kittengirl173 Posted April 30, 2024 Posted April 30, 2024 My first diaper story! Here, a motherly lavender dragon adopts a slave not to use her, but to parent her. No diapers yet, I'm afraid. Maybe in the next chapter a hint of them? :3 I promise, by the end, Maria will be a good little baby cat. :DD And more importantly, I hope to both grow the characters of Maria and Chelsey as stronger, healthier people through their connection. This is a draft, so I'm happy to take suggestions. It's also focused on consensual regression, as I think that's adorable and hot, but I'm very down to write dubious consent stuff in the future. With all that said, enjoy! To Be a Mother – Chapter 1 Chained Strays A girl waited in there for Chelsey. That brick storefront, Marol’s Helpers on 1289 Culper’s Avenue, with rain slithering down through the red and brown cracks of bricks into the side walk below, held her chance at a daughter. She wanted to help somebody, truly. In the glove box, she broke out a purple umbrella, then changed her mind. She cracked open the car door and slid out into the rain, appreciating this freshness against the atmosphere she was about to walk into. Drizzled, Chelsey lavender fur sparkled in the rain. She was a tall anthro dragon, and she wore a black pencil skirt and a scarlet blouse. With her wings spread out, she walked across the parking lot, to that dirty glass door surrounded by all those bricks. It almost looked like a prison. She wished she could help more than one girl. But just helping one meant something for her, even if it screamed in her mind to be insignificant. A claw gripped the handle, and she walked inside. “Welcome!” a chipper weasel said. She had long reading glasses across her snout that held a huge smile. “Are you Ms. Chelsey? We’re so glad you could make it with the weather.” Unlike the secretary’s bright demeanor, the floor was bare, white perfect white tiles. The walls were white too, a waiting room, yet still, there was no dust anywhere. Chelsy wondered for a second why the outside wasn’t upkept but the inside was pristine (though in her mind, scourging.) But of course it made perfect sense, given what this place does. They likely wanted to keep a low profile from the local area’s government. She was entering a criminal dwelling. God, was this really her chosen adoption method? “The roads aren’t too slippery yet. Could I see the, umm, options now?” The language was so objectifying, but it felt better than the alternative. “Of course, our slaves are so excited to meet you.” As they walked down the blistering long hallway, Chelsey’s heels echoed all around. She would be confident here. She wanted a strong but gentle first impression. She held her white snout up. This place, despite its horrors, wouldn’t shake her from rescuing her future daughter. There, at the end, were two girls and a boy sitting on a bench, each chained with cuffs to the wall. One girl, a cat with long whiskers and lime fur, had her head down. She still has herself, Chelsey thought. The others, a male cat and a female cow, were alert, staring out, as close to a grin as they could muster. A tall bloodhound was smoking a cigarette and leaned against the still-white walls. There were no windows in here. “Ah, you’re here for one of these?” “Yes,” the weasel said. “A happy member to join her family.” Chelsey wanted to roll her eyes at the fakeness here. But it was true. She will make one of these animals happy. She needed to. Animals deserve to be happy. “Smile,” the dog gritted through his teeth, his snout deep into the girl cat’s ears. No, stop. He placed a paw under her snout, pushes up. She’s resisting. She wanted to keep her jaw down. He wouldn’t let her. Her force gives away, and her muzzle bolted upright. She looked straight at Chelsey now, and with near tears in her eyes, shined a delirious grin. The other cat shuffled in his seat—as much as his cuff will allow—feeling the tension here, but he took a clear breath. The cow seemed not to be bothered by all this movement, still calm and face ahead. Meanwhile, the weasel fanned herself with files, avoiding gazing at the scene. Was that her disguise peeling off, or was she okay with this business? Could she not get another job? Chelsey was always a curious dragon. “I would like to adopt her,” Chelsey said, pointing to the tortured female cat. “Please.” “Oh, but surely you would want one of these other fine specimen?” the dog said, a ringleader of his circus. There’s a bit of panic to his voice, and his paw strongly gestures outwards to the other two captives. “She’s such a runt of the litter, you know.” “I’ll take her. What’s her name?” “Maria,” the cat whispered. “Wait, was it okay to speak? I’m so sorry!” “It was very okay,” Chelsey said. She kneeled down, a hind talon stretching back down the cold hallway floor, a front talon offering to hold the Maria’s paw. “I’m Chelsey. I’m going to take you home. Would you like that?” “I…I think so? I mean, yes, master!” Maria’s eyes were very wide for the vertical pupils of a cat. She was absolutely terrified, the poor thing. “Pft,” the bloodhound grunts, arms crossed. “Who cares what she likes. She’s just a slave. Jeez, masters have gotten so soft these days.” Chelsey really, really wanted to snap at the dog. But it wasn’t worth it. She needed to seem at close to a normal slave master. They might reject the sale if they knew she was going to spoil this kitten. So the exhaled, her large belly and chest fluff falling inwards. and she turned her large lavender scaled head to the hound. “How much will she be?” *** The rain poured hard on the car’s windshield, and the window wipers worked in overtime. Maria was quiet in the backseat. She had her head down again. Of course she did. She still saw Chelsey as her slave master. I must be disgusting in her eyes, Chelsey thought. She needed to work to win this cat’s trust if the girl was to ever see her as mom. “How you doing back there, friend?” Chelsey was so tempted to say “little one,” but it wasn’t time yet. She looked at the girl in the rear view mirror. “You can drop the act.” “What?” “You bought a slave. You’re going to use me. You don’t need to pretend we’re friends.” For who had seemed to be scared little cat, this was a change. But at least she’s confident to express herself. This was a good start. After a focus on a tricky intersection, Chelsey had a response. “Someone’s a little confident now that they’re rescued.” “Rescued?” She’s skeptical, then furious. “Rescuing me? You want to own me! I’m just glad to not be slapped by that man anymore.” Chelsey