. The closer she got to her destination the more she was tempted to turn around and go home. She couldn’t though, her home life couldn’t survive much longer with the current status quo. She was either going to run away or go insane if something didn’t change.

The large building that held Catherine’s therapist office appeared on the left and Amelia turned into the parking lot. She had called from her office and knew her friend had a free slot; she wasn’t going for therapy though.

After parking Amelia made her way inside and up to the office. She was a little early and so sat in the waiting room feeling butterflies in her stomach. She really didn’t know what had possessed her to start on this path and she was quickly reaching a point where she wouldn’t be able to turn around. A large part of her thought she was crazy for even thinking about doing what she was going to do. At least if she was crazy, she was in the right place…

“Amelia, what’s up?” Catherine asked as the door to the office opened.

“Can we talk in your office?” Amelia asked.

“Of course, come on in.” Catherine held the door open and Amelia walked inside.

Catherine’s office was designed to be as non-threatening and relaxing as possible. The walls were a soft blue, there was a small glass table in the centre of a rug with a jug of water and some tissues on it. One side of the table had Catherine’s chair whilst the other side had a long couch where the patient could sit or lay down as desired.

“What’s up?” Catherine asked as she closed the door, “It’s not like you to be so secretive.”

“Everything said in this office stays in this office, right?” Amelia asked anxiously.

“Of course.” Catherine frowned, “Is everything alright?”

“Yes, everything is fine…” Amelia replied.

There was a pause as Amelia tried to work out how exactly she could bring up the reason for her visit without sounding completely crazy. Catherine was waiting for her to continue, her years of training and education teaching her to be patient. Amelia found herself looking around the room and wondering just what sort of things her wife had shared and if it was always like the stuff she had overheard the other day. She wondered how long Emily had been taking advantage of her…

“Amelia?” Catherine prodded gently, “What’s wrong?”

“I’ve decided that there needs to be some changes at home.” Amelia said simply, “I… I overheard the end of your last appointment with Emily.”

Catherine remained silent but Amelia could see she was going through a range of emotions. She looked angry and upset but also disappointed. Eventually she looked away from Amelia and shook her head.

“I didn’t mean to!” Amelia quickly clarified.

“I wish you hadn’t heard anything.” Catherine sighed, “It’s important that Emily trusts this space.”

“Well, I can’t help that.” Amelia replied, “But, like I said, I’ve decided, based on what she said, that we need to make changes at home.”

“OK.” Catherine said, “Why did you have to tell me this at the office?”

Amelia hesitated. What she had just said could indeed have been done anywhere or through any medium but it was merely the foundation for the real reason Amelia had come to Catherine’s office. She bit her lip and looked down at her hands. Eventually she knew she had to bite the bullet.

“What do you know about…” Amelia took a deep breath, “Regression therapy?”

“No.” Catherine immediately responded. Her harsh tone of voice was very much at odds with how she usually spoke, “Absolutely not.”

“Wait a minute…” Amelia put her hands up, “I’m just trying to get information.”

“You’re trying to get permission!” Catherine exclaimed. She looked around to make sure the door was closed and they weren’t going to be overheard. She leaned forwards and continued in a hiss, “Do you think I’ve forgotten about college!?”

Amelia would never forget her time in college. What Catherine was referring to was actually something that Catherine thought about often, usually when she had alone time late at night…


Seven Years Previously…


“We really shouldn’t keep doing this…” Catherine said as she bit her lip.

“Relax. It’s just a bit of fun.” Amelia lifted her head from between Catherine’s thighs.

“I know but… Ahh.” Catherine exclaimed.

Amelia had lowered her face back down to Catherine’s sex. Her tongue flicked out against the wet folds of her girlfriend’s lower lips. Her saliva became mixed with Catherine’s juices as she greedily lapped at the slit. She smiled as she heard Catherine moan, one of her hands was down between her own legs and playing with her own pussy, the moans of her partner heightening her own excitement.

“Ah, fuck…” Catherine’s skin glistened with sweat as her hips thrust into Amelia’s face.

Amelia could feel that Catherine was about to cum again. Her thighs started squeezing her head and she could hear her breathing become more ragged. Catherine’s hands came down and grabbed desperately at the back of Amelia’s head directing her to right where she was needed.

Catherine breathed in deeply and tensed as Amelia worked to keep up the rhythm and intensity. It seemed like the writhing woman was temporarily stuck in time and then with a massive exclamation and a tightening of her hands in Amelia’s hair Catherine climaxed. Amelia kept working through Catherine’s orgasm until the squirming woman was spent and literally pushing her head away.

Amelia was laying on her front and propped her head up on her hands as she looked between Catherine’s wide-open legs to her dreamy looking face. She had droplets of sweat all over, her tummy rose and fell rapidly as she caught her breath. Amelia, meanwhile, licked her lips and tasted Catherine’s juices.

“Fuck…” Catherine breathed, “You’re so good at that.”

“I have been told that.” Amelia replied with  a giggle.

“Do you want me to…?” Catherine was offering to return the favour.

“No, don’t worry about it.” Amelia replied as she ran a hand down one of Catherine’s shapely legs, “I want you to just lay back and enjoy the afterglow. Besides, I’ve got a class soon.”

“Are you sure?” Catherine asked.

“Yeah.” Amelia started making her way up the mattress and Catherine shifted over to give her room on the small dormitory bed, “But there is something I’d like to try later…”

“Oh?” Catherine opened her eyes and looked at Amelia.

“You’ll find out later.” Amelia winked.

Amelia slipped one arm underneath Catherine’s neck and the other was pressed on the sweaty woman’s heaving tits. She looked beautiful in any circumstance but in post-orgasmic bliss Amelia wanted to stay in bed with her forever. She moved her face forwards and they kissed. Amelia’s tongue quickly darted into Catherine’s mouth as they sloppily made out for a minute. When Amelia pulled back Catherine looked like she was in heaven.

“Still think we shouldn’t be doing this?” Amelia asked cheekily.

“I have no idea anymore.” Catherine whispered in reply.

“Just don’t overthink things with that big psychiatrist brain of yours.” Amelia said, “We’re two close friends having fun. If we become more than that, great. If we don’t then we’ll still always be best friends.”

“Pinkie promise?” Catherine asked as she help a hand with her little finger sticking out.

Amelia laughed and took Catherine’s pinkie with her own. After letting go Amelia finally got up. She could feel her own excitement running down her legs but she didn’t have time for any of that with classes soon, she would have a quick cold shower and save herself for that evening. When Amelia eventually left the apartment having almost got all the smell of sex and sweat off of her Catherine was still naked on the bed. Amelia wouldn’t have been disappointed if that was the scene she returned to after her classes.

Amelia hadn’t been able to concentrate in any of her lectures. All she could think about was Catherine and getting back into bed with her. Several times she had caught herself daydreaming and fantasising to the point that her panties had grown noticeably wet, it only made her even hornier, the naughtiness and obsession fuelling her passion.

Once Amelia’s last class ended, she wasted no time in practically running all the way back to her dorm. Catherine was sitting in the communal area in a dressing gown eating a yogurt and watching television but Amelia couldn’t waste time on small talk or pleasantries.

“Catherine, my room.” Amelia called out. Thankfully none of their housemates appeared to be home but Amelia wouldn’t have cared if they were.

Amelia went straight into her bedroom and started stripping her clothes. When Catherine walked in Amelia immediately cut off her attempted greeting as she practically pounced on and passionately kissed her friend. Catherine had to back up to the wall next to the still open door. Only a minute later did Amelia pull away, licking her lips and tasting Catherine.

“Are you crazy?” Catherine asked. Her cheeks were flushed, “The others might come home and hear us.”

“Come on, as if they haven’t heard you screaming my name most nights.” Amelia smirked.

Catherine’s blush became much deeper but she hid her face temporarily by turning around and closing the door. Amelia was filled with nervous excitement. She had never shared what she was planning to share that night and whilst she was ninety-five percent sure Catherine wouldn’t react badly that last five percent was enough to make her wonder if she was doing the right thing.

“What’s got you so worked up?” Catherine asked.

“You.” Amelia replied, “I’ve been thinking about you all day.”

“Amelia…” Catherine suddenly looked a little anxious, “You know I’m not looking for a relationship.”

“Don’t worry. I’m not in love with you, I’m just lusting over that hot body of yours.” Amelia replied as she closed in on her friend again.

The truth was that Amelia wasn’t sure how she felt about Catherine. She was increasingly certain she wanted to be more than friends but she knew Catherine’s limits. It’s what made their friends with benefits relationship even more exciting, they could experiment with each other without all the messy relationship stuff that came with having a partner. It was this feeling of freedom that had Amelia ready to share her innermost secret.

Amelia kissed Catherine again as the two made their way over to the bed. She reached down and pulled the cord on her friend’s dressing gown letting the robe fall to the floor and leaving them both naked.

“There’s something I want to share with you.” Amelia whispered as she pulled away but remained inches from Catherine’s face, “But I’m scared.”

“Scared?” Catherine replied, “What is it?”

“I have a fetish that I haven’t told you about.” Amelia’s heart was pounding and it wasn’t just because her large breasts were pressed against Catherine’s, “A kink I’m worried you’ll judge me for.”

“Oh?” Catherine seemed interested, “You know me. You know I won’t judge you for anything.”

Amelia turned to her closet as Catherine sat down on the bed. She opened the doors and looked at the corner where she kept the objects of her desire. She bit her lip as she had last second wobbles about whether she should actually do this. Was it already too late to back out?

“Amelia?” Catherine said from the bed, “What is it? As long as you haven’t got a literal skeleton in the closet, I promise whatever it is, you can trust me with it.”

Amelia reached and picked up the plastic packaging. She brought it close to her chest and then, with a final deep breath, turned around. She looked over the top of the packet nervously as Catherine frowned slightly.

“Diapers?” Catherine said, “You’re into... diapers?”

“For as long as I can remember.” Amelia said quietly, “I don’t know what it is about them. The feeling of padding, the sound of the crinkling, how it feels when they’re used, the humiliation… what?”

“You use them?” Catherine asked with even more surprise.

Amelia was red in the face and worried that Catherine was taking it badly. She slowly nodded her head. Her friend’s expression was inscrutable. She stepped closer and Catherine took the package from her hands. Amelia watched her turn it over and examine it all, still she said nothing. The packet was open and Catherine pulled one of the folded-up diapers out giving it the same level of scrutiny as the packet. Amelia was practically falling over from nervousness. It felt weird seeing her best friend examining her darkest secret.

“This is so…” Catherine paused for several extra heartbeats. Amelia winced ready for the bad reaction she now felt sure was coming. Catherine looked up with a smile, “Interesting!”

“Huh?” Amelia replied dumbly.

“We’ve been studying paraphilias in class and it’s been really interesting. I never thought I’d experience one up close like this!” Catherine said with growing enthusiasm.

“Para-whats?” Amelia frowned.

“Fetishes.” Catherine clarified.

“You’re not weirded out by it?” Amelia asked nervously.

“Not at all!” Catherine quickly said, “I’m interested. Do you want me to put one on or do you want to wear one yourself? Or both of us?”

Amelia was shocked that not only had Catherine accepted what she had revealed so wholeheartedly but she wanted to immediately take part. She had told her friend she wasn’t in love with her but as Amelia saw the eagerness in Catherine’s eyes, she felt her heart swell a little bit. Her eagerness to take part in Amelia’s interest made Catherine all that more attractive.

That night was one of the most passionate in Amelia’s life. Amelia had put Catherine into one of the diapers and then played with her as she ran her hands over the padding and her friend’s body. Soon she was putting a diaper on herself and the two sat with their legs spread grinding the padding against each other. Amelia had wet her disposable with Catherine watching with interest, when her friend had touched the warm padding afterwards, she thought she might explode. Later on in the evening Amelia even managed to get Catherine to wet herself and whilst it was incredibly hot for her Catherine seemed a bit nonplussed by it. They were locked together until the sun came up and were both exhausted in bed the next morning having both had many orgasms.

After that night diapers were an occasional thing added to their repertoire of sexual experimentation. Perhaps a couple of times a month they would get them out. Apart from that Amelia wore often around Catherine who was always interested but in a more clinical than sexual way. Amelia even introduced some adult baby elements but things were not to last.

All good things must come to an end. The semester ended and both Amelia and Catherine went to their respective homes. Whilst at home Catherine met someone and started a relationship and that ended the friends with benefits situation Amelia had so enjoyed. She couldn’t escape the sense of heartbreak she felt when Catherine told her, especially when her friend had said to her that she wasn’t looking for anything serious. According to Catherine it “just happened.”

Amelia met Emily not long after and, perhaps on the rebound, quickly fell into a relationship herself. Obviously, Amelia and Catherine remained friends but there was, at least from Amelia’s side, an air of tension that appeared and didn’t go away for a long time. She felt hurt even though she knew it was unfair to feel that way.


Present Day…


“This isn’t like back then…” Amelia said as she pulled herself out of her reverie, “I want to help Emily.”

“You want to help her by regressing her?” Catherine shook her head, “Amelia, I am aware of regression therapy and it is… controversial to say the least. Can it help people? Maybe. I don’t think there’s much research into the benefits and…”

“So it MIGHT help?” Amelia interrupted.

“Or it might not.” Catherine said, “How did you get Emily to agree to anything like that? It seems out of character for her.”

Amelia looked down at her hands and bit her lip.

“Oh my god… You haven’t talked to her about it.” Catherine looked more shocked than ever. She was shaking her head again.

“You don’t understand!” Amelia quickly exclaimed.

“I understand that you’re using your fetish in an unethical way.” Catherine retorted.

“I’m not!” Amelia was mostly telling the truth, “Emily wants this. She wants to give up her adult responsibilities, she told me that much. I was thinking that if I took it to the extreme, she would learn her lesson and after it was over she would be much better off.”

“That’s not how it works!” Catherine threw her hands up.

“How do you know?” Amelia replied.

Catherine opened her mouth and after a short pause let out a sigh. She hung her head and Amelia recognised the look of defeat on her face. She didn’t know for sure whether Amelia’s extreme plan would work or not. She spent thirty seconds shaking her head and seemingly going over things in her mind.

“I can’t tell you what to do.” Catherine finally said, “I’m not your therapist but speaking as a friend I want to tell you to be careful. I don’t advise you to do it.”

“I understand.” Amelia replied.

Silence fell over the room. Amelia didn’t know if there was anything else to be said or done, she waited whilst Catherine continued to look down at the floor. More than anything Amelia wished she was able to see inside her friend’s head and know what she was thinking. She often wondered what might’ve been if Catherine had been against a relationship with her, sometimes she still fantasised about an alternate reality where she and Catherine lived together.

“Is there anything else?” Catherine asked. There was a little coldness to her voice that hadn’t been there before.

Amelia shook her head and stood up. She started to walk past Catherine when the still seated therapist shot out a hand to grab Amelia’s. Amelia stopped and felt tingles where their skin touched, she looked down and to the side at Catherine who was looking right back up at her.

“I mean it.” Catherine said seriously, “Be careful.”

After a couple of seconds Catherine let go of Amelia’s hand and turned away to face the couch again whilst frowning. She very much gave Amelia the impression of someone with a lot on her mind and, perhaps, not saying everything that she wanted to. Amelia decided against pressing any further, she had worn out her welcome by dropping this on her friend.

“Goodbye.” Amelia said as she started to leave. Catherine only grunted in response.

Amelia went back down to her car. Catherine’s reaction hadn’t been entirely unexpected but it was still disappointing. At the same time Amelia hadn’t been dissuaded from her plan. As she drove out of the car park she knew what her next destination would be. She didn’t have a doubt in her mind over what she was going to do and, in a way, she felt Catherine didn’t disagree with her. Her logic was that Catherine knew how lazy Emily had become and if she truly disagreed with the idea, she would’ve worked harder to stop it. On some level Amelia knew she was just making excuses but any critical voices were pushed to the back of her mind and locked in a box.

About halfway home Amelia turned off the road and into a parking lot. She got out of the car and walked straight into the pharmacy next door. On aisle three Amelia found the section she was looking for. She scrunched up her mouth in thought as she looked around at all the different products. There was a lot more choice than she had imagined…


If you enjoyed this and would like to see the next part of the story RIGHT NOW you can do so on my SubscribeStar and Ream pages:



  • Like 12

I think this direction was kind of expected.  What we have no idea about is how it’s going to be done and how it’s going to be received. 
I will be looking forward to seeing how things go. 


So I was trying to figure out how to ask if Emily is neurodiverse, specifically on the autism spectrum, without offending anyone. That’s what I came up with.  

Because I wonder if Emily maybe doesn't suck as much as she seems but rather literally doesn't understand Amelia and Amelia literally doesn’t understand her.   Maybe they need to realize that their brains operate totally differently to learn to communicate successfully. 

it’s not really necessary to ever know, just like we often don’t know about the medical/psychological background of characters, but it’s interesting, that’s how I read it.

Because it just seems like there’s no other reason I can think of that explains Emily in my mind other than that or her being a completely awful selfish human (and I just don’t get that vibe). I see the potential for lost childhood and the obvious dysphoria and anxiety and depression but the way she seems to respond to Amelia’s seemingly obvious/expected/understandable feelings and actions makes me think there is much more going on there.  If she isn’t neurospicy I can’t really understand the character.

 I hope the regression helps them learn to communicate differently in a way that supports both of them feeling more understood. Maybe we should all think about relationships by considering that the other person’s brain actually might work completely differently than ours and maybe we would all be more forgiving, honest, up front/clear, and successful in communicating. Ooh also maybe we should have a period of regression in trusted romantic relationships to learn to communicate and understand one another better 🤭🤭.  

Def hoping for both women to grow and for them to realize they love the dynamic. Also maybe Emily is picking up on some Big vibes thinking Amelia likes doing stuff for them both. 

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Things remain tense at home as Emily continues to live blissfully unaware about her wife's growing resentment. She is made an offer by Amelia, one that sounds almost too good to be true. Then Amelia decides to visit Catherine for some advice...


Every update I post is available on my Ream and SubscribeStar pages one week before it is posted everywhere else. For $5 you can see everything I post before the rest of the diapered world. For $10 you can see every update early plus EVERY exclusive story I have written. That's 35 stories available ONLY on my subscription pages and nowhere else!

I rely on my wonderful subscriber's support to be able to write like I do. Writing is my only income and the money I earn goes to help paying the bills, food and everything else my wife and I need. Everyone's support is HUGELY appreciated, without it I would have to find other work and I wouldn't be able to write nearly as much as I do, maybe at all. So thank you to everyone who checks out my subscriber pages and considers supporting me ❤️ 




Emily yawned as she reached lazily for another handful of potato chips on the table next to her. She was face up on the couch and opened her mouth to drop the food in, crumbs were scattered all over her front as well on the couch, floor and table around her. She didn’t care, Amelia would clean that up.

“This is the life.” Emily said to herself as she stretched out on the couch cushions.

Emily felt victorious. After endless arguments over her behaviour, it finally seemed like Amelia had genuinely given up trying to get her to be productive. At last, she was going to be able to just lay back and enjoy life. It didn’t feel particularly unfair to her, she knew Amelia enjoyed working and could do so from home most days, letting her do all the work was almost like a treat. That’s how Emily justified everything at least. She rolled over on to her side causing a cascade of crumbs to fall off her chest. She started flicking through the channels on the television to find something to watch.

Before Emily had settled on anything she heard the sound of a car pulling into the driveway. She didn’t bother to move, not even when she heard a key in the door. The back of the couch blocked the doorway but Emily could hear her wife taking off her coat and shoes.

“Hello.” Amelia said as she walked in and sat down on the armchair that was to the right of the couch and facing inwards.

“Hi.” Emily grunted back without looking over. If she had done, she would’ve noticed Amelia pursing her lips and looking at the mess of crumbs Emily had made.

“How’s your day been?” Amelia asked sunnily.

“Fine.” Emily replied.

“Can I get you a drink?” Amelia asked.

This did make Emily sit up and look at her wife. Whilst being unable to stop Emily from being slovenly Amelia had rarely facilitated it. She was smiling though, maybe she had come round on Emily’s way of thinking even more than she had previously thought. Emily certainly wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

“Sure.” Emily said.

“Be right back.” Amelia replied as she stood up.

Emily stretched out just a little bit more. It didn’t feel like things could be more perfect as she listened to Amelia preparing the drinks. When her wife came back out Emily held out a hand and took the glass offered to her.

“Enjoy.” Amelia said as she sipped her own.

Emily sat up with a grunt and drank some of the juice. Quite quickly she noticed a slightly strange taste. She pulled the glass away from her lips with a confused look and then sniffed the drink. It smelled fine but the taste was just a little off.

“It tastes a bit… weird.” Emily said as she licked her lips.

“Oh, it’s a new brand.” Amelia said with a quick shrug, “Mine tastes fine.”

Emily drank some more. It was definitely noticeably different from what she was used to but it didn’t taste too bad. She soon downed the rest and put the empty glass on the table as she belched. She saw Amelia looking at where the empty drinking vessel was now sitting and smiling before she drank some more of her own juice.

“I’ll get dinner ready then.” Amelia said as she picked up some of the debris Emily had made with her snacks.

For the next half an hour Emily remained on the couch but then something strange happened. She felt her bladder warning her that she needed to go to the toilet, there was nothing unusual in that, and yet within ten seconds the urge had grown dramatically. She got up off the couch and after taking a few steps found the urge growing even greater.

“Everything OK?” Amelia called from the kitchen as she heard the rapid footsteps.

Emily didn’t answer as she half-ran up the stairs to the only bathroom in the house. She pulled down her pants and underwear and sat on the toilet. Almost immediately a stream of urine started to splash against the front of the bowl, she sighed feeling a great relief but remained confused as to what had caused the very sudden need in the first place. She hoped she wasn’t getting something like a urinary tract infection, there was no pain at least.

Once she was finished Emily went back downstairs. She was just in time as it turned out as she could hear Amelia getting a couple of plates out of the cupboard. Emily walked in and sat down in her usual spot. She tried to act casually but couldn’t shake of the concern of her rapid trip to the bathroom.

“Everything alright?” Amelia asked quite quickly.

“Yeah.” Emily shrugged, “Why wouldn’t it be?”

“I just thought I heard you running upstairs…” Amelia said casually. She had her back to Emily and was dishing up food.

“Oh, yeah, I just needed the bathroom.” Emily said.

“But… running?” Amelia continued to prod, “It’s not like you to run for anything.”

“Well, geez, sorry if I wanted to get some exercise.” Emily lied before continuing defensively, “Why are you so interested?”

“You know me.” Amelia said as she brought the plates over, “Just worrying about you.”

Emily didn’t wait for her wife to sit down before picking up her knife and fork and tucking into her meal. Just like earlier Amelia prepared them both drinks and, just like earlier, Emily could taste the strange difference from what she was used to.

“You should get the old juice.” Emily said as she put her half-finished glass down, “This stuff isn’t as good.”

Amelia didn’t respond. Emily continued with her meal which was as delicious as ever. She had never really understood why Amelia had wanted her to take over cooking duties when she was so much worse at it. She barely paused for breath as she wolfed down everything on her plate, if there had been enough for seconds she would’ve taken it as well.

Emily had just let out a loud belch when she felt the need to urinate coming on strongly again. She froze up and then quickly got of her seat. With one hand clamped to the front of her pants Emily rushed out of the kitchen and nearly fell over as she ran upstairs. She got to the toilet just in time. As she heard the tinkle of her urine splashing into the porcelain bowl she dropped her head into her hands. It had been another close call and she couldn’t explain why this was happening.


Over the next few days Emily found that her problem wasn’t getting any better. If anything, it was getting progressively worse. She would be watching TV or playing a game and then feel the very sudden need to pee, it always came on quickly and required urgent attention. It was bad enough when Amelia was at work but when she was home it was even harder for Emily to hide that something seemed wrong.

Searching the internet Emily could find little to explain her sudden problem. She didn’t have any other symptoms of anything after all. The one possible match was stress but that didn’t seem to make sense, Emily had never been less stressed than she was right then with no expectations on her at all.

Despite these sudden urges of desperation Emily had so far made it to the toilet each and every time. That wasn’t to say there hadn’t been close calls and on more than one occasion Emily found that her panties were a little damp as she looked down at them. Amelia even made a comment about the amount of panties being washed which did nothing to make her feel better. So far though it seemed like she had been able to hide most of her problems from Amelia.

Somehow, despite the various rushes to the bathroom, Amelia seemed oblivious to the problem. Emily was amazed that her usually intuitive wife seemed to not notice that something major had changed. She wasn’t complaining, the last thing she needed was Amelia getting on her back about it, but she didn’t think she was going to be able to keep up the secret forever. Unfortunately for Emily the truth came out long before she was ready.

