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Alternative Title: Uprooted: Evicted and Forced to Live on a Farm with my Giantess Cousin and Aunt

A/N: This is chapter 1 of a series I'm working on as part of a commission. It's a little different than the stuff I usually write and it's a little on the heavier side. This story will deal with topics such as: Non-Consensual Regression, Incest, Lactation, Giantess Themes, Non-Consensual Drugging and Body Modification, Sissy Themes, Restraints, Gags, Forced Feeding, Futanari, Edging, Sex Toys, Orgasm Delay/Denial, and a bunch of other things that I will try to mention beforehand later down the line. Please heed these tags. The story is much further along than this, but the commissioner (who wishes to remain anonymous) requested to be updated far ahead of what is posted to DD. The alt. title was an idea from the commissioner as well! 

Uprooted: Chapter 1 (4,391 Words)

Daniel wished he’d known he was getting fired before he walked into the building. Or, at the very least, a sign that his employment was coming to an end. There was something so humiliating about it all. That morning he had woken up in his shitty apartment, squeezed himself into his cubicle of a bathroom to get ready, and took the bus the entire way to work. He’d said hello to a handful of his co-workers on the way back to his station. He should have known something was wrong with the way they averted their eyes from him almost immediately. 


His station was a pillar of pride in his life. After years of searching for a job that would hire a 4ft tall man who needed a stepstool to reach most urinals in public bathrooms, he found one company that needed him. Not just needed him but wanted him as well. He’d interviewed for a production position and was feeling the red-hot embarrassment welling up in his chest as the interviewer tried to find a reason to reject him without mentioning his small stature. It didn’t get any easier to see after the twelfth job interview. But then the sorting technician quit. 


It was a job that required no previous work experience. He had a small station away from most of the factory with a conveyor belt in front of a chair. Material would pass by and he would sort them into three boxes according to their size. It was the easiest job imaginable. But it was tedious. The technician would sit there all day and sort material with no deviation. The only break from monotony was someone coming to collect the full boxes. It didn’t pay great (which was why the previous technician quit) but it was a job. And Daniel was running out of time before he would be kicked out of student housing. 


He was hired immediately and put to work. It was annoying at times, but he was always able to combat that annoyance with the awe that he had a job. A real one. He was paid in cash. Just enough to keep him in his previously mentioned shoe-box-sized apartment and fed twice a day. It was the independence he’d been searching for for years!

So when he walked back to his station to see a giant brick of a machine in its place, he was rendered speechless. The production manager was there smiling at the machine as its hopper was filled with material. The machine whirled to life and started to fill several tubs with different materials faster than Daniel could ever have. And Daniel had to stand and listen to the manager’s faux regretful tone as he explained that his position was now obsolete. The man reached into his pocket, gave Daniel the meager remains of his weekly pay, and sent him on his way. The bus wouldn't run by for another hour which meant he was left to sit at the bus stop trying not to cry…


He grabbed a newspaper from the front office and started to look at the hiring ads for something he could do, occasionally wiping harshly at his eyes. A week later, four interviews down, and nothing. Rent was due in less than a week and he only had half of it. 


Daniel looked at himself in the mirror of his tiny bathroom. There was only a half step between the sink and the toilet, when he sat on said toilet his leg touched the shower stall. The main room wasn’t much better. It was a studio set up with a curtain tacked to the ceiling to separate his bed from the “kitchen”. The kitchen had a single counter, a shallow sink, and a mini fridge. He had a tiny camping stove set up on the counter and a microwave left over from the previous tenant. It was…laughably bare. But he had pride in it all the same. All his furniture was bought and brought to the unit on his own, too proud to ask for help. To think that he’d lose it all so quickly…Over a stupid machine. Daniel couldn’t help but look at himself in the mirror and ponder how it all went so wrong. 


His shoulder-length blond hair was greasy and limp with the stress and neglect from his week of panic. An empty bucket served as his step-stool to even see the mirror and reach the faucet. He looked rough. Tired. Stretched thin. 


His phone ringing shocked him from his musings so harshly that he almost fell from the bucket. The only people who ever contacted him were employers or his aunt Gemma. Running out of the bathroom, it turned out to be the latter. She and his cousin Indie were his only family and he hadn’t seen them in years. Although they tried to call him every other week to keep in touch. They’d offered to host for holidays like Christmas or Thanksgiving, but he always turned them down to work (and also because he didn’t have a car). But never did he ignore either of their calls. 


Sighing, he sat down on the cot that was his bed and answered the phone. 


“Hello?” He asked weakly.


“Danny!” Aunt Gemma cheered happily. “I almost thought you wouldn’t pick up…” 


“Sorry,” He couldn’t help but apologize. “I was in the bathroom.” 


Aunt Gemma recovered quickly and started to ask him how things had been since they last spoke. Usually, he would give standard vague answers, trying hard to maintain his independence, but this time he couldn’t muster up the energy. “It’s been…rough…” He sighed once more. 


“Aww,” She cooed sympathetically. “How about we go out to lunch and you can tell me all about it. It’s been too long since I’ve seen you. I bet you’ve grown so much!” 


Daniel winced silently. He really couldn’t afford that. “Sorry, Aunt Gem, I don’t think I can-”

“Nonsense,” She interrupted. “I won’t take ‘no’ for an answer. Pick a place to meet and we’ll be there at noon tomorrow. My treat.” 


Reluctantly, Daniel chose a small diner around the corner of the block from his apartment. It was close enough that he wouldn’t look sweaty or out of breath when he walked. Aunt Gemma was audibly excited at his lack of resistance and hung up with a cheerful wish of a good night’s rest for him. Daniel went to bed that night and stared up at the stained ceiling. The conversation with Aunt Gemma and Indie would be awkward. He should have pretended everything was fine. At worst, she would offer to loan him some cash. And that was the last thing he wanted to do. Not only did he not want to be in anyone’s debt, but he also didn’t want to face the fact that he couldn’t take care of himself. He’d been doing so for years, but one mishap and suddenly he’s walking around with his hat in his hands begging for money? Not a chance. At best, she expresses more sympathy and pays for his meal. And then he’s left alone for another two weeks, at the end of which he would most certainly be homeless. 


Daniel didn’t get much sleep that night. And what sleep he did get was fitful and plagued by stress-fueled nightmares. The next morning he forced himself out of bed and into a warm shower to look somewhat presentable for lunch. He combed his hair, leaving it to dry in the air, and dressed in his least worn set of clothes. The pants had a hole rubbed nearly straight through on his knee, but the shirt was a little more presentable. It was a blue polo he wore to most of his interviews. Looking in the mirror again, he couldn’t help but think he looked like an elementary schooler on the way to picture day. At least he wouldn’t look like a bum when talking with Aunt Gemma and Indie. 


Walking downstairs, he saw the note the landlord constantly kept posted on the door to exit the building. 




He had four days…four days to figure out what he was going to do…Crap. 




Daniel walked with his head down the entire way to the diner. The last time he’d seen either Aunt Gemma or Indie was almost a decade ago at a family function. Indie was about to start middle school while Daniel was nearly graduating high school. Embarrassingly, she was just as tall as he was. She ribbed him for it a handful of times, but he was able to impress her with his ‘high school’ knowledge enough to distract her. 


Indie, from what he remembered, took after her mother. The same thick wavy blonde hair, pretty green eyes, and lightly tanned skin from being outside all the time. The pair of them lived on a ranch ducked off in a rural neighborhood. It was a few acres of property nestled into a cropping of trees. They had livestock as well as a field where they would plant seasonal crops. Not only was Indie like her mother in looks but also in personality. There was something about working on that ranch that seemed to empower both women. They handled the workload between the pair of them with ease. 


Daniel wondered what Indie would look like now. Perhaps a little taller than him. But maybe she’d grown into the homely body her mother had. If he was lucky they’d still be the same height. He wondered if she still styled her hair into two braided pigtails on either shoulder. Aunt Gemma was the same, he thought with certainty. She was older so it wasn’t as if puberty would influence her body. Daniel thought back and remembered all the firm hugs she pulled him into and was sure he’d see the same woman upon his entrance into the diner. 


The bell above the door chimed with his entry and he looked around for a familiar face. It was busy given that it was lunchtime, but he was able to spot a pair of heads with familiar blonde hair seated off into as secluded a corner as possible in the diner. That was a blessing, he thought, as it would enable him to talk about his struggles better without the fear of someone overhearing. Before he could walk over to the pair, one of them seemed to spot his entrance. From the distance, he thought it might have been Indie.


Wasting no time, Daniel walked over to the table. It was a booth on closer inspection. One of those horseshoe-shaped ones that meant someone on the end would have to get out if the person in the middle wanted to leave. Both of them stepped out of the booth to greet him and what he saw surprised him so badly that he had to take a step back. 


He was right to think that Indie had grown up to have her mother’s body. What he wasn’t prepared for was the size of…well…everything. Daniel’s government ID had him listed as 4ft 1in tall because the clerk had pity on him and didn’t make him step up to the measuring stick on the wall. Truthfully, without his shoes, he was more like 3ft 10in tall. But this wasn’t a discrepancy of inches. No. This was feet. He wasn’t sure exactly how tall they both were, but he knew he had to crane his neck back to look at their faces. 


Doing so though, his thoughts shifted to something rather inappropriate for his cousin and aunt. He couldn’t help it really. All those years on the farm had given them thick curves. Just one of Indie’s calves was thicker than his torso. The wide curve of their thighs dipped right above their hips until all he could see was their breasts. Gemma was dressed more modestly than Indie, he thought with a moment of solace. Indie was dressed in jeans that looked practically painted on. The waistband cinched at her waist with a studded belt. Daniel’s eyes were drawn to her bare stomach. She was wearing a crop top of some sort. The bottom of which was tucked under her large bust in a way that he was sure they’d pop out if she moved the wrong way. Especially as her nipples tented the front fabric. Each breast was larger than his head. And going by the beaded-up indents, each nipple was larger than his thumb. Aunt Gemma was much the same sight although she hid it behind a soft-looking cardigan. 


Finally, he was able to tear his eyes away from their chests and look at their faces. They both smiled excitedly, nearly falling over each other to hug him. Daniel just barely managed to restrain a verbal protest as he was swept up into Gemma’s arms. Daniel felt himself being smushed between two pairs of breasts to the sounds of squealed greetings. 


“Danny, baby!” Aunt Gemma cried, sticking him on her hip as if he were a squirming infant. He just barely managed to keep from gasping as he felt his balls being squished as if he were riding a saddle. “It’s been so long! Give me a hug!” 


In an awkward moment, Daniel realized he couldn’t wrap his arms around her neck with how big her chest was. But Indie’s breasts pressed against his back were urging him to make some kind of move. His arms moved to hold Aunt Gemma by her ribs and he leaned into her hold, unable to keep from resting his head right in her cleavage. He turned his head to the side to hopefully hide his blushing face. He swore he could feel a sheen of sweat develop on his skin. Both from anxiety and the heat of both well-endowed women pressing him between them. If they weren’t his family, he would have been practically drooling. 


“Good to see you, Auntie Gem,” He said, clearing his throat as his voice cracked. “You look…great!”

“Danny-boy!” Indie chuckled from behind. “You’re still so short. What happened? Did you stop eating your veggies?” 


“Hey!” Daniel couldn’t help but protest. He knew he was small, but that wasn’t his fault. “I’m not that short.” 


The pair separated, although Aunt Gem still held him on her hip. She bounced him lightly on her hip, causing him to gasp at the sudden increase of friction. He was a man after all. His thighs clenched but were kept separated by Gemma’s thick thigh and her hand dropped down to hold his butt in support of his weight. 


“Could have fooled me,” Indie smirked with her arms crossed under her chest, pushing them up in a way that nearly had them spilling from the top of her crop top. 


“Shut up,” He groaned only to feel Gemma’s hand squeeze his bottom. 


“Indie’s telling the truth, Daniel,” She said in a sickly-sweet tone. “You aren’t an inch taller than I last saw you.” 


Daniel was saved from having to respond as the waitress came over with her notepad in hand. “I’m so sorry it took so long for me to get you you. We’re just so busy right now. Can I get you all started with something to drink?”

Gemma smiled at the waitress and sat down on the booth. She shifted Daniel to sit on her lap as she scooted further in, her thighs taking up most of the seat. Indie followed her lead on the other side. “I’ll take a sweet tea, and a lemonade for the little guy here.” 


“Wha-” Daniel protested. “I was gonna get a soda-”


“The last thing you need is a bunch of sugar!” Gemma laughed, sparking the two other girls to join in. “No, he’ll have the lemonade.” 