chuckled. “You don’t think I’m going to slap you?” She’s loving this personality. Cats can be a bit snippy. “Nah, you seem too soft for that. You’re probably just going to make me fold laundry and cook dinner or something.” She sunk into her seat. “I’m kind of lucky to have you buy me. Still doesn’t make us friends, though.” There’s a bit of quiet. Then Chelsey said, “I don’t think you’re lucky to end up in a place like that.” “No,” Maria considered, “I wasn’t.” Silence some more. Chelsey continued, “I don’t expect you to open up to me right now or anytime soon. What I want you to know is that you’re free.” Maria scratched the fuzz around her ears, probably wondering if she heard that right. “What do you mean?” “I’m saying that I wanted do something good for once, and I decided to give someone a better life. You’re not my slave. You’re free to leave as soon as we arrive at my home.” “I..” She couldn’t comprehend this. She was squirming in her seat, her seat belt sweating to restrain her. “You’re still a fucked up woman to find an animal trafficking service instead of, I dunno, donating to charity, but oh my god, I have a life again. A life…” “Yes?” Chelsey said. She didn’t want to lose this cat, but this was all part of the plan. A good mother lets her children be themselves. “I don’t have any money, though. I’m just going to end up back there. Again.” “Which is why,” Chelsey said, “You can live at our home as long as you need. I don’t want to dump you off in the middle of nowhere. I want to help you live, reorder your life.” “So, you want to be, like, a guardian? Adoption services exist too, you know.” The cat missed the small slip of “our.” The dragon smirked, her fangs shiny and tall. “Sure, but I wanted to help someone in your position. It’s something I strongly care about.” Maria didn’t really understand this, but that cat seemed satisfied enough with this answer. “Sure. Thank you.” “…There will still be a few rules, but nothing that isn’t normal house stuff. I’ve got some surprises when we get home.” The cat’s attention was lost, though. The girl, maybe 22 or so, had her eyes out the window. The city’s towers were shrinking into rolling hills and cliff faces. They were on the highway now. It would be a long drive in the rain until they reached Chelsey’s home, now the home of two. A mother, and a daughter at least in a legal sense. But an emotional bond would come soon. The dragon craved it. 2
kittengirl173 Posted May 1, 2024 Author Posted May 1, 2024 I think this chapter is a bit stronger now that we’re into the character interaction and I’ve also gotten a bit voicer in the writing. I hope when I switch back to Chelsey’s perspective in a future chapter, I can match the interiority I have here. This story is also on FurAffinity. Let me know if you have feedback, and without further adieu, enjoy! To Be a Mother – Chapter 2 Cat Transfer (2019 words.) “You’re a sleepy-head, aren’t you? We’re here!” Maria bolted awake. If you don’t spring to life at the slightest noise, you could be hurt. Maybe not a natural cat instinct given their predator ancestor, but a good learned one. Her keen eyes surveyed the landscape. Trees. Many, many pines. A large hill in the distance that thinned out into smaller shrubs, and the dirt road out of this driveway nook faded into the wilderness. They were in the middle of nowhere. Great. If she was going to escape from this weird woman who, while friendly on the surface, could still be messed up, she would have no idea where to escape to. And without her claws, how could she hunt? Her claws… It had been a year since she was declawed. She still felt them. The phantom urge to scritch, to kneed. The ache to stim had killed at her. Those chains took away even the pleasure of rolling around. She hadn’t been in a regular car in, well, at least two years, so it was bizarre to not have her claws while being her own animal again. “Got your own private spot, huh,” Maria said. “Yeah, well my work is remote, and a home is cheaper out here and more beautiful.” The dragon was opening the driver side door now. The air is chillier than the city, Maria thought. A higher elevation, likely. This lady was a homeowner. It took Maria a bit to process that. And looking at the house, my god it was big. A classic colonial painted light blue with two stories and a connected driveway. No doubt about it. This girl was rich. That wealth would normally make Maria feel out of place and furious. How dare animals live in comfort when others have to beg just to get a job. But Maria had to wonder: was she rich now? Was Chelser, Chelsay—whatever—going to give her money and push her out the door as soon as possible? Maria guessed that was okay. She didn’t have faith in homes. They don’t want you. No one really wants you. Your “adoption” was a check on the dragon’s Good Deeds list before she kicks you out and moves on with her life. Animals do not know what they mean nor what they say. “Are you thinking about something? I imagine a new home is a lot to take in,” the dragon said with a smile, opening the left backseat door now to let Maria out. Chelsey’s eyes looked forcibly widened, like she was trying to endear the girl. Maria was not a pet. She was never a pet, no matter what any collar had once said. How dare this dragon try to read her expressions constantly. The cat felt she had a good poker face, but Chelsey was hyper-focused on her every move. It was a bit creepy, but worse, it was eerily similar to where she had just escaped. Though this attention was maybe a bit more genuine interest? She couldn’t be sure yet. “Nope. Nothing.” She hopped out of the white car onto her hind paws. Her cut claws hit the dirt; it felt so good. So crumbly and fresh. She kneaded it the best she could. “Follow me,” Chelsey said. The two walked up the a stone steps to a white wooden front door. Besides them, pink hydrangeas flowered. The grass was wild and tall; perhaps Chelsey was one of those rich folks who didn’t care about their lawn, Maria thought. As the two took the short walk, Maria did not like how tall Chelsey was. It didn’t help that Maria wasn’t wearing any clothes, which animals do all the time of course, but here she felt small against the huge dragon fancily dressed. They almost looked like a mother and daughter. The cat shuddered. “And here is the key,” Chelsey said. She’s really narrating everything like a fairy-tale. The dragon turned the key in the lock and pushed the door open. She almost has to duck her neck as she and Maria walked inside. One word fit the inside: cute. Very, very, very