It was the evening and after dinner Amelia had disappeared upstairs whilst Emily remained on the couch. She was being extra vigilant with her bladder and trying to make sure that there were no accidents. She was trying to stay calm, after all if it was stress causing her bladder issues then staying calm would surely help. However, that only lasted until she felt her bladder twinge and she almost immediately started to panic. She jumped up from her seat and ran for the stairs whilst clenching every muscle she could to hold back the flood.

Reaching the bathroom door with only a small leakage into her cotton panties Emily pulled on the handle only to find the door was locked. Her eyes grew wide in panic and she could hear that the shower was running inside. This was a disaster for her and it was something she had been terrified of ever since her bladder weakness had started. There was only one bathroom in the house but at that point it wouldn’t have mattered if there was more, there was no way Emily would make it. Her knees shook and her hand went down between her legs in a desperate attempt to delay the inevitable.

“Hey!” Emily yelled as she banged on the door repeatedly, “Hey!”

“What?” Amelia’s voice called out over the sound of the shower.

“I need the toilet!” Emily’s face was going red. She felt some more urine dribble out of her as the pressure inside grew.

“I’ll just be a minute.” Amelia called out without concern.

Emily didn’t have a minute. She didn’t have many seconds and she knew it. Her eyes filled with tears and all her brain could think about was if there were any places she could get to before it was too late. Unfortunately, Emily’s body was losing the fight. There was another slightly longer dribble and Emily could feel the hand covering herself up getting warm and wet.

Emily banged on the door again in frustration but there was no time left. Emily felt her bladder muscles tremble and then, agonisingly slowly, they started to relax. Emily let out a howl of defeat as she felt a small stream of pee soaking her already wet panties. The cotton could hold very little and soon the urine was cascading down her legs and soaking the hand that was still uselessly trying to hold back the tide. No amount of clenching would stop the flow. Emily was helplessly wetting herself and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

With a whine of defeat Emily lost what little control she still had over her bladder and the stream became a torrent. She looked down at her pants as she saw huge streaks of darkness quickly spreading down to the floor. The wetness sticking her pants to her leg uncomfortably rapidly cooled.

“OK, it’s all yours.” Amelia opened the door.

Emily was still pissing her pants as Amelia looked out at her wrapped in her dressing gown. Emily let out a choked sob and raised both her hands up to hide her face, she almost immediately was nearly overwhelmed by the smell of urine. She was helpless as the stream continued unabated and Amelia watching her shameful act in apparent shock.

The urine was dripping out from the bottom of Emily’s pants and wetting the floor between her feet. By the time the flow stopped she was soaked and in tears. She had ever felt so humiliated before and didn’t know what to do, there was no way to make this all OK, all she could manage was shaky sobbing as Amelia stared at her. What on Earth must Amelia think of her...?


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Amelia has manufactured a situation for her wife and now she swoops in to play the hero. Later, Amelia decides she doesn't want to stay cooped up at home and decides it's time for an impromptu evening out with Emily. 


Every update I post is available on my Ream and SubscribeStar pages one week before it is posted everywhere else. For $5 you can see everything I post before the rest of the diapered world. For $10 you can see every update early plus EVERY exclusive story I have written. That's 35 stories available ONLY on my subscription pages and nowhere else!

I rely on my wonderful subscriber's support to be able to write like I do. Writing is my only income and the money I earn goes to help paying the bills, food and everything else my wife and I need. Everyone's support is HUGELY appreciated, without it I would have to find other work and I wouldn't be able to write nearly as much as I do, maybe at all. So thank you to everyone who checks out my subscriber pages and considers supporting me ❤️ 




Amelia waited. Her heart was hammering. This was really it, the moment the first phase of her plan was leading to and where the second part would begin. She had stepped out of the shower minutes ago but had left it running and now that she was hearing the banging on the door, she knew it was finally happening.

Amelia sat on the toilet with the lid down nervously and waited. She didn’t really know what she was waiting for. She supposed it was some sign that Emily had lost control but without being able to see through the door that was difficult to predict.

A stab of conscience ran through Amelia. She shouldn’t be doing this, she knew that, and yet she wasn’t stopping it. Several times in the previous days she’d had second thoughts about what she was doing but it hadn’t stopped her. She wondered what that said about her as a person. She didn’t think she was bad or evil, in fact she very much believed that this was all in everyone’s best interests. The devil on her shoulder had won out but Amelia could still see the angel looking at her and shaking their head.

There was a sudden crescendo in the knocking and then it stopped. Amelia stood up and wondered if it was really happening. She couldn’t open the door too early and give Emily what she wanted but she didn’t want to miss the show either.

Amelia quietly stepped across to the door and pressed her ear against it. She could hear Emily whining almost like a dog that needed to be let out. Still, she waited as even the whining stopped. Just as she was wondering what was going on she heard a strangled gasp and somehow knew what it signified. Her wife, a foot away and separated only by the wooden door, was helplessly wetting her pants. Amelia tried to ignore the stirring in her sexuality as she thought about that. This wasn’t for her; this was for Emily’s own good.

Another two seconds passed and then Amelia opened the door.

It was a strange feeling. Amelia knew exactly what to expect, she had engineered the whole situation after all, and yet it still felt like what she was seeing couldn’t be right. Things seemed to be going in slow motion. Emily was standing in front of her with a beet red face, her knees were ever so slightly bent and there were long dark stripes of wetness running down from her crotch all the way to her ankles. Upon seeing her Emily moaned and brought her hands up to cover her face which only gave Amelia an even better look at the accident that was still ongoing.

Amelia didn’t know what to say. Her eyes fixated on her wife’s soaked pants and she bit her lip. Thankfully Emily’s eyes were covered so she didn’t see this strange reaction. Amelia could feel a dampness of her own between her thighs but it had nothing to do with her bladder. She waited. She didn’t want to act until she was sure of what she was doing. Finally, the urine seemed to stop and Amelia supposed Emily was finished. There was a steady dripping on to the carpet at Emily’s feet that Amelia knew would cause a stain that would be tough to remove.

“I… I…” Emily stuttered. She was sobbing gently, her face still covered by her hands.

Amelia was hit by the smell of the urine. She was instantly transported back to her days of college experimentation and the strong smell of a drenched diaper being opened up and changed. A smell that set of a lot of feelings in Amelia, most of them very naughty. But she had to contain herself. It was very important that she did the next part correctly.

“Oh dear…” Amelia said softly, “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

“I’m… I’m sorry…” Emily said between sobs, “I couldn’t hold it!”

“It’s alright.” Amelia put her arm around Emily and led her into the bathroom, “Why don’t you take those wet things off and step into the shower.”

Amelia had never turned the shower off partly because she knew Emily would need it but mostly to hide the sound of her footsteps as she approached the bathroom door. It was very important that Emily not know that she had engineered this situation to make sure she had an accident. She had grown impatient waiting for this to happen naturally even if it did have Emily scampering for the bathroom so often.

Amelia helped her wife disrobe and put the clothes on the floor in a pile. She paid extra attention to Emily’s formerly white panties, they seemed unsalvageable. The wet clothes were quickly giving off the ammonia smell of a public bathroom and as soon as Emily was naked, she was stepping into the shower.

“I’ll take care of all this.” Amelia said as she gestured at the discarded clothes, “Don’t worry about a thing.”

“Th-Thank you…” Emily replied haltingly.

Amelia gave her wife a reassuring smile and a pat on the butt before turning down to scoop up the wet clothes. She left the bathroom and as she closed the door, she allowed a big smile to cross her face. Looking down she could see the wet patch in the carpet, it would always be a reminder to Emily about what happened. This was only the start but now that the ball was rolling Amelia was eager to continue.

Amelia took the clothes down to the laundry room. After starting the machine, she finally allowed a hand to open her bathing robe and touch her sensitive area, it felt like it was throbbing with need. There would be time for that later though, right then she had other things to do.

Back in the living room Amelia picked up her phone and scrolled down to Catherine’s number. She dialled and then held the phone up to her ear, as she waited for Catherine to answer she glanced around the bottom of the banister at the stairs to make sure Emily was still in the shower. Everything seemed clear.

“Hello.” Catherine said as she answered.

“Hey, Catherine.” Amelia replied, “I was just wondering if you wanted to meet up for drinks this weekend?”

“Of course.” Catherine said with enthusiasm, “Usual time and place?”

“Sure, I’ll see you there.” Amelia replied.

After their goodbyes Amelia hung up the phone and walked out to the kitchen. She poured a tall glass of apple juice and then opened the medicine drawer under the sink. With a conspiratorial look over her shoulder she popped out another two of the diuretics and dropped them into the drink where they dissolved.

Amelia watched the dissolving tablets fizz until the drink was calm again. Just to make sure it was done she pulled out a spoon and stirred the drink some more. Then she took the drink upstairs to await her wife when she came out of the bathroom.


Emily had been much more subdued than normal. She knew she was acting strangely but she didn’t think anyone could blame her bearing in mind everything that had happened. It had been a few days since “the incident” and things hadn’t got better for her, sure Amelia was being very understanding but that didn’t seem to help her.

After helplessly wetting herself, Emily had decided she couldn’t ignore the problem any longer and booked a doctor’s appointment. They did a few tests but found nothing wrong, she’d done a few scans as well and the doctors told her she was absolutely fine. There was no explanation for her control problems. She couldn’t miss the implication from everyone. That it was her fault. That she was just lazy or something.

Without any actual explanation as to why she was having trouble Emily was left having to wait and hoping it would pass on its own. So far, she hadn’t had any luck. Several times a day she was still having to race from wherever she was to get to the toilet and the problem only seemed to be getting worse. Previously a damp spot on her panties had become a semi-regular thing, now every time she got undressed, she found stains. There was only so many pairs she could wash before Amelia noticed.

“Another pair?” Amelia had said when Emily had tried to take some panties she had dribbled into to the washing machine. Emily remained silent and hurried past.

By the time the weekend came around Emily was growing used to the dashes to the bathroom and was pleased that despite numerous extremely close calls, including one incident where she peed on the toilet seat by accident as she positioned herself, she hadn’t had any more full-blown accidents. She felt like that could be counted as a win as she waited for her body to recover from… whatever it was that was happening. It couldn’t last forever… she hoped.

“Let’s go to the bar.” Amelia said on Friday evening after dinner.

Emily had just slowly walked back down from the bathroom after having to sprint up there. Never in the best of shape, she was out of breath as she collapsed into her armchair and looked at Amelia as if she was crazy. She hadn’t left the house except for the doctor since the urgency issues had started. She’d even cancelled her therapy appointment though she didn’t feel like that was much of a loss.

“I can’t.” Emily said, “I need to… you know…”

“There are bathrooms at the bar.” Amelia replied, “I’m sick of being cooped up in here every evening. You can’t let a little problem rule your life. You’ll be fine. Maybe some fresh air will do you some good.”

It didn’t feel like a little problem for Emily. It felt pretty huge from her point of view. She tried to ignore Amelia’s requests for a date and hoped she would forget the idea but she was persistent. Still, there was no way Emily was going to leave the house, there wasn’t a thing in the world that could convince her…

“You know how I get a little excited after a few drinks…” Amelia leaned forward with a naughty smile, “Once we get back here, I’d probably be in a VERY romantic mood.”

The bar was a short walk away from home but Emily had still spent several minutes on the toilet trying to make sure her bladder was completely empty before she left. She felt very nervous and although she didn’t need to pee, she still spent the whole walk looking at various places she could run to and hide if the need arose. If Amelia noticed her discomfort, she didn’t say anything, which was probably for the best since Emily didn’t like when people fussed over her.

The bar, as could be expected on a Friday night, was very busy. Emily followed her wife in nervously. She had never liked crowds even at the best of times. As a transwoman she was always concerned that people would stare, make comments or do something worse. She lived in a very liberal area so these things happening was rare but they could never be ruled out. Still, she trusted Amelia to look after her if anything happened.

“Do you want to get us a table?” Amelia asked, “I’ll get the drinks.”

Emily looked around. She saw where the toilets were and had hoped to get a table near them, however with how busy it was the only free space she could see was in a corner on the opposite side. She made her way over and sat down. Waiting at the table wasn’t fun as with nothing to distract her she could only start worrying about needing the bathroom. She had to try her best to focus her mind elsewhere.

It wasn’t long until Amelia returned with a couple of beers. She passed one to Emily and held up her own, they clinked glasses before starting to drink. After all the tension and stress of recent days Emily actually found herself relaxing slightly. Amelia appeared to be in a good mood and for the first time in what felt like a long time they had some genuine conversation where both of them were fully engaged.

After the first beers there was a second and as Emily was able to relax into things she was able to forget the things that worried her so much. That may have been a problem though, as she loosened up, she stopped paying quite as much attention to her bladder. Not focusing on it completely had helped her but forgetting about it was a big problem and it wasn’t long before Emily was made to pay.

The bar was getting increasingly busy and loud. It was still a nice atmosphere and Emily was enjoying her time but as more people came in, she started to feel on edge again. Amelia seemed to notice as she put down her drink.

“What’s wrong?” Amelia asked.

“Nothing, it’s just…” Emily paused, “There’s just a lot of people here.”

“Sweetie, you’re safe with me.” Amelia said as she placed a hand on Emily’s.

Emily smiled. For all their recent difficulties she was sure Amelia would fight every person in there if she had to. The way Amelia had reacted to the recent events really reinforced their relationship. She reached over the table with the hand that wasn’t being held by Amelia and picked up her drink. She was halfway to bringing it up to her lips when she felt the dreaded red alert signals from her bladder. The drink almost slipped right out of her hand as she stood up and knocked the table.

“Careful!” Amelia said as she lifted her drink to stop it spilling, “What’s going on? Emily?”

Emily was already leaving the little booth. She had one hand clamped to her crotch and the other was trying to move people out of her way. It was busy though and finding a route through the crowd felt like trying to find a way through a maze.

“E-Excuse me!” Emily called out as she pushed past some people.

There were tears in Emily’s eyes already. She was close to the bathroom but not close enough. Her bladder strained and she felt a streak of urine release into her panties. With a whine she came to a stop. The bathrooms were right in front of her but the queue for the women’s was several people long. There was literally no chance she was going to make it.

Another dribble escaped her furiously clenched sphincter and she let out a little yelp as she felt it pass through her damp underwear and stain her pants. She was seconds from disaster. People were looking at her, a woman standing in the middle of a bar with her hands clamped over her crotch was a pretty unusual sight.

“Are you alright?” A man nearby asked.

“I need the toilet!” Emily’s voice cracked as a sob escaped her.

“Well, it’s…” The man started to say as he pointed at the door.

It was too late for Emily though. Her weakened bladder sphincter gave up and just like that she was flooding her pants. With a whine she heard people exclaiming and gasping as dark wet streaks ran quickly down the inside of her legs. She turned on her heels and ran for the exit not caring who she bumped into or whose drinks ended up on the floor. She didn’t stop until she was outside.


If you enjoyed this and would like to see the next part of the story RIGHT NOW you can do so on my SubscribeStar and Ream pages:



  • Like 7

Emily has to deal with the fall out of her public accident, which includes an embarrassing admission to her therapist.


Every update I post is available on my Ream and SubscribeStar pages one week before it is posted everywhere else. For $5 you can see everything I post before the rest of the diapered world. For $10 you can see every update early plus EVERY exclusive story I have written. That's 35 stories available ONLY on my subscription pages and nowhere else!

I rely on my wonderful subscriber's support to be able to write like I do. Writing is my only income and the money I earn goes to help paying the bills, food and everything else my wife and I need. Everyone's support is HUGELY appreciated, without it I would have to find other work and I wouldn't be able to write nearly as much as I do, maybe at all. So thank you to everyone who checks out my subscriber pages and considers supporting me ❤️ 




Amelia watched as her wife suddenly jumped to her feet grabbing at her crotch. She shouldn’t have been surprised, she was the one who had instigated this after all, but she still felt shocked to see it happening in front of her. She would be lying if she said it gave her no pleasure to watch Emily getting embarrassed like this but, she reminded herself, it was for the greater good.

Amelia shifted around in her seat to see Emily struggling to push a path through the crowd. People she bumped into watched her with frowns, a couple shouted out for her to watch where she was going. Amelia was going to let nature take its course but she was still ready to jump and protect her wife if things got too heated.

Both of Emily’s hands went down to her crotch and Amelia, likewise, lowered a hand to the front of her pants. Hidden by the table she didn’t need to worry about being seen, not that anyone was even looking her way. All eyes were on her whimpering wife.

It happened sooner than Amelia had been expecting. Emily had stopped with her back to Amelia near the bathroom but too far to make it. Her knees were pressed together and she was crouched slightly, her butt sticking out behind her. Amelia bit her lip, she imagined what must be going through Emily’s mind right then. It was like a scene out of one of her favourite ABDL stories.

When the streaks started pouring down her pants Amelia gasped. She felt herself flush with arousal as Emily wet herself completely. The different strands of darker patches running down Emily’s legs soon merged together as her entire inner leg became soaked. A few drops started falling on the floor and then it became a trickle, the carpet underneath her soaking in the accident. People were talking now, they were muttering, some were exclaiming. Amelia wrenched her hand away from her sex even though she could feel it rapidly getting moist. She needed to go into action.

Emily suddenly turned with a desperate whine and ran for the exit. That was Amelia’s cue. She picked up the bags and quickly followed, face flushed with arousal. The air outside had cooled a lot whilst they had been in the bar, the sun had nearly set completely basking everything in a muted soft light that was quickly dwindling.

Amelia pushed past the confused drinkers and stepped outside but didn’t see Emily anywhere. She was getting concerned until she heard a sobbing from nearby. Amelia walked towards the side of the bar where there was a small alleyway, as she rounded the corner, she saw Emily standing a little way down it with her hands covering her face. In the darkness the wetness of Emily’s pants wasn’t immediately visible but even as Amelia turned towards her wife, she could see urine splashing on to the concrete.

“Emily?” Amelia said softly as she walked into the shadowy alley, “It’s OK, I’m here.”

“I… I don’t know what happened!” Emily said between sobs, “I… I just can’t hold it!”

“It’s alright.” Amelia stepped up to Emily and wrapped her arms around her, “You don’t need to worry. I’m here. Everything’s going to be OK.”

Amelia was secretly delighted. As she hugged her wife in that dingy alley she found it hard to believe just how well everything was going. When she separated from Emily, she looked down to see her soaked pants, the individual strands of wetness had now combined making it one large patch of urine-stained clothing. Between her feet there was a small wet spot as some liquid continued to slowly drip on to the ground. There was no doubt those pants would have to be thrown away.

“Let’s go home.” Amelia said.

“L-Like this?” Emily stuttered as she gestured down.

“Sweetie, we don’t have any spare pants or anything with us.” Amelia said sympathetically, “It’s not far though.”

Emily whined but there wasn’t an alternative. They couldn’t stay in this alleyway forever though Amelia had no doubt that would’ve been her wife’s preference. Fortunately, the sun had set quite a bit and whilst it wasn’t pitch black, they had entered a twilight that would mask what had happened somewhat.

Amelia was torn between guilt at being the cause of what was happening to Emily and excitement. A not insignificant part of her just wanted to jump on top of Emily right there and then to start making out.

Amelia took Emily’s hand and started to lead her to the street. A couple of cars drove past and from inside the bar came the faint sounds of people talking punctuated by the occasional roar of laughter. Every piece of evidence that other people were around, whether visual or audible, seemed to make Emily wither back in fright. Amelia had to keep coaxing her forwards like one might do to a lost cat.

Turning on to the main street Emily tried to cover up as much as she could but it was impossible to truly hide it all. Her face was practically glowing as she stayed close to the wall and as far from the street as possible. Cars occasionally passed by but Amelia had no idea if they could see Emily’s predicament. No one honked their horns or shouted anything, perhaps the darkness was doing a good enough job at hiding what had happened after all.

“If anyone does see you, they’ll just think you had too much to drink.” Amelia said as she stopped to wait for Emily to catch up.

“That doesn’t make it better!” Emily replied desperately.

Amelia had to act like the concerned wife even though the whole situation was leaving her very excited. It wasn’t an easy thing to do, especially when she heard Emily’s little whimpers every time she saw a car coming.


Emily was in a nightmare. Her clothes stuck to her uncomfortably and the piss that had poured down her legs and drenched her pants had gone cold. She was forced into a bow-legged waddle but it did little to make her more comfortable. It was a short journey home but, in her situation, it felt like a million miles.

A car turned on to the main street and headed towards them. Emily closed her eyes tightly and turned towards the wall even though the back of her pants were just as wet as the front. The problem she had been ignoring, her growing incontinence, was now impossible to hide from, it was still trickling down her legs.

“The quicker you move the sooner we get home.” Amelia said from a few feet in front of Amelia.

“That’s easy for you to say…” Emily muttered.

It seemed to take an age but they finally came to the corner that turned on to their home street. Emily could feel that sanctuary was at hand but right as they got to the corner a group of young men came the other way. They looked college aged and, unlike the cars that had passed by, they were standing right in front of Emily who froze up as they looked down and saw her very obviously wet clothes.

“Did you wet yourself or are you just REALLY happy to see me?” One of the young men said with a cocky swagger. Emily could practically smell the alcohol on his breath from two feet away.

The other guys started laughing and talking with only a few words being audible through the general noise. Emily wanted to curl up into a ball. This had been humiliating enough without being directly confronted like this. Where was Amelia? She needed her wife to help her!

“Some people just can’t hold their drink.” One of the men said. He was leering at Emily in a way that made her very uncomfortable.

“It’s not her drink she seems to have trouble with.” Said a man in a sports jersey.

Emily let out a sob. She was frozen to the spot. She hadn’t been cornered by these men, there was ample room to escape but her legs just wouldn’t move. It was like she was rooted in place. Her legs trembled and she just wished these guys would carry on past her.

“Alright, you’ve had your fun.” Amelia stepped between Emily and the men, “Come on, I’m sure you’ve got places you’d rather be.”

Emily cowered behind Amelia. She had never been so thankful for her wife. As the men walked past, she heard some more wolf whistles, laughter and a homophobic comment but thankfully they moved on. Amelia, who had thoroughly taken control of the situation, took her hand.

“Come on.” Amelia said softly.

Emily nodded and walked alongside her wife. Thankfully they didn’t encounter any more people and as soon as their front door opened Emily darted inside. She dropped to her knees as the door was closed behind her and started sobbing. She heard Amelia lock the door and then walk up behind her. She crouched down and wrapped her arms around Emily’s shoulders, her hands resting on the crying woman’s breasts.

“It’s OK, baby.” Amelia whispered.

“Don’t call me that…” Emily whined between sobs.

“Let’s get you out of those clothes and cleaned up.” Amelia ignored Emily’s comment and helped the reluctant woman to her feet.


Emily sat on the couch in silence. She was tense, her arms were wrapped around her and her legs pressed tightly together. The only noise in the room was the ticking of a clock, an uncomfortable silence hanging in the air like a cloud threatening a storm. Emily was looking down at the floor and just waiting for time to pass, as she focused on the ticking, she felt it was somehow getting slower.

“Emily…” Catherine said, “Are you sure there isn’t something else you’d like to talk about?”

The therapist’s office always felt like a dangerous place for Emily. She always struggled to relax and felt somehow Catherine was just trying to get information out of her, for what end, she wasn’t sure. It wasn’t just Catherine though, Emily felt the same about all the shrinks she had seen, none of them had found it easy to get Emily to open up. Emily tightened her hug on herself. She had already had to quickly leave the office once to run to the bathroom.

“This is a judgment-free area.” Catherine continued in her quiet and soft voice.

It was true that when Emily had spoken openly with Catherine in the past, she had always felt that she wasn’t judged. But opening up about some traumas that were probably quite common among people that walked into that office was one thing, talking about what was truly occupying her mind was something very different.

Emily sighed and turned her head away from Catherine to look out the window. She knew this appointment had a lot of time left and with her “issues” taking up all her attention she didn’t have anything else to say. That didn’t make the idea of telling Catherine what was going on any easier though. It was an intensely embarrassing subject.

“It’s…” Emily started and then stopped. She regretted opening her mouth because now the atmosphere had shifted. Now there was definitely something going on that she wanted to talk about. She couldn’t deny that to Catherine anymore.

“You don’t have to worry.” Catherine said with a smile, “I’m here to help.”

“You’ve probably had people with this… problem before.” Emily said. She was encouraging herself to be brave and talk about her problem more than anything else.

“I’ve been doing this a long time.” Catherine said, “Nothing you say will surprise me.”

“It might embarrass me though…” Emily muttered.

Catherine smiled at Emily invitingly. She spoke to a lot of people as part of her job so she was good at breaking barriers down. Emily let out a deep sigh, she was already blushing as she knew she was going to spill the beans. She trusted Catherine more than she trusted anyone who wasn’t her wife, which wasn’t saying much, it was a very low bar to clear.

“I’ve been experiencing some… issues.” Emily said vaguely.

“Uh huh.” Catherine nodded, “And what issues are these? Are they new?”

“Very new.” Emily replied, “I’ve been… Well, recently… It’s…”

“You’re safe here, Emily.” Catherine said as Emily stuttered, “Nothing you say will leave this room.”