The waitress marked it down without even looking and Daniel for his input and turned to Indie. “And you?”

“I’ll take a coke, please, and thank you,” She seemed all too pleased to be getting the drink she knew Daniel wanted. Daniel scowled at her with no effect. Instead, he shifted his weight to make it known he wanted to sit down on the booth seat between them rather than in Gemma’s lap. The movement was allowed, to his brief relief and he noticed the table reached far higher than he thought it would. He glared at it as well as if it would make it shrink down to his size. 


“Does he need a booster seat?” The waitress asked Gemma much to his dismay. 


“That would be great, thank you!” Gemma answered, earning a scoff from Daniel. 


“I don’t need a booster seat! I can sit fine on my own!” He protested. 


“My, my,” Gemma huffed, opening the menu dismissively. “You sure are fussier than I remember. You don’t seem that happy to see us at all.” 


And maybe it was her tone. Maybe it was the sudden shift in attention away from him. Either way, Daniel felt the heavy weight of guilt settles into his stomach. Maybe he was being a bit prickly. It had been nearly a decade since they were together like this and he’d been complaining since he walked in the door…That wasn’t right or fair. He chalked it up to the recent stress he was under and moved to apologize. It was a little awkward tucking his legs under himself long enough to boost himself up to an appropriate height, but when he was at eye level with Aunt Gemma’s shoulder, he wrapped his arms around her thick bicep and hugged it. “I’m sorry Aunt Gem, I really am glad to see you both.”

“Aw, little nugget,” She cooed using the nickname she’d given to him as a child, and leaned in to pepper a few kisses on the crown of his head. “I forgive you. You said you were having a rough time over the phone. I suppose it’s only natural for you to be a little short-fused, yeah?”

Daniel nodded in agreement, happy to see his apology was accepted so quickly. “Yeah, it’s…been rough.” He reiterated. 


The waitress came back with a booster seat tucked under one arm and a platter of drinks balanced in the other. The two ranch workers stepped in with Indie scooping Daniel up from behind. One arm wrapped around his waist and the other reached down to cup him between the legs. Daniel fought back the instinct to squirm and kick in the brief seconds that Gemma was setting the booster seat where he sat before and Indie was setting him down on it. Eyes now at an appropriate height on the table, Daniel couldn’t help but feel a bit less claustrophobic between the two larger women. 


“Alrighty,” The waitress smiled as he got situated. “Are we ready to order?” 


“Indie, are you ready?” Gemma asked. 


“Yeah, I’ll have the BLT with french fries and a side salad,” She said quickly without even looking at the menu. Daniel felt a little panicked as he hadn’t even looked at the menu once since he arrived. Picking up the folded plastic in front of him, he barely heard what Gemma ordered. 


“And for the little guy?” 


“I- Uh-” He stuttered, scanning the menu for something appealing. He’d eaten nothing but instant ramen and vending machine food for the past week. The choices were almost overwhelming. 


“Hey,” Indie’s voice came, suddenly so close that Daniel flinched. His head darted to the side to see her leaning over from her spot in the booth, a hand reached out to rest on his thigh as she looked over his menu. “How about the grilled cheese? It comes with french fries and tomato soup.” She whispered the words so close to his ear that goosebumps started to pepper up on his skin. 


“That’ll work,” He said immediately, dropping the menu and then scrambling to pick it up again and hand it to the waitress. “Thank you.” 


“I’ll get those orders put in and come and check on you guys in a bit,” She smiled, tucking hair behind her ear and walking off. 


“You think she’s pretty,” Indie teased in a sing-song voice. Her mouth was still next to his ear and her hand was on his thigh. Her fingers squeezed the skin there gently, and he knew if she didn’t stop he’d have another problem on his hands. 


“No, I don’t!” He denied it immediately. 


“I saw the way you looked at her. You thought she was cuuuute,” She laughed. “Do you think she’d want to go out on a date with a ‘little guy’?” 


“Shut up!” He demanded once more. 


“Daniel,” Gemma’s voice rang with a slightly condescending note. “We don’t tell people to shut up. That’s not nice. You should apologize to your cousin. You could have hurt her feelings! After all, she’s missed you for so long.” 

“But Indie was-”

Gemma turned to look at him with a warm smile. “You were getting quite flustered talking to the waitress. It’s only natural for little boys to have crushes on pretty girls.”

Daniel didn’t like how this lunch was playing out. But, if he pressed the issue, what was to stop the pair from leaving the diner? Without Gemma or Indie to talk to, he’d have nobody. And who’s to say his failure of this lunch wouldn’t lead to them completely cutting ties with him for good? Homeless and without any family to talk to? Daniel slumped back into the booster seat with his eyes on his lap. Indie still hadn’t removed her hand from his thigh and he found himself reaching for it. His small fingers twisted around two of her much larger ones and he forced his mouth to move. “I’m sorry Indie for being mean to you. I understand you were just joking.” 


“Telling the truth, more like,” Indie huffed, but returned the squeeze of his hand. “But it’s fine. No harm done, Munchkin.”

Daniel had to bite his tongue to keep from protesting the new nickname. He was older than her, dammit. He was supposed to be the older cousin. The ‘cool’ one. The one she looked up to. And yet here he was sitting in a booster seat apologizing for standing up for himself. To add insult to injury, he saw Gemma messing with something on the table before a white plastic cup was slid in front of him. “Here, baby,” Gemma said. “Have some lemonade and tell Auntie Gemma what’s been bothering you lately.” 


It was only after he took a sip and replaced the cup on the table that he realized it was in a kid’s disposable cup. The diner’s mascot in a waitress outfit was painted on the side of it. It sat in stark difference between Indie and Gemma’s adult glasses. He gave a shuddering sigh and started to talk. He told them specifics about his job- or well- his ex-job. He told them about being replaced without warning by a robot. And how the job hunt had turned up nothing so far. 


“My rent is due in a few days and I don’t have nearly enough money to pay for it. Let alone food or my phone bill,” He finished up, digging a fist into one of his eyes that dared to start watering. He wasn’t going to cry in front of Indie or Gemma. He wasn’t. He’d cried enough. “I’ve just been under a lot of stress lately.” 


“Oh, Sweetie!” Gemma said sadly as she pulled him into a side hug. Her arm was strong as it wrapped around his shoulder and he found himself pulled right into the side of her breast. He could feel the warmth of it through her clothes and there was an awkward moment where he didn’t know what to do with his hands. For lack of anything else, he rested them in his lap. “That’s so much for you to handle all by yourself.” 


“Yeah, you should have said something,” Indie piped in, plastering herself to his other side. He was once more squished between the two of them. 


“I didn’t want to worry you two,” Daniel defended weakly. “I can handle it by myself. I’ve done it this long. This was just…unexpected.” 


“We’re family, you should feel comfortable leaning on us for support when you need it,” Gemma lectured. “You should come to stay with us, Nugget. That way you don’t have to be so stressed out all the time.”

“I can’t!” Daniel denied. “I’m almost 30 years old, I can-” 


“Cousin, if you could make it on your own, you wouldn’t be in this situation,” Indie’s words came gentle but harsh at the same time. In a way, she was right. “Besides, you’re still so young. You don’t look a day over three and a half.”

It was both a dig at his height and reassurance, so Daniel didn’t immediately snap to defend himself. “I don’t want to impose on you two,” He tried a different tactic. “I don’t even have a car to move my stuff in!” 


“We have a truck, baby,” Gemma’s words came doused in patience. “You can load your stuff up and ride with us back to the ranch. We can clear out a room for you and everything.”

“I don’t know…”

“Think about it overnight and we’ll call you tomorrow,” Indie came in with a decent compromise. “Let us know your choice. But it’ll be good to have another set of hands on the ranch. It’s not as if you’ll be lacking anything to do out there.” She sent a wink his way as their waitress came by with a platter of food. Gemma and Indie’s food came on large ceramic plates, but Daniel was annoyed to see his sandwich and soup had arrived on plastic flatware with the same childish design. He was even given a plastic spork for his soup instead of a pack of metal silverware like Indie and Gemma. 


“Let me know if there’s anything else I can get you three.” Their waitress smiled. “You all enjoy your food!” 


Daniel sighed, reaching to grab a part of the grilled cheese expertly cut into triangle pieces. He had to admit…it was a good grilled cheese. 

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Alternative Title: Uprooted: Evicted and Forced to Live on a Farm with my Giantess Cousin and Aunt

A/N: This is chapter 2 of a series I'm working on as part of a commission. It's a little different than the stuff I usually write and it's a little on the heavier side. This story will deal with topics such as: Non-Consensual Regression, Incest, Lactation, Giantess Themes, Non-Consensual Drugging and Body Modification, Sissy Themes, Restraints, Gags, Forced Feeding, Futanari, Edging, Sex Toys, Orgasm Delay/Denial, and a bunch of other things that I will try to mention beforehand later down the line. Please heed these tags. The story is much further along than this, but the commissioner (who wishes to remain anonymous) requested to be updated far ahead of what is posted to DD. The alt. title was an idea from the commissioner as well! 

Uprooted: Chapter 2 (3,990 Words)

The meal went without any further interruptions. It was clear they were leaving him to his thoughts as they conversed with each other as if he weren’t even there. Occasionally, Daniel would tune in, but the conversation was always something about the ranch and the work that needed to be done when they got home. Daniel was more content eating his grilled cheese and finishing his soup. When the bill came, the waitress didn’t hesitate to put it right in front of Gemma. Even with the preliminary agreement, Gemma would pay for it, Daniel felt a little embarrassed and started to pull out his wallet. 


“At least let me cover the tip, Auntie Gem,” He asked, pulling out some cash. 


Gemma looked at him fondly as she pulled her wallet from between her breasts as casually as breathing. “Nope, you can keep your money, baby.” She put a card down on top of the receipt and handed it to the waitress as she passed by. “Besides, you ordered off the kid’s menu. It wasn’t that expensive.”

Daniel felt his cheeks burn. He didn’t intentionally order from the kid’s menu. He was panicking and Indie was the one who suggested what to eat. Granted, it filled him up and it was delicious. The portion was great for his smaller size. But it wasn’t as if he wanted food from the kid’s menu. Stubbornly, he put the cash on the center of the table as far as he could reach and put his wallet back into his pocket. There, now that it was on the table, they couldn’t take it back. 


“Well,” Indie smirked. “If you insist on tipping the pretty waitress, you should at least hand it to her yourself.”

Gemma’s face lit up at the suggestion. “Oh, that would be so adorable!”

Before he could protest, Daniel found himself being slid into Gemma’s lap to sit on her large thighs at the end of the booth. She leaned forward to grab the money from the center of the table and the movement made her breasts rest on the back of his neck which didn’t help his unease. The bills were put back into his hand and Gemma waved the waitress over one last time. “Make sure you tell the waitress thank you, Nugget.” 


“Hi, is there something else you need?” The waitress asked curiously as she saw the trio, Daniel with his face bright red, and the two ranchers looking like Christmas came early. 


“This ‘little guy’ had something he wanted to give you,” Gemma urged, making it so Daniel couldn’t back out if he wanted to give the waitress her tip. 


The girl looked down to Daniel and he held a shaking fist out with the bills. “H-Here’s your tip.” It was a nudge from Gemma that spurred him further. “Th-thank you for your service.” 


The girl’s face lit up and a coo poured from her mouth as she took the bills and slid them into her apron. “Thank you, sweetheart!” She crouched down to look into Daniel’s face as he was looking down at the ground. “You were a very lovely customer and I hope to see you again sometime.” 


She stood back up and looked at the pair of girls. “Your baby is so cute! I hope I can serve you again the next time you come by.” 


“We’ll just have to make it a habit,” Indie agreed. “You know how little boys get when they have a crush.”

“Indie!” Daniel gasped in surprise that she would say something like that only to shrink as several eyes from other patrons turned to look at him. “Gemma, make her stop!” 


The only thing he learned from his fretting was a few bounces on Gemma’s knees making him unsteady enough to have to lean back into her hold, using her breasts as a soft rest for his head. “Easy, baby,” She cooed. “We should head out now before he gets too fussy,” Gemma laughed. 


But Daniel was frozen in place. The embarrassment and strife he’d been under recently acted as if his entire body was on a reset. He didn’t make an effort to move from Gemma’s lap when the waitress wandered off once more. Gemma didn’t seem to care about his plight at all as she put her wallet back between her breasts again and reached around him to lift him with one hand. It didn’t hurt, but the pressure on his balls as she lifted him with a single palm was unavoidable. She slid another hand to cushion under his butt and started to stand from the booth. He expected to be put down on the ground, but Gemma continued onward. 