cute. Insufferably cute. Chelsey must have hired the happiest painter in the world. The kitchen walls were a bright yellow with giant red hearts marching all around. Around the corner to the living room, the biggest bean bags upholstered in sprinkles along with, of course, a rug picturing the top of a cake. Did this dragon expect her “adoptee” to be a child? Or is this just what she likes? Maria couldn’t help but admire that integrity just a tad, but she still found the colors shocking. “You like it? I strive to make it very homey in here,” Chelsey giggled, her massive purple tail swaying as she walked down the hall. “It sure is bright.” Maria noticed pictures of flowers in frames throughout the hall. So it is true the stereotype that dragons love flowers. “I haven’t been home since 8 AM, so I haven’t had the time to prepare us a nice supper. But I could make us something now if you’d like! Oh, do you have any dietary restrictions? Nut-allergy, soy-allergy, vegetarian, vegan?” So many questions. So…considerate. Imagine being asked what you want to eat. It had been a long time since she even sat at dining room table. Maria still felt the sheltered natured of this dragon, but she could admit these gestures were nice. “I…uh…I eat anything.” “Okay! Would some mac and cheese be alright?” “Yes!” Maria blurted. Mac and cheese, for real? “Yes.” “Cats do love their cream,” Chelsey said and smiled. Those fangs were so long. Maria groaned. “Sorry, a bit too much?” *** From the nearby closet, the dragon had put on a silvery apron with a dragon chef embroidery. A dragon wearing a dragon: cute again. What Maria hated though was where her eyes walked to. She could see the woman pant with her tongue as she gathered milk and butter. Then, down below, well, this dragon had breasts. Big, round, fluffy melons—god, Maria, why are you always attracted to your masters? They abuse you! They’ve forced you to have sex with them! Stop finding anyone else attractive, especially those who have power over you. So Maria kept her attention outdoors. The kitchen had a glass sliding door. Outside, boulders overgrown with bushes littered a steep hill, tall oaks beyond that. She really had moved to a picturesque temporary home. Why was she here? Why was someone else not taken instead? What about those other animals sold in that awful place? Only a month ago, she had lived with Him in a sweaty van. She was toured to multiple strip clubs throughout the city. She had fucked him. To hear the calm of the last trickle off the leaves and birds chirping in the near sunset sky; something did not add up. “It’s ready~,” the dragon sung. This home might actually be in a musical. A bowl of hot macaroni was placed on the tiled kitchen table. “Be careful: it’s hot. I can blow on it if you want.” “No, I can cool off my own food,” Maria said. Chelsey was trying way too hard to be nice. She did not need to be babied. With a spoon in her paw, she took a ladle full, including as much of the sauce as possible. After a blow, she took a bite. “This is the best mac and cheese ever!” the cat squealed. Chelsey smirked. Fine, she could have this victory. This pasta was fucking good. As Maria crammed elbow after elbow into her muzzle, Chelsey sat at the other end of the table with her own bowl. The two ate in a happy, enjoyable silence. Maria could tell Chelsey wanted to speak, but she was holding herself back. Maria appreciated this. She wanted to savor the best food she had in literal years. Chelsey’s inhibitions must have broken. “We can go shopping in town tomorrow for clothes. Would you like that?” “I don’t want to cost you money,” Maria said. Wait, this dragon was rich. “Actually, yes please.” “Maria, I adopted you because I want to take care of you as much as you need it. Money isn’t a concern.” “Money is always a concern.” She hissed under her breath. But Chelsey remained calm. “It doesn’t need to be anymore. I don’t know what you’ve been through—actually, I can try to imagine it—but you’re not there anymore. You’re here now.” This was all bark no bite. Grandiose words that didn’t mean anything. But Maria decided to stop pushing the point for now. “Okay.” Some more silence. Chelsey once again broke it. “You can get seconds if you’d like.” “No, it’s okay.” “You sure?” There’s her singing again. Maria couldn’t resist. “Well, alright.” So more mac and cheese was to be had. And Maria again delighted in its creamy delicacy. She was so glad she said yes for more. As the last bites went into the cat’s belly, Chelsey said, “I can show you your bedroom when you are ready. I had plenty of fun preparing it these past couple of days.” Oh no. It was likely another cuteness abomination. Can’t one thing in this house respect a cat’s adulthood? But this bedroom would be hers. Alone, at last! Her own space. “I’d like to see it now.” “Then follow me,” the dragon said. Up the stairs Chelsey and Maria went. It was still weird that this house had two stories. A red fuzzy carpet lined the middle of the stairs. Then around the corner to the left was her room. Her very own room. The walls were pink. She should have expected that. Fluffy white clouds lined the top. A queen bed with blush pink covers sat in the middle. Next to the bed was a space-themed table with a Hello Kitty lamp. The carpet underneath most of the room swirled with roses. And there was a great wooden dresser on one side. Out the window, the sun grasped in, oranges and reds. Maria couldn’t complain. It was her room. Her own place. “Thank you, Chelsey,” she said. Chelsey was happy she said her name, she could tell. “You’re welcome! I imagine you want some space, so I’ll leave you be. I’ll be in the living room downstairs if you need me.” “Umm, thanks.” “Good night!” With that, Chelsey left the room, and Maria closed the door. Was she really wished goodnight? This dragon needed to cool it with the hovering. But also, she was wished goodnight. When had that last happened to her? It was kind of sweet, nice. Wait, Maria, don’t fall into your captor’s tricks. She’s alluring you in. But she knew these thoughts were a bit half-hearted. Moving on, realization struck: she had her own room. She had her own room! She jumped onto the bed—of course landing on her feet—and proceeded to roll around. So, so soft. Her fur was likely getting everywhere. Where could animals get bedding like this? Why can’t the world provide everyone with this bliss of heaven? She was truly alone. Not packed with other slaves sweating and breathing. Not sharing a bed with men forced into sex with. There was no other living beings in this entire room. Maria loved it. She had slept much of the car ride, but somehow she was still exhausted. Cats do sleep a lot, so it’s probably normal, and she was going to pass off soon enough. She stared at the ceiling. Of course glow-in-the-dark stars and moons were glued there. But how could she be mad? Chelsey may be a bit…overzealous, but maybe she really cared? There was an animality here. She might actually have a home, a place to bounce back and actually do something, anything in this world. For now, that hope could let her ponder her future. Maria could leave here, find her own apartment, form a band or something. She turned the lamp off. 1 1