“I’ve been having trouble with my…” Emily took a deep breath and look down at the ground, “Bladder.”

“Your bladder?” Catherine repeated, “What kind of problems?”

“Do I have to spell it out?” Emily snapped. She didn’t mean to but she was embarrassed and that made her lash out, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry… Basically I’m having trouble holding my pee in when I need the bathroom.”

“Ah, incontinence.” Catherine said with a nod.

Emily didn’t like that word. She didn’t like that word at all. When she thought of incontinence she thought of old people, she thought of the old folks’ home she used to visit her parents at, the strong smell of urine coming from so many of the residents. Just because she had to run to the bathroom frequently and sometimes didn’t make it… it didn’t mean she was incontinent!

“That can be quite a common symptom of a lot of mental health disorders.” Catherine continued, “Anxiety and depression can trigger it as well as a host of other things. It’s probably more common than you think.”

“Really?” Emily asked doubtfully.

“Sure.” Catherine nodded, “I’m sure you had a situation when you were particularly anxious or scared where it felt like you needed the bathroom right away. It’s one way the body responds to stress.”

“Yeah, but this is a bit more than that…” Emily said quietly. The events at the bar running through her mind, “I’m not even particularly anxious when it happens. It can seemingly come on at anytime and anywhere.”

“Have you spoken to a doctor?” Catherine asked.

“They said there’s nothing wrong.” Emily let her shoulders slump.

Emily could see that Catherine was a little perplexed. There was an expression on her face that she wasn’t at all used to seeing, though what it was she couldn’t be sure. All she knew was that a can of worms had been opened and now Catherine wanted to know every detail of her most humiliating and shameful secret.


“OK, Emily, that’s all we have time for but I look forward to seeing you again.” Catherine said pleasantly as she stood up.

Catherine said her goodbyes as Emily left the office. She was immediately lost in thought about what had been discussed, especially about the incontinence. Emily had assured her that a doctor had been consulted and they had said there was nothing physically wrong with her. It was possible it was a symptom of her mental health struggles but it had seemingly come from nowhere, Catherine had been seeing Emily for some time and the patient had never talked about these sorts of physical symptoms before.

Walking over to the window Catherine looked out. A minute later Emily was leaving the building trailing behind Amelia. The pair got into Amelia’s car and drove away but Catherine remained in place so deep in thought that she lost track of time. She was shocked back to the present by a buzzer going off on her desk.

“Yes, send my next patient in.” Catherine said whilst pressing the button next to the speaker.

In the small delay between summoning her next client and the appointment starting Catherine went over to her computer to jot down some notes on Emily’s file. As she typed the words “Incontinence symptoms developing” she thought back to what Amelia had said when she had come into the office. It must’ve been a coincidence, or perhaps Emily had already been having problems which had prompted Amelia to bring it up.

Before Catherine could consider the possibility much more the door opened and her next patient came in. She quickly closed the file and did her best to push the thoughts to the back of her mind to focus on her new visitor.


If you enjoyed this and would like to see the next part of the story RIGHT NOW you can do so on my SubscribeStar and Ream pages:



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Amelia wants to make some changes but to say Emily is hesitant would be an understatement. It quickly becomes clear, in more ways than one, that Emily simply may not have a choice.


Every update I post is available on my Ream and SubscribeStar pages one week before it is posted everywhere else. For $5 you can see everything I post before the rest of the diapered world. For $10 you can see every update early plus EVERY exclusive story I have written. That's 35 stories available ONLY on my subscription pages and nowhere else!

I rely on my wonderful subscriber's support to be able to write like I do. Writing is my only income and the money I earn goes to help paying the bills, food and everything else my wife and I need. Everyone's support is HUGELY appreciated, without it I would have to find other work and I wouldn't be able to write nearly as much as I do, maybe at all. So thank you to everyone who checks out my subscriber pages and considers supporting me ❤️ 




Emily felt depressed. She hadn’t left the house, except for therapy, since the incident in the bar and still found herself having to run to the bathroom. Her panties were now becoming habitually wet and the urges to urinate were stronger and more frequent than ever before. She was reaching her wits end.

On the Monday after the ill-fated bar date Amelia came home from work and when Emily looked over the back of the couch, she could immediately tell something was different. Amelia was looking a little shifty and had a plastic bag with the logo of the nearby pharmacy on it. Her eyes narrowed. Amelia took off her jacket and shoes before coming into the living room as usual.

“Hello.” Amelia said with a smile, “Busy day?”

Emily looked around at all the snacks and empty drink cans on the table as well as the video game paused on the television. She wondered if Amelia was being sarcastic. That was all of secondary importance. What really got Emily’s attention was the bag. Why would Amelia have reason to go to the pharmacy?

“What’s in the bag?” Emily asked suspiciously.

“Oh, this?” Amelia paused for a couple of seconds as she looked down at what she was carrying, “Well, I’ve been thinking about your little problem and I found something that might help.”

Emily had a feeling she knew where this was going. She could see the distinctive rectangular shape of whatever was in the bag and she could only imagine one thing. She swallowed nervously. It would be a lie to say she hadn’t thought about these as a solution to her problem before but Amelia buying them and bringing them into the house was a whole different matter.

“Amelia…” Emily said slowly.

Amelia sat in the armchair with the bag between her feet. She opened it up and reached in with both hands. Emily watched as time seemed to slow down. The top of the rectangular package emerged and she could see it was a deep blue in colour and the plastic was tightly packed around what was inside. More of the rectangle emerged and started to show the smooth torso of a young woman and just below her belly button the skin gave way to a white papery waistband. As the packet came totally free the awful truth of what Amelia had bought was revealed.

“No!” Emily shook her head and waved her hands in front of her, “No! No! No! A thousand times no!”

“Emily, listen…” Amelia started.

“I’m not wearing some god damn pull-ups!” Emily’s face went red at the very thought.

“You can’t ignore your… problem.” Amelia replied with a mixture of compassion and exasperation.

Emily shook her head. It wasn’t something she could even think about. Sure, she had been having some problems but that was no reason to degrade herself and wear those… things. She couldn’t even bring herself to think the name of them. To Emily it was like admitting defeat, it was like admitting that she wasn’t a woman but instead just a little girl.

“Emily, I’m worried about you.” Amelia said, “Running off to the bathroom all the time, and the incident at the bar. The laundry basket is constantly full of damp panties and I know they aren’t coming from me.”

Emily’s face went a darker shade of red. She didn’t need reminding of all those incidents. Whilst she could see the logic in what her wife was saying it felt like Amelia was ignoring the emotional side of things that was also very important. Wearing those pull-ups would be like admitting defeat, telling the world you couldn’t hold your bladder like some sort of baby.

“I just… can’t.” Emily said with a pathetic desperation.

“Why not?” Amelia asked.

“Because…” Emily looked at the ground, “I don’t want you to think less of me.”

“Sweetie, you know I won’t.” Amelia replied, “In fact I’ll think MORE of you for taking control of the situation.”

Amelia held out the pull-ups and Emily reluctantly took them. Even touching the packaging felt wrong. She could feel the folded-up pull-ups inside, they felt so thick, she was sure they would be instantly recognisable to anyone who saw her.

“The pharmacist said they were perfect for people with…” Amelia hesitated, “leakage issues.”

Emily felt herself burning up with embarrassment. Whilst she knew the pharmacist had no way to know who the pull-ups were for it still felt like an invasion of her privacy, like somehow the pharmacist just knew. It was worse because Emily assumed Amelia was talking about the pharmacist, they both usually went to, the one who gave her the hormone pills she took daily.

“I didn’t say they were for you.” Amelia quickly added.

Emily picked the pull-ups up and marched out of the room. She knew she was being rude but didn’t care, she wanted Amelia to know she wasn’t happy. She took the pull-ups up to their bedroom and slipped them under the bed. Out of sight, out of mind. A place where they could both forget them.

When Emily returned downstairs and went to the kitchen, she saw Amelia was starting on dinner. She turned around as Emily walked in and glanced noticeably down at Emily’s crotch.

“I haven’t put one on!” Emily said with annoyance her wife, “So you can stop staring.”

“Alright, sorry…” Amelia put her hands up as a peace gesture. As she turned away Emily thought she saw her wife smile slightly.

The rest of the evening was awkward. Emily didn’t want to talk through dinner and was glad when Amelia went to bed soon after. She herself remained awake and in the living room for quite a while afterwards. Before going to bed Amelia had reminded Emily about the pull-ups and suggested she should put one on for bed, obviously Emily had reacted with disdain. There was no way she was going to do such a thing.

Eventually Emily could barely keep her eyes open and even video games were failing to keep her alert. She stood up with and switched the television off before heading upstairs. Amelia was sound asleep, her soft breathing just about audible as Emily approached the bed. She stripped down until she was nude, always her preferred way to sleep and then looked down at the side of the bed. The pull-ups she’d hidden under the mattress had been pulled out and placed on her bedside table. She pouted in annoyance. She didn’t need Amelia to remind her about them, it wasn’t like she was likely to forget. She picked the packet up and shoved it roughly back under the bed.

“As if…” Emily muttered as she picked the packet of pull-ups up and slipped them back under the bed.

Emily climbed into bed and was almost asleep before her head hit the pillow. As she snored away completely lost to the world, she was completely unaware of what was happening in her body. All the diuretics were building up and making her bladder increasingly less reliable. In fact, it was that very night that Emily was about to suffer a new humiliation that couldn’t have come at a worse time…


Amelia’s eyes fluttered open. She could tell immediately that something wasn’t right. The room was still dark and normally she had no problem sleeping through the night. She was facing the window and behind her she could hear her wife snoring which wasn’t unusual in the slightest. What WAS unusual was the cold and damp feeling she could feel on one of her legs.

Sitting up and pulling the covers back Amelia saw the culprit. It was obvious even in the darkness but Amelia reached over for her phone anyway. She turned on the screen and pointed it at the middle of the bed where a large wet patch was slowly creeping over the cotton sheets. She gasped and covered her mouth. Despite what she had been doing she hadn’t expected something like this to happen. She had to get her excitement under control before reacting though. She took a couple of deep breaths.

“Emily!” Amelia exclaimed as if she had just woken up, “Emily! Stop!”

Emily jumped at the sudden loud noises as she rolled over into her wet patch with eyes only half-open. It seemed to take her a few seconds to work out why Amelia was so upset. She suddenly became alert and sat up. When she saw the stain, she had left she immediately started to shake her head.

“For goodness sake!” Amelia yelled as she scrambled to get out of the bed pulling the cover with her, “Look what you’ve done!”

“I… I…” Emily stuttered dumbly.

“You’ve wet the bed!” Amelia continued.

Amelia could see that it was as if Emily had been hit by a flashbang grenade. She seemed stunned and completely unable to grasp exactly what was going on. Amelia kept on the offensive.

“Come on, get off the bed.” Amelia said crossly, “Unless you like sitting in your own pee.”

Amelia took Emily by the arm as she climbed off the mattress. Her face was pale and her eyes were wide and shimmering with tears. Amelia had to admit she felt sorry for her wife, especially as she had been engineering these situations, but it was for her own good in the long run. She was certain everyone would be happier when all was said and done.

Amelia started stripping off the bed whilst Emily stood naked and looking dumbly at what had happened. She always looked cutest when she was embarrassed and confused in Amelia’s opinion. When Amelia turned around Emily looked at her like a lost little kid that needed guidance.

“Didn’t you feel that you needed to go?” Amelia asked. It was an unnecessary question because clearly Emily didn’t notice but it seemed to make Emily blush even more.

Emily shook her head and looked down over her naked body. It was a body Amelia could appreciate. Certain things had shrunk thanks to the potent hormones Emily was taking but other parts had certainly grown. At the last measurement Emily had discovered she had c-cup breasts, more than a handful and not far off rivalling Amelia’s in size.

“Go have a shower.” Amelia said with a softer voice, “I’ll deal with this.”

Emily didn’t say anything in response. She simply nodded her head and then followed Amelia’s instructions and left the room. Once the bedroom door was closed Amelia let the smile, that had been threatening to break out, take over her face. This was perfect.

With Emily out of the room Amelia stripped the sheets and flipped over the mattress. The wetness had fortunately not seeped all the way through and Amelia went into the closet to get some fresh sheets. In the background she could hear the shower running and once the bed was ready, she picked up the packet of pull-ups that had laid discarded and placed them on Emily’s pillow. She then waited.

It took a long time for Emily to come back into the bedroom. She was naked but with a towel wrapped around her and was looking down at the floor like a shamed puppy. Amelia remained quiet, sitting against the headboard, as she watched her wife slowly shuffle over to the mattress. Emily reached the bed and finally caught sight of the pull-ups. They seemed to make her freeze.

“I think you know what you need to do.” Amelia said softly.

“I don’t want to…” Emily muttered.

“And I don’t want to have to wake up in a puddle.” Amelia made sure her voice was sterner now. That she was not going to accept any argument.

“But…” Emily started.

“Emily, you have to admit you have a problem.” Amelia continued, “I would say you either wear a pull-up or sleep in the spare room but I don’t want you ruining that mattress either.”

Despite the low light of the bedroom Amelia could see Emily blushing a deep red. She had been soft with her words but the ultimatum was clear, put on the pull-ups or find somewhere else to sleep. The conflict in Emily’s head was obvious as she looked around the room at anything that wasn’t Amelia. It looked like she was looking for a saving grace, she wasn’t going to find one.

“Fine…” Emily finally muttered like a petulant child, “But you can’t tell anyone!”

“Of course. I would never tell a soul.” Amelia replied softly. She wasn’t certain how true that was because there was one soul in particular she was interested in talking to.

Amelia watched as Emily picked up the packet of pull-ups as if it was a bomb ready to explode. She took a deep breath before grabbing the top and pulling to tear it open and show the disposable underwear inside. Her hand trembled as she pulled one of the cottony undergarments out and held it in front of her.

“See? They’re not so bad.” Amelia said, “Just like regular underwear.”

Emily gave her wife a look that could be summed up as “Are you serious?” and Amelia had to admit she was stretching the definition of regular underwear. They had two leg holes to step into and pull up between her legs but that was where the similarities ended. They were all white and the elastic came up much higher than regular panties, it looked like they may even cover Emily’s belly button. Between the legs and up the front and back was obvious padding, even in the darkness the increased thickness was obvious. They didn’t crinkle, but Amelia thought she heard a slight rustle.

“Maybe there’s…” Emily started as she looked away from the pull-up.

“There’s no other choice, honey.” Amelia said.

Amelia could see Emily’s face blushing so brightly she could’ve been used as a lighthouse. She was sure it was just her eyes playing tricks on her but she almost seemed to be glowing. Gingerly, Emily opened the pull-up and started stepping into it. Amelia had to work to hide how turned on it was making her. The fetish she had hidden for so long was bursting out, it was like she was getting some live-action porn.

The padding went up Emily’s legs after she stepped through the holes. Amelia could see the papery leg cuffs rubbing against her wife’s shaved calf as the underwear was pulled upwards slowly. The pull-up passed Emily’s knees, then up over her thighs before finally covering her genitals and settling into place at the top of her legs. Amelia was biting her lip and realised the sight of her wife getting dressed like this was making her wet.

“There you go.” Amelia said, “Not so bad.”

“It feels awful.” Emily said mournfully, “It’s weird and I can feel the padding.”

“That just means it will work.” Amelia replied, “Now come back to bed.”

Emily seemed only too glad to slip under the covers and out of sight. Hiding the pull-up seemed to be all she wanted to do. Amelia scooted over to Emily’s side of the bed ostensibly to comfort her wife but, more honestly, to touch the pull-up.

Emily was curled up into a ball facing away from her wife and Amelia smiled at her bashfulness. She slid up behind Emily so her breasts pressed into her back, she felt Emily tremble slightly. She moved her legs forwards so she could be the big spoon and as she did so she felt her skin touch the pull-up. It was enough to send electricity through her. She longed to reach down and grope the padding but she resisted. There would be time for that later, right then she had to be the good wife.

Eventually the two women fell asleep like that. Amelia’s dreams were happy and she slept soundly whereas Emily’s were fitful and she woke up many times in the darkness. As the sun started to peek over the horizon outside Emily rolled over in her sleep and found herself nestled in Amelia’s arms with her head pressing against her wife’s breasts.


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  • Like 9
  • 2 weeks later...

Amelia is hosting a dinner party and Emily is nervous. Once it's finished Amelia takes the lead in the bedroom to give her wife a night to remember. 


Every update I post is available on my Ream and SubscribeStar pages one week before it is posted everywhere else. For $5 you can see everything I post before the rest of the diapered world. For $10 you can see every update early plus EVERY exclusive story I have written. That's 35 stories available ONLY on my subscription pages and nowhere else!

I rely on my wonderful subscriber's support to be able to write like I do. Writing is my only income and the money I earn goes to help paying the bills, food and everything else my wife and I need. Everyone's support is HUGELY appreciated, without it I would have to find other work and I wouldn't be able to write nearly as much as I do, maybe at all. So thank you to everyone who checks out my subscriber pages and considers supporting me ❤️ 




Emily smoothed down her skirt for what felt like the hundredth time that afternoon. Her hands passed over the padding underneath her dress, it still wasn’t something she was used to even though a few days had passed since she had first put one of them on. She had extra reason to be nervous that night though.

“Are you ready for dinner?” Amelia asked as she walked through the living room and looked out the window.

“Yes.” Emily responded before continuing in a quieter voice “As ready as I’ll ever be…”

Amelia looked stunning that evening in a long flowing red dress that really accentuated her curves. It was the sort of thing Emily wished she had the confidence to pull off. She certainly had the bust for it, her c-cup breasts rivalling her wife’s in size but she was a little out of shape and felt her tummy stuck out a little too much and her hips not enough. That was why she was dressed in a more conservative combo of a dark blouse and skirt.

“Good, David and Roxy will be here soon.” Amelia continued, “The food is nearly ready.”

This was the reason Emily was anxious. It wasn’t any old dinner; they were having but a little dinner party with a couple of Amelia’s friends. It was something they all did semi-regularly and Emily liked their guests but it was going to be the first time they had come over since her little problem started. To her embarrassment it had seemed to only get worse recently.

Emily was still having to run to the bathroom on a consistent basis with mixed success. She hadn’t failed to make it to the toilet but she had noticed an increasing amount of leakage in the pull-ups padding when she pulled it down, the same way her panties often ended up damp or stained. Fortunately for her it seemed the disposable underwear was more than a match for this small amount of liquid.

“Oh, here they are!” Amelia said excitedly.

Emily stood up but instead of going over to her wife she walked quickly up the stairs. She didn’t really feel the need to use the bathroom but she thought it would be prudent to visit the little girl’s room before dinner just in case. As she sat on the toilet, she was actually heartened to see that her current pull-up was still bone dry. There was a small amount of urine to come out and as she flushed, she heard Amelia greeting their guests.

Emily pulled her underwear back up under her skirt and took a moment to compose herself before heading downstairs. She found Amelia and her friends in the living room. David was a cheerful guy with a laugh that could be heard anywhere else in the house, his brown hair had grown out a bit since the last time Emily had seen him and hung past his ears. He was wearing a white button-up shirt and tan pants. Next to him on the couch was Roxy who was about Emily’s height but very thin, she was in a flowery blouse and a long skirt that went down to her ankles whereas Emily’s stopped at the knee.

“Emily!” David said as she walked in, “So great to see you again, have you been well?”

“I’ve been great.” Emily lied with a smile as she sat in an armchair on the other side of the room, “How have you two been?”

Whilst David and Roxy were telling Emily about a recent weekend getaway they had been on Amelia walked in with a tray of drinks. It was placed on the table in the centre of the room and everyone leaned forwards to take them. Emily sipped at hers and tasted that same weird flavour in her juice. She had to remember to tell Amelia to go back to buying the other kind when she got a chance.

“Dinner will be ready soon.” Amelia said as she took a seat.

The conversation was friendly and David was a very funny guy with plenty of anecdotes. Emily always found it interesting to listen to him and slowly her nerves dissipated as she settled down. The only interruption to the conversation was when Amelia would leave the room to check on the food at occasional intervals.

When it was time to more to the dining table Emily was the last out of the room and instead of following everyone else straight through, she went upstairs instead. She went into the bathroom and sat on the toilet without feeling much need to go but still produced some urine. She was determined to keep herself as empty as possible.

Back downstairs Emily took her seat next to Amelia. The food had been served but everyone had been waiting rather courteously for her to join them before starting. She sat down and after a few words and a toast to Amelia for organising and preparing everything they started eating.

The food was delicious. Amelia had really pulled all the stops out and she was making sure everyone was drinking enough to be “merry” as well. The fruit juice and coffee that had been served soon turned to wine which only served to relax the room even more. Emily found herself laughing along with the conversation though it was Amelia and David that did most of the talking.

It was after they had all finished their food and they were relaxing with their drinks that disaster struck. Emily was leaning back in her chair feeling particularly happy as she listened to David telling a story about a recent trip to the golf course and a bet he had made with his friend. As he delivered the punchline Emily started howling with laughter along with everyone else. However, as she leant forwards over the table she suddenly stopped even as everyone else continued.

Emily had frozen in place staring down at the dinner table just below her. As soon as she had started laughing, she had seemingly lost complete control of her body and, to her horror, she was wetting herself. She tried to clamp down but she couldn’t stem the flow as the pull-up absorbed her leakage as quickly as it could. Unfortunately, it was meant for little dribbles, not the full wetting Emily was currently giving it, and it was only a few seconds until she felt the warm liquid tickling her skin roughly where the papery leak guards were. It was as if a red alert alarm was going on in Emily’s head.

She was still wetting herself and the pull-up couldn’t possibly hold. She waited with bated breath until she felt the feeling of warm urine on the bottom of her thighs and the chair. Everyone had stopped laughing now and were looking towards Emily who had gone as still and silent as a statue.

“Emily? Are you alright?” Roxy asked.

Emily looked around at the concerned faces. Without a second thought she got up and dashed out of the room. She could feel liquid running down her legs and on to the floor, soaking into her clothes and dripping from the bottom of the saturated pull-up. She whimpered as she ran upstairs to hide and hoped no one had noticed what she had done.

What Emily didn’t know was that as soon as she charged out of the room Amelia looked down at the seat she had been sitting in. There was a large and very obvious puddle that had been left behind. She smiled as she pushed the seat in to hide it from their guests.

Emily went straight up to the bathroom. She had finally finished peeing but everything felt drenched, the alcohol had gone right through her. She lifted up her skirt and had to choke back a sob as she saw how swollen the pull-up had become and the obvious streaks of wetness running down her legs. As she started to cry, she sat on the edge of the bathtub and felt the padding underneath squelch causing more liquid to run out of it.

It took several minutes for her to get her wits back enough to get undressed and pull down the sodden disposable underwear. It hit the ground with a wet thump and Emily stepped into the shower.

Emily stayed under the water until it started running cold. It still didn’t feel like it was long enough. She dried herself off and walked down the landing to her bedroom. At first, she considered getting dressed and heading back downstairs but she thought she heard that their guests were still there and she didn’t want to risk that they might have noticed what she had done. It was safer to hide in the bedroom and hope Amelia could make excuses for her.

Emily covered her pillow with a towel and laid down on the bed with a sigh. She couldn’t believe how much she was embarrassing herself recently, she was sure Amelia would be very cross for embarrassing her in front of her friends.

Hours seemed to pass and Emily remained on the bed staring up at the ceiling. Finally, she heard the front door open and faint voices wishing each other goodbyes. When the door closed, she heard footsteps coming up and braced herself. Amelia had every right to be angry with her. She had ruined her night.

The bedroom door opened slowly and carefully and Amelia walked in. Instead of the look of anger Emily expected her wife just looked concerned. She didn’t hesitate to walk around to her side of the bed and then scoot across to wrap Emily in her arms.

“I’m sorry…” Emily said quietly, “I don’t know what happened.”

“It’s OK.” Amelia replied as she stroked Emily’s hair.

“Did… Did they notice anything?” Emily asked. How could they have missed it?

Amelia didn’t reply and just continued cuddling her. Emily took the silence as conformation that their guests had seen her embarrass herself. She curled up a little tighter. As Amelia pressed closer Emily felt her wife’s large breasts pressing against her back. As comforting as the intimacy was it was also producing other reactions in her body.

Emily felt a little tingling in the area between her legs. She didn’t know if something she did gave that away or if Amelia just knew her very well but she felt her wife’s hand, which had been holding her just under her breasts, starting to slide down the smooth skin of Emily’s belly to her crotch. It wasn’t long until her hand brushed the ultra-sensitive head of her penis.

“At least I can still have this effect on you.” Amelia whispered quietly into Emily’s ear.

Emily hadn’t been in the mood for anything sexual but the moment she felt Amelia touching her she found she was changing her mind. It wasn’t long until Amelia’s fingers were gently wrapped around Emily’s shaft and eliciting small moans from her.