Daniel forced himself not to make a scene as he was carried out of the diner. Indie got the door for the pair and soon they were on the front sidewalk. “Well, baby, have you made your choice?” Gemma asked. Like an idiot, Daniel turned his head to look at her as she spoke only to feel her breast rub against his cheek. He flinched as if shocked and turned his eyes back to the street.

“I want…I want to think about it overnight.” He swallowed, wishing he’d finished his lemonade to wet his dry throat. 


It was only then that he was put down on the ground and Gemma nodded. “Alrighty, Danny. We’ll call you in the morning and you can let us know what you’ve decided. Just know that we’re always here to help you and take care of you through this rough patch.” She bent down to press a wet kiss to his forehead. He fought the urge to wipe it away when Indie gave him a matching one on his cheek. 


“Mom’s right, cousin,” She said, for once soft instead of abrasively teasing. “You’ll always have a place with us.” 


With that, they walked off toward the parking lot where their truck most likely was. Daniel stood, feeling no small amount of confusion as he watched after them. This would not be an easy choice…




In the end, he decided to take them up on their offer. As much as he hated it, he really had no choice. It was that or be homeless. Sadly enough, it didn’t even take him overnight to think about it. Less than an hour after they’d left and he’d walked back to his apartment, he was leaving once more. Taking the half payment of rent, he’d bought a few boxes to pack his things into. One box for the bathroom, one for his clothes, and one for the ‘bedroom’. Painfully enough, his meager belongings barely took up any space in the boxes at all. The biggest thing he owned was his bed and that collapsed down into a small trunk that didn’t need a box at all. 


Feeling like he needed a little bit of a pick-me-up, he bought himself a pint of ice cream to soothe his sorrow.


The next morning, he awoke to the sound of his ringtone. It was Indie. 


“Hello?” He said, voice a little groggy. 


“Hey, Danny,” Indie sounded happy, he noticed. “I have you on speaker here with mom.”

“Hello, baby,” Gemma called, sounding equally pleased. “Have you made your choice?”

Daniel sighed. “Yeah…I’ll take you up on your offer.”

There was shifting as he assumed the phone was being handed off. A distant whoop of joy startled a smile to his face. He didn’t expect them to be so…excited. 


“That’s great!” Gemma spoke over the cheers. “We’ll be by to help you pack in an hour or so. I’ll bring breakfast.”

The line clicked before he could even tell her he’d already packed everything. Part of him hoped their excitement was a sign that this wouldn’t be as dreadful of a choice as he thought it would be. 


Having both Gemma and Indie in his apartment really emphasized how small it actually was. The trio was cramped into the main area to the point where Daniel had to take down the partition so that they wouldn’t bump into each other. He showed them the few, mostly empty boxes of his belongings and avoided Gemma’s pouting eyes as she realized how little he had to his name. 


“Don’t worry, sweetie,” She promised. “We already cleaned out a room for you and everything. You’ll have your own room and it’s right across from the bathroom.” 


Despite being so close, Daniel had never been to their ranch since he was a small child. And even then, the details were muddled in his brain. Either way, he was sure anything was a step up from his cramped shoebox. All the boxes and the trunk fit very easily into Gemma’s truck bed and Daniel had to avert his eyes as Indie climbed in the back to tie it all down. Her breasts hung down in her low-cut top and her thighs made her- he stopped himself. That was his cousin! Mercifully, Gemma stepped in to give him the breakfast she’d promised him which consisted of an egg scramble burrito and a large protein shake. “I’d expected this to take us almost half a day, but this went pretty quick,” She shrugged. 


His stomach wasn’t used to so much food, he realized as he followed the pair to the front of the truck. His stomach felt full and tight until he was nearly sick with it. But the protein shake was so good that he didn’t want it to go to waste. The burrito was small to compensate. The creamy texture of the shake coated his tongue in a slightly sweet taste that made him feel warm down to his toes. He was still sipping on it as he climbed into the truck. There was only one long seat in it as it was a pickup truck. And with Gemma driving and Indie in the passenger seat, it left Daniel in the awkward middle seat squished between them. At least he had access to the cup holder, he thought as he set his half-finished shake inside it. 


“Oh, buckle up!” Gemma called and reached over him (Inadvertently pressing his face to her cleavage) to grab his seatbelt to strap him in. Normally, he’d complain, but the clip to the belt was under her thigh thanks to the tight space and he was grateful she took the initiative to handle it. That grateful feeling faded as she pulled the belt and he felt the fabric tighten over his full stomach. He couldn’t help but groan. 


“I ate too much,” He groaned, leaning himself over on Indie only half an exaggeration. He was surprised as she merely lifted her arm and let him lean closer, using the side of her breast as a pillow. He'd always been blind in his right eye, so it was hard to anticipate movement from that side. “My stomach hurts.”

“Aww,” Gemma cooed. “Just get some rest then. We have a long drive ahead of us.” 


Daniel grumbled something that was probably a half-formed insistence that he didn’t need to take a nap before he found himself casually drifting off to sleep. His dreams were filled with a soothing rocking sensation that was probably due to the truck moving on the road as well as Indie’s natural movements. He couldn’t remember his dream, only that it felt soft and warm. The warmth spread up from his toes to his head, spreading out like goosebumps along his body. Eventually, the warmth settled in his core and he found his body trying to move closer to that warmth. 


It was the subtle shaking of something that roused him from his slumber only for him to realize that subtle shaking was Indie’s chest as she tried hard not to laugh. Jerking harshly, Daniel perked up from his slumped-over position. It was then that Indie started to laugh uproariously. “Did you have a good dream?” She asked between giggles. “You were so cozy I didn’t want to wake you-” 


Daniel wished the ground would open up and swallow him whole. He was sure his face was bright red. Trying to look anywhere but at Indie, he noticed Gemma wasn’t in the truck. As a matter of fact, they were parked in a stall at the gas station. The woman in question was making her way out of the gas station with a bag in hand and held it up to the window. “Here’s your snacks, Indie.”

Daniel squawked in surprise as he found himself flattened to the seat by Indie’s weight behind him. Yet another time where his blind spot failed him. Her chest weighed heavily on him, and he gave a weak cry of annoyance as she carelessly reached over him to grab the bag. “Ooo! Thanks, Mom.” She smiled, digging through the bag for a package of gummy candy. 


“You squished me on purpose,” Daniel grumbled, spitefully grabbing the cup of protein shake and drinking down the rest of it now that his stomach was more settled. “With your freaking chest!” 


“Don’t act like you weren’t cuddling up to them not even five minutes ago,” She winked at him. “You’re just a boy after all. You can’t help yourself.” 


“What?!” He gasped, sputtering on the shake. “No, I wasn’t! That’s gross, you’re my cousin!” 


“Oh, is he awake?” Gemma called, dipping her head into the window. A smile stretched across her lips. “Hi, baby! Did you sleep well?”

“Oh yeah,” Indie scoffed. “He slept really well-”


Daniel shushed her quickly, not wanting to make it seem like he was some kind of deviant. “I slept fine, Auntie Gemma. How close are we to the ranch?” He tried changing the subject. 


Gemma replaced the nozzle of the gas pump with the handle and slid into the truck. “About 30 more minutes. Do you need to go potty before we head out? I’m not stopping again until we’re home.”

“No, I should be fine,” Daniel sighed, putting his empty cup back in the cupholder and leaning his head back on the seat so he didn’t have to look at Indie’s smug face. He cleared his throat needlessly. “So, what chores will I have?” 


Gemma waved her hand through the air dismissively. “We won’t put you to work doing anything too hard, Nugget, don’t you worry.” 


“Well,” Daniel spoke with a little offense in his tone. “I can work. I don’t have a problem with that. I just want to know what you’d have me do.” 


“You can feed the animals,” Indie chimed in. “If you can lift the feed buckets.” 


“I can lift buckets,” Daniel assured thinking of the buckets at his old job full of miscellaneous material. 


Indie reached over to him and ruffled his hair, causing him to groan and rapidly bat her hand away. “Sounds like you’ve got a job.” 


The rest of the drive went in a blur until Daniel watched the rural farmland pass by as they drove down the long driveway. The house was like he remembered it to be. Just as tall, rustic, and homely. The large porch was a wrap-around with several chairs and a bench swing. He could hear the distant bleating of goats from the barn and in the distance, he saw a field of crops. He was well and truly on a farm. 


Indie helped him carry his things inside (by carrying everything but a single box and letting Daniel bring it in behind her). The room she brought him to was larger than the entirety of his old apartment. His jaw dropped as he saw it. The ceiling was tall, even for Indie, and it was like walking into a little boy’s bedroom. The furniture in the room was a long dresser that could hold all of his clothes in a single drawer, he was sure, a bed, and what looked like a playpen in the corner. The bed was tall enough to reach Daniel’s chest and the playpen was bigger than the bed! The mattress was thick and looked soft, especially with the sheets and blankets on top of it. The walls were painted a light blue with fluffy clouds hand-painted above rolling hills decorated with teddy bears prancing about. 


“It’s…very childish…” He commented, trying not to sound ungrateful. 


“Do you like it?” Indie asked excitedly. “I painted it myself. Originally I used it to babysit, but we moved most of it out of the way, and she motioned to the wall where there were a few boxes in the corner of the room. “Don’t mind those,” Indie spoke as she set the boxes and trunk on the floor by the dresser. “They’re just old doll clothes that didn’t fit in the attic.” 


“It’s great,” Daniel was quick to say. “I really appreciate this, Indie. I know we’re family, but this is a lot.” 


“No such thing as too much when it comes to family, Danny,” Indie said with iron conviction. “We’ll go through the attic and see if there’s anything we can find to fill the space. And I’m sure Mom won’t mind making some more clothes to fit you.” 


Daniel was left sputtering in the wake of her casual kindness. 


Indie chuckles. “I’ll leave you to get settled. We’ll be in the living room when you’re ready.” 


With that, she walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her. Daniel smiled at the empty room. It was space to grow in, he was sure. It didn’t take long to unpack his clothes. As he suspected, they all fit in a single drawer. He pushed the trunk with his cot in it over to the bed and used it as a step stool to climb on top of the mattress. As he thought, it was comfortable. There was a slight crinkle he heard when he put his weight on it, and pulling at the sheets revealed a thin plastic cover. Dismissing it as a way to protect an old mattress from the elements, Daniel ignored it. 


When he was finished taking it all in, he stepped down using the trunk and headed for the door. Only…as his hand grabbed the knob and tried to turn it, it stayed firmly still. He grabbed the knob with both hands and tried to yank on it a bit harder to no avail. What the heck? He heard the struggling creak of the knob and was suddenly reminded that this house was older than he was. Heck, maybe even older than his aunt! That meant that the house had a lot of ‘character’. Some of that character being doorknobs that got stuck constantly. With someone like Indie or Gemma who were strong enough from years of ranching, it was nothing. To Daniel, it was impossible. 


Daniel knocked on the wood and pressed his ear to it to see if he could hear anything. “Hello?” He called out when he heard nothing. “Auntie Gemma? Indie? I think the door is stuck!” 


He didn’t hear anything indicating anyone had heard his plight. He cursed, turning to the room only to see that there was no window. He was stuck in this room until he got the door open! Hopefully, if he took too long, one of the girls would come save him…


Walking around the room, Daniel took it all in. He’d never had so much space…He could imagine putting a desk in one corner. Maybe even working on hobbies he’d never had the time or money for before. And he could see hooks in the roof that looked like he could mount a hanging chair from. With nothing further to keep his attention, Daniel walked back over to lay on the bed once more. It was miles better than his cot. 


It was with that thought that he was shocked out of his thoughts by a knock at the door. 


“Danny? Are you alright? It’s been a while?” Gemma asked with concern laced in her voice. 


Danny shot up from the bed. “Auntie Gem!” He cried in relief. “I think the door is stuck!” 


He watched in mild annoyance as the knob twisted and Aunt Gemma stepped into the room. “Stuck?” She asked, stepping in and shutting the door behind her. She turned the knob just as easily as before and opened the door again. “It seems fine to me, Nugget.”

…Maybe it was a one-off thing? Daniel couldn’t help but think as he hopped off the bed and onto the chest before touching the ground. Aunt Gemma smiled at the sight and he tried to ignore her. “Are you going to show me around the farm?” He asked somewhat excitedly. 


“I can,” She giggled. “Let’s go get Indie.” 


Gathering the girl from the living room, the trio made their way outside to what looked like a mix between an ATV and a golf cart. The cart could usually fit three people, but with the size of Gemma and Indie, it was a tight squeeze for the both of them. Daniel went to sit in the bed of the cart, but Gemma’s eyes widened. “Oh no, baby! You can’t sit back there. You need to sit up here where there’s a seat belt!” 