Wannatripbaby Posted May 1, 2024 Posted May 1, 2024 On 4/30/2024 at 11:28 AM, kittengirl173 said: She wished she could help more than one girl. But just helping one meant something for her, even if it screamed in her mind to be insignificant. A claw gripped the handle, and she walked inside Decided to check out this story since you don't seem to be getting very many comments. From these first few sentences alone, I have a feeling I'm gonna relate to this dragon fairly strongly. 😅
Wannatripbaby Posted May 1, 2024 Posted May 1, 2024 On 4/30/2024 at 11:28 AM, kittengirl173 said: Unlike the secretary’s bright demeanor, the floor was bare, white perfect white tiles. The walls were white too, a waiting room, yet still, there was no dust anywhere I hate to start out with criticism, but I feel the overuse of commas and lack of any other punctuation in your writing is a bit distracting. It feels a bit clunky and hard to read, as in the section above I'm quoting to highlight what I'm talking about. It's not a huge deal by any means! And this is definitely one of the harder parts of writing for some people. I'm unfortunately not sure what to suggest to help in the future--I'm not an English Teacher or anything like that. 😅 But I probably would've written the quoted section more like this: "Unlike the secretary's bright demeanor, the floor was bare and made up of perfectly white tiles. The walls were just as bare and white. A waiting room--pristine and sterile without a speck of dust anywhere in sight." Of course writing styles will differ and sometimes it takes practice to find your voice. 😊
Wannatripbaby Posted May 1, 2024 Posted May 1, 2024 On 4/30/2024 at 11:28 AM, kittengirl173 said: Chelsey wanted to roll her eyes at the fakeness here. But it was true. She will make one of these animals happy. She needed to. Animals deserve to be happy An interesting choice of words... Or maybe I'm over thinking it? 😅 Is she using the term Animals because that's actually the culturally-acceptable word for "People" in this universe? Or is it because she, in one way or another, still considers these slaves as second-class citizens who need to be "rescued" by her? On 4/30/2024 at 11:28 AM, kittengirl173 said: now the home of two. A mother, and a daughter at least in a legal sense. Curious how this works with her little "Our" slip-up earlier. Or do Dragons just tend to refer to themselves with such pronouns? 😅
kittengirl173 Posted May 2, 2024 Author Posted May 2, 2024 6 hours ago, Wannatripbaby said: I hate to start out with criticism, but I feel the overuse of commas and lack of any other punctuation in your writing is a bit distracting. It feels a bit clunky and hard to read, as in the section above I'm quoting to highlight what I'm talking about. It's not a huge deal by any means! And this is definitely one of the harder parts of writing for some people. I'm unfortunately not sure what to suggest to help in the future--I'm not an English Teacher or anything like that. 😅 But I probably would've written the quoted section more like this: "Unlike the secretary's bright demeanor, the floor was bare and made up of perfectly white tiles. The walls were just as bare and white. A waiting room--pristine and sterile without a speck of dust anywhere in sight." Of course writing styles will differ and sometimes it takes practice to find your voice. 😊 Agh, you're so right. I think I fell into the trap of being too fanciful there when it actually just loses energy. I posted this story here and other places without doing a lot of revising on prose, as I figured this isn't published work and is just erotica for fun. But maybe I shouldn't have that mindset and revise chapters a bit more before posting. I think chapter 2's prose above is a bit stronger. Thanks for taking the time to read my work! Yeah, I'm using "animal" instead of "people" lol as it makes me feel nice. I realize that could have totally the wrong connotations in that context!!
Wannatripbaby Posted May 2, 2024 Posted May 2, 2024 3 minutes ago, kittengirl173 said: I think chapter 2's prose above is a bit stronger. I haven't gotten to ch.2 yet. Will probably do so tomorrow. 😊 3 minutes ago, kittengirl173 said: Thanks for taking the time to read my work! You're very welcome! 😁 As a writer myself, I know how demoralizing it can be to write a story and not get any fan interaction. 5 minutes ago, kittengirl173 said: Yeah, I'm using "animal" instead of "people" lol as it makes me feel nice. I realize that could have totally the wrong connotations in that context!! Well I'm glad we got that cleared up then. 😅 I was pretty sure that was the direction you had meant to take it, but just wanted to be certain that I wasn't missing something. 😊
kittengirl173 Posted May 2, 2024 Author Posted May 2, 2024 5 hours ago, Wannatripbaby said: You're very welcome! 😁 As a writer myself, I know how demoralizing it can be to write a story and not get any fan interaction. I got a decent number of favorites on FurAffinity (I also posted it there), so I was feeling pretty okay, but it's very nice to get a response here, too! 1
Wannatripbaby Posted May 2, 2024 Posted May 2, 2024 On 5/1/2024 at 12:34 PM, kittengirl173 said: It had been a year since she was declawed. She still felt them. The phantom urge to scritch, to kneed. The ache to stim had killed at her. Those chains took away even the pleasure of rolling around Poor baby... 🥺 On 5/1/2024 at 12:34 PM, kittengirl173 said: She didn’t have faith in homes. They don’t want you. No one really wants you. Your “adoption” was a check on the dragon’s Good Deeds list before she kicks you out and moves on with her life. Abandonment issues: ✅ I am definitely gonna enjoy watching her warm up to her new home over the course of... Say, how long do you suppose this story is gonna be? I know that can be hard to pin down sometimes--we write to find out, after all--but do you have a rough idea of how long you want this to go?