“Why would you want to do this?” Emily asked quietly, “After I embarrassed you earlier.”

“Because I love you.” Amelia replied, “And I want to make you feel better.”

Emily was blushing deeply but her defences were quickly being worn down by her wife’s expert hands. Gradually she started to uncurl from her ball allowing Amelia better and easier access. Normally when it came to sex it was very much a case of Amelia lying back and Emily on top doing the minimum of work to finish and then rolling over to sleep. Emily started to get up but Amelia held her tighter.

“Not this time.” Amelia said, “I’m taking the lead on this one.”

“Huh?” Emily muttered.

Emily felt Amelia finally let go of her and scoot back. As she did so she took hold of Emily’s shoulder and rolled her on to her back. Emily wasn’t used to it but laid flat on her back her penis stuck up into the air as her breasts flattened slightly. Amelia laid on one side propped up by an elbow as she ran her hand over Emily’s belly and back to her dick.

“Why don’t you tell me how to make you feel better?” Amelia suggested in a slightly deeper voice.

“Please…” Emily said as she lifted her head and watched Amelia’s hand.

Amelia giggled as her hand slowly rubbed up and down. This was uncharted waters for Emily who wasn’t at all used to doing this stuff. She felt frozen as Amelia took more and more control. When Emily was fully erect Amelia took her hand away and started undressing herself. Her breasts sprang free and as her panties came down Emily thought she could see some excitement already wetting her lips.

“This time you’re going to have to earn it.” Amelia said as a hand ran down her body. She bit her lip as a finger rubbed against the top of her slit.

“What do you… Oh!” Emily exclaimed as Amelia swung a leg over Emily’s head so that her pussy was just above her face.

“If you do a good job I’ll return the favour.” Amelia said huskily.

Emily was looking straight up at her wife’s nether regions. She barely had time to see just how wet Amelia was when the practically dripping vagina was lowered towards her face. Emily had eaten her wife out in the past but only a couple of occasions and certainly not recently. Now Amelia was basically sitting on her face.

Emily’s head was completely enclosed. Beneath her was the mattress, either side was Amelia’s legs with her knees by the prone woman’s shoulders. Finally, and most pertinently, Amber’s face was now pressed against Amelia’s crotch. Her senses were overwhelmed by the womanhood that now rubbed on her face. It took her a few moments to even realise what Amelia wanted.

Emily hesitantly opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out. It almost immediately came into contact with Amelia’s vagina and somewhere above her Emily heard her wife let out a sudden moan. She really didn’t feel confident with what she was doing, she was so unused to not being the one in control of their admittedly vanilla love making, but she tried to react to Amelia’s noises of pleasure to give her more of what she wanted.

“You’re being so good.” Amelia’s voice came from somewhere up above. It was barely audible thanks to the thighs pressing against the sides of Emily’s head, “Maybe you should get a little reward.”

Emily was still working her tongue into her wife’s folds and focusing on the bit at the top that Amelia really reacted to when it was played with. Amelia’s body shifted. Emily felt her wife’s soft hands moving down her body as she changed angle.

“Don’t stop.” Amelia warned.

Emily realised that as she was trying to work out what Amelia was doing, she had unconsciously stopped moving her already tired tongue. She quickly got back to work tasting all the juices that were leaking from her wife, licking them up greedily as she continued to work whilst pinned under Amelia’s body. When Emily felt something warm and wet suddenly touch her “princess parts” she jumped. As she grew used to the sensation, she realised Amelia was going down on her!

“Mmm!” Emily moaned in a slutty manner but her voice was muffled by the pussy that she was burying her face in.

Oral sex wasn’t something either of them took part in often. Sure, in the early years of their relationship it was more common but that was when it had all been new and exciting. Since then, it had all petered out. Their sex went from all night affairs of writhing bodies and making each other feel good to getting it over with as soon as possible as if it was just another chore to tick off a list.

Emily had forgotten what it felt like. To have a warm wet mouth enveloping her penis. To feel Amelia’s tongue flicking and darting over the most sensitive place in her body. She moaned into the slit she was trying to pleasure, her shock at the situation starting to be overcome by lust.

Soon the only sound in the room was of their sloppy making out with each other’s genitals. The occasional moan punctuated when one felt the other hit a particularly nice spot. Emily moaned and groaned underneath Amelia’s body, her face felt hot and sweaty though she knew she was covered in more liquids than just sweat. Her tongue was tired but she strained it even more to try and keep the lovemaking going.

Emily stumbled more than anything on to a technique that soon had Amelia writhing. Her wife’s hips bucked on her face slightly, pushing into Emily’s tongue in a clear demand for more. With a whimper Emily kept up the motion she had been doing as the crotch pushed into her face. She felt Amelia’s lips leave her own pleasure centre as she moaned. Emily’s dick twitched pleadingly and begged to be returned but Amelia was in control of everything, something that was both alien and yet highly erotic to Emily. She wasn’t in a position to complain as Amelia’s hands went to her tummy and she started humping against Emily’s face.

“Yes!” Amelia gasped, “Just like that! Don’t stop!”

Emily’s jaw ached, her tongue was tired and her nose was getting crushed as Amelia rubbed herself against her face but she did as she was told. She silently begged for Amelia to hurry up and cum before her nose was broken. Amelia whimpered and moaned as Emily increasingly felt like a toy being used for pleasure, her own crotch was now being totally ignored and was shrinking sadly despite the undeniable hotness of the situation.

Amelia’s body seemed to go through phases where it would tense up a little and she would stop moving forcing Emily to do the work. Then she would relax again and Emily just had to try and keep her tongue in place as Amelia moved herself backwards and forwards. For several minutes this continued until Emily thought she might eventually suffocate down there.

“Y-Yes!” Amelia cried out, “I’m cumming! Oh, baby, I’m cumming!”

Emily had been working towards this goal but it still felt surprising as it arrived. Amelia’s hips pushed down into Emily’s face and her body shook. For a few seconds it seemed like Amelia was right on the edge as Emily forced her exhausted tongue into one more heroic effort. Then, with a moan that would put porn stars to shame, Amelia’s body relaxed. Emily could feel the pussy rubbing on her face tense and relax slightly over and over again as Amelia let out all kinds of wanton noises and slumped down over Emily’s body.

It seemed like the orgasm went on for at least half a minute and by the end of it Amelia was panting on top of Emily. The trans-woman still had her wife’s pussy right above her face but was equally tired out. Her tongue was aching and she was grateful to be able to close her mouth, she did worry that other parts of her body had been forgotten about. Her cock twitched slightly as if begging for some attention.

Emily heard Amelia chuckle slightly though she wasn’t sure why. The next second she jumped as much as she could under her wife’s weight as a soft finger ran over her semi-hard length. Emily’s body immediately responded by pumping more blood down below.

“Don’t worry.” Amelia said. Her voice sounded a little gravelly after all the shouting she had just done, “I haven’t forgotten about you…”

A second later Amelia’s weight rolled off Emily who could see past her own breasts where her dick stood waiting impatiently. Amelia took her time to look over Emily’s whole body. Her hand went down to Emily’s penis and gently rubbed up along its length and over her belly before cupping one of her breasts.

“I love you.” Amelia said, “Everything I do, I do it for you.”

Emily nodded her head. She didn’t really understand what that second comment was getting at but she was happy to agree if it meant Amelia would start making her feel good again. After a few seconds Amelia got on to her knees and then swung her legs over Emily’s waist. Emily looked down the length of her body as her wife took hold of her cock and started to guide it to the entrance Emily had slickened up so thoroughly with her tongue.

As Amelia lowered herself on to Emily, they both let out a gasp of pleasure. Emily arched her back and bit her lip, the anticipation of this had nearly made her lose control as soon as she felt Amelia’s warmth enveloping her.

Amelia started to slowly grind on Emily as she leaned forwards causing her breasts to sway slightly. Emily looked up into Amelia’s eyes with adoration. She was partly enthralled by her wife’s sexy look and shimmering body and partly trying desperately not to cum immediately. Having been only used to a quick bit of missionary all the foreplay had got her very excited, she simply wasn’t used to it.

“I think I’m…” Emily started to say as Amelia pressed down until she had bottomed out.

“No you don’t.” Amelia replied in a husky voice. She had stopped moving, “Not until I say you can.”

Emily moaned but tried to hold back. She hadn’t seen this side of Amelia in years, a side where Amelia was assertive in bed and ready to get what she wanted. Inside her vagina Emily could feel her dick twitching and wondering why it wasn’t being allowed to fulfil its goal. She had gritted her teeth as he body waited on the precipice, everything twitching and ready to give out.

Amelia continued to ride Emily agonisingly slowly. Emily was focused almost entirely on trying not to orgasm, a task made even harder when Amelia’s hands moved from the bed to Emily’s chest and caressed the orbs of flesh that a strict regime of hormone therapy had gifted to her. Emily felt her nipples harden and stick out as if feeling jealous of her cock and wanting more attention as well.

“Amelia…” Emily gasped. She was so close to the edge that her legs were shaking and a thin sheen of sweat was on her brow, “Please…”

“Well, since you asked so nicely…” Amelia said with a big smile.

Suddenly Amelia went from slow and deep lunges to a much faster pace. Emily’s cock jack knifed in and out of Amelia’s body as her wife practically bounced up and down on her lap. Emily threw her head back and gasped. The orgasm she had been on the edge of was now barrelling towards her unstoppably. She’d lasted a laughably short amount of time but that didn’t feel like it mattered as she got closer and closer to bliss.

“I’m gonna cum!” Emily shouted.

“Go on, baby.” Amelia panted without slowing down.

Emily felt herself reaching climax and held her breath. All of her muscles tensed up and for a couple of seconds she was left on that plateau. Then with a deep grunt Emily came inside Amelia’s pussy. She clutched the bedsheets either side of her as she felt herself spurting deep into her wife who was finally slowing down.

By the time Emily had fully relaxed she felt like she had just emptied everything into Amelia. After a few seconds Amelia slowly raised herself off the still-erect prick and looked down to see a small globule of sticky white liquid drip down from her opening on to her thigh. She quickly excused herself to the bathroom as Emily laid in bed trying to recover from the most powerful climax she could ever remember.

Emily was still recovering when Amelia came back into the bedroom. Unlike the previous night she made sure that Emily put on a pull-up to protect the bed. As embarrassing as it was Emily didn’t complain. After the climax she had just experienced she didn’t have the energy, she just accepted it and slipped under the covers quickly falling into a deep sleep.

There was no way for Emily to know that the pull-up wouldn’t be enough and the dose of medication given to her by Amelia had gone up. There was no way to know that her bladder wasn’t going to take the strain as urine dripped into it. There was no way to know that the pull-up, not made for major accidents, would fail and flood the bed yet again.


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Amelia goes to meet her friend and reminisce on the past whilst things continue to get stranger for Emily back at home.
Emily finds herself feeling exasperated as her situation gets worse. 


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“Amelia, how are you?” Catherine stood up and welcomed her old friend with a hug as Amelia walked into the café.

“Oh, you know… Same old, same old.” Amelia replied as she sat down opposite the therapist, “How about you?”

“Rushed off my feet.” Catherine said, “One of the other therapists quit and I’ve been picking up extra patients.”

The café was relatively small at the end of the high street in town. As Amelia glanced over Catherine’s shoulder, she saw the pharmacy she had visited several times now. It felt somewhat fitting that she was meeting Catherine here with the spectre of what she was doing to Emily hidden behind her.

Amelia ordered a coffee and a donut whilst Catherine continued to sip her own drink. It was a strange situation for Amelia. On the one hand she really wanted to talk to her best friend and former lover about what she was doing but on the other she was certain the therapist wouldn’t like it. So as Catherine vented about her work Amelia played the good friend and smiled and nodded in all the right places.

“But how about you?” Catherine asked eventually, “How are things at home?”

“Oh, things are… fine.” Amelia replied.

“Really?” Catherine asked with a raised eyebrow.

Catherine always assured Amelia that she didn’t analyse her friends and that she could turn off therapist mode when not in the office but Amelia wasn’t so sure. She got the distinct impression that Catherine knew something was up. Amelia hid any potential signs of guilt behind her coffee cup as she drank some more.

“Yeah, things have been going alright.” Amelia said as she lowered the cup.

“Well, I have to say I’m relieved.” Catherine let out a deep breath and seemed to relax a little bit. Amelia hadn’t even noticed she had been tense, “I have to admit to worrying over… well, what you said to me in the office.”

“Yeah, well, I was just throwing ideas out there.” Amelia replied. It didn’t feel good to be lying to her old friend but it was necessary for the time being, at least.

“I have to admit though… What you said did get me thinking about the old days.” Catherine was looking down at her drink but Amelia could see her cheeks turning rosy, “Back when we, well… you know…”

“Oh yeah?” Amelia replied with a smile.

“Do you remember that time we brought those two guys home?” Catherine asked as a naughty grin appeared on her face.


Seven Years Previously…


It had been a wild night. Amelia and Catherine spent their Saturday nights at a club on campus. It wasn’t unknown for them to bring guys or girls home but usually that meant the other one would make themselves scarce or at least know not to walk in on the other. That night was different though, they had met two hot guys who were friends and had hit it off really well.

The two men were on the football team but didn’t seem to have the ego that usually turned Amelia off. If anything they seemed quite shy, though as the drinks flowed, they had both opened up considerably. Eventually they paired off to dance where Amelia got very hot and sweaty with her partner. After just a few songs they were very close together and by the time Amelia was ready to leave they were essentially grinding together on the floor.

“Wanna come back to mine?” Amelia asked in a short lull between songs.

“Hell yeah, baby.” The man had replied. He had no way to know just how exciting that particular term of endearment was for Amelia.

Amelia had started leading the man from the dancefloor. She wanted to be home as soon as possible for a night of passion and impatiently tugged him towards the exit. Leaning against the wall by the door Catherine had the other man’s tongue deep in her mouth and she was reaching around to grab at his ass.

“You two are getting on well then.” Amelia giggled. She wasn’t completely wasted but she knew she was at least a little drunk.

“Yeah, we were actually about to head back.” Catherine said as she pulled herself away from her man. Amelia saw the two males smiling toothily at each other. They probably couldn’t believe their luck.

“We were just doing the same.” Amelia said. Then a second later a thought hit her like a ton of bricks, “Wait a minute…”

Fifteen minutes later all four people were back at the apartment and they wasted no time getting down to business. Clothes were strewn all over the floor between the entrance and the bedroom door. They practically fell through the door as they hugged, touched and kissed and kissed each other. The men seemed to react even more when Amelia and Catherine started kissing each other.

Amelia had been drunk but she remembered that night very well. There were a lot of highlights but Amelia particularly remembered being on her knees next to Catherine who was similarly topless and waiting. The two men stood in front of them and they immediately got to work with their mouths. Blowjobs were never Amelia’s favourite things in the world but looking to the side with a mouth full of cock and seeing Catherine likewise pleasuring a man made her feel so horny.

There were all sorts of shenanigans that night. They all swapped partners with each other often, with the one exception being the two guys refusing to do anything with each other directly. A situation that led Amelia to jokingly refer to them both as prudes.

All four of them orgasmed multiple times over that evening of debauchery. It was a situation where nothing outside of the dorm room existed and all of them were reduced to chasing their most base desires. It felt like nearly nothing was off the table, a free-for-all of sexual ideas that everyone was only too willing to try out.

The night ended as the sun came up, with Amelia and Catherine kissing whilst the men finished inside them one more time. They ended up naked and cuddled together on the covers as they fell asleep that night. Amelia and Catherine in each other’s arms with two men spooning them.


Present day…


Amelia and Catherine had a great time reminiscing about the past. The subject of Emily didn’t come back up and Amelia was happy about that. She hated lying to Catherine but there was no way her friend was ready to hear the truth either. The lunch went well and they ended up sitting there for a couple of hours laughing and talking.

By the time the two women had paid their bills and gone their separate ways the sun had started to set. What had started as a lunch meeting had grown into taking up a lot of the afternoon. Amelia and Catherine both promised to meet up again soon before hugging. As Catherine started walking down the street back towards her car Amelia stayed in front of the café watching her go. Every time the slowly shrinking Catherine turned around Amelia simply waved.

“Right…” Amelia said when Catherine’s distant form turned the corner of the high street.

Amelia looked across the street at the pharmacy and then hurriedly crossed when there was a small break in the traffic. She pushed through the doors and immediately started walking towards the aisle for stomach remedies. She knew exactly what she was looking for as she walked past various remedies for indigestion and heartburn.

In front of Amelia was a vast array of laxatives, stool softeners and fibre supplements. Amelia scanned the various small boxes and briefly wondered what to get before deciding that the easiest answer was to simply get a bit of everything. She picked up half a dozen boxes of medicine and carried them to the checkout where an older woman looked down in mild surprise.

“Normally just one of these would work…” The woman said, “Are you sure you want all of them?”

“Yes, thank you.” Amelia replied easily.

Amelia had to smile a little bit. This old woman must’ve thought she was the most constipated person in the world to be buying everything she had brought to the checkout. Little did the woman scanning the barcodes know that Amelia had no plans to use them to relieve constipation. It was simply to initiate the next phase of her plan.


“Have you been practicing the calming techniques we’ve been going over?” Catherine asked in her soft but authoritative voice that was always saved for her work.

“Yeah, but it hasn’t been helping.” Emily replied rather moodily.

Emily had been anxious when turning up for this appointment. It was the first time she had gone to therapy whilst wearing a pull-up and was very self-conscious about it. Catherine, however, showed no signs of noticing anything was different which had allowed Emily to relax a little bit.

“Why do you think that is?” Catherine asked.

“I don’t know.” Emily shrugged. Her legs were crossed and her arms folded across her chest, “It just feels like my anxiety is a tidal wave and doing some deep breathing is like a person on a beach watching it coming and just shouting at it. It’s just not enough.”

“It does take a lot of practice.” Catherine pursed her lips in a sympathetic smile, “But it is designed to calm you down when that irrational anxiety is taking over so your rational mind can take control again.”

Emily just shrugged. In truth, as much as she liked Catherine personally, she was still under the impression that she couldn’t be helped all that much. There was a part of her that was actually resistant to potentially getting better. Right now, her anxiety provided her with an excuse to stay at home all the time. It was certainly debilitating at times and she didn’t doubt her life would be better without it but it was also scary. What she had now, she knew. It felt like getting better would mean she would have to push out her boundaries and take risks. It was a very scary prospect!

Just as Catherine seemed like she about to say something else Emily felt a twinge in her bladder. She jumped up quickly.

“I’ll be right back.” Emily said quickly as she hurried for the door.

Fortunately for Emily the bathrooms weren’t far away and even with her limited control she was able to get there on time. She sat down on the toilet just before the stream started. As she peed, she tried to clench her muscles a little to stop the flow but could only seem to hold it for a couple of seconds before it started dribbling out anyway.

Emily finished up and returned to Catherine’s office. When she sat back down, she immediately closed her body off by essentially hugging herself. The therapist was regarding her in a curious way, as if trying to work out how to word what she wanted to say. Eventually Emily got impatient.

“What?” Emily asked.

“I was just thinking…” Catherine said before pausing, “How is the problem you mentioned last time going?”

“Fine.” Emily answered defensively. Trying to pretend everything was normal when she had just practically run to the bathroom was a stretch.

“Are you sure?” Catherine asked.

It was Emily’s turn to pause. She could feel her face going red. Before arriving, Emily had really hoped the incontinence issue wasn’t going to be brought up, she had no idea what she should say. She didn’t really fancy telling Catherine that it seemed to be getting worse, that she was wetting herself often and had been reduced to wearing thin protection at all times.

“Yes.” Emily finally said, “Its fine.”

“OK.” Catherine nodded her head. Emily didn’t think she was being believed.

As Catherine continued with the session Emily rocked slightly back and forth. She hoped it wasn’t noticeable, but she could feel dampness in the padding of the pull-up from a small leak. She had no idea when it had happened.


Emily sat on the couch with her feet up on the table in front of her. She was playing video games as was usual for her. Amelia had gone out for lunch with a friend which meant Emily was free to do whatever she wanted, not that what she was doing then was all that different to what she would usually be doing if her wife was around.

Emily had been sat on the couch for a few hours and had been snacking as usual. It was inevitable that she would, sooner or later, feel the now familiar sudden urge to urinate. She didn’t move. In fact, all she did was spread her legs slightly wider and if anyone had been sitting where the television was, they would have very clearly seen up her short skirt to the padded pull-up she was wearing.

Emily didn’t try to hold back like she normally did when she scrambled for the bathroom. She relaxed herself and almost immediately her bladder started voiding. She could feel the heat of her bladder’s contents rapidly moving down and out to warm the padding, the wet patch quickly spreading down over her butt as the material absorbed it all. She shivered slightly as the padding expanded between her legs. She hadn’t even paused her game.

It was something that had started happening more and more. Emily knew her pull-ups could take a wetting or two from accidents, it meant having to sprint for the toilet wasn’t always necessary. It wasn’t long after this revelation that Emily’s innate laziness took over. Sometimes she didn’t want to have to stop what she was doing and run away.

As Emily’s “accident” trickled to a stop she heard the front door open as Amelia came home. She closed her legs as much as she was able in the now wet pull-up. The warm padding pressed into the skin of her inner thighs as she continued to play her games. She felt the liquid trickling around inside the pull-up but it was managing to do its job.

“Hello.” Amelia called into the living room as she went towards the kitchen.

“Hey.” Emily grunted in response, “Could you bring me in a drink?”

“Sure.” Amelia called through.

Emily leaned back on the couch. This was far from the first pull-up she had intentionally wet, it had become somewhat of a regular occurrence for her. It was just so much more convenient to use her disposable underwear, she always made sure to get changed before she leaked and no one was any the wiser. Nobody had to know she was getting used to the feeling of wet padding or that she was not trying to get to the toilet quite as hard as she used to. That she found it easier to be lazy than running up and down the stairs so often.

Emily barely registered when Amelia walked into the living room. She was concentrating on her game, it didn’t let her save very often and she was battling a particularly tough boss that had been making her rage for most of the day, a few times she had only narrowly avoided throwing her controller across the room. This was the furthest she had got though, the boss’s health bar was flashing red and it would only need a couple more hits…

“Did you take out the-…” Amelia started.

“Shush!” Emily quickly interrupted, “I’m trying to concentrate.”

“I’m just asking…” Amelia said as she placed a drink on the table.

“Shut up!” Emily replied like a moody teenager. She was so close now. The health bar was practically completely gone.

Emily was barely blinking as she saw the boss start launching a heavy attack that she needed to dodge to survive. She was waiting for the correct timing; the victory was so close she could practically taste it. Just as she was about to press the button to dodge-roll she suddenly saw Amelia lean over next to her.

“What are you…” Emily gasped.

Emily’s character on screen was hit by the boss’s massive axe and the little avatar was cleaved in two. Normally that would be enough to cause her to rage but she very distracted as her wife’s hand had sneaked up underneath the bottom of her skirt and was now pressing against the warm and spongy padding.

Emily froze in place with her eyes wide open as Amelia first prodded the pull-up and then cupped her hand over the very warm padding. Emily’s face went a bright red. She couldn’t believe her wife had just done that!

“It seems you need a change.” Amelia stated.

It was enough to snap Emily out of her impression of a statue. She scooted back along the couch away from Amelia’s hand, the controller fell to the floor but Emily was already off the couch by the time it hit the ground. Emily saw her wife rubbing a couple of fingers against her thumb as if testing for wetness.

With a groan of humiliated defeat Emily ran out of the room and to the stairs. The recently wet padding rubbed against her as she took the stairs two at a time. She didn’t stop until she had reached the bedroom and closed the door behind her. If she had the things necessary, she would’ve nailed the door shut.

“Why didn’t I just go to the toilet?” Emily moaned as she slumped on to the bed.

Emily had only wanted to be lazy. She didn’t WANT to wet herself but she didn’t want to have to keep running to the bathroom at the slightest twitch from her bladder as if she was a barely continent toddler. However, having been caught in the wet pull-up she knew it would’ve been much better to just go to the toilet. She covered her face with her hands. At least Amelia hadn’t followed her upstairs.

Thinking about Amelia made Emily moan with fresh shame. What could her wife possibly think of her? Emily must’ve looked so utterly pitiful and useless. For several minutes all Emily could think about was how pathetic Amelia must think she was. Emily figuratively kicked herself. She felt like such a… she froze. A word threatened to the front of her brain but she quickly shut it down before it shut her down. It was a word that held incredible power over her, a word that not even Amelia or Catherine knew the power of. There was trauma associated with the word, a trauma she didn’t want to confront.

B-u-r-d-e-n. Even spelling it out in her head left her legs shaking and on the verge of tears. She shook her head and pushed the word and everything it meant into a box that she kept locked and hidden in the back of her mind.