“But…there’s no seat!” He reasoned, pointing to the two of them. 


Indie rolled her eyes and held out her arms. “You can sit in my lap, Danny.” As if it was the most obvious solution ever. “We can share a seatbelt.”

Daniel wasn’t sure if that was any safer than him just riding in the back, but decided not to argue with the pair of girls that regularly worked on the ranch. Indie didn’t even wait for him to step on the car before swooping down and scooping him up into her arms. The belt, as it was secured over his lap, was tight. It forced him down onto Indie’s lap in a way that would have been uncomfortable if she were a man or less curvy. Instead, her plush thighs served as a nice cushion for his behind and he tolerated her hands planted on his hips for the ride to the barn. It was a bumpy ride, often bouncing him onto her knee and halfway there he found himself having to reach down and cup his assets so they wouldn’t get squished with the movement. He guessed it was a good idea he wasn’t riding in the back or he would have fallen out long ago. 


He couldn’t get off Indie’s lap fast enough when they finally stopped. But, then again, his feet barely touched the dirt before he found himself snatched up and deposited on Indie’s hip. “Just wait until you see all the cute animals,” She cooed. 


“I can walk!” He demanded.


“But can you see over the fence?” She asked rhetorically, knowing he couldn’t, and booped his nose playfully. “Just be a good boy and sit still so I don’t drop you in the pig trough.”


“Wha- Aunt Gemma! Indie threatened to throw me in the pig trough!” He tattled in offense.


But Gemma was once again on her daughter’s side. “Then it sounds like you should sit still so she won’t throw you,” The words came with a warm chuckle, clearly not taking him seriously. 




“But- But- But-” Indie teased, each ‘But’ she jostled him closer and closer to the fence closer to the pig trough. It was empty at the moment and all the pigs seemed to be inside the barn, but the fall would hurt pretty bad. He gripped tightly to Indie’s shirt, finding his fist balled up right above her sternum. With every step, her breasts bounced and brushed against his hand. But he couldn’t move it without drawing attention to the fact that he had it there. And then wouldn’t he just look like a creep? 


He sighed, this was going to be a very trying stay. Only made worse by the fact that he had no idea how long he’d stay. A month? A year? Five years? Could he handle five years of this? He wasn’t sure. 

  • Like 20

Nice new chapter, I hope Daniel does at least gets some responsibilities outside of playing most of the time, although yea the bucket might be to heavy for him.
Also please dont forget to update topic title.

  • Lavellan changed the title to Uprooted (Ch 2. - 10/2)
5 hours ago, Tasa said:

Also please dont forget to update topic title

You're so right! I just changed it. Thanks for the heads up! ❤️



Hmmm, not strong enough for the doorknob, how long until there us a midnight emergency bathroom trip needed?

  • Like 2

I really like the way they're regressing him. At first I was a bit deterred because the incest tag, but I like the way you wrote them. Femdom stories always get me. But it reminds me very much to the Cousin Emmy story from Elfie. 


Alternative Title: Uprooted: Evicted and Forced to Live on a Farm with my Giantess Cousin and Aunt

A/N: This is chapter 3 of a series I'm working on as part of a commission. It's a little different than the stuff I usually write and it's a little on the heavier side. This story will deal with topics such as: Non-Consensual Regression, Incest, Lactation, Giantess Themes, Non-Consensual Drugging and Body Modification, Sissy Themes, Restraints, Gags, Forced Feeding, Futanari, Edging, Sex Toys, Orgasm Delay/Denial, and a bunch of other things that I will try to mention beforehand later down the line. Please heed these tags. The story is much further along than this, but the commissioner (who wishes to remain anonymous) requested to be updated far ahead of what is posted to DD. The alt. title was an idea from the commissioner as well! 

Uprooted: Chapter 3 (4.219 Words)

Indie grew tired of teasing him for the moment as the barn doors swung open. The entire interior smelled exactly as he expected it would. Although, he was surprised that it wasn’t exactly disgusting. He supposed that it meant they kept it clean enough not to render a gross smell. The barn looked larger on the inside, to Daniel’s interest. There were a few stalls on one end with horses chewing at hay racks, An opening near the front that led to the pig troughs outside, and a large coral in the bag with a handful of excited, bleating goats. 


“They’re all here because it’s feeding time,” Indie explained, walking over to a small alcove that housed large barrels of (what Daniel assumed was) food for the animals. He expected to be put down, but Indie balanced him easily on her hip and started to fill several buckets with pellets and started to lug them to the various stalls. 


“I can do it!” Daniel squirmed to be put down, wanting to contribute to something that was supposed to be his job. Indie must have decided to entertain him as she set him down and put the bucket down in front of him. 


“Then grab it, little guy,” Her teasing tone was back as she crossed her arms and looked at him expectantly. “Carry it to the goats.”

The goats were on the completely other side of the barn. Daniel sighed, reaching down and grabbing the handle on the bucket. It was only half full, but as he went to lift it he realized the pellets must have been pretty dense. It was too heavy for him to lift with one hand. And even two hands had him nearly bending in half to lift it from the ground. But he was determined. 


Taking a swinging step forward, Daniel felt the bucket swing as well. It grew heavier for a second or so before smacking harshly against his leg. He hissed at the dull ache that bloomed there but was quickly distracted as the bucket was yanked from his hand by Indie. He couldn’t utter a single word of complaint before Gemma had him in her arms and cradled like an infant. A look of worry etched on her face. 


“Oh, sweet boy! Are you alright?” She asked, petting down his chest to his leg as if expecting to find a broken bone. 


Daniel heard the pinging sounds of pellets hitting the metal trough that fed the goats. Indie had decided to carry on without him. “I can carry it!” He complained. 


Gemma wouldn’t allow him to squirm out of her arms, though. Instead securing him to her chest like an infant, holding his head to her collarbone. Daniel’s face turned bright red. His knees were positioned on either side of Gemma’s breasts. His penis, perking up at the close proximity, was nearly sandwiched between the two breasts. Or at least, it would have been had he not been wearing pants. “It’s too big of a job for you,” She decided with iron conviction. “We’ll find something else.” 


“But…I can do it,” He pouted. “I can help, Auntie Gemma.”

It was the first time she’d put her foot down on something he wanted. Her tight hold only loosened slightly as they walked to each stall to introduce each animal to him. She spoke as if she hadn’t even heard his protests. 


“This is Buttercup!” She announced, pointing to a large brown horse with white spots on its rump. The horse tossed its head back in acknowledgment before diving back into the bucket of pellets Indie had placed on the rack. “She’s my special girl. I might take you out riding with me if you’re a good boy,” Gemma smiled and carried Daniel down the line despite his squirming. He met Dart who was Indie’s horse and he was even bigger than Buttercup!

The third horse was a miniature pony that Daniel had to crane his neck to see behind the gate. “This is Squirt! You can see why,” Gemma giggled in his year. “We weren’t planning on getting another horse, but he was just so cute!” To prove her point she lifted Daniel above her head as if it were nothing. “Just so fun-sized and adorable.” 


Daniel had a suspicion they were no longer talking about the pony. “Gemma! I’m not a little kid, you can put me down!” 


“Okay,” Gemma said and Daniel gasped as her hands suddenly disappeared from under his arms. He flailed, feeling a weightlessness in his stomach as he fell from the air. Only to let out a squeak as her hands came back to hold him firmly under the armpits. He reached for her shirt, finding his arms too short, and grabbed her forearm instead. “Just kidding!”

“Don’t do that!” Daniel cried.

“Do what?” Gemma asked ignorantly. “This?”

Daniel gritted his teeth as she feined dropping him once more. “Stop!”

“Stop what? I’m not doing anything, Nugget.”

She dropped him once more, sparking frustrated tears in Daniel’s eyes. He didn’t like feeling so helpless. It was almost like he was back in school, being picked on for his size. And the squirming feeling in his stomach was unpleasant and scary. He knew she’d never drop him on purpose, but there were always accidents. Gemma must have noticed as, instead of dropping him again, she pulled him close to nuzzle up on her neck once more. “Oh my goodness, did I scare you?” Her voice was sugary sweet and warm. One arm reached under to support his butt and the other pressed against his back to hold him close to her. “Auntie’s sorry, baby! I didn’t mean to scare my sweet nugget.” 


“Didn’t scare me,” Daniel denied, taking the opportunity to grip tightly to her shirt. “Don’t do that though.”

“Maybe he’s scared of heights,” Indie’s voice suggested from depositing the last bucket. “That’d make riding horses with us hard.”

“Well, he’s too little to ride horses alone, anyway,” Gemma mused, bouncing him in her arms as if to soothe him to sleep. “He can sit in my lap and cuddle if he’s too scared.”

“Not scared of heights,” Daniel mumbled. But this too was ignored. 


The next few minutes passed in a blur of names of each animal (most of which he wouldn’t remember again) and Gemma finally decided it was time for lunch. Daniel wasn’t hungry at all, still full from the protein shake from breakfast. But Gemma didn’t ask because as soon as they got into the house, she carried him into the dining room and sat him down in Indie’s lap before disappearing into the kitchen. 


Daniel went to slide off her lap but found his legs being swept up from under him until he was cradled in Indie’s arms like an infant. “Where are you going? Hm?” 


“To sit down,” He huffed, swinging his legs in an attempt to be put down. 


Indie hummed as if she were considering the idea, and shook her head. “Nope, I like you right here.” She rolled her shoulders back and reclined in the dining chair leaving Daniel sandwiched between her arms and her breasts. They rested firmly on his chest and stomach, not so much to restrict his breathing, but enough so that he felt their warmth leaching through his clothes. He could even feel the hard peeks of her nipples pressing into him. They were always on display in her shirts. Daniel wasn’t sure why nobody else seemed to notice. Surely it was distracting…


“You’re squishing me,” He whined but tried to be careful not to push, lest he touch her breast accidentally. 


“How?” Indie scoffed, and Daniel felt her cradle shift until she was supporting him with a single arm. 


“You know!” He felt his face light up for the millionth time that day. 


“What, these?” Indie reached below one of her breasts and lifted it. As it inched closer to his face, Daniel felt the heat from it spread across his chest. He could even smell something sweet coming from her like perfume or something. He bent his head back, fearing the flesh brushing against his cheek. “They’re just tits, Danny. Although, I guess you’ve never seen any before.”

Feeling the dig at his masculinity, Daniel found himself rushing to defend himself. “I have seen tits! I’m not some stupid virgin.”

But he was though. After all, what girl wanted to sleep with a guy that was the same size as their little brother? Indie smirked, obviously not believing him. “Oh yeah? Who’s boobies have you seen? Were you peeping into the girl’s locker room or something?”

“I wasn’t!” He spat. “I’m not a perv.”

“Could have fooled me,” Indie teased. “You look at my boobs so much, you’d think you’d wanna see them.”

Daniel shook his head, a denial in place and he brought his gaze up from where they’d been unknowingly staring at her cleavage. “Uh, uh, uh,” Indie interrupted. “Don’t stop looking now.”

Daniel felt his heart pick up and sweat start to bead up on his brow as Indie dropped the breast once more to press against Daniel’s chest. Instead, her hand slipped into her cleavage and lifted her breast from inside her shirt. The fabric pulled, going taut over her hand and just barely avoiding exposing her entire breast to him. “How many tiddies have you seen in your life?” She asked and Daniel was caught so off-guard, that he accidentally answered truthfully. 



“Do you want me to change that?” She asked and before Daniel could answer, Gemma was entering the room with several platters to put on the table. Daniel jerked as if shocked, watching Indie remove her hand from her shirt. 


“Have you two been getting along?” Gemma asked, not even looking over at them as she positioned the platters (various sandwich parts) in the center of the table. Indie laughed goodnaturedly and used the hand that had been in her shirt to pull Daniel’s face to hers. She nuzzled his brow, pressing a kiss to the warm skin, and moved said hand to press a finger to Daniel’s nose in a boop gesture. Daniel shivered as he could smell the sweet perfume smell even stronger and also mixed with the unmistakable musk of sweat from when she was feeding animals in the barn. Parts of him were waking up that he so desperately wanted to keep down. He would not pop a boner in his cousin's lap smelling the raw scent of her boob against his lips. 


“We’ve gotten along just fine,” Her voice shocked him from his thoughts and he rushed to agree before he looked suspicious. He could only imagine what Gemma would have said had he hesitated. 


“Great! Let me go get the drinks,” Gemma disappeared once more into the kitchen. 