Wannatripbaby Posted May 2, 2024 Posted May 2, 2024 On 5/1/2024 at 12:34 PM, kittengirl173 said: the dragon had put on a silvery apron with a dragon chef embroidery. A dragon wearing a dragon: cute again Would this really be much weirder than us humans wearing a shirt with another human on it? 🤔 I have a Sting shirt and a Red Green shirt. And a Magnum P.I shirt, although that one just has a big ol' mustache and glasses on it. 😅 I say all that to say, would it not be weirder for a dragon to have an apron with some other creature embroidered on it? I imagine a dragon wearing a ferret apron would raise more questions. 🤭 ... I'm over thinking it again, aren't I? 😅
Wannatripbaby Posted May 3, 2024 Posted May 3, 2024 On 5/1/2024 at 12:34 PM, kittengirl173 said: She might actually have a home, a place to bounce back and actually do something, anything in this world. For now, that hope could let her ponder her future. Maria could leave here, find her own apartment, form a band or something. She turned the lamp off. Our fated feline seems to be settling in pretty quick. 😊 Which can only mean something has to happen to put her at odds with Chelsea again. 😅 Can't have a story without conflict. And given the intended audience, it will probably be something relating to certain infantile garments. 🤭
kittengirl173 Posted May 3, 2024 Author Posted May 3, 2024 1 minute ago, Wannatripbaby said: Our fated feline seems to be settling in pretty quick. 😊 Which can only mean something has to happen to put her at odds with Chelsea again. 😅 Can't have a story without conflict. And given the intended audience, it will probably be something relating to certain infantile garments. 🤭 Good guess! I just thought Chelsey would be quirky enough to have that kind of apron. I also just think it's cute, lol. I'm not sure how long this story will be. Probably 10ish chapters? I'll have to see. I'm working on a different story right now (probably won't post on this site as it's a one chapter story) and then I'll work on chapter 3. 1
Wannatripbaby Posted May 3, 2024 Posted May 3, 2024 33 minutes ago, kittengirl173 said: I'm working on a different story right now (probably won't post on this site as it's a one chapter story) If it also contains diapers or ABDL themes, I say go ahead and post it here too. 😊 Short stories are as welcome as long ones. 1
kittengirl173 Posted May 3, 2024 Author Posted May 3, 2024 Yay!! It's ABDL and way more horny than this story, lol. My story above is trying to be slightly more literary, ha ha.
Wannatripbaby Posted May 3, 2024 Posted May 3, 2024 7 hours ago, kittengirl173 said: Yay!! It's ABDL and way more horny than this story, lol. My story above is trying to be slightly more literary, ha ha. Ain't nothing wrong with either of those approaches. 🤭
dmavn Posted May 4, 2024 Posted May 4, 2024 Wooohahahahaah your trapped here now… You can’t put something in this forum so good and enticing and not go to 50 chapters.. it’s da law.. cus i says.. 😜
kittengirl173 Posted May 6, 2024 Author Posted May 6, 2024 I am going to post chapter 3 this week! My girlfriend lost her job, so I've been feeling kind of down the past few days, but I just finished a oneshot story I'm about to post, and then I'll post chapter 3! 1 1
Snowflake182 Posted May 8, 2024 Posted May 8, 2024 I like the setup for this one, and I'm looking forward to where it goes. :) 1
kittengirl173 Posted May 11, 2024 Author Posted May 11, 2024 To Be a Mother – Chapter 3 Overzealous Chelsey’s Perspective To not check on her cat the next morning required so much willpower. As Chelsey crept down the stairs to not wake Maria up, all she wanted was to run back up, open that door, and drop a plushie in Maria’s arms. She wanted to smother the girl with so many kisses only to approximate how much she loved her. But it wasn’t time yet, as much as she wished it to be. While she didn’t know what exactly, obviously the girl had went through a lot as a slave. She should respect the cat’s autotomy if she was ever to trust her as family. It’s what a good animal would do. Chelsey knew these thoughts were problematic. She reminded herself this fact as she began her coffee. She had just adopted the cat. She couldn’t already be this attached. Yet call it a mother’s instinct, but she was. Smiling weakly as she opened a window to let in the early fall breeze, she loved this kitty, this picture of her in her head. She wanted Maria to love her back so badly. She wanted to diaper Maria and breastfeed her and be the most loving figure one could ever have. Chelsey knew she was objectifying her, and maybe that undid every good deed she was doing, but how could she stop when the love sounded so good? Her drink steaming, she strolled into the living room and sat on the green coffee chair next to the bean bags. She had bought the bean bags for herself, but she imagined them now as for her little one. As early birds chirped, she took a sip. Nice and hot as she liked. She was a dragon after all; of course she loved hot drinks. She pulled out her laptop to craft the itinerary for the day. As a Sunday, Chelsey had it off. As Maria requested, they would head to Alisa’s, a local clothes store. She hoped she could encourage the cat to buy a few cute dresses; have to encourage her down a childlike route somehow. Then they could go out for lunch. She would ask what cuisine the cat would like. Then, when they returned home, she would diaper her and— Woah, woah, woah there, Chelsey. You were excited earlier when making the coffee, but we’re nowhere near diapering her. Maria is an adult, and Chelsey would wait until she is ready for the idea. Now, back to planning the day. In the afternoon, Chelsey could let her have some space, though she would introduce a few rules like be back before eight. If Maria wanted some company, Chelsey could offer to watch a TV show or play a bored game. As the cat fell weary, Chelsey would undo her bra and breastfeed— Chelsey! What was she doing? This is the girl she just rescued, not her fap material! But Chelsey’s brain kept drifting back to those nice thoughts. How the cat would be so thirsty and would crawl over, begging her mommy for a suckle. “Of course dear,” Chelsey would say. She would lower her neckline and let out her breasts. Maria would pounce right on, suckling deeply. Maria would love this, for cats crave cream. She wouldn’t have nursed since she was a baby, but she was a baby again, this time for good, and she needed milky from her mommy. “Purrr,” Maria would muse, and Chelsey would stroke her back with her claws. Such a good soft little cat. She loved her baby so much. Chelsey would feel her claw reach the kitty’s back where a nice, fresh pamper was. She’d give a some gentle pats there to encourage further drinking. Chelsey noticed her talon go beneath her maroon dress and into