After a little while Emily realised she would have to change her pull-up. Sooner or later, she would need to pee again and she didn’t know if the pull-up could take anymore. Emily stood up and pulled down her skirt. Her thumbs hooked under the waistband of the pull-up and started lowering it down her legs. Almost as soon as the padding left her crotch the smell of the fresh urine bloomed all around her. Emily turned her nose away in disgust.

Stepping out of the pull-up Emily looked down at it sitting on the floor. She could see the yellowed padding and even some moistness that hadn’t yet been absorbed. She quickly reached under the bed where she kept the packet of pull-ups and took a fresh one, she pulled it up and over her crotch without bothering to clean up after the last one. She didn’t seem much harm in it.

That was how things went for the next week or so. Emily continued to use her pull-up whenever she was too lazy to get up and run to the toilet. She didn’t think it was her fault, no one wants to have to keep hurrying to the bathroom all the time. Sometimes Emily had only just sat down after going to the bathroom just to feel like she needed to go again.

Along with the increased usage of her pull-ups came more checks from Amelia. At first it was only an occasional look up the skirt or quick hand on the padding at opportune times, Emily complained but her wife didn’t seem to take these complaints seriously. She guessed it was hard to take complaints seriously when just as often as not Emily was wet. After a few days Emily wasn’t even particularly embarrassed by it. She complained but not very much.

However, there were signs that her little problem was getting worse. Whilst running to the bathroom to pee had become almost the norm, she found that she was having trouble from the other side as well. Quite suddenly she would feel a strong need to poop that would have her scurrying for the toilet even more desperately than normal. Just like when the problems with her bladder started Emily went to the doctor, this time she did so without telling Amelia. The last thing she needed was her wife finding out things were getting worse.

“What do you mean there’s nothing wrong!?” Emily said with exasperation. She leaned forwards to put her head in her hands.

“I’m sorry, ma’am.” The doctor replied, “We’ve done every test we can think of and ruled out any physical problems. You seem to be fit and healthy.”

It had been humiliating. Emily had to sneak out of the house, she chose a day Amelia was at work so it wasn’t too hard, and then submit herself to a barrage of tests whilst wearing her pull-up. The doctors already knew of her bladder issues from her previous trip but it was no less embarrassing to be seen in them even if she did everything she could to avoid being seen.

Emily was beyond frustrated. Despite all of the tests and inconveniences the doctors had been useless in finding an actual problem. Apparently, it was perfectly normal for a twenty-seven-year-old to suddenly lose control of her bladder and bowels. She did her best to keep it a secret from Amelia but wasn’t sure how successful she always was. The worst part was when she would go to change her pull-ups she would notice skid marks in the padding. She felt lost and unsure what to do.

It was a very warm day when things came to a head and the inevitable happened. Emily was lying on a lounger in the garden. Amelia was at work and Emily was doing her best to relax. With the tall fences and trees surrounding the backyard Emily felt safe enough to strip down to her pull-up. She let her generous breasts feel the warm air with just a pleasant breeze cooling things down a little. It was a shame she had to keep the pull-up on but she imagined Amelia would cry and moan at her if she left a wet patch on the chair. At least when she felt the sudden need to pee, she could go over to the bushes at the side of the yard rather than all the way up to the bathroom.

It was nice. Emily had her phone, some drinks and a magazine with her but right at that moment she was simply lying back with her eyes closed underneath her sunglasses. Amelia would be home soon and the hottest part of the day was over but Emily didn’t want to move, she felt so completely comfortable. So, when she felt the need to pass wind it didn’t seem like anything to worry about. She rolled her body to side slightly, pushed a little and…

“Oh no…” Emily gasped as the warm day suddenly seemed to turn ice cold, “No, no, no… Fuck!”

The rear of the pull-up had absorbed quite a bit of sweat as she sunbathed but this was an altogether different and much more disgusting feeling. A lumpy, sticky warmth covered the back of her underwear and caused it to stick to her skin. She sat up and felt it squelch underneath her, at the same time the smell confirmed the undeniable. She had crapped her pants, something she hadn’t done since she was a kid.

Emily was frozen to the spot. She covered her face with her hands as she felt little air bubbles in her waste tickle against her skin, every tiny movement causing more of her skin to feel the hot mud-like mush as it spread. She couldn’t believe that it had happened. One moment she was having a very relaxing afternoon and the next she was in this terrible state. She hadn’t felt like she needed to go!

“This can’t be happening.” Emily moaned as she covered her face.

It was just like her bladder. She had run to the bathroom plenty of times but an accident had seemed inevitable. Now she had soiled herself helplessly. It made wetting her pants feel positively pleasant in comparison. The smell was awful and Emily thought she might throw up, she had to get out of this pull-up and cleaned up as soon as possible with Amelia due home soon.

Emily lifted herself off the lounger and was heartened to see that, at the very least, the pull-up had kept containment. She winced as she started waddling towards the house. With every step she felt the poop acting as a foul lubricant causing the pull-up to slide against her. She kept her legs as wide apart as possible but she couldn’t stop the mess from spreading and the smell getting worse. She swore with every step.

As quickly as she could with her unusual gait Emily went into the house and up the stairs to the bathroom. She opened the window as wide as possible but it didn’t do much for the air in the room. Emily was so disgusted she thought she could even SEE the smell coming off her, as if what she had done had been bad enough to literally pollute the surrounding air. Turning on the shower Emily was faced with the unenviable task of having to take the pull-up off. There was no other way to do it than to just push on through.

“Oh… god.” Emily choked out as she turned her head away in disgust.

The pull-up was lowered between her legs and she could feel how heavy it was now. She tried not to look at what had happened inside but she couldn’t avoid it forever. Even worse was how much felt stuck to her skin. Little bits fell away from her but thankfully landed in the padding rather than on the floor. She nearly threw up as she tried to get through it all.

Emily stepped into the shower and watched as the crystal-clear water turned brown as it ran down her body. As the water washed her off some of the larger lumps refused to go down the drain on their own and Emily, to her disgust, had to use her foot to break it up. The whole ordeal took a lot longer than she would’ve liked. She had to soap herself up several times before she started feeling at all clean.

Knowing that time was ticking Emily got out of the shower and dried herself as fast as possible. She avoided the soiled pull-up on the floor for as long as possible but it couldn’t be left on the floor forever. She picked it up and watched it sag as she left the bathroom.

“Ew, ew, ew…” Emily said repeatedly under her breath as she went through to the kitchen and pulled out an old plastic shopping bag.

The pull-up was dropped in the bag and then Emily hurried out towards the front door. She skidded to a stop just before opening the door. In her haste she had been about to run outside whilst completely naked!

Dropping the bag by the door Emily ran upstairs and quickly put on whatever clothes were lying on the floor. She then went back down and took the bag outside. She felt very self-conscious as she walked towards the curb where the trash can was waiting, she tried to act as casually as possible. Her stinky trash in hand she nervously looked around as if expecting to be seen. She lifted the metal lid of the trash can just as a car pulled up nearby.

“Shit…” Emily muttered.

Emily quickly dropped the poopy diaper into the trash and put the lid down. She then turned with an exaggerated smile on her face to see Amelia stepping out of her car and closing the door. She looked very confused that Emily seemed to be doing a chore of her own free will.

“Hello… What’s going on out here?” Amelia asked.

“Just taking out some trash.” Emily replied. If Amelia tried to open the lid Emily was more than ready to jump and sit on it.

“That’s not like you.” Amelia laughed as she started walking towards the house.

Emily followed her wife with one last look over her shoulder to make sure the trash was hidden. She went back through the front door where Amelia was hanging up her jacket and taking her shoes off. Emily was still feeling on edge but seemed to have got through a potentially humiliating situation without anyone finding out.

“How have you been today?” Amelia asked.

“Not too bad. Just… Hey!” Emily jumped as she suddenly felt a hand pressing up between her legs.

Emily looked down to see Amelia’s hand groping her from behind, reaching up between her legs and cupping her genitals in her soft fingers. Emily automatically stayed in place as she was given a check of her pull-up… without wearing a pull-up.

“Why aren’t you wearing your padding?” Amelia asked as she withdrew her hand.

“I was going to, I just-…” Emily started.

“You were just playing more video games and not caring if you ruin the couch I suppose?” Amelia grabbed Emily’s wrist and started pulling her towards the stairs.

“It’s not like that!” Emily complained, “I can make it to the bathroom if I need to!”

“Then why is your pull-up wet more often than not when I check you?” Amelia asked accusingly.

Emily had no reply to that. She could either say she had accidents in her pull-ups or that she just couldn’t be bothered to get up to use the toilet sometimes. Neither of these options sounded good to her.

“Honestly, Emily, I’m just trying to help you.” Amelia said with a calmer tone, “You need to stop fighting me on this.”

Emily was led to the master bedroom but before she could bend down to get the packet of pull-ups out from under the bed Amelia was already doing so. Emily folded her arms across her chest and huffed as Amelia pulled out one of the pull-ups and opened it up.

“What?” Emily asked as she saw the way Amelia was holding it.

“I’m helping you. Come on.” Amelia said as she nodded towards Emily’s pants.

“I don’t need your help!” Emily exclaimed. She could feel embarrassment raising her temperature.

“And yet I come home to find you without a pull-up on…” Amelia replied, “This doesn’t have to be a big thing. Let’s just get this done and we can go downstairs and carry on with our days.”

Emily clenched her hands into fists but could see that Amelia wasn’t going to fold on this one. Compared to what might’ve happened if her wife had been home just five minutes earlier this seemed like a small thing to get hung up on. She took a deep breath before reaching up and hooking her thumbs under the waistband of her pants. A second later they were down by her ankles and she stepped out of them.

In the grand scheme of things this wasn’t nearly as embarrassing as it could have been. She put her hands on Amelia’s shoulders as she stepped forwards and felt the papery cuffs rubbing against her legs. The pull-up was raised up her legs until it was over her crotch.

“There we go.” Amelia said as she cupped the pull-up with her hand to check the fit, “All safe.”

“Thanks…” Emily muttered, “But I could’ve done it myself…”

“Of course.” Amelia said with a smile and sympathetic nod.

As Amelia left the room Emily sat down on the bed. She was too embarrassed to go back downstairs and wondered if this was how it always would be from now on. Would she need to constantly run to the bathroom for everything? Wetting herself was something she had got used to but pooping herself? That wasn’t something she could just hide. She bit her lip anxiously as she prayed that the accident she had just had was simply a one-off.

Unfortunately for Emily things didn’t improve. She didn’t full on poop her pants again but her pull-ups were frequently left with brown stains when she went to change them and they were nearly always wet. She had no idea if Amelia had noticed the recent escalation but she hoped not.


If you enjoyed this and would like to see the next part of the story RIGHT NOW you can do so on my SubscribeStar and Ream pages:



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Emily is getting increasingly frustrated that no one can seem to help her with her increasing continence issues. Meanwhile, Amelia wants a "date night" at the movies but Emily is VERY concerned about it... with good reason.


Every update I post is available on my Ream and SubscribeStar pages one week before it is posted everywhere else. For $5 you can see everything I post before the rest of the diapered world. For $10 you can see every update early plus EVERY exclusive story I have written. That's 35 stories available ONLY on my subscription pages and nowhere else!

I rely on my wonderful subscriber's support to be able to write like I do. Writing is my only income and the money I earn goes to help paying the bills, food and everything else my wife and I need. Everyone's support is HUGELY appreciated, without it I would have to find other work and I wouldn't be able to write nearly as much as I do, maybe at all. So thank you to everyone who checks out my subscriber pages and considers supporting me ❤️ 




“It’s getting worse! Alright? Happy now?” Emily said angrily.

“And how does that make you feel?” Catherine asked.

Emily couldn’t help but laugh. How did it make her feel? What a stupid question that was. She was almost completely helplessly wetting herself and had started having… other problems. She was worried, and even though there was apparently nothing physically wrong she had to wonder why it was happening.

“What does Amelia think about it?” Catherine asked after seeing Emily’s reaction.

“She’s been trying to help.” Emily said with a sigh. She wasn’t sure there was much her wife could do besides what she was already doing and getting her protection.

“That must help a little bit.” Catherine suggested, “Having support like that.”

Emily wasn’t so sure. She felt so embarrassed when something came up regarding her disposable underwear, and recently it had been happening increasingly often. It seemed like every other interaction she had with her wife was now something to do with the state of her pull-ups or was ended by Emily needing to run off to the bathroom. Amelia had been very patient with her but it was also overbearing.

“It just… sucks.” Emily said with annoyance, “I don’t know why it’s happening and it’s only getting worse.”

“Maybe you should try consulting a doctor again.” Catherine said.

“I already did that.” Emily replied, “They gave me scans and then said there’s nothing wrong. In fact, they suggested it was all in my head and told me to speak to you. Fat lot of good that’s doing…”

“Well, I’m afraid there’s no magic bullet for mental health issues.” Catherine said, “It’s a road that we’re walking. With enough practice we’re able to see the path more clearly and avoid going down the paths that lead us to bad places.”

“Those are nice words but it doesn’t stop the fact that I’m pissing myself every other day.” Emily muttered angrily.

“I understand but-…” Catherine started. Her soft placating voice was just irritating Emily now.

“Oh, you understand?” Emily asked sarcastically, “Well that’s just GREAT! You know what? This is a waste of time. I’m out of here.”

“Emily…” Catherine couldn’t force people to stay in the room and she wouldn’t dream of doing that. That said she hated seeing patients leave in a bad mental headspace.

“Screw you.” Emily shouted over her shoulder, “This is a waste of time!”

As Emily flung the door opened and stormed outside, she never looked back at the therapist. If she had done so she would’ve seen Catherine start writing some notes whilst sighing and shaking her head.


Amelia brought her and Emily’s drinks into the living room. She had just put the most recent doses of diuretics and laxatives into Emily’s glass and mixed it in, a routine she was doing pretty often. She had noticed changes in her wife and knew she was making progress. Emily’s pull-ups were so frequently wet when she was checked now and she assumed Emily had experienced a more solid accident at least once just from the way Emily acted.

Emily had taken a lot more care to change her pull-ups since Amelia did it for her. That didn’t stop Amelia from going through the trash a few times after Emily had gone to bed and looking at the thrown away disposable underwear. She knew it wasn’t a normal thing to do but it felt like she had left normal behind some time ago. The truth was that she had noticed some of the “skid marks” left on Amelia’s pull-ups and saw it as another victory.

Emily had always been very introverted but with recent events she had almost become a recluse. She didn’t want to go out to any place that might have other people. Amelia understood the reasons well but she was getting bored being cooped up at home with her only preoccupation being to check her wife’s underwear.

“Come on, we have to do something.” Amelia said on one weekend afternoon having spent the first half of the day watching television, “Why don’t we go to the zoo?”

“N-No.” Emily replied. At the mere mention of the idea of a date she had gone as white as a sheet.

“A restaurant then?” Amelia continued, “The bar?”

Emily shook her head and turned to face the television again. Amelia wasn’t going to allow her wife to avoid the world forever. She would have to get used to how things were now. She reached for the remote and turned the TV off.

“Fine, then how about we go see a film?” Amelia said, “We used to do that all the time when we were dating.”

Amelia immediately noticed there was less resistance to this idea. She supposed her wife was getting the message that they would have to go somewhere and perhaps the idea of sitting in a dark cinema was more appealing to her. A place where she wouldn’t be seen or noticed quite as easily. She still seemed very anxious though.

“You’ll be fine.” Amelia said, switching to a gentler tone of voice. She leaned forwards and put a hand on Emily’s knee, “I’ll be with you.”

It was hard to say if Amelia’s words had any effect on Emily but she stood up regardless. Amelia also stood and reached a hand down the waistband of Emily’s pants in a way that had happened so often recently it had almost started to feel normal. It didn’t take a lot of probing to reveal that the pull-up was wet.

“Go and change that.” Amelia said as she patted Emily on the butt, “Then we can go.”

Amelia adored the way Emily’s cheeks went a little red whenever her pull-ups were talked about. Especially if the underwear wasn’t clean and dry. As soon as Amelia’s hand had been withdrawn Emily rushed out of the room and upstairs. Whilst she waited Amelia put on her shoes and a jacket. Just like the trip to the bar she didn’t have anything particular in mind but if something did happen, she was going to be ready to exploit it.

“Put your shoes on.” Amelia said as Emily came back downstairs, “I’ll be right back.”

Amelia passed Emily on the stairs as she went up. She entered the bedroom and pulled out a spare pull-up. She slipped it into her bag and zipped it back up. Amelia had the feeling they were going to need it.


Emily followed Amelia from the loud lobby to the suddenly tranquil and dark screening room. Amelia had insisted on popcorn and two large sodas but Emily didn’t plan on drinking much of it. She was already anxious enough without putting more food and liquid in her body. She’d only just made it to the cinema without wetting herself. She had darted into the bathroom as Amelia bought the tickets and had only just got her pull-up down in time.

The pair of women climbed the shallow stairs between rows of seats and Emily felt her heart sink as she saw that many of them were taken up with other people. She had hoped and prayed that the screening they were going to would be quiet but it didn’t seem like she was going to get her wish.

“This is us.” Amelia said quietly as they reached their row.

Amelia led the way down the row of seats until they were practically at the wall. Emily sat down in the comfortable chair and immediately started tapping her feet against the floor nervously. Amelia put a hand on her knee and smiled. Emily returned it without feeling much better. The film hadn’t even started and she was counting down the minutes until they could go home.

As the trailers and adverts played the room filled with more people. It was a weekend and there were families coming out as well as couples on dates. The film they were seeing was a generic action one so there was a wide spread of different people there. To Emily’s disappointment many of the seats between her and the aisle were taken up.

“Relax.” Amelia whispered to her, “You’ll be fine.”

Amelia rested her head on Emily’s shoulder and held on to her arm. The lights started to dim and after a few more trailers the movie started. It was barely ten minutes when Emily felt a sudden warning sign from her bladder. Knowing that the film was two hours long she didn’t want to use her pull-up like she often did at home in case she genuinely needed it. She threaded her arm out of Amelia’s hug and stood up.

There was a lot of grumbling as Emily tried to push her way past the other people in her row. She was trying to be careful but at the same time she was desperate to get to the bathroom without any delay. She practically ran down the steps and out towards the concourse.

“Excuse me! Sorry!” Emily called out as she ran to the women’s bathroom.

She practically flew into the nearest stall and got her pull-up down just in time to use the toilet. As she felt the relief of emptying her bladder she sat back and looked up towards the ceiling, her heart hammering. It had been far too close for comfort. When she was finished, she stayed on the toilet for another minute just to make sure there was nothing more to come out. She stood up and pulled her clothes back up.

“Sorry. I’m sorry.” Emily said quietly as she went back to her seat. She could hear some of the other moviegoers grumbling as she squeezed back past them.

Emily took a deep breath as she sat down. Amelia leaned against her and held her hand but Emily was already distracted. No sooner had she sat down then she felt a rumbling in her gut. She looked back down the line of seating in the darkness and felt anxiety joining the growing rumbling in her guts. She didn’t want to inconvenience these people again when she had only just sat down. She shuddered to think what they would think of her.

“Are you OK?” Amelia whispered close to Emily’s ear.

“Uh huh.” Emily grunted but she wasn’t convincing anyone.

Emily really had no idea what was happening on the screen. She was paying no attention to the film at all. She wished they had bought aisle seats so she could come and go easier. The problem was only getting worse and Emily knew she didn’t have long to work out what she was going to do.

Someone in the row in front of Emily and Amelia got up to head out to the lobby and the people nearest Emily started tutting and shaking their heads. They were clearly already annoyed at people disrupting the film so much. Turning back to the screen Emily pushed herself further back into the seat. Her bowels were rumbling ominously but maybe she could just hold off a little longer to avoid annoying other people.

For a couple of minutes Emily did her best impression of a normal person. She tried to ignore the warnings from her body and focus on the screen but it wasn’t working, her mind kept wandering back to the growing fullness in her bowels. She watched the people from the row in front return and wondered how long it would be appropriate to weight before she could get up and go again. A couple of minutes? Longer?

A sudden cramp rendered all of Emily’s frantic thinking irrelevant. She twisted in her seat as she felt the pain in the same way she had been doing since she sat down, but this time she felt a sticky mush ooze out of her. She hadn’t pushed at all; her body was simply leaking it. She froze solid as the poop parted her cheeks. Heat rose in Emily’s face as she was doing her best to stop her body from pushing anything else out.

Emily was mortified. This happening at home was one thing but out in a public place was many times worse. She hoped that maybe that was the end of it, that the small mess would calm her guts. She tried to subtly sniff the air but she couldn’t sense anything, the pull-up seemed to be saving Emily’s blushes.

Anything could’ve been playing on the screen and Emily would’ve had no clue. She was entirely focused elsewhere though Amelia hadn’t seemed to notice her obvious discomfort. Emily was looking down at her crotch and trying to work out if her little accident was noticeable when there was a sudden very loud explosion on the screen.

Emily jumped and as she did so her situation became much worse. She hadn’t really noticed the pressure but as she was shocked by the unexpected noise, she felt her tummy push down. This time there was no denying the damage she had done to her underwear. A mudslide fell into the pull-up and quickly filled the back up. As she was sitting down it was quickly pushed between her legs and up to her lower back.

This wasn’t a small accident that could be explained away. This was a huge, pants wrecking disaster. This time the smell was surely going to leak out. Emily was frozen to the spot in her very warm and sticky pull-up, it felt like she was living in a nightmare.

“What on Earth is that smell?” Someone muttered from behind Emily.

“I think someone broke wind.” Whispered another.

“It’s worse than that…” The first voice said.

Emily let out a little whimper. At that moment nobody knew it was her fault but she didn’t know how long it would be before suspicion fell on her. If she got up it could become obvious but she clearly couldn’t sit in her seat for an hour or more like this. The muttering from other people in the audience let Emily know the news was spreading as fast as the smell. It wouldn’t be long until there was uproar.

“Emily?” Amelia said quietly.

Emily had tears in her eyes. She could see people shifting in their seats and whispering to each other now. People were looking around; some were leaving the room holding their nose. The smell had clearly spread enough that it seemed that anyone anywhere near her now knew someone had pooped themselves.

“Emily… is that…” Amelia started but she never finished her question.

Emily assumed it was because her wife had looked at her and seen the look of horror on her face. Emily couldn’t look at Amelia, she was staring straight ahead without really processing anything she saw. The whole situation felt so unreal.

“Come on.” Amelia muttered as she grabbed her bag, “Let’s go.”

Emily looked around at Amelia standing up and started to do so herself. The pull-up was stuck to her skin horribly. It took Amelia giving her a little push on the arm to get her moving. As she walked sideways in the tight gap between seats her poopy butt was only inches away from the faces of the other moviegoers. There could be no doubt in their minds what had happened.

“Good lord, that is disgusting.”

“She shouldn’t be allowed out in public.”

“I’m going to complain to the manager.”

“I think I’m going to be sick!”

Comments followed Emily as she sidled past the other people in her row. She heard someone retch and saw people covering their noses as they looked at her with disgust. She was trying to keep from sobbing but she was sure that if Amelia wasn’t there guiding her, she would have frozen up and broken down.

As Emily walked down each step towards the exit, she felt the mass in her pull-up spread and squash against her. She could feel it between her legs, a warm lump that stuck to her butt and thighs. She waddled slightly in an attempt to touch the poop less but it was all in vain. On the screen more action was happening but it seemed most heads in the cinema was turned towards Emily and her waddle of shame out into the concourse. Emily didn’t dare look up to see just how many people knew what she had done.

“You couldn’t hold it?” Amelia asked unnecessarily as she led Emily through to the bathroom.

Instead of the women’s restroom Emily was taken to the disabled one. There was a lot more space in there and as the door was locked Emily sank down to her knees and covered her face in shame. The sobs she had been holding back burst out as tears started flowing down her face. She felt so utterly humiliated, she wanted to go home and hide forever.

“Here, let me help you.” Amelia said softly.

Emily felt her wife’s hands in hers and she rose to her feet. As Amelia pulled Emily’s skirt down the sobbing woman could only sniff the air, the pull-ups may have been doing a decent job containing the actual poop but it was doing little for the smell which seemed to have polluted the whole room very quickly.

Amelia’s fingers hooked the top of the waistband of the pull-up. Emily cringed anew as the disposable was lowered between her legs. She could feel that a lot of the poop had remained stuck to her but when she glanced down, she could see just how much had been evacuated from her bowels. She wailed with despair not thinking about if anyone outside the bathroom might hear her.

“Lift your feet.” Amelia said softly. Her voice was slightly strained and Emily realised she was doing her best not to breathe through her nose.

Once the pull-up was free Emily watched Amelia hold it up. It sagged remarkably and the brown stains left no question as to what had happened inside. It was quickly deposited in the trash can in the corner.

“OK, come over here and bend over.” Amelia said.

Emily did as she was told. Like a desperate little girl being ordered around by her mother she just wanted someone else to take care of her and get her out of this situation. She was stood next to the toilet in the corner of the room and bent over the sink slightly. Amelia walked up behind her but she was quite unprepared for when she felt tissue paper being wiped against her buttocks.