“Why so nervous, baby?” Indie whispered conspiratorily. The finger against his lip trailed down, pulling his bottom lip down until it was released. “You look like you got caught with your hand in the cookie jar.”

Again, before he could respond, Gemma was reentering the room with a tray of drinks. He cursed vehemently in his brain. What the hell was Indie doing? Was she flirting with him? He was her cousin! What would Gemma think?! He was remarkably silent while Gemma made a couple of sandwiches and put them on the plate. He was surprised as the plate was set in front of him where he sat cradled in Indie’s arms. “Here you go, Indie,” She smiled. 


“Thanks, Mom!” Indie smiled, shifting Daniel so he was sitting straddled on her knee. An arm wrapped firmly around his waist to keep him from climbing down, but Indie started feeding herself with her other. The sandwiches smelled nice, not just basic bread and bologna, but toasted bread and hand-cut meats spread out on the platters. They were too far away from him to make his plate though and his plight seemed to show on his face. 


“Don’t worry, Gemma’s got it,” Aunt Gem cooed to him and grabbed the bread for one sandwich. “Here,” Daniel watched as she grabbed a slice of meat from one of the stacks and ripped off a piece to hold up to his face. “Try this.” 


His mouth started to water at the smell of food in front of him, Daniel took the piece into his mouth finding it to be some kind of turkey. It was good and he hummed in appreciation. Gemma smiled and started to rip up the rest of the slices to feed them one by one. Daniel had tried to reach out to grab it from her instead, but she always moved it out of the way of his grasp. 


When that slice was done, she grabbed a slice from another stack. She allowed him to try it and fed him the rest of the slice when it was clear he enjoyed it. This continued until he’d tried a slice of all the meats. She asked him which he wanted on his sandwich and he pointed at his favorite slice of the four meats. 


It was the same process with the cheeses. And the lettuce, tomato, and pickles. Granted, there weren’t that many varieties, but by the time she’d finished assembling a single sandwich on the plate, he felt full to bursting. So much so that he couldn’t even manage to fake being interested in the sandwich. Daniel turned his head away from the plate, leaning back in Indie’s grip to distance himself. 


“Baby,” Gemma asked softly. “What’s wrong?”

“Not hungry anymore,” Daniel explained nervously. “You can have it if you want it.” 


“But I made this sandwich for you!” Gemma’s mouth parted in slight bewilderment. “You watched me make it just for you and now you suddenly don’t want it?” 


Daniel shrugged. He, once more, tried to slide off of Indie’s knee, but that only led to her reaching down and cupping him under his balls so that he couldn’t shift at all. His arousal had faded while he snacked on the sandwich stuff, but was slowly being rekindled in the back of his mind. “I’m not hungry. I want to be let down now.” He craned his neck back to look at Indie. “Put me down.”

“Nope,” She said smartly, licking a smear of mayo off her lip. “You’re staying right here until you finish your food.” 


“But I don’t want it anymore!” Daniel sighed harshly. “I’m full!”

Gemma giggled before dragging her dining chair closer to the pair. “If you don’t want to eat by yourself, then I guess I have no choice but to feed you!” 


She wasn’t kidding. The sandwich was dissected on the plate until it was in bite-sized pieces of its separate parts. To prove her point, she took a small scrap of mayo-spread bread and brought it up to Daniel’s mouth. He’d originally tried to resist, but a gasp forced its way from his mouth as Indie clutched his vulnerable privates. The gasp was the perfect opportunity for Gemma to slip the bread into his mouth leaving him with no choice but to eat it or else spit it out. He reluctantly swallowed it and opened his mouth to protest only to find a shred of lettuce being pushed in right after. It was so invasive that Gemma’s finger slipped past his lips to push the food onto his tongue.

Daniel spluttered that time, groaning at the thought of her finger in his mouth. “That’s gross!”

“I washed my hands before I started prepping!” She gasped. “Are you saying I’m dirty?”

“No-” But that question was a trap, he realized when cheese was pushed into his mouth next. 


No amount of complaining or squirming did the trick and it was only when he felt nearly like he was going to be sick, that the sandwich was gone, and he was sporting a half-boner that he prayed Indie didn’t notice from when he was practically grinding into her hand. But he was freed. When he finally got back to his room, he didn’t even pause to think about the sticking door. Only relieved to climb onto his absurdly tall bed and stretch out on his back on the plush mattress. The exertion was enough to tone down his erection, thankfully. He did not want to process that right now. 


While trying to relax his bloated belly, Daniel didn’t realize he’d fallen asleep…


His dream was hazy at first. Something unclear and fluid. At first, all he felt were sensations. A warmth spread from his toes to his head like when he drank the protein shake in the truck. It felt like sinking into a warm bath at the end of a hard day. His muscles, tense from the teasing and uncomfortability of earlier, slowly relaxed. He smelled the scent of something sweet. Like a freshly frosted cake or a sweat cream. He could practically feel that sweetness filling his stomach. 


And then felt the pleasure. Daniel’s skin prickled like he was being tickled, only for a wave to pass over him that itched delightfully. He could practically feel the shiver in his body. It was like someone’s hands were petting him from his head down to his toes. He could hear something that sounded like speaking. He couldn’t discern the words, but there was something in there that was soft and gentle. It soothed him even further down in his rest. It guided him into a truly relaxed state. 

Embarrassingly, it was almost what he imagined sex to feel like. A warmth and a relaxation in his body. In his mind’s eye, he could imagine a woman above him grinding on him. He’d never kissed a girl either and his lips tingled at the curious thought. Would it feel good to kiss a girl while he felt her body? His mind seemed to think so. His dick, while not micro, was proportional to his size. Yet another insecurity he had. He preferred it to an abnormally large one, but it still stung as he thought it would be hard to please a woman. 


In his dream though, he was fine. He was more than fine. The woman on top of him couldn’t seem to stop moaning as she rolled her hips over his. He couldn’t see her face, merely a blur. But her body was amazing. A large chest that he could practically rub his cheek on despite lying down on the bed. Wide hips that nearly eclipsed him from where she sat on his lap. He bent up far enough to press a kiss to the girl’s sternum. Her answering moan sent another shock of pleasure down his spine. 


He answered her moans with his groans and grunts of pleasure. He felt the tightening in his stomach as if he were dangerously close to an orgasm. He’d completely forgotten this was a dream and felt content to wallow in the amazing feeling of being with a woman. Praise left the woman’s throat to encourage Daniel further. To do what, he wasn’t sure. She was very much in full control. But she knew what she was doing as well. In no time, Daniel found himself on the edge of a blissful orgasm. And the woman didn’t let up at all. 


It was a shocking revelation to wake up back in his bed. He half expected the faceless woman to still be on top of him, but she wasn’t. Looking down, he saw his dick tenting the front of his shorts. He was so close. But relief just wasn’t there for him. Did he dare try to jerk off in Gemma’s house? He supposed it was alright given the fact that he was taking a nap before. If there were ever a time when they weren’t watching him, it would be now, he was sure. 


Daniel reached down to lightly stroke the hard-on in his pants and found his hips jerking up into the touch. He cursed. He didn’t think he could last very long. In the few times he’d get himself off at his old apartment, he did it in the shower. A quick way to clean up. But here…

A hiss left his lips as he stood up, his underwear dragging against his hard-on. He tiptoed over to the door and tried to listen to see if anyone was moving on the other side…but the hall was dead silent. His hand pulled on the knob to try to get it to open, but as before, it seemed to be stuck in the frame. His arousal was briefly forgotten, he tried to yank on it a bit harder. But it didn’t budge in the slightest. He was stuck in his room once more…


There were worse things, he supposed. 


With a cursory look around the room, Daniel found a package of baby wipes. He was sure they were from when Indie would babysit, but they would be good enough for what he needed them for. Taking the package to his bed, Daniel sat near his pillow and climbed up onto the mattress. There, lying on his back with his pants around his knees, Daniel tried to conjure the image of the beautiful woman again. In his mind, he imagined her on top of him and could almost feel her weight on his hips once more. 


It wasn’t so hard and soon enough he was chasing the building pleasure of before. His mystery woman purred from her spot above him. Praise flowed from her mouth for him and how good he made her feel. It was that thought that sent him barreling towards an orgasm quicker than he ever thought. He bit his lip to hide his noises of pleasure. 


It was the rattle of the door knob that startled him out of his revelry. 


“Danny~” Indie’s voice called out. “Did the door get stuck again?”

Daniel scrambled to pull his pants up quickly, stuffing the wipes under his pillow. He’d only just managed to get his pants up over his hips when the door jerked open to reveal Indie standing on the other side. She smiled at him, completely unaware of what he’d just been doing. 


“Ah, you’re awake. Mom and I were worried you’d sleep the day away!” She smiled and walked in. “How was your nap, baby?”

“It wasn’t a nap,” Daniel immediately protested. It sounded too infantile, especially for what he’d just been doing. “I was just…resting.” 


“Okayyyy,” Indie trailed off. “But you’re awake now…Are you planning on staying here for the rest of the night?” 


“N-No,” Daniel slid off his bed, trying hard to hide his rapidly waning dick from his nosy cousin. “The door was stuck.” 


Indie scoffed. “It opened just fine for me.”

Daniel glared up at her, but it didn’t seem to have much effect as she walked over to his bedroom door and opened it again. “Come on, Danny. We wouldn’t want you to get locked in again.” But her tone of voice implied that she didn’t believe him. 


“I don’t need your help!” Daniel felt his tension before transferring into annoyance. The cordial attitude he’d had for the start of the day only lasted so long. He was a grown man! 


Indie acknowledged his annoyance with a look he couldn’t decipher. “We’ll see about that.”

She walked out of the door and Daniel had to rush to catch it before it closed. “Mom!” She yelled down the hall. “Daniel woke up cranky from his nap!”

Daniel’s jaw dropped as he chased after her. “No, I didn’t! She was being rude to me!”

He ran into the living room to see Gemma resting on the couch, taking up the majority of it as she stretched out. The television was set up for a movie that was paused. “Oh, baby,” She cooed. “Come to Aunty Gem!” Her arms reached out. Thinking, for once, he was going to be believed, Daniel ran over to her. He couldn’t hug her properly from her position on the couch, but when his arms reached out, he felt her grab him tightly. She pulled him up onto the couch to cuddle into her chest like one would a small child. 


“It’s okay if you woke up a little cranky,” She soothed. “We can watch a movie while you wake up some more, yeah? Maybe even go riding before dinnertime?”

With such a full stomach from lunch, Daniel couldn’t imagine dinner coming so soon (even if it were hours later). But Indie had already started to play the movie. Daniel tried to squirm out of her grip, but that only led to her adjusting it to hold him more firmly. To the point where her hand was pressed to his head, holding it to her chest. Her other hand was pressed to his butt, keeping it still. He was only glad his hard-on had completely disappeared in the rush, even if he still felt the itching of arousal in his chest. After all, cuddled close to Gemma’s bosom as he was, it was almost like the mysterious woman in his dream. He’d never intentionally compare Gemma to her of course. Gemma was his aunt! 


…But his arousal was much more stubborn. 

  • Like 13
  • Lavellan changed the title to Uprooted (Ch 3. - 10/10)

Alternative Title: Uprooted: Evicted and Forced to Live on a Farm with my Giantess Cousin and Aunt

A/N: This is chapter 4 of a series I'm working on as part of a commission. It's a little different than the stuff I usually write and it's a little on the heavier side. This story will deal with topics such as: Non-Consensual Regression, Incest, Lactation, Giantess Themes, Non-Consensual Drugging and Body Modification, Sissy Themes, Restraints, Gags, Forced Feeding, Futanari, Edging, Sex Toys, Orgasm Delay/Denial, and a bunch of other things that I will try to mention beforehand later down the line. Please heed these tags. The story is much further along than this, but the commissioner (who wishes to remain anonymous) requested to be updated far ahead of what is posted to DD. The alt. title was an idea from the commissioner as well! 

Uprooted: Chapter 4 (3,697 Words)

Daniel managed to slip into an almost-doze as the movie played. It was something childish and altogether boring for his tastes. But Gemma’s arms stayed secure and sure around him. He barely stirred when the girls started speaking to each other. 


“Did you milk yet?” Gemma asked calmly. 


“No, I was going to wait til later,” Indie mumbled.

“Don’t wait too long!” Gemma’s giggle jostled Daniel slightly. “You know how much of a mess it makes when it starts leaking.” 


Since when did Aunt Gem have cows? Daniel thought. He didn’t see any on the property and surely they would have mentioned it by now…


“I know, Mom,” Indie sighed in a monotone voice as if it were a reminder she received often. “I’ll do it later.” 