her pussy. Was she going to masturbate downstairs when her cat could awake soon? Yes, she was, and she blushed. It was 8 AM. The girl would likely sleep in. What harm would there be satisfying an urge before cleaning up? These were good thoughts to explore, to keep Chelsey occupied so she could put her all into mothering the rest of the day. “Mommy,” Maria would say between muzzle guzzles, “I wuv you! Can I go to the bathroom?” “Of course dear,” Chelsey would say, gazing down at her daughter on her fluffy teats. “But you are wearing your potty, silly. So why don’t you push?” She could see the cat blush. “I…You sure I can’t go to the bathroom?” “No, dear. You are a baby, and babies go in their diapies. Can you say diapie for me?” Chelsey stroked her clit harder. “Diapie,” Maria would say. She took a big breath before latching back on the nipple. Her teeth would nibble. It hurt so good. “Diapie!” And with that, the cat shitted all into her wonderful pamper, it growing dark and big in the back. Chelsey had such a good daughter. And Maria was healing so much from the darkness of her past, reliving her childhood that she so desperately needed to do. Creaaak. A door upstairs had opened: Maria was awake. Chelsey had really just done that. She wasn’t going to hurt any of her friends anymore, yet here she masturbated to breastfeeding her adoptee? Upset, she pulled her dress back down. If she was wet down there, she could clean it in the bathroom. She rose from her seat, her small horns almost hitting the ceiling by how fast she stood, and she headed to the bathroom. She of course had toilet privileges. Gah, stop being aroused! In the bathroom Chelsey could hear the cat marauder over to the kitchen. Oh, Chelsey had planned for a pancake breakfast today. She hoped to woo Maria over to sugary delights. By getting…distracted this morning, she no longer had the time before the day’s events. But it would be alright. She was a good dragon, she told herself. There were many opportunities to lavish this girl with love throughout the day, and there would be more breakfasts. Chelsey relaxed as she washed up, fetched her coffee, and entered the kitchen herself. The cat said nothing. There was no food on the table. Maria was opening various cabinets, perhaps taking stock of the various grains, jars, and cans, but she wasn’t taking anything. Perhaps she didn’t know she had permission? She thought Maria was a bit more confident. “Anything is up for grabs, by the way,” Chelsey said. “I know.” Still she took nothing. Despite logical assurances that it was okay, take as much food as you need, Maria wasn’t eating. It only had really hit Chelsey then, seeing Maria just stand there, that Maria was very thin. Of course she hadn't been fed much for many months. God, that's awful! Chelsey was furious. She made the right call with the mac and cheese last night. She needed to spoil that belly. Chelsey wanted to know Maria. What was pitter-pattering inside her kitty’s heart? Why wasn’t she eating despite clearly starving? It was dumb of the dragon to be bothered. You barely know her. Yet Chelsey wanted to know Maria so well. She wanted to be the perfect mom and be the best fur she could be. This separation of mind, that she could never truly know what Maria felt, killed at her. But she pushed these cravings aside, and tried to respond with play. “Well, since a certain cat doesn’t seem to be eating, why don’t I fix us some bowls of cereal?” “Okay.” Still a curt response. She would get more from her new daughter soon. Confident, Chelsey pulled out a carton of milk from the fridge. She thought about asking Maria what cereal she’d like, but she should start having Maria get used to the little choices being made for her. Chelsey picked Froot Loops as a good childish option, and she poured out the bowls. “Here you go.” Chelsey placed a bowl in front of Maria, who had sat down and was looking out the opened window. Chelsey kept her silly persona. “Careful, it’s cold.” “Mhm,” Maria said. A minute passed before Maria looked at her bowl. As if she was a bit suspicious, her first spoonful were slow. Then she sped up the pace. That’s wonderful. Even for something simple like cereal, it felt amazing to feed her. Was this what her mother meant all those years ago? She wished she could ask her mother about that feeling, but she was on her own now. She liked living in these woods. She would share them now. “Did you buy all that stuff for me?” Maria said. “You know, the girly stuff.” Frame it right, Chelsey. “Not you in particular. I didn’t know who I would meet at that place. But yes. I wanted whoever I adopted to know I cared about them.” Maria cringed at the word adopted, Chelsey could tell. She likely still didn’t believe it. Chelsey would keep using the word to normalize it. She was Maria’s mother. “If I was here a little longer,” Maria started, playing with her spoon in her paws. Those claw tips were short, Chelsey took note. “Could I decorate the room, too? Add some colors besides all that pink.” Chelsey chuckled. She wanted to someday choose almost everything the kitten wore and enjoyed, but a little agency wouldn’t hurt against those goals. “Of course. I admit I may been a bit overzealous.” “It’s fine.” Maria blushed. “It’s cute. I’m just not a baby.” *** Before they left, Chelsey explained the day’s rough structure. Maria asked for clothes to wear out, so Chelsey dug out the smallest clothes she had, a purple knit sweater and ash bell-bottom. Still, they dwarfed Maria, but she didn’t seem to mind. It was their first stop in civilization. Maria had surveyed from the car window eagerly. It was still a rural area, but they were at a genuine strip mall. Alisa’s was at the far end of the lot, and circling around was a barbeque place, a weed dispensary, a Walrusmart, and the busy road itself. This was a valley in between the hills and forests, and the town Rutfers somehow had funding for streetlights along this street. Chelsey didn't think Maria would run. She had helped her cat feel comfortable enough yesterday, and Maria likely trusted that whatever opportunities she wanted in life, Chelsey was likely more an asset than a hinderance. Still, if Maria had ran, Chelsey wouldn't chase, she told herself. She went to that horrible place to be a better animal. She may want a daughter, but it was ultimately Maria's decision if she would see Chelsey as her mother. Chelsey bite her tongue over her masturbatory session earlier. They were in the store now. After a little assurance that she was free to explore by herself, Maria went straight to the mens' clothing aisles. Chelsey shook her head. She understood where this choice likely came from: Who knows what horrors Maria had to wear for men just a few days ago. Womens' clothes weren't known to be the most concealing after