After a few confused moments Emily realised that her wife was wiping her clean. She was filled with simultaneous waves of shame and affection. The fact Amelia would do this for her really showed how much she cared but at the same time it was doing nothing for Emily’s self-esteem. She buried her face in her hands and cried as Amelia wiped her backside.

It seemed to take forever. Emily heard the toilet behind her flush three times as the bowl was filled with paper but, finally, Amelia stepped away. Emily stood up, still naked from the waist down, and turned to face her wife. Amelia quickly washed her hands using ample amounts of soap and then sighed.

“I had no idea your problems were getting so bad.” Amelia said, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Tell you?” Emily let out a bitter laugh as she sniffed back her tears, “Gee, I wonder why I didn’t tell my wife that I’ve been pooping my pants…”

“So, this has happened before?” Amelia inferred.

Emily pressed her lips together and looked away. She took a deep shuddering breath, the air conditioner in the room was doing its best with the smell and it seemed possible that the next person to go in might not even realise the devastation that had just occurred in there. Amelia walked over to her handbag and pulled out a fresh pull-up. Emily’s breath stopped for a second as she realised a spare pair of her underwear was now an essential item in Amelia’s handbag.

“Come on, I think we should go home.” Amelia said as she opened the pull-up and held it low to the floor.

Emily grumbled that she could do this herself but it didn’t seem the time to kick up a big fuss about it. She stepped forwards and, with her hands on Amelia’s shoulders stepped into the pull-up. It was quickly brought up around her waist followed by her skirt which remained thankfully clean.

“Shall we go home?” Amelia asked.

Emily didn’t need to be asked twice. She went straight to the door and opened it, without looking back she walked straight out of the cinema and to the car. She couldn’t get home soon enough, not just because of her embarrassment over everything that had happened but also because she was terrified, she might end up having yet another accident.


If you enjoyed this and would like to see the next part of the story RIGHT NOW you can do so on my SubscribeStar and Ream pages:



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Definitely loving this story and look foward to more being added! 

Emily is given an ultimatum. Either confront her problem with Amelia's help or move to the spare bedroom. Whilst Emily goes through turmoil, Amelia heads out to see Catherine and reminisces about their less than innocent past. 


Every update I post is available on my Ream and SubscribeStar pages one week before it is posted everywhere else. For $5 you can see everything I post before the rest of the diapered world. For $10 you can see every update early plus EVERY exclusive story I have written. That's 35 stories available ONLY on my subscription pages and nowhere else!

I rely on my wonderful subscriber's support to be able to write like I do. Writing is my only income and the money I earn goes to help paying the bills, food and everything else my wife and I need. Everyone's support is HUGELY appreciated, without it I would have to find other work and I wouldn't be able to write nearly as much as I do, maybe at all. So thank you to everyone who checks out my subscriber pages and considers supporting me ❤️ 




Emily didn’t like this. She didn’t like this one tiny bit. She was sitting on the couch with Amelia perched on her favourite armchair watching her. Just like when the pull-ups had been introduced Emily’s wife had a plastic bag in front of her. Last time this happened she had looked somewhat nervous, this time she seemed more confident.

“Emily, we have to be realistic with the situation.” Amelia stated, “Your problems are getting worse and there’s no sign of them improving any time soon.”

“You don’t know that…” Emily said quietly.

“What will I find if I check you pull-up right now?” Amelia asked with cocked eyebrows.

Emily felt her cheeks reddening. If Amelia were to check her right then she would find that her pull-up was wet. Again. Emily spent more time wet than dry recently. Amelia knew as much as she had taken to checking Emily regularly and more often than not the pull-up was at least a little soggy. Each time a wet pull-up was discovered Amelia would tell Emily to go get changed which only annoyed her more, it was as if her wife didn’t trust her to keep track of these things.

“What’s your point?” Emily asked with obvious annoyance.

“My point is that those pull-ups are meant for small leakages.” Amelia said, “They’re meant for “just in case” situations and the fact you haven’t leaked yet is more by luck than design.”

Emily didn’t want to admit to Amelia that there had been several times where her pull-ups had actually leaked. When her laziness about going to the bathroom or getting changed when she should had got the better of her. Thankfully it had only happened when Amelia was at work or not in a position to find out. It meant that Emily had been given time to hide the evidence.

“Since you seem to need the padding, I thought we should get something more designed to handle these… heavier accidents.” Amelia said as she opened the bag.

Here it came. Emily knew what she was going to see even before Amelia lifted the new rectangular object. The packaging looked very familiar to the pull-ups Emily had become so used to. But this package was larger and the picture on the front was different. As were the words which seemed designed to make Emily feel even worse about what was happening. “Diapers – for urge incontinence and heavy leakage.” Emily felt the muscles in her face twitching though whether she was about to yell in anger or start crying she wasn’t sure.

“I already know what you’re going to say.” Amelia said sternly, “And no, this isn’t optional. I’m tired of having to check you all the time.”

“You don’t have to check me!” Emily retorted quickly, “I never asked you to do that!”

“But I had to otherwise you’d just sit there and stain the couch more than you already have done.” Amelia gestured to the stains of spilled drinks and food that covered large parts of the couch.

“What if I refuse?” Emily asked defiantly.

“Then you’ll be staying in the spare bedroom.” Amelia replied.

“Fine!” Emily stood up angrily.

“Emily, don’t be so childish.” Amelia shook her head.

Emily was already stomping out of the room. She slammed the living room door behind her as she angrily went upstairs. She muttered darkly as she gathered up some things that she would need and noisily carried them to the spare bedroom. She wanted Amelia to be aware of every movement she was being forced to make, to make her feel guilty for these ridiculous impositions.

Sitting on the bed with her arms folded across her chest Emily expected Amelia to come up and try to make amends. That didn’t happen. Instead, she was left alone in the spare bedroom to stew in her own annoyance. The pull-ups were bad enough, there was no way she was going to willingly wear… she couldn’t bring herself to even say the word.

Emily didn’t even go down for dinner. She had opened her laptop and was idly searching when there was finally a knock on the door. At last Amelia must’ve been coming up to apologise and forget the whole diaper thing. The door opened and Amelia was stood there dressed surprisingly well, her make-up had been done and she was wearing a golden necklace and earring set.

“I’m going out.” Amelia said simply, “There’s some pizza you can warm up in the fridge.”

“Where are you going?” Emily asked.

“To see a friend.” Amelia replied vaguely.

“Who?” Emily questioned.

Amelia simply rolled her eyes and left the room. Emily didn’t know what to think. When she heard her wife gathering her things by the front door she tiptoed out of the bedroom and leaned over the edge of the banister. She could see Amelia slipping on her coat and was tempted to go down and talk about what had happened earlier in the day. Before she could give it serious thought Amelia had left the house.

Emily let out a deep sigh. She had felt completely in the right for refusing the diapers and that sleeping in the spare room was a worthy protest but now she wasn’t so sure. Once she was certain that Amelia wasn’t coming back in, she went down to make the pizza.


“Hey Catherine.” Amelia said as she walked into the bar.

“Amelia, how are you doing?” Catherine rose from her seat to wrap her arms around Amelia.

“Not too bad, and yourself?” Amelia asked.

“Same old, same old.” Catherine replied as she sat back down, “You’ve really dressed up, huh?”

Amelia had indeed “dressed up.” Normally when the two friends got together, they kept it as casual as possible, this time Amelia had decided to wear something she usually reserved for dates with Emily, not that many of them happened. The truth was that Amelia really wished these nights out were proper dates. She missed their time together in college.

It didn’t take long for the two women to get into conversation. Amelia and Catherine had never struggled for things to talk about and that night was no exception. Soon enough they were cackling with laughter as they sipped their drinks.

“So, how’s Emily?” Catherine asked eventually.

Amelia was always impressed at how Catherine could compartmentalise her life. She could hear all sorts from Amelia about Emily and yet it apparently never bled over into the therapy sessions her wife had. Her professionalism was unmatched. That said Amelia still tried not to give information to Catherine that might be considered sensitive, she walked a thin line when talking about her partner. But there was an ulterior motive for her going out with Catherine that night…

“She’s… fine.” Amelia said. She made sure to leave a long pause. Just long enough to get Catherine’s attention.

“Are you sure?” Catherine asked, “Is it something you can talk about?”

“Well, I’ve still been struggling to get her to do anything.” Amelia sighed, “Especially her recent “problems”. She’s been acting so… childish about it all.”

Catherine didn’t say anything and instead looked down at her drink. Amelia knew Catherine better than anyone and knew there was something she was thinking that she couldn’t necessarily tell other people. Amelia also knew that a few drinks could loosen the therapist’s tongue.

“What?” Amelia asked.

“I shouldn’t say anything.” Catherine said.

“Well, you can’t just leave something like that hanging out there.” Amelia said with a chuckle, “Can you tell me as a friend rather than a therapist?”

Catherine seemed to be wrestling with things in her mind. It was clear she wanted to say something but was being held back by her professional ethics. Amelia loved her friend but she had no time for things she saw as unnecessary. Doctor-patient confidentiality was important but Amelia knew everything about Emily anyway and only planned to take more control of her life for the good of everyone.

“Alright, well…” Catherine took a long sip from her drink, “The last time I saw her she was acting kind of… No, never mind, don’t worry about it.”

“Catherine, if you know something about my wife I want to know.” Amelia said.

“She just had a bit of a tantrum.” Catherine blurted out, “She was petulant and stormed out when we were talking about… certain things.”

Amelia nodded her head. Internally she was beaming. Emily was acting exactly as she expected and it felt like the dominoes were all lining up for her. She took her own drink to hide the smile she was struggling to keep off her face.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen her get upset or angry but I’ve never seen her act so childishly.” Catherine continued as she shook her head, “It feels like it’s getting worse as well.”

“Well, I’m glad I’m not the only one noticing.” Amelia shook her head, “She can be so frustrating. She takes no responsibility for herself and you have to drag her kicking and screaming to get her to do anything.”

Amelia glanced to the side to see her therapist friend nodding her head as she took another drink. The groundwork was being prepared and Amelia was getting ready to press the issue with her former lover. She waited and watched Catherine out of the corner of her eye, when she saw her friend looking at her Amelia let out a wistful sigh.

“What?” Catherine asked.

“Hmm?” Amelia responded as if everything she was doing wasn’t planned in advance.

“You sighed.” Catherine said.

“Oh, I was just thinking back to those carefree days at college again…” Amelia said with a smile.


Seven Years Previously…


Amelia was flat on her back. Naked but for the diaper between her legs she was spread-eagled with her wrists and ankles tied to the bedposts. Red in the face and anxiously biting into the gag in her mouth she listened to the sounds of their housemates in the corridor and rooms outside her own. She couldn’t do much more as her vision was completely obscured by a blindfold.

Catherine rarely took the dominant position in their sexual games but she had gone all out that day. As soon as Amelia had got home from her final class of the week Catherine had stripped her and put her in a diaper. Amelia let Catherine do as she wanted; she was always keen to encourage her lover’s dominant side.

Amelia squirmed as much as her restraints would allow. She could feel the juices of her excitement mixing with the urine that already wet her padding. Catherine hadn’t allowed Amelia to use the toilet before getting restrained, it hadn’t been long before the diaper was used instead. It left the prone woman feeling desperately horny but completely unable to do anything about it. She’d taught Catherine too well, she thought to herself as she grunted into her gag and smiled despite her predicament.

Time quickly lost meaning as she waited on the bed. Catherine had left the room not long after Amelia had been tied down. She had imparted one final message on her way out.

“I’ll just leave the door unlocked.” Catherine had said from the other end of the room, “Come get me if you need anything.”

Amelia’s eyes had gone wide under her blindfold and she had struggled a little more as she heard the door to the bedroom open and then close. She had been left alone in the room with only her thoughts for company knowing that her housemates could just walk in and see her like this. Needless to say, they didn’t know of her perverted side but if they came to see where she was they would soon get an eyeful.

Time had passed and Catherine hadn’t come back. Amelia pulled on her restraints but they had no give in them. After a while she heard a knock at the front door of their apartment. A stranger was let in by a housemate. And then another. And another.

Amelia felt drool running down from the side of her mouth as more and more people arrived. Music started to get played and she realised there was a party happening!

“Mmmm!” Amelia mumbled around her gag.

This felt so dangerous. The door was unlocked and the apartment sounded like it was full of people. At any moment the door could open and Amelia would be revealed, it would be disastrous, she’d have to drop out as the news about her spread throughout the students. It would be the worst thing imaginable... But it was making her so wet!

The danger, the threat of being caught and the naughtiness was combining to create a storm of pleasure and tension in Amelia’s gut. Her diaper was already wet but she could feel her excitement moistening her skin. She pulled against the restraints, the light chains tingled slightly and it was music to her ears.

It was difficult to tell how much time had passed. All Amelia could do to tell that time was passing at all was listen to the noise from outside the room, the music, the sounds of voices and partying. Most people would feel awful about being left out but Amelia loved it, tucked away just out of sight and yet left on display. It was so risky, entirely unlike Catherine to do, and maybe that was why she found it so exciting.

Amelia had just recently wet her diaper a second time when she heard a sound that made her heart stop. She heard the handle on the door squeak. The hinges creaked as it slowly opened and then closed. Amelia held her breath. There were footsteps coming from the door towards the bed. Amelia had no idea who this person was, it could’ve been Catherine but it could’ve been any of a dozen other people. The sound of music from outside the room seemed to fade away as Amelia’s ears became hyper-tuned to the quiet noises in the room. She hadn’t moved a muscle but the footsteps continued to get closer.

Amelia turned her head as she heard the person stand right next to her. Adrenaline was coursing through her and yet she was completely unable to move or cover herself up. It started to seem like the other person was just going to stare down at her until she suddenly felt vibrations against the front of her padding.

“Mmm!” Amelia moaned into the gag.

A vibrator was pressed against the wet diaper right over Amelia’s pussy. After being teased for so long by her naughty imagination it didn’t take long for the bound woman to start writhing. The unknown person pressing the vibrating sex toy against her quivering sex.

It was less than a minute later when Amelia’s started shaking. Her breathing became shallow as she bucked against the restraints. The pressure in the centre of her being, behind her pussy, grew and grew as she approached the edge of a cliff. Like a runaway train she hurtled over the edge.

“Mmm… MMM!” Amelia froze with every muscle tensed as a tidal wave of pleasure crashed over her. Soaked with sweat she slumped back against the mattress as the vibrations finally turned off, “Mmmmmmm…”

Amelia felt the stranger lean in close to her. It had always most likely been Catherine coming into the room but now Amelia could smell her girlfriend’s perfume. Fingers played against her hard nipples as Catherine leaned in until she was right up next to Amelia’s head.

“Good girl.” Catherine whispered.

Amelia moaned tiredly as Catherine retreated from the bed. She was left lying on the bed stewing in her own juices as Catherine left the room yet again. It wouldn’t be the last time she excused herself from the party to check on Amelia but each time ended the same way.


Present Day…


“I’ll get us another couple of drinks.” Catherine said as she stood up from the table a little while later.

Amelia had felt a little flustered since her prolonged daydream. If she was honest, she missed those days at college a lot more than she let on. Every day had felt so new and exciting, things just weren’t the same with Emily. It wasn’t that she didn’t love her wife, of course she did, but that love came with a lot of frustration. She was brought back to the ulterior motive she had when she invited Amelia out for a drink. She had to find some way to get the conversation back to where she wanted it.

“Here you go.” Catherine said when she returned with the drinks.

“Thank you.” Amelia replied as she sipped her wine and then placed the glass on the table in front of her.

“We really need to have these dates more often.” Catherine said with a smile.

“Oh, it’s a date now?” Amelia teased.

“You know what I mean!” Catherine replied, “You could bring Emily with you.”

“Getting her to leave the house?” Amelia shook her head, “Good one. I swear, I’m more like her mother than her wife most of the time.”

Catherine froze up. Amelia noticed her friend’s smile slip which was the last thing she wanted. She sipped her drink and did her best not to let on that she had noticed the sudden shift in the atmosphere. Despite the unfavourable winds Amelia felt like this was the only opening she was going to get and she pushed on regardless.

“Speaking of…” Amelia said slowly.

“No.” Catherine said sternly, “No, no, no. Don’t say it.”

“Come on.” Amelia put her hands out imploringly, “You’ve got to admit…”

“I’m not admitting anything.” Catherine interrupted, “Now drop it and move on.”

“But YOU told me you’d noticed Emily acting more childishly.” Amelia ploughed on regardless. Subtlety wasn’t always her forte.

“There’s a difference between that and… and…” Catherine didn’t seem to even want to say the words.

“Regression therapy?” Amelia suggested.

Amelia saw Catherine’s face turn to stone. She picked up her drink and downed it in one go. Immediately afterwards she stood up, and wobbled slightly, as she put her jacket on. She slipped her bag over her shoulder and pulled her purse out to drop some money on the table.

“Catherine…” Amelia said, “Come on. Sit back down, we can talk about this.”

“It’s not right!” Catherine said as she waved her hands in front of her to say that was the end of it.

“It could help her!” Amelia exclaimed.

“You can’t expect me to know everything about you and just buy into it as if it’s a selfless act from you.” Catherine said, “It’s irresponsible, unethical… it’s… it’s unproven!”

“Then help me prove it!” Amelia said as Catherine slid past the table and started to walk away.

Unlike everything else that last sentence seemed to actually appeal to Catherine. Amelia noticed her friend hesitate slightly; her eyes darted to the side. Her professional curiosity clearly piqued by something that had very little research done on it.

“Just… drop it.” Catherine said finally.

Amelia reached out for Catherine’s sleeve but the departing woman simply shrugged her off and walked towards the exit. Amelia watched her go and threw her head back to look at the ceiling. That was twice she had tried to bring up regression therapy and neither time had exactly gone as she wanted.

“Bad date?”

Amelia turned back around to see a young woman with a try collecting empty glasses. The waitress was smiling sympathetically.

“You could say that.” Amelia replied as she finished off her drink and made to get up.


If you enjoyed this and would like to see the next part of the story RIGHT NOW you can do so on my SubscribeStar and Ream pages:



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Emily is sulking in the spare bedroom expecting Amelia to come apologise to her. That night is another tough one for Emily and in the morning radical action is required of both of them.


Every update I post is available on my Ream and SubscribeStar pages one week before it is posted everywhere else. For $5 you can see everything I post before the rest of the diapered world. For $10 you can see every update early plus EVERY exclusive story I have written. That's 35 stories available ONLY on my subscription pages and nowhere else!

I rely on my wonderful subscriber's support to be able to write like I do. Writing is my only income and the money I earn goes to help paying the bills, food and everything else my wife and I need. Everyone's support is HUGELY appreciated, without it I would have to find other work and I wouldn't be able to write nearly as much as I do, maybe at all. So thank you to everyone who checks out my subscriber pages and considers supporting me ❤️ 




Emily was sat in bed with her arms folded across her chest. She checked the clock. It was half past ten and Amelia still wasn’t home. The spare bedroom felt strange, it was a little too empty so sounds echoed a little bit and the surroundings just felt unfamiliar. Despite that, there was no way Emily was going to return to the master bedroom, not when she knew that would require putting on one of… those things.

The pull-ups were one thing but Emily couldn’t countenance the diapers at all. She flat out refused to wear one no matter what happened, it was a step too far. Whatever problems she had it didn’t require such extreme measures. Sure, her urgency to use the bathroom had seemed to get worse and there had been more accidents and leaks but that didn’t matter. Diapers were for babies and old people. Emily was neither.

Emily heard the front door downstairs open. She contemplated going down to see her wife but decided not to. She was still mad at her for suggesting those humiliating diapers, as far as she was concerned it was up to Amelia to come and apologise to her. She decided to wait.

Eventually Emily heard footsteps coming up the stairs. She quickly sat up and put on her best annoyed expression as she waited for Amelia to come in and apologise. She was sure she would get apologised to; she may even get something out of her wife to make up for it. The footsteps came closer to the bedroom door and Emily folded her arms across her chest ready to be magnanimous and accept the apology.

Amelia’s footsteps carried on past the bedroom door and towards the master bedroom. Emily frowned and looked at the door, that wasn’t how this was supposed to go. After a few minutes it became clear Amelia wasn’t going to come and see her.

“Fine.” Emily muttered.

Emily pulled back the cover and slipped underneath. If Amelia wasn’t going to come in there and make amends then Emily wasn’t going to do it either. A night in the spare bedroom didn’t sound too bad even if the bed wasn’t as comfortable as the one she was used to.

It took Emily a little while to fall asleep in the unfamiliar surroundings. No matter how much she tried to ignore it the room just feel wrong. Eventually she was able to fall into unconsciousness and drift off into a deep sleep.

The next thing Emily felt was the covers sliding over her body slowly. She frowned as her breasts became exposed. She reached up with her hands to grab the edge of the sheet and yank it back into place. Covered up again she let out a contented sigh. She relaxed her grip and prepared to return to her dreams.

The sheet was suddenly yanked hard and Emily was woken as she was suddenly uncovered. Her eyes opened and she saw Amelia standing next to the bed looking down at her. She rolled to the side away from her wife and curled into a ball. She was still mad with Amelia and wasn’t prepared to talk to her, especially when she had woken her up so rudely.

“You’ve wet the bed… again.” Amelia stated. She didn’t sound shocked or angry, it was just a statement of facts.

“I… What?” Emily sat up and looked down.

With a gasp Emily realised she had indeed wet the bed. She hadn’t even noticed. Her pull-up had swollen up and clearly at some point had been pushed too far. Around her crotch was a stain that had seemingly mostly dried, it was unmistakeable. Emily bit her lip, she had no idea how she hadn’t even noticed it.

“I came to wake you up for your therapy appointment and I find you like THIS.” Amelia shook her head.

“I… I didn’t know.” Emily stuttered as if that made the situation any better.

“And who is going to wash these sheets?” Amelia asked, “And flip the mattress?”

“I can do it…” Emily said quietly.

“Oh, please.” Amelia said with a dismissive shake of the head, “You wouldn’t even recognise the washing machine yet alone know how to use it.”

Emily felt a surge of anger mixed with embarrassment. She wanted to say her wife was wrong, that she could do basic chores but her lack of help around the home was a well-known issue. She bowed her head. She was annoyed that she had been robbed of her righteous anger about having to sleep in the spare bedroom, she had proven that Amelia was right.

Emily looked up as Amelia turned away from the bed. She went straight over to the packet of diapers she had bought the previous day. Emily had thrown them across the room contemptuously but now they were being retrieved.

“I’m not wearing those.” Emily said.

“Excuse me?” Amelia replied as she bent over and picked up the diapers, “I don’t think you’re in any position to say what you will and won’t be doing.”

“But…” Emily started to argue.

“No.” Amelia said decisively, “How many times are you going to leak everywhere before you accept you need more help?”

“You can’t make me!” Emily exclaimed as she climbed out of bed.

The effect of Emily’s defiance was somewhat diminished by the pee trickling down her leg. Amelia was looking her up and down and that was making the wet woman blush and shrink back from her defiance. She was the first to look away as she closed her eyes.

“I don’t want to have to force you.” Amelia said, “But you can’t keep doing this. You can either put one on yourself or I’ll do it for you. Your choice.”

“I don’t want to do either!” Emily stamped her foot.

“Then I’ll choose.” Amelia said.

Emily watched with wide eyes as the thin plastic encasing the diapers was ripped open. Inside she could see the tightly packed disposables, they were squeezed so closely together that Amelia had trouble pulling one out. When she had done so Emily saw exactly what the dreaded diaper looked like. It was nearly all white with two yellow lines running from the front to the back, it looked very clinical.

“Lay down.” Amelia said as she pointed at the dry end of the bed.

“L-Look, Amelia, I can stay dry!” Emily’s stubborn anger had melted away to be replaced by fear and embarrassment. How had it come to this?

“That’s good.” Amelia said, “Then you won’t have to wear these for too long. Lay down.”

Emily hesitated. She looked at the door and considered just running away but she wasn’t sure what good that would do. Eventually she’d have to come back, she had nowhere else to go and she really didn’t want to leave. A small part of her whispered that what Amelia was doing made sense, that she needed more protection than the pull-ups offered.

“Come on.” Amelia’s voice was softer as she reached out and stroked Emily’s arm, “We don’t want you to be late for therapy.”

When Emily still didn’t move Amelia started guiding her over to the bed. Emily’s heart was hammering. She looked at the diaper in her wife’s hand, it looked so big compared to what she was used to, it seemed impossible she could wear such a thing without everyone she went near finding out.

Without giving Emily time to come to terms with what was happening, Amelia reached down and started lowering the sodden, urine-soaked pull-up down Emily’s legs. As it passed the naked woman’s knees Amelia let it drop to the floor where it landed with a squelch. Emily stepped out of it feeling more naked than she had ever done in her life.