“I want to use it with dinner.”

“I’ll do it right before. Fresh is best, that’s what you always say.” 


“As long as you don’t make a mess of my kitchen.”


They went back and forth with Indie promising to clean up if she made a mess again and Daniel pondered what milk Gemma was talking about. One of the goats maybe? His stomach turned at the idea of goat milk. Surely not one of the horses or pigs! That would be even worse! He made a mental note to ask after the movie. He was planning to sit out of dinner anyway, but this was a good reason to avoid the dinner table. Daniel watched the movie, slowly getting wrapped into the plot (as easy to follow as it was). And found himself almost disappointed when it ended. That is until he remembered he was a grown adult and had no reason to be entertained by such childish things. 


Gemma perked up with the credits rolling and sat up. Daniel found himself being moved. Instead of using her chest as a pillow, he suddenly found her breasts nearly suffocating his face. Daniel attempted to push away from her, but her arms stayed firm around him. He huffed in annoyance. “I can’t breathe!” 


“Oops!” Gemma giggled, allowing Daniel to scoot away to free up some air between them. “I can’t help it, I just love cuddling my little nugget.” She reached down to pinch his cheeks. “You’re just so cute! I want to eat you up.” 


“I’m not little!” Daniel refused. “I’m an adult.” 


Gemma didn’t seem to care for his input as she stood up from the couch. “Come on, baby,” She urged. “I promised you a pony ride.” 


Daniel half expected to be swooped up like before, but Gemma started at a quick pace to the door. To the point where Daniel had to scramble up from the couch and chase after her. There was no thought as to if he actually wanted to ride the horse, at least, not until he was out of breath behind Gemma as she saddled up Buttercup. He’d never been on a horse before, and just looking at the tall beast, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to now. 


“Alrighty, Nugget,” Gemma cooed. She turned around to face him and bent down with her hands on her knees. It took everything in Daniel not to look at her cleavage dangling in front of his face. “Do you want to climb up by yourself? Or do you want Aunty Gemma to help you?”

It was the first time he was asked what he wanted rather than it being forced upon him. It was only his first day on the ranch, and he was already desperate for a tiny semblance of independence. 


“I can do it!” He said quickly, all thoughts about not wanting to ride the horse forgotten. It was only as he approached the horse that he realized he might have bitten off more than he could chew. The horse was large. The stirrups he knew he needed to put his feet into were nearly up to his chin. If he wanted to get up to the saddle, he would have to pull himself solely by his arms. Rather than admit that, Daniel decided to try his hardest. His hand reached up to grab a strap on the saddle, squeezing it as tight as he could he tried jumping up to reach the stirrup. He was lucky enough that his foot slipped right into it. His victory was short-lived, though, as his grip on the strap slid off suddenly. Foot stuck, strap gone from his hand, Daniel was left falling back to meet a harsh fate on the barn floor. 


He wasn’t sure if a cry of fear left his mouth before warm arms halted his descent with a quickness. 


“Uh oh!” Gemma’s voice soothed his rattled nerves. “You almost took a bad tumble!” 


Daniel kicked out, simultaneously trying to get his foot unstuck and squirm out of Gemma’s grip. One of those things was achieved with Gemma gripping his ankle firmly and slipping it out of the stirrup. But the other one wasn’t in his realm of fruition as she held him quite firmly and hopped onto the horse as easily as breathing. She settled Daniel in front of her on the saddle with an arm wrapped around his waist like a seat belt. “There we go. Nice and safe with Aunty, yeah?”

“I don’t want to-” Daniel turned as if going to hop off the saddle to the large drop of the floor.

“Nope!” Gemma reached to grab his hands before they could brace himself to jump. “Your hands go here,” She led his wrists to the horn of the saddle where it nearly pressed right against his dick. “Hold on tight!” 


Daniel wanted to protest further, but Gemma nudged the horse forward with her heels and it lurched into a slow trot to the exit of the barn. Gemma’s firm grip on his waist secured him in place, but he found himself grabbing tightly to the horn anyway. “Good boy!” She praised. 


Buttercup kept a steady pace, only needing a few urging taps to keep going. And once Daniel got past the initial fear of being on top of such a large animal, he could admit it was kind of fun. Of course, that was when Gemma urged him to go faster. “Isn’t this fun, Baby?” Gemma asked sweetly. 


Daniel found himself bouncing on the saddle even with Gemma’s arms holding him. It didn’t hurt per se. But it was just as uncomfortable as it was before with Indie massaging his testicles through his pants. And the arousal from earlier was sparked into a dull throb. He was not getting hard from riding a horse, he told himself. He refused. Still, what must have been nearly an hour later, he was no longer fighting a boner, but fighting Gemma from noticing his boner. And his thighs were aching from supporting himself on the saddle without being able to reach the stirrups. Thankfully, they were heading back to the barn. 


Gemma slid off the saddle, taking the time to pull her shorts back down from where they rode up on her thighs. But then she reached up and swooped Daniel down. Only, when she put him on the ground, he found his legs parting as it ached too much to stand normally. He just wasn’t used to the discomfort that was riding a horse for a long time. 


“Aww,” Gemma cooed with a smothered laugh. “Poor thing! Come here!” She reached down for him but he tried to step away from her reach. A wince contorted his face and his hands dropped down to rub at his thighs. 


Gemma wasn’t deterred in her movements. Instead, she stepped forward until he was back up into the door of the stall and was forced to allow her to pick him up. He couldn’t help the whimper stolen from his lips when he was placed on her hip. His thighs tried to close to defend his already sensitive privates, but her body stopped that from happening. Daniel was forced to endure the entire walk back to the house with his dick grinding on Gemma’s hip. The smallest amount of mercy he was allowed was that Gemma didn’t seem to notice his predicament. 


Then again, all that was thrown out of the window when they stepped into the kitchen and Daniel saw Indie at the table shirtless. Her breasts were out and on display. Not hidden in the slightest by the pump machine that powered away on her nipples. Because there was no mistaking what was going on. The bottles attached to the end of the cups on her nipples were most of the way filled with a creamy white liquid. On the table were four other bottles with big rubber nipples attached to the tops. They were so full that some of the white liquid - milk - was beading out from the tip. 


“Oh my god!” Daniel gasped out, hands reaching up to cover his eyes. “What the hell?!”

Language!” Gemma scolded with disbelief while Indie laughed loudly in the background.


“Put a shirt on!” Daniel could feel how hot his face was getting behind his hands. “That’s disgusting!” 


He didn’t expect his wrists to be grabbed easily in a single one of Gemma’s hands. Nor did he expect her to pull his hands from his face, leaving him only his closed eyes between himself and Indie’s breasts. “Baby,” Her voice was honey-sweet. “It’s okay. There’s no need to be so bashful.”

“Yeah,” Indie agreed. “You can look if you want.” There was something sneaky in her tone and Daniel suspected she was alluding to earlier when she’d teased him about never seeing a pair of tits before. “It’s only natural.” 


“Open your eyes, Daniel,” Gemma purred, cooing when Daniel’s eyes cracked open. “It’s just milk.” 


Daniel heard the pop of pressure being released, a slight moan stealing his attention. Indie had detached the apparatus from her breast and was screwing another rubber nipple onto the top of the bottle. It was just as filled as the other ones. She rubbed her hand over her breast as if soothing the skin. Indie’s lip was sandwiched between her teeth as if smothering another moan. Daniel watched her reattach the machine to her nipple, taking a few seconds to pinch the swollen, leaking nub between her fingers beforehand. Her eyes darted up to lock with Daniel’s. 


Daniel’s erection was only encouraged as Indie tilted her head back, lips parting in (what he could only assume was) pleasure. Gemma’s voice shook him from whatever staring contest they were in. “I told you not to wait so long, Indie,” She laughed and sat Daniel on a chair beside her. Gemma grabbed two of the large bottles and carried them to the kitchen. Daniel watched after her to see her put them in the fridge, but his eyes widened when he saw the entire top shelf of the fridge was full of the same bottles. Some had green caps and some had pink. Both of the ones from Indie were pink as were all the ones on the table. 


“You want to try some?” Indie asked, tilting another fresh bottle toward him. Daniel leaned back, wincing as a drop of milk fell from the nipple and created a dark spot on his pants. “You look like you really want to.” Daniel felt a chill go down his spine when he realized she was talking about his boner. 


“No! That’s gross!” He refused. 


“It’s not gross!” Indie defended. “All women do it. Is it that you want it right from the source?” She used both her hands to hold up her breasts to him. Milk beaded up on her nipples, but they didn’t drip. They must have been emptied. He couldn’t help but notice how large her nipples were. They were as long as his thumb; longer now that they were engorged by the milking machine. If he ever- No. He shook the thought from his brain. Not if- Not when either! She was just trying to tease him some more. Egging him on like she did before when she touched her breast with him in her lap. Daniel covered his face once more. 


“Stop!” He pulled his knees up to his chest and hid his face in his knees. Gemma came in to clear the remaining bottles off the table and the next time Daniel dared to peek, Indie had covered herself up with a flannel shirt. But her nipples were still poking through the fabric as if she were chilled. He was caught staring and before he hid his face once more, he caught a wink from her. 


Dinner was ready far quicker than Daniel thought it would be. Indie must have started it before…pumping. And Daniel had his mouth open to announce that he didn’t feel hungry when Gemma spooned up a large bowl of stew in front of him. It smelled divine. Looking in he saw a dark broth with a few cubes of various vegetables. But his stomach was heavy with lunch already. And he hadn’t been to the bathroom since he’d arrived. That was also nagging him. 


“May I be excused?” He asked as politely as possible. “I’m still full from lunch.”

“Oh, Nugget,” Gemma smiled as she served Indie a bowl as well. “Lunch was hours ago!” 


“It wasn’t that long ago,” He groaned. “And I need to go to the bath-”

“You’re too small to be skipping meals,” Gemma sat down with her bowl in front of her. Daniel barely had time to brace before his cahir was being pulled over to hers until his knee touched hers. Gemma took his spoon and scooped up a generous portion. “Open up.”

Daniel shook his head, reaching up to fend the spoon away. “I’m not hungry!” He huffed. He pushed himself off the chair, expecting to feel the floor beneath him. Only Gemma had other plans. It was annoying how quickly he’d come to recognize sitting in their laps. Kicking his feet only served to get them pinned down by Gemma’s strong thigh. His pushing hands were gripped firmly in a single one of hers. “Let! Me! Go!”

“Easy, baby,” Gemma cooed. “No reason to be so upset. It’s good. Try it.” The spoon approached his mouth once more and Daniel kept his mouth sealed tightly. 


He sat on one of Gemma’s thighs with his legs stuck between her closed thighs. She gripped his wrists with her left hand and tried to feed him with her right, but at his refusal, she stuck his hands between her thighs as well. He could feel the heat of her skin as her shorts had ridden back up her thighs in the commotion. With her hand freed once more, she used it to grab his chin. Her thumb and pointer pushed at his cheeks, forcing his mouth to part open. Now exposed, he was unable to stop the spoon of warm broth that tipped into his mouth. That didn’t mean he had to swallow it. 


Angrily, He used his tongue to push the broth back out of his mouth. He felt it bubble over his lip and down his chin. Even touching Gemma’s hand where it gripped his chin. But Gemma only cooed at him. Her smile was permanent as she spooned up another bite and tried again. “Such a messy baby,” She chuckled. 


Daniel fought against his bonds until the front of his shirt was cold with stew. Tears welled up in his eyes and he found himself tearfully swallowing the next bite of food. Gemma’s eyes lit up at the sight. “There we go! That’s a good boy!” 


His lip quivered as another bite passed from his lips. Gemma removed her grip on his chin, but he was too upset to fight her off anymore. His stomach filled quickly with the stew even more than what was painted on his shirt. “Is it good?” Gemma prodded and Daniel forced a nod. It was good, but he didn’t want to eat it. That was the problem. When he was finally freed, Daniel didn’t even consider going to the bathroom. Instead, he ran off toward his room, slamming the door behind him. 


The clothes were stripped off his body and he barely threw on some new ones before crawling into bed and burying himself under the blankets. The day was just too much. He didn’t care that he looked like a child hiding out in his room. He didn’t want to be seen by them. He didn’t want them to look at him like that. Like he was a baby. Just because he was small. He was a grown man! An adult! He didn’t deserve that. Daniel clutched at his full belly, fitfully tossing and turning before mercifully falling asleep. 