all. But she wanted to baby this girl! How could Chelsey do that consensually if Maria was wearing loose pants and polo tees? Chelsey herself picked out a few XLLL dresses to try on. She didn't need new clothes, but she liked having more motherly options to wear. One cotton dress had panted flowers, and another was silky and a solid ocean blue. She picked them off the rack and hoped at least one would fit. Admittingly, Chelsey was a little on the chubby end—it's what happens when you're a good baker—but she was too tall for most clothes. Even if they did have decent length for some fur of similar height, her great long tail could ride up the back hem, so that was a whole other requirement. She would try these clothes soon enough. Right now, she would find outfits for her cat. She needed at least something childish for the girl to try. What size would Maria be? Chelsey thought back to breakfast somberly. On the smaller end, she knew. Chelsey perused the sundresses and skirts, looking for smalls and mediums. A short sleeveless dress with straps was adorable, and a pink fleece skirt and a purple tee with a bumblebee was perfect! And were those shorteralls in the aisle over? Chelsey had gotten a bit carried away grabbing the cutest stuff to dress her cat. Hopefully she could convince her to try at least one. Maybe she'd like feminine clothes and was only scared to try them. Chelsey could relate to that. She could remember her first time walking into the women’s' aisle four years ago. And now, to talk to Maria, she would head to the men's aisle, a place she avoided. Chelsey pushed away her own feelings and walked over. "Look at you with that sweater!” Maria had thrown on a large grey sweatshirt that floundered the poor girl. Her whiskers were swimming in a sea of cloth. She seemed happy enough. "Thanks. Nice wearing something that doesn't squeeze me, I guess." Chelsey could only guess what that would refer to. Lingerie? Corsets? They had fed her so little and squeezed tight the life she had left. This dragon momma was mad. She would pour life back into the girl. "I have some pants I want to try on," Maria said. "Where's the changing rooms?" "I'm not sure they have any. Why not change out in the open, dear?" Maria shot her glare. Darn it Chelsey, way to be insensitive there. Nudity is common for furs, and Maria had been naked nearly constantly for months. But with actually having clothes again, the large sweater Chelsey had loaned, of course Maria would want some privacy. "I'm so sorry. I'll go ask for a clerk." They were pointed to a back area which, while not having enclosed stalls, was relatively secluded and had hangers to hold clothes. Chelsey told Maria she could block the view from the relatively empty store, and Maria begrudgingly accepted these conditions. So what followed was a great try-on of pants and long-sleeve shirts, all of which dangled off Maria like a mop. She would shrug at herself in the mirror with each pair of clothes, a frown that said, "It's decent enough." She at least felt more comfortable than being naked, Chelsey could tell. When she went through all the men’s' clothes, Chelsey enacted her plan. "I found some clothes for you to try! Please feel free to reject any—" "I am NOT wearing any of that girly junk on.” Was that a front, or was this how she felt? Chelsey, don't force her. You can’t always have you way. You want your baby girl, but she is her own woman. That's what Chelsey's mind said. But her heart pushed forward. "Please, for me? Remember what I said about a few guidelines? I was going to go over them later today, like Please be home before midnight, but one rule, or at least suggestion, would be to humor me a little bit when I try to care for you. It may help you feel better." "So you want to guilt trip me? Force me to be your dress-up doll so I receive food and board?" Maria hissed. Chelsey, you should stop now. Remember you masturbating? But she continued. "No! I just think you may enjoy exploring clothes besides baggy jeans. You may find your own style!" "And my style is going to be shorteralls and bumblebees?" Maria groaned. A guttered noise she sapt. "Fine. One item! I'll try one thing you want. Then we check out." Yes! The pushing may have been worth it. "How about you pick from these?" Chelsey said. Maria looked through the hangers in Chelsey's claws, and picked the strapless dress. After a bit of fumbling to tighten it, Maria had put it on. Oh my god. Maria was adorable. Her lime fur complemented the yellows of the flowers so wonderfully. But don't tell her you love it, Chelsey! Just stay neutral. "What do you think?" Chelsey asked. "I...I like it.” She swished around a bit, again adorable. “I haven’t worn something like this since I still lived at home. Also, your poker face is terrible." Chelsey blushed. She caught her, indeed! After Chelsey tried on her clothes, they went to check out. Maria didn't want to wait in line, so Chelsey told her she could hang outside. This was perfect. It was a good, babyish behavior to encourage, and Chelsey could enact the other part of the plan. She didn't mean to be dishonest, but she couldn't not buy some of those other clothes she had picked out for Maria. Chelsey could store them in her own bedroom until Maria would enjoy them being introduced. For now, it was the dragon's little secret. Exiting the store, Chelsey found Maria hopping between stones that lined the parking lots edge, shaded by tall birch. She stayed and hadn't run. And there's that playful energy! Chelsey took a mental note. Likes climbing. There could be some "cat furniture" she could get. "Before we leave,” Chelsey said, opening the car door for Maria, “Are there any snacks you would like to get? I could do a quick run in Walrusmart.” “Potato chips,” Maria said. “Lays, please, if that brand still exists.” Of course it still existed. Chelsey ran off to find the goods and of course grab some juice boxes to sneak into the car. *** Maria wanted ice-cream for lunch, but Chelsey insisted she needed proper food, so they settled for a burger place with milkshakes. There was no wait, so they sat down by the view of a river and the rest of Rutfer’s small town square. “You happy with the clothes you got?” Chelsey said. She already knew what they would both order. “Yeah,” Maria said. “No one can stare at my crotch anymore. It’s great!” “Quieter, Maria! We’re in a restaurant,” Chelsey said, looking at the nearby tables. No one was paying attention. “What? I can’t say crotch in public? Crotch, crotch, crotch.” That got a laugh out of Chelsey. It was a bit of a naughty word she’d hope to train out of Maria someday, she appreciated the girl talking. There was enthusiasm in her voice. She was making Maria happy! “You all ready to order?” a perky skunk asked, notepad in paw. “Certainly! We’ll both have water. I will have an Impawssible burger, and this cat here will have a fish fillet and a chocolate milk-shake. Oh, and we will have onion rings for the table.