Emily felt like her brain was in automatic. She slowly shuffled back to the bed and after some hesitation she laid down. She was still completely naked as she looked down past her breasts to where Amelia now stood with the diaper.

“I… I don’t really have to wear it, do I?” Emily asked. She was embarrassed how small her voice was.

“Emily, sweetie, this isn’t a punishment.” Amelia said as she walked over and dropped the diaper on to the bed next to her.

“It feels like one.” Emily muttered.

“It’s just until we get this little problem of yours sorted out.” Amelia smiled, “Besides… It doesn’t have to be ALL bad.”

Emily was beet red as Amelia pushed her knees apart and opened her legs. Amelia unexpectedly knelt down between Emily’s knees and started running her hands up her naked thighs. Emily’s eyes grew wide as she felt her dick twitching, she bit her lip. Amelia was trying to get her on-side, trying to make her more receptive to the diapers. She should be screaming no at her and yet she wasn’t saying anything at all.

Emily felt Amelia’s feather light touch moving all the way up to her balls and then to her already half-erect cock. She swallowed as the fingertips danced along her shaft and up to the head where here penis twitched in a desperate bid for more attention.

“See?” Amelia said quietly, “When you do what needs to be done there can be rewards…”

Emily closed her eyes and laid her head back on the mattress. As her wife’s hand wrapped around her tool, she allowed her mind to drift away from her worries. She felt relaxation spread through her whole body, a tingling feeling that started at the tip of her penis and spread throughout her body, carried on an electric current surging through her nervous system.

It was still a big shock when she suddenly felt Amelia’s lips close around her cock. She gasped as she felt the warm wetness of her wife’s mouth. Almost instantly she sprang to full attention, even if the hormone treatment had made that quite unimpressive, and rose her hips to meet her wife’s mouth. A groan of pleasure escaped her mouth as she felt Amelia’s hands on her thighs.

Emily could feel Amelia’s tongue dancing around the underside of her shaft as she bobbed her head up and down. Despite being a lesbian, she was an expert at this after being with Emily for as long as she had. It also meant she knew exactly what got Emily off quickly.

Emily’s hand went down to the back of Amelia’s head and helped direct the attention as she raised her hips. She heard her wife gag a little and pulled back. She didn’t want to make Amelia uncomfortable but she couldn’t deny the sounds of having her dick sucked was a massive turn on.

“I… I think I’m gonna…” Emily gasped.

Emily let go of her wife’s head. She knew Amelia well and, although she had grown skilled at giving blowjobs, she didn’t like to swallow. Heck, she didn’t like cum in her mouth at all. Emily expected her to pull her lips away from her cock and finish her off using her hands. That didn’t happen.

Emily realised Amelia wasn’t stopping her tongue movements nor her head bobbing. She arched her back as she felt her balls tighten and then pulse as she ejaculated. She let out a loud groan as she shot her load into Amelia’s mouth and collapsed back on to the mattress. She could hear Amelia swallowing and then felt her tongue cleaning up before finally pulling away.

“Good?” Amelia asked with a smirk.

Emily nodded her head. She sleepily opened her eyes and saw Amelia pulling a face and slapping her lips together. It was obvious she wasn’t a fan of the taste. Emily felt like she needed to apologise even though it was Amelia who had chosen to go down on her like that.

“Sorry.” Emily said quietly.

“Don’t worry about it.” Amelia replied, “I just didn’t want to take too long and I know how you go wild for that. We need to get a move on though, we’re definitely going to be late now.”

As Emily laid back on the mattress Amelia picked up the diaper and started unfolding it. Emily’s eyes opened and she propped herself up on her elbows s she looked from the disposable padding to her wife and back again.

“What are you doing?” Emily asked.

“Getting your diaper ready.” Amelia replied.

“I can… I can do that myself…” Emily could feel her face reddening.

“We’re running late and I don’t want to have to hang around checking your work. It’s easier if I do it.” Amelia said dismissively, “Lift up.”

Emily didn’t move. She knew the blowjob was just an attempt to put her in a more compliant mood and she was annoyed to say it worked. That said, it felt like a step too far for her. Wearing light protection was almost normal, being put in a diaper by her wife definitely wasn’t.

“Emily…” Amelia said softly as she patted the side of Emily’s butt, “Come on.”

Emily was out of options. Clearly this wasn’t going to be something she could argue her way out of and Amelia wasn’t going to change her mind. Slowly and tremulously, she raised her hips and immediately the diaper was slid underneath her. As she lowered herself on the padding, she was hit by a feeling of complete revulsion from the way it crinkled as her weight settled on it. The plastic sides felt wrong, the padding in the middle made it feel like she was sitting on a pillow, everything was telling her to get up and run away.

The diaper was pulled up between her legs. The crinkles intensified and Emily shuddered with embarrassment over what was happening. She had no idea where her urgency problems had come from but she couldn’t believe it had come to this. Her hands came up to cover her face in embarrassment. How on Earth would she be expected to leave home wearing this!?

Amelia pulled the sides up and taped it closed. Emily felt a hand lightly patting the padding as she uncovered her face. She couldn’t look at Amelia, she didn’t even want to move as every small twitch was a reminder of what she was now wearing.

“Right, get yourself dressed and downstairs.” Amelia said as she stepped back, “We really do need to be on the move as soon as possible.”

Emily didn’t move. Not until Amelia had left the room did she dare to sit up. The diaper was loud. She didn’t like the way it felt like it was hugging her, the sides pulled tight almost as if they were a second layer of skin. She could feel the thickness of the material between her legs even whilst sitting down, she could only imagine it would be worse when standing. Emily had to fight the urge to rip it off.

Finally, Emily stood up and, as expected, the diaper felt incredibly bulky. Her thighs were pushed apart and she couldn’t close her legs properly, she wanted to try adjusting it but was repulsed by the idea of touching the smooth plastic.

When Emily looked in the mirror, she was rather shocked to see how symmetrical the tapes were and how well the diaper fit. This was her first time wearing a diaper since she was a child and she assumed it was the first time Amelia had put one on another person but she had done a very good job.

Not wanting to look at the diaper any longer than she had to Emily resolved to get dressed. She took a step and realised that even walking would feel weird with this padding between her legs. She heard the diaper crinkle loudly and felt horrified. There was no way she could wear this out of the house, it felt like there was a megaphone up against the padding causing the crinkling noise to be broadcast to everyone in hearing range.

Emily quickly pulled on a shirt and a pair of pants. Thankfully she liked to wear baggy clothes so getting her pants over her new underwear wasn’t too difficult. Walking, however, was a different story. She took a few steps and cringed at the way the diaper was rubbing against her legs; it was like the pull-up but ten times worse.

The post-orgasm glow of the blowjob Amelia had given her had quickly faded away as the reality of her situation intruded. She felt a pronounced waddle as she left the bedroom and headed for the stairs. Maybe it was her imagination but the diaper sounded so loud and felt so obvious, even when dressed it felt like people would be able to easily see and hear it. Amelia was at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for her.

“Come on.” Amelia said as she encouraged Emily to move faster.

“I’m going as fast as I can…” Emily muttered sulkily, “It’s not easy to move quickly in this…”

Emily trailed off before she had to say “diaper.” It was just so bulky. She leaned down at the bottom of the stairs to get her shoes and it felt even thicker, she almost fell over trying to get her trainers on. In the end she had to sit down on the bottom few steps to slip her feet inside and tie up the laces. She was red in the face when she stood back up.

“Ready?” Amelia asked.

“No.” Emily replied sulkily.

Amelia simply rolled her eyes as she opened the front door. Emily stepped outside and felt paranoid. She had thought the pull-ups were obvious but this diaper was a whole new level. She became hyper-aware of every sensation. The way her legs were kept slightly further apart as she walked, the way the plastic rubbed against her skin, the soft crinkle that she thought she could hear constantly, it all added up to feeling like there was a neon sign flashing above her head attracting attention.


If you enjoyed this and would like to see the next part of the story RIGHT NOW you can do so on my SubscribeStar and Ream pages:



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Amelia takes some time to enjoy the fruits of her successes whilst Emily tops off a difficult appointment with her therapist with an more difficult time at home. 


Every update I post is available on my Ream and SubscribeStar pages one week before it is posted everywhere else. For $5 you can see everything I post before the rest of the diapered world. For $10 you can see every update early plus EVERY exclusive story I have written. That's 35 stories available ONLY on my subscription pages and nowhere else!

I rely on my wonderful subscriber's support to be able to write like I do. Writing is my only income and the money I earn goes to help paying the bills, food and everything else my wife and I need. Everyone's support is HUGELY appreciated, without it I would have to find other work and I wouldn't be able to write nearly as much as I do, maybe at all. So thank you to everyone who checks out my subscriber pages and considers supporting me ❤️ 




Amelia deserved an Oscar. That’s how she felt anyway. To sit in the driver’s seat with a straight face after everything that had happened that morning was the pinnacle of acting. She had grabbed the unexpected opportunity that morning with both hands. Finding out that Emily had wet the bed and leaked through the pull-up felt like a message from god that he approved of what she was doing.

And why wouldn’t he approve? After all, Amelia wasn’t doing this for her own selfish reasons, not completely at least. Emily had a problem and she was refusing to deal with it. Sure, it was Amelia causing the issues but that was beside the point. Emily needed to take ownership of what was happening and since she was failing to do that, well, someone had to protect the furniture.

“Do you want me to turn the radio up?” Amelia asked pleasantly as they sat at a red light.

“No.” Emily grunted in response.

“Really? I thought you liked this song.” Amelia was pushing Emily’s buttons like a child playing in an elevator.

“I don’t care!” Emily exclaimed with a huff.

“OK, OK…” Amelia shook her head and sighed, “No need to bite my head off, grumpy.”

Amelia kept facing forwards as traffic started moving again but she glanced out of the corner of her eye to see that Emily was looking more annoyed than ever. The opportunity that had arose that morning? She hadn’t finished taking advantage of it yet.

It was a mystery to Amelia why her wife was in such a mood. She’d looked so utterly adorable in her diaper and had received a mind-blowing orgasm, to Amelia that represented a good night. It was still sinking in that she had actually put Emily in the thicker disposable. It felt like she had been trying to craft circumstances for that to happen for a long time and then, all of a sudden, the opportunity presented itself gift-wrapped to her.

Even now, sitting in the car and trying to maintain her poker face, Amelia could feel the wetness between her legs. She had been starved of in person diaper fun for so, so long. The anticipation of what could follow had her tingling with excitement.

For now, though, Amelia needed to concentrate. She could worry about getting herself off when she was alone, she had to keep pushing those big red buttons in Emily’s head to make sure that once they arrived at Catherine’s office everything would be set up for success. Most people wouldn’t take pride in how manipulative they could be, Amelia wasn’t one of them. She was altruistic, everything she was doing was for the good of others and if she just so happened to benefit then that was great as well. The point was, everything she did was for herself, Emily, and Catherine.

“Will you need a change before your appointment?” Amelia asked as they approached the building.

“No! Of course not!” Emily practically shouted. Her annoyance bubbling right under the surface.

“Well, I brought a change for you.” Amelia replied, “Just in case.”

“I’m not a…” Emily tailed off. She seemed to think better finishing that sentence. When she continued speaking it was with clear annoyance, “You really think I can’t control myself for a few minutes!?”

Amelia simply shrugged. She wasn’t even acting there. Thanks to the medication Emily had a pretty short trigger on her bladder and bowels. Amelia hadn’t seen Emily squirming so assumed she was still clean and dry but that just wasn’t something that could be taken for granted these days.

“It’s touching to know you have so much faith in me.” Emily snorted as she turned as much as she could away from Amelia and towards the widow in her door.

“I’m just trying to make sure you’re safe.” Amelia said.

Apart from the radio the car was silent. That was OK with Amelia. Emily was so angry she practically had steam coming out of her ears. She couldn’t control what happened when Emily went into the office, she could only set the dominos up and wait to see how they fell.

Turning into the car park Amelia drove past several empty parking spots to stop at a secluded one in the corner. She switched off the engine and took a look at her watch. They were five minutes late which was honestly not as bad as she expected after all the fireworks that morning. Emily didn’t hang around and opened her door. Amelia looked over and tried to suppress a smile at seeing the tell-tale roundness of her wife’s ass, it took all of her willpower out to reach out and touch it.

“I’ll wait here.” Amelia called out behind Emily.

“Whatever.” Emily replied as she stalked away.

Again, Amelia had to force herself not to smile in case Emily looked back at her. The diapered woman was walking with a waddle. Maybe it wasn’t something most people would immediately pick up on but to Amelia it was very obvious indeed.

Amelia waited in the car. A minute after Emily had disappeared inside, she started unbuckling her pants. There was a reason she had chosen this parking spot that she knew was hidden from view in nearly every direction. After getting herself so worked up diapering her wife she felt like she was about to explode, she needed to relieve that tension.

Adjusting how she was sitting and reclining her seat a little, Amelia slipped a hand down the front of her jeans. Her pussy felt like it was on fire and her finger immediately felt the wetness that dampened her skin and was soaking through her panties. If she were any wetter, she would be the one requiring diapers, she thought to herself with a smile.

Amelia went straight to work. She started rubbing little circles around her clit as she looked out the windows of the car. She was well out the way of the usual thoroughfare but, if anything, the risk of being caught turned her on even more. She couldn’t stop replaying the diapering she had done and thinking what it might mean for the future.

With closed eyes Amelia remembered everything about the diapering process. The way the thick padding felt in her hands, the sounds of it crinkling as she unfolded it, the way it hugged Emily’s body…

A shiver went through Amelia. She was giving herself up to the pleasure now. Her free hand joined the other and started dipping past her labia to her vagina. It had been a long time since she had felt this turned on by anything, it felt like she was about to explode. Throwing caution to the wind Amelia reclined her seat back and lifted her legs so they were on the edge of her seat. If anyone came over now, she would have no way of hiding what she was doing. The risk turned her on even more.

With closed eyes Amelia’s mind shifted the scene that had played out that morning. She started mixing Emily’s diapering with things that had happened in the past with Catherine. Her mind flitted back and forth from her most recent experience to her favourite memories of college. The two halves started to collide until she was imagining all sorts of wild things involving all three of them.

In the end Amelia’s mind settled on a scene of her and Catherine on the bed. She was going down on the therapist in a similar way that she had with Emily, although the mechanics were obviously different, and her lover was moaning wildly. A smile tugged at her lips as she imagined looking to the side and seeing Emily watching on forlornly. Her diaper bulging out under a very short skirt as she watched her wife be intimate with another but doing nothing to stop it.

The pressure built up fast, deep in Amelia’s body. She started to thrust her hips into her fingers, she could feel her excitement leaking on to the seat below her and finally she came. Her hips lifted off the seat and her body twisted to the side as she felt her pussy contract against her fingers. She gasped several times as she imagined her slutty she must’ve looked. Her legs shook as she surfed the edge of the climax for as long as she could manage it before slumping back down.

After a few seconds recovering her breath Amelia remembered where she was. She quickly started getting herself back together. She pulled her panties back up and immediately felt just how wet they were. She bit her lip as she wondered if Emily was wet already too, only her dampness would’ve been caused by something very different. Amelia had no change of clothes and as tempting as putting on the spare diaper was, she resisted.

Amelia raised the chair back into its normal position and wiped her fingers with some napkins she had in the centre console. She checked herself in the rear-view mirror and could say she was noticeably red in the face. At least no one seemed to have noticed her activities and she opened a window to air the car out a little.


“You seem angrier than usual today. Is there any reason for that?” Catherine asked.

“Yes. There are lots of them actually.” Emily replied. With her arms folded in front of her chest.

“Would you like to talk about them?” Catherine continued.

“No.” Emily answered shortly.

“Well, what would you like to talk about instead?” Catherine asked patiently.

Emily looked way. It was had to concentrate on anything when the only thing she could think about was the warmth in her diaper. She had barely made it into the building before her body started sounding the alarm about needing to evacuate her bladder. With her diaper, getting to the bathroom in time was next to impossible, she didn’t even try. it had been a very strange sensation, both very similar and very different to her experiences with the pull-ups. The diaper was much bulkier and swelled up much more, the warmth was more noticeable and didn’t seem to be cooling off. Now she was sitting on the soft couch feeling the warm padding getting pressed up against her body.

“Is it about the problems you mentioned last time?” Catherine asked.

“Huh? What? Why would you say that?” Emily was broken from her thoughts and reacted defensively.

“You just seem distracted.” Catherine smiled.

“I’m fine. Alright? No problems here. Everything is sunshine and rainbows.” Emily threw her hands up.

“Emily, I can understand that you are frustrated but…” Catherine started.

“Oh, I’m so happy you can understand it!” Emily exclaimed petulantly, “Fat lot of good that does me…”

Emily leaned against the side of the couch and then quickly sat up again when she realised her shirt was riding up. She knew none of this was Catherine’s fault and yet she found it hard to not take her anger out on the therapist. When she was in a bad mood Catherine’s soft tone of voice came across as patronising and condescending. Her general anger and frustration found a focal point in Catherine.

“I thought you were supposed to be helping me.” Emily continued after a small pause. She didn’t conceal her anger.

“So, the problem hasn’t got any better?” Catherine asked.

“No!” Emily shouted. She almost had to laugh, “It very much hasn’t!”

Emily grabbed one of the pillows that she was sitting next to and in a fit of impotent rage threw it at the floor. She had got angry in therapy before, but that was the first time she’d done something like that and as she looked back up at Catherine, she saw that something in the therapist’s face had changed.

Catherine remained silent. Emily waited for her to say something but instead she looked down at the cushion with pursed lips. The way the therapist was drawing attention to her moody behaviour was only serving to annoy Emily more. She stood up and grabbed her jacket.

“You know what? Screw all this!” Emily exclaimed, “Nothing you’ve said has helped me! I came to you absolutely fine and now I’m in a dia-…”

Emily stopped but she could tell from Catherine’s raised eyebrows that she had let too much slip already. She pursed her lips and turned away. Without a backwards glance she stomped to the door, threw it open and then slammed it closed behind her hard enough to cause shelves nearby to shake.

Normally, Emily would stop at the reception desk to arrange her next appointment but this time she stormed straight out of the building and went towards the car. The added thickness between her legs was forcing her thighs apart and forcing her into a slight waddle. Amelia looked surprised as Emily walked around the car and opened the passenger side door.

“You’re early.” Amelia said as Emily closed the door behind her.

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Emily replied as she looked pointedly out the window.

“Alright.” Amelia replied as she turned the car on.

Emily didn’t say a word for the whole drive home. She was in a very bad mood pretty much everything anyone did was just annoying her more. About halfway home Emily felt her bladder giving her a brief warning, she wondered if she could hold it but it soon became obvious that there was no chance of making it home. She shuddered as she lost control shortly afterwards. She tried not to make it obvious what was happening as her already wet diaper swelled even further. The warmth spreading up the front and back of the disposable. Emily bitterly realised that the diaper was already proving its worth, there would’ve been no way a pull-up would’ve held her two accidents.

As soon as the car stopped in the driveway Emily got out. When she stood up, she felt the heavy underwear sag between her legs a little. The plastic that she could feel with her legs had been pulled smooth and the wet heat was impossible to ignore. She wanted the diaper off immediately but that raised problems of its own. The last thing Emily wanted to do was make it obvious she had soaked the diaper.

“I’ll make us some lunch.” Amelia said, “Do you want to find us something to watch?”

“Sure.” Emily replied.

As Emily sat down on the couch she felt her diaper squelch underneath her. She had to admit she was grudgingly impressed with its ability to hold several accidents. The pull-ups started faltering after one small accident but it felt like these bulky diapers could hold a heck of a lot more. There was something a little comforting in that thought.

Emily shook her head to clear away any positive thoughts she might have about the diapers. She couldn’t allow herself to accept they were needed. They were for babies and that was something she absolutely was not. This was all just a blip and soon she would be back to normal and could forget this whole episode.

It was just as Amelia came walking back into the living room with a tray that Emily felt her tummy rumble. She knew from past experience what that meant and as impressed as she was with the diaper’s ability to soak up her accidents, she had no intention of pooping herself… again.

“Did you find some-… Emily? Where are you going?” Amelia asked.

Emily had bolted up from the couch and was running to the stairs. She could feel the familiar increase of pressure on her bowels, sand was falling through the invisible hourglass counting down to when she couldn’t hold on anymore. She made a beeline for the bathroom and pulled off her pants before she even reached the door. She waddled inside with the heavy diaper beneath her swaying forwards and backwards with each step.

Emily whimpered as she felt her sphincter tremble. She pawed at the Velcro tapes until she could pull her diaper down to her knees. She dropped back on to the toilet just in time, before her butt had even touched the seat she could hear splashing below. Emily let out a sigh of relief. It had been a close call but she had made it.

Once Emily was finished, she cleaned up and then looked down at the diaper. She could see the yellow insides of the padding where she had so thoroughly wet it. Her first thought was to take it off and get a new one, or perhaps even one of the pull-ups in defiance of her wife.

Emily was still thinking about it when she heard footsteps coming upstairs. There was no time, she couldn’t let Amelia see the embarrassing state of her diaper. Emily thought that had wife already had lost so much respect for her since the accidents started, if Amelia saw how wet she was she didn’t think the situation would be recoverable, her wife would never see her as a normal grown-up adult again.

“Emily?” Amelia called as she climbed, “Is everything OK?”

Emily pulled the diaper back up and over her hips. She quickly taped it closed and shuddered, after being exposed to the air the padding inside had cooled dramatically, instead of being warm and comfortable it felt cold and gross. She quickly retrieved her pants and had just finished pulling them up when Amelia emerged at the top of the stairs.

“Sorry. Needed the bathroom.” Emily quickly said. Her face was red and she could feel herself panting slightly from the quick movements.

“OK.” Amelia replied with a smile. She glanced down at Emily’s waist before walking into the bathroom herself.

Emily looked down and saw the waistband of the disposable poking up and out from her pants. She pursed her lips and pulled her pants a little higher to try and hide it. Still, despite the embarrassment, she felt a sense of victory. She’d made it to the toilet and managed to avoid embarrassing herself.

“Emily, honey, next time you use the toilet try to remember to flush…” Amelia called out from the bathroom.

Emily closed her eyes as her shoulders slumped. As Amelia flushed the toilet herself Emily waddled back downstairs and into the living room where her lunch was waiting. She noticed that she hadn’t done nearly as good of a job on taping the diaper up as her wife. The tapes were crooked, the padding felt loose and lopsided. Amelia came down shortly afterwards and they watched television together, it almost felt like a normal everyday situation.

“I need to log on to my work computer and do a few things.” Amelia said after checking her phone for the time, “Will you be alright on your own?”

“Of course.” Emily replied with exasperation. She hated how much it felt like her wife was treating her like a kid these days.

Amelia left the room and headed upstairs to her office. Emily stretched out on the couch and laid down. The morning had been particularly stressful for her, she was still annoyed about therapy and as she closed her eyes, she felt like she had earned herself a nap. She let out a yawn as she rolled over to face away from the television.

Emily had no idea how long she had been lying there. It felt like one second, she was facing the back of the couch and drifting into dreamland and the next she herd Amelia exclaiming and waking her with a start.

“Again!? On the couch too!?” Amelia’s raised voice said.

Emily didn’t need to open her eyes to know what the problem was. She could feel it. The cold dampness over her thigh and the uncomfortable wet patch underneath her, a patch apparently so big and obvious that even Amelia could see it. Her eyes shot open but she didn’t move. She was frozen. Surely it hadn’t happened again. Emily desperately wanted this to be a nightmare because waking up after being found wetting herself in her sleep twice in a day was beyond embarrassing.

Whilst still trying to work out what she should do Emily felt a hand go roughly between her legs. She gasped as Amelia heavily pressed the diaper against her skin, like a sponge it felt like more urine was pressed out of it.

“Stand up.” Amelia ordered as she removed her now wet hand.

Emily didn’t know what to say or do so she slowly complied. As she got up off the couch, she could see that this wasn’t a small leak, it looked like one whole cushion was stained. She felt her face going red with shame. As much as the diaper could hold, she’d still managed to push it too far.

“I… I don’t know what happened…” Emily said with a voice choked with shame.

“You appear to be showing me you can’t be trusted to take care of your own diapers.” Amelia replied. She didn’t sound angry as much as she was exasperated.

“That’s not true!” Emily realised her position was weak but it wouldn’t stop her arguing, “It was just an accident!”

“Just an accident...” Amelia shook her head as she looked at the cushion and saw just how much damage had been done, “And how many accidents has it been now? How many mattresses and cushions am I going to have to throw out?”

Emily cringed. She felt like a little girl who had let her mother down. It didn’t feel like her fault, it wasn’t like she was doing this on purpose after all. She could feel tears filling her eyes but she begged herself not to start crying like an overgrown baby. When Amelia looked away from Emily and closer at the couch the leaking woman took the opportunity to wipe her eyes.