The mysterious woman was back. She rocked on his privates, creating arcs of pleasure shooting through his body. Only this time, she reached down and grabbed his hands and pressed them to the warm flesh of her breasts. They were soft in his grip, like pillows. They smelled sweet. It was as if they were real with how well he could feel them. It was with a shock that he felt his hips buck upwards and realized the sweet smell was exactly as it smelled from Indie. 


Eyes bolting open, Daniel found himself face down on his bed. The blankets had been bunched up underneath his hips and he was thrusting into them. The inside of his underwear spoke of a wet warmth and Daniel cursed. He hadn’t had a wet dream since he was a teenager. Sitting up, the diminishing pleasure fled in a wash of horror. The blankets were soaking wet. He’d thought it was from his orgasm, but the sheer puddle was too large. And taking a breath in, there was no mistaking the scent of piss. 


Daniel hadn’t been able to go to the bathroom before he scampered off to bed. And now he was lying in a puddle of his own waste. He didn’t think as he jumped off the bed to strip out of his clothes once more. The sheets came next and were balled up tightly into an empty drawer of the dresser. He had yet to find out where the washing machine was, so laundry would have to wait. Thankfully, he found a package of wipes most likely left behind when Indie babysat in one of the other drawers. He used a lot of them to bathe himself and wipe the residual droplets from the mattress cover. Another set of linens was found as well and he made the bed as best as he could with its height. 


But he needed a shower now. The baby wipe smell was strong on him and surely one of the others would know if he ran into them. He didn’t know how early it was either. Or if it was the next day or not. Gathering clothes, Daniel tried the door, only to realize with dread that it was sealed shut. He hadn’t thought about the stuck door when he ran away. But now it was…


In a moment of brilliance, Daniel pushed his chest toward the door and climbed on top of it. It took his foot braced on the door frame and a very hard yank before it finally opened with a loud crack. He didn’t care though. Listening out, he didn’t hear a single sound throughout the house. Either everyone was asleep, or they’d left to start on chores. It was the next day, he learned after finding a clock. Just barely after sunrise. Darting back down the hall, he saw the doors to Gemma and Indie’s rooms were open. Peeking in, they were both empty. Started chores, then. 


Daniel went to the bathroom and took his time using the toilet. It was a huge relief on his stomach and he turned the knobs of the shower to get it heated. There were towels on a shelf and a small basket of soaps with his name sitting on the shelf below it. It had everything he needed, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, a hairbrush, and even things to clean his teeth. He smiled genuinely for the first time since his arrival. The shower was spacious enough for him to stretch out and the water was hotter than it’d ever been than when he was in his apartment. 


The soap smelled nice on his skin. Sweat, tears, and piss washed away without a trace. He washed his long hair thoroughly, letting his eyes close in pleasure. He wasn’t sure, but either the water or the soap made his skin tingle warmly. Most likely the water, he pondered. It was turning his skin a light pink color with its heat. But turning around, it felt heavenly on his back as he soaped up his privates. Had he not already blown his load in his sleep, he probably would have taken the time to jerk off. 


Distantly, he heard the sound of footsteps. Gemma and Indie had returned from their chores. They giggled back and forth, and he distantly heard Gemma mentioning starting breakfast. Daniel found his stomach growling for it. Perhaps things would be better now. Surely, he’d made his stance known to Gemma and she’d no longer treat him like a baby. And Indie, all he needed to do was take a moment and tell her that her advances were inappropriate. She’d stop and they could live happier then. 


The sounds of footsteps grew louder and Daniel assumed it was one of them going to their room. He’d need to finish up quickly. After all, he didn’t want to use all the hot water while they were coming back from chores. With that in mind, he put his soaped-up cloth down and started to rinse his privates under the warm spray. 


Two taps on the door were all the warnings he got before Indie opened it. It slung open wide and Daniel’s jaw parted in mortification. 


“HEY!” Daniel cried out, hands going to cover his privates. “Get out! I’m in here!” 


Just what the hell was going on in this house?!

On 10/13/2024 at 3:04 PM, parkintochter said:

Do you know approximately how much chapters this story will have?

I'm unsure as of right now. I've currently written 7 chapters (working on chapter 8 right now). Bu my estimates the story could possibly reach 20 chapters. 

  • Like 16
  • Lavellan changed the title to Uprooted (Ch 4. - 10/18)

Alternative Title: Uprooted: Evicted and Forced to Live on a Farm with my Giantess Cousin and Aunt

A/N: This is chapter 5 of a series I'm working on as part of a commission. It's a little different than the stuff I usually write and it's a little on the heavier side. This story will deal with topics such as: Non-Consensual Regression, Incest, Lactation, Giantess Themes, Non-Consensual Drugging and Body Modification, Sissy Themes, Restraints, Gags, Forced Feeding, Futanari, Edging, Sex Toys, Orgasm Delay/Denial, and a bunch of other things that I will try to mention beforehand later down the line. Please heed these tags. The story is much further along than this, but the commissioner (who wishes to remain anonymous) requested to be updated far ahead of what is posted to DD. The alt. title was an idea from the commissioner as well! 

Uprooted: Chapter 5 (4,042 Words)

Indie showed no urgency as she stood in the doorway. “Don’t mind me. I’ll be quick!” She said while walking in casually.


Daniel bent at the waist and covered his privates with one hand while the other stretched across his chest. “Get out! Get out! Get out!” He would have stomped his feet in anger but had the sense of mind not to do that when he could potentially slip and fall in the shower. “I’m gonna tell Aunt Gemma!”

Indie scoffed at him, not paying him any mind as she walked to the sink and opened the cabinet to grab a package of wipes. “I said I’d be quick. Calm down.”


“No!” Daniel huffed. “You need to leave right now. I’m naked!”

Indie looked over at him and looked him up and down with a teasing brow raised. “I don’t see anything you need to be worried about. Are you shy?” She asked, wiping the dried sweat from her brow and cheeks. Daniel reached for the washcloth and used that to block his privates as well. His hand fumbled for the faucet while still trying to maintain modesty. 


“I’m not shy! But you shouldn’t barge in on me. I deserve some freaking privacy,” He growled. 


“Aww,” Indie showed no signs of listening to him. “Look at your little tushy!” 


Daniel cried out in annoyance, jerking his hand back to try to cover her view of his butt. There was no respite while he was openly exposed to the girl. He couldn’t even grab his towel without stepping closer to her and allowing her a chance to truly eye him up. He was stuck until she left. “Hurry up and leave,” He ordered with a trembling voice. He’d turned the water off, but with the bathroom door wide open, all the steam was rushing out leaving him slightly shivering. 


Indie rolled her eyes, throwing the wipe away and grabbing another one. Daniel averted his eyes quickly when Indie pulled her shirt up to allow her breasts to fall slack to her chest. A slight hiss captured his attention and he looked up to see her wiping at the skin under and between her breasts with the wipe. It must have been cold, he thought with a large dose of satisfaction. But that rapidly shifted as he realized it was making her nipples perk up in interest. 


It didn’t help as Indie draped the wipe across her entire areola and rolled the nub between her fingers as if trying to get off stubborn dirt. It was too late to pretend he wasn’t watching when he realized Indie had already caught him. Her smug expression didn’t change. “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” She laughed. Daniel watched with dread as she closed the toilet lid and sat down on top of it. She had yet to pull her shirt back down to cover her breasts and they were hanging down heavily. Milk bubbled at the tips of her nipples in warning and Daniel wondered if she was going to force him to watch her pump. 


Instead, she grabbed the towel he’d hung up on the hook by the tub and held it open wide. “Come on, little guy, let’s get you dried off before you get sick.” 


Daniel shook his head. “I don’t want to, th-that-” He found himself stuttering, unable to stay as firm as he wanted to as he scolded Indie. “That’s too inappropriate, Indie. I’m sure Gemma will be upset when she hears about how you’ve been acting. G-GEMMA!” He shouted, immediately hearing footsteps approach the bathroom. 


Gemma’s head poked in from the doorway and Daniel looked at her imploringly. “Indie won’t leave me alone!” 


Gemma’s eyes grew soft and she stepped fully in the doorway. Daniel’s jaw dropped as he saw that Gemma had the milking apparatus attached to an exposed breast. He dropped his eyes down to the ground and tried to step impossibly further back into the shower stall. “Nugget, she’s just trying to help you out. Do you need help stepping out of the tub?” She asked softly. “I’m sure Indie would love to give you a hand. I’m a bit busy right now…” Her voice held regret. 


“He’s shaking already,” Indie shoe-horned in. “He’s going to make himself sick.” 


“Daniel, step out of the tub and let Indie help you dry off,” Gemma said a little more firmly. 


The man’s lip quivered sadly as he complied, feeling humiliation burn hot in his face. Indie hummed encouragingly before wrapping the towel around him. He had to admit, it was much warmer than the cold open air. He was pulled between Indie’s thighs so that she could dab at his skin with the free end of the towel. He could feel her warmth leech through the fabric as if it weren’t even there. In fact, he could see spots on the towel where the milk beading up from Indie’s nipples was soaking in! 


“I’m almost finished, Indie,” Gemma said reassuringly and stepped back toward the kitchen. 


Thankfully, Daniel was allowed to run off back to his bedroom without Indie following him. He would certainly scream if she tried to help him get dressed. Throwing clothes on, Daniel had sudden confusion as he saw the slight bit of peach fuzz he had on his arms and legs was gone. Peaking into his boxers, Daniel saw he was hairless there too! The tingly body wash had taken all his hair off! Most of him didn’t even want to emerge from his room after such a humiliating epiphany, but the delicious scents of breakfast had started to waft into his cracked door (he’d left it open with a bundle of socks from his dresser). And maybe they could pretend he’d just woken up and that he hadn’t already seen both their breasts before. 


His hopes were dashed when he stepped into the dining area to see Gemma still pumping. Unable to make his retreat as Gemma locked eyes with him, Daniel tried his best to stay looking at the floor before he took a seat on the farthest end of the table. Even with the distance he could still hear the “shk, shk, shk” sucking sounds of the apparatus, only changing into a lower pitch as the bottles grew more and more full. There were multiple bottles of green-capped baby bottles already on the table. Daniel cleared his throat. “I didn’t know…You did that too.” He swallowed thickly, his mouth dry. 


“All women make milk, baby,” Gemma informed softly. “It’s just part of being a woman.”

“I didn’t know,” He repeated, head still looking down at the table. “It just seems…gross.” 


“It’s not gross,” Gemma stressed with a humorless chuckle. “It’s just like milk you buy from the store, except better for you.”

“I don’t think that’s true,” Daniel spoke a little more confidently. 


“It is!” Gemma doubled-down. It was with a psst sound that the suction disengaged and Gemma freed her nipple from the cup of the machine. Just in time for Indie to walk in, an apron tied around her waist, and take the half-filled milk bottle to the kitchen. “It could help you grow big and strong. Lord knows Indie and I make enough to feed an army.” 


“No!” Daniel denied a bit hastily. “N-No…” His voice was a little quieter as Gemma rebuttoned her bra and pulled her shirt down. “I don’t want to try any. Indie’s already offered.”

Gemma shrugged, “Suit yourself.” 


It was as she was getting up to put the remaining bottles in the fridge that Daniel realized he was hard in his shorts. The realization came with a stinging cold in his stomach even as his dick throbbed with interest as he covered it with his hand. What the hell had him so turned on? He’d never been so quick to pop a boner before. This much arousal recently was completely out of character for him. Usually, he’d be too busy working to entertain jerking off so much. But here he was, already twitching as if a stray breeze could push him over the edge. For crying out loud, he’d already cum that morning! 


Breakfast was brought out with platters the same as the previous meals. Daniel was not looking at Indie while she was attaching the machines to her nipples while she ate her plate. And Gemma, yet again, tried to forcefully feed him. Despite his blushing cheeks, Daniel allowed the doting. He told himself this was a one-time thing as he was starving and had already rocked the boat enough that morning. Each bite of breakfast (gravy-covered biscuits with sausage and scrambled eggs) was delivered into his mouth with praise flowing freely from Gemma’s mouth. If Daniel complied, it meant his face was freed from the mess that the soup had caused the previous night. 


That is until Gemma presented him with another bite of gravy-coated biscuit. He was full. “No, thank you,” He tried to refuse respectfully. But Gemma acted as though she hadn’t heard. The fork was directed to his lips, only a split second before he found his nose pinched shut. It was surprise rather than oxygen deprivation that caused his jaw to drop and the bite of biscuit to be dropped onto his tongue. 


“Don’t be fussy,” Gema warned in a voice so sweet it was unsettling, her smile was soft and doting. “Aunty Gem doesn’t want to have to hold you down again, but she will make sure her little nugget gets all the food he needs!” 