“ “Okay. We’ll have those out in just a jiffy!” The skunk scribbled in some notes and walked off. “Anyways,” Chelsey began, “Sure, you can say whatever you want. It’s just that…are you alright?” That forming glee she saw in Maria’s eyes a few moments ago was replaced with a dull stare at the table. Maria didn’t speak for a while. She unfolded the silverware and dinged the knife and fork into each other. “Can you stop doing that?” Maria said. “Doing what?” “Patronizing me! Treating for me like a child. You ordered for me.” But treating her as her child was what Chelsey wanted to do. And wasn’t that kind of her? “You told me what you wanted in the car.” “And I get to order it. I could have gotten my own food this morning. You wanted to free me, right? Then let me be free.” Chelsey was already acting with so much restraint. Her first instinct had been to care for her more, not less. And would Maria have eaten if she hadn’t stepped in? Maria continued. “I’m 21. And how old are you? 30? 33?” She was 28 in fact. “You’re not much older than me. You’ve got that legal right over my head, but can’t we be mutuals?” Logically, there were differences that separated them. Chelsey had a job. Chelsey had a home. These differences put the dragon in a position of power. But Chelsey didn’t think like that. Of course Maria and her were equals. But equals could still take care of another. “We are equal. I just like being nice, so let me know if I’m ever too much.” “Like I am now.” Chelsey nodded. Maria went back to playing with the fork and spoon, dinging them in interesting rhythms. Later, the food arrived and they both took many chomps. Maria wanted mayonnaise, and Chelsey almost asked the waitress, but she let Maria ask. After they each a decent ways into their burger—Maria more than halfway, Chelsey less—she spoke. “I don’t know why I was chosen. You could have made anyone happy. You could have donated to some god knows charity. So why am I here, eating some burger in the middle of nowhere?” Chelsey didn’t have the best answer for this. Did she pick Maria purely by aesthetics? By her likelihood to want to be her baby? Had she made her choice based on how it would benefit her? Chelsey hated that idea. She could only afford to pick one, and she was making this girl happier. That was her goal, right? “I don’t know why we’re here,” Chelsey said. “But I hope you know you absolutely deserved to be slurping on that milkshake. You are perfect, Maria.” Chelsey couldn’t see for certain, but the lavender fur surrounding Maria’s eyes appeared a bit damper. Maria smiled slightly, reached for an onion ring, and took a wide bite. “Thanks.” (3601 words.) 1 2
kittengirl173 Posted May 19, 2024 Author Posted May 19, 2024 Sorry it's been a bit. I've been busy with job apps, college graduation, and just chilling, ha ha. I hope to post a new one-off story soon. I've been working on it for a while and it's almost done! After that I'll work on the next chapter. Chapters for this story are faster to write since I've already established the characters and the voice feel for each.
Wannatripbaby Posted May 21, 2024 Posted May 21, 2024 On 5/10/2024 at 9:22 PM, kittengirl173 said: Chelsey knew she was objectifying her, and maybe that undid every good deed she was doing, but how could she stop when the love sounded so good? How did I miss that this story got updated over a week ago! I gotta pay more attention. 😅 Also it's good to see that Chelsey has at least a *little* self-awareness. Let's hope her better nature wins out over her desires. On 5/10/2024 at 9:22 PM, kittengirl173 said: she strolled into the living room and sat on the green coffee chair Is coffee chair a thing? 🤔 I know we have coffee tables, but I didn't know there were designated chairs to match. 😅 On 5/10/2024 at 9:22 PM, kittengirl173 said: . She wanted to diaper Maria and breastfeed her Do... Do reptiles lactate? 🤔 *looks it up* ... Let's just assume dragons are special and ignore that for now. 😅🤣
Wannatripbaby Posted May 21, 2024 Posted May 21, 2024 On 5/10/2024 at 9:22 PM, kittengirl173 said: In the bathroom Chelsey could hear the cat marauder over to the kitchen I'm assuming you mean meander? 😅 Damn autocorrect, amiright? 🤣 On 5/10/2024 at 9:22 PM, kittengirl173 said: Chelsey picked Froot Loops as a good childish option, and she poured out the bowls. This world has the same brands that we do? Is this like a post-apocalyptic society where all the humans died out or were mutated into human-animal hybrids? Do they still use animals as the cereal mascots? 🤔🤔🤔 I'm over thinking it again, aren't I? 😅 On 5/10/2024 at 9:22 PM, kittengirl173 said: Was this what her mother meant all those years ago? She wished she could ask her mother about that feeling, but she was on her own now. She liked living in these woods. She would share them now Oooooo backstory alert! The plot thickens! 👀 I definitely look forward to hearing about Chelsey's apparently-troubled family life in a later chapter.
Wannatripbaby Posted May 21, 2024 Posted May 21, 2024 On 5/10/2024 at 9:22 PM, kittengirl173 said: Walrusmart So we have Walrusmart, but still just Froot Loops? 😅 On 5/10/2024 at 9:22 PM, kittengirl173 said: This was a valley in between the hills and forests, and the town Rutfers somehow had funding for streetlights along this street. Does this place in this world have some kind of energy crisis? 🤔 So many little world building tidbits to explore! 😅 On 5/10/2024 at 9:22 PM, kittengirl173 said: But she wanted to baby this girl! How could Chelsey do that consensually if Maria was wearing loose pants and polo tees? Truly the age-old question. 😤
Wannatripbaby Posted May 21, 2024 Posted May 21, 2024 On 5/10/2024 at 9:22 PM, kittengirl173 said: Admittingly, Chelsey was a little on the chubby end—it's what happens when you're a good baker I just made the connection that Chelsey is absolutely Toriel coded. 🤭 And I am 100% here for it. On 5/10/2024 at 9:22 PM, kittengirl173 said: Her lime fur complemented the yellows of the flowers so wonderfully. Had we established that Maria's fur was green? I feel like I would remember that, seeing as green is my favorite color. 😅 On 5/10/2024 at 9:22 PM, kittengirl173 said: Maria didn't want to wait in line, so Chelsey told her she could hang outside. Is that such a good idea in this slavery state? How do animals become slaves, exactly? I kinda figured it was like human trafficking where the bigger animals just snatch you up off the street and take you to some kind of rehabilitation facility. In which case, Maria especially would not want to be left alone, despite her temperament.
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