“Right, take your pants off.” Amelia ordered brusquely.

“I, erm… Right here?” Emily asked.

“Yes, I’m not having you traipsing through the house dripping everywhere!” Amelia said with a deep breath.

“But I…” Emily started trying to think of an excuse to save a little of her dignity but it was too late for that.

Amelia reached down and pulled on Emily’s wet pants. Emily just closed her eyes, she felt so embarrassed steam must’ve been coming from her ears. She didn’t dare look at Amelia who must’ve been expecting the damage. When she felt a hand cupping the bottom of the soaked diaper to feel the weight she wanted to curl up into a ball and disappear.

“Oh my god.” Amelia said. She sounded almost breathless, “This thing is utterly soaked!”

Emily whimpered. She wasn’t wrong but hearing it said out loud made it feel a lot worse. The worst part was that it wasn’t like with the pull-ups where she had chosen to rush to the bathroom. This time she hadn’t had a choice. Her accidents had happened when she couldn’t reach a toilet on time. She had soaked her diaper like a baby because she couldn’t hold back the flood.

“And why are the tapes like that?” Amelia asked, “The whole thing is loose. I didn’t put it on you like that.”

“I… I…” Emily’s lip trembled. She had held back the tears to save her dignity but now that her diaper was being so critically examined that dignity had flown out the window, “I took it off to use the toilet…”

“And THIS is how you put it back on?” Amelia sounded almost amused, “Not only have you drenched your diaper but you’ve left it so loose no wonder it leaked.”

Emily usually reacted to embarrassment by going on the offensive but this incident seemed to have broken her. She just wanted to be out of this uncomfortable and heavy diaper. There was no way she could try and claim this was someone else’s fault no matter how much she might want to.

“Right, step out of your pants and take that diaper off.” Amelia said as she stood up straight again, “And go get showered. I think from now on it would be best if you don’t touch your diapers.”


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Catherine has a lot to think about and can't stop replaying the events of that day's therapy session. Meanwhile, Emily is having to live with more and more restrictions resulting in her having to ask her wife for some rather embarrassing help. 


Every update I post is available on my Ream and SubscribeStar pages one week before it is posted everywhere else. For $5 you can see everything I post before the rest of the diapered world. For $10 you can see every update early plus EVERY exclusive story I have written. That's 35 stories available ONLY on my subscription pages and nowhere else!

I rely on my wonderful subscriber's support to be able to write like I do. Writing is my only income and the money I earn goes to help paying the bills, food and everything else my wife and I need. Everyone's support is HUGELY appreciated, without it I would have to find other work and I wouldn't be able to write nearly as much as I do, maybe at all. So thank you to everyone who checks out my subscriber pages and considers supporting me ❤️ 




Catherine sat and swirled the wine in her glass. On the laptop on the table in front of her she was watching the recording of her appointment with Emily. She often did this to make sure she hadn’t missed anything or to make additional notes. This time was different. She didn’t have her notebook out; she wasn’t planning on writing anything at all. Instead, she was watching Emily intently, not even bothering to listen for questions or answers.

For the sixth or seventh time that evening Catherine watched Emily’s tantrum. It was exactly like watching a child, the likeness was uncanny. As Emily stormed out of her office Catherine watched herself get up from her seat and shake her head. She walked over to the camera and stared into the lens for a second before the recording ended.

Catherine let out a deep breath and finished her glass of wine. She couldn’t stop thinking about what she had seen. Emily, in recent weeks, had seemingly become increasingly child-like. It was impossible to ignore. Combined with what Amelia had said previously it had Catherine’s mind spinning, or maybe that was the wine. She hadn’t really been paying attention to how much she had been drinking. Catherine sat up and pulled her laptop forwards to start typing. She felt like she was somehow committing a crime just by searching for the words she had never expected to use: Regression therapy.

The information online was exactly what Catherine expected it to be. There was no real concrete evidence it helped people, it was largely untested and that very few respected therapists recommended it. She knew that what Amelia was suggesting wasn’t regression therapy in the more common use of the term either, she meant it in a very literal way.

Catherine stood up and walked over to her bookshelf. It was packed with books that were there as much for show as anything else. She looked at the spines of the various tomes and pulled a few of the shelf to take back to the couch. She searched yet again for any references to regression therapy. She wasn’t even sure what she was looking for. After Amelia had brought it up before she had done much of the same research. Maybe she was just looking for something to validate an idea that had implanted itself like a seed in her head and was germinating.

Nothing. There was nothing to suggest regression therapy had much value. Catherine put the books down and slumped back on the couch. Intellectually she knew it wasn’t right, unethical even, but she couldn’t stop thinking about it. The Emily she had been seeing at her last sessions was more like a child than an adult. Perhaps Amelia was right. Perhaps in this one specific case regression therapy would actually be useful.

“Get a grip on yourself…” Catherine muttered as she shook her head, “It is quackery and you know it.”

Catherine lowered the screen on the laptop and turned on the television. She was thinking about all this too much, she needed to distract herself. Obsessing over such a ridiculous idea would do no good to anyone. The television came on and Catherine tried to immerse herself in whatever was on. It didn’t work. Not for a second was she distracted from the unwanted thoughts in her mind. After a few minutes she gave up and turned the TV off again, putting her head in her hands she really wondered if she was going to do what she thought she was.

Catherine picked up her phone and scrolled to Amelia’s number. She took a deep breath before dialling. When it started to ring, she almost hoped no one would pick up on the other end. It wasn’t too late to pull out.

“Hello?” Amelia’s voice was slightly slow and almost slurred.

“Hey, it’s me.” Catherine said.

“Catherine… it’s one in the morning, what’s wrong?” Amelia asked.

“Is it?” Catherine was surprised.

Catherine looked up at the wall where a clock told her Amelia was indeed telling the truth. She must’ve lost track of the time at some point during the evening. So immersed in her research that she hadn’t paid any attention to the clock.

“What’s up?” Amelia asked. Aside from a yawn it seemed Amelia had quickly woken up.

“I… I’ve been reviewing the footage from Emily’s appointment earlier today.” Catherine said, “Did she tell you why she left early?”

“No, she didn’t say anything about it.” Amelia replied, “Why?”

Catherine paused. She was stood at the edge now. She could either back away and let things continue as normal or plunge over the top, where her life went afterwards was a mystery, one that would only be solved by walking that path. A dangerous path that few would suggest and was likely to cause her no end of problems if discovered. And yet that itch was still there. The curiosity about pushing limits.

“Catherine?” Amelia’s said.

“Look, what you said to me... about regression therapy. It’s highly unethical, there’s little evidence that it works, it’s completely unorthodox and I’ve never, ever even contemplated it before.” Catherine said quickly. Each word tumbling over the last to get out of her mouth

Catherine stopped. For a few seconds there was almost complete silence. She was staring forwards at the laptop, slowly she lifted the screen to see a still frame of Emily’s session earlier that day, the computer had stopped right on the moment Emily had thrown one of the pillows on to the floor. In that second, she was almost completely indistinguishable from a toddler throwing a tantrum. On the other end of the phone Catherine could hear sheets shuffling, Amelia was sitting up in bed.

“But…” Amelia finally prompted.

“But…” Catherine let the word linger, “It might help in this situation.”


Emily pouted on the couch. This was crazy. Now that Amelia said she wasn’t allowed to touch her own diapers she had little choice to use them and it was gross. She didn’t understand how this could possibly be helping her, she was having trouble keeping her pants dry, surely not letting her use the toilet was just going to make the problem worse. There was a part of Emily that felt vindictive towards this new rule. Sure, she thought, if I can’t touch the diapers have fun changing them!

It was childish but that was something Emily found herself having little control over. Her diaper was already warm and wet but Emily needed to go again, she barely blinked as her bladder unleashed. She hadn’t really been paying attention to how often she was wetting herself, each diaper change was an inconvenience for her wife so it was Amelia’s problem.

Emily felt a feeling of relaxation go through her as she closed her eyes and let the urine splash off the wet padding and against her skin. When she finished, she stood up and, judging from the heaviness of her underwear, decided it was time to go ask for a change. This was something she would never get used to. The humiliation of having to go to Amelia to ask for a new diaper hadn’t lessened despite how many times it had already happened.

Amelia was in her office upstairs. Emily made her way to the landing slowly with the thick padding rubbing against her thighs and keeping her legs apart. She stopped at the top of the stairs and lifted the bottom of her skirt. The diaper was bulging out in front, the padding had expanded quite a bit and now it was pulled taut and round. Emily couldn’t see behind her but if it curved the same way all the way to the back it must’ve looked like a sphere.

“Amelia?” Emily called. She was standing next to the bathroom. Quite a juxtaposition to the diaper she was wearing.

There was no answer. Emily sighed and walked down the landing. It was stupid but Amelia liked to treat her home office as if it was at her workplace. She didn’t usually respond to being called, you had to go and knock on the door to get her attention. Emily thought it was stupid. If she worked from home, she would spend her days downstairs playing video games and just occasionally filling in a box on a spreadsheet to make it look like she was working. Emily knocked on the door.

“Amelia?” Emily called again.

This time Emily heard the sound of an office chair rolling backwards. Footsteps came to the door and Amelia opened it with a pleasant smile. She’d been in a particularly good mood for the last few days. It annoyed Emily who thought everyone should be as concerned by her recent problems as she was.

“Something up?” Amelia asked.

“You know what I need.” Emily mumbled with surly embarrassment.

“Do I?” Amelia replied.

“Come on…” Emily whined, “Why do I have to say it every time!?”

“Because you shouldn’t be embarrassed about your diapers, baby.” Amelia replied softly, “It’s best to normalise them.”

“Who told you that? Catherine?” Emily snorted with derision. She didn’t have a lot of respect for most of the advice the therapist gave.

“Did you want something?” Amelia asked.

Emily sighed and looked up at the ceiling. This was so stupid. She felt like she was being treated like a child. Sure, she’d developed a problem but she wasn’t the only adult to have it. She was willing to bet not many other grown-ups had to behave this way. She didn’t want to go along with the stupid rules but Amelia had put her foot down after she’d had to scrub the couch cushion for a solid hour to get the stain out. Even then it was still faintly visible as a permanent reminder of Emily’s weakness.

“I need a…” Emily fought with herself to get the word out, “A diaper change.”

“Of course, go wait in your room and I’ll be there in a minute.” Amelia said.

Emily turned away and as she did so she felt a hand patting the back of her skirt right where the diaper was. She immediately jumped away and turned around angrily.

“Don’t do that!” Emily exclaimed in annoyance.

Amelia simply giggled as she closed the office door again. Emily huffed and puffed as she turned back to the spare bedroom, a room that had been increasingly referred to as HER room. Amelia hadn’t invited her back to the master bedroom and Emily was too stubborn to ask for it. Emily made her way to the bedroom. A routine had developed where she got the towel, they put on the bed ready, and then laid down on top of it with nothing covering the diaper. Nothing made her feel quite as small as laying on the bed with her soaked diaper exposed waiting for Amelia.

It seemed to take an age for Amelia to arrive at the bedroom. Certainly, it was longer than the promised minute and as she walked in Emily stared at her with annoyance. She doubted her wife would make a baby wait this long for a diaper change so… Emily stopped herself from that line of thought. Was she really comparing herself to a baby?

“Right, let’s get you sorted. I have a work call in ten minutes so let’s get to it.” Amelia walked straight over to the chest of drawers on the opposite side of the room.

The top drawer was where Emily’s underwear was kept. It wasn’t a place she liked to look; it was just full of diapers now. The panties she had used to wear had seemingly vanished completely. Amelia came over to the bed with a diaper in one hand and a tub of wipes in the other. She said nothing as she started to peel the tapes off the front of the padding. When it was lowered the smell of urine wafted around the room.

“You need to be drinking more.” Amelia said.

Emily rolled her eyes and looked away. As she did so she felt a rumble in her tummy that reminded her of something she needed to do before she was taped up in another crinkly prison. She sat up as the new diaper was unfolded.

“I need to go to the toilet.” Emily quickly said.

“Couldn’t you have just used the diaper?” Amelia asked with a weary sigh.

“No!” Emily said with horror at the thought, “Besides you wouldn’t want to change that, right? It’s easier this way.”

As Amelia said nothing but just looked at Emily the half-naked woman’s tummy rumbled menacingly again. Her control hadn’t improved and she needed to get to the toilet right away. She stood up and ran, naked, out of the room towards the bathroom.

“Just don’t be too long!” Amelia called after her, “I’m supposed to be working!”

Emily closed the bathroom door and sat down just in time. Once she was finished and cleaned up, she flushed the toilet and made her way back to the bedroom. She felt a sense of accomplishment and almost wished someone would praise her for making it to the toilet on time. Amelia had the diaper laid out and Emily sat on top of it. She had barely finished lying back when Amelia pulled the front up between her legs and taped it closed. Emily had to admit that even with it being done in a rush it was better than her wonky own efforts.

“Right, come see me if you need the potty.” Amelia said as she quickly left the room to go back to her home office.

“I wish you wouldn’t call it that…” Emily muttered as her cheeks glowed red.

This whole situation was bad enough without Amelia using terms like that. Emily got dressed again. Next to the soaked diaper that had just come off this dry one felt very light and thin. She hadn’t worn panties in a while now and she wondered how strange they would feel after getting used to all this padding. Hopefully she would find out soon. Even though Emily’s problem had only gotten worse she still couldn’t countenance the idea that she might be in diapers for a long time, perhaps even forever.

Emily left the bedroom feeling satisfied that her high-risk plan was still working. She had managed to avoid soiling herself by being smart and going during her changes, even if she didn’t feel the urgent need to go, she could usually force something out. However, with how little warning she got sometimes it didn’t feel like a strategy that could hold up long term. Her body was seemingly always on the brink of betraying her as evidenced by the little dribble of urine that soaked into the padding of her disposable as she headed back downstairs.


If you enjoyed this and would like to see the next part of the story RIGHT NOW you can do so on my SubscribeStar and Ream pages:



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Emily is slowly getting used to the new status quo, whether she wants to or not. However, left alone one day, she is given a dilemma with no easy answer.


Every update I post is available on my Ream and SubscribeStar pages one week before it is posted everywhere else. For $5 you can see everything I post before the rest of the diapered world. For $10 you can see every update early plus EVERY exclusive story I have written. That's 35 stories available ONLY on my subscription pages and nowhere else!

I rely on my wonderful subscriber's support to be able to write like I do. Writing is my only income and the money I earn goes to help paying the bills, food and everything else my wife and I need. Everyone's support is HUGELY appreciated, without it I would have to find other work and I wouldn't be able to write nearly as much as I do, maybe at all. So thank you to everyone who checks out my subscriber pages and considers supporting me ❤️ 




Just like the pull-ups before them the diapers were becoming normalised. Whether Emily wanted them to or not they had started to feel like part of her everyday wardrobe. She had never made much of an effort to go to Amelia to ask her to help her take the diaper off to get to the toilet on time, there simply never was going to be enough warning to manage all that. Emily was resigned to the fact that she was going to wet herself when she felt the need.

It wasn’t often that Emily would even go and ask for a diaper change. If Amelia wasn’t working, she would periodically check her diaper by flipping up her skirt or sticking a hand down her pants. Emily always complained but when Amelia was finding Emily wet more than dry her options for argument were limited. In some ways it was easier when she was checked and found wet, it saved her having to bring up the problem herself.

After only a few days the diapers were something, Emily almost ignored in some ways. She could never shake off the humiliation of needing them or the feeling of them growing wetter and heavier but they started to get filed, in her mind, under the folder titled “Not my problem.”

Amelia had told Emily she wasn’t to touch her diaper. Amelia did the checking and the changing so why should Emily pay attention to them. Sure, her wife encouraged her to ask for the toilet, or “potty” as she now seemed to constantly call it, but that was almost more embarrassing than just wetting herself. Pissing in her pants had become something Emily was used to, for better or worse.

It would never not be humiliating, Emily was sure of that, but it was no longer world ending when Amelia changed her diaper. Perhaps it was because, despite everything, her plan was actually working. By visiting the toilet between diapers, she was still able to keep the diapers clean. That felt like a massive win though when she brought it up to Amelia, she didn’t get the response she had expected.

“What? You want a medal for not shitting your pants?” Amelia had replied snappily after Emily mentioned it.

“No, I…” Emily started. Her face was heating up with familiar embarrassment. She didn’t understand why Amelia seemed annoyed that Emily was fighting hard to keep control of one aspect of her life

Emily wasn’t able to continue from there because Amelia had closed the gap to her and unceremoniously shoved her hand up under Emily’s skirt. The padding was warm, round and very clearly wet. Amelia sighed and shook her head.

“I need to head out to the DMV and renew my license.” Amelia said, “Can I trust you here alone for a few hours?”

“Well, yeah, but…” Emily bit her lip.

“What?” Amelia asked.

“Aren’t you going to… change me first?” Emily asked with a small voice.

“I’ll do it when I get back.” Amelia said after a long sigh, “You should be alright for a little while.”

Emily was ashamed to say she wasn’t so sure about that. It said a lot that even when Amelia wasn’t around Emily was still not allowed to touch her own diapers. It felt like a stupid rule that only existed because of one small mistake but Emily felt compelled to follow it. With all the strain she was putting on the relationship recently she didn’t want to push any further.

“Call me if you need anything.” Amelia said as she scooped up her keys.

A minute later the front door closed and Emily was left alone. It was the first time she had truly been by herself for a little while. With Amelia working from home increasingly often she was usually always very nearby. Emily felt a little anxious at the sudden separation and almost simultaneously felt a dribble of urine enter her soaked padding.

“Don’t be silly…” Emily muttered to herself, “You’ve been alone plenty of times before. You LIKE being alone.”

Emily did what she often spent her time doing. She grabbed some snacks and a drink and went to sit in front of the television. The soft crinkles that accompanied her every movement had almost become background noise for her now, like a form of tinnitus that you learn to live with, she barely even noticed them most of the time.

Sitting on the couch Emily put her feet up on the table and turned on the television. She could almost pretend everything was back to normal like this. It was so close to how she usually found herself before her bladder and bowels had started rebelling. She was even able to enjoy herself for a little while. That was until she felt the need to poop coming on quickly.

Emily got up and hurried up to the bathroom where she paused. She wasn’t supposed to touch her own diaper but if she didn’t, she would be condemning herself to a horrible accident, and Amelia wasn’t even there to help her. She bit her lip until she uncontrollably passed wind and decided that Amelia would understand. Heck, she may even be able to put it back on and Amelia would never know what happened.

Ripping at the tapes Emily let the damp diaper hit the floor just before she sat down. It wasn’t a moment too soon. She felt relief wash over her as her body evacuated. It was only as she finished and she was cleaning up that she looked down at the diaper.

“Oh crap…” Emily muttered.

In her haste to take the diaper off one of the tapes had been ripped off the back half of the diaper. That wasn’t even mentioning the embarrassing skid mark she had left behind in the padding. The diaper certainly wouldn’t be able to be worn again.

After flushing the toilet Emily picked up the torn padding and carried it through to her bedroom. She dropped it on the floor and kicked it to the corner as she thought about what to do. It didn’t seem like she had many options. If Amelia found her without a diaper on she would be very angry which meant Emily had no choice but to take a fresh disposable from the drawer and take it to her bed.

Emily’s previous attempt at diapering herself had not been a success but since then she had seen Amelia do it a lot more. She held her tongue between her teeth as she tried to get the diaper as straight as possible before pulling it up between her legs. She spent a lot of time trying to make sure she put the tapes in exactly the right position before she committed and pressed them against the front of the disposable. When she sat up and looked down, she thought she had done a very good job, it certainly fit a lot better than her last effort.

Feeling pleased about a job well done Emily got herself dressed again and headed back downstairs. When, a little while later, she felt the need to urinate she didn’t hold back. Sitting on the couch with her feet up she let go into the padding.

It was another hour or so before Amelia came back through the front door. In that time Emily had barely moved from her spot on the couch as she watched a trashy day time talk show. If it wasn’t for the warm padding around her, yet again, it would’ve felt like so many other days before the problems started. Emily sitting and enjoying her life as Amelia came home from doing whatever it was she did.

“I’m back.” Amelia called through the door.

Emily grunted a greeting but didn’t look behind her at the front door. She stretched and felt her padded underwear rub against her, it wasn’t entirely unpleasant as much as she hated to admit it. Amelia came round the couch to block the view of the TV.

“Alright, stand up.” Amelia said.

“Huh? Why?” Emily asked as she leaned to look around her wife.

“Because I need to check you.” Amelia replied, “If you would just wear more skirts, you’d make this a lot easier for both of us.”

Emily sighed and obediently stood up. Her pants were pulled down to her knees and she almost subconsciously spread her legs a bit to make it easier for Amelia to check her. She didn’t even realise she had picked up these toddler behaviours.

“Have you been drinking enough?” Amelia asked with confusion.

“Uh huh.” Emily replied. She was trying not to let it show that having her wife’s hand prodding, poking and squeezing her crotch was actually turning her on just a little bit.

“You’re not as wet as I expected.” Amelia sounded suspicious.

“I’ll take that as a compliment.” Emily said, “What time is dinner?”

Amelia stood up straight and Emily pulled her pants back up. At least it seemed like her wife hadn’t noticed the way the front of her diaper was tenting out a little. Part of her was glad it wasn’t noticed whilst the rest of her would’ve appreciated some attention. There hadn’t been a lot of sex since the diapers were introduced.

“In a little while.” Amelia said slowly, “I’m going to take a shower first.”

Emily nodded and sat back down. She hadn’t really looked at her wife all that much, if she had she might have been more concerned than she was. Amelia left the room and Emily picked up the remote to go channel surfing. She had just flicked over to a reality show about people with strange lifestyles when she was startled into a sitting up.

“Emily!” Amelia shouted, “Get up here now!”

Emily swallowed nervously. There was a time when she would ignore any such instruction but with everything that had been going on she felt like she had to do as she was told. Amelia sounded angry about something so Emily was fairly certain she wasn’t having a medical emergency or anything like that. She slowly walked up the stairs trying to work out what the problem was. At the top of the steps, she looked cautiously into the bathroom but Amelia wasn’t in there.

It was only when Emily saw that the door to her bedroom was open that it dawned on her what was happening. Her eyes shot wide open as she realised she had forgotten about the diaper she had taken off. Her immediate thought was to run away. Amelia was angry and perhaps the best course of action would be to get as far away as possible until she had calmed down. Before Emily had made a step one way or the other Amelia stuck her head round the door and stared daggers into her.

“Come here and explain this.” Amelia demanded.

Emily really didn’t want to be doing as she was told. She wanted to run back downstairs and hide. She knew exactly what she had done, she knew exactly what embarrassing sight awaited her in the spare bedroom. When Amelia’s glare somehow got even sterner Emily’s feet moved forwards and she went into her bedroom. In the corner, right where she had left it, was the used diaper. The padding was obviously yellowed apart from the brown streak that was embarrassingly prominent.

“What’s this?” Amelia asked as she pointed at the discarded diaper.

“Come on…” Emily whined as her cheeks reddened.

“What is it?” Amelia asked again.

“You know what it is.” Emily replied petulantly. She felt about two feet tall at that moment.

“Tell me.” Amelia demanded, “And don’t make me ask again.”

Emily had been feeling like a child a lot recently, it was hard not to when you were wetting yourself so often, but right then she felt more like a naughty toddler than ever. A small child who had been overconfident in hiding evidence of their being naughty and now it was coming back to bite them.

“It’s my diaper.” Emily said as she rolled her eyes, “Obviously!”

“Well done! It IS your diaper!” Amelia said with sarcastic praise, “So my question is… What is it doing on the floor?”

“When you were out, I needed the bathroom.” Emily said with a shrug, “What did you want me to do?”

“You mean other than stain you diaper like that and leave it lying around on the floor for me to nearly step on?” Amelia asked with a shake of her head, “What was my rule for you regarding your diapers?”

“Amelia, come on…” Emily was already so full of embarrassment she felt like she might burst.

“What is it?” Amelia asked.

“Look, I used the toilet without a problem!” Emily responded. She didn’t even notice her foot stomping on the floor like an upset child, “And I put this diaper on without a problem too!”

“That’s not what I’m asking you.” Amelia said calmly, “I asked you about the rule and you have to the count of three to tell me. One.”

“Amelia, I’m not a stupid kid.” Emily retorted angrily, “I ca-…”

“Two.” Amelia counted.

Emily let out a frustrated exclamation. This was all so humiliating. Did Amelia know that she was making her feel so embarrassed? Surely Emily’s cheeks were blazing red for her to notice. This was ridiculously unfair. The rule had been made because Emily had leaked and her current diaper showed no signs of doing that!

“Three.” Amelia finished.

“This is-…” Emily started when Amelia grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards the bed, “Hey! W-What are you doing!?”

“Something you probably needed years ago.” Amelia said through gritted teeth as she started pulling on Emily’s arm.


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