“I don’t like it,” he says quickly before another bite can be forced into his mouth. 


Gemma’s face falls into one of genuine sorrow. “You don’t like my food?” She says, sadness clear in her voice. It was the first time he’d seen her so upset. She was so optimistic and Indie’s dirty look from across the table only furthered his guilt.

“I didn’t say that,” Daniel rushed to recover. “I don’t like it when you feed me. I’m a grown adult!” He pleased. “Don’t be sad, Aunt Gemma.” 


“But I worked so hard in the kitchen,” Gemma’s face melts into a pout. “I just don’t want you to go hungry. It’s been so hard for my little guy lately and I thought-” Her voice breaks off as if she was about to cry. 


“Mom,” Indie goes to stand, acting as if she were going to round the table to comfort her mother with her concerned face. 


Feeling backed into a corner, Daniel rushed to take the fork into his mouth despite his protesting stomach. “‘S good,” He slurred, chewing quickly and swallowing. “It’s so good, Auntie Gem,” He forced a smile on his lips. 


Gemma’s face perked up instantly as if she’d never been upset. Daniel couldn’t help but feel duped. The only mercy afforded to him was that Gemma didn’t refill his plate. When it was empty and the last of the gravy scraped up, Gemma bent down to press a kiss to Daniel’s forehead. “Such a sweet boy,” She cooed. 


“That wasn’t so hard now, was it?” Indie joined in on the praise having finished pumping out her milk. 


“What do you even do with all of that?” Daniel couldn’t help but ask, nodding to the handful of large bottles. Gemma had said that they produce enough to feed an army. Surely that was an exaggeration, but the stock in the fridge told a different tale. And the pair didn’t seem the type to waste it all. 


“Sometimes we sell it to Mommies in need,” Gemma spoke first. 


“We make soaps and lotion out of it too,” Indie piped up. 


Gemma nodded excitedly. “It’s great for your skin! Makes it nice and smooth.” 


“It’s like a side business,” Indie finished. 


“That’s…neat,” Daniel was at a loss for words and instead stood from the table. He finished off his orange juice which was the only thing he could do alone. 


“You can help us next time,” Gemma assured. 


Daniel was sure he didn’t want to do that but headed to his room instead of telling her. His only issue was, his erection didn’t diminish once he escaped to his room. Not for lack of trying, of course. He sat down on his bed and tried to clear all thoughts of his aunt and cousin’s breasts from his mind, but he couldn’t manage it. The arousal was thick and warm under his skin. It sent prickles of sensation all over his body and only seemed to get worse the longer he lay there. His hand was dipping below his waistband before he could register it. A shuddered gasp shot from his lips when his fingers wrapped around his already throbbing dick in a loose grip. Pre-cum welled up at the tip and he wiped it away with his thumb. His free hand reached down to move his shorts and boxers aside to avoid a mess. It was clear the only way to get this spreading heat to stop was to cum. 


Privates exposed, Daniel was free to use both his hands. One reached down to caress his balls in a way that had his head tossing back onto his pillow. His balls were, in comparison to others, above average in size. It wasn’t so much to be odd or stand out through his clothes, but they were large enough to make his also average-sized penis look smaller. Touching himself there was something he never considered until he heard it in the breakroom from his coworkers. They didn’t include him in that conversation, but they didn’t try to be quiet. And he was grateful as he learned playing with himself that way was a quick way to ensure orgasm. And he needed an orgasm right now just as desperately as he needed to breathe. 


His heels dug into the mattress while his hips bucked up into his busy hands. His orgasm was close enough that his toes were curling in the sheets. It wouldn’t be long now. 


And because life hated him, quick footsteps made their way down the hall along with Indie’s calming voice. 


“Dannyyy!” She sang loudly. “Time to start on your chores! It’s not naptime yet!”

Daniel’s eyes snapped open and what followed was a flurry of movements. He was so desperate to pull his shorts up over his twitching cock that he found himself falling to the floor in his haste. It was only when the door burst open that he was pushing himself back up, thankfully with his dick tucked away. The pain radiating from his shoulder served as a good way to wane his erection. Indie stood in the doorway, but rather than staring smugly at him from the floor, her face held one of confusion. 


“Why are you on the floor?” Her nostrils flared with exaggerated sniffs as well. “What’s that smell?” 


“What smell?” Daniel asked, scrambling up and dusting dirt off himself. 


“It smells like,” She sniffed the air a few more times. “It smells like piss in here?”

Daniel’s face grew red as he thought about the wet sheets hidden in his dresser at the moment. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” He lied as smoothly as he could manage. “Did you say chores?” He hoped to steer her away from the topic. 


Indie looked him over suspiciously but nodded. “Yeah, Mom says it’s your turn to water the flowers outside and help her in the garden.” 


“I’ll be right there,” Daniel assured, sighing in relief when Indie stepped out of the doorway and disappeared down the hall. His erection had nearly completely gone, leaving an uncomfortable sensitivity to his skin. He tried his best to put it out of his mind. Walking into the living room, he saw Indie finish up whatever conversation she was having with Gemma and head out the door. Gemma smiled at him happily and held her arms out for him in a hug gesture. Daniel didn’t have an excuse not to hug her but found it awkward as he had to practically climb in her lap to reach her. 


“There’s my special boy,” Gemma cooed, rocking him side to side in the hug. His head rested right on her cleavage as that was where she pulled him down. “Are you excited to help Aunty Gemma with the flowers?” She asked. 


“Uh, yeah, sure,” He nodded, looking up at her with confusion. His legs were spread out on her thighs, making it difficult to move and slightly uncomfortable. “What all are we doing?”

Gemma wrapped an arm under his butt and went to stand. Daniel’s eyes squeezed shut and he bit his lip hard to keep from making noise as his sensitive privates rubbed against her stomach. The large woman took him outside and sat him down on the porch swing. “Now, you’re going to get the hose over there,” She pointed to the side of the porch where a hose was wrapped up in a coil. “And water all the flowers on either side of the porch and then I’ll help you water the others, okay?” 


There were two flower beds on either side of the stairs leading up to the porch, but there were also several hanging plants that he could not reach without a ladder. But Daniel nodded and went to get the hose while Gemma disappeared back inside. The hose was easy to uncoil and with a little trial and error that left his shirt wetter than he would have liked, he was able to start watering the plants effectively. They were very pretty and he could see where they had grown out from small plants. He was almost finished when a spray of water seemed to disturb what was probably a wasp nest under one of the bushes. He heard the loud buzzing as several wasps started to swarm out and dropped the hose in fright. He wasn’t sure if he screamed or not as he ran backward to avoid their ire. His retreat was halted however as he ran into a solid mass. Turning around, he saw Indie looking down at him. 


“What’s got you all worked up?” Her amusement couldn’t be hidden when she spotted the wet patch all over the front of his shirt. “Did you decide to enter a wet t-shirt contest, Danny?” 


“There’s wasps!” Daniel explained, pointing toward the bush where they’d come from. 


Indie sighed, walking over to the bush and, without fear, spraying the base of the bush down with the hose. When she was finished, she walked back over to Daniel. “There. I knocked down the nest. The wasps are gone.” 


“...what if there are more?” 


Indie, rather than look annoyed like Daniel thought she would, looked down at him softly. “I promise they won’t attack you. Would it help you feel better if I carried you inside?” 


Daniel looked at the dripping bush and bit his lip. He hesitated to walk back up the stairs even if he knew all the wasps were gone. But at the same time, he needed to get back inside. Gemma was waiting for him…Looking up at Indie, he nodded. 


Indie didn’t tease him at all, instead just stooping down to scoop him up. His arms reached around her neck and he felt his heart kick up a beat while she carried him up the stairs and into the house. He didn’t even think about how he had such trouble doing a simple chore. He could do it just fine. But the wasps were a scary thing he didn’t want to test. He’d only been stung a handful of times but each time was painful and not something he wanted to repeat. Indie bounced him slightly when the door shut behind the pair. “Are you alright?” 


Daniel nodded and shivered as his wet shirt started to cool. “I need to go change clothes.” 


Indie didn’t put him down like he expected, instead, she carried him to his room. Daniel was readying himself to tell her to leave him be to change when he saw Gemma standing in the middle of his room with the wet sheets from his dresser in her hand. Daniel’s heart dropped and he felt a stab of betrayal when Indie said, “Oh, you found them. I knew I smelled piss.” 


Gemma turned to the pair and looked concerned at Daniel. “Daniel, sweetie,” She said softly, as if talking to a frightened animal. “Why didn’t you tell me you had an accident?” 


“I-I, I didn’t-” He tried to lie, but there really was no option for that. His wet clothes were spread out on the dresser. “The door was stuck. I couldn’t go to the bathroom.” 


Indie sighed. “Again about the door,” She grumbled and went to the bedroom door. She closed it and opened it several times with no issue. “The door isn’t stuck, Daniel. That’s the second time you’ve tried to lie about your potty accident.”

“It’s okay if you had an accident,” Gemma assured. “You aren’t in trouble.”

Daniel knew he wasn’t. After all, he was an adult. One accident wasn’t worth whatever punishment they would make up for him. And he damn sure wasn’t going to let them punish him like a toddler. 


“It was just an accident.” He huffed. “It won’t happen again.” 


“I’m sure you’re embarrassed,” Gemma cooed. “But we can’t take your word for it on this one. I don’t want to keep doing laundry every day…”

Daniel’s jaw dropped. “I’m not going to piss the bed!”

“And just in case you do,” Indie said sternly, squeezing him tighter to her body as if he were going to run away. “We have something to help that.” 


It was then that Daniel’s attention was drawn to a package of looked like underwear on the dresser. He didn’t need new underwear. But when Gemma grabbed them and held them up to him, he felt anger inside him rage. 


Dr. D’s Training Pants! 

Guaranteed to keep any dribbling toddler dry while potty training!


And on the front was a woman in a lab coat with a toddler in her arms, holding him much like Indie was holding Daniel. 


“NO!” He shouted, squirming in Indie’s suddenly iron grip. “I’m not wearing those! I’m not fucking wearing those!”

It seemed like they weren’t going to give him that option. The dirty clothes were swept off the dresser and Indie pressed him down to its surface. She shifted to hold his arms down above his head. Her chest was dangling in his face, nearly suffocating him while he thrashed on the dresser. Gemma took her time ripping the package open and grabbing one of the training pants out. 


Daniel opened his mouth to scream but found Indie’s clothed tit pressing against his lips. His brow furrowed in outrage and his lips tried to seal shut to avoid letting her nipple into his mouth. 


“There’s no need to curse at me, Nugget,” Gemma said without an ounce of anger or annoyance. She spoke with a casual nature as if discussing the weather. “This is going to happen, and you’ll feel so much better knowing that if you have an accident, your training pants will help you get to the potty.” 


She pulled his wet shorts off his hips despite his kicking legs. And despite his anger, he didn’t want to hurt her. So rather than trying to kick her, he tried using his feet to ward her off. That didn’t help as she simply had to grab his ankles in a tight grip and hold him still while she slipped the training pants onto his feet. Daniel felt tears pouring down his cheeks as he thought about the humiliation he was experiencing. The fight and fury in his body dwindled to a weak, upset, fussing. 


“There, there, baby,” Indie cooed to him, stroking over his flexing stomach in a fashion that tickled. He flinched hard, trying to twist to keep the hands away, but that only steered his concentration away from his feet. The training pants were up to his knees now and a harsh sob escaped passed Indie’s tit covering his lips. He didn’t want this! He was an adult! 

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Wow he can open the door if he really wants to. I guess the women will do something about that in the future. Let's see if he will have some accident in his training pants soon, my guess is a different kind of accident tho.


One thing I struggle to imagine is, how do his aunt and and cousin look like? I know they're huge, but are they like amazon's or do they more look like a very tall Rosanne?


They were described a little bit in an earlier chapter, but very vaguely, little more than a few words. I'm imagining them as just simply very tall, somewhere in the 6-6.5ft tall range. Tall by any standard, but still within the "not unheard of" range, possible Scandinavian heritage, given their height and build, and slightly tan from working under the sun all day. 

Our guy got the short end of the stick, no pun intended lol. Similar heritage, but definitely a dwarf/little person at only 4ft tall on a good day. Dwarfism can happen with any nationality and genetics, as can being of above average height. 

I think @Lavellan left it intentionally vague for us to fill in the blanks of their size and looks. Not everyone likes blonde hair, or tanned skin, or thin or thiccc or whatever. We can fill in whatever we think of as the perfect woman to dominate and shove their massive boobs in our face! 😄

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